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Machine Automation Controller

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

User’s Manual


EtherCAT Coupler Unit

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is
subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe-
less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.

• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other
countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Excel, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
• Safety over EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
• ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA.

• The SD and SDHC logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.

Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.

Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Thank you for purchasing an NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use the NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Please read this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the
NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language
specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B 3503.

Applicable Products
This manual covers the following product.
• NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 1


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Intended Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Applicable Products ..................................................................................................................................... 1

CONTENTS................................................................................................................ 2

Relevant Manuals ................................................................................................... 10

Manual Structure .................................................................................................... 12

Page Structure and Icons .......................................................................................................................... 12
Special Information .................................................................................................................................... 13
Precaution on Terminology ........................................................................................................................ 13

Terms and Conditions Agreement ........................................................................ 16

Warranty, Limitations of Liability ................................................................................................................ 16
Application Considerations ........................................................................................................................ 17
Disclaimers ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 18

Definition of Precautionary Information...................................................................................................... 18
Symbols ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Warnings.................................................................................................................................................... 19
Cautions..................................................................................................................................................... 20

Precautions for Safe Use ....................................................................................... 22

Precautions for Correct Use.................................................................................. 27

Regulations and Standards ................................................................................... 28

Conformance to EU Directives .................................................................................................................. 28
Conformance to UL and CSA Standards ................................................................................................... 29
Conformance to Shipbuilding Standards ................................................................................................... 29
Conformance to KC Certification ............................................................................................................... 29
Software Licenses and Copyrights ............................................................................................................ 29

Unit Versions .......................................................................................................... 30

Unit Versions.............................................................................................................................................. 30
Unit Versions and Sysmac Studio Versions............................................................................................... 32

Related Manuals ..................................................................................................... 33

Terminology ............................................................................................................ 37

Revision History ..................................................................................................... 39

Sections in this Manual ......................................................................................... 41

Section 1 EtherCAT Networks

1-1 Introduction to EtherCAT ...................................................................................................... 1-2
1-1-1 How EtherCAT Works ................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-2 Types of EtherCAT Communications .......................................................................................... 1-4
1-2 EtherCAT Network Configuration Elements........................................................................ 1-5
1-2-1 System Configuration Example of an EtherCAT Network ........................................................... 1-5

2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


1-2-2 Introduction to Configuration Devices......................................................................................... 1-6

Section 2 Features and System Configuration

2-1 Features of EtherCAT Slave Terminals................................................................................ 2-2
2-2 System Configurations of EtherCAT Slave Terminals ....................................................... 2-5
2-2-1 System Configuration ................................................................................................................. 2-5
2-2-2 Types of NX Units ....................................................................................................................... 2-7
2-2-3 Safety Control System ................................................................................................................ 2-8
2-3 Support Software................................................................................................................... 2-9
2-3-1 Applicable Support Software ...................................................................................................... 2-9
2-3-2 Connection Method and Procedures .......................................................................................... 2-9
2-3-3 Scope of Access When Connected to the USB Port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit .................2-11

Section 3 Specifications and Application Procedures

3-1 Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
3-1-1 General Specifications of EtherCAT Slave Terminals ................................................................. 3-2
3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications ........................................................................................ 3-2
3-1-3 End Cover Specifications............................................................................................................ 3-6
3-2 Procedures............................................................................................................................. 3-7
3-2-1 EtherCAT Slave Terminal Application Procedures ...................................................................... 3-7
3-2-2 Details......................................................................................................................................... 3-9

Section 4 Part Names and Functions

4-1 Parts and Names ................................................................................................................... 4-2
4-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Units ............................................................................................................. 4-2
4-1-2 NX Units...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4-1-3 End Cover................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2 Indicators ............................................................................................................................... 4-5
4-3 Hardware Switch Settings .................................................................................................. 4-10
4-3-1 Rotary Switches........................................................................................................................ 4-10
4-3-2 DIP Switch .................................................................................................................................4-11
4-3-3 Setting the Node Address ......................................................................................................... 4-12
4-4 Communications Connector and Peripheral USB Port.................................................... 4-13
4-5 Terminal Blocks ................................................................................................................... 4-14
4-6 DIN Track Contact Plate ...................................................................................................... 4-16

Section 5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-1 Power Supply System and Design Concepts ..................................................................... 5-2
5-1-1 Power Supply System and Types of Power Supplies ................................................................. 5-2
5-1-2 NX-series Power Supply-related Units ....................................................................................... 5-3
5-1-3 Design Concepts for Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal ......................................... 5-5
5-2 Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System .................................................................... 5-6
5-2-1 Procedure for Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System ..................................................... 5-6
5-2-2 Calculation Example for the NX Unit Power Supply ................................................................... 5-7
5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System ............................................................................ 5-9
5-3-1 I/O Power Supply Method........................................................................................................... 5-9
5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX Bus ................................................................... 5-10

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3


5-3-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply from External Sources........................................................... 5-14
5-3-4 Restrictions on Inrush Current for ON/OFF Operation.............................................................. 5-14
5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices ........................................... 5-16
5-4-1 Selecting the Unit Power Supply............................................................................................... 5-16
5-4-2 Selecting the I/O Power Supplies.............................................................................................. 5-18
5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices..................................................................................................... 5-19

Section 6 Installation
6-1 Installing Units....................................................................................................................... 6-2
6-1-1 Installation Precautions ............................................................................................................... 6-2
6-1-2 Preparations for Installation ........................................................................................................ 6-6
6-1-3 Installation Orientation ................................................................................................................ 6-8
6-1-4 Installing the EtherCAT Coupler Unit .......................................................................................... 6-9
6-1-5 Installing and Connecting NX Units........................................................................................... 6-12
6-1-6 Mounting the End Cover ........................................................................................................... 6-16
6-1-7 Mounting the End Plates ........................................................................................................... 6-18
6-1-8 Attaching Markers ..................................................................................................................... 6-20
6-1-9 Removing Units......................................................................................................................... 6-21
6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions ................................................................................. 6-23
6-2 Control Panel Installation ................................................................................................... 6-26
6-2-1 Temperature .............................................................................................................................. 6-26
6-2-2 Humidity .................................................................................................................................... 6-28
6-2-3 Vibration and Shock .................................................................................................................. 6-28
6-2-4 Atmosphere............................................................................................................................... 6-28
6-2-5 Electrical Environment .............................................................................................................. 6-29
6-2-6 Grounding ................................................................................................................................. 6-34

Section 7 Wiring
7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring ..................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 Installation Precautions ............................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-2 Preparations for Installation ........................................................................................................ 7-3
7-1-3 Pin Arrangement of Communications Connectors on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit...................... 7-5
7-1-4 Connecting Communications Cables and Connectors................................................................ 7-6
7-1-5 Connecting Communications Cables .......................................................................................... 7-7
7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires.............................................................. 7-9
7-2-1 Wiring the EtherCAT Coupler Unit .............................................................................................. 7-9
7-2-2 Wiring the Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal........................................................ 7-10
7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal .................................................................................. 7-10
7-2-4 Precautions for Wiring the EtherCAT Slave Terminal Together with Computers and
Other Peripheral Devices .......................................................................................................... 7-14
7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block .................................................................... 7-15
7-3 Connecting USB Cable ....................................................................................................... 7-30
7-4 Wiring External Signal Lines .............................................................................................. 7-32

Section 8 EtherCAT Communications

8-1 Structure of CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) ........................................... 8-2
8-2 EtherCAT Slave Information Files (ESI Files)...................................................................... 8-3
8-3 Transitions of Communications States ............................................................................... 8-4
8-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs) .............................................................................................. 8-5
8-4-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8-5
8-4-2 PDO Mappings............................................................................................................................ 8-6

4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


8-4-3 Assigning PDOs.......................................................................................................................... 8-8

8-5 Service Data Objects (SDOs)................................................................................................ 8-9
8-5-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8-9
8-5-2 Abort Codes................................................................................................................................ 8-9
8-6 Communications between an EtherCAT Master and Slaves ........................................... 8-10
8-6-1 Communications Modes for Communications between an EtherCAT Master and Slaves ....... 8-10
8-6-2 Communications Modes for EtherCAT Slave Terminals ........................................................... 8-10
8-6-3 Communications Cycle ............................................................................................................. 8-10

Section 9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-1 Settings and Setting Procedures ......................................................................................... 9-2
9-1-1 Items to Set................................................................................................................................. 9-2
9-1-2 Slave Terminal Parameters......................................................................................................... 9-2
9-1-3 Variable Assignment Settings ..................................................................................................... 9-3
9-1-4 Setting Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 9-3
9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters...................................................................................... 9-4
9-2-1 Items to Set................................................................................................................................. 9-4
9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave .................................................................................................. 9-6
9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information.................................................................................. 9-9
9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information.......................................................................................................... 9-13
9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings............................................................................................................. 9-25
9-2-6 Unit Application Data ................................................................................................................ 9-27
9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required ........................................................................... 9-27
9-3 Assigning Variables ............................................................................................................ 9-36
9-3-1 Methods to Assign Variables..................................................................................................... 9-36
9-3-2 Assigning Device Variables to I/O Ports ................................................................................... 9-37
9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments ................................................ 9-39
9-3-4 Assigning Axis Variables........................................................................................................... 9-40
9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings ............................................................................... 9-41
9-4-1 Transferring Settings ................................................................................................................ 9-41
9-4-2 Comparing Settings .................................................................................................................. 9-44
9-5 Backing Up Settings............................................................................................................ 9-45
9-5-1 Backup Functions ..................................................................................................................... 9-45
9-5-2 SD Memory Card Backup Function .......................................................................................... 9-45
9-5-3 Sysmac Studio Controller Backup Function ............................................................................. 9-46
9-5-4 Data That Is Backed Up............................................................................................................ 9-46
9-5-5 Backing Up the Slave Terminal Settings by Transferring Data ................................................. 9-47
9-6 Precautions in Changing the Unit Configuration ............................................................. 9-49
9-6-1 I/O Data That Require Specification of NX Unit Numbers ........................................................ 9-49
9-6-2 NX Bus Refresh Cycle in DC Mode .......................................................................................... 9-50
9-6-3 Using Settings from NX Units on Other Slave Terminals.......................................................... 9-51
9-6-4 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information to the Controller ............................................ 9-51

Section 10 I/O Refreshing

10-1 Introduction to I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals ........................................ 10-2
10-2 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slaves .................................................................................. 10-6
10-2-1 I/O Refreshing Modes............................................................................................................... 10-6
10-2-2 I/O Refreshing Mode Operation................................................................................................ 10-6
10-3 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals................................................................... 10-8
10-3-1 I/O Refreshing Methods............................................................................................................ 10-8
10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods.......................................................................................... 10-9
10-3-3 Selecting NX Units.................................................................................................................... 10-9
10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation........................................................................................... 10-10

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5


10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks ............................................................................. 10-19

10-3-6 Task Allocations....................................................................................................................... 10-23

Section 11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-1 Functions ............................................................................................................................. 11-3
11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings ................................................................................................. 11-5
11-2-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11-5
11-2-2 Applications............................................................................................................................... 11-6
11-2-3 Operating Specifications for NX Units That Are Set as Unmounted Units ................................ 11-7
11-2-4 Setting NX Units as Unmounted Units ...................................................................................... 11-8
11-3 Sysmac Device Functionality Unique to EtherCAT Slaves.............................................. 11-9
11-4 Security ...............................................................................................................................11-11
11-4-1 Supported Security Functions ..................................................................................................11-11
11-4-2 Specifications of Verification of Operation Authority for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal ............11-11
11-5 Event Logs ......................................................................................................................... 11-13
11-5-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11-13
11-5-2 Detailed Information on Event Logs ........................................................................................ 11-14
11-5-3 Reading Event Logs................................................................................................................ 11-17
11-5-4 Clearing Event Logs................................................................................................................ 11-18
11-5-5 Exporting the Event Log.......................................................................................................... 11-20
11-6 Clearing All Memory .......................................................................................................... 11-21
11-6-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11-21
11-6-2 Details on Clearing All Memory ............................................................................................... 11-21
11-6-3 Procedure for Clearing All Memory ......................................................................................... 11-23
11-7 Restarting........................................................................................................................... 11-24
11-7-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11-24
11-7-2 Details on Restarting............................................................................................................... 11-24
11-7-3 Procedure for Restarting ......................................................................................................... 11-25
11-8 Changing Event Levels ..................................................................................................... 11-27
11-8-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11-27
11-8-2 Details on Changing Event Levels .......................................................................................... 11-27
11-8-3 Procedure to Change an Event Level ..................................................................................... 11-28
11-9 Resetting Errors ................................................................................................................ 11-30
11-9-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11-30
11-9-2 Details on Resetting Errors ..................................................................................................... 11-30
11-9-3 Procedure to Reset Errors ...................................................................................................... 11-31
11-10I/O Checking....................................................................................................................... 11-33
11-10-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 11-33
11-10-2 Details on I/O Checking .......................................................................................................... 11-33
11-10-3 Procedure Required before I/O Checking ............................................................................... 11-36
11-10-4 I/O Checking Operating Procedure ......................................................................................... 11-38
11-11 Fail-soft Operation............................................................................................................. 11-40
11-11-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 11-40
11-11-2 Application............................................................................................................................... 11-41
11-11-3 Details on Fail-soft Operation.................................................................................................. 11-41
11-12Prohibiting USB Connections .......................................................................................... 11-44
11-12-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 11-44
11-12-2 Details on Prohibiting USB Connections................................................................................. 11-44
11-13Monitoring Total Power-ON Time ..................................................................................... 11-46
11-13-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 11-46
11-13-2 Details on Monitoring Total Power-ON Times ......................................................................... 11-46
11-13-3 Checking Total Power-ON Times ............................................................................................ 11-46

6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Section 12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications .............................................................. 12-2
12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing.............................................................. 12-2
12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing................................................... 12-15
12-1-3 I/O Response Times for Time Stamp Refreshing ................................................................... 12-24
12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing ....................................................................... 12-28
12-2 Message Response Time .................................................................................................. 12-37
12-2-1 Special Instructions................................................................................................................. 12-37
12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time........................................................................................ 12-37

Section 13 Troubleshooting
13-1 How to Check for Errors ..................................................................................................... 13-2
13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators ....................................... 13-3
13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit... 13-3
13-2-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the NX Units ........................13-11
13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Studio................................ 13-12
13-3-1 Checking for Errors from the Sysmac Studio.......................................................................... 13-12
13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures ...................................................... 13-15
13-4 Resetting Errors ................................................................................................................ 13-51
13-5 Error Notification Methods ............................................................................................... 13-52
13-6 Error Notifications Based on the Sysmac Error Status ................................................. 13-53
13-7 Emergency Messages ....................................................................................................... 13-54
13-7-1 Enabling/Disabling Emergency Message Notification ............................................................ 13-54
13-7-2 Error Logs ............................................................................................................................... 13-54
13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes ......................................................................................................... 13-55
13-8 Error Notifications Based on the AL Status.................................................................... 13-58
13-8-1 Procedure for Checking AL Status Codes .............................................................................. 13-58
13-8-2 AL Status Codes..................................................................................................................... 13-58
13-9 Troubleshooting Other Errors .......................................................................................... 13-61
13-10Troubleshooting Flow When Errors Occur ..................................................................... 13-62
13-10-1 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to a CPU Unit or an Industrial PC ........................... 13-62
13-10-2 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.................................. 13-63
13-11Troubleshooting When the Sysmac Studio Cannot Go Online ..................................... 13-64
13-11-1 Causes and Corrective Actions When the Sysmac Studio Cannot Go Online ....................... 13-64
13-11-2 Troubleshooting by Cause...................................................................................................... 13-65

Section 14 Maintenance and Inspection

14-1 Cleaning and Maintenance ................................................................................................. 14-2
14-1-1 Cleaning.................................................................................................................................... 14-2
14-1-2 Periodic Inspections.................................................................................................................. 14-2
14-2 Maintenance Procedures .................................................................................................... 14-4
14-2-1 Backing Up Data....................................................................................................................... 14-4
14-2-2 Replacement Procedure for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit .......................................................... 14-5
14-2-3 Basic Replacement Procedure for NX Units............................................................................. 14-6


