BEM-WI-0395 L-H Generators ISM Manual (Issue6) en

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H/L Alternators

Installation, Service and Maintenance

Original Instructions 09-2020 BEM-WI-0395/ (Issue6)
Table of Contents
1 Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Manual .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Legal ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1

2 Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Safety Information and Notices used in this manual ............................................................................................... 3
2.2 Skill Requirements of Personnel............................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Grounding ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Work on Electrical Equipment.................................................................................................................................. 4
2.7 Lock Out/Tag Out ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 Safety zones: Alternator Operating Areas (alternators with open-circuit cooling) ................................................. 5
2.9 Safety zones: Alternator Operating Areas (alternators with closed-circuit cooling) ............................................... 5
2.10 Safety Information Signs .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.11 Oils and Grease ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.12 Solvents and Substances Containing Solvents ......................................................................................................... 7
2.13 General Guidance .................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.14 General Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.14.1 Safety Instructions for Normal Operation....................................................................................................... 9
2.14.2 Safety Instructions for Special Tasks ............................................................................................................... 9
2.14.3 General Guidance for Use ............................................................................................................................. 10

3 Safety Directives and Standards .............................................................................................................................. 11

3.1 Low Voltage Directive: Declaration of Conformity Drawing .................................................................................. 11
3.2 Machinery Directive: Declaration of Incorporation ............................................................................................... 12

4 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Serial Number ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Rating Plate ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Important Remarks ................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.4 Liability, Warranty and Guarantee ........................................................................................................................ 16
4.5 Intended Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1 Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Vibration Analyses .................................................................................................................................... 16 Usage ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Impermissible Forms of Operation ........................................................................................................... 17 Permissible Forms of Operation ............................................................................................................... 17
4.6 Documentation ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.6.1 Additional Information ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.6.2 Information Not Included in the Documentation ............................................................................................. 18

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) I
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection .................................................................................................. 19
5.1 Transportation and Packaging............................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.2 General Information for Rolling bearings .......................................................................................................... 19
5.1.3 General information for sleeve bearings........................................................................................................... 19
5.1.4 General Information for Air-Water Coolers ...................................................................................................... 19
5.1.5 Packaging ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.6 During Transport (L 10/11/12, H 40/50/60/70/80) ........................................................................................... 19
5.1.7 During Transport (H 20/30) ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.8 During Transport (L 08/09) ................................................................................................................................ 22
5.1.9 Unpacking Checks/Items supplied .................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.10 Inspection on Arrival .......................................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.11 Inspection on Unpacking .................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Storage................................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Storage in a Suitable Room (Less Than 6 Months) ........................................................................................... 23
5.2.2 Storage in a Suitable Room (Longer than 6 Months)........................................................................................ 23
5.2.3 Storage in Unsuitable Conditions For Less Than 2 Months ............................................................................... 24
5.2.4 Storage under Unsuitable Conditions longer than 2 Months ............................................................................ 25
5.3 Protect Against Corrosion ...................................................................................................................................... 25
5.3.1 Bare Surfaces ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.3.2 Sleeve Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.3.3 Rolling Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.3.4 Air-air Cooler ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.3.5 Air-water Cooler ................................................................................................................................................ 26
5.3.6 Customer Connection Openings........................................................................................................................ 26
5.4 Remove Corrosion Protection ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.4.1 Rolling Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.4.2 Sleeve Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.4.3 Cooler ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Air-water Cooler ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Air-air Cooler ............................................................................................................................................ 27
5.4.4 Condensed Water Drain .................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Oil Drain Points of Rolling Bearings ....................................................................................................................... 28
5.6 Oil Drain Points of Sleeve Bearings ........................................................................................................................ 29

6 Installation and Alignment ...................................................................................................................................... 31

6.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Preparation of the Alternator ................................................................................................................................ 31
6.2.1 Alternators with Rolling Bearings ...................................................................................................................... 31
6.2.2 Alternators with Sleeve Bearings ...................................................................................................................... 31
6.2.3 Recommendations for Coupling Assembly ....................................................................................................... 32 Balance Condition of the Rotor ................................................................................................................ 32 Assembly ................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.3 Mounting Design ................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
6.3.2 Mounting Forces ............................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.3 Mounting on Ships ............................................................................................................................................ 33 General Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 33 Calculations .............................................................................................................................................. 33 Fastening to the Mounting ....................................................................................................................... 33 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.4 Installation on Concrete Foundations ............................................................................................................... 34 Items Supplied .......................................................................................................................................... 34 Calculations .............................................................................................................................................. 34

II BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) Prepare the Foundation and the Holes in the Foundation ...................................................................... 34 Prepare the Mounting Pads or the Bed Plates ......................................................................................... 35 Install the alternator ................................................................................................................................. 35 Position the Mounting Pads or the Bed Plates ......................................................................................... 35 Cementing ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Final Installation and Inspection ............................................................................................................... 35
6.3.5 Installation on Steel Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 35 Items Supplied .......................................................................................................................................... 35 Inspect the foundation ............................................................................................................................. 36 Install the alternator ................................................................................................................................. 36 Coupling Cover and Enclosures ................................................................................................................ 36
6.4 Align the Prime Mover and Alternator .................................................................................................................. 36
6.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
6.4.2 Theory of Alignment.......................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4.3 Compensate for Thermal Expansion ................................................................................................................. 37 Vertical Thermal Expansion ...................................................................................................................... 38 Axial Thermal Expansion ........................................................................................................................... 38
6.4.4 Assemble the Coupling Halves .......................................................................................................................... 38 Run-out on the Coupling Halves ............................................................................................................... 38
6.4.5 Coarse Alignment .............................................................................................................................................. 39
6.4.6 Final Alignment ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Permissible Offset ..................................................................................................................................... 40 Align an alternator with Axial Play ........................................................................................................... 41 Align a Two Bearing alternator................................................................................................................. 41 Align a Single Bearing alternator .............................................................................................................. 41 Alignment of alternator with Flange-mounted Gearbox .......................................................................... 41
6.5 Fit the Dowel Pins .................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.6 Measures for Delayed Commissioning .................................................................................................................. 42

7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections .................................................................................................................... 43

7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 43
7.2 Mechanical Connections ........................................................................................................................................ 43
7.2.1 Cooling Air Connections .................................................................................................................................... 43 Connect Air Ducts ..................................................................................................................................... 43 Connect a Cooler to the alternator .......................................................................................................... 43 Connect an External Fan Motor ............................................................................................................... 43
7.2.2 Connect Cooling Water ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Air-water Cooler ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Connect Cooling Water to Sleeve Bearings .............................................................................................. 44
7.2.3 Oil Supply for the Sleeve Bearings .................................................................................................................... 44 Hydrostatic System ................................................................................................................................... 44
7.3 Connect Vibration Sensors ..................................................................................................................................... 45
7.3.1 Rolling Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 45
7.3.2 Sleeve Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 45
7.4 Electrical Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 45
7.4.1 General Information .......................................................................................................................................... 45
7.4.2 Safety ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
7.4.3 Moisture ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
7.4.4 Insulation Resistance ......................................................................................................................................... 46
7.4.5 Main Terminal Box ............................................................................................................................................ 47
7.4.6 Auxiliary Terminal Boxes ................................................................................................................................... 47
7.4.7 Isolation Distances for the Primary Line Connections ...................................................................................... 47
7.4.8 Primary Line Cables ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Recommendation for Power Cable Connection to the Customer's System ............................................. 49 Recommendation for Bus Bar Connection to the Customer's System ..................................................... 49

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) III Transducer Installation ............................................................................................................................. 49 Interference Suppression .......................................................................................................................... 49 Connection of Additional Equipment and Instruments ............................................................................ 50
7.5 Criteria That Affect the Output Power .................................................................................................................. 50
7.5.1 Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.5.2 Effect of Coolant Temperature.......................................................................................................................... 50
7.5.3 Effect of Installation Altitude ............................................................................................................................ 51
7.5.4 Effect of Power Factor Cos Phi .......................................................................................................................... 51
7.6 Electrical Behavior ................................................................................................................................................. 52
7.6.1 Principle of Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 52
7.6.2 Voltage Regulator .............................................................................................................................................. 52
7.6.3 Self-excitation, De-excitation ............................................................................................................................ 53 Self-excitation ........................................................................................................................................... 53 De-excitation ............................................................................................................................................ 53
7.6.4 Voltage and Frequency ...................................................................................................................................... 53 Voltage Adjustment Range ....................................................................................................................... 53 Static Voltage Behavior............................................................................................................................. 53 Transient Voltage Behavior ...................................................................................................................... 53 Voltage Waveform Shape ......................................................................................................................... 55
7.6.5 Currents ............................................................................................................................................................. 55 Asymmetrical Loading .............................................................................................................................. 55 Overload ................................................................................................................................................... 55 Short-circuit Behavior ............................................................................................................................... 55 Harmonic Load .......................................................................................................................................... 56 Standby Regulator .................................................................................................................................... 56 Star Point Treatment of Neutral Conductor Current ............................................................................... 56
7.7 Parallel Operation .................................................................................................................................................. 57
7.7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 57
7.7.2 Parallel Switching Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 57
7.7.3 Island Parallel Operation ................................................................................................................................... 57 Voltage Droop ........................................................................................................................................... 58
7.7.4 Operation in Parallel with the Line System ....................................................................................................... 58 Power Factor Regulation .......................................................................................................................... 58

8 Commissioning and Starting .................................................................................................................................... 59

8.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 59
8.2 Check the Mechanical Installation ......................................................................................................................... 59
8.3 Check the Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................. 59
8.4 Controller and Protective Equipment..................................................................................................................... 59
8.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
8.4.2 Stator Winding Temperature............................................................................................................................. 60
8.4.3 Maximum Temperature Setting ........................................................................................................................ 60
8.4.4 Maximum Settings for the Stator Temperature ................................................................................................ 60
8.4.5 Monitoring the Bearing Temperature ............................................................................................................... 60 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 Maximum Temperature Settings for Bearings for all types ...................................................................... 60 Protective Systems.................................................................................................................................... 61
8.5 First Run ................................................................................................................................................................. 61
8.5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 61
8.5.2 Before Starting .................................................................................................................................................. 61
8.5.3 Starting .............................................................................................................................................................. 62
8.5.4 Direction of Rotation of the alternator and External Motors ........................................................................... 62
8.5.5 Ground Fault Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 62
8.6 Operate the Alternator for the First Time ............................................................................................................. 62

IV BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
8.6.1 Monitoring During Operation ............................................................................................................................ 62 Check the Excitation ................................................................................................................................. 62 Check the Synchronization Chain ............................................................................................................. 62 Full Load Test ............................................................................................................................................ 63 High-speed De-excitation ......................................................................................................................... 63
8.7 Check the alternator in Operation ......................................................................................................................... 63
8.7.1 Bearings ............................................................................................................................................................. 63 Alternators with Rolling Bearings ............................................................................................................. 63 Alternators with Sleeve Bearings ............................................................................................................. 63
8.7.2 Vibration ............................................................................................................................................................ 64
8.7.3 Temperature Level ............................................................................................................................................ 64
8.7.4 Heat Exchanger.................................................................................................................................................. 64
8.8 Shut Down the alternator ...................................................................................................................................... 64

9 Operation ................................................................................................................................................................ 65
9.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 65
9.2 Normal Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 65
9.3 Number of Starts ................................................................................................................................................... 65
9.4 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................................. 65
9.4.1 Bearings ............................................................................................................................................................. 66
9.4.2 Vibration ............................................................................................................................................................ 66
9.4.3 Stator Temperatures ......................................................................................................................................... 66
9.4.4 Heat Exchangers ................................................................................................................................................ 66
9.4.5 Slip Ring Units.................................................................................................................................................... 66
9.4.6 Documentation of Operation ............................................................................................................................ 66
9.5 Shutting Down ....................................................................................................................................................... 66
9.6 Anti-condensation Heaters .................................................................................................................................... 67
9.7 Flashover Pressure Protection ................................................................................................................................ 67
9.8 Firefighting and Extinguishing Agents ................................................................................................................... 68
9.8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................. 68
9.8.2 Extinguishing Agents ......................................................................................................................................... 68 Extinguishing Agent - Water ..................................................................................................................... 68 Extinguishing Agent - Foam ...................................................................................................................... 69 Extinguishing Agent - Powder ................................................................................................................... 69 Extinguishing Agent - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ............................................................................................ 69
9.8.3 Cleaning After Fire-fighting ............................................................................................................................... 69

10 Service and Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 71

10.1 Preventive Servicing ............................................................................................................................................... 71
10.2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................................................. 71
10.3 Recommended Servicing Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 72
10.3.1 Alternator ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
10.3.2 Main Electrical Connections.......................................................................................................................... 74
10.3.3 Stator and Rotor ........................................................................................................................................... 75
10.3.4 Accessories .................................................................................................................................................... 76
10.3.5 Slip Ring Units ............................................................................................................................................... 76
10.3.6 Lubrication System and Rolling Bearings ...................................................................................................... 77
10.3.7 Lubrication System and Sleeve Bearings ...................................................................................................... 78
10.3.8 Cooling System .............................................................................................................................................. 79
10.3.9 Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 80
10.4 Servicing - General Structure ................................................................................................................................. 80
10.4.1 Strength of Screw Fasteners ......................................................................................................................... 80

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) V
10.5 Vibration ................................................................................................................................................................ 82
10.5.1 Measuring Methods and Operating Conditions ........................................................................................... 83 Measuring Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 83 Measuring Points ...................................................................................................................................... 83
10.5.2 Definition in Accordance with ISO 10816-3 .................................................................................................. 84
10.5.3 Definition in Accordance with ISO 8528-9 .................................................................................................... 84
10.5.4 Warning Values and Shutdown Values ......................................................................................................... 84
10.6 Servicing the Bearings and the Lubrication System ............................................................................................... 85
10.6.1 Sleeve Bearings ............................................................................................................................................. 85 Oil Tank ..................................................................................................................................................... 85 Pressure in the Oil Tank ............................................................................................................................ 85 Oil Lines .................................................................................................................................................... 85 Oil Flow ..................................................................................................................................................... 85 Oil Level .................................................................................................................................................... 85 Bearing Temperature ................................................................................................................................ 86 Lubrication of Sleeve Bearings ................................................................................................................. 86 Lubricating Oil Temperature ..................................................................................................................... 86 Recommended Check Values for Lubricating Oil ..................................................................................... 86 Lubricant Check .................................................................................................................................... 87 Oil Quality ............................................................................................................................................. 87 Oil Change Schedule for Mineral Oils and Synthetic Oil ...................................................................... 87
10.6.2 Rolling Bearings ............................................................................................................................................ 88 Bearing Design .......................................................................................................................................... 88 Rating Plate: Lubrication and Re-lubrication Intervals ............................................................................. 88 Rolling Bearing Grease for Extreme Temperature ................................................................................... 88 Re-lubrication ........................................................................................................................................... 88 Lubricating at Load ................................................................................................................................... 89 Re-lubricating with alternator Running .................................................................................................... 89 Automatic Re-lubrication ......................................................................................................................... 90 Shortage of lubricant ................................................................................................................................ 90 Grease Miscibility ..................................................................................................................................... 90 Incorrect Grease ................................................................................................................................... 91 Lubricant Pressure During Re-lubrication ............................................................................................ 91 Temperature Increase due to Re-lubrication ....................................................................................... 91 Influence of the Grease Level ............................................................................................................... 92 Grease Contamination ......................................................................................................................... 92 Grease Hardening ................................................................................................................................. 92 Handling Bearings During Replacement............................................................................................... 92
10.7 Alternators with Bearing Insulation....................................................................................................................... 93
10.7.1 Bearing Insulation on Sleeve Bearings .......................................................................................................... 93
10.7.2 Bearing Insulation on Rolling Bearings ......................................................................................................... 93
10.8 Service Windings .................................................................................................................................................... 93
10.8.1 Safety Instructions for Servicing Windings.................................................................................................... 93
10.8.2 Scheduling the Servicing ............................................................................................................................... 94
10.8.3 Correct Operating Temperature of Windings ............................................................................................... 94
10.8.4 Insulation Resistance Test ............................................................................................................................. 94 Windings Criteria in Normal Condition .................................................................................................... 95 Insulation Resistance Measurement on the Stator Windings .................................................................. 95 Insulation Resistance Measurement on the Rotor Winding .................................................................... 96 Other Servicing Work on the Windings .................................................................................................... 96
10.8.5 Insulation Resistance Measurement for Ancillary Equipment ...................................................................... 96
10.8.6 The Polarization Index................................................................................................................................... 96
10.8.7 Servicing the Grounding Brushes .................................................................................................................. 97 Ground Fault Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 98
10.9 Servicing the alternator Cooling ............................................................................................................................ 98
10.9.1 Servicing Instructions for alternators with Open-circuit Ventilation ............................................................ 98
10.9.2 Service Instructions for alternators with Air Filters ...................................................................................... 99

VI BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) Cleaning the Air Filter ............................................................................................................................... 99
10.9.3 Servicing Instructions for alternators with Heat Exchangers ........................................................................ 99 Air-water Heat Exchanger ....................................................................................................................... 100 Air-air Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................................ 100
10.10 Rectifier System ............................................................................................................................................... 100
10.10.1 Rectifier System - Grid Code Compliance ................................................................................................... 100 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 100 Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 100 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 100 Method ............................................................................................................................................... 100 Refit .................................................................................................................................................... 101 Rectifier .............................................................................................................................................. 102
10.11 Repairs, Dismantling and Re-assembly ................................................................................................................... 102

11 Fault Finding .......................................................................................................................................................... 103

11.1 General Alternator ............................................................................................................................................... 103
11.2 Lubrication System and Rolling Bearings............................................................................................................. 104
11.3 Lubrication System and Sleeve Bearings ............................................................................................................. 105
11.4 Open Cooling System ........................................................................................................................................... 106
11.5 Air-air Cooling System.......................................................................................................................................... 107
11.6 Air-water Cooling System .................................................................................................................................... 108
11.7 Faults on the Brushes .......................................................................................................................................... 109
11.8 Fault Finding Sleeve Bearings .............................................................................................................................. 109
11.8.1 Oil Leaks on Sleeve Bearings ....................................................................................................................... 109
11.8.2 Oil ................................................................................................................................................................ 110 Sealant........................................................................................................................................................ 110
11.8.3 Checking the Bearings ................................................................................................................................. 110
11.8.4 Check on the Oil Tank and the Oil Lines ..................................................................................................... 110
11.8.5 Vibration and Oil ......................................................................................................................................... 111
11.8.6 Check on Vibration ...................................................................................................................................... 111
11.8.7 Hydrostatic System ..................................................................................................................................... 111
11.8.8 Air Pressure in the Bearing ......................................................................................................................... 111 Check the Air Pressure in the Bearing ........................................................................................................ 111
11.8.9 Air Pressure Outside the Bearing....................................................................................................................... 111 Check on the Air Pressure Outside the Bearing ......................................................................................... 112
11.9 Electrical Power, Excitation, Control and Protection ........................................................................................... 113
11.9.1 Triggering the Protective System ................................................................................................................ 113
11.9.2 PT100/PT1000 Resistive Temperature Sensors .......................................................................................... 113
11.10 Thermal Performance and Cooling System ..................................................................................................... 114

12 Service Parts and After Sales Service ..................................................................................................................... 115

12.1 Service Parts for alternators ................................................................................................................................ 115
12.1.1 General Information on the Service Parts .................................................................................................. 115
12.2 Customer Service ................................................................................................................................................. 116
12.2.1 Customer Service and Warranty ................................................................................................................. 116

13 End of Life Disposal ............................................................................................................................................... 117

13.1 Disposal................................................................................................................................................................ 117
13.2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 117
13.3 Average Material Content ................................................................................................................................... 117

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) VII

13.4 Recycling Packaging Material.............................................................................................................................. 118
13.5 Dismantling the alternator .................................................................................................................................. 118
13.6 Separation of the Different Materials .................................................................................................................. 118
13.6.1 Stator, Bearing Housing, Covers and Fans .................................................................................................. 118
13.6.2 Components with Electrical Insulation ....................................................................................................... 119
13.6.3 Hazardous Waste ........................................................................................................................................ 119
13.6.4 Residual Waste............................................................................................................................................ 119

VIII BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

1 Foreword
1.1 General
This manual is as one part of the items supplied and is an important technical guide to the
intended use of the alternator. It represents an essential source of information for the user and
also for managers for the prevention of injuries and damage to the alternator.
The alternator was manufactured by:

Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH

Marie-Curie-Str. 12
D - 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)841 7942 0149
Fax: +49 (0)841 7941 7093

On the pages that follow the complete name of the company is replaced with the term

The alternator is the intellectual property of Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH. The
general safety regulations, the specific regulations for the place of use and the precautions
described in this document must be followed at all times.

1.2 The Manual

This manual contains guidance and instructions for the installation, servicing and maintenance
of the alternator.
Before operating the alternator, read this manual and make sure that all personnel who work
on the equipment have access to the manual and all additional documentation supplied with
it. Misuse and failure to follow the instructions, and the use of non-approved parts, may
invalidate the product warranty and lead to potential accidents.
This manual is an essential part of the alternator. Make sure that the manual is available to all
users throughout the life of the alternator.
The manual is written for skilled electrical and mechanical technicians and engineers, who
have prior knowledge and experience of generating equipment of this type. If in doubt, please
seek expert advice or contact your local Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH subsidiary.

Information in this manual was correct when published. It may be superseded due to our
policy of continuous improvement. Please visit for latest

1.3 Legal
All rights to the alternator, the principle of the machine, the related drawings etc. lie with the
manufacturer and subject to the "Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte" (UG)
(German law on copyright and related property rights) dated 09.09.1965 in the applicable

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 1
1 Foreword 09-2019

According to copyright law, competition law and the BGB (German civil code) copying is only
allowed with prior written approval.

2 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
2 Safety Precautions
2.1 Safety Information and Notices used in this
Danger, Warning and Caution panels are used in this manual to describe the sources of
hazards, their consequences and how to avoid injury. Notice panels emphasize important or
critical instructions.

Danger indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or
serious injury.

Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or
serious injury.

Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in minor or
moderate injury.

Notice refers to a method or practice which can result in product damage, or to draw
attention to additional information or explanations.

2.2 Skill Requirements of Personnel

Service and maintenance procedures must only be carried out by experienced and qualified
engineers, who are familiar with the procedures and the equipment.

2.3 Risk Assessment

A risk assessment has been performed on this product by manufacturer, however a separate
risk assessment must be performed by the user/operating company to establish all personnel-
related risks. All affected users must be trained on the identified risks. Access to the Power
Plant/Generator Set during operation must be restricted to persons who have been trained on
these risks.

2.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All persons operating, servicing, maintaining or working in or with a power plant or a generator
set must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Recommended PPE includes:
• Ear and Eye Protection
• Head and face protection
• Safety footwear
• Overalls that protect the lower arms and legs
Ensure that all persons are fully aware of the emergency procedures in case of accidents.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 3
2 Safety Precautions 09-2019

2.5 Grounding
High Voltage
Will shock, burn or can cause death.
Work on electrical systems must be done by an electrician or instructed persons under the
management and supervision of an electrician wearing suitable PPE.

Parts of the machine and system on which inspections, servicing and repair work are to be
done must, if so stipulated, be electrically isolated.
1. Test the electrically isolated parts for electrical isolation using a suitable voltage tester,
then ground and short-circuit and also isolate neighboring live parts.
2. In case of work on high-voltage assemblies, after electrically isolating connect the line
cable to ground and short-circuit the components, e.g. capacitors, using a grounding bar.
The alternator is permanently grounded.
Maximum A-weighted noise emissions may reach 120 dB(A). Contact the supplier for
application-specific details.
All electrical equipment can be dangerous if not operated correctly. Always install, service and
maintain the alternator in accordance with this manual. Work that requires access to electrical
conductors must comply with all applicable local and national electrical safety procedures for
the voltages involved and any site-specific rules. Always use genuine branded replacement

2.6 Work on Electrical Equipment

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock burn or cause death.
The colors of electrical cables and connections comply with the applicable regulations
(VDI). If the operating organization has agreed different colors with the manufacturer, these
colors apply.
Before working on electrical equipment, the entire system must be electrically isolated and

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock burn or cause death.
Faulty electrical components can be live and as a result life-threatening. Any defects found
in electrical systems, assemblies, equipment must be rectified without delay. If there is an
acute risk until rectified, the system or the assembly must not be used in the defective

Magnetic field.
Alternator has a powerful magnetic field that can interfere with implanted medical devices
such as heart pacemakers.
Do not approach the alternator if you have an implanted medical device.

Work on electrical cables is to be done in accordance with local or national electrical safety
regulations applicable for the voltage as well as the safety regulations applicable on the site.
Each alternator is built in accordance with the applicable regulations. The electrical control
system is compliant with the VDE regulations, VBG 4 and EN 60204.

4 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 2 Safety Precautions

• Only use approved protective equipment

• In case of malfunctions in the supply of electrical power, immediately shut down the unit
(exception: if used as an emergency power alternator).

2.7 Lock Out/Tag Out

Do not remove any lifting label attached to the lifting points.

2.8 Safety zones: Alternator Operating Areas

(alternators with open-circuit cooling)
Personnel required to work in the alternator operating areas must be informed about the
potential risks and wear appropriate PPE.
In event of system malfunction, close proximity to areas of the alternator may present an
elevated risk of hazard exposure.
Make sure this consideration is captured in your risk assessment.

