IT Basics
IT Basics
IT Basics
• IT vs IS:
- Information technology is more about the hardware
(computers, but also other external pieces like monitors,
mice, keyboards, printers, etc., as well as the internal
components that make up these devices), software
(applications that run on computers like word processors,
Internet browsers, etc.), and telecommunications
(networking, both external and internal, which allows for
information to be shared with others).
• What are the differences between data, a dataset, and
a database?
- Data are observations or measurements (unprocessed or
processed) represented as text, numbers, or multimedia.
- A dataset is a structured collection of data generally associated
with a unique body of work.
- A database is an organized collection of data stored
as multiple datasets. Those datasets are generally stored and
accessed electronically from a computer system that allows the
data to be easily accessed, manipulated, and updated.
• Operating systems manage the
hardware and create the interface
between the hardware and the user.
Operating systems are designed to create
a platform so that programmers can
write additional applications, allowing
the computer to do even more useful
• Application software (sometimes
referred to as software applications,
applications or even just apps) performs
specific tasks for the user.
A Database Management System (DBMS) is software for
creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files.
DBMS packages generally provide an interface for the user to
interact with the database, create queries, and develop reports.
• computer network is a group of two or more computer systems linked
together by communications channels to share data and information.
Networks often link thousands of users and can transmit audio and
video as well as data.
• ICT tools stand for Information Communication Technology
tools. The ICT tools means to digital infrastructures like computers,
laptops, printers, scanners, software programs, data projectors, and
interactive teaching box.
The ICT devices are the latest tools, concepts and techniques used in
student-to-teacher, student-to-student interaction for example: - clicker
devices, mobile applications, flipped classroom) for information and
communication technology.
Some of the commonly used ICT tools are desktops, laptops, pen
drives, etc.
They are devices or objects that are used in the IT world, that
is information and technology.
• The press and the newspaper are considered the most important type
of ICT tools.
• The different classifications of ICT tools are information, control,
communication system.
• It helps teachers and other institutions and other companies and