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7


A-1 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................A-3

A-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Unit................................................................................................................A-3
A-1-2 End Cover ...................................................................................................................................A-4
A-2 Supplementary Information on Sysmac Studio Functions ...............................................A-5
A-2-1 Functional Differences on the Sysmac Studio Based on the Connected Port ............................A-5
A-2-2 Transferring the Unit Operation Settings.....................................................................................A-6
A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the USB Port on the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit ................................................................................................................................A-7
A-3 Special Instructions ..............................................................................................................A-9
A-3-1 Instructions..................................................................................................................................A-9
A-3-2 Specifying the Targets for Instructions ......................................................................................A-10
A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers ..........................................................A-11
A-4-1 Basic Connection Procedures................................................................................................... A-11
A-4-2 Supplementary Information for Connections with a Master from Another Manufacturer...........A-12
A-5 Troubleshooting with a Master from Another Manufacturer ...........................................A-15
A-5-1 CoE Objects Used for Troubleshooting.....................................................................................A-15
A-5-2 Getting Information on Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units .....................A-15
A-5-3 Clearing Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units............................................A-16
A-5-4 Getting Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units..............................................A-16
A-5-5 Clearing Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units ............................................A-17
A-5-6 Troubleshooting Procedure.......................................................................................................A-17
A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master from Another Manufacturer ............A-19
A-6-1 Difference between Using CoE Objects for Saving Parameters and Those for Initializing
A-6-2 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1010 Hex (Store Parameters)...............................A-20
A-6-3 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 380F Hex (Store Parameters Command).............A-21
A-6-4 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1011 Hex (Restore Default Parameters) ..............A-23
A-6-5 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 3810 Hex
(Restore Default Parameters Command)..................................................................................A-24
A-7 CoE Objects .........................................................................................................................A-27
A-7-1 Object Dictionary Area ..............................................................................................................A-27
A-7-2 Data Type..................................................................................................................................A-27
A-7-3 Assigning Objects .....................................................................................................................A-28
A-7-4 Format of Objects......................................................................................................................A-30
A-7-5 Communication Objects ............................................................................................................A-31
A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects ..............................................................................................................A-38
A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects ..................................................................................A-47
A-7-8 Manufacturer-specific Object 1 .................................................................................................A-52
A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2 .................................................................................................A-56
A-7-10 Device Profile Area....................................................................................................................A-73
A-7-11 Modular Device-specific Area....................................................................................................A-79
A-8 NX Objects ...........................................................................................................................A-82
A-8-1 NX Objects ................................................................................................................................A-82
A-8-2 Format of Object Descriptions...................................................................................................A-82
A-8-3 Unit Information Object .............................................................................................................A-83
A-8-4 Objects That Accept I/O Allocations ..........................................................................................A-84
A-8-5 Other Objects ............................................................................................................................A-86
A-9 Terminal Block Model Numbers .........................................................................................A-90
A-9-1 Model Number Notation ............................................................................................................A-90
A-9-2 Models.......................................................................................................................................A-90
A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model ......................................................................................A-91
A-11 Version Information.............................................................................................................A-92
A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions..........................................................................................A-92
A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version ...............................................A-93

8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)



NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9

Relevant Manuals

Relevant Manuals
To use the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, you must refer to the manuals for all related products.
Read all of the manuals that are relevant to your system configuration and application before you use
the NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Some manuals are referred to by simplified names. Refer to Precaution on Terminology on page 13 to
identify their original manual names.

System configuration*1
(A)EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Communic (C)Su All
ations pport Units
(B)EtherCAT master
Coupler NX Units Soft
Unit/End ware
User’s Manual
NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit

User’s Manual
NX-series System Unit

User’s Manual
NX-series Safety Control Unit

User’s manuals for other NX Units

Hardware User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Software User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Instructions Reference Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Operation Manual
Sysmac Studio Version 1

NX-series Data Reference Manual


Learning about Slave Terminals

System configuration 
Support Software connection

Specifications 
Application procedures 
NX Units that can be connected    
Power supply system  
Installation procedures 
Wiring 
Settings and setting procedures 
I/O data exchange with EtherCAT

masters or NX Units
Calculations of communications

Procedures for using safety control

Calculations of safety control system

Learning about Units on Slave Terminals
Specifications    
Functionality    
Application procedures    
Wiring I/O power supply terminals and
   
power supply terminals
Learning about values of NX Units for

performance calculations
Learning about NX Units with restrictions on

communications cycles
Learning about restrictions that each NX Unit

has on Communications Coupler Unit functions

10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Relevant Manuals

System configuration*1
(A)EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Communic (C)Su All
ations pport Units
(B)EtherCAT master
Coupler NX Units Soft
Unit/End ware

User’s Manual
NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit

User’s Manual
NX-series System Unit

User’s Manual
NX-series Safety Control Unit

User’s manuals for other NX Units

Hardware User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Software User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Instructions Reference Manual

CPU Unit / Industrial PC

Operation Manual
Sysmac Studio Version 1

NX-series Data Reference Manual


Referencing data lists for NX Unit power

consumptions, weights, etc.
Making settings for functions of Units on Slave
   
Making other settings than the above 
Using Salve Terminals with NJ/NX/NY-series
Using a Slave Terminal connected to the
  
built-in EtherCAT port
Specifications of periodic tasks and
communications cycles for I/O data 
exchange with Slave Terminals
Specifications of special instructions for

Slave Terminals
Troubleshooting Save Terminals
Troubleshooting Slave Terminals or

Communications Coupler Units
Troubleshooting NX Units   
Performing maintenance for Units on Slave
   
*1. The system configuration is shown below.

(B)EtherCAT master
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit, NY-series Industrial PC

(C)Support Software
Sysmac Studio

Built-in EtherCAT port (A)EtherCAT Slave Terminal

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit

End Cover
NX-series NX Units

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11

Manual Structure

Manual Structure

Page Structure and Icons

The following page structure and icons are used in this manual.

4 Installation and Wiring Level 1 heading

Level 2 heading
Level 2 heading 4-3 Mounting Units Level 3 heading
Gives the current
Level 3 heading 4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components headings.
The Units that make up an NJ-series Controller can be connected simply by pressing the Units together
and locking the sliders by moving them toward the back of the Units. The End Cover is connected in the
same way to the Unit on the far right side of the Controller.

A step in a procedure 1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.

Indicates a procedure. Connector
Hook holes

4-3 Mounting Units

4 Page tab
2 Gives the number

4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components

The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place. of the main section.
Move the sliders toward the back
until they lock into place.




Precautions for Correct Use

Special information The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Power Supply Unit, CPU Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O
Units, and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting
Icons indicate the adjacent Unit connectors.
precautions, additional
information, or reference

Manual name NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500) 4-9

Note This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.

12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Manual Structure

Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:

Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.

Additional Information

Additional information to read as required.

This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.

Version Information

Information on differences in specifications and functionality for CPU Units, Industrial PCs, and
EtherCAT Coupler Units with different unit versions and for different versions of the Sysmac
Studio is given.

Note References are provided to more detailed or related information.

Precaution on Terminology
• In this manual, “download” refers to transferring data from the Sysmac Studio to the physical Control-
ler and “upload” refers to transferring data from the physical Controller to the Sysmac Studio.
For the Sysmac Studio, synchronization is used to both upload and download data. Here, “synchro-
nize” means to automatically compare the data for the Sysmac Studio on the computer with the data
in the physical Controller and transfer the data in the direction that is specified by the user.
• In this manual, the directions in relation to the Units are given in the following figure, which shows
upright installation.


Left Right


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13

Manual Structure

• This user's manual refers to NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PCs and Industrial
Box PCs as simply Industrial PCs or as NY-series Industrial PCs.
• This user's manual refers to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series Controller or NY-series
Industrial PC as simply a built-in EtherCAT port.
• This user's manual may omit manual names and manual numbers in places that refer to the user's
manuals for CPU Units and Industrial PCs. The following table gives some examples. When neces-
sary, refer to Related Manuals on page 33 to determine the appropriate manual based on the com-
mon text for the omitted contents.


Manual name Omitted contents Common text

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User's Software user's manual for the con- Software User's Manual
Manual nected CPU Unit or Industrial PC
NY-series IPC Machine Controller
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
Software User’s Manual
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT User's manual for built-in EtherCAT Built-in EtherCAT port
Port User's Manual port on the connected CPU Unit or
NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial PC
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual

14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Manual Structure

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 15

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty, Limitations of Liability

 Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in
writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.

 Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.

 Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com-
plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be
responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products
unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and
maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of
any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies
shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combi-
nation with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materi-
als or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in
writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.

See http://www.omron.com/global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.

Limitation on Liability; Etc

Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on
which liability is asserted.

16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Application Considerations

Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a com-
plete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, sys-
tem, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of
the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take applica-
tion responsibility in all cases.

Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or
any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual perfor-
mance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.

Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other
reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or
when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be
changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish
key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to
confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.

Errors and Omissions

Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how-
ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 17

Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

Definition of Precautionary Information

The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of an
NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always read and heed the
information provided in all safety precautions.
The following notation is used.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

WARNING could result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be

severe property damage.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

Caution may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.


The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example indicates prohibiting disassembly.

The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings).

The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.

The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings).

The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a general precaution.

The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.

18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Safety Precautions


During Power Supply

Do not touch the terminal section while power is ON.

Electric shock may occur.

Do not attempt to take any Unit apart.

In particular, high-voltage parts are present in Units that supply power while power is sup-
plied or immediately after power is turned OFF. Touching any of these parts may result in
electric shock. There are sharp parts inside the Unit that may cause injury.

Fail-safe Measures

Provide safety measures in external circuits to ensure safety in the system if an abnormality
occurs due to malfunction of the CPU Unit, Industrial PC, other Units, or slaves or due to
other external factors affecting operation.
Not doing so may result in serious accidents due to incorrect operation.
Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures must
be provided in external control circuits.

The CPU Unit or Industrial PC will turn OFF all outputs from Output Units in the following
cases. The remote I/O slaves will operate according to the settings in the slaves.
• If a power supply error occurs.
• If the power supply connection becomes faulty.
• If a CPU watchdog timer error or CPU reset occurs.
• If a Controller error in the major fault level occurs.
• While the CPU Unit is on standby until RUN mode is entered after the power is turned ON
External safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the system in such
The outputs may remain ON or OFF due to deposition or burning of the output relays or
destruction of the output transistors. As a countermeasure for such problems, external
safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the system.
If external power supplies for slaves or other devices are overloaded or short-circuited, the
voltage will drop, outputs will turn OFF, and the system may be unable to read inputs. Pro-
vide external safety measures in control with monitoring of external power supply voltage
as required so that the system operates safely in such a case.
You must take fail-safe measures to ensure safety in the event of incorrect, missing, or
abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines, momentary power interruptions, or other
Not doing so may result in serious accidents due to incorrect operation.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 19

Safety Precautions

Voltage and Current Inputs

Make sure that the voltages and currents that are input to the Units and slaves are within
the specified ranges.
Inputting voltages or currents that are outside of the specified ranges may cause accidents
or fire.


Always confirm safety at the destination node before you transfer Unit configuration infor-
mation, parameters, settings, or other data from tools such as the Sysmac Studio.
The devices or machines may operate unexpectedly, regardless of the operating mode of
the Controller.



When you connect a computer or other peripheral device to a Communications Coupler

Unit that has a non-isolated DC power supply, either ground the 0-V side of the external
power supply (i.e. Unit power supply) or do not ground it at all.
If the peripheral devices are grounded incorrectly, the external power supply (i.e. Unit
power supply) may be short-circuited.
Never ground the 24-V side of the power supply, as shown in the following figure.

NX Unit power
Communications Coupler Unit supply

Non-isolated DC power
supply (internal power
Peripheral device supply circuit)
(e.g., computer)

Peripheral device

24 V 0V

Ground terminal

Unit power

Be sure that all terminal screws and cable connector screws are tightened to the torque
specified in the relevant manuals. The loose screws may result in fire or malfunction.

20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Safety Precautions

Online Editing

Execute online editing only after confirming that no adverse effects will be caused by devia-
tions in the timing of I/O. If you perform online editing, the task execution time may exceed
the task period, I/O may not be refreshed with external devices, input signals may not be
read, and output timing may change.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 21

Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions for Safe Use

• When transporting any Unit, use the special packing box for it.
Also, do not subject the Unit to excessive vibration or shock during transportation.
• Do not drop any Unit or subject it to abnormal vibration or shock.
Doing so may result in Unit malfunction or burning.

• Mount terminal blocks and connectors only after checking the mounting location carefully.
• Be sure that the terminal blocks, expansion cables, and other items with locking devices are properly
locked into place.

• Always turn OFF the power supply before installing the Unit. If the power supply is not OFF, the Unit
may malfunction or may be damaged.
• Always turn OFF the Unit power supply and I/O power supply before you remove the NX Unit.
• Do not apply labels or tape to the Unit. When the Unit is installed or removed, adhesive or scraps
may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.
• Do not touch the pins in the NX bus connector on the Unit. Dirt may adhere to the pins in the NX bus
connector, which may result in malfunctions.


Example: NX Unit (12 mm width)

22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Precautions for Safe Use

• Do not write on the Communications Coupler Unit or an NX Unit with ink within the restricted region
that is shown in the following figure. Also do not get this area dirty. When the Unit is installed or
removed, ink or dirt may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions
in the Slave Terminal.

region (shaded

Communications Coupler NX Unit

Unit or NX Unit

• For the installation orientations in the following figure, support the cables, e.g., with a duct, so that the
End Plate on the bottom is not subjected to the weight of the cables. The weight of the cables may
cause the bottom End Plate to slide downward so that the Slave Terminal is no longer secured to the
DIN Track, which may result in malfunctions.


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 23

Precautions for Safe Use

• Double-check all switches and other settings and double-check all wiring to make sure that they are
correct before turning ON the power supply.
Use the correct wiring parts and tools when you wire the system.
• Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit. Also, do not place heavy
objects on top of the cables or other wiring lines. Doing so may break the cable.
• When wiring or installing the Units, do not allow metal fragments to enter the Units.
• Do not press the flat-blade screwdriver straight into the release holes on a screwless clamping termi-
nal block. Doing so may damage the terminal block.


• When you insert a flat-blade screwdriver into a release hole on a screwless clamping terminal block,
press it down with a force of 30N or less. Applying excessive force may damage the terminal block.
• Do not incline or twist the flat-blade screwdriver while it is in a release hole on a screwless clamping
terminal block. Doing so may damage the terminal block.


• Use crimp terminals for wiring the M3 screw terminal blocks. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to the M3 screw terminal blocks.

Power Supply Design

• Use all Units within the I/O power supply ranges that are given in the specifications.
• Supply sufficient power according to the contents of this manual.
• Use the power supply voltage that is specified in this manual.
• Do not apply voltages that exceed the rated value to any Input Unit.
• Do not apply voltages or connect loads to the Output Units or slaves in excess of the maximum rat-
• Inrush current occurs when the power supply is turned ON. When selecting fuses or breakers for
external circuits, consider their fusing and detection characteristics as well as the above precautions
and allow sufficient margin in shut-off performance.
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuiting and overcurrents in
external wiring.

Turning ON the Power Supply

• When you set the Operating Mode at Startup, confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system.

24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Precautions for Safe Use

Actual Operation
• Before you start operation, always register the NX Units that are connected to the Communications
Coupler Unit in the host communications master as the Unit configuration information.
• Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use them for
actual operation.
• If you change the fail-soft operation setting, the output status when the error occurs may also change.
Confirm safety before you change the fail-soft operation setting.
• If you use fail-soft operation, write programming to determine whether Unit I/O data is valid. Without
such programming, the user program cannot distinguish between Units for which I/O refreshing is
continued and Units for which I/O refreshing is stopped.

Turning OFF the Power Supply

• Do not disconnect the cable or turn OFF the power supply to the Controller or a Slave Terminal when
downloading data or the user program from Sysmac Studio.
• Always turn OFF the external power supply to the Units before attempting any of the following.
Mounting or removing an NX Unit, Communications Coupler Unit, CPU Unit, or Industrial PC
Assembling Units
Setting DIP switches or rotary switches
Connecting or wiring cables
Attaching or removing terminal blocks or connectors
Units that supply power continue to supply power to the Units for up to several seconds after the
power supply is turned OFF. The PWR indicator remains lit as long as power is supplied. Confirm that
the PWR indicator is not lit before you perform any of the above.

• Confirm that the controlled system will not be adversely affected before you perform any of the fol-
lowing operations.
Changing the operating mode of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC (including changing the setting of the
Operating Mode at Startup)
Changing the user program or settings
Changing set values or present values
Forced refreshing
• Always sufficiently check the safety at the connected devices before you change the settings of a
slave or Unit.

General Communications
• Do not exceed the ranges that are given in the specifications for the communications distance and
number of connected Units.