Flying debris
Exposure to mechanically driven release of particles from alternator in the area of air outlet
in horizontal direction +/- 90° in elevation and +/- 75° in axial direction. This also applies to
all directions on the open shaft end, commonly known as drive end. Avoid these areas
while the alternator is operating.

Flying particles and fumes
Exposure to electrically driven release of particles and fumes from alternator:
This may be released from all ventilation openings, air intake and air outlet. This can be
released in all directions (360°) from any ventilation openings.
Avoid these areas while the alternator is operating.


Electrical particles and fumes from terminal boxes

Exposure to electrical driven release of particles and fumes from alternator terminal boxes:
All main terminal box cable entrance ducts are equipped with an overpressure release flap
to discharge energy from the main terminal boxes in case of internal combustion.
Depending on the machine design, the pressure release flap can be located at different
positions and directions, according to the ordered cable entry direction.
It is important to identify the position of the pressure release flap and avoid it during

2.9 Safety zones: Alternator Operating Areas

(alternators with closed-circuit cooling)
Personnel required to work in the alternator operating areas must be informed about the
potential risks and wear appropriate PPE.
In event of system malfunction, close proximity to areas of the alternator may present an
elevated risk of hazard exposure.
Make sure this consideration is captured in your risk assessment.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 5
2 Safety Precautions 09-2019

Flying debris
Exposure to mechanically driven release of particles from alternator in the area of air outlet
in horizontal direction +/- 90° in elevation and +/- 75° in axial direction. This also applies to
all directions on the open shaft end, commonly known as drive end. Avoid these areas
while the alternator is operating.


Electrical particles and fumes from terminal boxes

Exposure to electrical driven release of particles and fumes from alternator terminal boxes:
All main terminal box cable entrance ducts are equipped with an overpressure release flap
to discharge energy from the main terminal boxes in case of internal combustion.
Depending on the machine design, the pressure release flap can be located at different
positions and directions, according to the ordered cable entry direction.
It is important to identify the position of the pressure release flap and avoid it during

2.10 Safety Information Signs

Safety information signs are provided on the equipment to indicate hazards and emphasize
instructions. Become familiar with the signs and the meaning before operating the equipment.
To avoid injury, always take the necessary precautions. Sample signs are shown in Table 1
on page 6.


Warning Electrical Hazard Rotating Parts Mandatory Protective

(Example: Lifting) Conductor

The generator set manufacturer is responsible for fitting the self-adhesive hazard warning
labels supplied with the alternator.
Replace labels that are missing, damaged or painted over.

6 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 2 Safety Precautions

2.11 Oils and Grease

Hazardous Substances
Misuse of oils, grease or other chemical substances can lead to serious injury
When handling oils, greases and other chemical substances pay attention to the safety
regulations, appropriate PPE and environmental regulations that apply.

2.12 Solvents and Substances Containing Solvents

Pay attention to the safety regulations on handling solvents. Ask the manufacturer of the
solvent for safety data sheets and first aid measures in case of emergency! The safety data
sheets must be available before using the solvent.

On handling solvents or substances containing solvents always wear protective equipment

such as safety glasses, safety shoes, hard hat, protective gloves and suitable protective
clothing to protect the skin. Always use barrier cream.
Only use solvents in well-ventilated areas. To keep the exposure and hazards as low as
possible, you should:
1. Seal solvent containers immediately after use.
2. Ensure that solvent and its vapors are not inhaled.
3. Solvents are combustible and flammable! A flame is not necessarily required for ignition,
ignition can also be triggered by hot objects at temperatures above the ignition temperature
of the solvent, or by electrical sparks (pay attention to electrostatic charging).
4. Do not bring organic solvents into contact with oxidizing agents (risk of explosion).
5. Ensure adequate ventilation!
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 7
2 Safety Precautions 09-2019

Solvent vapors are heavier than air and can collect on the ground or in hollows. There is a
risk of asphyxiation and explosion!
First aid:

After inhaling larger quantities: copious fresh air, seek medical attention.
After contact with the skin: rinse thoroughly with water.

In case of contact with the eyes: rinse using eye bath and seek medical attention from an
After swallowing: Seek medical attention

2.13 General Guidance

These safety precautions are for general guidance and supplement your own safety
procedures and all applicable laws and standards.

2.14 General Safety Instructions

• Only use the alternator in correct working condition as well as in the manner intended,
with due consideration for safety and hazards while following the documentation and the
local health and safety regulations.
• Correct any malfunctions without delay that may affect safety or have them rectified by
our service organization.
• Always store this documentation with the alternator.
• Regularly check that personal work with due consideration for safety and hazards and
follow the documentation.
• Use appropriate personal protective equipment at all times.
• Follow all information on safety and hazards on the alternator and maintain in legible
• On the occurrence of safety-related changes on the alternator or in its operating behavior,
immediately shut down the alternator and correct malfunction without delay.
• Do not make any changes, additions or modifications to the alternator. This statement
also applies to installation and the settings for safety features.
• Do not circumvent or bypass any safety features. Before opening doors or covers for
which the use of a tool is required, the alternator must be shut down, electrically isolated
and grounded.
• Service parts must comply with the technical requirements defined by the manufacturer.
This aspect is only ensured with genuine branded service parts. On the use of other
service parts, liability by the manufacturer is excluded.
• Do not make any changes to the program (software) in the programmable control system.
Changes to the program must only be made by appropriately trained personnel.
• Comply with stipulated intervals or intervals defined in the documentation for regular
inspections and servicing work.
• Use only appropriate tools for undertaking maintenance measures.
• Pay attention to fire alarm and firefighting procedures; pay attention to location and
operation of fire extinguishing systems (see Section 9.8 on page 68).

8 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 2 Safety Precautions

• Only allow trainees, apprentices or personnel under instruction or personnel undergoing

general training to work on the alternator under the constant supervision of an
experienced person.
• Only task trained, experienced persons with the attachment of loads and signaling to
crane drivers. The person providing the signals must be visible for the operator.
• During installation work above head height, climbing aids and working platforms intended
for this purpose with appropriate safety features must be used. Do not use alternator
components and attachments as climbing aids! During servicing work at heights, wear fall
arresting equipment.
• Keep all grips, steps, railing, pedestals, platforms, ladders free of debris and dirt.
• The alternator electrical equipment is to be checked regularly; loose connections or burnt,
damaged cables must be rectified immediately.
• If work is necessary on electrically live parts, involve a second person who can provide
immediate assistance in case of an emergency. Cordon off working area with a red- white
safety chain and a warning sign. Only use electrically insulated tools. Follow the local
safety regulations, e.g. VDE 0105

2.14.1 Safety Instructions for Normal Operation

• Refrain from all unsafe forms of working.
• Only operate the alternator if all protective devices and safety-related devices, e.g.
detachable protective devices, emergency stop devices, are fitted and functional.
• Inspect daily the alternator for externally visible damage and defects. Immediately report
any changes that have occurred (including changes in operating behavior) and
immediately shut down and secure the alternator.
• In case of malfunctions, immediately shut down and secure alternator. Correct
malfunction without delay.
• Follow the documented procedures for switching on and switching off.
• Before switching on/placing in operation the unit, make sure no-one will be placed at risk
by the starting machine.

2.14.2 Safety Instructions for Special Tasks

Observe adjustment, servicing and inspection activities and intervals stipulated in the
documentation including information on the replacement of parts/assemblies. Service and
maintenance procedures and tasks should only be carried out by experienced and qualified
engineers, who are familiar with the procedures and equipment.
• Before starting special tasks and maintenance work, inform the operators. Nominate
• During all work related to the operation, the adjustment for production, the conversion or
the adjustment of the alternator and its safety-related features as well as inspection,
servicing and repair, pay attention to switching on and switching off procedures as per
the documentation and instructions on maintenance work.
• Mark and cordon off maintenance area as far as necessary.
• When the alternator is completely switched off for servicing and repair work, it must be
secured against unintended switching back on using Lock out / Tag out:
• Cordon off switch panel and attach a lock and tag to the main switch.
• Make sure individual parts, as well as larger assemblies, are fastened to lifting equipment
and secured on replacement so that they can cause no harm. Only use suitable lifting
equipment in correct working order with adequate load bearing capacity. Do not stand or
work under suspended loads.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 9
2 Safety Precautions 09-2019

• At the start of servicing / repair, clean alternator of dirt and residue of anti-corrosion
agents. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Use fluff-free cloths for cleaning.
• After cleaning, check all oil, compressed air lines for leaks, loose connections, chafing
and damage. Correct any defects found immediately.
• If it is necessary to remove safety features during set-up, servicing and repair, the safety
features must be re-fitted and checked immediately on completion of the servicing and
repair work.
• Ensure any materials used are disposed of safely with due consideration for the

2.14.3 General Guidance for Use

Incorrect handling, hazardous voltages, rotating parts and hot surfaces will shock, burn or
cause loss of limbs or death.
Adhere to all safety instructions.

Alternators have dangerous, live and rotating parts and hot surfaces. All work in relation to
transport, storage, installation, connection, commissioning, operation and servicing must be
done by authorized, trained specialist staff. National standards, e.g. EN 50 110-1 / DIN VDE
0105 / IEC 60364 are to be followed in the specific case.
It is forbidden to place the unit in operation until the end product is compliant with local
regulations (follow in particular local safety and installation regulations, e.g. EN 60204).
These machines comply with the IEC EN 60034 series of standards. It is forbidden to use them
in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Under no circumstances use a degree of protection ≤ IP23 outdoors or in dusty environments.
Standard Air-cooled models are suitable for ambient temperatures from - 15 °C to +40 °C and
altitudes of ≤ 1000 m above sea level. The ambient temperature for air/water-cooled models
must not be less than +5 °C without additional precautions. For alternators with sleeve
bearings, the ambient temperature must not be lower than 0° C. The oil temperature must be
at least 15 °C for the start. (For alternators with sleeve bearings also see the documentation
from the bearing manufacturer). Pay attention to any differing information on the rating plate.
The conditions in the place of operation must match all agreed information on the rating plate
and in the specification.
In cases where there is a contradiction between the content of this manual and the machine
supplied, contact the manufacturer.

10 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
3 Safety Directives and Standards
BEMPOWER alternators comply with European safety regulations as well as national and
international regulations on alternators issued in the EC. The alternator must be used in
accordance with the standards and intended use within the limits stated on the rating plate.

3.1 Low Voltage Directive: Declaration of Conformity

L alternators are supplied with an EC Declaration of Conformity. It is the responsibility of the
generator set manufacturer to ensure that the complete generator set complies with EC
Directives and Standards.


This synchronous A.C. generator is designed for incorporation into an electricity generating-
set and fulfils all the relevant provisions of the following EC Directive(s) when installed in
accordance with the installation instructions contained in the product documentation:
2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
2004/108/EC The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
and that the standards and/or technical specifications referenced below have been applied:
EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards – Part 6-2:
Immunity for industrial environments
EN 61000-6- 4:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards – Part 6-4:
+A1:2011 Emission standard for industrial environments
EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk
assessment and risk reduction
EN 60034-1:2010 Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance
BS ISO 8528-3:2005 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current
generating sets - Part 3: Alternating current generators for
generating sets
BS 5000-3:2006 Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular
applications - Part 3: Generators to be driven by reciprocating internal
combustion engines - Requirements for resistance to vibration

The name and address of authorised representative, authorised to compile the relevant
technical documentation, is the Company Secretary, Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen
GmbH of Marie-Curie-Str. 12, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany

Date: 04th May 2016 Name, Title and Address:

and Address: Robert Beck
Managing Director
Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH
Marie-Curie-Str. 12
85055 Ingolstadt
Signed: Germany
Description Serial Number

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 11
3 Safety Directives and Standards 09-2019

3.2 Machinery Directive: Declaration of Incorporation

H alternators are supplied with a "Declaration of Incorporation of Partly completed Machinery"
for incorporation into an electricity generating set. It is the responsibility of the generator set
manufacturer to ensure that the complete generator set complies with EC Directives and


Function: Synchronous A.C. generator designed for incorporation into an electricity
The partly completed machinery supplied with this declaration:
• Is designed and constructed solely as a non-functional component to be incorporated
into a machine requiring completion.
• Is designed to comply with the provisions of the following EU Directives so far as their
level of build will allow:
2004/108/EC The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
• Must not be put into service within the European Community ("EC") until the final
machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the
Machinery Directive and all other applicable EC Directives.
• Is designed and constructed to comply with the essential health and safety
requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC listed on sheet 2 of this Declaration.
The relevant technical documentation is compiled in accordance with the provisions of part B
of Annex VII of the Machinery Directive. All relevant information about the partly completed
machinery will be provided, in writing, on a reasoned request by the appropriate national
authority to its authorised representative. The name and address of authorised representative,
authorised to compile the relevant technical documentation, is the Company Secretary,
Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH, Marie-Curie-Str. 12, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany
The undersigned representing the manufacturer:

Date: 04th May 2016 Name, Title and Address:

Robert Beck
Managing Director
Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH
Marie-Curie-Str. 12
85055 Ingolstadt
Signed: Germany
Description Serial Number

12 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 3 Safety Directives and Standards


1.1 General Remarks LEGEND
1. Essential Health and Safety
• 1.1.2: Principles of safety integration Requirements not shown are
not considered applicable for
• 1.1.3: Materials and products this Partly Completed
• 1.1.5: Design of machinery to facilitate its handling Machinery or must be
fulfilled by the assembler of
1.3 Protection Against Mechanical Hazards the Machinery.
• 1.3.1: Risk of loss of stability 2. Essential Health and Safety
Requirements shown are
• 1.3.2: Risk of break-up during operation considered applicable for
this Partly Completed
• 1.3.3: Risks due to falling or ejected objects Machinery and have been
• 1.3.4: Risks due to surfaces, edges or angles fulfilled by the manufacturer
to the extent possible,
• 1.3.7: Risks related to moving parts subject to the build
• Moving transmission parts requirements of the
Machinery assembler, the
1.4 Guarding information contained in the
assembly instructions and
• 1.4.1: Guards – General requirements manufacturer bulletins.
• Fixed guards
1.5 Other Hazards
• 1.5.2: Static electricity
• 1.5.3: Energy supply other than electric
• 1.5.4: Errors of fitting
• 1.5.6: Fire
• 1.5.13: Emissions of hazardous materials and
1.7 Information
• 1.7.1: Information and warnings on the machinery
• 1.7.4: Instructions

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 13
3 Safety Directives and Standards 09-2019

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14 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
4 Introduction
4.1 Serial Number
Each alternator is marked with a unique serial number. It is marked on the rating plate on
the alternator. (See Section 4.2 on page 15)
The serial number is to be stated in any future correspondence related to the alternator, as it
is the only information that is used to identify the specific alternator.

4.2 Rating Plate

A rating plate is permanently attached to the alternator and must not be removed. The rating
plate provides information on manufacture, identification, electrical and mechanical aspects.


4.3 Important Remarks

In any areas of contradiction, the specific order-related documents take precedence.

The installation must comply with the instructions and regulations for health and safety.
This statement applies for general safety regulations in the related country, specific
agreements made for the related works, safety instructions included in this manual, and
separate safety instructions supplied with the alternator.

In cases where there is a contradiction between the content of this manual and the alternator
supplied, contact manufacturer.
• The safety measures that are listed in the safety instructions in the manual must be
observed at all times.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 15
4 Introduction 09-2019

Safety in the workplace is dependent on the alertness, care and common sense of all persons
who operate and service the machines. Along with the safety precautions recommended here,
caution is always required in the vicinity of machines: Pay attention to your safety!

4.4 Liability, Warranty and Guarantee

All data and information in this documentation is provided based on our past experience and
The technical information and data described in this documentation relate to the situation at
the date of publication. We reserve the right to make changes in the context of technical further
development without changing this documentation. It is therefore not possible to derive any
claims from the data and descriptions in this documentation.
We accept no liability for damage or interruptions to operation due to operating errors, failure
to follow the instructions, improper servicing or repair. The manufacturer is not liable under any
circumstances for direct, indirect, specific, accidental or consequential damage, irrespective of
its nature, that results from the application of this document; the manufacturer is also not liable
for accidental or consequential damage that results from the use of the alternator.
We specifically highlight that service parts and accessories not supplied by us must be
approved by the manufacturer of the alternator.
Any additional liability for damage resulting from the use of service parts and accessories that
have not been approved by the manufacturer is excluded by the manufacturer.
Liability covers manufacturing and material defects.
Liability for damage caused by improper storage, incorrect installation or incorrect operation of
the alternator is excluded, as are the resulting injuries to the personnel or third party damage.
The installation and the use of third-party products will degrade the design features of the
electrical machine and impair the safety of people, the system or other property.
Any unauthorized modifications or changes to the alternator are not allowed for safety reasons
and exclude liability on the part of the manufacturer for resulting damage. If attachments/parts
provided by the customer are to be installed in or on the alternator, this action must be done in
consultation with the manufacturer.
Warranty and liability conditions in the manufacturer's general terms and conditions are not
expanded by the above statements.


Claims cannot be made under the warranty if the operating conditions of the alternator
have been changed, changes have been made to the design of the alternator or repair work
has been done on the alternator without prior written agreement from the manufacturer.

4.5 Intended Use

4.5.1 Operating Conditions Vibration Analyses
Serious damage (for example, destruction of the bearings, or cracks in the structure) may
be caused if the vibration allowed in the standard ISO 8528-9 or ISO 10816-3 is exceeded.
Serious damage (for example, destruction of the crankshaft, or destruction of the shaft)
may be caused if the torsional vibration is exceeded (e.g. ABS, LRS). Ensure that the limits
of the Standards are adhered to.

16 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 4 Introduction

It is the responsibility of the generating set builder to undertake the calculation, measurement
and evaluation of mechanical vibration in the power generating set (refer to standards ISO
8528-9 and ISO 10816-3).
It is imperative the rotational vibration calculation is made and checked. Usage
Improper use.
Can cause hazards that could result in death or serious injury. Always a operate in an
accordance with the operation instructions.

Consult the manufacturer if you want to use the alternator in a different manner to that
described in the order documents.

The alternator is designed for onshore or maritime applications as per the order
documentation. Impermissible Forms of Operation

Do not operate the alternator:
• With operating data different to the data stated on the rating plate.
• With machine features modified by the operating organization.
• Outside the agreed specification Permissible Forms of Operation

The alternator must only be used for the purpose stated in the order documentation. It
must be operated in accordance with the information in the documentation.

It is only allowed to operate the alternator

• In accordance with the procedures described in this documentation and
• If this documentation has been read and understood.
Any other use, as well as use involving hazardous or harmful substances is considered
incorrect use.

Damage caused by operation otherwise than as intended or by incorrect operation is not
covered by the manufacturer's warranty and guarantee obligations. The risk is borne solely
by the user.

We recommend that operating hours, malfunctions, inspections, servicing and repairs are
documented in a log.
If malfunctions or damage cannot be rectified by the operating organization's specialist
personnel, please contact our customer service department.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 17
4 Introduction 09-2019

Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH

Marie-Curie-Str. 12

85055 Ingolstadt, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)841 7942 0149
Fax: +49 (0)841 7941 7093

4.6 Documentation
4.6.1 Additional Information
Some customer-specific elements can be found in the Appendices. If the information in
this manual does not match the information in the Appendices, the data in the
supplementary documentation in the Appendices applies.

In addition to this manual, each set of documentation is supplied with a dimension drawing and
rotor drawing, an electrical circuit diagram as well as data sheets that state, among others, the
following order-specific information:
1. External dimensions of the alternator
2. Alternator weight
3. Moment of inertia of the rotor
4. Position of the lifting eyes on the alternator
5. Instrumentation and position of additional equipment
6. Requirements on bearing oil and lubricants
7. Main and ancillary connections.

4.6.2 Information Not Included in the Documentation

This user manual does not contain any information on starting, protection or rotational speed
control features as this is not part of our delivery scope.

18 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
5 Transportation, Storage and
Corrosion Protection
5.1 Transportation and Packaging
5.1.1 General
The alternator is supplied on a transport frame with a transport lock.
The following protective measures are taken in the factory before the delivery of the alternator.
If the alternator is moved subsequently, the same protective measures are to be taken:
a. Protect machined surfaces
e.g. the seat for the drive coupling, are protected against corrosion using an anti- corrosion

5.1.2 General Information for Rolling bearings

Ball bearings and roller bearings are lubricated using a lubricant in the factory. The lubricant is
stated on the rating plate.
The first filling of the bearings with lubricant is adequate until the first re-lubrication interval,
provided the alternator is not stored.

5.1.3 General information for sleeve bearings

The sleeve bearings are drained after the alternator test run; they are therefore delivered wet
with oil. All oil inlets and oil outlets as well as oil pipes are sealed. This method provides
adequate protection against corrosion. Sleeve bearings must be filled with oil during
commissioning before operating the alternator. The sleeve bearings must always be
transported wet with oil but not filled with oil.

5.1.4 General Information for Air-Water Coolers

Air-water coolers are drained and the inlets and outlets on the cooler are sealed using
protective caps.

5.1.5 Packaging
Packaging depends on the mode of transport (truck, ship, air freight).
The alternator is packed using environmentally-friendly materials (blocks of wood, wooden
crates, plastic sheet) that comply with the IPPC regulations.
• For transport by ship, the alternator must be packed for a maritime environment to protect
against splashes of salt water, moisture and vibration damage during loading, transport
and unloading
• For long transport routes, on customer request the alternator will be sealed with air- and
dust-tight plastic sheet with desiccant.

5.1.6 During Transport (L 10/11/12, H 40/50/60/70/80)

To avoid damage to the bearings:
• The alternator must be transported and moved using a suitable transport frame.
• The alternator must be transported and unloaded by persons who are familiar with the
lifting equipment and related ancillary equipment. All lifting equipment and tackle must be
suitable for the weight of the alternator and must comply with local safety regulations.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 19
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection 09-2019

Secure transport routes. Lifting fixtures (for example, lifting eyes) must only be used to lift
the item to which they are attached. Always use the lifting features on the base frame to
lift the complete generator set.
• The transport eyes on the alternator are only to be used to transport the individual
alternator, (not for lifting a complete generator set)

Do not transport using a trolley over uneven surfaces (e.g. rails).)

• The transport markings (pictograms) on the alternator packaging must be observed

during transport.
• The alternator must only be supported at its feet. Support at other parts is not allowed.
If vibration is to be expected, the alternator must be isolated from vibration by placing suitable
anti-vibration elements under the alternator feet.
The following information on transport is given in the alternator: Drawing KR31549.17
The text on the drawing is:

Every work activity/operation executed on the generator including rigging and hoisting has to
be accomplished by trained and experienced staff.
Do not stand below or close to the generator, while it is being lifted. Non-observance of these
safety precautions, as well as improper lifting can cause serious material damage, personal
injury or even death.
Only lift the generator at the lifting lugs attached to the housing. Please note that lifting lugs
attached to other components such as stator main structure must not be used to lift the
complete machine. They are only designed for assembling the individual parts.
During transport the machine must only be supported on its feet. The weight of the machine
must never be supported by other parts than its feet.
If the generator is mounted on a base frame as complete system with a motor, use only the
lifting facilities provided on the base frame.
The lifting lugs on the generator are not designed to lift the complete gen-set.
For the transportation of the complete gen-set necessary safety arrangements have to be
made, for example to adjust the machine on anti-vibration elements or attach transportation
Remark: Please check the dimension drawing for dimensions, actual weight as well as the
centre of gravity.
Lifting accessories for lifting the generator:
For lifting the generator, an appropriate and approved lifting equipment must be used.
The cooler must always be transported separately (at the lifting lugs on the cooler).

20 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection

To avoid damage to the bearings: Do not stand below or close to the generator, while it is being lifted. Non-observance
⚫ The alternator must be transported and moved using a suitable transport frame. of these safety precautions, as well as improper lifting can cause serious material
⚫ The alternator must be transported and unloaded by persons who are familiar with damage, personal injury or even death.
the lifting equipment and related ancillary equipment. All lifting equipment and tackle Only lift the generator at the lifting lugs attached to the housing. Please note that
must be suitable for the weight of the alternator and must comply with local safety lifting lugs attached to other components such as stator main structure must not be
regulations. Secure transport routes. Lifting fixtures (for example, lifting eyes) must used to lift the complete machine. They are only designed for assembling the
only be used to lift the item to which they are attached. Always use the lifting features individual parts.
on the base frame to lift the complete generator set. During transport the machine must only be supported on its feet. The weight of the
⚫ The transport eyes on the alternator are only to be used to transport the individual machine must never be supported by other parts than its feet.
alternator, (not for lifting a complete generator set) If the generator is mounted on a base frame as complete system with a motor, use
⚫ The transport markings (pictograms) on the alternator packaging must be observed only the lifting facilities provided on the base frame.
during transport. The lifting lugs on the generator are not designed to lift the complete gen-set.
⚫ The alternator must only be supported at its feet. Support at other parts is not For the transportation of the complete gen-set necessary safety arrangements have
allowed. to be made, for example to adjust the machine on anti-vibration elements or attach
If vibration is to be expected, the alternator must be isolated from vibration by placing transportation locks.
suitable anti-vibration elements under the alternator feet. Remark: Please check the dimension drawing for dimensions, actual weight as well
The following information on transport is given in the alternator: Drawing KR31549.17 The as the centre of gravity.
text on the drawing is: Lifting accessories for lifting the generator:
Every work activity/operation executed on the generator including rigging and hoisting has For lifting the generator, an appropriate and approved lifting equipment must be used.
to be accomplished by trained and experienced staff. The cooler must always be transported separately (at the lifting lugs on the cooler).


