Thermal Dan PH Degadation Kinetics of Anthocyanins in Natural Food Colorant Prepared From Black Rice Bran. Journal of Food Science Dan Technology
Thermal Dan PH Degadation Kinetics of Anthocyanins in Natural Food Colorant Prepared From Black Rice Bran. Journal of Food Science Dan Technology
Thermal Dan PH Degadation Kinetics of Anthocyanins in Natural Food Colorant Prepared From Black Rice Bran. Journal of Food Science Dan Technology
DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-2002-1
Revised: 28 June 2015 / Accepted: 18 August 2015 / Published online: 25 August 2015
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2015
Abstract The study of the stability of anthocyanins in food increasing temperature and pH value. The degradation of
colorant powder is important to predict the quality changes cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and total anthocyanins showed a strong
occurring as the food products are processed, to prevent and positive correlation with C*. The changes in visual color may be
control the degradation of the anthocyanins. The objectives of used as an on-line quality control indicator during thermal pro-
this study were to identify anthocyanin components in natural cessing of food products containing rice bran colorants which
food colorants obtained from black rice bran, and investigate have high anthocyanin content.
their thermal stability at 60, 80, and 100 °C, pH stability from
2.0 to 5.0 and also their correlation with visual color, L*, C*, and Keywords Black rice bran . Anthocyanins . Degradation .
h°. Results showed that only six types of anthocyanins, Stability . Food colorants
cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside, delphinidin,
cyanidin, pelargonidin and malvidin were present in raw black
rice bran (BRB) and black rice bran colorant powder (BCP). Introduction
The thermal degradation of both the visual color and the antho-
cyanin content in the BCP followed a first-order kinetic reaction The use of natural anthocyanin pigments as coloring agents in
model. The temperature-dependent degradation was adequately food products is receiving increasing attention as they are attrac-
fitted to the Arrhenius equation. In terms of the pH stability, tive to consumers and have positive health benefits (Chou et al.
increasing pH values resulted in lower activation energies (Ea) 2007). Anthocyanin pigments are permitted as natural food col-
and higher half-life (t1/2) values for both color parameters and orants in the USA under the category of fruits (21 CFR 73.250)
individual anthocyanins when heating from 60 to 100 °C. and vegetables (21 CFR 73.260), and the EU classification num-
Moreover, the degradation rate constant (k) increased with ber is E163 (Lipman 1996; Wrolstad 2000). They are water-
soluble glycosides and acylglycosides of the anthocyanidins of
Highlights many fruits, vegetables and cereal grains. They are found in the
• Natural food colorant powder was prepared from black rice bran.
• Thermal and pH stability of the colorant powder were investigated. form of polyhydroxylated and or methoxylated heterosides,
• Correlations between anthocyanin degradation and visual color were which are derived from the flavylium ion or 2-
investigated. phenylbenzopyrilium (Wu et al. 2004; Castañeda-Ovando
• Six types of anthocyanins were found in black rice bran and colorant et al. 2009). Currently, some 250 anthocyanins have been iden-
• The degradation of total anthocyanins showed a strong positive tified, however, only six of these, pelargonidin, cyanidin,
correlation with C*. peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin, are commonly
found in fruits and cereal grains (Escribano-Bailon et al.
* Anuchita Moongngarm 2004). These compounds have been recognized as health-
[email protected] enhancing substances, owing to their antioxidant activity, anti-
inflammatory properties and hypoglycaemic effects (Nam et al.
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Faculty of
2006; Philpott et al. 2004). They also show other biological
Technology, Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham 44150, effects, including antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities
Thailand (Hyun and Chung 2004).
462 J Food Sci Technol (January 2016) 53(1):461–470
Black rice (Oryza sativa L.) is becoming increasingly pop- Et Province, Thailand. The raw bran from the milling process
ular and is widely consumed in China, Japan, Korea and other was immediately passed through a 20-mesh sieve to remove
East Asian countries such as Thailand (Pereira-Caro et al. broken pieces of rice and husks. The moisture content was
2013; Hou et al. 2013). Black rice bran (BRB), a waste prod- determined according to the method of AOAC (2000)
uct from the rice milling process, has gained recent attention (10.21 %).