EtherCAT Communications
• Make sure that the communications distance, number of nodes connected, and method of connec-
tion for EtherCAT are within specifications.
Do not connect EtherCAT Coupler Units to EtherNet/IP, a standard in-house LAN, or other networks.
An overload may cause the network to fail or malfunction.
• Malfunctions or unexpected operation may occur for some combinations of EtherCAT revisions of the
master and slaves. If you disable the revision check in the network settings, check the slave revision

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 25

Precautions for Safe Use

settings in the master and the actual slave revisions, and then make sure that functionality is compat-
ible in the manuals or other references. You can check the slave versions in the settings from the
Sysmac Studio and you can check the actual slave revisions from the Sysmac Studio or on slave
• After you transfer the user program, the CPU Unit is restarted and communications with the Ether-
CAT slaves are cut off. During that period, the slave outputs behave according to the slave settings.
The time that communications are cut off depends on the EtherCAT network configuration.
Before you transfer the user program, confirm that the system will not be adversely affected.
• EtherCAT communications are not always established immediately after the power supply is turned
ON. Use the system-defined variables in the user program to confirm that communications are estab-
lished before attempting control operations.
• If frames sent to EtherCAT slaves are lost due to noise or other causes, slave I/O data is not commu-
nicated, and the intended operation is sometimes not achieved. Perform the following processing if
noise countermeasures are necessary.
Program the Input Data Invalid system-defined variable as an interlock condition in the user pro-
Set the PDO communications consecutive timeout detection count setting in the EtherCAT master to
at least 2.
For details, refer to the user's manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC.
• When an EtherCAT slave is disconnected, communications will stop and control of the outputs will be
lost not only for the disconnected slave, but for all slaves connected after it. Confirm that the system
will not be adversely affected before you disconnect a slave.
• If you disconnect the cable from an EtherCAT slave or turn OFF the power supply of an EtherCAT
slave to disconnect it from the network, any current communications frames may be lost. If frames
are lost, slave I/O data is not communicated, and the intended operation is sometimes not achieved.
Perform the following processing for a slave that needs to be replaced.
Program the Input Data Invalid system-defined variable as an interlock condition in the user pro-
Set the PDO communications consecutive timeout detection count setting in the EtherCAT master to
at least 2.
For details, refer to the user's manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC.
• When you use an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit with the cable redundancy function in DC Mode, set the
Communications Error Setting set value for EtherCAT slaves in DC Mode to the following value. If the
communications cable is disconnected or the power supply of the EtherCAT slaves is turned OFF
with the Communications Error Setting set value set to any other value, communications may discon-
tinue due to a Communications Synchronization Error.
Project unit version 1.42 or later: 2 or higher
Project unit version earlier than 1.42: 1 (default value) or higher

Unit Replacement
• When you replace a Unit, start operation only after you transfer the settings and variables that are
required for operation to the new Unit.

• Dispose of the product according to local ordinances as they apply.

26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions for Correct Use

Storage, Mounting, and Wiring

• Follow the instructions in this manual to correctly perform installation and wiring.
• Do not operate or store the Units in the following locations. Doing so may result in malfunction, in
operation stopping, or in burning.
Locations subject to direct sunlight
Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications
Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals
Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures during installation in the following locations.
Locations subject to strong, high-frequency noise
Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
Locations close to power lines
• Before touching a Unit, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic object in order to discharge any
static build-up.
• Use the rated power supply voltage for the Units that supply power. Take appropriate measures to
ensure that the specified power with the rated voltage and frequency is supplied in places where the
power supply is unstable.
• Install the Units away from sources of heat and ensure proper ventilation. Not doing so may result in
malfunction, in operation stopping, or in burning.
• Do not allow foreign matter to enter the openings in the Unit. Doing so may result in Unit burning,
electric shock, or failure.
• Use the EtherCAT connection methods and cables that are specified in this manual, and the user's
manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC. Otherwise, com-
munications may be faulty.

Actual Operation
• If you change the event level of an error, the output status when the error occurs may also change.
Confirm safety before you change an event level.

Turning OFF the Power Supply

• Do not turn OFF the power supply while data is being transferred.
• Do not turn OFF the power supply while parameters are being written to the Communications Cou-
pler Unit or NX Units.

EtherCAT Communications
• Do not disconnect the EtherCAT communications cables during operation. However, for the built-in
EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, you can disconnect the com-
munications cable from an EtherCAT Slave Terminal that has been disconnected from communica-
tions in the software.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 27

Regulations and Standards

Regulations and Standards

Conformance to EU Directives

Applicable Directives
• EMC Directives
• Low Voltage Directive

 EMC Directives
OMRON devices that comply with EU Directives also conform to the related EMC standards so that
they can be more easily built into other devices or the overall machine. The actual products have
been checked for conformity to EMC standards.*1
Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must
be checked by the customer. EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EU
Directives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or
control panel on which the OMRON devices are installed. The customer must, therefore, perform
the final check to confirm that devices and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.

*1. Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows:

EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility): EN 61131-2
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN 61131-2 (Radiated emission: 10-m regulations).

 Low Voltage Directive

Always ensure that devices operating at voltages of 50 to 1,000 VAC and 75 to 1,500 VDC meet the
required safety standards. The applicable directive is EN 61010-2-201.

 Conformance to EU Directives
The NX-series Units comply with EU Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which the
NX-series Units are used complies with EU Directives, the following precautions must be observed.
• The NX-series Units must be installed within a control panel.
• You must use SELV power supply for the DC power supplies that are connected as the Unit power
supplies and I/O power supplies for the NX-series Units.
We recommend that you use the OMRON S8JX-series Power Supplies. EMC standard compli-
ance was confirmed for the recommended Power Supplies.
• NX-series Units that comply with EU Directives also conform to the Common Emission Standard
(EN 61131-2). Radiated emission characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending on the
configuration of the control panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wiring, and
other conditions.
You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment in which the NX-series Units
are used complies with EU Directives.
• You must use power supplies with an output hold time of 10 ms or longer for the DC power sup-
plies that are connected as the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies for the NX-series
• This is a Class A product (for industrial environments). In a residential environment, it may cause
radio interference. If radio interference occurs, the user may be required to take appropriate mea-

28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Regulations and Standards

Conformance to UL and CSA Standards

Some NX-series products comply with UL and CSA standards. If you use an NX-series product that
complies with UL or CSA standards and the machinery or system in which you use the NX-series prod-
uct must also comply with the standards, refer to the Instruction Sheet that is provided with the product.
The Instruction Sheet provides the application conditions for complying with the standards.

Conformance to Shipbuilding Standards

Some NX-series products comply with shipbuilding standards. If you use an NX-series product that
complies with shipbuilding standards and the machinery or system in which you use the NX-series
product must also comply with the standards, consult with your OMRON representative. Application
conditions are defined according to the installation location. Application may not be possible for some
installation locations.

Usage Conditions for NK and LR Shipbuilding Standards

• An EtherCAT Coupler Unit must be installed within a control panel.
• Gaps in the door to the control panel must be completely filled or covered with gaskets or other mate-
• The following noise filter must be connected to the power supply line.

Name Manufacturer Model

Noise filter Cosel Co., Ltd. TAH-06-683

Conformance to KC Certification
Observe the following precaution if you use NX-series Units in Korea.

Class A Device (Broadcasting Communications Device for Office Use)

This device obtained EMC registration for office use (Class A), and it is intended to be used in places
other than homes.
Sellers and/or users need to take note of this.

Software Licenses and Copyrights

This product incorporates certain third party software. The license and copyright information associated
with this software is available at http://www.fa.omron.co.jp/nj_info_e/.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 29

Unit Versions

Unit Versions
This section describes the notation that is used for unit versions, the confirmation method for unit ver-
sions, and the relationship between unit versions and Sysmac Studio versions.

Unit Versions
A “unit version” has been introduced to manage the Units in the NX Series according to differences in
functionality accompanying Unit upgrades.

Notation of Unit Versions on Products

The unit version is given with the Unit specifications on the side of the Unit or in the notched area.



Lot number and unit version Unit model number


Lot number Unit version

The following information is provided in the Unit specifications on the Unit.

Name Function
Unit model number Gives the model of the Unit.
Unit version Gives the unit version of the Unit.
Lot number Gives the lot number of the Unit.
DDMYY: Lot number, : Used by OMRON.
“M” gives the month (1 to 9: January to September, X: October, Y: November, Z: December)

30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Unit Versions

The following information is provided in the notched area on the Unit.

Name Function
Lot number and Gives the lot number and unit version of the Unit.
unit version • DDMYY: Lot number, : Used by OMRON.
“M” gives the month (1 to 9: January to September, X: October, Y: November, Z: December)
• 1: Unit version
The decimal portion of the unit version is omitted. (It is provided in the Unit specifications.)

Confirming Unit Versions with the Sysmac Studio

You can use the Production Information on the Sysmac Studio to check the unit versions of EtherCAT
Coupler Unit and NX Units.

1 Select Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer and then select EtherCAT. Dou-
ble-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit under EtherCAT. Or, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
and select Edit from the menu.
The Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page is displayed.

You can also display the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page with any of the following
Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer, right-click
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, and select Edit Slave
Terminal Configuration.
Or, select the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, and then
click the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Button.

2 Go online.

3 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and select Display Production Information from the
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.

Simple Display

Detailed Display
The unit version is displayed on the right of the Unit model. The unit version is 1.0 in the exam-
ple above.

The following items are displayed except the unit version.

• Slot number
• Unit model number
• Serial number

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 31

Unit Versions

• Lot number
• Hardware version
• Software version
• Total power-ON time
The software version is displayed only for Units that contain software.

Version Information

The total power-ON time is provided by function to monitor the total power-ON time. The func-
tion to monitor the total power-ON time was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2 Func-
tions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the versions that
support monitoring the total power-ON time.

Unit Versions and Sysmac Studio Versions

The functions that are supported depend on the unit version of the Unit. The version of Sysmac Studio
that supports the functions that were added for an upgrade is also required to use those functions.
Refer to A-11 Version Information on page A-92 for the functions that are supported by each unit ver-

32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Related Manuals

Related Manuals
The following manuals are related. Use these manuals for reference.

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NX-series EtherCAT W519 NX-ECC20 Leaning how to The following items are described: the
Coupler Unit User’s use an NX-series overall system and configuration meth-
Manual EtherCAT Coupler ods of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Unit and Ether- (which consists of an NX-series Ether-
CAT Slave Termi- CAT Coupler Unit and NX Units), and
nals information on hardware, setup, and
functions to set up, control, and monitor
NX Units through EtherCAT.
Sysmac Studio Version W504 SYSMAC- Learning about the Describes the operating procedures of
1 Operation Manual SE2 operating proce- the Sysmac Studio.
dures and func-
tions of the
Sysmac Studio.
NJ/NX-series Trouble- W503 NX701- Learning about the Concepts on managing errors that may
shooting Manual NJ501- errors that may be be detected in an NJ/NX-series Control-
detected in an ler and information on individual errors
NJ/NX-series Con- are described.
NJ101- troller.
NY-series W564 NY532- Learning about the Concepts on managing errors that may
Troubleshooting Manual NY512- errors that may be be detected in an NY-series Controller
detected in an and information on individual errors are
NY-series Indus- described.
trial PC.
NX-series Data Refer- W525 NX- Referencing lists of Lists of the power consumptions,
ence Manual the data that is weights, and other NX Unit data that is
required to config- required to configure systems with
ure systems with NX-series Units are provided.
NX-series Units
NX-series Digital I/O W521 NX-ID Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
Units User’s Manual NX-IA use NX-series Dig- tions of the NX-series Digital I/O Units
ital I/O Units are described.
NX-series Analog I/O W522 NX-AD Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
Units User’s Manual for NX-DA use NX-series tions of the NX-series Analog Input Units
Analog Input Units and Analog Input Units and Analog Output Units are described.
Analog Output Units*1 and Analog Out-
put Units
NX-series System Units W523 NX-PD1 Learning how to The hardware and functions of the
User’s Manual NX-PF0 use NX-series NX-series System Units are described.
System Units
NX-series Position Inter- W524 NX-EC0 Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
face Units User’s Man- NX-ECS use NX-series tions of the NX-series Incremental
ual Position Interface Encoder Input Units, SSI Input Units, and
Units Pulse Output Unit are described.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 33

Related Manuals

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NX-series Load Cell W565 NX-RS Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
Input Unit User’s Manual use an NX-series tions of the NX-series Load Cell Input
Load Cell Input Unit are described.
NX-series Analog I/O W566 NX-TS Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
Units User’s Manual for NX-HB use NX-series tions of the NX-series Temperature Input
Temperature Input Units Temperature Input Units and Heater Burnout Detection Units
and Heater Burnout Units and Heater are described.
Detection Units*2 Burnout Detection
NX-series W567 NX-ILM Learning how to The names and functions of the parts,
IO-Link Master Unit use an NX-series installation, wiring and a list of NX objects
User’s Manual IO-Link Master of the NX-series IO-Link Master Unit are
Unit described.
NX-series Communica- W540 NX-CIF Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
tions Interface Units use NX-series tions of the NX-series Communications
User’s Manual Communications Interface Units are described.
Interface Units
NX-series Temperature H228 NX-TC Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
Control Units User's use NX-series tions of the NX-series Temperature Con-
Manual Temperature Con- trol Units are described.
trol Units.
NX-series Safety Con- Z930 NX-SL Learning how to The hardware, setup methods, and func-
trol Unit User’s Manual NX-SI use NX-series tions of the NX-series Safety Control
Safety Control Units are described.
NX-series Safety Con- Z931 NX-SL Learning about the The instructions for the Safety CPU Unit
trol Unit Instructions specifications of are described.
Reference Manual instructions for the When programming, use this manual
Safety CPU Unit. together with the NX-series Safety Con-
trol Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930).
NX-series CPU Unit W535 NX701- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NX701 CPU
Hardware User’s Man- specifications of Unit system is provided along with the
ual the NX-series following information on the CPU Unit.
NX701 CPU Units, • Features and system configuration
including introduc-
• Introduction
tory information,
• Part names and functions
designing, installa-
tion, and mainte- • General specifications
nance. Mainly • Installation and wiring
hardware informa- • Maintenance and inspection
tion is provided.
NX-series NX102 CPU W593 NX102- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NX102 CPU
Unit Hardware User’s specifications of Unit system is provided along with the
Manual the NX-series following information on the CPU Unit.
NX102 CPU Units, • Features and system configuration
including introduc-
• Overview
tory information,
• Part names and functions
designing, installa-
tion, and mainte- • General specifications
nance. Mainly • Installation and wiring
hardware informa- • Maintenance and inspection
tion is provided.