5.1.7 During Transport (H 20/30)


BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 21
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection 09-2019

5.1.8 During Transport (L 08/09)


5.1.9 Unpacking Checks/Items supplied

Check that the items supplied correspond to the order specification and the delivery note.
We refer to our terms and conditions of sale and supply.

5.1.10 Inspection on Arrival

Check the alternator and all supplied parts immediately it arrives. Check for evidence of
improper handling. Any transport damage must be photographed and reported to the freight
carrier and the supplier within seven days, so a claim can be made against the transport
If the alternator is not to be installed immediately do not leave it to stand without further
protection. For further details see Section 5.2 on page 23.

5.1.11 Inspection on Unpacking

Place the alternator on a flat surface free of vibration. Ensure there is sufficient access to the
alternator and associated components.
Remove the packaging and check that the alternator is not damaged. Compare the delivery
with the delivery note enclosed to check that additional items are present. If damage is
suspected or an item is missing, take photographs that clearly show the problem and contact
the freight carrier and the supplier immediately.
Refer to Section 13.4 on page 118 for the correct disposal and recycling of the packaging

22 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection

5.2 Storage
5.2.1 Storage in a Suitable Room (Less Than 6 Months)
Fire Hazzard
Will burn, cause personal injury or could cause death
Make sure no highly flammable or flammable objects are stored in the vicinity of the anti-
condensation heater or alternator packaging.

Suitable conditions are:

• Stable temperature conditions between 10 ºC (50 ºF) and 50 ºC (120 ºF).
• the alternator must not exceed 50 °C (120 ºF)
• The ambient air must be clean and free of dust and corrosive gases or salt-laden aerosols.
• Low atmospheric humidity (below 75%) is required. The alternator temperature must be
maintained above the dew point to prevent condensation in the alternator.
• If the alternator has an anti-condensation heater, the heater must be switched on and its
function checked regularly. The temperature of the alternator is also to be monitored.
• If there is no anti-condensation heater, or it cannot be switched on, use an alternative
heat source to protect the alternator against condensation.
• A stable surface free of vibration, protected against knocks. If vibration is expected,
isolate the alternator by placing suitable anti-vibration elements under the feet.
• All bare surfaces on the alternator are protected on delivery. Check the protection
regularly and:
a) Clean any rust film and other dirt from bare surfaces (ends of shaft, flange, screws
b) Seal the cleaned surfaces using a complete layer of protective lacquer or protective
wax (Tectyl 511M or 846K).
c) If the period of storage/idle exceeds two months, Tectyl 511 or equivalent should
be sprayed through the filler opening into the sleeve bearing.

5.2.2 Storage in a Suitable Room (Longer than 6 Months)

Fire Hazard
Will burn, cause personal injury or could cause death
Make sure no highly flammable or flammable objects are stored in the vicinity of the anti-
condensation heater or alternator packaging.

Suitable conditions are:

• Stable temperature conditions in the range from 10 ºC (50 ºF) to 50 ºC (120 ºF). The
alternator temperature must be kept above the dew point to prevent condensation in the
• A dust-free, dry environment with low atmospheric humidity (below 75%) is required. If
this requirement cannot be met, the alternator is to be stored welded in plastic sheet with
• The ambient air must be clean and free of dust and corrosive gases or salt-laden aerosols.
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 23
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection 09-2019

• If the anti-condensation heaters are switched on and the temperature of the ambient air
is above 50 ºC, the alternator must not heat up to above 50 ºC (120 ºF)
• If the alternator has an anti-condensation heater, the heater should be switched on
and its function checked regularly.
• If there is no anti-condensation heater, or it is not possible to place it in operation,
an alternative method is to be used to protect the alternator against condensation.
• Make sure the alternator sits on a stable surface free of vibration and protected against
knocks. If vibration is to be expected, the alternator must be isolated by placing suitable
anti-vibration elements under the alternator's feet.
• All bare surfaces on the alternator are protected on delivery. Regularly check the
protection and proceed as follows in case of damage:
a. Clean any rust film and other dirt from bare surfaces (ends of shaft, flange, screws
b. Cover cleaned surfaces using protective lacquer or protective wax (Tectyl 511M or
c. Ensure the layer of lacquer provides a seal!
d. Sleeve bearings are to be protected against corrosion in accordance with the
information from the sleeve bearing manufacturer and their protection regularly
e. Additionally, manufacturer recommends adding a drying agent to the sleeve bearing
By storage longer than 18 months, the bearing shelves of sleeve bearings must be

5.2.3 Storage in Unsuitable Conditions For Less Than 2

Protect the alternator against insects and other small animals. Prevent corrosion, moisture or
the formation of condensation in and on the alternator. For temporary outdoor storage during
transport or if suitable storeroom conditions are not available, the alternator must not be left
unprotected in the transport packaging. The following measures are to be taken in addition to
the measures in Section 5.3.3 on page 26:
a. Fully protect the alternator from rain. The cover must be well ventilated to permit the
circulation of air around the alternator. If the alternator is left in the transport packaging,
ventilation openings must be made in the packaging
b. Place alternator with transport frame on blocks so that no moisture can enter the alternator
or the transport frame from below. The transport frame and the alternator must be at least
100 mm (4 inch) off the ground.
c. Make sure the alternator is well ventilated. Switch on the anti-condensation heater.

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock burn or cause death.
Faulty electrical components can be live and as a result life-threatening. Any defects found
in electrical systems, assemblies, equipment must be rectified without delay. If there is an
acute risk until rectified, the system or the assembly must not be used in the defective

24 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection

5.2.4 Storage under Unsuitable Conditions longer than 2

By storage under unsuitable conditions longer than 2 months, the warranty will expire
immediately unless an exception has been granted by contacting the supplier in writing.

5.3 Protect Against Corrosion

5.3.1 Bare Surfaces
List the corrosion protection measures taken, check their effectiveness with the manufacturer
and check them regularly. Correct any malfunctions and treat corrosion immediately.
1. Make sure the lacquer or wax seals the part to protect it.
2. The ambient air must be clean and free of dust and corrosive gases or salt-laden aerosols.
3. All bare surfaces on the alternator are protected with Tectyl or protective lacquer on
delivery. Regularly check the protection and proceed as follows in case of damage:
a. In case of damage, clean any rust film and other dirt from bare surfaces (ends of
shaft, flange, screws etc.).
b. Cover cleaned, damaged surfaces using protective lacquer or protective wax (Tectyl
511M or 846K).

5.3.2 Sleeve Bearings


If the transport lock is re-tightened to a higher torque, the bearing will be damaged. In case
of questions please contact the manufacturer.

Refer to the Appendix from the sleeve bearing manufacturer. If the instructions in the
Appendix vary from those in this manual, the instructions in the Appendix apply.
To protect the sleeve bearings against corrosion take the following measures:
1. Fittings on the sleeve bearings are sealed in the factory and sealing lacquer applied.
2. If the sleeve bearing has already been filled with oil (e.g. after test run on the unit), drain
this oil.
3. Spray Tectyl 511 or equivalent with a compressed air tool through the filler opening into
the bearing. Repeat this corrosion protection treatment every six months for two years.
For this purpose it is recommended to open the packaging at the bearings.
4. Check the compatibility of synthetic oil with bearing materials, corrosion protection
materials and oil filling.
5. Remove the sight glass for the oil ring, remove the oil and open the oil drain.
6. Spray corrosion protection agent into the openings using compressed air.
7. The parts of the bearing must be fully covered with lubricant to prevent corrosion during
the storage period.
8. Seal the sight glasses and the oil drain.
9. Repeat the procedure on the second bearing.
10. After protection against corrosion, carefully re-seal the packaging to prevent corrosion
due to external effects.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 25
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection 09-2019

Alternators with sleeve bearings are fitted with a transport lock to protect the bearing against
damage during transport and storage.
Check the transport lock for bolt tightness regularly.

5.3.3 Rolling Bearings

After storage for more than 2 years the bearings and the grease must be replaced before
commissioning the alternator.
If the transport lock is re-tightened to a higher torque, the bearing will be damaged. In case
of questions please contact the manufacturer.
To prevent brinelling of rolling bearings during storage:
1. Pre-load the bearing using the transport lock.
2. Remove the transport lock and Turn the rotor monthly so that the position of the rolling
elements changes. The rotor must rotate at least 420°.
3. Fill the entire bearing chamber with grease.

5.3.4 Air-air Cooler

Check the effectiveness of the corrosion protection measures annually. Or more frequently in
particularly unfavorable ambient conditions. Renew the corrosion protection measures if
1. Clean the entire cooling path by blowing out with dry air.

5.3.5 Air-water Cooler

Check the effectiveness of the corrosion protection measures annually. Or more frequently in
particularly unfavorable ambient conditions. Renew the corrosion protection measures as
1. Drain the existing cooling water.
2. Clean the cooling water pipes and flush using clean, clear water.
3. Dry the cooler with warm, pre-dried air.

5.3.6 Customer Connection Openings

Clean the cooler and pipes and blow through warm, dry air to dry them. Seal the openings
through which cables are not yet connected to terminal boxes or flanges that are not yet
connected to pipes.

5.4 Remove Corrosion Protection

Do not remove the anti-corrosion coatings using emery paper.

Before operating a corrosion-protected alternator, remove the measures taken and logged for
storage and establish the state required to perform commissioning
• Remove any drying agent that may have been placed in the alternator.
• Remove the anti-corrosion coatings using cleaner´s solvent or a similar oil-based solvent.
• Ensure that all necessary fluids (e.g. oil, grease, water) are added in the correct amount
to the alternator before it is taken into operation.

26 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection

5.4.1 Rolling Bearings

Check which measures were applied for protection against corrosion, remove as appropriate.
The amount of grease in the bearings for long-term storage must be reduced to the specified
amount for operating the alternator. Open the bearing chamber, remove the excess grease
and re-seal the bearing chamber. In case of questions related to the amount of grease, please
contact the manufacturer with the machine number.

An excessive amount of grease or old grease in the bearings during operation will result
in serious bearing damage! Pay regard to the storage time and the grease amount.

Check the amount of grease in the attachments. If necessary, contact the manufacturer for
information on the first filling.

5.4.2 Sleeve Bearings

The removal of the protection against corrosion in the sleeve bearings and further steps are
described in the operating instructions for the sleeve bearings.
After extended storage, check the bearings for corrosion damage.
1. Clean the bearing housing from the exterior. Dust and dirt will hinder the dissipation of
heat from the bearing.
2. Remove any drying agent that may have been placed in the bearing housing.
3. Re-tighten the joint screws and the flange screws as follows.
Take the torques from the documentation from the manufacturer of the sleeve bearing or contact
the manufacturer with the machine number.
1. Check that the sight glass is correctly seated.
2. Check the sight glass for the oil ring on the top of the bearing. This should be tightened
hand-tight (12-16 Nm)
3. Tighten all plugs to the required tightening torque.

5.4.3 Cooler
Follow the operation and maintenance instructions supplied by the cooler manufacturer. Air-water Cooler

Fill and operate the water circuit according to the operating and maintenance instructions
from the cooler manufacturer. You will find these instructions in the Appendix. Air-air Cooler

Operate the air-air cooler according to the operating and maintenance instructions from the
cooler manufacturer. You will find these instructions in the Appendix.

5.4.4 Condensed Water Drain

Check whether condensed water has formed in the alternator. If there is condensed water
present, open the drain plug at the lowest point on the alternator and close again after draining
the condensed water.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 27
5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection 09-2019

Hazardous Voltage
Will shock, burn or cause death.
In case of condensed water, do not operate the alternator without the repairs and
inspections described in Chapter 10 on page 71.

5.5 Oil Drain Points of Rolling Bearings


No Description
1 Oil Jet Hole 1
2 Oil Jet Hole 2
3 Oil Drain


No Description
1 Oil Jet Hole
2 Oil Drain

28 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 5 Transportation, Storage and Corrosion Protection

5.6 Oil Drain Points of Sleeve Bearings


No Description
1 Oil Ring Sight Glass
2 Oil Sight Glass
3 Oil Drain


No Description
1 Oil Ring Sight Glass
2 Oil Sight Glass
3 Oil Drain

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30 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
6 Installation and Alignment
6.1 General
Hazardous voltage and rotating parts.
Will shock, burn, or cause loss of limbs or death.
Prevent unintentional operation of the alternator and accidental damage caused when
work is done nearby.

Follow general and local health and safety instructions during installation.
Good planning and comprehensive preparations before installation are necessary for
malfunction-free, reliable and safe operation of the alternator.
Follow the standards for connections and use of electrical equipment, in particular national
standards, for the installation of the equipment (e.g. see standard IEC 60079-14 or EN 60204).
When welding, do not use alternator as (earth) ground.

6.2 Preparation of the Alternator

Prepare the alternator as follows before installation:
1. Measure the insulation resistance of the windings as described in Section 7.4.4 on page
2. If necessary, remove the transport lock. Keep it in a safe place for future use. To prevent
bearing damage the transport lock must always be attached to the alternator if the
alternator is moved or placed in storage. See Section 5.1.1 on page 1 9 .
3. Remove the anti-corrosion coating from the end of the rotor shaft and the alternator feet
using white spirit or a similar oil-based solvent.

6.2.1 Alternators with Rolling Bearings

Alternators with two bearings must be connected to the prime mover using elastic couplings to
ensure continuous free axial movement between the coupling halves due to thermal expansion
of the alternator shaft without bearing damage.
In general, the drive end bearing is fixed but for special applications on customer demand it is
possible to build the non-drive end bearing fixed. If in doubt, ask manufacturer. The axial
thermal expansion of the rotor is calculated as described in Section 6.4.3 on page 37. If in
doubt, contact the manufacturer.
• Make sure the grease is compliant with the specification on the rating plate and make
sure the bearing is filled with the correct amount of grease. See Section 5.4 on page 26.

An excessive amount of grease or old grease in the bearings during operation will result
in serious bearing damage. Pay regard to the storage time and the grease amount.

6.2.2 Alternators with Sleeve Bearings

The drive-end bearing is always fixed. Fill the sleeve bearing with oil. For this purpose, refer
to the outline drawing for the viscosity of the oil. If a lubricant is not stated on the outline
drawing, use the lubricant recommended by the sleeve bearing manufacturer.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 31
6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019

6.2.3 Recommendations for Coupling Assembly Balance Condition of the Rotor
Balance the rotor coupling half corresponding to the rotor balancing. A standard rotor is
dynamically balanced using half keys. The type of balancing is marked on the end of the rotor
H = Half key
F = Whole key
N = No key Assembly
Rotating Parts.
Will cause severe injury. The coupling is to be protected with a guard. There is a hazard in
operation due to rotating parts.
In operation, be careful of rotating parts.

Hot parts.
Cause serious burns.
Prevent skin contact with hot parts using PPE.

1. Follow the general instructions from the coupling manufacturer

2. The coupling can be heavy. Use suitable lifting equipment
3. Clean the anti-corrosion coating from the coupling seat on the shaft and compare the
dimensions of the end of the shaft and the coupling with the outline drawing provided.

4. Make sure that the key slots in the coupling and the shaft are clean, free of burrs and
5. Smear the shaft and the hub bore with a thin layer of resin-free oil to ease the assembly
of the coupling half.
Never smear mating surfaces with molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) or similar products.
6. On mounting a feature on the bores and threads in the shaft, consult with the
7. If it is necessary to heat the coupling to ease fitting, follow the temperature information
from the coupling manufacturer.
To prevent damage to the bearings, do not put additional forces on the bearings while
assembling the coupling half.

6.3 Mounting Design

6.3.1 General
The mounting design and construction are the responsibility of the customer or a third-party.
The mounting design must ensure safe operating conditions and good access for servicing and
monitoring. Cooling airflow must be unhindered to and from the alternator. Nearby machines
or equipment must not heat the cooling air for the alternator or its attachments, such as the

32 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 6 Installation and Alignment

The mounting must be stable, stiff and free of external vibration. Check for resonance; the
natural frequency of the mounting with mounted alternator must not lie within ±20% of the
operating frequency.
The mounting must be designed to support the weight of the alternator and include air, water,
oil and cable ducts. The dimensions of the connection features must match the corresponding
dimensions on the outline drawing provided.
The mounting must be designed to accommodate all the manufacturing tolerances.

6.3.2 Mounting Forces

The mounting and the fastening screws must withstand mechanical moments that occur during
alternator starting, operation and transient events. Refer to the technical data sheet for the
The calculation of the mounting forces is not included in the items supplied, for this reason the
customer or a third-party is responsible for this task. If necessary, calculation can be agreed in
the project planning phase.

6.3.3 Mounting on Ships General Requirements
The classification and design requirements of the certification authority apply to the design and
implementation of mountings on ships. Calculations
Check and calculate during the project phase
1. The natural frequency of vibration in the overall system in 6 degrees of freedom.
2. Calculate the static displacements in x, y and z directions on all elastic components. Take
into account all loads effective at nominal power output due to the inherent weight of the
motor, the motor nominal torque (or output torque for flange-mounted gearboxes), and
ship pitch and roll motion.
3. Compare the displacement values calculated with the values allowed for the electrical
4. Calculate the forced damped vibration.
The result must conform to the specifications for the ship classification and be agreed with the
manufacturer of the component Fastening to the Mounting

Only screw joints must be used for fastening the drive systems to the ship-borne mounting.
To keep settling to a minimum, the number of joints in the screw joints is to be limited to a
The contact surfaces for screw heads and nuts must be flat and machined parallel.
Do not tack weld alternator mounting screws and nuts.

The screw joint must be designed for the maximum possible load that can occur.
The required pre-load on the mounting screws is to be defined in agreement with the
manufacturer of the prime mover or the manufacturer of the related system component.
The preferred fastener type is a cap screw, installed so that the screw pre-load can be checked
at any time.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 33
6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019 Requirements
Follow the manufacturer's installation regulations during the mechanical mounting of the
individual components on the foundation.
Design of the mounting must be agreed with the certification authority.
Make sure the assembly and inspection openings on the drive systems provided for
maintenance measures remain accessible.
Final fastening must be done after alignment done. Consider the operation-related thermal
expansion and the dynamic behavior of the system components (coupling, gearbox etc.) during
Make sure that the alignment of the individual system components to each other does not
change during mechanical work on the mounting.
All welding work in the area of the mounting must be completed before mounting the alternator.
During the design of an elastic mounting, consider the aging and natural wear of the mounting
elements. Check and log the settling rates at intervals specified by the manufacturer. Replace
the elastic mounting when the maximum allowed amount of settling occurs.

6.3.4 Installation on Concrete Foundations Items Supplied
The installation shims, fastening screws and mounting pads or bed plates are not included in
the normal items supplied with the alternator. These can be supplied to special order. Calculations
Check and calculate during the design phase
1. The natural frequency of vibration for the overall system in 6 degrees of freedom.
2. Calculate the forced damped vibration.
3. Calculate the mounting forces and screw joints
The results must conform to the specifications and be agreed with the manufacturer of the
related system component. Prepare the Foundation and the Holes in the Foundation

Mounting pads in accordance with DIN 799 or bed plates can be used to anchor the alternator
in a concrete foundation.
Take into account the following points during the preparation of the foundation:
• Compare the position of the holes in the foundation and the height of the foundation
with the related dimensions on the outline drawing.

34 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 6 Installation and Alignment Prepare the Mounting Pads or the Bed Plates

If required, shims and mounting pads are supplied as separate parts for fitting on site.
To ensure the firm seating of the mounting pads in the concrete, they must be unpainted and
free of dirt and dust.
1. Lift the alternator with a crane to assemble the mounting pads or bed plates to the
2. Clean the parts that are cast in the concrete.
3. Clean parts protected with an anti-corrosion coating using solvent.
4. Only screw greased alignment screws into the mounting pads or bed plates.
Make sure that clearances and fasteners are free of concrete. Install the alternator

Lift the alternator carefully and, together with the coupling half and bed plates or mounting
pads, fit it into the holes that have been made on the existing foundation. The coupling is fitted
in accordance with the specifications from the coupling manufacturer. Position the Mounting Pads or the Bed Plates

The bed plates or mounting pads must either be positioned together with the alternator or
separately, so that the alternator can be aligned afterwards within the range of its adjustment
features. Cementing
Cracks in the concrete or poor fastening to the concrete foundation can loosen the
alternator. Fill the holes in the foundation completely and avoid cavities.
Cementing the alternator in the foundation is a very important part of the installation.
Follow the instructions of the concrete manufacturer.
Use high-quality concrete that is not subject to shrinkage to prevent problems during
cementing. Final Installation and Inspection

1. After the concrete has hardened, re-tighten the foundation bolts.
2. Lock the nuts using approved locking alternators (e.g. DIN).
3. Tighten the fastening screws.
4. Check and correct the alignment to ensure the alternator runs with the permissible
5. Complete the installation by fitting dowel pins.

6.3.5 Installation on Steel Foundation Items Supplied
Installation shims or fastening screws are not included in the normal items supplied. These
can be supplied to special order.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 35
6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019 Inspect the foundation

Before lowering the alternator onto the foundation:
1. Clean the foundation thoroughly
2. Check that the foundation is flat and level (parallel error maximum 0.1 mm (4.0 mil))
3. Check that the foundation is free of external vibration. Install the alternator

Lift the alternator carefully and, together with the coupling half, fit it on the existing foundation.
The coupling is fitted according to specifications from the coupling manufacturer. Coupling Cover and Enclosures

Before fitting enclosures and operating the alternator but after installing and aligning the
alternator, make sure that there are no tools or foreign bodies left inside the alternator or the

Rotating parts.
Can cause loss of limbs or death.
The coupling must be protected with a guard. In operation, be careful of rotating parts.

Keep the alignment and installation equipment together with the transport lock for future use.

6.4 Align the Prime Mover and Alternator

6.4.1 General
To ensure a long, satisfactory service life for both the prime mover and the alternator, both
must be correctly aligned. This means that the radial and angular offset between the two shafts
on the machines must be minimized.
Be sure to complete an alignment report. Claims relating to damage can only be considered if
an alignment report is available. Before starting the alignment work, remove all transport locks
and rotor fastenings. Undertake alignment with great care, as alignment errors will result in
bearing and shaft damage. Even small alignment errors will result in uneven running of the
machines and bearing damage.

6.4.2 Theory of Alignment

The accuracy of alignment is related to the tools used for the alignment (dial gauges, laser
measuring instrument).
• A laser measuring instrument is most accurate.
One of the two machines to be coupled is defined as the reference point. On power generator
sets this reference point is generally the prime mover.
• Fine alignment is dependent on the design of the machine, as follows:

36 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 6 Installation and Alignment


Nominal speed: Maximum radial offset:

1800 revs/min 0.05 mm / 1.96 mil

1500 revs/min 0.06 mm / 2.36 mil
1000 revs/min 0.08 mm / 3.15 mil
750 revs/min 0.09 mm / 3.54 mil
600 revs/min 0.11 mm / 4.33 mil
375 revs/min 0.15 mm / 5.90 mil

General figure for the angular offset: ≤ 0.05 mm / 100 mm (0.5 mil / 1 inch) coupling diameter
General figure for the coupling distance: ≥ 3 mm / 0.118 inch.




On alignment with the machines cold it is to be taken into consideration that alternator, gearbox
and prime mover may have different thermal expansion. This situation will result in different
height changes on the parts when warm.

6.4.3 Compensate for Thermal Expansion

Operating temperatures have a significant effect on alignment and must be taken into account.
The temperature of the alternator under operating conditions is higher than during installation.
The center of the shaft will be higher during operation, i.e. further away from the base than at
rest due to thermal expansion.
Thermally-compensated alignment may be necessary depending on the operating
temperature of the alternator, the type of coupling, the distance between the two machines etc.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 37
6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019 Vertical Thermal Expansion

Vertical thermal expansion is always to be taken into account.
The thermal expansion of the alternator can be calculated approximately using the distance
between the base and the center of the shaft:
∆H = α × ∆T × H

∆H= Thermal expansion [mm]

α= 10 × 10-6 K-1
∆T= Temperature difference between alignment temperature and operating temperature to be
expected [°K]
H= Shaft height [mm] (see outline drawing)
Take into account the thermal expansion of the alternator in relation to the prime mover to
determine the overall thermal expansion. Axial Thermal Expansion

Axial thermal expansion is always to be taken into account.
The calculation is made from the fixed bearing on the alternator to the end of the shaft on the
non-drive side (see rotor drawing in the Appendix).
The fixed bearing is on the A end (DE - drive end) of the alternator for rolling bearings and on
the B end (NDE – Non drive end) of the alternator for floating bearings. In case of queries
related to the fixed bearing and the thermal expansion please contact the manufacturer.
The thermal expansion can be calculated approximately using the distance between the fixed
bearing and the other end of the rotor shaft:
∆L = α × ∆T × L

∆L= Thermal expansion [mm]

α=10 × 10-6 K-1
∆T= Temperature difference between alignment temperature and operating temperature to be
expected [K]
L= Distance from the fixed bearing to the BE of the shaft [mm]
Make sure that continuous free axial movement is possible between the coupling halves
(except fixed couplings) to permit axial thermal expansion of the alternator shaft and prevent
bearing damage.