for its potential use as a functional food because it contains Standards of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride, dephinidin,
high levels of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, which pelargonidin, cyanidin, malvidin, cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside
are mainly found in the pericarp and aleurone layers of the chloride, and maltodextrin (DE 4-7) were purchased from
bran fraction removed from the rice during the milling process Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., (St. Louis, USA). High-
(Jang and Xu 2009; Yawadio et al. 2007). Moreover, the bran performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade methanol,
is a rich source of other bioactive substances such as tocoph- acetonitrile, hexane, acetic acid, ethyl acetate and ethanol
erols, tocotrienols and γ-oryzanol (Loypimai et al. 2009; were purchased from BDH Chemicals (Poole, UK). All
Ryynänen et al. 2004), which are well known as beneficial chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade.
compounds for human health. However, the major current
problem for the use of anthocyanins as food colorants has Preparation of black rice bran colorant powder (BCP)
been limited by their relative instability under varying light,
oxygen, temperature, enzymes, thermal treatment, co-pigment The bran sample was added to deionised water to adjust the
and pH conditions as well as other factors (Hou et al. 2013; moisture content (MC) to 40 % (%wet basis) following
Zhang et al. 2013). Preventing and controlling the degradation optimal conditions and then placed in a chamber using
of anthocyanins in natural colorants is critical. In order to ohmic heating, as reported by our previous study
predict the quality changes occurring during food processing (Loypimai et al. 2015). Immediately after heating, the bran
such as thermal processing and altering pH value, this study sample was removed from the chamber, cooled to room
investigated the stability of the anthocyanins in food colorant temperature, placed in a polyethylene bag and kept at
powder prepared from black rice bran under several food pro- 4 °C. The treated bran was extracted following the method
cessing conditions. Thermal degradation has been previously reported by Duangmal et al. (2008) with some modifica-
reported for BRB anthocyanins (Hou et al. 2013), blackberry tions. The 20 g sample from the ohmic treatment was ex-
juice and concentrate (Wang and Xu 2007), purple-fleshed tracted with 100 ml of acidified hydroalcoholic solution
sweet potato anthocyanins (Jie et al. 2013), and freeze-dried (water: 95 %, ethanol: 1:1, acidified with 0.1 M HCl to
Roselle colorants (Duangmal et al. 2008). Visual color is an obtain a pH value of 2.5). The bran and solution were
important physical and sensory property for product quality mixed using a mixer (Velp scientific, Europe) for 1 min
evaluation. The correlation between visual color and anthocy- before shaking in an orbital shaker (Gerhardt LS500, UK)
anin content during thermal processing in Urmu mulberry at 100 rpm for 3 h. The slurry was filtered through a V-700
concentrate (Kara and Ercelebi 2013), blood orange juice vacuum pump (Buchi, Switzerland) using Whatman No. 4
(Shao-qian et al. 2011), and purple corn (Zea mays L.) filter paper. The extract was added to maltodextrin (2 g/
(Yang et al. 2008) has been reported. This study was carried 100 ml) and frozen at −50 °C before freeze-drying in a
out to investigate the stability of the anthocyanins by focusing freeze dryer (FTS system Dura-DryTm, USA) under a 27–
on the effect of temperature, time and pH on the degradation 33 Pa vacuum at a condenser temperature of −50 °C for
of individual the anthocyanins obtained from the BRB. The 20 h. The dried sample was weighed, ground into a pow-
relationship between changes in visual color (L*, C*, and h°) der, and passed through a 50 mesh sieve. The colorant
and anthocyanin degradation during the thermal treatment of powder was kept in a brown glass bottle (45 ml) and placed
BRB colorant was examined. The findings will be useful in in a desiccator for storage at 4 °C until required for
preparing appropriate food colorants and assist in establishing analysis.
thermal and pH processing guidelines for food products.