34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Related Manuals

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NX-series NX1P2 CPU W578 NX1P2- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NX1P2 CPU
Unit Hardware User’s specifications of Unit system is provided along with the
Manual the NX-series following information on the CPU Unit.
NX1P2 CPU Units, • Features and system configuration
including introduc-
• Introduction
tory information,
• Part names and functions
designing, installa-
tion, and mainte- • General specifications
nance. Mainly • Installation and wiring
hardware informa- • Maintenance and inspection
tion is provided.
NJ-series CPU Unit W500 NJ501- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NJ-series
Hardware User´s Man- NJ301- specifications of system is provided along with the follow-
ual the NJ-series CPU ing information on the CPU Unit.
Units, including • Features and system configuration
introductory infor-
• Overview
mation, designing,
installation, and • Part names and functions
maintenance. • General specifications
Mainly hardware • Installation and wiring
information is pro- • Maintenance and Inspection
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit W501 NX701- Learning how to The following information is provided on
Software User's Manual NJ501- program and set an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
up an • CPU Unit operation
NJ/NX-series CPU
NJ101- • CPU Unit features
NX102- • Initial settings
Mainly software
NX1P2- information is pro- • Programming based on IEC 61131-3
vided. language specifications
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit W505 NX701- Using the built-in Information on the built-in EtherCAT port
Built-in EtherCAT Port NJ501- EtherCAT port on is provided.
User's Manual an NJ/NX-series This manual provides an introduction and
CPU Unit. provides information on the configuration,
features, and setup.
NJ/NX-series Instruc- W502 NX701- Learning detailed The instructions in the instruction set
tions Reference Manual NJ501- specifications on (IEC 61131-3 specifications) are
the basic instruc- described.
tions of an
NJ101- NJ/NX-series CPU
NX102- Unit.
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit W507 NX701- Learning about The settings and operation of the CPU
Motion Control NJ501- motion control set- Unit and programming concepts for
User’s Manual tings and program- motion control are described.
ming concepts.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 35

Related Manuals

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NY-series IPC Machine W557 NY532- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NY-series
Controller Industrial specifications of system is provided along with the follow-
Panel PC Hardware the NY-series ing information on the Industrial Panel
User’s Manual Industrial Panel PC.
PCs, including • Features and system configuration
introductory infor-
• Introduction
mation, designing,
• Part names and functions
installation, and
maintenance. • General specifications
Mainly hardware • Installation and wiring
information is pro- • Maintenance and inspection
NY-series IPC Machine W556 NY512- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NY-series
Controller Industrial Box specifications of system is provided along with the follow-
PC Hardware User's the NY-series ing information on the Industrial Box PC.
Manual Industrial Box PCs, • Features and system configuration
including introduc-
• Introduction
tory information,
• Part names and functions
designing, installa-
tion, and mainte- • General specifications
nance. • Installation and wiring
Mainly hardware • Maintenance and inspection
information is pro-
NY-series IPC Machine W558 NY532- Learning how to The following information is provided on
Controller Industrial NY512- program and set NY-series Controller functions.
Panel PC / Industrial up the Controller • Controller operation
Box PC Software User’s functions of an
• Controller features
Manual NY-series Indus-
• Controller settings
trial PC.
• Programming based on IEC 61131-3
language specifications
NY-series IPC Machine W562 NY532- Using the built-in Information on the built-in EtherCAT port
Controller Industrial NY512- EtherCAT port on is provided.
Panel PC / Industrial an NY-series This manual provides an introduction and
Box PC Built-in Industrial PC. provides information on the configuration,
EtherCAT Port User’s features, and setup.
NY-series Instructions W560 NY532- Learning detailed The instructions in the instruction set
Reference Manual NY512- specifications on (IEC 61131-3 specifications) are
the basic instruc- described.
tions of an
NY-series Indus-
trial PC.
NY-series IPC Machine W559 NY532- Learning about The settings and operation of the Con-
Controller Industrial NY512- motion control set- troller and programming concepts for
Panel PC / Industrial tings and program- motion control are described.
Box PC Motion Control ming concepts of
User’s Manual an NY-series
Industrial PC.
*1. From revision 05 of this manual, information on the NX-series Temperature Input Units (NX-TS) that were includ-
ed in previous revisions was moved to the following manual: NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s Manual for Temperature
Input Units and Heater Burnout Detection Units (Cat. No. W566). Accompanying that change, the name of this manual
was changed from the NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s Manual (Cat. No. W522) to the NX-series Analog I/O Units Us-
er's Manual for Analog Input Units and Analog Output Units (Cat. No. W522).
*2. The NX-series Temperature Input Units (NX-TS) that were included in the NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s
Manual (Cat No. W522) in revision 04 and earlier revisions were moved to this manual. For revision 05 of the NX-series
Analog I/O Units User’s Manual (Cat No. W522), the manual name was changed to NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s
Manual for Analog Input Units and Analog Output Units (Cat No. W522-E1-05).

36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)



Term Description
application layer status, AL status --- Status for indicating information on errors that occur in an application on
a slave.
cable redundancy --- A function for continuing the communications even when cable discon-
nection or slave power failure occurs on the EtherCAT system.
CAN application protocol over Ether- CoE A CAN application protocol service implemented on EtherCAT.
CAN in Automation CiA CiA is the international users' and manufacturers' group that develops
and supports higher-layer protocols.
Communications Coupler Units --- The generic name of an interface unit for remote I/O communications on
a network between NX Units and a host network master.
DC time --- EtherCAT slaves that support distributed clock synchronization have a
clock that is shared by all slaves in the network. The time that is based
on this distributed clock is called the DC time.
device profile --- A collection of device dependent information and functionality providing
consistency between similar devices of the same device type.
device variable --- A variable in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC to
which process data on an EtherCAT slave is allocated. Slave process
data is accessed by directly reading and writing device variables from
user applications on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or an NY-series Indus-
trial PC.
distributed clock DC Clock distribution mechanism used to synchronize EtherCAT slaves and
the EtherCAT master.
EtherCAT slave controller ESC A controller for EtherCAT slave communications.
EtherCAT slave information ESI An XML file that contains setting information for an EtherCAT slave.
EtherCAT state machine ESM An EtherCAT communications state machine.
EtherCAT Technology Group ETG The ETG is a global organization in which OEM, end users, and technol-
ogy providers join forces to support and promote the further technology
I/O map settings --- Settings that assign variables to I/O ports. Assignment information
between I/O ports and variables.
I/O port --- A logical interface that is used by the CPU Unit or Industrial PC to
exchange data with an external device (slave or Unit).
I/O refreshing --- Cyclic data exchange with external devices that is performed with prede-
termined memory addresses.
index --- Address of an object within an application process.
network configuration information --- The EtherCAT network configuration information held by the EtherCAT
NX bus --- The NX-series internal bus.
object --- An abstract representation of a particular component within a device,
which consists of data, parameters, and methods.
object dictionary OD Data structure that contains description of data type objects, communi-
cation objects and application objects.
Operational --- A state in EtherCAT communications where SDO communications and
I/O are possible.
PDO communications --- An acronym for process data communications.
Pre-Operational --- A state in EtherCAT communications where only SDO communications
are possible with the slaves, i.e., no I/O can be performed.
primary periodic task --- The task with the highest priority.
process data --- Collection of application objects designated to be downloaded cyclically
or acyclically for the purpose of measurement and control.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 37


Term Description
process data communications --- One type of EtherCAT communications in which process data objects
(PDOs) are used to exchange information cyclically and in realtime. This
is also called PDO communications.
process data object PDO A structure that describes the mappings of parameters that have one or
more process data entities.
project unit version --- A unit version to be set for the project. It is set for the project in the
Select Device Area of the Project Properties Dialog Box on the Sysmac
receive PDO RxPDO A process data object received by an EtherCAT slave.
Safe-Operational --- A state in EtherCAT communications where only SDO communications
and reading input data from slaves are possible. Outputs from slaves are
not performed.
SDO communications --- One type of EtherCAT communications in which service data objects
(SDOs) are used to transmit information whenever required.
service data object SDO CoE asynchronous mailbox communications where all objects in the
object dictionary can be read and written.
Slave Information Interface SII Slave information that is stored in non-volatile memory in the slave.
Slave Terminal --- A building-block remote I/O terminal, which consists of a Communica-
tions Coupler Unit connected with NX Units.
subindex --- Sub-address of an object within the object dictionary.
Sync0 --- A signal that gives the interrupt timing based on the distributed clock
(DC) in EtherCAT communications. The slaves execute controls accord-
ing to this interrupt timing.
Sync Manager SM Collection of control elements to coordinate access to concurrently used
task period --- The interval at which the primary periodic task or a periodic task is exe-
transmit PDO TxPDO A process data object sent from an EtherCAT slave.
Virtual SD Memory Card --- A shared folder for the Machine Automation Control Software to handle
An SD Memory Card is used in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit which is
treated as the Controller for Sysmac. In the NY-series Controller, how-
ever, a shared folder with Windows is handled as a Virtual SD Memory
To use the same name for the same functionality supported by
NJ-series, NX-series, and NY-series Controllers, “virtual” is sometimes
omitted and only “SD Memory Card” is used.

38 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Revision History

Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the

Cat. No. W519-E1-15

Revision code

Revision code Date Revised content

01 April 2013 Original production
02 June 2013 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade to unit version 1.1.
• Corrected mistakes.
03 September 2013 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade to unit version 1.2.
• Added NX-ECC202.
• Corrected mistakes.
04 March 2014 • Made revisions accompanying the upgrade to Sysmac Studio version
• Corrected mistakes.
05 April 2015 • Added NX-ECC203.
• Made revisions accompanying the addition of NX-series CPU Units.
• Corrected mistakes.
06 April 2016 • Made revisions accompanying the addition of NX Unit models.
• Corrected mistakes.
07 July 2016 • Made revisions accompanying the addition of the NX Unit models.
• Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NX-ECC203 unit
version to version 1.4.
• Corrected mistakes.
08 October 2016 • Made revisions accompanying addition of NX Unit models.
• Made revisions accompanying the addition of NY-series IPC Machine
Controller Industrial Panel PCs and Industrial Box PCs.
• Made revisions accompanying the addition of NX-series NX1P2 CPU
• Corrected mistakes.
09 June 2017 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NX-ECC203 unit
version to version 1.5.
• Corrected mistakes.
10 April 2018 • Made changes accompanying the addition of the NX-series NX102
CPU Unit.
• Corrected mistakes.
11 October 2018 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NX-ECC203 unit
version to version 1.6.
• Made revisions accompanying the appearance change of the indica-
• Corrected mistakes.
12 December 2018 • Made revisions accompanying the change in label of the rotary
switches and DIP switch for the NX-ECC201 and NX-ECC202.
• Corrected mistakes.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 39

Revision History

Revision code Date Revised content

13 July 2019 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NJ/NX-series CPU
Units to unit version 1.40.
• Corrected mistakes.
14 July 2020 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NX-ECC203 unit
version to version 1.7.
• Corrected mistakes.
15 October 2020 • Made changes accompanying the upgrade of the NJ/NX-series CPU
Units to unit version 1.42.
• Corrected mistakes.

40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Sections in this Manual

Sections in this Manual

1 10

2 11
1 EtherCAT Networks 10 I/O Refreshing
3 12

2 Features and System

Configuration 11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit
4 13

3 Specifications and
Application Procedures 12 Communications
Performance 5 14

4 Part Names and

13 Troubleshooting 6 A

Designing the Power Maintenance and 7 I

5 Supply System 14 Inspection

6 Installation A Appendices

7 Wiring I Index

8 EtherCAT Communications

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 41

Sections in this Manual

42 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


EtherCAT Networks
This section provides an introduction to EtherCAT networks.

1-1 Introduction to EtherCAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1-1-1 How EtherCAT Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-1-2 Types of EtherCAT Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-2 EtherCAT Network Configuration Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-2-1 System Configuration Example of an EtherCAT Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-2-2 Introduction to Configuration Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 1-1

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-1 Introduction to EtherCAT

EtherCAT (Ethernet Control Automation Technology) is a high-performance industrial network system
that enables faster and more efficient communications based on Ethernet.
Each node achieves a short communications cycle time by transmitting Ethernet frames at high speed.
Although EtherCAT is a unique communications protocol, standard Ethernet technology is used for the
physical layer, which means you can use Ethernet cables for wider application.
And the effectiveness of EtherCAT can be fully utilized not only in large control systems that require
high processing speeds and system integrity, but also in small and medium control systems.

1-1-1 How EtherCAT Works

With EtherCAT, Ethernet frames pass through all of the slave nodes.
When a frame passes through a slave node, the slave node reads and writes the data in the area that is
allocated to it in the frame in a few nanoseconds.
The Ethernet frames that are transmitted by the EtherCAT master pass through all EtherCAT slaves
without stopping. The last slave returns all of the frames, which again pass through all of the slaves
before returning to the EtherCAT master.
This mechanism ensures high speed and realtime data transmission.

EtherCAT master Slave Slave Slave


• The slave reads output data addressed to it.

• The slave writes input data.

Ethernet frames

1-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-1 Introduction to EtherCAT

The data exchanges that are cyclically performed between the EtherCAT master and EtherCAT slaves
use EtherCAT datagrams that are stored directly in the Ethernet frames.
Each EtherCAT datagram consists of a header (including the data length and one or more slave
addresses), data, and a working counter (i.e., check bits).
If you think of an Ethernet frame as a train, the EtherCAT datagrams would be the cars of the train.

Ethernet frame

Ethernet Ethernet data (1,498 bytes max.) CRC

1-1-1 How EtherCAT Works

1st to nth EtherCAT datagrams EtherCAT frame

1st EtherCAT 2nd EtherCAT ..... nth EtherCAT

datagram datagram datagram

Header Data WKC

WKC: Working counter

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 1-3

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-1-2 Types of EtherCAT Communications

The following 2 types of communications are available with EtherCAT.
PDO communications are executed in each EtherCAT communications cycle to refresh data continu-
ously. SDO communications are executed between PDO communications.

Process Data Communications (PDO Communications)

PDO communications transfers process data cyclically and in realtime.
The EtherCAT master maps the logical process data space to the nodes to achieve cyclic communica-
tions between the EtherCAT master and slaves.

EtherCAT master Slave Slave Slave Slave

Ethernet frame

Ethernet Ether 1st EtherCAT 2nd EtherCAT 3rd EtherCAT

header header datagram datagram datagram

Logical process data

Data a

Data b

Data c

Mailbox Communications (SDO Communications)

SDO communications is used to perform message communications.
Whenever necessary, the EtherCAT master sends a command to a slave, and then the slave returns a
response to the EtherCAT master.
The following data communications can be performed.
• Reading and writing process data
• Setting slaves
• Monitoring slave status

1-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-2 EtherCAT Network Configu-

1-2 EtherCAT Network Configuration Ele-

ration Elements
This section describes the devices that configure EtherCAT networks and the usage of those devices.

1-2-1 System Configuration Example of an EtherCAT Network

1-2-1 System Configuration Example of an EtherCAT Network

This section provides a system configuration example of an EtherCAT network.

Sysmac Studio

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit EtherCAT master

ESI files

Built-in EtherCAT port

Input port
EtherCAT Junction Slave Communications cable Unit power supply

Output ports I/O power supply EtherCAT Junction Slave

EtherCAT Slave Digital I/O Slave

Terminal (EtherCAT Slave)
(EtherCAT slave)

Analog I/O Slave

(EtherCAT slave)

Servo Drive (EtherCAT slave) Inverter (EtherCAT slave)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 1-5

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-2-2 Introduction to Configuration Devices

This section introduces the configuration devices.

EtherCAT Master
The EtherCAT master manages the network, monitors the status of the slaves, and exchanges I/O data
with the slaves.

EtherCAT Slaves
The EtherCAT slaves output the output data that is received from the EtherCAT master through the Eth-
erCAT network. They also send input data to the EtherCAT master through the EtherCAT network.

EtherCAT Slave Terminals

An EtherCAT Slave Terminal is a building-block slave that is created by mounting a group of NX Units to
an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

 EtherCAT Coupler Units

An EtherCAT Coupler Unit is a Communications Coupler Unit that connects NX Units to an Ether-
CAT network.

 NX Units
The NX Units perform process data communications with the EtherCAT master through the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.

Refer to Section 2 Features and System Configuration for details on the features and system configura-
tion of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Junction Slaves

A Junction Slave is used only to branch EtherCAT network wiring.

Sysmac Studio
The Sysmac Studio runs on a personal computer and it is used to configure EtherCAT networks and
slaves, and to perform programming, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Communications Cables
Use double-shielded cables with aluminum tape and braiding of Ethernet category 5 (100BASE-TX) or
higher, and use straight wiring.

ESI (EtherCAT Slave Information) Files

The ESI files contain information that is unique to the EtherCAT slaves in XML format.

1-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-2 EtherCAT Network Configu-

You can load an ESI file into the Sysmac Studio to easily allocate slave process data and make other

ration Elements
The ESI files for OMRON EtherCAT slaves are already installed in the Sysmac Studio.
You can update the Sysmac Studio to get the ESI files for the most recent models.

Unit Power Supplies

Unit power supplies provide power for communications and the internal operation of EtherCAT Slave 1

1-2-2 Introduction to Configuration Devices

I/O Power Supplies
I/O power supplies provide power for the I/O operation of the external devices that are connected to
EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 1-7

1 EtherCAT Networks

1-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Features and System Configura- 2
This section describes the features and system configurations of EtherCAT Slave Ter-

2-1 Features of EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2-2 System Configurations of EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-2-1 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-2-2 Types of NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-2-3 Safety Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-3 Support Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3-1 Applicable Support Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3-2 Connection Method and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3-3 Scope of Access When Connected to the USB Port on the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2-1

2 Features and System Configuration

2-1 Features of EtherCAT Slave Termi-

An EtherCAT Slave Terminal is a building-block EtherCAT slave that is created by mounting a group of
NX Units to an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The NX Units can be flexibly combined with an EtherCAT Coupler Unit to achieve the optimum Ether-
CAT slave for the application with less wiring, less work, and less space.
The features of the EtherCAT Slave Terminals are described below.

Optimum Functionality and Ease of Operation Based on Unified

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is designed with the same communications and user interface specifica-
tions as other Sysmac devices. This provides optimum functionality and ease of operation when
used together with NJ/NX/NY-series Machine Automation Controllers, and the Sysmac Studio Auto-
mation Software.

The Entire System Provides Extremely Accurate Synchronized Con-

When the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is used together with NX Units that support synchronous I/O
refreshing, all I/O refreshing is synchronized with the task periods of the primary periodic task and
priority-5 periodic task of the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.*1 This provides an
even higher level of synchronized control accuracy because it suppresses jitter in the I/O response
of the overall system.

This allows you to achieve the following control performance.