6.4.4 Assemble the Coupling Halves

The coupling halves are assembled in accordance with the requirements from the coupling
manufacturer. The coupling halves on the prime mover and alternator are placed together
loosely so that they can move freely in relation to each other during the alignment. Run-out on the Coupling Halves

Do not turn alternator rotor using the fan. The fan will not withstand such forces and will
be damaged.

38 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 6 Installation and Alignment

The alignment process starts with the measurement of the run-out on the coupling halves. This
measurement provides an indication of any inaccuracy on the shaft and/or the coupling halves.
The run-out on the coupling halves is measured in relation to the alternator bearing housing.
Fit the dial gauges as shown in Figure 8 on page 39. Rotate the rotor shaft with a simple lever.
Check the run-out of the coupling half on the prime mover in relation to the bearing housing.
Fill sleeve bearings with oil before rotating. The permissible run-out error is less than 0.05 mm
(1.9 mil).


The alignment must be performed with great care. Otherwise, the prime mover and the
alternator can be seriously damaged by heavy vibration. Measure alignment performed
according to instructions from the coupling manufacturer. Parallel, angular and axial alignment
of the alternator is required.

6.4.5 Coarse Alignment

For ease of alignment and the fitting of shims, alignment screws are fitted to the alternator
The alternator stands on the alignment screws. Please note that the alternator must stand on
all feet (screws) in a plane with a maximum of 0.1 mm (4.0 mil) parallel error. If this is not the
case, the alternator will twist or distort, which will result in bearing damage and other damage.
• Make sure the alternator is leveled vertically, horizontally and axially. Make the
necessary adjustments by, e.g., placing alignment elements or shims under the feet.

6.4.6 Final Alignment

Sleeve bearings are to be filled with oil before rotating.

Do not turn alternator rotor using the fan. The fan will not withstand such forces and will
be damaged.

The alternator is aligned as follows:

1. The alternator must stand on its alignment screws.
2. Turn the rotor with a simple lever and check the axial play.
3. Fit the alignment equipment.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 39
6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019

4. If dial gauges are used, their scale must be adjusted so that about half the scale is
available in both directions. Check the strength of the dial gauge holder to prevent
possible bending, see Figure 9 on page 40.


5. Measure and note the values for radial, angular and axial offset in four different positions:
top, bottom, right and left, i.e. every 90°, while the coupled shafts are rotated at the same
time. Record the values.
6. Align the alternator vertically by turning the alignment screws or by lifting using hydraulic
lifters. For ease of radial alignment, alignment screws are fitted to the alternator feet. The
expansion of the base frame due to thermal action can affect the accuracy of the
alignment (see Section 6.4.3 on page 37).
7. If no alignment elements (e.g. Vibracon) are used, please proceed as follows:
a. Measure the distance between the underside of the alternator feet and the base
frame and fabricate appropriate solid blocks or have the necessary quantity of shims
b. Place the solid blocks or shims under the alternator feet. Loosen the alignment
screws and tighten the fastening screws.
8. Check alignment again and correct, as required.
9. Re-tighten the nuts and secure them using approved (DIN) locking elements.
10. Fasten the alternator feet using dowel pins to simplify the possible future re-installation
of the alternator; see Section 6.5 on page 41 Permissible Offset

Definitive alignment tolerances cannot be stated, as there are too many factors that play a role.
Excessively large tolerances will cause vibration and may result in bearing damage or other
damage. For this reason, it is recommended to keep the tolerances as low as possible.
The tolerances stated by the coupling manufacturer only apply to the coupling, not to the
alignment of the prime mover and load machine. They can only be used as general figures for
the alignment even if they are lower than the maximum values stated in Section 6.4.2 on page

40 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 6 Installation and Alignment Align an alternator with Axial Play

In case of alternators that permit axial play in the fixed bearing, an adjustment indicator is fitted
and there is a marking on the shaft that indicates the operating center point. The rotor is
operated in the correct position if the pointer is aligned with the groove on the shaft. This so-
called operating center point does not necessarily match the magnetic center point of the
alternator. The fan and magnetic forces can pull the rotor out of the alternator's geometric
center point. Pay attention to any adjustment indicator fitted and its position. Align a Two Bearing alternator

During the alignment of two-bearing alternators the following errors can occur:
1. Radial offset
2. Angular offset
3. Axial offset
If aligning when the generator set is cold, consider that the height of alternator, gearbox and
prime mover is different when warm due to differences in thermal expansion.
• Align the coupling (minimum axial offset) according to the instructions from the coupling
manufacturer. During this process consider the linear expansion of the shafts when
reaching the operating temperature.
• Use suitable alignment aids, e.g. dial gauges or a laser instrument, for the fine radial
alignment of the alternator. Align a Single Bearing alternator

The objective of the alignment on one-bearing alternators is to keep the air gap between the
rotor and stator equal all round so that the rotor is exactly aligned radially.
For the axial alignment the distances on the B end (non-drive end) must be met.
Refer to the illustration in the Appendix for the dimension that defines the axial center position
of the rotor.
To align the alternator, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the radial transport lock.
2. Roughly align the alternator on the base frame or the bed plates. (See Section 6.5 on
page 41)
3. Couple the prime mover and alternator without using force.
Pay attention to the following points:

• Crankshaft clearance on the combustion engine.

• Air gap between rotor and stator.
• Axial dimension as per sketch in the Appendix.
• Check the radial alignment accuracy by measuring the distance between the shaft and
the machined inside diameter of the bearing plate. Alignment of alternator with Flange-mounted Gearbox

Follow the documentation from the gearbox supplier to align an alternator with a flange-
mounted gearbox done.

6.5 Fit the Dowel Pins

The alternator does not have any bores for dowel pins in its feet. Manufacturer recommends

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6 Installation and Alignment 09-2019

fitting tapered pins (DIN 258) to maintain exact alignment and to permit easier re-installation
of the alternator if removed.

6.6 Measures for Delayed Commissioning

External vibration will damage all types of bearings and shorten the service life of the bearings.
If the alternator is not operated for an extended period after installation, follow the measures
described in Section 5.2 on page 23. In addition, rotate the shaft 10 turns at least every 3
months and the fill the self-lubricating bearings with oil. If the alternator is subject to external
vibration, the alternator must be un-coupled.

42 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
7 Mechanical and Electrical
7.1 General
Do not drill additional holes and threads. The alternator will be damaged.
Mechanical and electrical connections are made after installation and alignment. Mechanical
connections can include the connection of air ducts, water pipes and/or an oil supply system.
Electrical connections include the connection of line cables and additional cables, ground
cables and optionally external fan motors.

7.2 Mechanical Connections

7.2.1 Cooling Air Connections Connect Air Ducts
Clean the air ducts thoroughly before you connect them to the alternator and make sure there
are no obstructions in the ducts. Seal the joints using suitable seals. After connecting the air
ducts, make sure that there are no leaks.
Alternators that are designed for the possible connection of air ducts have connection flanges
shown in the outline drawing. Connect a Cooler to the alternator

Alternators that are equipped with a heat exchanger for their cooling have a cooling air seal on
the heat exchanger.
If the heat exchanger or parts of the cooling system are supplied separately, they must be
installed on site as follows:
1. Lift the cooler or the individual parts only by the lifting eyes using suitable lifting
2. Make sure all connection components are free of dust and dirt.
3. Refer to the outline drawing in the Appendix for the correct installation positions.
4. Lift the cooler parts at the point provided and fasten them using the hardware provided.
5. Make sure all seals are fitted correctly. Connect an External Fan Motor

The external fan motor is generally an asynchronous three-phase motor. The terminal box for
the fan motor is on the motor housing. The rating plate on the external fan motor indicates the
voltage and frequency to be used. The direction of rotation of the fan is marked with an arrow.

Check the direction of rotation of the external fan motor (fan) visually before you start the
alternator. If the fan motor runs in the wrong direction, its phase sequence must be

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7.2.2 Connect Cooling Water Air-water Cooler
Alternators that are equipped with an air-water heat exchanger have connection flanges.
Connect the flanges and seal the joints using suitable seals. Refer to the outline drawing in the
Appendix for the size of the connection flanges.
• Ensure that the water circuit has no leaks, before starting the alternator. Connect Cooling Water to Sleeve Bearings

Make the connections, make sure they are secure and there are no leaks in the system. Refer
to the outline drawing in the Appendix for the size of the connections. After the alternator has
run for a time it is necessary to check the cooling system. Make sure the coolant can circulate

7.2.3 Oil Supply for the Sleeve Bearings

Alternators with external lubrication are equipped with oil pipe flanges and optionally pressure
limiters and flow indicators.
1. Install all the necessary oil lines and connect the oil supply.
2. Install the oil supply in the vicinity of the alternator so that the pipes to each bearing are
of similar length.
3. Test the oil supply before the pipes are connected to the bearings using flushing oil.
4. Check the oil filter and clean or replace if necessary. A replacement filter is not included
in the items supplied
5. Install the oil inlet pipes and connect them to the bearings.
6. Install the oil outlet pipes underneath the bearings with a minimum angle of 15°, which
corresponds to a fall of 250 - 300 mm/m (3-3,5 inch/foot).
The oil level in the bearings will increase if the fall on the pipes is inadequate; the oil flows too
slowly back to the oil tank from the bearings. This will result in malfunctions in the oil flow or
even oil leaks. Fill the oil supply with clean oil of the correct type and the correct viscosity.
Always use oil of the correct viscosity, stated on the outline drawing. If the type of oil is not
clear from the outline drawing, refer to the oil types in the lubricant list from the sleeve bearing
1. Switch on the oil supply and check the oil circuit for any leaks before starting the alternator.
2. The normal oil level is reached between one third and half of the oil sight glass. Check
the oil level only at standstill and at ambient temperature.
The bearings are supplied without lubricant. If the alternator is operated without lubricant,
immediate bearing damage will result.
Do not drill additional holes and threads. The alternator will be damaged. Hydrostatic System

Make sure that the hydrostatic system is running and functional before starting or coasting down
the alternator.
On the connection of the pipe to the hydrostatic connection for the bearing it must be ensured
that the connection on the bearing is not rotated. This connection must be locked using a
suitable tool during the installation of the pipe.
Sleeve bearings with hydrostatic lifting are used in critical cases to prevent damage due to

44 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections

metal contact on the bearing surfaces, hydrostatic systems ensure low bearing wear where the
alternator starts at low speeds, or with frequent starts/stops, high starting load or very long
coast-down times. For these application conditions, the use of hydrostatic systems is strongly
recommended by the manufacturer.
The maximum load bearing capacity of the system is defined by the maximum pump pressure.
The hydrostatic pump pressure is normally limited to 200 bar. Due to small lubrication gap at
the shaft surface in case of metal-on-metal contact, the pump pressure is highest at the start
of lifting. Lifting is associated with a noticeable pressure surge. As the lubrication gap increases
in size after lifting the shaft, the pressure drops as a function of the bearing geometry and the
volume of lubricant. The static pump pressure for supporting the shaft should be around 100
Refer to the order-specific documentation for the minimum speed for operating an alternator
without a hydrostatic system.

7.3 Connect Vibration Sensors

7.3.1 Rolling Bearings
Standard alternators with rolling bearings are equipped with bores for the connection of SPM
vibration sensors.

7.3.2 Sleeve Bearings

Standard alternators with sleeve bearings do not have any preparation for vibration sensors.
These can be supplied to special order.

7.4 Electrical Installation

7.4.1 General Information
Hazardous voltage.
Will shock burn or cause death.
Before installation make sure that the supply cables are disconnected from the power
system and that the cables are grounded.

The safety information in Chapter 2 must be observed at all times.

Plan the electrical installation thoroughly before implementation. Read the Circuit diagrams
supplied with the alternator thoroughly before starting the installation work. It is important that
the line voltage and frequency for all electrical equipment correspond to the values stated on
the related rating plate or in the circuit diagram.
The line voltage and the frequency must lie within the limits stated in the related standard. The
data must correspond to the data on the rating plate and be connected according to the circuit

7.4.2 Safety
Electrical work must be done by appropriately qualified specialist personnel. The following
safety instructions must be followed:
1. Switch off all units including ancillary equipment
2. Provide securing features to prevent unintentional switching back on
3. Make sure all parts are disconnected from their related power supply

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7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections 09-2019

4. Short all parts to protective ground and short-circuit the switching circuits
5. Cover all live parts and cordon off the surrounding area
6. If the secondary circuit is expanded with a current transformer, make sure that an open
circuit does not occur during use.

7.4.3 Moisture
The ability of air to absorb water is temperature-dependent. If the air temperature drops below
the saturation point, condensation may form on the winding insulation, as a result the electrical
resistance will drop. Further protective measures are necessary in a humid operating

7.4.4 Insulation Resistance

Measure the insulation resistance of alternators that have been stored or have not been
operated for an extended period, before initial commissioning.
1. Ground all parts to which the measuring voltage is not applied.
2. Before measuring the insulation resistance of the winding, disconnect all connections
(primary connection, measuring connection, connections to the control system, safety
circuit and interference suppression circuit).
3. During insulation measurements, measuring equipment and measuring wires must be
4. Before commissioning, measure the insulation resistance on the stator winding from
phase to phase and from phase to ground, and also measure the rotor winding to ground.
5. The measurement is to be done using 1 kV DC on low-voltage alternators (< 1 kV) or
using 5 kV on high-voltage alternators (≥ 1 kV).
Due to the capacitive charging of the winding, the measuring instrument only indicates the
correct value for the insulation resistance after 60 seconds.
• The winding section is to be grounded immediately after switching off the measuring
For excessively low insulation values:
1. Check insulation on the terminals for soiling and moisture.
2. Clean and dry terminals as necessary.
3. Repeat the insulation resistance measurements.
4. Damp windings can result in leakage currents, flashover or breakdowns. Damp windings
must be dried.
For low-voltage alternators with nominal voltage < 1 kV, as well as in the rotor winding, the
insulation resistance must be 5 MΩ at 25 °C.
For medium and high-voltage alternators with nominal voltage ≥ 1 kV the necessary insulation
resistance in MΩ is to be calculated using the equation
R ≥ 3 + 2 x UN U N
Where UN is the nominal voltage of the alternator in kV.
• As the windings are connected at the pillars or bars, these must be checked during the
insulation test and measurement.

46 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections

On all secondary connections and measuring connections, the maximum test voltage is
500 V DC. The insulation resistance must not be less than 5 MΩ

• The secondary connections, such as measuring connections to transducers, all

connections to the control system, safety circuits and interference suppression circuits
must be checked separately.
• Each of these connections must be checked separately on the terminal strip. During this
process the insulation resistance of the terminal strip must be measured.
If the insulation resistance on new, cleaned or repaired windings is less than 5 MΩ, the winding
must be dried.

7.4.5 Main Terminal Box

The inside of the main terminal box must be free of dirt, moisture and foreign bodies. The box
itself, the cable glands and unused cable entries must be sealed.
The main terminal box is attached to the top or side of the alternator. In the standard version
three of the four terminals are used for the power outputs U1, V1 and W1; the fourth is used
for forming the star point for the three ends of the windings U2, V2 and W2. In case of factory-
fitted current transformers, a copper bar forms the fourth terminal (N).
A connection feature for low-voltage connections such as a control system, temperature
sensor, heating or similar item is, depending on the size of the alternator, either on the bearing
plate on the B end or in a separate auxiliary terminal box on the stator housing.

7.4.6 Auxiliary Terminal Boxes

Auxiliary terminal boxes are attached to the alternator to suit the additional equipment and
customer needs; See the positions on the outline drawing.
The auxiliary terminal boxes are equipped with terminal blocks and cable glands. As standard,
the maximum cross-section of the conductors must not exceed 1.5 mm² (0.0024sq. in.) and
the voltage to 500 V. Existing cable glands are suitable for cables with a diameter of 10-16 mm
(0.4 inch-0.6 inch).

7.4.7 Isolation Distances for the Primary Line Connections

The connections for the primary line cables must be designed in accordance with the operating
To ensure lasting, trouble-free operation, the isolation distances and the creep path distances
must be adequately dimensioned. The minimum isolation distances and creep path distances
must comply or exceed the requirements defined by:
• Local regulations
• Standards
• Classification regulations
• Hazard zone classification

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7.4.8 Primary Line Cables

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock, burn or cause death.
Fasten the primary line cable connections correctly to ensure reliable operation. Prevent
vibration on the primary line cable connections. If necessary, use additional supports
approved by the manufacturer. Provide the manufacturer with the related information
during project planning.

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock burn or cause death.
Before installation make sure that the supply cables are disconnected from the power
system and that the cables are grounded.

The dimensions of the power cables must be designed for the rated current and comply with
local standards. The cable terminating fittings must be of a suitable type and be of the correct
size. Check the connections on all equipment.
Standard stator terminals are marked in accordance with IEC 60034-8 using the letters U, V
and W. The neutral terminal is marked with N. Insulation stripping, connecting and insulating
high-voltage cables must be done in accordance with the instructions from the cable
Fasten the cables so that the bus bar in the terminal box is not placed under mechanical load.
Compare the phase sequence with the circuit diagram and rating plate.
• Seal unused cable glands in the terminal box and alternator against the ingress of dust
and moisture so they cannot loosen.
• Re-tighten all contact screws and nuts to the specified torque.
• If sudden loads or alternator vibration are to be expected, fasten cables using cable clips
or cable racks.
• Make sure there is enough play at elastically mounted equipment.


48 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections

FIGURE 11. VIBRATION DAMPERS ON FOUNDATION. ENSURE FREE CABLE LENGTH. Recommendation for Power Cable Connection to the Customer's

• Connect the cables in accordance with DIN 46200
• Use approved screw locking elements for cable fastenings and only fit these to the
connection on one side of the clamped conductor
The other side of the clamped conductor is reserved for carrying the electrical power. Only use
washers or locking plates made of copper-zinc alloys (brass). Materials with equivalent
electrical and mechanical properties are also allowed. Recommendation for Bus Bar Connection to the Customer's

• Bus bar connection in accordance with DIN 46200
• Use approved screw locking elements for the bus fastenings and only fit these to the
connection on one side of the clamped conductor. The other side of the clamped
conductor is reserved for carrying the electrical power, for this reason it is only allowed to
use washers or locking plates made of copper-zinc alloys (brass).
• Materials with equivalent electrical and mechanical properties are also allowed.
Fasten the bus bar connections to the customer's system correctly to ensure reliable operation.
Prevent vibration on the bars. If necessary, use additional supports and decoupling approved
by the manufacturer. Provide the manufacturer with the related information during project
planning. Transducer Installation

Do not operate the alternator until any required transducer is installed. Interference Suppression

The alternators comply with the requirements of interference suppression class "N" in
accordance with VDE 0875.
For good interference suppression, pay attention to correct grounding with an appropriate
protective ground conductor with the stipulated minimum conductor length.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 49
7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections 09-2019 Connection of Additional Equipment and Instruments

Mark the terminals of additional equipment if they are live while the alternator itself is switched
Connect the instruments and the additional equipment as per the circuit diagram.
Refer to the circuit diagram supplied with the alternator before connecting the cables. The
connection and function of the additional equipment must be checked before commissioning. Grounding Connections

Connect grounding according to local regulations before the alternator is connected to the
supply voltage.
The alternator and related equipment must be connected to protective ground. The
connections to protective ground must be able to protect the alternator against damaging or
dangerous electrical potentials (voltage).
The manufacturer's liability does not cover damage as a consequence of incorrect grounding
or incorrect cabling in the customer's installation.

7.5 Criteria That Affect the Output Power

7.5.1 Design Criteria
The following criteria are used during design:
• Coolant temperature
• Installation altitude
• Degree of protection
• Type of cooling
• Power factor
• Ship classification

7.5.2 Effect of Coolant Temperature

Do not increase the output power above the rated output power specified in the order.
The limit temperature of the winding is definitive.

• If the cooling air temperature drops, the output power increases.

• If the cooling air temperature increases, the output power drops.
The parameters for the specific alternator selected, e.g. reactances, apply in general for
the rated output power defined (SN).


50 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections

7.5.3 Effect of Installation Altitude

As the density of air drops with increasing altitude, the ability of the air to absorb heat falls.
The output power must be reduced or a larger alternator must be selected.


• Figure Figure 12 on page 50 and Figure 13 on page 51 apply to SType: KT=40 °C,
installation altitude ≤ 1000 m, IP23, IC01)

7.5.4 Effect of Power Factor Cos Phi

The under-excited range from cos phi 0 to 1 is limited in case of:
• Individual operation due to the maintenance of the rated voltage by the voltage regulator.
• Operation in parallel with the line system due to stability against loss of synchronism.
The over-excited range is limited from:

• cos phi = 1 to the rated power factor by the output power of the prime mover
• cos phi = rated power factor to 0 by the permitted rotor heating


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7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections 09-2019

7.6 Electrical Behavior

7.6.1 Principle of Operation


G1 Primary machine
G2 Excitation machine
G3 Auxiliary windings
T6 Static transformer
T24 Measuring transformer
T32 Isolating transformer
R1 Set point adjuster

The auxiliary windings G3 supply the excitation winding of the brushless three-phase AC exciter
G2 with power via the control element of the voltage regulator.
The voltage generated in the three-phase winding in the excitation rotor is rectified in a bridge
circuit and fed to the rotor in the alternator G1.
The voltage of the primary alternator is controlled with changing loads by the voltage regulator
changing the excitation current in winding G2.

7.6.2 Voltage Regulator

The following voltage regulators can be installed in the alternator, depending on customer
• Cosimat N+
• Basler DECS 100; 125, 200
• ABB Unitrol 1000; 1010, 1020
• It is also possible to procure the alternator without a voltage regulator.
• The description of the voltage regulator is in the Appendix.

52 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections

7.6.3 Self-excitation, De-excitation Self-excitation
The following options are available:
• For alternators with auxiliary windings, self-excitation is provided by permanent magnets
in the excitation machine.
• In special cases, excitation can also be initiated using an external voltage of approx. 10
Do not switch on external excitation when the alternator is stationary. De-excitation
Hazardous voltage.
Will shock, burn or cause death.
When working on electrical systems be cautious because of the voltages. The value of the
residual voltage is above the permitted physical contact voltage. Ensure that you adhere
to the circuit diagram and use appropriate PPE.

The interruption must always be made on the regulator supply side (see order-specific
documentation). For de-excitation the current in winding J1K1 on the excitation machine G2
must be reduced to zero.
• Disconnect power supply to the regulator by removing the jumpers or using a switch as
per the circuit diagram.
• The switch contacts must be designed for 10 A and 230 V AC.
Follow the information in the related circuit diagram. After de-excitation the alternator continues
to generate a residual voltage of approx. 15% of UN at the rated speed.

7.6.4 Voltage and Frequency

Manufacturer offers alternators with a voltage to a maximum of 15 kV for 50 or 60 Hz.
The voltage and frequency range are defined in accordance with IEC/EN 60034-1 zone A or
zone B.
See the rating plate and the technical specification for your specific alternator. Voltage Adjustment Range

Depending on the voltage regulator used, the alternators can be supplied with set point control
for installation in the switch panel. Static Voltage Behavior

The voltage accuracy is ± 0.5% to ± 1% under the following conditions:
• No-load to nominal load cos phi 0.1 …1
• Cold and warm machine
• Speed drop of 3% Transient Voltage Behavior

The voltage change on a sudden load fluctuation depends on the reactance voltage drop of
the alternator G1.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 53
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The magnetic circuit and the winding are designed for low transient voltage changes.
External disturbance variables for the transient voltage change are:

• The relative current transient

• The power factor
With a basic load the transient voltage change is slightly lower than on the alternator with no
On the application of full load with cos phi 0.8 the transient voltage change is approx. 18 to
• Refer to the order-specific data sheet for the exact values.
The time constants of the alternator G1, the excitation machine G2 and the control system
used, along with the dynamic speed drop as an external effect define the change in the voltage
over time.
Up to the rated voltage, the excess excitation provided by the supply equipment is effective on
switching in loads. As a result, the generously dimensioned excitation system achieves short
stabilization times.
This aspect affects the control properties.
The thermal design for continuous operation is for cos phi rated power factor. The normal
operating range is from cos phi (rated power factor normally = 0.8) to cos phi=1.

FIGURE 16. EXAMPLE OF AN ALTERNATOR H 50I/8; 3300 KVA; 11 KV; 50 HZ; 750 MIN-1
SWITCHING IN 1000 KVA; COS ⱷ = 0.1

FIGURE 17. EXAMPLE OF AN ALTERNATOR H 50I/8; 3300 KVA; 11 KV; 50 HZ; 750 MIN-1

54 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections Voltage Waveform Shape

The design of the magnetic circuit, the stator winding, the rotor contour and the form of the air
gap result in a sinusoidal voltage waveform.
The definitions for the evaluation of the waveform shape are:
• Telephone Harmonic Factor "THF"
• Total Harmonic Distortion "THD"
Here the requirements as per IEC 60034 are reliably met.