Visual color is an on-line quality parameter which can be used Qualitative and quantitative analysis using
to predict anthocyanin degradation during thermal processing. an HPLC-PDA (photodiode array detector)
conditions, described previously by Durst and Wrolstad anthocyanins, or half-life (t1/2 in h) was calculated using the
(2001), were used with modifications. The mobile phase following equations:
consisted of solvent A (acetonitrile, CH3CN) and solvent B
C t ¼ C 0 expðk:t Þ ð1Þ
(4 % phosphoric acid, H3PO4) with the following gradient: 94
to 75 % B from 0 to 65 min, 75 to 94 % B from 65 to 70 min, t 1 =2 ¼ ln0:5=k ð2Þ
and isocratic at 94 % B from 70 to 75 min to equilibrate the
column for the next injection. Spectral data were recorded Dependence of the degradation rate constant on tempera-
from 200 to 600 nm and the anthocyanin chromatograms were ture was determined by applying the Arrhenius equation:
monitored at 520 nm. The operating conditions were column E a
Table 1 Anthocyanin content and visual color of raw black rice bran a 0.00
(BRB) and black rice bran colorant powder (BCP)
Anthocyaninsa (μg/g)
Anthocyanin content
Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside 1042.4 ± 10.5 7235.5 ± 18.3
Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside 27.3 ± 3.19 93.25 ± 10.2
ln (C/C0)
Delphinidin 451.3 ± 7.33 723.8 ± 19.7
Cyanidin 184.3 ± 8.35 638.4 ± 23.3
Pelargonidin 334.9 ± 10.2 1654.2 ± 54.2 Temp. 60
Malvidin 51.6 ± 3.98 101.8 ± 11.2 Temp. 80
-1.00 Temp. 100
Total contents 2947.3 ± 22.5 12,540.8 ± 85.9
Predicted (Eq.1)
Color value
* -1.20
L 37.2 ± 0.84 39.4 ± 0.95 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
C* 15.2 ± 0.38 17.2 ± 0.48 Heating time (min)
k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h)
2.0 60 0.43a (0.9314)X 26.9a 0.77a (0.9356) 15.0a 0.94a (0.9578) 12.3a 0.85a (0.9639) 13.6a 0.73a (0.9729) 15.9a 0.59a (0.9284) 19.6a
80 0.52a (0.8752) 22.1b 0.99b (0.9308) 11.6bc 1.79b (0.9692) 6.45b 1.03a (0.9225) 11.2b 1.68b (0.9707) 6.88b 1.04b (0.8795) 11.1c
J Food Sci Technol (January 2016) 53(1):461–470
100 1.16c (0.9014) 9.96cd 2.42e (0.9524) 4.77de 4.36d (0.9355) 2.65d 3.78f (0.8954) 3.06f 3.96e (0.9568) 2.92d 3.81e (0.9552) 3.03f
3.0 60 0.98b (0.9653) 11.9c 0.83ab (0.9708) 13.9ab 1.73b (0.9015) 6.68b 1.84b (0.9005) 6.28c 2.87c (0.9028) 4.03c 0.71a (0.9629) 16.3b
80 1.19c (0.9306) 9.71cd 1.71d (0.9528) 6.76d 2.44c (0.9245) 4.73c 2.17c (0.9125) 5.32cd 3.46d (0.9285) 3.34cd 1.26c (0.9066) 9.17d
100 1.85e (0.9313) 6.24def 3.61g (0.8946) 3.20ef 6.32g (0.9039) 1.83def 5.93h (0.9228) 1.95g 7.18g (0.9271) 1.61e 4.12f (0.8863) 2.80g
4.0 60 1.31cd (0.9425) 8.82cd 1.21c (0.9528) 9.55c 2.46c (0.9244) 4.70c 2.67d (0.9139) 4.33de 3.46d (0.8647) 3.34cd 2.16d (0.9213) 5.35e
80 2.47f (0.8944) 4.68efg 2.82f (0.9254) 4.10def 4.75e (0.9412) 2.43de 3.12e (0.9293) 3.70ef 7.76h (0.9002) 1.49f 3.67e (0.9509) 3.15f
100 3.16g (0.9484) 3.66fg 4.84h (0.9246) 2.39ef 9.71i (0.9021) 1.19fg 7.26i (0.8994) 1.59gh 9.45i (0.9334) 1.22g 4.87g (0.8759) 2.37h
5.0 60 1.41d (0.9224) 8.19cde 2.44e (0.9301) 4.73de 5.98f (0.9215) 1.93def 4.37g (0.9025) 2.64fg 6.73f (0.9035) 1.72e 5.34h (0.9248) 2.16i
80 3.85h (0.8848) 3.00fg 5.18i (0.9208) 2.23ef 7.51h (0.9435) 1.54ef 5.87h (0.8941) 1.97g 10.4j (0.9110) 1.11g 8.59i (0.9075) 1.34j
100 4.73i (0.8966) 2.44g 7.33j (0.8842) 1.58f 18.8j (0.9184) 0.61g 15.2j (0.9212) 0.76h 16.1k (0.8868) 0.72h 12.3j (0.9887) 0.94k
% CV 6.85 7.67 8.97 4.52 9.11 7.31 4.68 4.59 6.71 8.10 8.23 3.68
observation showed that Cy-3-glu was more stable than the Zevallos (2004) reported that anthocyanins from the extracts
other derivative anthocyanins for the black rice bran colorant. of red sweet potato, purple corn, and commercial purple carrot
However, the t1/2 values of Cy-3-glu and Cy-3-rut were higher colorants were more stable at pH 3.0 than at pH 1.0, at a
than those reported by Hou et al. (2013). This may be attrib- temperature of 98 °C. In addition, the stability of the anthocy-
uted to the fact that the colorant powder prepared in this study anin pigment is affected by several factors other than the pH
contained a stabilizer (maltodextrin), which was used to en- value and heat treatment, such as storage temperature, chem-
capsulate the pigment, resulting in enhanced anthocyanin sta- ical structure, concentration, light, oxygen, solvents, the pres-
bility. The combination of the flavylium cation form of the ence of enzymes, flavonoids, proteins, and metallic ions (Rein
anthocyanins and dextrin retarded their transformation to oth- 2005).