• Multiple Digital Input Units that support synchronous input refreshing process their inputs simulta-
neously, which improves the control accuracy of the system.
• Multiple Digital Output Units that support synchronous output refreshing process their outputs
simultaneously. This allows the outputs to refresh output devices in multiple locations at the same
*1. The periodic tasks for which the CPU Unit or Industrial PC supports EtherCAT Slave Terminals depend on the
model of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software
user's manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are sup-
ported by the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

2-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

2 Features and System Configuration

2-1 Features of EtherCAT Slave Terminals

Controlling Outputs at Specific Intervals after Inputs Change
When the EtherCAT Coupler Units are used together with NX Units that support input refreshing with
input changed times and with other NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time
stamps, you can control the outputs to be given at specific intervals after the sensor inputs change.

External output device (output)


Sensor Specific interval

(input) When input changes When output is made

Selecting a Refreshing Method to Give Priority to Shortening the

Task Period
You can select the following refreshing method to give priority to shortening the task period.*1
• Task Period Prioritized Refreshing
With synchronous I/O refreshing, the I/O timing of two or more NX Units are synchronized. If there is
an NX Unit that is set for synchronous I/O refreshing in the configuration and it requires time for I/O
processing, the refresh cycle of the NX bus is increased in comparison to a configuration that does
not have such an NX Unit. You can select task period prioritized refreshing to give priority to shorten-
ing the task period over synchronization of the I/O timing.
*1. Of the EtherCAT Coupler Units, only the NX-ECC203 supports this refreshing method. The NX Units must
also support task period prioritized refreshing. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for the refreshing
methods that are supported by individual NX Units.

Features That Reduce Work in Designing and Commissioning

 Registering NX Units in the Unit Configuration Information as Unmounted
Units for Future Expansion (Designing and Commissioning)
You can register any NX Units as unmounted Units in the Unit configuration information. This allows
the following possibilities.
• NX Units for future expansion can be registered in advance. This eliminates the need to change
the user program when the NX Units are actually added. (Designing)
• If certain NX Units are temporarily unavailable, you can still debug the system in advance with the
NX Units that are available. (Commissioning)

 Exporting/importing Slave Terminal Settings and NX Unit Settings (Design-

You can use the Sysmac Studio to export and import the EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings and NX
Unit settings as files. This allows you to reuse settings from an EtherCAT Slave Terminal or NX Units
for other EtherCAT Slave Terminals or NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2-3

2 Features and System Configuration

 Simplified I/O Wiring with Screwless Clamping Terminal Blocks (Commis-

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units use screwless clamping terminal blocks. The use of
ferrules makes wiring an easy matter of inserting them. The screwless design greatly reduces wiring

 Support for Event Logs and Troubleshooting (Commissioning)

The EtherCAT Coupler Units support the event logs in the NJ/NX-series CPU Units and NY-series
Industrial PCs and troubleshooting on the Sysmac Studio. This gives the event codes which allow
you to determine the cause of errors, and reduce the recovery work when an error occurs.

 Back up, Restore, and Compare Data with SD Memory Cards and the Sysmac
Studio (Commissioning)
You can back up, restore, and compare EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings to data on an SD Memory
Card inserted in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit, or a specified folder on the computer.
You can use an NY-series Industrial PC to back up or compare EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings to
those on the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Industrial PC. Also, you can back up, restore, and com-
pare the settings to settings in a designated folder on your computer.
This allows you to reduce the recovery time when an error occurs in the equipment.

 Performing Wiring Checks between NX Units and I/O Devices from the Sys-
mac Studio Connected to the Peripheral USB Port on the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit (Commissioning)
You can use the I/O checking function to check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices from
the Sysmac Studio connected to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
This allows you to check wiring in the following cases.
• You can check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices in advance during system commis-
sioning when the CPU Unit or Industrial PC is temporarily not available.
• You can check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices in advance during system commis-
sioning when EtherCAT network wiring is not completed.
• You can check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices from close to the EtherCAT Slave
• More than one person can simultaneously check wiring between NX Units and I/O devices when
there is more than one EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Fail-soft Operation
Fail-soft operation is provided so that the EtherCAT Coupler Unit can start or continue I/O refreshing
only with the NX Units that can operate normally when an error occurs for the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
You can use fail-soft operation in the following cases.
• When it is dangerous to stop the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal all at once
• To continue the operation of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal until the system can be stopped safely
through the user program or user operation
• To not stop all devices, i.e., to continue operation for only some devices

2-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

2 Features and System Configuration

2-2 System Configurations of EtherCAT

2-2 System Configurations of EtherCAT
Slave Terminals

Slave Terminals
This section describes the system configuration of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

2-2-1 System Configuration

An example of a system configuration for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is shown below.
(E) Sysmac Studio
Support Software (A) EtherCAT master

2-2-1 System Configuration

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit, NY-series Industrial PC,
or master from another manufacturer
Connection to the peripheral USB
port or built-in EtherNet I/P port on an
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or Industrial


(F) ESI files

Built-in EtherCAT port

(E) Sysmac Studio

Support Software (G) Communications cable EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Ethernet cables
(B) NX-series
Peripheral USB port
EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Connection to peripheral USB

port on EtherCAT Coupler Unit

(F) ESI files (D) End Cover

(C) NX Units

*1. The connection method for the Sysmac Studio depends on the model of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2-5

2 Features and System Configuration

Item Description
(A) EtherCAT master*1 The EtherCAT master manages the EtherCAT network, monitors the status of the
slaves, and exchanges I/O data with the slaves.
(B) EtherCAT Coupler The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is an interface that performs process data communi-
Unit cations between a group of NX Units and the EtherCAT master over an EtherCAT
The I/O data for the NX Units is first accumulated in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
and then all of the data is exchanged with the EtherCAT master at the same time.
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit can also perform message communications (SDO
communications) with the EtherCAT master.
You can connect up to 63 NX Units.
(C) NX Units*2 The NX Units perform I/O processing with connected external devices. The NX
Units perform process data communications with the EtherCAT master through
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to 2-2-2 Types of NX Units on page 2-7 for the types of NX Units.
(D) End Cover The End Cover is attached to the end of the Slave Terminal.
(E) Sysmac Studio Sup- The Sysmac Studio runs on a personal computer and it is used to configure the
port Software*3*4 EtherCAT network and EtherCAT Slave Terminals, and to perform programming,
monitoring, and troubleshooting.
You can connect the computer, in which the Sysmac Studio is installed, to the
peripheral USB port or built-in EtherNet/IP port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC to set up the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. However, the
usable connection methods depend on the model of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
Or you can connect it to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to
set up the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Refer to 2-3 Support Software on page 2-9 for the connection procedure.
(F) ESI (EtherCAT The ESI file contains information that is unique to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in
Slave Information) XML format. You can load the ESI file into the Sysmac Studio to easily allocate
file Slave Terminal process data and make other settings.
The ESI files for OMRON EtherCAT slaves are already installed in the Sysmac
Studio. You can update the Sysmac Studio to get the ESI files for the most recent
(G) Communications Use a double-shielded cable with aluminum tape and braiding of category 5
cable (100BASE-TX) or higher, and use straight wiring.
*1. Refer to A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions on page A-92 for information on the unit versions of CPU
Units or Industrial PCs when you connect an EtherCAT Slave Terminal to the built-in EtherCAT port on an OM-
RON CPU Unit or Industrial PC. An EtherCAT Slave Terminal cannot be connected to any of the OMRON
CJ1W-NC81/82 Position Control Units even though they can operate as EtherCAT masters.
*2. For whether an NX Unit can be connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, refer to the version information in the
user’s manual for the NX Unit.
*3. Refer to A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions on page A-92 for information on the versions of the Sys-
mac Studio that you can use to set up EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
*4. The term Support Software indicates software that is provided by OMRON. If you connect to a master from
another company, use the software tool corresponding to that master.

2-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

2 Features and System Configuration

2-2 System Configurations of EtherCAT

2-2-2 Types of NX Units
The following table lists some examples of the types of NX Units that are available.

Unit type Overview

Slave Terminals
Digital I/O Units These Units process I/O with digital signals.
Digital Input Units These Units process inputs with digital signals.
Digital Output Units These Units process outputs with digital signals.
Digital Mixed I/O Units These Units process both inputs and outputs with digital signals.
Analog I/O Units These Units process I/O with analog signals.
Analog Input Units These Units process inputs with analog signals.
Analog Output Units These Units process outputs with analog signals. 2
Temperature Input Units These Units process inputs from temperature sensors.
Heater Burnout Detection Heater Burnout Detection Units have the following functions.

2-2-2 Types of NX Units

Units • Monitoring of CT currents to provide alarms for heater burnouts and
SSR failures
• Time-proportional control output processing to operate heaters with
System Units System Units are used as required to build a Slave Terminal.
Additional NX Unit Power This Unit is used when the NX Unit power supply is not sufficient.
Supply Unit
Additional I/O Power Sup- This Unit is used when the I/O power supply is not sufficient or to sepa-
ply Unit rate the power supply in the Slave Terminal.
I/O Power Supply Connec- This Unit is used when the I/O power supply terminals for connections
tion Unit to external I/O devices are not sufficient.
Shield Connection Unit This Unit is used to ground more than one shield wire from external I/O
connections to the same ground.
Position Interface Units These Units perform I/O processing of position data for positioning.
Incremental Encoder Input These Units count pulses from incremental encoders.
SSI Input Units These Units process serial signal inputs from absolute encoders or lin-
ear scales that have an SSI interface.
Pulse Output Unit This Unit outputs pulses for positioning commands to a stepper motor
driver or other motor drive with a pulse input.
Load Cell Input Unit This Unit performs input processing of the output signal from a load cell
to measure the weight or force.
IO-Link Master Unit This Unit uses IO-Link communications to perform I/O processing for
IO-Link devices. It also supports I/O processing of digital signals from
Communications Interface Units These Units support serial communications. Both RS-232C and
RS-422A/485 are supported as the serial interface.
Temperature Control Unit This Unit receives signals from the temperature sensor and controls
the heater temperature to match the set temperature.
Safety Control Units The NX-series Safety Control Units constitute a programmable safety
controller that complies with IEC 61131-3 and PLCopen® TC5 Safety.
They include Safety CPU Units and Safety I/O Units.
Safety CPU Unit This Unit controls the Safety I/O Units through the NX bus and Ether-
Safety I/O Units These Units enable safety inputs or safety outputs.
Refer to the user’s manual for the specific Units for details.
For information on the most recent lineup of NX Units, refer to NX-series catalogs or OMRON websites,
or ask your OMRON representative.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2-7

2 Features and System Configuration

2-2-3 Safety Control System

Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for details on safety control
systems built with Safety Control Units.

2-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

2 Features and System Configuration

2-3 Support Software

2-3 Support Software

This section describes the Support Software that is used to set up the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

2-3-1 Applicable Support Software

Refer to A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions on page A-92 for information on the versions of the
Support Software that you can use to set up EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

2-3-2 Connection Method and Procedures

2-3-1 Applicable Support Software

This section describes the methods and procedures that are used to connect the Sysmac Studio to an
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Going Online with a CPU Unit or an Industrial PC

This section describes the methods and procedures for placing the Sysmac Studio online with an
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.

 Connection Methods
You can place the Sysmac Studio online with an EtherCAT Slave Terminal through a CPU Unit or an
Industrial PC.
There are the following four methods that you can use, based on the connection configuration, to
place the Sysmac Studio online with a CPU Unit or an Industrial PC.
• Direct connection via USB
• Direct connection via Ethernet
• Remote connection via USB
• Ethernet connection via a hub
However, the usable connection methods depend on the model of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
For details on the methods for placing the Sysmac Studio online with the CPU Unit or the Industrial
PC, refer to the hardware user's manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

 Connection Procedures
Refer to Going Online with a Controller in the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.
W504) for details on placing the Sysmac Studio online.

Going Online through the USB Port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
 Connection Methods
You can place the Sysmac Studio online with the EtherCAT Slave Terminal without going through a
CPU Unit or an Industrial PC.
Connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
When the Sysmac Studio is placed online with the CPU Unit or Industrial PC, some functions are not
available. Refer to A-2-1 Functional Differences on the Sysmac Studio Based on the Connected
Port on page A-5 for details.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2-9

2 Features and System Configuration

 Connection Procedure
Use the following procedure to place the Sysmac Studio online.

1 Connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to a computer in which the Sysmac Studio is installed
through a USB cable.

2 Create a project for the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller on the Sysmac Studio, and then create a
configuration for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Refer to 9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration
Information on page 9-9 for the procedures for creating the Unit configuration information.

3 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit EtherCAT Slave Terminal Configuration Tab
Page, and select Coupler Connection (USB) − Online. Or, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit in the Multiview Explorer and select Coupler Connection (USB) − Online.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the OK Button.

The Sysmac Studio goes online with the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

2 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

2 Features and System Configuration

2-3-3 Scope of Access When Connected to the USB Port on the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit

2-3 Support Software

The scope of access from the Sysmac Studio when it is connected to the USB port on the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit is limited to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal at the connection. Sysmac Studio cannot access
any Units that are not at the connection (such as the CPU Unit, Industrial PC, other EtherCAT slaves, or
other EtherCAT Slave Terminals).

CPU Unit or Industrial PC EtherCAT Slave Terminal

(EtherCAT slave)
EtherCAT master Digital I/O Slave
(EtherCAT slave)
Analog I/O Slave
(EtherCAT slave)

2-3-3 Scope of Access When Connected to the USB Port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Built-in EtherCAT port

EtherCAT NX Units
Coupler Unit
Sysmac Studio
USB port

Scope of access for the Sysmac Studio

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 2 - 11

2 Features and System Configuration

2 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Specifications and Application
This section provides the general specifications of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, the
specifications of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and End Cover, and the applications pro-
cedures for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

3-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3-1-1 General Specifications of EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-1-3 End Cover Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3-2 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-2-1 EtherCAT Slave Terminal Application Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-2-2 Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3-1

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

3-1 Specifications
This section provides the general specifications of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal and the specifications
of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and End Cover.

3-1-1 General Specifications of EtherCAT Slave Terminals

Item Specification
Enclosure Mounted in a panel
Grounding method Ground to 100 Ω or less.
Ambient operating 0 to 55°C
Ambient operating 10% to 95% (with no condensation or icing)
Atmosphere Must be free from corrosive gases.
Ambient storage −25 to 70°C (with no condensation or icing)
Altitude 2,000 m max.
Pollution degree 2 or less: Meets IEC 61010-2-201.
Operat- Noise immunity 2 kV on power supply line (Conforms to IEC 61000-4-4.)
ing envi- Overvoltage cate- Category II: Meets IEC 61010-2-201.
ronment gory
EMC immunity Zone B
Conforms to IEC 60068-2-6.
Vibration resis- 5 to 8.4 Hz with 3.5-mm amplitude, 8.4 to 150 Hz, acceleration of 9.8 m/s2,
tance 100 min each in X, Y, and Z directions (10 sweeps of 10 min each = 100 min
Conforms to IEC 60068-2-27. 147 m/s2, 3 times each in X, Y, and Z direc-
Shock resistance
cULus: Listed (UL 508 or UL61010-2-201), ANSI/ISA 12.12.01
Applicable standards*2 EU: EN 61131-2, C-Tick, or RCM
KC (KC Registration), NK, and LR
*1. Refer to the NX-series Digital I/O Units User’s Manual (Cat. No. W521) for the vibration and shock resistance
specifications of the Relay Output Unit.
*2. Refer to the OMRON website (http://www.ia.omron.com/) or consult your OMRON representative for the most
recent applicable standards for each model.