7.6.5 Currents Asymmetrical Loading
The electrical design of the alternator also permits asymmetrical loading.
For an asymmetrical load without loading on the other phases, the following are allowed as
per IEC 60034-1.
1. I2/IN ≤ 8% continuous, where no stator current exceeds the rated current.
2. (I2/IN)²*t ≤ 20 s for transient processes. Overload
• The alternator is sized for 1.5 times rated current for 30 s duration.
• In line with the specifications for combustion engines, an overload of 1.1 times rated
current for 1 hour is permitted once within 6 hours.
• The excitation system permits a brief overload up to 1.8 times rated current for approx.
10 s.
This short-term overload capability is available, e.g. for starting currents for
asynchronous motors. Short-circuit Behavior

The alternators are designed so that the transient voltage behavior is compliant with the
requirements provided to the manufacturer. This behavior then defines the short-circuit
• Depending on the size of the alternator, the current decays to the sustained short circuit
current within 0.3 to 0.6 s
The primary components are sized so that the alternator is able to supply 2.5-3 times the rated
current for 5 s in case of a three-phase terminal short circuit.
• For a two-phase short circuit the sustained short circuit current is a factor of 1.4 to 1.7
times higher. In this way protective devices for the reliable selective isolation of the line
system can be allocated.

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Loads with non-linear load currents (e.g. rectifiers) cause harmonics on the voltage waveform.
The total harmonic distortion on the voltage waveform must be kept as low as possible to
reduce the losses that occur as a result in the alternator and in the system, and to ensure the
correct function of the electrical equipment connected. Standby Regulator

For increased reliability if the electronic voltage regulator fails, it is possible to manually or
automatically switch the alternator using a standby regulator.
The entire regulator unit, including:
1. Main regulator
2. Standby regulator
3. Manual or automatic change-over circuits must be installed in the switchgear. Star Point Treatment of Neutral Conductor Current

Alternators can be operated with a solidly grounded star point or with an ungrounded star point.
The type of star point grounding is defined by the protection concept and not by the alternator.
Different possibilities for star point grounding (neutral conductor grounding):
• Low impedance (solid) grounding
• High impedance grounding
• Ungrounded star point

A double ground fault behaves in all circumstances like a short circuit. Low Impedance (Solid) Grounding

Differential protection for fast detection is stipulated. On grounding several star points high
equalization currents occur due to harmonics; these currents place high thermal loads on the
windings and above all on the neutral conductor.
• To reduce these currents, neutral conductor chokes are required.
Very high currents can occur for an earth fault on a phase.
• The high earth fault currents cause burning in the core and damage to the alternator
56 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections High Impedance Grounding

In case of high impedance grounding the fault current is limited by an appropriately
dimensioned neutral conductor grounding resistor. The maximum possible ground current is
to be limited to 5 A by grounding resistors. As neutral conductor grounding resistors are mostly
designed for brief operation, selective protective devices must be provided.
In the worst case the winding insulation in the alternator is loaded with a voltage to ground
increased by the factor √3. Do not sustain a fault current longer than 2 hours, or accelerated
aging of the winding insulation will occur. Ungrounded Star Points

In case of a ground fault in ungrounded line systems a fault current does not occur.
The winding insulation in the alternator is the loaded with a voltage to ground higher by the
factor √3.
Do not sustain a fault current longer than 2 hours, or accelerated aging of the winding insulation
will occur.
If the alternator is to be operated in these conditions for an extended period, the winding must
be designed with a higher insulation class.

7.7 Parallel Operation

7.7.1 General
The parallel operation of the required number of units enables good efficiency and optimal
The reliability is increased. In case of a failure of one unit and appropriate configuration, the
other units can take over the output power.

7.7.2 Parallel Switching Conditions

The alternators to be switched in parallel and line system must comply with the synchronization
conditions, i.e. the alternators must be the same in relation to the following criteria:
1. Voltage
2. Frequency
3. Phase sequence
4. Phase position
Permissible tolerances before connecting are:
1. Voltage difference taking into account the phase position: maximum 2% of UN
2. Frequency difference: maximum 0.6% of fN
To avoid incorrect synchronization, a synchronization control unit in the switch panel should
only enable the circuit breaker once the synchronization conditions described are met. After
switching in parallel the effective and reactive load distribution must be balanced.

7.7.3 Island Parallel Operation

• The prime movers define the effective load distribution.
• The voltage behavior of the alternators defines the reactive load distribution.
The following methods of reactive load distribution are to be used:

1. Voltage droop
2. Power factor regulation
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 57
7 Mechanical and Electrical Connections 09-2019 Voltage Droop

Terminal voltage is reduced as a function of the reactive current.
The distribution of the reactive load proportional to the rated output power of the alternators
requires the same voltage droop.
• For adjustment to other makes the voltage droop can be continuously adjusted from 0%
to a maximum of 6% of the nominal voltage.
• For stable parallel operation the voltage droop is set in the factory to 3% at nominal
current and cos phi 0.1.
This basic setting results in the following voltage droop curve:

0% at cos phi = 1
1.3% at cos phi = 0.9
1.8% at cos phi = 0.8
3% at cos phi = 0.1

7.7.4 Operation in Parallel with the Line System

As the line system has a much higher short circuit power than the alternators in the majority of
cases, the number of units operating in parallel is irrelevant. As a result there is no significant
effect as a result of this configuration.
Voltage fluctuations emanate largely from the line system.
In case of operation in parallel with the line system a power factor regulator is to be used.
As a result the power factor set remains constant in case of line voltage fluctuations as well as
with varying alternator loads.
If a specific power factor is required at the line transition point, the current transformer for the
power factor regulator must be arranged at this point. Power Factor Regulation

This process is used for operation in parallel with the line system. For the Cosimat N+, an
additional regulator for power factor regulation controls the alternator voltage regulator. This
additional regulator, in the alternator or in the switchgear, is used to maintain the power factor
set point.
• For digital voltage regulators (e.g. DECS, Unitrol 1000) the power factor regulator is
As a result, the alternator current has also to be monitored at the alternator terminals as a
function of the power factor.

58 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
8 Commissioning and Starting
8.1 General
The commissioning report is an important document for future servicing and maintenance of
the alternator as well as any troubleshooting. Commissioning can only be considered complete
once an adequate commissioning report has been prepared and archived.
It is imperative that the commissioning report is submitted on making claims under the
warranty. For contact information see Section 12.2 on page 116.

8.2 Check the Mechanical Installation

1. Before commissioning check the alignment of the alternator.
2. Review the alignment report and make sure that the alternator is aligned in accordance
with the manufacturer's alignment specification (see Section 6.4 on page 36)
3. The alignment report must always be included with the commissioning report. Make sure
the alternator is correctly anchored on the foundation.
4. Check the foundation for cracks and its general condition.
5. Make sure the fastening screws are tightened to the correct torque.
6. Check the direction of rotation of the alternator, looking at the alternator shaft DE.
7. Make sure the lubrication system is operational and running before the rotor is turned.
8. On alternators with rolling bearings turn the rotor by hand (before the alternator has been
coupled) and make sure it rotates freely and no abnormalities, e.g. scraping or grating
noises can be heard.
9. Check the installation of the main terminal box and the cooling system.
10. Check the ambient conditions and the function of the cooling system.
11. Check the connections for the oil and cooling water lines and check them for leaks during
12. Check the pressure and the flow of oil.
13. Check the pressure and the flow of cooling water.

8.3 Check the Electrical Installation

Before the alternator is started for the first time, after an extended period at standstill or during
general servicing work, measure the insulation resistance, see Section 7.4.4 on page 46.

8.4 Controller and Protective Equipment

8.4.1 General
If the alternator shuts down or in the event of an alarm, the reason must be found and corrected
before re-starting the alternator. The alternator is equipped with several resistive temperature
sensors (PT100/PT1000) in order to avoid overheating of the alternator. These sensors must
be connected to a temperature monitoring and protection system.
The temperature alarm level for resistive temperature sensors must be set as low as possible.
The level can be determined based on test results or the operating temperature measured.
The temperature alarm can be set 5 - 10 K (11 - 20 °F) higher than the operating temperature
of the alternator with maximum load at the highest possible ambient temperature.
If a temperature monitoring system with two functions is used, the lower level is normally used
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 59
8 Commissioning and Starting 09-2019

as the alarm level and the higher level as the shutdown level.

8.4.2 Stator Winding Temperature

Standard stator windings are manufactured in accordance with temperature rise class F for
MV and HV alternator types and class H for LV alternator types. See Table 9 f or maximum
A high temperature will result in the insulation aging more quickly and shortening the service
life of the windings. Take this into account when defining the limits for alarm triggering and
thermal shut down.

8.4.3 Maximum Temperature Setting

Carefully consider the application environment when setting the shutdown values during
commissioning. After a test run at nominal load for approx. 3-4 hours, the temperature sensors
must be set approx. 5 K above the values measured. During this process make sure that the
maximum possible cooling air temperature is taken into account.
This statement applies in particular to the temperature monitoring for the rolling
bearings/sleeve bearings, as a temperature increase is normally indicative of a bearing
damage. Warning and shut down levels must be set close to the nominal temperature.
Do not exceed the temperatures stated in Table 9 on page 60.

8.4.4 Maximum Settings for the Stator Temperature


Insulation class Warning °C Shutdown °C

Heating to B 115 120
Heating to F 140 145
Heating to H 165 170

8.4.5 Monitoring the Bearing Temperature General
The bearings can be equipped with temperature sensors to monitor the bearing temperatures.
The viscosity of the grease or oil used reduces at a higher temperature. If the viscosity
becomes too low, it is no longer possible to form a film of lubricant in the bearing and the
bearing will be damaged which in turn will damage the shaft.
If the alternator is equipped with resistive temperature sensors, monitor the temperature of the
bearings continuously. If the temperature of a bearing starts to increase unexpectedly, the
alternator must be shut down immediately, as the temperature increase may be indicative of a
bearing failure. Maximum Temperature Settings for Bearings for all types
If not stated otherwise on the outline drawing, the following warning and shutdown limits

60 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 8 Commissioning and Starting



Bearing class Warning °C Shutdown °C

Rolling bearings 75 90

Rolling bearings for alternators

ordered for a rated ambient 85 90
temperature >= 55°C

Sleeve bearings 87 90 Protective Systems

The alternator must be protected against malfunctions, failures and overloads that could
damage the alternator. The protection must comply with the requirements and regulations in
the specific country in which the alternator is used. The manufacturer of the alternator is not
responsible for the adjustment of the protective systems.

8.5 First Run

8.5.1 General
The first test start is a standard procedure after installation and alignment, making mechanical
and electrical connections, commissioning and activation of protective systems. The first start
must be made without load.

8.5.2 Before Starting

Before the first test start the alternator and its equipment are visually inspected. Make sure
that all the necessary work, checks and settings have been made.
Before the first test start the following checks and measures prior are to be made:
1. Check the coupling and the coupling guard for correct assembly and loose parts.
2. Check that any fitted grounding brushes are free to move and are in contact with the shaft.
3. The sleeve bearings and, if required, the oil supply system must have been filled with the
stipulated oil to the correct level. Then switch on the oil supply system, if necessary.
4. In case of water-cooled alternators, place in operation the water cooling circuit. Check the
flanges and cooling unit for leaks.
5. Compare the wiring and the bus bar connections with the circuit diagram.
6. Check grounding connections and grounding systems.
7. Check start, stop, protective and alarm relays in each system.
8. Check the insulation resistance of the windings and other equipment.
9. Fit the covers to the alternator.
10. Clean alternator and surrounding area.
11. Check that no loose parts (bolts etc.) are in the terminal box. If so, these must be removed.
12. Check the fan rotation direction.
13. Check the rotating parts do not touch any fixed components.

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8 Commissioning and Starting 09-2019

8.5.3 Starting
First check the direction of rotation of the alternator on starting for the first time. If external fan
motors are installed, check the direction of rotation. Check that the rotating parts do not touch
any fixed components.
If the alternator does not have a fixed bearing and the alternator is started with a flexible
coupling, it is normal for the shaft to move axially before it stabilizes. If installed, check the
adjustment indicator and correct the alignment in case of errors (see Section 6.4 on page 36).

8.5.4 Direction of Rotation of the alternator and External

The alternator must be operated with the direction of rotation stated on the rating plate. Check
the direction of rotation of the alternator based on the outline drawing.

Check the direction of rotation of any external motors installed (pumps, fans etc.). The direction
of rotation is given by an arrow near the motor.

8.5.5 Ground Fault Monitoring

• Check the function of the ground fault monitoring.
• If the alternator has a brush lifting device, check its position and function. Refer to
Section on page 98.

8.6 Operate the Alternator for the First Time

8.6.1 Monitoring During Operation
During operation for the first time check whether the alternator is functioning correctly.
Constantly monitor the amount of vibration, the temperature of the windings, bearings and
• Check the operating load on the alternator by comparing the load current with the value
stated on the alternator rating plate. Check the Excitation

1. Check voltage rise during automatic operation.
2. Check regulation range of the automatic voltage regulation.
3. Check regulation range of the voltage with manual excitation.
4. Check switching from voltage regulation to current regulation with manual excitation. Check the Synchronization Chain

The synchronization check is made in 2 stages.
1st stage:

The two measuring circuits in the synchronization chain are supplied from the same source.
Check the following points:
1. The zero point for the synchronoscope
2. The zero indication on the differential voltmeter
3. The frequency meter
2nd stage:

62 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 8 Commissioning and Starting

One measuring transformers is supplied from the alternator and the other from the line system
to compare the related rotating fields. Full Load Test

After stabilization, the following must be measured:
1. Stator winding
2. Cold air - warm air
3. Bearing on coupling end AS (DE)
4. Bearing on opposite end to the coupling BS (NDE)
5. Vibration measurement on the alternator bearings (see Section 10.5 on page 82). High-speed De-excitation

High-speed de-excitation is only necessary in case of certain malfunctions. For example, false
synchronization or if the alternator is suddenly separated from the mains.
De-excitation switches are not included in the items supplied.

8.7 Check the alternator in Operation

During the initial days of operation, it is important to monitor the alternator carefully for changes
in vibration, temperature or abnormal noises.

8.7.1 Bearings Alternators with Rolling Bearings
• Do not re-grease the alternator during commissioning.
• If the alternator has been protected against corrosion, remove the corrosion protection
before starting for the first time.
The type of grease used originally is stated on the rating plate on the alternator. Refer to the
allowed grease types in Section on page 88, types of greases.
The temperature of the bearings increases at the start due to excess grease. After a few hours
the excess grease is driven out and the temperature of the bearing drops to the normal
operating level. See Section on page 88
Adhere strictly to the re-lubrication interval. The interval between two lubrication intervals must
not exceed 12 months under any circumstances. After the alternator has been operated for
several hours, measure the vibration and record the values for subsequent reference. Alternators with Sleeve Bearings

Make sure that no rotating parts rub on fixed parts. For self-lubricating bearings, check the oil
level in the oil sight glass at standstill and at ambient temperature. It must be in the area from
one third to half of the oil sight glass (see Figure 21 on page 86).
Continuously check the temperature and oil level in the bearings at the start. This is particularly
important with self-lubricating bearings. If the temperature of the bearing suddenly increases,
the alternator must be stopped immediately and the cause of the temperature increase
corrected, before the alternator is started again. If no logical reason is found using the
measuring equipment, open the bearings and check their state.
During the warranty period the manufacturer is always to be informed before measures are
For self-lubricating bearings, check the rotation of the oil lubrication ring through the inspection

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 63
8 Commissioning and Starting 09-2019

window on the top of the bearing. If the oil lubrication ring is not rotating, stop the alternator
immediately to avoid bearing damage.
In case of alternators with external lubrication, the oil supply is provided by external units. See
documentation on the oil supply.
The use of higher supply pressures and increased flow rates will not provide any advantage
and may result in leaks. The viscosity of the oil, the flow rates and the maximum oil inlet
temperature are stated on the outline drawing.
The lubrication system must be designed so that the pressure in the bearing corresponds to
atmospheric pressure (external pressure). Air pressure that enters the bearing via inlet or outlet
pipes will result in oil leaks.

8.7.2 Vibration
You will find a detailed description of the vibration in Section 10.5 on page 82.

8.7.3 Temperature Level

Check the temperatures of the bearings, stator windings and cooling air with the alternator
running. (See Section 8.4.3 on page 60)
The winding and bearing temperatures only reach a stable temperature after several hours at
maximum load.
The temperature of the stator winding depends on the load on the alternator. If it is not possible
to achieve full load during or just after commissioning, the actual and temperature values must
be recorded and noted in the commissioning report.
1. Record the temperatures at the temperature sensors for the windings and if necessary
for the bearings.
2. Check the temperature frequently to ensure it remains below the limits.
3. Continous temperature monitoring is required.

8.7.4 Heat Exchanger

• Before starting, make sure the connections are secure and there are no leaks in the
After the alternator has run for a time it is necessary to check the cooling system.
• Make sure the coolant and, if necessary, the air can circulate without hindrance.

8.8 Shut Down the alternator

The procedure to shut down the alternator depends on the application. Before commissioning
clarify the concept for the shutdown procedure with the manufacturer of the drive unit and the
However, it is recommended to:
1. Reduce, if necessary, the load in the load system
2. Disconnect the alternator from the line system
3. Make sure there is no condensation in the alternator.
4. Switch on any anti-condensation heaters, if these are not switched automatically by the
5. For water-cooled alternators, interrupt the flow of cooling water to prevent condensation
inside the alternator.

64 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
9 Operation
9.1 General

Hot Surfaces.
Will burn.
Use PPE and measure the temperature of the surfaces before touching them.

Alternator overload can result in serious damage.

Always observe the safety precautions.

To ensure trouble-free operation, the alternator must be carefully serviced and monitored.
Before starting the alternator, ensure the following:

1. Check the sleeve bearings for the correct oil and oil level according to the technical data
and the outline drawing
2. All cooling systems are operating
3. Check the alternator and all attachments for leaks, soiling or damage
4. Check that there is no servicing work in progress
5. The operators and the system are ready for the machine start.
In case of deviations from the normal operating state, e.g. raised temperatures, noise or
vibration, shut down the alternator and find the cause. If in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

9.2 Normal Operating Conditions

The alternator is designed for operation in normal operating conditions according to the order
specification and manufacturer's internal regulations.

9.3 Number of Starts

The number of starts and shutdown processes in succession depends on the design of the
alternator. If in doubt, contact the manufacturer for this information.
Use a counter to check the number of starts. The servicing intervals are based on the related
operating hours, see Chapter 10 on page 71.

9.4 Monitoring
Check the alternator at regular intervals. Abnormal operating conditions must be investigated.
The objective of monitoring inspection is to make operating personnel familiar with the system.
This aspect is very important for the timely identification and rectification of deviations and
malfunctions. Normal operational monitoring includes logging the operating data such as load,
temperatures and vibration. This data forms a useful basis for servicing and maintenance.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 65
9 Operation 09-2019

During the initial operating period (up to 200 hours) monitor the alternator particularly
intensively. Check the temperature of the bearings and windings, the load, the current, the
cooling, the lubrication and vibration several times a day.
In the subsequent weeks and months (200-1000 hours) a daily check is sufficient. Record the
results of the check in the inspection report and archive it at the operating organization.
Subsequently, the interval between the inspections can be further extended if operation is
continuous and stable.

9.4.1 Bearings
Monitor bearing temperatures (see Section 8.4.5 on page 60) and lubrication (see Section
10.6 on page 85).

9.4.2 Vibration
Monitor the vibration level in the alternator. See Section 10.5 on page 82.

9.4.3 Stator Temperatures

Check the temperatures of the stator windings and cooling air with the alternator running.

9.4.4 Heat Exchangers

Make sure the connections are secure and there are no leaks in the system. Make sure the
coolant and, if necessary, the air can circulate freely. (See Section 10.9.3 on page 99).

9.4.5 Slip Ring Units

Monitor the wear on the carbon brushes and replace them before the wear limit is reached.
(See Section 10.8.7 on page 97).

9.4.6 Documentation of Operation

The documentation of operation includes logging the operating data including the load,
temperatures and vibration. This data forms a useful basis for servicing and maintenance.

9.5 Shutting Down

Hazardous voltage.
Will shock, burn or cause death.
Use appropriate PPE and make sure that no voltage is present. There may be electrical
power present in the auxiliary terminal box for the anti-condensation heater.

See Section 8.8 on page 64.

66 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 9 Operation

9.6 Anti-condensation Heaters

Anti-condensation heaters increase the air temperature in the area of the windings to prevent
the formation of condensation. Ideally the anti-condensation heater switches on automatically
when switching off the alternator.

9.7 Flashover Pressure Protection


If a flashover pressure event occurs in the terminal box, it is imperative that the entire
alternator is inspected without delay.

It is not sufficient to simply renew the flashover protection. A protective system for pressure
relief is installed in B.E.M Power alternators; this system limits the extent of damage due to an
event in the terminal box. A pressure event can occur if a fault causes flashover in the terminal
box. During this process air and other materials suddenly expand to several times their initial
volume due to the extremely high temperature.
Flashover protection attempts to reduce the pressure caused by this reaction in a defined
manner using predetermined breaking points so that the effects of the event can be minimized.
The objective is to exclude a hazard for personnel.
For this purpose a predefined breaking point for pressure relief is integrated into the sleeve on
the terminal box. This feature consists of four individual plates that are arranged to form a
square plate, or a metal film. The flashover protection is mounted pointing towards the
alternator to prevent harm to any person nearby and to minimize any debris thrown out.
The flashover protection must be sealed so that the required degree of protection is achieved,
but the pressure relief function is not affected.


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9 Operation 09-2019

9.8 Firefighting and Extinguishing Agents

9.8.1 General

If a flashover pressure event occurs in the terminal box, it is imperative that the entire
alternator is inspected without delay.

Pay attention to the generally applicable and national safety distances to electrical systems,
e.g. DIN VDE 0132 (Fire-fighting in the area of electrical systems). Make sure regular
inspection and tests are done.
Pay attention to the generally applicable and national health and safety regulations.
During extinguishing tasks in electrical systems and in their vicinity, take precautions to
prevent an electric shock hazard for the fire fighters or operators.
This requirement also involves:
• The use of suitable tools and equipment, e.g.
• Insulated tools
• Grounding rods
• Short circuiting devices
• Insulating covers
• Insulating protective trim panels
The minimum distances required between extinguishing agent outlet opening and live parts
of the electrical system are intended to protect the personnel undertaking the extinguishing
task against the direct effects of electrical power during the extinguishing task.

9.8.2 Extinguishing Agents

The following can be used as extinguishing agents:
• Water
• Foam
• Powder
• Carbon dioxide
Select the extinguishing agents taking into account their suitability and use limitations.
While taking into consideration the disadvantages for fighting the fire as well as for the general
public, shutdowns are only to be made with the agreement of the operating organization.
Extinguishing agents must only be used in the area of live electrical systems if the minimum
distances to be maintained have been determined by the operating organization as a
preparatory measure. Extinguishing Agent - Water

Fires in the area of electrical systems are to be fought using a spray jet as far as possible.
In case of water containing other substances, such as wetting agents or elements that
increase the conductivity, such as sea water and the like, conductive coatings on insulators
are possible.

68 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 9 Operation Extinguishing Agent - Foam

Low voltage systems:
Foam must only be used on electrically isolated systems; neighboring systems are also to be
electrically isolated, if necessary. The use of type-tested extinguishing equipment approved
for use in electrical systems is excluded from this limitation.
High voltage systems:
Foam must only be used on electrically isolated systems, without exception; neighboring parts
of systems are also to be electrically isolated, if necessary. Extinguishing Agent - Powder

Coatings of extinguishing foam can be conductive in higher electrical field strengths, created
by high voltage (voltage above 1 kV) under the effect of temperature, moisture and humidity,
and currents similar to short circuits can flow. The resulting arc faults represent a mortal
danger for persons in the vicinity and hazard for the system. For this reason extinguishing
powders must only be used if these systems are dry.
Avoid indirect hazards, to the persons in the vicinity and the high voltage system itself, due
to conductive coatings.
Only use extinguishing powder that does not form coatings that are difficult to clean (e.g.
vitrifiable coatings with ABC powder) on the parts of the system. Avoid the use of
extinguishing powder in the area of system sensitive to dust (such as measuring and control
systems, distribution cabinets with contactors and relays etc. Extinguishing Agent - Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Suffocation by carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and causes asphyxiation from 8% by volume.
Caution on use in small, poorly ventilated rooms. Pay attention to the warning information
on the extinguishing equipment.

Carbon dioxide is not electrically conducting and does not leave any residue. It can be used
on live systems without restriction.

9.8.3 Cleaning After Fire-fighting

Never place alternators or systems back in operation that have not been cleaned adequately
and their function fully checked.

Extinguishing agent residue can have a highly corrosive effect on parts of the alternator.
Contact the manufacturer of the extinguishing agent for information on suitable measures
to counteract this effect and regularly check their effectiveness.

After all necessary measures for firefighting, immediately start to remove extinguishing agent
Also check if parts of a system not directly affected by a fire may have been damaged or
soiled by extinguishing agent.
The manufacturer does not provide any warranty on alternators and their attachments if these
are soiled by extinguishing agent.