er less-stable forms (Chandra et al. 1993). Moreover, the col-
orant powder with the maltodextrin addition may prevent a Degradation of visual color
change in state from powder to a sorption gel. In this study, pH
ranges could be another influencing factor on the anthocyanin The color change of BCP following the first-order reaction
degradation. Results are similar to those of Fleschhut et al. kinetics with the determined coefficient (R2) greater than
(2006), and Kennedy and Waterhouse (2000), showing that 0.8943 (Table 3) clearly showed that either pH range or heat
the anthocyanin pigment was found in different chemical treatment had a significant influence on the stability of the
forms, depending on the pH value of the solution. At a pH color values (L*, C*, and h0) (P < 0.05). During heating, a
value of 1.0, the flavylium cation (red color) is the predomi- change in C* value with high k and t1/2values was observed,
nant form and contributes to the purple and red colors. At pH whereas the L*and h0 values showed only small changes, as
values between 2.0 and 4.0, the quinoidal blue species are shown in Fig. 2. In addition, the k and t1/2 values increased
predominant. At pH values between 5.0 and 6.0, only two with an increase in temperature and pH value. The increasing
colorless species can be detected, carbinol pseudobase and temperature and time resulted in anthocyanin pigments of all
chalcone. Torskangerpoll and Andersen (2005) indicated that samples becoming darker in all pH values, corresponding to
the pigment degradation of anthocyanin depended highly on significant decreases (P < 0.05) in L* and C* values as indi-
the pH and anthocyanin structure. Hou et al. (2013) reported cators for browning. This conclusion was supported by
that the t1/2 values of black rice anthocyanins diluted with Lozano and Ibarz (1997) who reported that the change in L*
citrate–phosphate buffer at pH 1.0 were greater than at could be used to measure the browning of a heat-treated con-
pH 2.0–6.0. On the contrary, Cevallos-Casals and Cisneros- centrated fruit pulp.
Table 3 Influence of temperature and pH level on the kinetic rate constant (k) and half-life time (t1/2) values of visual color degradation in black rice
bran colorant (BCP)
pH Temperature (°C) L* C* ho
k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h) k × 103 (min−1) t1/2 (h)
2.0 60 1.53a (0.9669)X 7.55a 2.93a (0.9749) 3.94a 1.01a (0.9359) 11.4a
80 3.27b (0.9804) 3.53b 5.55b (0.9596) 2.08c 1.51bc (0.9729) 7.65bc
100 4.30c (0.9497) 2.69c 7.12c (0.9888) 1.62d 1.79c (0.9795) 6.45cd
3.0 60 3.01b (0.9435) 3.84b 3.57a (0.9133) 3.24b 1.39b (0.9679) 8.31b
80 5.54d (0.9189) 2.09d 9.82e (0.9864) 1.18de 2.37de (0.9766) 4.87ef
100 6.64e (0.9201) 1.74e 16.1h (0.9675) 0.72gh 3.74g (0.9779) 3.09gh
4.0 60 4.73c (0.9088) 2.44c 7.61c (0.9250) 1.52d 1.85c (0.9729) 6.24cde
80 7.73f (0.9817) 1.49f 11.3f (0.9125) 1.02efg 2.20d (0.9842) 5.25def
100 8.65g (0.9629) 1.34g 17.1i (0.9218) 0.68gh 2.38de (0.9566) 4.85ef
5.0 60 8.75gh (0.9025) 1.32g 8.34d (0.9296) 1.39de 2.60ef (0.9396) 4.44fg
80 9.15gh (0.9258) 1.26h 15.2g (0.9547) 0.76fgh 2.81f (0.9723) 4.11fg
100 9.28h (0.8943) 1.24h 24.8j (0.9084) 0.47h 4.43h (0.9128) 2.61h
% CV 9.56 10.5 7.56 7.65 8.52 5.10
a 0.00 levels (range 2.0 to 5.0), and the effect on several parameters,
were determined. The activation energy (Ea) was calculated by