3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications

Number of connectable NX 63 Units max.*1
Communications protocol EtherCAT protocol
Modulation Baseband
Baud rate 100 Mbps
Physical layer 100BASE-TX (IEEE 802.3)

3-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

Topology Depends on the specifications of the EtherCAT master.*2
Category 5 or higher twisted-pair cable (Recommended cable:
Transmission media
double-shielded cable with aluminum tape and braiding)
Transmission distance Distance between nodes: 100 m or less
Input: 1,024 bytes max. (including input data, status, and unused areas)
Send/receive PDO data sizes
Output: 1,024 bytes max. (including output data and unused areas)

3-1 Specifications
Input: 256 bytes
Mailbox data size
Output: 256 bytes
Mailbox Emergency messages and SDO requests
• Free-Run refreshing • Free-Run refreshing
• Synchronous I/O refreshing • Synchronous I/O
• Time stamp refreshing refreshing
Refreshing methods*3 • Time stamp refresh-
• Task period prioritized

3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications

When the settable node address range for the built-in EtherCAT port is 1 to
• Set on switches: 1 to 199
• Set with the Sysmac Studio: 1 to 512
Node address setting range
When the settable node address range for the built-in EtherCAT port is 1 to
• Set on switches: 1 to 192
• Set with the Sysmac Studio: 1 to 192
Inputs: 1 μs max.
I/O jitter performance
Outputs: 1 μs max.
Communications cycle in DC 250 to 4,000 μs*5*6 125 to 10,000 μs*4*5*7
Communications cycle in There are no restrictions with the exception of some combinations with NX
Free-Run Mode Units.*4*6
Power supply 24 VDC (20.4 to 28.8 VDC)
NX Unit power 10 W max.
supply capacity Refer to Installation orientation and restrictions for details.
NX Unit power 70%
Unit power
supply effi-
Isolation method No isolation between NX Unit power supply and Unit power supply terminals
Current capac- 4 A max.
ity of power sup-
ply terminals
Power supply 5 to 24 VDC (4.5 to 28.8 VDC) *8
Maximum I/O 4A 10 A
I/O power power supply
supply current
Current capac- 4 A max. 10 A max.
ity of power sup-
ply terminals
NX Unit power consumption 1.45 W max. 1.25 W max.
Current consumption from I/O 10 mA max. (for 24 VDC)
power supply

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3-3

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

Dielectric strength 510 VAC for 1 min, leakage current: 5 mA max. (between isolated circuits)
Insulation resistance 100 VDC, 20 MΩ min. (between isolated circuits)
Communications Connector
For EtherCAT communications.
• RJ45 × 2 (shielded)
• IN: EtherCAT input data, OUT: EtherCAT output data
Screwless Clamping Terminal Block
External connection terminals
For Unit power supply, I/O power supply, and grounding. Removable.
Peripheral USB Port
For Sysmac Studio connection.
• Physical layer: USB 2.0-compliant, B-type connector
• Transmission distance: 5 m max.
Dimensions 46 × 100 × 71 mm (W×H×D)
Weight 170 g max.
Installation orientation: 6 possible orientations
• Used in the upright installation orientation.
10-W output, 40°C
Output power [W]

10 8.5-W output, 55°C

Installation orientation and 0 10 20 30 40 45 50 55 60
restrictions Ambient temperature [°C]
• Used in another orientation other than the upright installation orientation.
10-W output, 40°C
Output power [W]


6.0-W output, 55°C

0 10 20 30 40 45 50 55 60
Ambient temperature [°C]

3-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

USB port Internal
IN communications circuits
OUT communications


3-1 Specifications
UV Non-isolated power supply +
Circuit layout UG power supply
circuits NX Unit NX bus
Terminal UG power supply − connector
block IOV I/O power
supply +
IOG I/O power
I/O PWR LED supply −

DIN Track contact plate

A1 B1
UV UV for unwired
Unit power supply

3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications

(24 VDC)

Terminal arrangement
I/O power supply
(5 to 24 VDC)

Ground to 100 Ω A8 B8
or less.
Accessory End Cover (NX-END01): 1
*1. For the number of Safety Control Units that can be connected, refer to System Configuration and Configuration
Devices and Number of safety I/O connections provided for each Unit model in the NX-series Safety Control
Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930).
*2. The EtherCAT Coupler Unit conforms to EtherCAT standards. Confirm the specifications of the connected Eth-
erCAT master for the support topology. The NX-ECC203 EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.5 or later
supports a ring topology.
*3. This function was added or improved for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11 Version Information on page A-92
for information on version upgrades.
*4. The range of node addresses that can be set depends on the model of the built-in EtherCAT port. For the node
address ranges that can be set for a built-in EtherCAT port, refer to Specifications of Built-in EtherCAT Port in
the user's manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
*5. This depends on the specifications of the EtherCAT master. For example, the values are as follows when the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit is connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ5-series CPU Unit: 500 μs, 1,000
μs, 2,000 μs, and 4,000 μs. For the specifications of the built-in EtherCAT port, refer to the user's manual for
the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or the Industrial PC.
*6. This depends on the Unit configuration.
*7. There are restrictions in the communications cycles that you can set for some of the NX Units. If you use any
of those NX Units, set a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the refresh cycles that can
be executed by the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No.
W525-E1-07 or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. For information on the commu-
nications cycles that you can set, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.
*8. Use a voltage that is appropriate for the I/O circuits of the NX Units and the connected external devices.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3-5

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

3-1-3 End Cover Specifications

Item Specification
Model NX-END01
Dimensions 12 × 100 × 71 (W×H×D)
Weight 35 g max.

3-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

3-2 Procedures
This section describes how to use EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for the procedures to use
Safety Control Units.
You can also use the I/O checking function to check the I/O wiring between NX Units and I/O devices
for individual EtherCAT Slave Terminals. This allows you to check the wiring between NX Units and I/O

3-2 Procedures
devices before you perform all of the following procedures. Refer to 11-10 I/O Checking on page 11-33
for details on I/O checking.

3-2-1 EtherCAT Slave Terminal Application Procedures

Procedure Sections

3-2-1 EtherCAT Slave Terminal Application Procedures

• 2-2-2 Types of NX Units on page 2-7
• 3-1 Specifications on page 3-2
• Section 5 Designing the Power Supply
1. Preparing for Work
• 6-1-3 Installation Orientation on page 6-8
• 10-3-3 Selecting NX Units on page 10-9

• 4-3 Hardware Switch Settings on page

2. Making Hardware Settings and Wiring the Slave Terminal
• 6-1 Installing Units on page 6-2
• Section 7 Wiring

3. Creating the EtherCAT Network Configuration and Making Set- • 9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave on
tings as an EtherCAT Slave page 9-6

• Slave Terminal Configuring and Opera-

tion Settings on page 9-5
• 9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration
Information on page 9-9
4. Configuring the Slave Terminal and Making the Operation Set-
• 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information on page
• 9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings on page
• 9-2-6 Unit Application Data on page 9-27

User's manual for the built-in EtherCAT

5. Setting EtherCAT Master Parameters port on the connected CPU Unit or Indus-
trial PC

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3-7

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

• 9-3 Assigning Variables on page 9-36

• 9-3-2 Assigning Device Variables to I/O
6. Assigning Slave Terminal Variables Ports on page 9-37
• 9-3-4 Assigning Axis Variables on page

• Software user's manual for the con-

nected CPU Unit or Industrial PC
• User's manual for the built-in EtherCAT
port on the connected CPU Unit or
7. Programming
Industrial PC
• 10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Peri-
odic Tasks on page 10-19
• 10-3-6 Task Allocations on page 10-23

• 4-2 Indicators on page 4-5

8. Turning ON Power and Going Online from the Sysmac Studio • Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation
Manual (Cat. No. W504)

• 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as

Required on page 9-27
9. Comparing and Merging with the Actual Network Configuration
• User's manual for the built-in EtherCAT
or the Actual Unit Configuration
port on the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC

10. Downloading the Network Configuration Information, the Slave 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings
Terminal Setting Information, and the User Program on page 9-41

• User's manual for the built-in EtherCAT

port on the connected CPU Unit or
11. Checking Indicators
Industrial PC
• 4-2 Indicators on page 4-5

• Manuals for the specific NX Units

12. Confirming Operation by Checking the Wiring
• 11-10 I/O Checking on page 11-33

3-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

3-2-2 Details

Procedure Item Description Reference

Preparing for Selecting NX • Select the NX Units for I/O refreshing methods, and the • 2-2-2 Types of
Work Units quantity and types of I/O that are required. NX Units on
page 2-7
• 10-3-3 Selecting
NX Units on

3-2 Procedures
page 10-9
Confirming Suit- Confirm that the following specific restrictions for the Slave • 3-1 Specifica-
1 ability of Slave Terminal are met. tions on page 3-2
Terminal Specifi- • Number of NX Units • Section 5
cations Designing the
• Send/receive PDO data sizes
Power Supply
• Design conditions for the NX Unit power supply and I/O
power supply
System 3
• 6-1-3 Installation
• Installation orientation
Orientation on

3-2-2 Details
page 6-8
Making Hard- Setting the Node Set the node address of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit with the 4-3 Hardware
ware Settings Address hardware switches. You can also use the Sysmac Studio to Switch Settings on
and Wiring the set the node address with software settings. To use software page 4-10
Slave Terminal settings, set the hardware switches to 000, install and wire
the Slave Terminal, and then set the software settings in step
Installation Connect the NX Units and End Cover to the EtherCAT Cou- 6-1 Installing Units
pler Unit and secure the Slave Terminal to a DIN Track to on page 6-2
install it.
Wiring Wire the Slave Terminal. Section 7 Wiring
• Connect the communications cables.
• Connect the Unit power supply.
• Connect the I/O power supply.
• Connect the ground wire.
• Connect the external I/O devices.
Creating the Creating the Create a project in the Sysmac Studio. 9-2-2 Settings as
EtherCAT Net- EtherCAT Net- Create the EtherCAT network configuration offline. an EtherCAT Slave
work Configu- work Configura- on page 9-6
Specifically, register the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the net-
ration and tion and Making
work configuration. Then, make the settings for the EtherCAT
Making Set- Settings as an
Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave. Set the node address of
tings as an EtherCAT Slave
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the node address set in step 2.
3 Set other parameters as required.
If you want to use the compare and merge operation to auto-
matically create the EtherCAT network configuration online
based on the actual devices that are connected to the net-
work, you must use step 8 first to go online. After the network
configuration is created automatically, go offline and set the
other parameters.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3-9

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

Procedure Item Description Reference

Configuring the Slave Terminal Set up the Slave Terminal (create the configuration and set Slave Terminal
and Making the Operation Set- the parameters) on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Configuring and
tings Page on the Sysmac Studio. Operation Settings
on page 9-5
Creating the Unit Create the Unit configuration information of the Slave Termi- 9-2-3 Setting the
Configuration nal offline. The Unit configuration information includes the Unit Configuration
Information EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units. Information on
page 9-9
4 Setting the I/O Make the I/O allocations for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and 9-2-4 I/O Alloca-
Allocation Infor- NX Units as required. tion Information on
mation page 9-13
Unit Operation Make the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Coupler 9-2-5 Unit Opera-
Settings Unit and NX Units as required. tion Settings on
page 9-25
Setting Unit Create the Unit application data. This step applies only to 9-2-6 Unit Applica-
Application Data Units that have Unit application data. tion Data on page
Setting Ether- Setting Ether- Set the process data communications cycle, wait time for User's manual for
CAT Master CAT Master slave startup, and other parameters for the EtherCAT master. the built-in Ether-
Parameters Parameters The values that are set are reflected in the network configu- CAT port on the
ration information. connected CPU
Unit or Industrial
Assigning Slave Terminal Vari- To enable access in the user program in the NJ/NX-series 9-3 Assigning Vari-
ables Unit or the NY-series Industrial PC, the I/O data that is ables on page 9-36
assigned in the I/O allocation information is assigned to
device variables and axis variables.
Assigning If necessary, change the names of automatically generated 9-3-2 Assigning
6 Device Vari- device variables for each I/O port to user-defined variable Device Variables to
ables to I/O names. I/O Ports on page
Ports 9-37
Assigning Axis If you will control Position Interface Units with the Motion 9-3-4 Assigning
Variables Control Function Module, create the axes and assign I/O Axis Variables on
data to the axis variables. page 9-40
Programming Programming Write the user program with device variables and axis vari- • Software user's
ables. manual for the
connected CPU
Unit or Industrial
• User's manual
for the built-in
EtherCAT port on
the connected
CPU Unit or
Industrial PC
7 Task Settings Make the task settings. • Software user's
Assign a task to each EtherCAT Slave Terminal. If you will manual for the
use DC Mode to refresh I/O for EtherCAT Slave Terminals connected CPU
after you assigned tasks, set the task period of the assigned Unit or Industrial
periodic task so that it is longer than the refresh cycle of the PC
NX bus. • 10-3-5 Setting
the Task Periods
of Periodic Tasks
on page 10-19
• 10-3-6 Task Allo-
cations on page

3 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

Procedure Item Description Reference

Turning ON Turning ON the Turn ON the Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. 4-2 Indicators on
Power and Unit Power Sup- If there are any Additional NX Unit Power Supply Units, turn page 4-5
Going Online ply to the Slave ON the Unit power supply to the Additional NX Unit Power
from the Sys- Terminal Supply Units at the same time as the Unit power supply to
mac Studio the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. When you do, the Unit configura-
tion information does not exist in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
yet, so the TS indicator on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit will
flash green.
Turning ON the Turn ON the I/O power supply to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. ---

3-2 Procedures
I/O Power Sup- If there are any Additional I/O Power Supply Units, turn ON
ply to the Slave the I/O power supply to the Additional I/O Power Supply
Terminal Units at the same time as the I/O power supply to the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
Turning ON the Turn ON the power supply to the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller. ---
Power Supply to
the 3

3-2-2 Details
Online connec- Use the Sysmac Studio to set communications with the Sysmac Studio
tion from Sys- NJ/NX/NY-series Controller and go online. Version 1 Opera-
mac Studio tion Manual (Cat.
No. W504)
Comparing Comparing and Use the compare and merge operation for the physical con- • 9-2-7 Sysmac
and Merging Merging with the figurations to see if the EtherCAT network configuration and Studio Functions
with the Actual Actual Network EtherCAT Slave Terminal Unit configuration that are set on Used as
Network Con- Configuration or the Sysmac Studio agree with the actual configurations. Required on
figuration or the Actual Unit page 9-27
9 the Actual Unit Configuration • User's manual
Configuration for the built-in
EtherCAT port on
the connected
CPU Unit or
Industrial PC
Downloading Downloading the Download the network configuration information, Slave Ter- 9-4 Transferring
the Network Network Config- minal setting information, and user program. Use the syn- and Comparing
Configuration uration Informa- chronization operation of the Sysmac Studio to download the Settings on page
Information, tion, the Slave data. The network configuration information contains the set- 9-41
10 the Slave Ter- Terminal Setting ting information of EtherCAT slaves. The Slave Terminal set-
minal Setting Information, and ting information contains the Unit configuration information,
Information, the User Pro- I/O allocation information, Unit operation settings, and Unit
and the User gram application data.
Checking Indi- Checking Indica- Check the indicators for the built-in EtherCAT port on the • User's manual
cators tors NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. Also, for the built-in
check the indicators on the Units in the EtherCAT Slave Ter- EtherCAT port on
minal. the connected
• A flashing yellow EtherCAT LINK/ACT indicator shows that CPU Unit or
11 the link is established and data is being transmitted and Industrial PC
received. • 4-2 Indicators on
• A solid green EtherCAT NET RUN indicator shows the page 4-5
device is in the Operational state (normal communications
• If the EtherCAT ERR indicator is not lit, there is no error.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 3 - 11

3 Specifications and Application Procedures

Procedure Item Description Reference

Checking Indi- Checking Indica- Check the indicators on the Units in the EtherCAT Slave Ter- 4-2 Indicators on
cators tors minal. page 4-5
Check the following indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• A solid green TS indicator indicates normal operating sta-
• A solid green RUN indicator shows the device is in the
Operational state (normal communications state).
• A flashing green LINK/ACT indicator shows that the link is
established and data is being transmitted and received.
• If the ERR indicator is not lit, there is no error.

Check the following indicators on the NX Units.

• A solid green TS indicator indicates normal operating sta-
Confirming Confirming Use one of the following checking methods for the wiring on • Manuals for the
Operation by Operation by the NX Units to check operation. specific NX Units
Checking the Checking the • Check the wiring by monitoring inputs or using forced • 11-10 I/O Check-
Wiring Wiring refreshing of outputs from the I/O Map or Watch Tab Page ing on page
on the Sysmac Studio. 11-33
• To use the Motion Control Function Module to control Posi-
tion Interface Units, use the MC Test Run from the Sysmac
Studio or monitor the axis status from the MC monitor table
to check the wiring.
• Use the I/O checking function of the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal to check the wiring between NX Units and I/O

3 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Part Names and Functions
This section gives the names of the parts of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Units, and
End Cover and describes the functions of the parts.

4-1 Parts and Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-1-2 NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-1-3 End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4-3 Hardware Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-3-1 Rotary Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-3-2 DIP Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-11
4-3-3 Setting the Node Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4-4 Communications Connector and Peripheral USB Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-5 Terminal Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4-6 DIN Track Contact Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4-1

4 Part Names and Functions

4-1 Parts and Names

This section gives the names of the parts of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Units, and End Plates and
describes the functions of the parts.