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9 Operation 09-2019

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70 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
10 Service and Maintenance
10.1 Preventive Servicing
An alternator is often an important element of a larger installation.
If the alternator is correctly monitored and serviced, the alternator will function correctly and
reliably for a long time.
The purpose of the servicing is therefore:
• To ensure that the alternator operates reliably and without anomalies or interruptions
• To be able to plan the necessary maintenance work in advance to minimize the
The normal monitoring during operation includes the recording of operating data, e.g. load,
temperature and vibration, as well as checking for correct lubrication and measuring the
insulation resistances.
During the first days and weeks after commissioning or undertaking maintenance measures,
the alternator must be monitored intensively. The temperature of the bearings and windings,
the load, the current, the cooling, the lubrication and vibration are to be checked regularly.
This section contains recommendations in relation to a servicing schedule as well as
instructions for normal servicing tasks. These instructions and recommendations are to be
read carefully and used as the basis during the planning of the servicing schedule. Please
note that the servicing recommendations stated in this section represent a minimum. More
intensive maintenance and monitoring will increase the reliability and service life of the
alternator. The servicing should be intensified if there are local conditions with high
requirements or extreme reliability is required. Manufacturer Service will be pleased to assist
you in case of questions on the specific requirements categorization or servicing
The data recorded during the monitoring and servicing will make it easier to foresee and plan
further measures. If you detect anomalies, the instructions in troubleshooting will assist you
in the location of the causes.
We recommend the use of checklists (in the Appendix) for the preparation of servicing
schedules. The actual servicing as well as any troubleshooting must be done by specialist
personnel. Manufacturer Service will be pleased to provide assistance with this task. You will
find the related contact information at the start of the documentation.
A key element of the preventive servicing is the availability of a selection of suitable service
parts. To be able to have quick access to crucial service parts in case of need, you should
keep a basic range in stock.

10.2 Safety Precautions

Hazardous voltage, will shock, burn or cause death.
When the alternator rotor turns, the exciter generates a voltage.
Prevent the rotor turning before you open the terminal box. Never open the terminal box
or touch the unprotected terminals while the alternator rotor is rotating. Follow safety
instructions at the start of the manual. See Chapter 2 on page 3.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 71
10 Service and Maintenance 09-2019

Hazardous voltages, rotating parts and hot surfaces will shock, burn or cause loss of limbs
or death.
Before starting work on the unit, it is to be shut down and locked. During the work make
sure that a potentially explosive atmosphere is not produced and is not present.

Qualified, specialist personnel trained in the necessary servicing procedures and tests are to
be tasked with the servicing of the electrical system and the installation.
For general safety information, see safety instructions at the start of the manual. See on page
3. Before starting any work on electrical systems, take general electrical safety precautions
and follow local regulations to prevent injuries. This action should be taken in accordance with
the instructions from the operating organization's safety personnel.
Safety rules before starting work:
1. Switch off
2. Lock out
3. Check all lines and equipment are dead
4. Ground and short-circuit phases
5. Cover, partition and screen off adjacent line sections.

10.3 Recommended Servicing Schedule

This section represents a recommended servicing schedule. The servicing should be
intensified if there are local conditions with extreme requirements or extreme reliability is
required. It is also highlighted that even on following this servicing schedule, the normal
monitoring and observation of the state of the alternator are required.
Please note that in the servicing schedule below, accessory parts may be mentioned that are
not present on all alternators, even though the schedules have been adapted to this alternator.
The servicing schedule is based on four servicing intervals; the related intervals are dependent
on the operating hours. The amount of effort required and the downtimes vary:
Servicing interval 8000 operating hours
This servicing interval includes visual inspections and minor servicing work. The purpose of
the servicing is to check whether problems are developing before they result in failures and
unplanned interruptions for servicing. The service inspection also identifies further measures.
The servicing is dependent on the type and the installation of the alternator as well as the
feasibility of undertaking the inspection. The tools for this servicing work are normal servicing
The servicing is to be done after an interval of 8,000 equivalent operating hours or one year
after commissioning or servicing at the latest.
Servicing interval 25000 operating hours
This servicing interval can require the removal of alternator components. The purpose of this
servicing is to check inaccessible components to safeguard long-term operation.
The servicing is dependent on the type and the installation of the alternator as well as the
feasibility of undertaking the inspection. The tools for this servicing include special servicing
The servicing is to be done after an interval of 25,000 equivalent operating hours or three years
after commissioning or servicing at the latest.

72 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 10 Service and Maintenance

Servicing interval 50000 operating hours

This servicing interval can require the removal of alternator components. The purpose of this
servicing is to check inaccessible components to safeguard long-term operation.
The servicing is dependent on the type and the installation of the alternator as well as the
feasibility of undertaking the inspection. The tools for this servicing include special servicing
The servicing is to be done after an interval of 50000 equivalent operating hours or 6 years
after commissioning at the latest.
Servicing interval 100000 operating hours
This servicing interval requires a complete alternator overhaul.
The purpose of this servicing is to equip the alternator for continued long-term operation.
The servicing is dependent on the type and the installation of the alternator. The servicing can
only be done by appropriately qualified personnel.
The servicing is to be done after an interval of 100000 equivalent operating hours after

10.3.1 Alternator
SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Machine operation - Starting,
shutting down, vibration
measurement * X X * X X

General overhaul * X
Coupling and foundation -
Specially cracks, rust, alignment * X X X X

Paint finish - Rust, condition X X X X

Screw joints - Strength of all
screw joints X X X X
Foundation screws - Fastening,
condition X X X X
Grounding - Connection,
function X X X X
Vibration X X X X

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 73
10 Service and Maintenance 09-2019

10.3.2 Main Electrical Connections

Servicing Work Type Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During commissioning
Alternator in operation

Test and measure

Visual inspection

Repair or replace

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Main electrical cables - Wear,
fastening X X X X
Main electrical cables -
Oxidation, fastening, cracks,
Main electrical connections

screw joints X X X X

Main electrical connections -

Insulation, resistance X X X X
Main electrical cables - Strain
relief X X X X
Regulator - Function X X X X
Current transformers, voltage
transformers, isolators - General
condition, fastening, X X X X
Cable routes - Condition of the
cables to the alternator and in
the alternator X X X X

74 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 10 Service and Maintenance

10.3.3 Stator and Rotor

SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Interval

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Test and measure

Visual inspection

Repair or replace

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Stator - Fastening, cracks, weld
seams X X X
Insulation resistance of the
stator and rotor winding - Wear,
cleanliness, insulation
resistance. Disconnect the
varistors while measuring the
insulation resistance of rotor X X * X X
Stator winding assembly -
Damage to insulation X * X X
Exciter stator - rotor insulation
Resistance X X X
Rectifier carrier - Fastening,
cable, diodes, varistors,
resistors X X * X X
Stator and rotor

Auxiliary windings - Resistance

measurement X X X
Stator slot wedges - Movement;
firm seating X X
Stator terminals - Fastening,
insulation X X X X
Instrumentation - Condition of
the cables and cable ties X X X
Rotor winding insulation - Wear,
cleanliness, insulation
resistance X X * X X

Anti-condensation heaters -
Operation, insulation resistance X X * X X
Shaft position axial alignment X * X X
Connections on the rotor -
Fastening, general condition X X X
Grounding brushes - Operation
and general condition * X O X

Fan - Soiling, condition X X X

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10.3.4 Accessories
SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Resistive Temperature

Detectors PT-100/PT1000
elements (stator, air cooling, * X X X
bearings) - Resistance
Auxiliary terminal box - General
condition, terminals, condition of
wiring X X * X X

10.3.5 Slip Ring Units

SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

X = required 100,000 hours

* = if necessary

O= see rating
Assembly - Fastening,
insulation, connections * X * * X X
Slip Ring Units

Brush holder - Alignment,

function X X * * X X
Brushes - Wear, function X X * X X
Slip ring wiring X X X
Slip rings - Wear, roundness,
patina X X X

76 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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10.3.6 Lubrication System and Rolling Bearings

SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Bearings - During operation;
general condition, noise,
vibration X X X X X
Lubrication system and Rolling bearings

Bearing condition analysis -

SPM measurement X X X X
Surplus grease - Condition and
discharge X X X
Lubrication system - freedom
from leaks and function X * * X
Seals - Freedom from leaks X * X
Grease - paint and condition X * X
Re-lubrication interval X O

Bearing insulation - insulation


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10.3.7 Lubrication System and Sleeve Bearings

SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O = see rating
Bearing assembly -Fastening,
general condition, soiling X X * X X
Oil - oil level X * O
Bearing shells -General
condition, wear X * X
Loose lubrication ring -
Condition, abraded material X * X
Lubrication system and sleeve bearings

Loose lubrication ring -Function X X X

Gaskets and seals -Freedom
from leak X X * X X
Bearing insulation -Condition,
insulation resistance X * X
Operation - Freedom from
leaks, operation X X * X X
Oil -Change interval X O
Oil - Type, quality, quantity, flow
rate, pressure X X * X
Oil lubrication - Function,
amount of oil X X X
Flow rate regulator -
Function X X X X
Oil tank - Cleanliness, freedom
from leaks X * X X
Additional units - Operation X X * X X
Oil cooler / oil heating -Oil
temperature X X * X X

78 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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10.3.8 Cooling System

SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O = see rating
Alternator cooling

Fan - Operation, condition X * X X

Alternator inlet air Hindrance -
amount X X X
Filter - Cleanliness, operation X * * O
Air paths - Cleanliness,
operation X * X X
Fans - Operation, condition X * X X
Air-air cooling

Pipes - Cleanliness, operation X * X X

Ducts - Cleanliness, operation X * X X
Metal ribs - General condition X * X X
Vibration dampers - Condition
and function X * X X
Heat exchangers -Freedom
from leaks, operation, pressure X X X
Cooler condensate drain -
Function, cleanliness X * X X
Pipes - Cleanliness, corrosion,
Air-water cooling

freedom from leaks X X X

Ducts - Cleanliness, operation X X X
Cooler housing - Freedom from
leaks, condition X * X X
Gaskets and seals -Freedom
from leaks, condition, cracks X * X
Metal ribs - General condition X * X
Vibration dampers - Condition
and function X * X X
Check for leaks X X X * X X

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 79
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10.3.9 Safety
SERVICING WORK TYPE Servicing Intervals

Every 25,000 hours or 3 years

Every 8,000 hours or 1 year

50,000 hours or 6 years

During Commissioning
Alternator in operation

Repair or Replace
Test and Measure
Visual inspection

100,000 hours
X = required
* = if necessary

O= see rating
Alarm system - Function and
correctness X X X
Warning and shutdown

temperatures - Correct
adjustment, function X X X

Overcurrent shutdown Function X X X X

Check differential protection X X X X

10.4 Servicing - General Structure

To ensure a long service life of the general structure of the alternator, the exterior of the
alternator is to be kept clean and is to be regularly checked for rust, leaks and other faults.
Soiling on the external parts of the alternator will subject the alternator to corrosion and can
affect its cooling.

10.4.1 Strength of Screw Fasteners

Loose fastenings on these parts can result in sudden and serious damage. Check and re-
tighten the fastenings regularly.

The strength of the screw fasteners is to be checked regularly. In particular attention is to be

paid to the base fastening and the screws for the attachments; these screws must always be
correctly tightened.
See the general values for tightening torques in Table 13.

80 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 10 Service and Maintenance


Tightening torque
Thread size Property class Tightening torque Nm (foot-pound)
8.8 3.0 2.2
M4 10.9 4.6 3.4
12.9 5.1 3.8
8.8 5.9 4.4
M5 10.9 8.6 6.3
12.9 10.0 7.4
8.8 10.1 7.4
M6 10.9 14.9 11.0
12.9 17.4 12.8
8.8 16.8 12.4
M7 10.9 24.7 18.2
12.9 28.9 21.3
8.8 24.6 18.1
M8 10.9 36.1 26.6
12.9 42.2 31.1
8.8 48 35
M10 10.9 71 52
12.9 83 61
8.8 84 62
M12 10.9 123 91
12.9 144 106
8.8 133 98
M14 10.9 195 144
12.9 229 167
8.8 206 152
M16 10.9 302 223
12.9 354 261
8.8 295 218
M18 10.9 421 311
12.9 492 363
8.8 415 306
M20 10.9 592 437
12.9 692 363
8.8 567 418
M22 10.9 807 595
12.9 945 697
8.8 714 527
M24 10.9 1017 750
12.9 1190 878

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Tightening torque
Thread size Property class Tightening torque Nm (foot-pound)
8.8 1050 774
M27 10.9 1496 1103
12.9 1750 1291
8.8 1428 1053
M30 10.9 2033 1499
12.9 2380 1755
8.8 1928 1422
M33 10.9 2747 2026
12.9 3214 2371
8.8 2482 1831
M36 10.9 3535 2607
12.9 4136 3051
8.8 3208 2366
M39 10.9 4569 3370
12.9 5346 3943

The values in the table General tightening torques are of a general nature and do not apply
to components such as diodes, auxiliary isolators, bearings, cable terminals or pole
fastenings, bus bar terminals, overvoltage arrestors, current transformer fastenings,
rectifiers or varistors or other electrical connections, or if another value is stated in this
manual or in the manufacturer's documentation.

10.5 Vibration
High or increasing vibration levels are indicative of changes in the condition of the alternator.
Normal levels vary widely as a function of the use, the type and the alternator foundation.
Typical causes of high vibration levels are:
• The alignment has changed
• Bearing wear or bearing damage
• Vibration is occurring on machines connected or the vibration has changed
• Fastening or foundation screws have loosened
• Rotor imbalance has changed
• Couplings are worn
The following instructions are part of the following two ISO standards:
ISO 10816-3 Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-
rotating parts: Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal
speeds between 120 r/min and 15 000 r/min when measured on site.
ISO 8528-9 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current alternator sets:
Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations.

82 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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10.5.1 Measuring Methods and Operating Conditions Measuring Equipment
The measuring equipment must be able to measure the effective broadband vibration with a
linear frequency response from at least 10 Hz to 1000 Hz. Depending on the vibration criteria
this aspect can require measurements of displacement or velocity or a combination of the two.
The lower limit for the frequency range with a linear frequency response must, however, not
be less than 2 Hz for machines with speeds of 600 rev/min and below. Measuring Points

Measurements are normally made on accessible parts of the alternator. Make sure that the
measurements appropriately reflect the vibration in the bearing housing and do not contain any
local resonances or amplification. The locations and directions of the vibration measurements
are to be selected so that they offer appropriate sensitivity for the alternator dynamic forces.
Typically this aspect requires two orthogonal radial measuring points on each bearing, as
shown in Figure 20 on page 83. The transducers can be applied at any angular position on
the bearings. Alternators are measured in vertical, axial and horizontal directions. The
measuring points and measuring directions are to be noted together with the measured values.


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10.5.2 Definition in Accordance with ISO 10816-3

ISO 10816 -3 provides a general description of the two evaluation criteria for determining the
magnitude of the vibration on different machine classes. One criterion takes into account the
magnitude of the broadband vibration observed, the other takes into account changes in
magnitude (both increases and reductions).

TABLE 14. ISO 10816-3

Division of the vibration magnitude zones

Large machines with nominal Medium-sized machine with
output powers over 300 kW nominal output powers 15 kW
and not more than 50 MW to 300 kW
Electrical machines with axis Electrical machines with axis
heights H > 315 mm heights 160 mm < H < 315 mm
Effective Effective Effective Effective
value for the value for the value for the value for the
Sub-assembly Zone limit vibration vibration vibration vibration
displacement velocity displacement velocity
µm mm/s µm mm/s
A/B 29 2.3 22 1.4
Rigid B/C 57 4.5 45 2.8
C/D 90 7.1 71 4.5
A/B 45 3.5 37 2.3
Elastic B/C 90 7.1 71 4.5
C/D 140 11 113 7.1

10.5.3 Definition in Accordance with ISO 8528-9

ISO 8528-9 refers to a broad band of frequencies between 10 and 1000 Hz. The following table
is an extract from ISO 8528-9 (Table C.1, value 1). This simplified table contains the vibration
limits by kVA range and the speed for acceptable generator set operation.

TABLE 15. ISO 8528-9

Declared engine Rated power output of the generating set

speed Vibration velocity V rms
revs/min (cos phi = 0.8) kVA KW Value 1 mm/s

> 1300 but < 2000 > 250 > 200 20

> 250 but < 1250 > 200 but < 1000 20
> 720 but < 1300
> 1250 > 1000 18
=< 720 > 1250 > 1000 15

10.5.4 Warning Values and Shutdown Values

We recommend regularly checking the condition of the alternator using a suitable instrument
for vibration monitoring during servicing or checking the condition continuously. For this
purpose, it is best to measure initial values and to use these values as the basis for the regular
monitoring of the alternator to detect possible degradations. The warning values and shutdown
values are to be adjusted in accordance with the related standard and in combination with the
existing operating conditions.

84 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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10.6 Servicing the Bearings and the Lubrication

This section addresses the most important servicing work on the bearings and on the
lubrication system.

10.6.1 Sleeve Bearings

In case of normal operating conditions, sleeve bearings only require little servicing.
To ensure reliable operation, the temperature is to be monitored and the oil level as well as
the freedom of the bearing from leaks is to be checked. Oil Tank

The oil tank must be designed so that no pressure from the tank can enter the oil return line to
the bearing. The oil tank can be either a separate tank or comprise an external oil circuit. In
both cases the tank must be arranged clearly below the bearing so that oil can flow to the tank
from the bearings. Pressure in the Oil Tank

The atmospheric pressure in the oil tank is to be checked. The pressure must not be higher
than the pressure outside the bearing. In case of overpressure, the vent on the oil tank is to be
checked or fitted if necessary. Oil Lines

The oil return line is used to return the oil from the sleeve bearing to the oil tank with the lowest
possible resistance. This is achieved by using a pipe with an adequately large diameter so that
the flow of oil in the return line does not exceed 0.15 m/s (6 inch/s) based in the pipe cross-
• Install the oil outlet lines underneath the bearings with a minimum angle of 15°, which
corresponds to a fall of 250 - 300 mm/m (3 – 3½ inch/foot).
• The line must be assembled so that the fall stated above is present on all parts of the
• Make sure that the line has an adequate diameter, is not clogged and that the entire oil
return line has an adequate downward gradient. Oil Flow

The inlet oil flow is calculated for each bearing. The oil flow must be adjusted appropriately
during commissioning.
The alternator settings are defined on the outline drawing. Oil Level

The oil level for a self-lubricating sleeve bearing must be regularly checked when the alternator
is at standstill and at ambient temperature. It must be in the area from one third to half of the
oil sight glass.

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Overfilled oil must be drained by opening the oil drain. For externally lubricated sleeve bearings
the oil sight glass may be replaced with an oil outlet flange. Bearing Temperature

The bearing temperatures are measured using a resistive temperature sensor PT100/PT1000.
A temperature increase in the bearing beyond the alarm limit can be caused by either increased
losses or by a reduced cooling capacity. This often indicates an alternator problem or a problem
in the lubrication system and must be clarified.
Temperature variations may have various causes (see Section 11.8 on page 109). If the
temperature increase is followed by an increased vibration level, the problem may also be
related to the alignment of the alternator, see Chapter 6 on page 31, or damage to the bearing
shells; in this case the bearing must be dismantled and checked. Lubrication of Sleeve Bearings

The alternators are equipped with sleeve bearings that feature a very long service life, provided
the lubrication functions continuously, the type of oil and quality of the oil correspond to the
recommendations from the manufacturer and the instructions on oil changes are followed. Lubricating Oil Temperature

The correct lubricating oil temperature is of significant importance for maintaining the bearing
at the correct operating temperature and to ensure there is adequate lubrication. For
alternators that are operated with oil supply systems, the incorrect function of the oil cooler or
the oil heater and an incorrect oil flow can cause temperature problems. If temperature
problems occur, check whether the quality and quantity of oil are correct for all bearings. For
further information see Section on page 86 and Section on page 87.


On starting the alternator pay attention to the ambient temperature. The temperature of the
oil must not be below a minimum limit. State the minimum temperatures during order
clarification. See standard IEC 60034. Consult Manufacturer Service department if your
installation is below the minimum temperature. Starting at excessively low temperatures
can result in serious bearing damage. Recommended Check Values for Lubricating Oil

The lubricating oil is to be checked in relation to the following aspects:
• Use a test bottle to undertake a visual inspection of the oil for color, turbidity and deposits.
The oil must be clear. The turbidity must not be caused by water. Check the odor of the
oil. A strongly acidic or burnt odor is not acceptable.
• The water content must not exceed 0.05%

86 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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• The original viscosity must be maintained within a tolerance of ±10%.

• The oil must not contain any visible soiling. Its purity must correspond to ISO 4406 class
21/18/15 or SAE 4059 class 9
• The amount of metal soiling must be less than 50 PPM. An increase in this value is
indicative of bearing damage.
• The increase in the acid number (AN) must not exceed 1 mg KOH per gram of oil. Please
note that the AN value is not the BN value (base number).
If in doubt, an oil sample can be sent to the laboratory to determine the viscosity, the acid
number, the tendency to foaming etc. Lubricant Check

During the first year of operation it is recommended to take samples of the lubricating oil after
around 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 operating hours. Send the samples to the oil supplier for
analysis. The optimal oil change interval can be determined based on the results.
After the first oil change, the oil can be analyzed in approximately middle and at the end of the
oil change interval. Oil Quality

See outline drawing.
If a lubricant type is not stated on the outline drawing, please refer to the lubricant
recommendation from the sleeve bearing manufacturer.


Check for the correct oil quality using the bearing identification plate and the outline
drawing. Incorrect or soiled oil will result in serious bearing damage. Oil Change Schedule for Mineral Oils and Synthetic Oil

Oils can cause skin irritation and eye infections.

Avoid physical contact by wearing disposable gloves and protective equipment.
Pay attention to all the safety measures stated by the oil manufacturer.

Perform the oil change interval for self-lubricating bearings after 8,000 operating hours, for
externally lubricated bearings after 20,000 h.
For frequent starts, slow turning, high oil temperatures or excessively high contamination due
to external effects, shorter intervals are required.


For slow turning and for frequent starts and stops, it is highly recommended to use a hydro
static device.

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10.6.2 Rolling Bearings Bearing Design
After the bearing has been filled with grease for the first time, it is not normally necessary to
top-up the grease for a long time. However, in difficult operating conditions the grease must be
regularly topped-up or replaced. For this purpose the bearing housing is designed so that the
grease is easy to top-up. The bearing housing is designed so that the old grease will be
replaced with fresh grease. In the bearing covers there is a space where the grease can be
introduced. The grease runs slowly through the bearings and old grease, which escapes on
the opposite side of the bearing, is drained via the grease regulator. The grease is guided to
the exterior via the grease outlet. Rating Plate: Lubrication and Re-lubrication Intervals


It is imperative the information stated on the rating plate is taken into account during the
operation and servicing of the alternator.

All alternators are supplied with rating plates that are attached to the stator. The rating
plates provide information on bearings, for instance:
• Type of grease used
• Re-lubrication interval
• Amount used for re-lubrication Rolling Bearing Grease for Extreme Temperature

If the bearing operating temperature is continuously:
• above 75 °C (167 °F)
• below 0 °C (32 °F)
Ask the manufacturer about suitable greases. Re-lubrication

Grease can cause skin irritation and eye infections.

Avoid physical contact with the hands by wearing disposable gloves.
Pay attention to all the safety measures stated by the grease manufacturer.

All rolling bearings on rotating electrical machines must be regularly re-lubricated, see rating
plate. The lubrication can be either manual or with the aid of an automatic system. In both
cases make sure that an adequate amount of the correct lubricant reaches the bearing at the
stipulated intervals.
Manual re-lubrication of the bearings
Alternators that are designed for manual lubrication are fitted with grease nipples. To ensure
that no dirt enters the bearings, clean the grease nipples and their surrounding area thoroughly
before lubrication.
Only re-lubricate with the alternator running!

88 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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Re-lubrication is always done at the alternator nominal speed. Re-lubrication at standstill is not
allowed, as the grease will not be correctly distributed in the bearing. The grease takes the
path of least resistance to the opposite side of the bearing. At standstill this means that the
grease cannot flow out of the bearing chamber and the replacement of the old grease is not
ensured. Lubricating at Load

The load state of the alternator is not of significance during re-lubrication. Re-lubrication must
be performed at the predominant related operating state on reaching the time for re- lubrication,
whether full load or half load. It is important that the re-lubrication intervals are met and also
documented. Re-lubricating with alternator Running

Rotating parts will shock or can cause loss of limbs or death.
During lubrication open long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry or similar can become
entangled in rotating components and be drawn in.
Very serious injuries can result. Wear PPE.