-0.20 plotting ln(kT) against the reciprocal of the absolute temperature
(1/T), where the slope of the linear graph is equivalent to E
RT to
-0.40 fit the Arrhenius equation, (Eq. 3, Fig. 1b). The Ea of black rice
Color value
had the highest value ofEa. At higher pH values (4.0–5.0), the
Ea values of color changes in L*, C*, and h° ranged from 15.75
1.00 to 1.53 kJmol−1, 23.09 to 20.87 kJmol−1, and 13.56 to 6.55
kJmol−1, respectively. From the Ea parameter studied, it can be
determined that color changes and anthocyanin degradation
0.00 are strongly correlated to the Ea value. They were more stable
0.00265 0.0027 0.00275 0.0028 0.00285 0.0029 0.00295 0.003 0.00305
1/T (1/K)
at lower temperatures with higher Ea values.
Fig. 2 Degradation of L* value in black rice bran colorant solution during
heating at 60, 80, and 100 °C, and at pH = 3.0 (a), and the Arrhenius plot Relationship between visual color and anthocyanin
for degradation at pH = 3.0 (b) content
The dependence of color and anthocyanin degradation of During heating of black rice bran colorant solution at different
BCP at temperatures of 60, 80, and 100 °C and various pH pH values, the correlation between changes in the visual color
Table 4 Influence of pH level on the activation energy (Ea(kJ.mol-1)) of anthocyanin degradation in black rice bran colorant (BCP)
2.0 31.60a (0.8942)X 37.87a (0.9982) 39.45a (0.9844) 37.94a (0.9203) 43.60a (0.9983) 47.75a (0.9362)
3.0 25.36b (0.8712) 35.90b (0.9222) 35.38b (0.9968) 31.83b (0.8963) 26.21b (0.9099) 45.05b (0.9477)
4.0 22.90c (0.9539) 29.19c (0.8862) 33.12c (0.9142) 29.77c (0.9295) 23.38c (0.8745) 21.09c (0.9802)
5.0 16.40d (0.9407) 28.57c (0.9691) 29.20d (0.8731) 25.46d (0.9403) 22.49c (0.9987) 17.54d (0.9977)
% CV 5.91 9.68 5.12 7.50 8.65 4.41
C* /C* 0
3.0 20.61b (0.9285) 28.16b (0.9931) 14.87b (0.9616) 0.50
result of the changes in a*, b*, and L* values was also reported 0.15
by Kara and Ercelebi (2013) in Urmumulberry concentrate.
This study was carried out on a model solution. However, the 0.10
achieved at low temperature (60 °C) and a pH value of 2.0. Kara S, Ercelebi AE (2013) Thermal degradation kinetics of anthocyanins
and visual colour of Urmu mulberry (Morus nigra L.). J Food Eng
The degradation of anthocyanins showed a strong positive
116:541–547. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.12.030
correlation with C* value. These findings are useful in estab- Kennedy JA, Waterhouse AL (2000) Analysis of pigmented high-
lishing appropriate thermal processing guidelines and molecular mass grape phenolics using ion-pair, normal-phase
predicting anthocyanin degradation using visual color as an high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A 866(1):
on-line quality control indicator.
Lipman AL (1996) Current regulations for certification exempt color
activities in the USA. In Proceeding of the second international
Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the Faculty of symposium on natural colorants INF/COL II. Acapulco, Mexico:
Technology, Mahasarakham University and Bansomdejchaopraya The Hereld Oraganization, S.I.C. Publishing.
Rajabhat University, Thailand, for financial support. Loypimai P, Moonggarm A, Chottanom P (2009) Effects of ohmic
heating on lipase activity, bioactive compounds and antioxi-
dant activity of rice bran. Aust J Basic Appl Sci 3(4):3642–
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