4-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Units

This section gives the names of the parts of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

(B) (D)
(C) (E)


(F) (J)


Letter Name Function

(A) Marker attachment locations The locations where markers are attached. The markers made by
OMRON are installed for the factory setting. Commercially available
markers can also be installed.
For details, refer to 6-1-8 Attaching Markers on page 6-20.
(B) Unit specifications The specifications of the Unit are given.
(C) NX bus connector This connector is used to connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the
NX Unit on the right of the Coupler Unit.
(D) DIN Track mounting hooks These hooks are used to mount the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to a DIN
(E) Protrusions for removing the The protrusions to hold when removing the Unit.
(F) Unit hookup guides These guides are used to connect two Units.
(G) Indicators The indicators show the current operating status of the Unit and the
status of the power supply.
(H) Peripheral USB port This port is used to connect to the Sysmac Studio.
(I) Terminal block The terminal block is used to connect to the power supply cables and
ground wire.
(J) DIN Track contact plate This plate is connected internally to the functional ground terminal on
the terminal block.
(K) DIP switch The DIP switch is used to set the 100s digit of the node address of the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave.
(L) Communications connectors These connectors are connected to the communications cables of the
EtherCAT network. There are two connectors: one for the input port
and one for the output port.
(M) Rotary switches The rotary switches are used to set the 1s digit and 10s digit of the
node address of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave.
The address is set in decimal.

4-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

4-1-2 NX Units
This section provides an example of an NX Unit.
Refer to the user’s manual for each NX Unit for specific information.
(B) (C) (D) (E) (C) (B)

(A) (F)

4-1 Parts and Names


4-1-2 NX Units
(H) (C) (E) (C)

Letter Name Function

(A) Marker attachment locations The locations where markers are attached. The markers made by
OMRON are installed for the factory setting. Commercially available
markers can also be installed.
(B) NX bus connector This connector is used to connect each Unit.
(C) Unit hookup guides These guides are used to connect two Units.
(D) DIN Track mounting hooks These hooks are used to mount the NX Unit to a DIN Track.
(E) Protrusions for removing the The protrusions to hold when removing the Unit.
(F) Indicators The indicators show the current operating status of the Unit.
(G) Terminal block The terminal block is used to connect external devices.
The number of terminals depends on the type of Unit.
(H) Unit specifications The specifications of the Unit are given.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4-3

4 Part Names and Functions

4-1-3 End Cover

An NX-END01 End Cover is connected to the end of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
One End Cover is provided together with the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.



A A *1



*1. This is the shape for Units with lot numbers through December 2014.

Letter Name Function

(A) Unit hookup guides These guides are used to connect the End Cover to the NX Unit on
the left of the End Cover.
(B) Protrusions for removing the The protrusions to hold when removing the End Cover.

Precautions for Correct Use

Always mount an End Cover to the end of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to protect the last NX
Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Not attaching the End Cover may result in malfunction or
failure of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

4-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

4-2 Indicators
There are the indicators to show the current operating status of the Unit on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The appearance of the indicators has been changed for models released in or before September 2018
with lot numbers that represent the date of or after September 20, 2018. In this manual, those models
are shown with the indicators after the change. For details on the applicable models and the changes,
refer to Appearance Change of the Indicators on page 4-9.

4-2 Indicators
NX-ECC202 (A)


Letter Name Function
(A) Model number The model number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is shown.
(B) Indicators The current operating status of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is shown.

TS Indicator
The TS indicator shows the status of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the communications status
between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units.

Color Status Meaning

Green Lit. The Unit is operating normally.

Flashing at 2-s intervals. • Initializing

Flashing at 0.5-s inter- • Unit configuration information is not set.
vals. • I/O checking is in progress.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4-5

4 Part Names and Functions

Color Status Meaning

Red Lit. • Hardware failure
• Bus Controller Error
• Non-volatile Memory Control Parameter Error
• Unit Configuration Error
• Unit Configuration Information Error
• Unit Configuration Verification Error
• ESC Error
• ESC Initialization Error
• Slave Unit Verification Error
• Memory Corruption Detected
• NX Unit Startup Error
• Other error for which the EtherCAT Coupler Unit needs to be
Flashing at 1-s intervals. • NX Unit Communications Timeout
• NX Unit Initialization Error
• Synchronization Interruption Error
• Synchronization Error
• Communications Synchronization Error
• Process Data WDT Error
• Errors related to EtherCAT communications settings
• Illegal State Transition Request Received
• Error State Transition Received
• Synchronization Cycle Setting Error
--- Not lit. • There is insufficient or no Unit power supply.
• Restarting is in progress for the Slave Terminal
• Waiting for initialization to start.

UNIT PWR Indicator

The UNIT PWR indicator shows the status of the Unit power supply.

Color Status Meaning

Green Lit. Power is currently supplied from the Unit power
--- Not lit. No power is currently supplied.

I/O PWR Indicator

The I/O PWR indicator shows the status of the I/O power supply.

Color Status Meaning

Green Lit. Power is currently supplied from the I/O power sup-
--- Not lit. No power is currently supplied.

4-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

L/A IN Indicator
The L/A IN indicator shows the status of the inputs in EtherCAT communications.
Color Status Meaning
Green Lit. A link was established in the physical layer.

Flickering A link was established and input communications

are in operation.
--- Not lit. A link was not established in the physical layer.

L/A OUT Indicator

4-2 Indicators
The L/A OUT indicator shows the status of the outputs in EtherCAT communications.
Color Status Meaning
Green Lit. A link was established in the physical layer.

Flickering A link was established and output communications 4

are in operation.
--- Not lit. A link was not established in the physical layer.

RUN Indicator
The RUN indicator shows the operating status of EtherCAT communications for the EtherCAT Coupler
Color Status Meaning
Green Lit. Operational state

Blinking Pre-Operational state

Single flash Safe-Operational state
--- Not lit. Init state

For details on EtherCAT states, refer to 8-3 Transitions of Communications States on page 8-4.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4-7

4 Part Names and Functions

ERR Indicator
The ERR indicator provides information on errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Color Status Meaning
Red Lit. • Hardware failure
• ESC Initialization Error
• Other error for which the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
needs to be replaced.
Flickering ESC Error
Blinking • NX Unit Initialization Error
• Bus Controller Error
• Non-volatile Memory Control Parameter Error
• Unit Configuration Error
• Unit Configuration Information Error
• Unit Configuration Verification Error
• Slave Unit Verification Error
• NX Unit Communications Timeout
• Memory Corruption Detected
• Errors related to EtherCAT communications set-
• Illegal State Transition Request Received
• Error State Transition Received
• Synchronization Cycle Setting Error
• NX Unit Startup Error
Single flash • Synchronization Interruption Error
• Synchronization Error
• Communications Synchronization Error
• Restarting is in progress for the Slave Terminal
• In parameter overwrite mode
Double flash Process Data WDT Error
--- Not lit. No error

4-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

Additional Information

The timing of flashing and flickering of the indicators is shown below.

50 ms


200 ms 200 ms

4-2 Indicators
1,000 ms
Single flash
200 ms 200 ms

1,000 ms
Double flash
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms

Appearance Change of the Indicators

The appearance of the indicators has been changed for models released in or before September 2018
with lot numbers that represent the date of or after September 20, 2018. See below for details on the
applicable models and the changes. Models that are not listed here have the appearance after the

 Applicable Models
NX-ECC201, NX-ECC0202, NX-ECC203

 Change Details
The shape of the light emitting part of each indicator has been changed from a square to a penta-
Below is an example of the TS indicator.

Before change After change

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4-9

4 Part Names and Functions

4-3 Hardware Switch Settings

This section describes the functions of the hardware switches (i.e., the rotary switches and the DIP
switch) on the front panel of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

4-3-1 Rotary Switches

The rotary switches are used to set the node address of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on the EtherCAT
network. They set the node address as the 10s digit and 1s digit of the decimal value. The 100s digit is
set on pin 4 of the DIP switch that is described below.
The setting range is from 00 to 99. (The factory setting is 00.)

Refer to 4-3-3 Setting the Node Address on page 4-12 for information on setting the node address by
combining the rotary switches and pin 4 of the DIP switch that is described below.

Precautions for Correct Use

The label above the rotary switches depends on the model, unit version, and lot number of the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit as shown below.

Model Unit version Label

• NX-ECC201 Version 1.0 or later • Lot number: November 14, 2018 or earlier
• Lot number: November 15, 2018 or later
NX-ECC203 Version 1.4 or earlier ADR
Version 1.5 or later ID

4 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

4-3-2 DIP Switch

If you turn ON pin 4 on the DIP switch, 100 will be added to the node address that is set on the rotary
The other pins are reserved by the system.

4-3 Hardware Switch Settings

Pin Name Description
Pin 1 Reserved by the system. Keep turned OFF.
Pin 2 (The factory setting is OFF.)
Pin 3
Pin 4 Node addresses + 100 ON: The address that is set on the rotary switches is
increased by 100. 4
OFF: The address that is set on the rotary switches is not
increased by 100.

4-3-2 DIP Switch

(The factory setting is OFF.)

Refer to 4-3-3 Setting the Node Address on page 4-12 for information on setting the node address by
combining the rotary switches that are described above and pin 4 of the DIP switch.

Precautions for Correct Use

The label above the SW4 DIP switch depends on the model, unit version, and lot number of the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit as shown below.

Model Unit version Label

• NX-ECC201 Version 1.0 or later • Lot number: November 14, 2018 or earlier
• NX-ECC202 ADR+100
• Lot number: November 15, 2018 or later
NX-ECC203 Version 1.4 or earlier ADR+100
Version 1.5 or later ID+100

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4 - 11

4 Part Names and Functions

4-3-3 Setting the Node Address

You must set the node address to enable the EtherCAT master to recognize the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
There are two ways to set the node address: Switch settings and settings from the Sysmac Studio.
The switch settings are used to select the method to use.

Setting the Node Address with Switch Settings

The following switches are used to set the node address. The setting ranges are given in the following
If these switches are used, the node address that is set on the switches will be valid. (The factory set-
ting is 000.)

Node address setting

When the settable When the settable
Switch Node address node address range node address range
for the built-in Ether- for the built-in Ether-
CAT port is 1 to 512 CAT port is1 to 192
DIP switch pin 4 100s digit 001 to 199 001 to 192
Top rotary switch 10s digit
Bottom rotary switch 1s digit
You can set any node address that is within the setting range as long as the same node address is not
set for another EtherCAT slave on the EtherCAT network.

Setting the Node Address from the Sysmac Studio

To set the node address from the Sysmac Studio, set the switches to 000, as shown below.
This will enable setting the node address from the Sysmac Studio.

Switch Node address Node address setting

DIP switch pin 4 100s digit 0 (OFF)
Top rotary switch 10s digit 0
Bottom rotary switch 1s digit 0

Place the Sysmac Studio online with the NJ/NX-series CPU or the NY-series Industrial PC to set the
node address from the Sysmac Studio. For the procedure to set the node address from the Sysmac
Studio, refer to the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial

Precautions for Correct Use

• The node address that is set on the switches is read only once when the Unit power supply is
turned ON or the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is restarted. Even if the node address is changed
after the Unit power supply is turned ON or after the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is restarted, the
new node address will not be used until the next time that power is turned ON or the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit is restarted.
• An error will occur if the same node address is set for more than one slave.
• An error will occur if the node address is not within the setting range.

4 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

4-4 Communications Connector and Periph-

4-4 Communications Connector and Peripheral USB Port

eral USB Port
This section provides the specifications of the communications connectors and peripheral USB port on
the front panel of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Peripheral USB port

Communications connectors
Top: IN connector
Bottom: OUT connector 4

Communications Connectors
Connect Ethernet cables to the communications connectors. The specifications of the EtherCAT com-
munications connectors are given below.
• Electrical specifications: Conform to IEEE 802.3 standards.
• Connector structure: RJ45 8-pin Modular Connector (Conforms to ISO 8877.)

Peripheral USB Port

The peripheral USB port is used to connect to Support Software. You can use a USB cable to directly
connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the Sysmac Studio to enable setting up the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
• Connector type: B

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4 - 13

4 Part Names and Functions

4-5 Terminal Blocks

The terminal block on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is a removable screwless clamping terminal block that
allows you to easily connect and remove the wiring.
The Unit power supply, I/O power supply, and ground wire are connected to this screwless clamping
terminal block.
For details, refer to 7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires on page 7-9.

Terminal Block Part Names and Functions


(A) (A)
(B) (B)

A1 B1 A1 B1
(C) (C)
A2 B2 A2 B2

A3 B3 A3 B3

A4 B4 A4 B4

A5 B5 A5 B5

A6 B6 A6 B6

A7 B7 A7 B7
A8 B8 A8 B8

8-terminal type 8-terminal type

Letter Name Function

(A) Terminal num- The terminal numbers (A1 to A8 and B1 to B8) are displayed.
ber indications The terminal number indications are the same regardless of the number of termi-
nals on the terminal block.
(B) Release holes Insert a flat-blade screwdriver into these holes to connect and remove the wires.
(C) Terminal holes The wires are inserted into these holes.
(D) Ground termi- This mark indicates the ground terminals. Only the NX-TBC082 has this mark.
nal mark

Terminal blocks come in three types depending on the number of terminals that can be used. There are
8-terminal type, 12-terminal type, and 16-terminal type. Only an 8-terminal type can be mounted to the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit. To prevent incorrect wire insertion, other Terminal blocks cannot be mounted.

Additional Information

On 8-terminal type of terminal blocks, the following terminals do not have terminal holes and
release holes: A2, A4, A6, A8, B2, B4, B6, and B8.

4 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

4 Part Names and Functions

Applicable Terminal Blocks for Each Model

The current capacity of power supply terminal for each model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the
terminal blocks that you can use with each model are given in the following table.

Current capacity of
Unit’s power supply Terminal block
Unit model terminals
number Unit I/O Terminal
Number of Ground termi- Terminal cur-
power power block model
terminals nal mark rent capacity
supply supply number

4-5 Terminal Blocks

NX-ECC202 or 4A 10 A NX-TBC082 8 Present 10 A
NX-ECC201 4A NX-TBA081 8 None 4A
NX-TBC082 8 Present 10 A

Precautions for Correct Use

You can mount either of the two models of terminal blocks to the NX-ECC201. However, the
current capacity of the power supply terminals is 4 A. Even if you mount the NX-TBC082 Termi- 4
nal Block, which has a terminal current capacity of 10 A, the rated currents of the NX-ECC201’s
Unit power supply and I/O power supply do not change.

To differentiate between the two models of terminal blocks, use the terminal number column indica-
tions. The terminal block with white letters on a dark background is the NX-TBC082.

Additional Information

Refer to A-9 Terminal Block Model Numbers on page A-90 for the screwless clamping terminal
blocks for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 4 - 15

4 Part Names and Functions

4-6 DIN Track Contact Plate

There is a DIN Track contact plate in the section on the back of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit that comes
into contact with the DIN Track.
This plate is connected internally to the functional ground terminal on EtherCAT Coupler Unit. This
means that the functional ground terminal will be electrically connected to the DIN Track.
For details, refer to 7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 7-10.

Unit side

Functional ground
DIN Track
contact plate

Connected inside the Unit.

DIN Track contact plate

4 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Designing the Power Supply Sys-
This section describes how to design the power supply system for the EtherCAT Slave

5-1 Power Supply System and Design Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5

5-1-1 Power Supply System and Types of Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5-1-2 NX-series Power Supply-related Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5-1-3 Design Concepts for Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal . . . . . . . . 5-5
5-2 Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5-2-1 Procedure for Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5-2-2 Calculation Example for the NX Unit Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5-3-1 I/O Power Supply Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-3-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply from External Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
5-3-4 Restrictions on Inrush Current for ON/OFF Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
5-4-1 Selecting the Unit Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16
5-4-2 Selecting the I/O Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5-1

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-1 Power Supply System and Design

This section describes the power supply system for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal and the design con-

5-1-1 Power Supply System and Types of Power Supplies

Power Supply System Configuration Diagram

An example of a power supply system configuration diagram for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is shown
NX Units End Cover
EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Unit power supply terminals NX Unit power supply

Unit power
supply Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal
(24 VDC) circuits circuits circuits circuits circuits circuits

I/O power supply terminals circuit NX bus

I/O power Terminal blocks

(e.g., 24 VDC) Input terminals or I/O power To external NX bus connector
supply terminals (example for devices
Digital Input Unit)

Power Supply Types

There are the following two types of power supplies that supply power to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Power supply
Unit power sup- This power supply is required to generate the NX Unit power, which is necessary for the Eth-
ply erCAT Slave Terminal to operate.
This power supply is connected to the Unit power supply terminals on the EtherCAT Coupler
The internal power supply circuit in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit generates the NX Unit power
supply from the Unit power supply.
The internal circuits of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and of the NX Units operate on the NX Unit
power supply.
The NX Unit power is supplied to the NX Units in the Slave Terminal through the NX bus con-

5-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Power supply
I/O power supply This power supply drives the internal I/O circuits of the NX Units and it is used for the con-
nected external devices. This power supply is connected to the I/O power supply terminals on
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. The I/O power is supplied to the NX Units from the I/O power sup-
ply terminals and through the NX bus connectors.