Do not stand behind the alternator for the first 10 hours after lubrication. Re-lubrication can be
done in various ways. The grease can be applied to the bearing in one pass or in several
stages. The important aspects are the duration of the re-lubrication process and the order.
The re-lubrication of a bearing should not be completed in less than 5 minutes, and should also
not take more than 30 minutes. The total amount of grease for the re-lubrication must not be
exceeded or dropped below in any circumstances. The manufacturer recommends the use of
suitable instruments to measure the amount of grease.
For the order in which the bearings are to be lubricated the combination of fixed, loose, fixed
bearing is to be followed.
1. Clean the grease nipple and its surrounding area
2. Make sure that you use grease as per the rating plate
3. Measure (weight or volume) the amount of grease that is pressed in during one stroke
4. Make sure the lubrication pipes are intact
5. Press the stated amount of the type of grease stated into the bearing in the order stated
above while following the requirements on the time taken
6. Leave the alternator to run for 1-2 hours to make sure the old excess grease is pressed
out of the bearing. The bearing temperature may increase temporarily during this time.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 89
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Engineers contracted by the manufacturer may act otherwise than stated in this section. They
will decide on site, depending on the condition of the alternator and the ambient conditions,
how to re-lubricate. The actions done by the service engineers must not be transferred to other
alternators or be considered general instructions. Automatic Re-lubrication

Numerous automatic lubrication systems are available on the market. However, we only
recommend the use of electromechanical lubrication systems. The quality of the grease
entering the bearing is to be checked at least once a year. The grease must be free of
contamination and good in use. Do not use the grease after the shelf-life stated by the grease
manufacturer. The separation of the base oil from the soap is not acceptable.
If an automatic lubrication system is to be used, consult the manufacturer and the lubrication
system manufacturer about the lubrication interval and the amount of grease. Shortage of lubricant

A shortage of lubricant occurs:
• if the correct amounts of grease are not in the bearing.
• if the correct amounts of grease are not in the grease reservoir.
• if the bearing is not re-lubricated at the stipulated intervals using the correct amount of
• if the oil is separated from the grease. Grease Miscibility

Do not mix different types of greases together. The mixing of greases with different thickeners
can change the characteristic and physical properties of the grease. Even with thickeners of
the same type as a rule there will be differences in the additives with effects on the performance
of the grease that can only be determined by checking the rolling bearing.
The usage of non-compatible greases leads to bearing damages.

90 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 10 Service and Maintenance Incorrect Grease

Using the wrong lubricating greases results in the premature failure of the alternator bearings
and cause other damage. Lubricant Pressure During Re-lubrication

When grease is pressed into the grease reservoir and into the bearing during re-lubrication,
the pressures will change in the lubrication system. If the grease has been pressed into the
grease reservoir during re-lubrication more quickly than the old grease flows out on the
opposite side, the pressure on the bearing cover will further increase. With the alternator
running the grease is now heated and expands. This also results in additional pressure being
required for re-greasing the lubrication system.
Pressure too high
If you notice a significant pressure increase during re-lubrication (more force required for re-
greasing than usual), check the lubrication system for:
• Unhindered discharge of the old grease
• Kinked or clogged fresh grease lines
• Leaks between shaft and bearing cover
• Leaks between bearing cover and bearing chamber
• Correct function of the grease nipple
• Intact grease gun
• Also check all screw fasteners and the bearing covers. Make sure to remove any
discharged grease.
Pressure too low
If you notice a significant pressure decrease during re-lubrication (less force required for re-
greasing than usual), check the lubrication system for:
• Leaks between shaft and bearing cover
• Intact fresh grease lines (e.g. broken or burst line)
• Correct function of the grease nipple
• Intact grease gun
• Also check all screw joints and the bearing covers. Make sure that any grease
discharged is removed. Temperature Increase due to Re-lubrication

The temperature increase in the bearing during or after re-lubrication is the consequence of
the increased working of the grease as long as the currently increased amount of grease in
the bearing has not been distributed. (See Figure 22 on page 90.)
In a rolling bearing with an adequate amount of lubricant, only a small amount of the lubricant
is used for building up the lubricating film, not the total amount. Some of the lubricant is sprayed
away, and some forms a lubricant flow in front of the rolling element/raceway contact zone.
This temperature increase settles to around the value before re-lubrication after the distribution
of the grease.
An elevated temperature in the bearings can exist for up to 96 hours. During this period
significant temperature increases can be seen (see Section on page 89). An increase
in the temperature is helpful for the lubricant change, as the old grease becomes softer and
can escape better from the bearing. Finally, the increase in the temperature is a good indicator
that the lubricant has actually reached the bearing.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 91
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When the temperature increases due to re-lubrication it is important that the warning and
shutdown temperatures stipulated by the manufacturer are met. Influence of the Grease Level

With the required amount of grease for re-lubrication, freshly filled bearings have a temperature
significantly above the value before re-lubrication for operation hours up to days. The cause of
this phenomenon is explained in Section on page 91. After the first re-lubrication
the grease reservoir in the bearing cover is completely filled, this increases the time required
for the bearing temperature to drop again. Grease Contamination

The more contaminants (water, dirt, fibers, metallic abraded material, etc.) found in the grease,
the more the properties of the grease will be degraded. Unlike oil lubrication, in which
contaminants can be filtered out, contamination can only be removed from the rolling bearing
lubricant by prompt re-lubrication using fresh grease. The greatest risk is contamination with
hard particles that can cause surface damage to the bearing raceways and finally premature
bearing failure.
Grease contamination will result in the premature failure of the bearing. Grease Hardening

Grease hardening will result in the premature failure of the bearing.
As a rule, grease hardening is caused by the absorption of dirt and moisture or due to oxidation
of the grease constituents over a long period of time. A long storage time or period of alternator
standstill can cause grease hardening (refer to Section 5.2 on page 23). During this process
the base oil separates from the thickener. So-called grease "bleeding" occurs. Handling Bearings During Replacement

The bearings have a shorter service life than the alternator itself. They therefore need to be
replaced from time to time.
• Do not fill a bearing with too much lubricant. The bearing may be damaged as a result.
Do not mix different types of lubricant. Change your gloves before handling a different
type of lubricant.
• Do not assemble bearings in statically charged environments. Pay attention to a dust-
free environment and wear lint-free gloves during assembly.
• Store removed parts and tools in environments that are not statically charged and that
are free of dust to prevent damage or soiling.
• A bearing will be damaged by the axial force that needs to be applied to remove it from
the rotor shaft. Once removed, a bearing cannot be re-used.
• A bearing will be damaged by the application of force to the rolling element. Do not use
force to fit any bearing components.
• Do not try to rotate the rotor by applying a lever to the fan blades. The fan will be damaged
as a result.
The servicing of rolling bearings requires particular care, special tools and proper preparation
to ensure the newly fitted bearings have a long service life.
During the servicing of the bearings, make sure that:
• At no time dirt or foreign bodies can enter the bearing during the servicing,
• The bearings and the rotor are not damaged during dismantling and assembly. Removal
requires the use of pullers or heat, installation is done with the aid of heat or special tools.

92 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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If you are uncertain during the replacement of the bearings, contact the manufacturer.

10.7 Alternators with Bearing Insulation

The insulation resistance test on the bearings is performed in the factory. The insulation is
necessary to avoid bearing currents which result in bearing damages. The insulation at one of
the bearings interrupts the path of the current. Both ends of the shaft must not be insulated
from the housing without further measures. The standard is that the NDE bearing is insulated.

10.7.1 Bearing Insulation on Sleeve Bearings

For alternators with the bearing insulated at the non-drive end, the bearing at the drive end is
not insulated.
1. To test the resistance in the non-drive end bearing, remove the bearing shells or the drive
end bearing plate and lift the rotor. This ensures that electrical contact between the rotor
and another part, e.g. the stator or bearing housing, is not possible. Make sure that the
circuit cannot be closed by the lifting equipment.
2. Remove any shaft grounding brushes, rotor grounding brushes and coupling (if they are
made of conductive material) for the insulation test.
3. Measure the insulation resistance between the shaft and ground using 500 V DC as a
maximum. The minimum insulation resistance is 10 kΩ.

10.7.2 Bearing Insulation on Rolling Bearings

The bearing insulation is fitted in the bearing chamber. Check the integrity of the bearing
insulation, the bearing chamber and the surrounding bearing plate regularly. A bearing
insulation measurement is not possible with the alternator assembled. It is necessary to
remove the uninsulated bearing from the alternator.
Check the bearing insulation when each bearing is replaced.
Remove any shaft grounding brushes, rotor grounding brushes and coupling (if they are made
of conductive material) for the insulation test. Measure the insulation resistance between the
shaft and ground using 500 V DC as a maximum. The minimum insulation resistance is 10 kΩ.

10.8 Service Windings

10.8.1 Safety Instructions for Servicing Windings
Hazardous servicing tasks on windings include:


Hazardous voltage will shock, burn or can cause death.

Tests at high voltage (HV) must only be done by authorized specialist personnel following
the related safety regulations.

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Danger of chemical burn and poisonous vapors will chemically burn or burn or cause
Flammable and hazardous substances like solvents, resins and lacquers must be handled
and used by authorized specialist personnel only while following the related safety
regulations and instructions. These substances must not be inhaled or swallowed or come
into contact with the skin or other organs. Seek medical attention immediately in case of
an accident.
Take the necessary precautions if you are working in pits or poorly accessible / poorly
ventilated areas. Do not smoke or eat in the workplace. Wear PPE.

For spray lacquering, ensure that the lacquering equipment, the alternator frame and the
windings are earthed.
Solvents, lacquers and resins are required to clean and re-lacquer the windings.

10.8.2 Scheduling the Servicing

As a guideline the insulation resistance test should be done once a year. This rule is sufficient
for the majority of alternators under the majority of operating conditions. Additional tests must
be performed if problems occur.
You will find a servicing schedule for the complete alternator including the windings in Section
10.3 on page 72. This servicing schedule should be adapted to the specific circumstances at
the customer, in the context of the recommended servicing intervals, i.e. to the servicing of
other machines and the general operating conditions.

10.8.3 Correct Operating Temperature of Windings

Ensure the correct temperature of the windings:
• by keeping the external surfaces of the alternator clean.
• by checking the cooling system for correct operation.
• by monitoring the temperature of the coolant.
If the coolant is too cold, water may condense inside the alternator and the winding becomes
damp, resulting in a degradation of the insulation resistance.
For air-cooled alternators it is important to monitor the cleanliness of any air filter fitted. The air
filter cleaning and replacement interval is to be planned and implemented to suit the local
operating environment. Increased winding temperatures can be indicative of a clogged air filter.
The operating temperature of the stator must be monitored using temperature sensors. Large
differences between the values from the sensors can be indicative of damage to the windings.

10.8.4 Insulation Resistance Test

Measure the insulation resistance of the stator and rotor windings during the general servicing
work, before the alternator is started for the first time or after extended standstill.
The insulation resistance value provides information on the moisture and soiling of the
For new alternators with dry windings, the insulation resistance is very high. However it can be
very low if the alternator is subjected to incorrect transport, storage conditions and moisture,
or is operated incorrectly.
• If the measured value is under the rated voltage in kV + 1 MOhm, the windings must be
cleaned and/or dried. If these measures are insufficient, consult the manufacturer.
• If a moisture problem is suspected, dry the insulation before the resistance is measured.
94 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
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• The insulation resistance will reduce with increasing winding temperature.

The insulation resistance stated in the test report is normally higher than that measured at
site. Windings Criteria in Normal Condition

The insulation resistance on dry windings should significantly exceed the minimum values.
The insulation resistance is dependent on the age and the use of the alternator.
Typically, in test field measured insulation resistance values at approx. 25 °C winding
Rated voltage 3.3 kV up to 1.5 kV: > 1000 MOhm
Rated voltage 380 V up to 1000 V: ≥ 400 MOhm
Main rotor ≥ 300 MOhm

Exciter stator ≥ 50 MOhm

Resistive Temperature Detectors PT100/PT1000 & anti-cond. heater ≥ 50 MOhm
A low resistance is often caused by excessive moisture or by dirt, even though the actual
insulation is intact. Insulation Resistance Measurement on the Stator Windings

Hazardous voltage will shock, burn or cause death.
The windings are to be grounded immediately after the measurement for a period equal to
the duration of the measurement of the insulation resistance to avoid the risk of electric

The insulation resistance is measured using an insulation resistance tester. Before

undertaking the tests, take the following precautions:
1. Make sure that all power supply cables are disconnected from the main power supply
and secured against unintentional switching back on.
2. Check the tester for correct function.
3. Make sure the secondary connections on the current transformer including the
replacement core are not open.
4. Make sure all power supply cables are disconnected.
5. Make sure the stator and the stator windings as well as the auxiliary exciter stator,
exciter stator and any auxiliary windings that are not tested are grounded.
6. Measure the winding temperature on the PT100/PT1000 of the stator.
7. Ground all resistive temperature sensors
8. Remove any grounding in the voltage transformer.
9. Ground all Rotor cables and exciter rotor cables as well as auxiliary windings.
Measure the insulation resistance measurement in the terminal box. The test is normally done
on the entire winding as an assembly; connect the tester between the stator housing and the
winding. Ground the stator and leave the three phases of the stator winding connected to the
star point. If the insulation resistance measured in the entire winding is lower than stated and
the phase windings can be easily disconnected from each other, measure each phase
separately. This action is not possible on all alternators. To measure separately, connect the
tester between the stator and one of the windings. Ground the stator and the two phases not

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If phases are measured separately, remove all star points in the winding system. Insulation Resistance Measurement on the Rotor Winding

Hazardous voltage will shock, burn or cause death.
The windings are to be grounded immediately after the measurement for a period equal to
the duration of the measurement of the insulation resistance to avoid the risk of electric

Measure the insulation resistance on the rotor winding using an insulation resistance tester.
The test voltage for the rotor windings should be 1000 VDC.
1. Make sure that all power supply cables are disconnected from the main power supply and
secured against unintentional switching back on.
2. Check the tester for correct function.
3. Make sure the alternator and the stator windings as well as the temperature monitoring,
auxiliary winding, auxiliary exciter stator, exciter stator are grounded.
4. Make sure the shaft is grounded.
5. During the insulation resistance measurement in the exciter rotor the rotor windings not
tested must be grounded. The rotor winding can be connected internally in series or 2
groups connected in parallel.
6. Measure the rotor winding temperatures. If this is not possible, use the stator winding
temperatures as a reference.
7. Connect the insulation resistance tester between the entire rotor winding and the shaft.
After the measurement, the rotor winding must be grounded for at least as long as the
duration of the measurement to discharge the winding. Other Servicing Work on the Windings

Windings are normally trouble-free and only require occasional cleaning and drying in addition
to the regular monitoring described above. If unusual conditions make additional servicing work
necessary, seek the advice of the manufacturer.

10.8.5 Insulation Resistance Measurement for Ancillary

The test voltage for the anti-condensation heater must be 500 VDC.
Do not measure the insulation resistance of PT100/PT1000 sensors.

To ensure the correct operation of the alternator and its ancillary equipment, refer to the
documentation in the Appendix.

10.8.6 The Polarization Index

For the polarization index test the insulation resistance is measured after the test voltage has
been applied for 1 minute and 10 minutes. The polarization index depends less on the
temperature than on the insulation resistance. If the winding temperature is below 50 °C (122
°F), it can be considered independent of temperature. High temperatures can cause
unforeseen changes in the polarization index, for this reason use above 50 °C (122 °F) is not
to be recommended.

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Dirt and moisture in the windings will normally reduce the insulation resistance and the
polarization index as well as their temperature dependence.
There are several rules for determining the lowest acceptable value at which the alternator can
be safely started.
The minimum PI value for stator windings of class F is 2.
If the insulation resistance of the windings is in the area of several thousand MΩ, the
polarization index does not represent a clear criterion for the condition of the insulation and
can be ignored.

10.8.7 Servicing the Grounding Brushes

Hazardous voltages, rotating parts and hot surfaces will shock, burn or cause loss of limbs
or death.
Only undertake servicing work with the alternator at standstill.

Optimal servicing and care of the brushes and slip rings is a prerequisite for low wear. The
brushes must be cleaned from time to time by blowing with air or vacuum cleaning.
• The servicing must be done at specific intervals. The frequency of this servicing depends
on the size of the alternator as well as on the load conditions and ambient conditions.
It is recommended to initially check the brushes every three months to be able to estimate the
replacement intervals under the actual operating conditions. Replace only with approved
• Check all brushes and holders for freedom of movement. Sticking brushes can result in
• Renew worn brushes in good time so that damage to the brush contact surfaces is

No. Description No Description

Brush holder with ground connection and
1 removable carbon brush spring 3 Carbon Brush

2 Brush pin

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10 Service and Maintenance 09-2019 Ground Fault Monitoring

Hazardous voltages, rotating parts and hot surfaces will shock, burn or cause loss of limbs
or death.
Only undertake servicing work with the alternator at standstill.

No. Description No Description

1 Brush holder with connection 3 Carbon Brush
2 Brush pin 4 Slip Rings


• Renew Worn carbon brushes in good time so that damage to the slip rings is avoided
and the correct function of the ground fault monitoring is ensured.
Open the spring and replace the old carbon brushes with the new ones.
• New brushes must bed in on the slip rings.
Replace only with approved brushes. The ground fault monitoring is installed on the non- drive
side of the alternator.

10.9 Servicing the alternator Cooling

Check the alternator cooling regularly to ensure trouble-free operation.

10.9.1 Servicing Instructions for alternators with Open-circuit

The cooling airflow is normally provided by a fan mounted on the rotor. The cooling air must
be clean and dry, as dirt and/or moisture entering the alternator reduces the cooling
The alternator can be equipped with temperature sensors for monitoring the internal cooling
air. As long as the temperature sensors indicate a temperature within the specified limits, no
servicing other than regular inspection of the alternator is necessary.
Check the cooling system if the temperature sensors indicate an abnormal winding or cooling
air temperature or a temperature near the alarm limit.
Possible causes of high cooling air temperature are:
• Waste heat from Malfunctions in the lubrication system or excessively high bearing
• The minimum distances between the cooling air inlet and neighboring components are
not maintained.
• The outlet air is drawn in with the inlet air.

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• Defective temperature measuring instruments.

To avoid any material damage ensure that the distance between the air inlet (AI) or air
outlet (AO) on the alternator and a wall or another plant component is at least a minimum
of 500 mm (20 inch). Unhindered AI and AO must be ensured.

10.9.2 Service Instructions for alternators with Air Filters

The servicing must be done at specific intervals. The frequency of this servicing depends on
the size of the alternator as well as on the operation and ambient conditions.
The filter frame and the filter mats are made of:
Stainless steel with round stainless steel wire mesh fabric depending on the application
Filter class:
EU2 in accordance with DIN 24185 / part 2
Medium filtration efficiency 65 ≤ 80%

• The servicing intervals are to be adapted to the local dust conditions.

Check the filter initially every three months to estimate the cleaning intervals under the
actual operating conditions. Cleaning the Air Filter

Remove the filter mats from the alternator for cleaning. Do not spray inside the alternator
using a high-pressure cleaner.

Regular servicing and cleaning of the dust protection filter system is essential for the reliable
operation of the alternator.
Do not wet filter mats using oil! Pay attention to environmental obligations!
Soiling such as salt, oil, fumes, chemicals, dust, sand etc. will reduce the efficiency of the
insulation and result in premature failure of the windings.
Therefore it is necessary to clean the filters regularly. If the temperature sensors in the winding
indicate an abnormal temperature close to the alarm level, the filters must be cleaned.
If a monitoring system for the filter differential pressure is used, replace the filters in case of a
pressure alarm. The alarm is triggered if 50% of the air filter surface is clogged. Check the filter
manually on a frequent basis.
For cleaning the filter with cleaning agent the following applies:
• Commercially available cleaning agents can be used for mechanized cleaning or cleaning
using a high-pressure cleaner. The cleaning agent must be compatible with the materials.
• If only manual cleaning is possible, use Repoint / RG 1083 or equivalent.

10.9.3 Servicing Instructions for alternators with Heat

Over time soiling on the cooling surface and the pipes wall reduce the cooling performance.
Clean the heat exchanger at regular intervals according to local conditions. Check the heat
exchanger frequently during the initial operating period.
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Clean the heat exchanger using compressed air or clean it using a soft round brass brush. Do
not use steel brushes in or on aluminum pipes, these pipes may be damaged. Air-water Heat Exchanger

If the temperature sensors indicate a normal operating temperature and the leak detectors are
not indicating any leak, visual inspection of the alternator at a servicing interval is sufficient.
For information on servicing the heat exchanger, see documentation from the manufacturer in
the Appendix. Air-air Heat Exchanger

Visual inspection at a servicing interval is sufficient.
For information on servicing the heat exchanger, see documentation from the manufacturer in
the Appendix.

10.10 Rectifier System

10.10.1 Rectifier System - Grid Code Compliance Introduction
The rectifier comprises six diodes fixed to a rectifier plate that is mounted on, and rotates with,
the main rotor shaft at the non-drive end (NDE). The diodes provide a low resistance to current
in one direction only (by convention, positive current flows from anode to cathode as electrons
flow from cathode to anode) to convert alternating current (AC) induced in the exciter rotor
windings into direct current (DC) to magnetize the main rotor poles.
The DC output of the rectifier connects to the main rotor and also to a matched pair of varistors
and two pairs of resistors. These additional components protect the rectifier from voltage
spikes and surge voltages that may be present on the rotor under various loading conditions
of the alternator. Safety Requirements

Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) Wear appropriate PPE.

Loctite 241 thread locking adhesive

Consumables Midland silicone heat sink compound type MS2623 or similar
H0720 Isoglas tape
Full set of six diodes (all from the same manufacturer)
Two varistors (same type, same manufacturer, same voltage
Parts grading: A, B, C, D, E, F)
Full set of four snubber resistors (same type, same manufacturer)
Tools Insulation Tester
Torque wrench Method
1. Remove the rectifier cap.

100 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

09-2019 10 Service and Maintenance Test and Replace Varistors

1. Inspect both varistors.
2. Record varistor as faulty if there are signs of overheating (discoloration, blisters,
melting) or disintegration. Check for loose connectors vs. varistor body.
3. Disconnect one varistor lead. Store fastener and washers.
4. Measure the resistance across each varistor. Good varistors have a resistance greater
than 100 MΩ.
5. Record varistor as faulty if the resistance is short circuit or open circuit in either
6. If either varistor is faulty, replace both varistors with a matched pair (same type, same
manufacturer and same voltage grading: A, B, C, D, E, F) and replace all diodes.
7. Reconnect and check that all leads are secure, washers fitted and fasteners tight. Test and Replace Diodes

1. Label the exciter rotor (U, V, W) leads and their connection terminals.
2. Disconnect the exciter rotor leads and their three diode block connecting bars. Store the
bars, fasteners and washers.
3. Measure the voltage drop across one diode block in the forward direction, using the
diode test function of a multimeter.
4. Measure the resistance across the same diode block in the reverse direction, using the
1000 V d.c. test voltage of an insulation tester.
5. Diode is faulty if the voltage drop in the forward direction is outside the range 0.3 to 0.7
V, or the resistance is below 20 MΩ in the reverse direction.
6. Repeat the tests for the five remaining diode blocks.
7. If any diode block is faulty, replace the full set of six diode blocks (same type, same
a. Remove the existing diode blocks.
b. Apply heat conductive paste to the base of each replacement diode block.
c. Fix each replacement diode block to the rectifier plate.
d. Replace both varistors with a matched pair (same type, same manufacturer and
same voltage grading: A, B, C, D, E, F).
e. Fix each replacement varistors to the bracket on the rectifier plate.
8. Reconnect and check that all leads are secure, washers fitted and fasteners tight. Refit
1. Secure the exciter rotor leads and varistor leads to the connecting bars with Isoglas
2. Refit the rectifier cap.

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10 Service and Maintenance 09-2019 Rectifier



Quant Torque
Reference Component Fastener (Nm)
1 Varistor M4 x 16 4 3
2 Diode ISO 10511 M10 6 20
3 Rectifier plate M8 x 40 3 20

10.11 Repairs, Dismantling and Re-assembly

Incorrect handling, repair, dismantling and re-assembly will result in serious damage.

All work related to repair, dismantling and re-assembly must be done by specially trained

102 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

11 Fault Finding
Before starting any fault finding procedure, examine all wiring for broken or loose connections.
If in doubt, refer to the wiring diagram supplied with the alternator. Compare measurements
with the test report supplied with the alternator.
The following list is to aid in troubleshooting and is not exhaustive. If in doubt, consult
manufacturer service department.

11.1 General Alternator

Check quality and quantity of
Malfunction in the lubrication lubricant as well as system
system function
Malfunction in the Check condition of the bearing,
bearing/bearing components replace faulty parts
Malfunction in the
bearing/bearing fitted incorrectly Open and correct adjustments
after replacement
Malfunction in the cooling Check fan, clean, replace in
fan/imbalance/damage on the case of damage and identify
fan cause
Check and make sure correct
Displacement of the machine alignment of the machine
Imbalance on rotor/shaft or Check imbalance and re-
Vibration Noise coupling balance
Check type of coupling, check
Vibration on the prime mover foundation, check decoupling of
the attachments from the unit
Check alignment as well as
Axial load coupling function and coupling
Check and make sure correct
Coupling fitted incorrectly coupling assembly
Ensure compliance with the line
Excessive line asymmetry symmetry requirements
Repair, replace or re-fasten if
Loose part necessary
Identify and correct the cause
Damaged parts and replace damaged parts
Repair, replace or re-fasten if
Loose parts necessary
Electrical noises Check stator, rotor
Malfunction in the cooling Check cooling system, clean
Noise system and repair as necessary
Check the interior of the
Foreign bodies, moisture or dirt alternator for damage and clean,
in the machine dry the windings, remove foreign

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Check foundation in consultation
Inadequate, damaged with the manufacturer of the unit
foundation and manufacturer
Tilting foot, fastening of the
alternator inadequate Check fastening and re-align

11.2 Lubrication System and Rolling Bearings

Check bearings, check amount
of grease in the bearing and re-
High bearing temperature Inadequate lubrication lubricate, follow manufacturer's
grease recommendations,

High bearing temperature, Check grease line system for

Inadequate lubrication leaks, check re-lubrication
grease in the machine intervals
Check bearings, check amount
High bearing temperature, of grease in the bearing and
grease in the machine Excessive lubrication reduce, follow manufacturer's
grease recommendations
Axial/radial load
excessive/coupling and Check coupling, installation and
High bearing temperature alignment
installation defects
High bearing temperature Machine displacement Re-align machine
High bearing temperature,
grease in the machine Grease outlet blocked Clean grease outlet,

Bearings fitted incorrectly after Check installation of the

replacement bearings and attachments
Quality of grease Check bearings, check re-
degraded/incorrect re-lubrication lubrication log, quality of grease,
interval type of grease
High bearing temperature,
bearing noise or vibration Check bearing insulation, repair,
Bearing currents replace bearing if necessary
Bearing damaged/failure of the
bearing Replace faulty bearing parts

Bearing damaged/normal wear Replace bearing

Bearing noise or vibration, Correct cause, replace bearing

visible damage Foreign body in the bearing and check condition of the seal,
Grease leaks, grease in the Line system faulty, grease outlet Correct cause, clean grease
machine malfunction outlet and alternator
Instrument fault/temperature Check bearing temperature
High bearing temperature sensor faulty monitoring system
Grease leaks Bearing seals damaged or worn Replace bearing seals
Check re-lubrication intervals,
High bearing temperature Lubrication system malfunction quantity and if grease has

External vacuum/rotating Check pressures, change

Grease leaks equipment in the vicinity position of the rotating

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11.3 Lubrication System and Sleeve Bearings

High bearing temperature, oil Check coupling, installation and
leaks, bearing noise of Axial load excessive/coupling alignment, check adjustment
vibration, visible degradation and installation defects
of the quality of the oil indicator

Inadequate lubrication/oil level Check bearing for leaks, top-up

High bearing temperature, low oil
bearing noise or vibration,
visible degradation of the Bearing shells Change oil, check condition of
quality of the oil damaged/contamination of the bearing, replace bearing shells if
oil necessary
High bearing temperature, oil
leaks, oil in the machine, Follow manufacturer's oil
visible degradation of the Unsuitable oil quality specification
quality of the oil

Too much oil and damaged Clean bearings and alternator,

Oil leaks, oil in the machine replace seals and fill with
seals correct amount of oil
High bearing temperature, oil
leaks, bearing noise of Re-align machine and replace
Machine displacement seals if necessary

Bearing noise or vibration, Remove foriegn body and clean

the bearing. Check condition of
visible degradation of the Foreign body in the bearing the seals, and replace if
quality of the oil necessary
Pressure differences in and on
Correct cause of the pressure
Oil leaks, oil in the machine the bearing/pressure difference
equalization malfunction
Degradation of the quality of the
oil/incorrect oil change Clean bearings and change oil
interval/incorrect oil
Check installation and
Bearings fitted incorrectly adjustment of the bearing
Bearing shells damaged/bearing Repair bearing insulation,
High bearing temperature, currents replace bearing shells
bearing noise or vibration Bearing shells damaged/failure
of the bearing Replace faulty bearing parts

Bearing shells damaged/normal

wear Replace bearing shells

Bearing shells Replace bearing shells, possibly

damages/increased wear due to
number of starts and stops retrofit hydrostatics

Instrument fault/temperature Check bearing temperature

sensor faulty monitoring system
High bearing temperature
Function of the oil lubrication or
loose lubrication ring degraded Correct cause

Bearing seals damaged or worn Replace bearing seals

Check pressures, change
Oil leaks External under pressure or position of the rotating
overpressure/rotating equipment equipment, fit additional seal if
in the vicinity
Oil in the machine Machine seal damaged Replace machine seal
Formation of bubbles in the Incorrect oil, contamination of Follow manufacturer's oil
oil the oil specification, change oil

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11.4 Open Cooling System

High inlet air
temperature/ambient air too hot Change air management

Change air management,

High inlet air temperature/outlet ensure adequate space around
air is drawn in again the machine,
High inlet air temperature/heat Remove or re-position heat
source in the vicinity sources, check ventilation
Inadequate air flow/machine Clean alterntor parts and air
interior soiled gaps

High winding temperature, Inadequate air flow/air ducts Check condition of the air duct,
high cooling air temperature incorrectly arranged correct installation defects
Inadequate air flow/inlet Clean deposits from inlet
openings blocked openings
Inadequate air flow/air filter
clogged Clean or replace air filters

Fan damaged Replace fan

Incorrect speed, direction of Adjust speed, direction to the
rotation manufacturer's specifications
Instrumentation or measuring Check measurements, sensors
system defect and wiring
Check control system, remove
Overload/control system settings overload

Ensure compliance with the line

Line asymmetry symmetry requirements
High winding temperature
Winding damage Check windings
Reactive load outside the
specifications Correct cause

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11.5 Air-air Cooling System

Drop in the performance of the
main cooling system/fan Replace fan
Drop in the performance of the
main cooling system/fan is Replace fan
rotating in the wrong direction
Drop in the performance of the Correct cause of the soiling,
main cooling system/interior of clean alternator parts and air
the machine soiled gaps
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling Repair or replace fan
system/external fan damaged
Drop in the performance of the Correct direction of rotation of
secondary cooling system/fan is the external fan
High winding temperature, rotating in the wrong direction
high cooling air temperature
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling system/cooler Repair cooler
High inlet temperature/ambient
air too hot Change air management

High inlet temperature/outlet air Ensure adequate space around

is drawn in again the alternator
High inlet temperature/heat Remove or re-position heat
sources in the vicinity sources, check ventilation
Incorrect speed, direction of Adjust speed, direction to the
rotation manufacturer's specifications
Instrumentation or measuring Check measurements, sensors
system defect and wiring
Check control system, remove
Overload/control system settings overload

Ensure compliance with the line

Line asymmetry symmetry requirements
High winding temperature Leave machine to cool down
Excessively frequent starts before the start
Winding damage Check windings
Reactive load outside the
specifications Correct cause

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11.6 Air-water Cooling System

Drop in the performance of the
High winding temperature, secondary cooling system/leak Replace cooler
high cooling air temperature, in the cooler
water leak alarm Instrumentation or measuring Check measurements, sensors
system defect and wiring
Drop in the performance of the
main cooling system/fan Check fan, cooling circuit
Incorrect direction of fan
rotation Replace fan

Drop in the performance of the Correct cause of the soiling,

main cooling system/interior of clean alternator parts and air
the machine soiled gaps
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling Open cooler and clean pipes
system/coolant pipes blocked
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling Check pump and repair
High winding temperature,
high cooling air temperature, system/coolant pump faulty
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling Check coolant flow and adjust
system/incorrect flow rate correctly
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling system/air in Bleed cooler
the cooler
Drop in the performance of the
secondary cooling Securely close emergency
system/emergency ventilation ventilation flap
flap open
Cooling water inlet temperature Adjust cooling water
too high temperature correctly
Check control system, remove
Overload/control system settings overload

Ensure compliance with the line

Line asymmetry symmetry requirements
High winding temperature Leave machine to cool down
Excessively frequent starts before the start
Winding damage Check windings
Reactive load outside the
specifications Correct cause

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11.7 Faults on the Brushes

Replace the brushes and check
Brushes are worn the surface of the shaft
Loosen the brushes, check the
Brushes are sticking in the size and if necessary replace
holders the brushes
If brushes are worn out or are
Brushes are excessively loose too small, replace
in the holders Wrong size, check the size and
Loose connection at the brush
terminals Tighten the connection

Incorrect bedding in of the

brushes Replace the brushes
Brushes not working correctly
Incorrect and uneven brush Re-adjust the holder of the
pressure brushes
Mating faces on the slip rings Clean and if necessary replace
worn or soiled the slip ring and the brushes
Operate the alternator only
Type of carbon brushes is not according to the rating plate.
suitable for the operating Consult BEMPower service
conditions department regarding the
operating conditions.
Arrange for re-balancing of the
Imbalance in the alternator alternator by specially trained
personnel only
Uneven air gaps as a result of Check the bearing and replace
worn bearings. the bearing if necessary

11.8 Fault Finding Sleeve Bearings

11.8.1 Oil Leaks on Sleeve Bearings
Owing to the design of the sleeve bearings it is extremely difficult to prevent oil leaks. Minor
leaks can occur.
However, oil leaks can also occur for reasons that are not related to the design of the
bearings, e.g.
• Incorrect oil viscosity
• Overpressure in the bearing
• Low pressure outside the bearing
• Heavy vibration on the bearing
• Incorrect servicing, repair
• Oil foaming
• Over filling of the bearing with oil
In case of excessive leaks, check the following aspects:
1. Make sure the oil used complies with the specifications (see Section on page
2. Tighten the bearing house halves and the labyrinth seal cover to the related torque. (See

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 109

11 Fault Finding 09-2019

sleeve bearing documentation from the manufacturer). This aspect is particularly

important after extended alternator standstill.
3. Measure the vibration at the leaking bearing in three directions at full load. If the vibration
level is too high, the bearing housing may be open wide enough to allow the oil to flow
away between the halves of the housing.
4. Eliminate any causes of low pressure in the vicinity of the bearing. For example a shaft or
coupling cover may be designed so that it causes a low air pressure in the vicinity of the
5. Make sure there is no overpressure inside the bearing. Overpressure can enter the
bearing via the oil outlet line from the lubrication unit. Provide vents on the bearing housing
to relieve the overpressure from the bearing. Also check the vent at the oil supply unit.
6. In case of an external lubrication system, check whether the fall on the oil outlet pipes is
If it is not possible to correct the leak problem by means of one of the above points, contact
the manufacturer.

11.8.2 Oil
For the bearings to function correctly, the oil must meet certain criteria, including viscosity and
cleanliness. Only use the oil stipulated by the manufacturer with the correct viscosity. See
Section on page 87. Incorrect viscosity will result in bearing failures and can
seriously damage the bearings and the shaft. Sealant
To prevent oil escaping from the bearing through the joints, apply a sealant along the joint.
Use Loctite 2926 for this purpose. On the use of biodegradable oils, request information on the
compatibility of the oil with the sealant from the sealant manufacturer. Only Curil T can be used
for floating labyrinth seals. Refer to the documentation from the sleeve bearing manufacturer.

11.8.3 Checking the Bearings

If you suspect that the bearing housing itself is leaking, do the following steps:
1. Re-tighten the bolts of the bearing housing
• This aspect is particularly important during commissioning or after extended
standstill, as the parts may have loosened.
• If the halves of the bearing housing are not firmly screwed together, the oil may
flush the sealant out of the joint.
2. Open the bearing housing
• You can open the bearing housing and apply new sealant to the joint.
Make sure that the seals are not damaged when opening the bearing and that no
dirt or foreign bodies enter the bearing. De-grease the joint then apply a very thin
layer of sealant. See documentation from the sleeve bearing manufacturer. Make
sure that no sealant enters the interior of the bearing when assembling the halves of
the bearing housing. Sealant that enters the interior of the bearing can degrade the
function of the bearing or labyrinth seals. Make sure that the labyrinth seals are
sealed according to the manufacturer of the sleeve bearing.

11.8.4 Check on the Oil Tank and the Oil Lines

If you suspect that the leak is caused by the design of the oil tank or the oil lines do the following
Pressure in the oil tank
110 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)
09-2019 11 Fault Finding

Check the atmospheric pressure in the oil tank. The pressure must not be higher than the
pressure outside the bearing. In case of overpressure, check the vent on the oil tank or fit one,
if necessary.
Oil lines
Make sure that the line has an adequate diameter, is not clogged and that the entire oil return
line has an adequate downward gradient.

11.8.5 Vibration and Oil

All alternators are subjected to vibration and are designed to withstand this vibration to suit
their purpose. However, heavy vibration outside the design specification can result in problems
with the function of components other than bearings.
Heavy vibration can affect the oil film between the shaft and the bearing shells and more likely
results in bearing failures than oil leaks. Under heavy vibration, parts of the bearing housing
may move so far apart that the oil enters the joint between the upper and lower half of the
bearing housing. The vibration will also cause the parts of the bearing housing to move in
relation to each other. The pumping effect that pumps oil into and out of the joint can flush out
the sealant, causing bearing leaks.

11.8.6 Check on Vibration

Measure the vibration on the bearing housing in three directions: axial, transverse (horizontal)
and vertical, see Section 9.4.2 on page 66.

11.8.7 Hydrostatic System

Possible causes of malfunction:
• The pump motor is faulty or its function is degraded
• The pump pressure is inadequate
• The oil filter is soiled
• The oil flow sensor is not signaling any oil flow, for example in case of intake line

11.8.8 Air Pressure in the Bearing

The bearing housing is not a hermetically sealed unit; overpressure in the bearing housing
allows air to escape via the labyrinth seals. As it escapes, the air carries oil vapor with it, and
the bearing leaks.
Overpressure in the bearing is normally caused by other components, not by the bearing itself.
The most frequent reason for overpressure in the bearing is cavitation in the inlet line or a
buildup in the oil outlet line. Check the Air Pressure in the Bearing

Check the air pressure inside and outside the bearing.
The best place to measure the pressure in the bearing is at the oil filter or at the inspection
glass for the loose lubrication ring on the top of the bearing.

11.8.9 Air Pressure Outside the Bearing

Similar to overpressure in the bearing, a low pressure outside the bearing will result in the
extraction of air containing oil from the inside of the bearing, causing the bearing to lose oil.
Low pressure near the bearing housing is caused by rotating parts that move the air in their
vicinity so that there is an area of low pressure at the shaft outlet on the bearing.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 111

11 Fault Finding 09-2019 Check on the Air Pressure Outside the Bearing

Rotating parts can cause loss of limbs or death.
Attach measuring instruments/lines with the alternator at standstill.
Only measure with the alternator in operation. Risk of injury due to rotating parts. Do stand
within the hazard area of the alternator during the measurement.

Never try to correct low pressure in the bearing by installing a vent, as this would further amplify
the leak. Check the air pressure in the vicinity of the shaft outlet on the bearing. This aspect is
particularly important if the bearing is mounted on the prime mover using a flange of a coupling,
or if the shaft is mounted inside a cover or another construction that together with the shaft can
cause a centrifugal air flow.
If a very low pressure is found or suspected, the air pressure is to be measured in the vicinity
of point where the shaft leaves the bearing housing.
To be certain that the low pressure outside the bearing may be the cause of the leak, the
pressure must also be measured outside the bearing (Pos. 1 and 3 on the DE and Pos. 5, 7
and 9 on the NDE, in the bearing (Pos. 2 on the DE and Pos. 6 on the NDE) and in the area
between the bearing plate and the alternator seal (Pos. 4 DE and Pos. 8 NDE). During the
measurement (Pos. 4 DE and Pos. 8 NDE) the pipe is to be inserted as deep as possible and
the ducts must be temporarily sealed, see Figure: Checking the air pressure inside and outside
the sleeve bearing.
To analyze the situation, compare the positions 1-4 on the DE with each other and the positions
5-9 NDE with each other. The measurements outside the bearing must be measured free of
malfunctions or turbulence in the vicinity of the alternator. The following situations can occur:
If all pressures are equal, the leak is not caused by pressure differences.
If the pressure in the bearing is higher than the exterior pressure, there is an overpressure in
the bearing.
If the pressure outside the bearing is lower than the pressure at other points, there is low
pressure near the bearing.
If all pressures are different, there may be both overpressure in the bearing and low pressure
outside the bearing.

112 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

09-2019 11 Fault Finding


11.9 Electrical Power, Excitation, Control and

The electrical power output of an alternator is determined primarily by the condition of the rotor
and stator windings and secondly, by the operation of the excitation system. The main servicing
of the alternator winding is described in Section 10.8 on page 93. This section concentrates
on troubleshooting the excitation, control and protective system.

11.9.1 Triggering the Protective System

The alternator must be protected with alarm and shutdown functions for abnormal electrical or
mechanical operating conditions.
Investigate the following events if they trigger an alarm or a protective system:
• Diode failure
• High bearing temperature,
• High temperature in the windings or the cooling air
• Failure of the isolating or matching transformer
• Vibration protection (if fitted)

11.9.2 PT100/PT1000 Resistive Temperature Sensors

PT100/PT1000 resistive temperature sensors are a significant element of the monitoring and
protective system for the alternator. They are used to measure the temperature in the stator
windings, in the bearings and in the cooling air. The sensors can be damaged by incorrect
handling or excessive vibration.
The following symptoms can be indicative of a problem in a PT100/PT1000 sensor:
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 113
11 Fault Finding 09-2019

• Infinite resistance or zero resistance in the PT100/PT1000 sensor

• Loss of the measured signal during or after switching on
• A significant difference in the resistance of an individual sensor to the other sensors
If you suspect that a PT100/PT1000 has failed, check the connection in the terminal box by
measuring the resistance at the PT100/PT1000 sensor with the cables disconnected.
If a PT100/PT1000 in the stator is defect, use the spare one. All other defective PT100/PT1000
sensors can be replaced.

11.10 Thermal Performance and Cooling System

Unusual alternator temperatures rises are caused by the following reasons:
• The efficiency of the cooling system has dropped and the heat of the alternator can not
• The alternator itself is generating an excessive amount of heat.
If the temperature of the alternator exceeds the normal values, measures must be taken to
determine the reason.
Excessive heat production can be caused by damage to the winding, excessive loading or line
asymmetry; in these cases corrective measures on the cooling system are ineffective or will
cause damage. If you suspect that the efficiency of the cooling system has dropped or the
cooling air temperature sensors are indicating an abnormally high temperature, check the
cooling system. Check the following:
• Ensure the air circulation is uninterrupted and free of faults
• For heat exchangers, ensure reliability by means of regular cleaning and function
• Check the air or water flow through the heat exchanger. If the cooler is equipped with an
external fan, check its function.
Other causes of an abnormally high temperature are:
• Elevated ambient temperature
• High air or water inlet temperature
• Low air or water flow rate
In addition, malfunctions in the lubrication system or the bearings will result in excessively high
bearing temperatures and therefore more heat in the cooling system.
An apparently high temperature can also be caused by a problem with the temperature

114 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

12 Service Parts and After Sales Service
12.1 Service Parts for alternators
The Aftersales department sells genuine service parts for alternators supplied.
You can contact our Aftersales department at:

Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen Marie-Curie-Str. 12

85055 Ingolstadt, Germany Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 (0)841 7942-0149
Fax: +49 (0)841 7941-7093
Always state the serial number given on the rating plate for quick processing.

12.1.1 General Information on the Service Parts

The alternators manufactured by manufacturer are designed and built for reliable, trouble-free
operation. However, a precondition for their freedom from malfunctions is correct servicing and
operation. This servicing includes the replacement of parts subject to normal wear.
The amount of wear cannot be predicted with absolute accuracy. The wear rates on the
individual components vary widely depending on the application, environment and specific
conditions. For this reason check the condition of these parts regularly and keep an adequate
number of service parts in stock. These service parts will help to minimize the downtime if they
are required. Decide the scope of the parts held in stock based on the importance of the
application, the availability of the related service part and the experience of the local
maintenance personnel.
Replacement of parts due to normal wear or due to incorrect operation is excluded from the
warranty. If two moving surfaces are in contact, they will wear over time. For alternators, the
major mechanical wear occurs between the rotating shaft and the fixed parts. The bearing
parts, e.g. the rolling bearings or the bearing shells and oil lubrication rings in sleeve bearings,
wear over time and must be replaced occasionally despite correct lubrication. Other wearing
parts are seals, brushes and brush systems that are in continuous contact with the rotating
The parts mentioned above do not represent a complete list of the mechanical wearing parts.
Their actual service life can vary significantly from the calculated service life as a function of
the actual operating conditions.
Other types of wear occur due to elevated temperatures, electrical malfunctions and chemical
reactions. Wear on the diodes on the rectifier bridge is usually caused by abnormal operating
conditions. This is normally a slow process that is heavily dependent on the alternator
operating conditions and system malfunctions.
The electrical windings have very good protection against wear, provided the servicing and
operating instructions are followed carefully. Do not exceed the correct operating temperature
and clean the windings regularly to remove dirt. Winding wear can also be a consequence of
electrical malfunctions.
In the stator slots there are PT100/PT1000 temperature sensors for the stator windings; these
sensors cannot be replaced and are not available to order.

BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 115

12 Service Parts and After Sales Service 09-2019

12.2 Customer Service

You can contact customer service at:
Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen Marie-Curie-Str. 12
85055 Ingolstadt, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 (0)841 7942 0149
Fax: +49 (0)841 7941 7093
Tel.: +49 841 971-09009 (24 hours) Emergency hotline
Always state the serial number given on the rating plate for quick processing.

12.2.1 Customer Service and Warranty

The service department will handle warranty claims. Claims must be notified in writing during
the warranty period.
This department will:
• Decide on warranty claims
• Decide on corrective measures
• Provide technical support within the warranty period

116 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

13 End of Life Disposal
Companies specializing in reclaiming material from scrap products can reclaim most of the
iron, steel and copper from the alternator. For more details, please contact Customer Service.

13.1 Disposal
The large portion of iron, steel and copper in the alternator can be recovered by specialist
recycling organizations. You can obtain further information from manufacturer customer

13.2 Introduction
The following instructions are only recommendations for the environment-friendly disposal of
the alternators. It is the responsibility of the operating organization to follow local regulations.
Some customer-specific elements may not be included in this user manual. This section makes
no claim to completeness.

13.3 Average Material Content

The average material content used during the manufacture of the alternator is as follows:

Alternators with cast iron Alternators with welded

bearing plates bearing plates
Steel 46–55% 77–83%
Copper 7–12% 10–12%
Cast iron 35–45% 1–5%
Aluminum 0–2% 0–1%
Plastic, rubber, insulating
material etc. 1–2% 1–2%

Stainless steel Less than 1% Less than 1%

Others Less than 1% Less than 1%

Following materials are not used:

• Asbestos
• Polychlorinated Biphenyls
• CFCs
• Haloms
• Other fully halogenated CFCs
• Carbon Tetrachloride
• 1,1,1 Trichloroethane Methyl Chloroform
• Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
• Hydrobromofluorocarbons
• Methyl bromide
• Bromochloromethane
• Tributyl Tins
• Triphenyl Tins
BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6) 117
13 End of Life Disposal 09-2019

• Tributyl Tin Oxide (TBTO)

• Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds
• Hexavalent Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium Compounds
• Mercury and Mercury Compounds
• Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBBs)
• Polybrominated Diphenyl ethers (PDBEs)
• Polychloronsphthalanes (C1= <3)
• Radioactive Substances
• Certain Short chain Chlorinated Paraffins

13.4 Recycling Packaging Material

After the alternator has arrived at the operating organization, the packing material must be
disposed of.
• Wooden packaging can be recycled.
• Recycle the packaging for maritime transport made of impregnated wood in accordance
with local regulations.
• Do not burn the packaging made of impregnated wood.
• The plastic material wrapped around the alternator can be recycled.
• Anti-corrosion agents that cover the surface of the alternator can be cleaned using a
petrol-based cleaning agent and a cloth. The cloth is to be disposed of in accordance
with local regulations.
• Desiccants are to be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

13.5 Dismantling the alternator

Heavy loads.
Do not stand under suspended loads. The load may drop due to improper fastening or
failure of the lifting equipment and cause very serious injuries or death.
Secure transport routes.

The alternator must be transported and unloaded by persons who are familiar with the lifting
equipment and related ancillary equipment. All lifting equipment and tackle must be suitable
for the weight of the alternator and must comply with local regulations.
The safety regulations on handling the alternator are to be followed at all times. The alternator
is assembled with screws and can be dismantled. The high weight of the alternator requires
the presence of specialist personnel trained in handling heavy components to avoid hazardous

13.6 Separation of the Different Materials

13.6.1 Stator, Bearing Housing, Covers and Fans
These parts mostly comprise mild steel that can be recycled in accordance with local
regulations. All additional equipment, cables and bearings are to be removed before melting
down the material.

118 BEM-WI-0395 (Issue6)

09-2019 13 End of Life Disposal

13.6.2 Components with Electrical Insulation

The stator and the rotor are the main components that contain electrical insulation materials.
Some additional components are, however, made of similar materials and are treated in a
similar manner. These components are:
• Insulators used in the terminal boxes
• The exciter rotor
• The exciter stator
• The voltage and current transformers
• Primary and secondary cables
• Overvoltage arresters
• Diodes and varistors
Not all these components are used in all alternators. Components with electrical insulation are
in an inert and therefore non-reactive state after the manufacture of the alternator. Some
components, in particular the stator and rotor, contain a significant copper content that can be
separated in a suitable heat treatment process by gasification of the organic binder materials
in the electrical insulation. To ensure the correct combustion of the vapors, the furnace must
have a suitable afterburner unit.

13.6.3 Hazardous Waste

The oil and grease from the lubrication system is hazardous waste and is to be disposed of in
accordance with local regulations.

13.6.4 Residual Waste

All insulation materials can be disposed of as residual waste.

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13 End of Life Disposal 09-2019

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Marie-Curie-Str. 12
85055 Ingolstadt
Tel. +49 (0)841 7942 0149
Fax +49 (0)841 7941 7093
Copyright 2015
Bayerische Elektrische Maschinen GmbH All Rights Reserved
BEMPower and the BEMPower logo are registered trademarks of Bayerische
Elektrische Maschinen GmbH.

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