5-1 Power Supply System and Design Concepts

Precautions for Correct Use
Always use separate power supplies for the Unit power supply and the I/O power supply. If you
supply power from the same power supply, noise may cause malfunctions.

5-1-2 NX-series Power Supply-related Units

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit supplies the NX Unit power and I/O power to the NX Units in the Slave Ter-
minal. The Units that are related to power supply for the NX Series other than the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit are listed in the following table.
For the specifications of NX-series power supply-related Units, refer to the NX-series System Units
User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523). For information on the most recent lineup of NX Series power sup-
ply-related Units, refer to NX-series catalogs or OMRON websites, or ask your OMRON representative.

Unit name Function

5-1-2 NX-series Power Supply-related Units

Additional NX Unit Power This NX Unit provides NX Unit power supply.
Supply Unit This NX Unit is used when the total power consumption of the NX Units in the Slave
Terminal exceeds the NX Unit power supply capacity of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The total power consumption The total power consumption
from the NX Unit power supply from the NX Unit power supply
is within the NX Unit power is within the NX Unit power
supply capacity. supply capacity.

NX Unit Separated by Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Unit power Additional NX Unit NX Unit power supply
supply Power Supply Unit
Unit power
supply Internal Internal
power power
terminals supply supply
circuit circuit

I/O power

Unit power

The I/O power supply for the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit is connected to
the NX Unit on the left through the NX bus connector.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5-3

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Unit name Function

Additional I/O Power Sup- This NX Unit provides additional I/O power supply.
ply Unit Use this NX Unit in the following cases.
(a) When the I/O power supply capacity is insufficient
• When the total current consumption for the I/O power supply exceeds the max-
imum I/O power supply current of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
• When a voltage drop in the I/O power supply causes the voltage of the I/O
power supply to go below the voltage specifications of the I/O circuits or con-
nected external devices
(b) Separating the I/O power supply
• When connected external devices have different I/O power supply voltages
• When separating the power supply systems
Case (a)
Separated by Additional I/O
Power Supply Unit
EtherCAT Additional I/O
Coupler Unit NX Unit Power Supply Unit


I/O power I/O power

supply supply

Unit power
supply When the I/O power supply
becomes the following states
for the subsequent NX Units.
- When it exceeds the maximum
I/O power supply current
- When it goes below the voltage
Case (b) specifications of the connected
external devices
Separated by Additional I/O
EtherCAT Power Supply Unit
Additional I/O
Coupler Unit NX Unit Power Supply Unit


I/O power I/O power

supply supply

Unit power

- When different I/O power supply voltage are used.

- When separating the power supply systems.

The NX Unit power supply of the Additional I/O Power Supply Unit is connected to
the NX Unit on the left through the NX bus connector.

5-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Unit name Function

I/O Power Supply Con- This NX Unit is used when there are not enough I/O power supply terminals for the
nection Unit connected external devices that are connected to NX Units such as Digital I/O Units
and Analog I/O Units.
I/O power supply is not separated at
the I/O Power Supply Connection Units.

5-1 Power Supply System and Design Concepts

Additional I/O I/O Power Supply
EtherCAT NX Unit Connection Units
Coupler Unit Power Supply Unit


I/O power

Unit power I/O power

supply supply Not enough I/O power
supply terminals

Example of NPN type

I/O Power Supply

Connection Unit
I/O Power Supply
Connection Unit
DC Input Units 5
(NPN type) Two-wire sensor*
(16 IOV terminals) (16 IOG terminals) (e.g., limit switch)
A1 B1 A1 B1 A1 B1
Brown (White)

5-1-3 Design Concepts for Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Blue (Black)
Three-wire sensor
IOV IOV IOG IOG 12 13 with NPN output*
IOV IOV IOG IOG 14 15 (e.g., photoelectric sensor
A8 B8 A8 B8 A8 B8 or proximity sensor)
Black (White)
Brown (Red)
Blue (Black)

* Wire colors have been changed according to revisions in the JIS standards for photoelectric
and proximity sensors. The colors in parentheses are the wire colors prior to the revisions.

5-1-3 Design Concepts for Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
The following must be studied when designing the power supply system to the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
• The NX Unit power supply and I/O power supply systems must be designed and then the design con-
ditions for both must be confirmed.
• The external power supplies (i.e., Unit power supply and I/O power supplies) must be selected.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5-5

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-2 Designing the NX Unit Power Supply

This section describes how to design the NX Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

5-2-1 Procedure for Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System

The total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply must not exceed the NX Unit power supply
capacity of the Unit that supplies the NX Unit power.
Use the following procedure to design the NX Unit power supply.

1 Calculate the total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply that is required by the NX
Units that are connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

2 If the total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply exceeds the NX Unit power sup-
ply capacity of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, add an Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit to the
right of an NX Unit before the capacity is exceeded.

3 Calculate the total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply that is required by the NX
Units that are connected after the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit.
If the total power consumption of those NX Units exceeds the NX Unit power supply capacity of
the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit, add another Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit to
the right of an NX Unit before the capacity is exceeded.

4 Repeat step 3 until the design conditions for the NX Unit power supply are met.
The total power consumption from the The total power consumption from the
NX Unit power supply must not exceed NX Unit power supply must not exceed
the NX Unit power supply capacity. the NX Unit power supply capacity.

NX Units connected to the NX Units connected to the Additional

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Unit Power Supply Unit
Unit power EtherCAT
supply terminals Coupler Unit
NX Unit power supply NX Unit power supply

Unit power
supply terminals
End Cover
Internal power supply circuits Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit

Unit power

5-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

 NX Unit Power Supply Capacity and Restrictions

The internal power supply circuits of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or Additional NX Unit Power Supply
Unit supply the NX Unit power to the NX Units.
The NX Unit power supply capacity does not include the NX Unit power consumption of the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or Additional NX Unit Power Supply Units.
The NX Unit power supply capacity of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is restricted by the following applica-

5-2 Designing the NX Unit Power Supply System

tion conditions.
• Ambient operating temperature
• Installation orientation
Consider these conditions and determine the required NX Unit power supply capacity, and then design
the NX Unit power supply system.
Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2 for restrictions on the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
For restrictions on the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit, refer to the NX-series System Units
User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523).

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not exceed the NX Unit power supply capacity. If you exceed the NX Unit power supply
capacity, malfunction may occur.
• Use the same Unit power supply to supply the Unit power to the entire Slave Terminal. If you
supply power from different Unit power supplies, differences in electrical potential may cause
unexpected currents in the NX Unit power supply, which may result in failure or malfunction.

5-2-2 Calculation Example for the NX Unit Power Supply

5-2-2 Calculation Example for the NX Unit Power Supply
This section provides a calculation example for the NX Unit power supply.

 Unit Configuration Example

Name Model Quantity Power consumption/Unit
EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX-ECC201 1 1.45 W
Digital Input Unit NX-ID3317 5 0.5 W
Relay Output Unit NX-OC2633 5 0.8 W

 Application Conditions
The ambient operating temperature is 55°C and an upright installation orientation is used.

 Calculating the Total Power Consumption from the NX Unit Power Supply
Calculate the total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply that is required by the NX
Units that are connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. The NX Unit power consumption of the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit is not included in this calculation.
Total power consumption from NX Unit power supply [W] = (0.5 W × 5) + (0.8 W × 5) = 6.5 W

 Confirming the NX Unit Power Supply Capacity of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
According to the graph in Installation orientation and restrictions on page 3-4 in 3-1-2 EtherCAT
Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2, the NX Unit power supply capacity is 8.5 W max. There-
fore, in this example, the total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply is 6.5 W, and the
NX Unit power supply capacity is 8.5 W max., so the design conditions are met.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5-7

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Additional Information

Excess or insufficiency in the NX Unit power supply capacity can be easily checked when the
Unit configuration is created on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac
Studio. Use the following procedure to check the power supply capacity.

On the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac Studio, select the Unit to
supply NX Unit power. The power that is supplied by the NX Unit power supply (i.e., the total
power consumption) and the power supply capacity are displayed for the Supply Power/Avail-
able Power parameter. The following example is for when the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is

If the power to supply exceeds the NX Unit power supply capacity of the Unit that is selected to
supply the NX Unit power, a yellow warning icon is displayed by the first NX Unit for which there
is not sufficient capacity and also by all the remaining NX Units.

However, the Sysmac Studio determines excess and insufficiency in the supplied power for an
NX Unit power supply capacity of 10 W max. It does not consider the power supply restrictions
of the NX Unit power supply in actual application conditions and I/O power supply design condi-
tions. When actually designing the power supply, refer to 5-2-1 Procedure for Designing the NX
Unit Power Supply System on page 5-6 and 5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX
Bus on page 5-10.

5-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply Sys-

This section describes how to design the I/O power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System

5-3-1 I/O Power Supply Method
There is more than one method to supply the I/O power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal,
depending on the type and model of the NX Units.

Supply method Description

Supply from the NX bus Power is supplied through the NX bus connectors by connecting an I/O power supply
to the I/O power supply terminals on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or Additional I/O
Power Supply Units.
Supply from external Power is supplied to the Units from an external source.
source I/O power is supplied by connecting an I/O power supply to the terminal blocks on the
No supply The I/O power supply is not needed when the NX Unit does not use it for the connected
external devices, or when power for the interface is generated inside the NX Unit.
For power supply methods for specific NX Units, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units or to I/O
power supply method specified in the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525).

5-3-1 I/O Power Supply Method

An example is shown below.

Supplied from the NX bus. No supply.

EtherCAT DC Input Relay Relay Transistor Load

Coupler Unit Unit Output Output Output Unit Cell
I/O power supply Unit Unit Input
terminals Unit

Terminal block
End Cover
I/O power External External
supply input External output External
External device
(DC) device output output input
device device device
Terminal block
I/O power supply (AC)

Supplied from external source.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5-9

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX Bus

Procedure for Designing the I/O Power Supply

Make sure that the following design conditions are met when you design the I/O power supply from the
NX bus.
• The total current consumption from the I/O power supply must not exceed the maximum I/O power
supply current of the Unit that supplies the I/O power.
• The voltage drop in the I/O power supply must be within the voltage specifications of the I/O circuits
of the NX Units and the connected external devices.

Use the following procedure to design the I/O power supply.

1 Calculate the total current consumption from the I/O power supply of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
and the NX Units that are connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and calculate the voltage
drop in the I/O power supply.

2 Add an Additional I/O Power Supply Unit in either of the following cases, (a) or (b). Add the
Additional I/O Power Supply Unit to the right of the NX Unit for which both (a) and (b) do not
(a) The total current consumption for the I/O power supply exceeds the I/O power supply
capacity of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
(b) Voltage drop in the I/O power supply causes the voltage of the I/O power supply to go
below the voltage specifications of the I/O circuits of the NX Units or the connected external

3 Calculate the voltage drop in the I/O power supply after the Additional I/O Power Supply Unit
and the total current consumption from the I/O power supply that is required by the Additional
I/O Power Supply Unit and by the NX Units that are connected after the Additional I/O Power
Supply Unit.
Add another Additional I/O Power Supply Unit in either of the following cases, (a) or (b). Add the
Additional I/O Power Supply Unit to the right of the NX Unit for which both (a) and (b) do not
(a) The total current consumption for the I/O power supply exceeds the I/O power supply
capacity of the Additional I/O Power Supply Unit.
(b) Voltage drop in the I/O power supply causes the voltage of the I/O power supply to go
below the voltage specifications of the I/O circuits of the NX Units or the connected external

4 Repeat step 3 until the design conditions for the I/O power supply are met.

5 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

●The total current consumption ●The total current consumption

●The total current consumption from the I/O from the I/O power supply from the I/O power supply
power supply must not exceed the must not exceed the must not exceed the
maximum current of the I/O power supply. maximum current of the I/O maximum current of the I/O
(NX Units that are supplied power from power supply. power supply.
external sources are not included in the ●The voltage drop in the I/O ●The voltage drop in the I/O
calculation.) power supply must be within power supply must be within
●The voltage drop in the I/O power supply the voltage specifications of the voltage specifications of
must be within the voltage specifications the I/O circuits of the NX the I/O circuits of the NX
of the I/O circuits of the NX Units and the Units and the connected Units and the connected
connected external devices. external devices. external devices.

5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System

Additional I/O Power Supply Unit Additional I/O Power Supply Unit
NX Units NX Units NX Units

Coupler Unit

I/O power supply


To external To external I/O power To external I/O power To external

End Cover
I/O power devices devices supply devices supply devices
supply terminals terminals

power power I/O power I/O power
supply supply supply supply

Supplied from Separating the I/O
The Additional I/O Power
external source. Power Supply
Supply Unit is used because
• The Additional I/O

5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX Bus

otherwise the maximum
Power Supply Unit is
current of the I/O power supply
used because
would be exceeded.
different I/O power
supply voltages are

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 11

5 Designing the Power Supply System

 Maximum I/O Power Supply Current

The maximum I/O power supply current is the maximum current that the I/O power supply that is
connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or Additional I/O Power Supply Unit can supply through the
NX bus connectors to the NX Units. For the maximum I/O power supply current of the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit, refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2. For the maximum I/O
power supply current of the Additional I/O Power Supply Unit, refer to the NX-series System Units
User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523).

Calculating the Total Current Consumption from the I/O Power Sup-
The total current consumption from the I/O power supply from the NX bus is the total of the following
current consumptions.
• The current consumption from the I/O power supply that is required for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or
the Additional I/O Power Supply Unit, and for the NX Units that are connected to the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit or Additional I/O Power Supply Unit
• The current consumption between the NX Units and the connected external devices

Current consumption item Description

Current consumption from I/O This is the current that is consumed by the internal circuits that operate on
power supply the I/O power supply.
Specific values are given in the user’s manuals for individual Units.
Current consumption between This is the current that is consumed between the NX Units and the con-
the NX Units and the connected nected external devices.
external devices For example, this is the current consumed by a Digital Input Unit to supply
power to photoelectric sensors or to turn ON the input circuits in the Digital
Input Unit.
The current consumption depends on the type of I/O circuit in the NX Unit,
the number of I/O points that are used, and the current consumption of the
connected external device. It must be calculated for each NX Unit.

 Calculation Examples
Examples of calculating the current consumption from the I/O power supply are given below for a
Digital Input Unit and Digital Output Unit.

Current consumption of Digital Current consumption from I/O power supply + (Input current × Number
Input Unit of inputs used) + Total current consumption of connected input devices

Current consumption of Digital Current consumption from I/O power supply + Total load current of con-
Output Unit nected loads + Total current consumption of connected output devices

For the methods to calculate the I/O power supply current consumption for NX Units, refer to Calcu-
lating the Total Current Consumption from I/O Power Supply or Connecting the Power Supply in the
user’s manuals for the NX Units.

5 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Calculating the Voltage Drop in the I/O Power Supply

Voltage drop occurs in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal due to the contact resistance at the points where
Units are connected to each other. Design the I/O power supply system to maintain the voltage specifi-
cations of the NX Unit I/O circuits and connected external devices even if the voltage of the I/O power
supply drops.
As shown in the following table, the voltage drop per Unit depends on the total current consumption

5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System

from the I/O power supply. However, the total current consumption from the I/O power supply must not
exceed the maximum I/O power supply current of the Unit that supplies the I/O power.

Total current consumption from the I/O power supply Voltage drop per Unit
10 A 0.20 V
8A 0.16 V
6A 0.12 V
4A 0.08 V
3A 0.06 V
2A 0.04 V
1A 0.02 V

Here, the following Unit configuration example is used to show how to calculate the I/O power that is
supplied by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. The same method can be used to calculate the I/O power sup-
ply from an Additional I/O Power Supply Unit. 5
● Total current consumption from the Units ● Units that are supplied I/O
Example: that are supplied I/O power from the power from the Additional I/O

5-3-2 Designing the I/O Power Supply from the NX Bus

EtherCAT Coupler Unit (total for (1) to Power Supply Unit
(7) = 4 A)
EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units
Additional I/O Power Supply Unit

(1) (2) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I/O power To external To external To external End Cover

supply devices devices devices
(24 VDC)

I/O power
Power Consumption of Individual Units
(1): 0 A*1 (Supplied from the NX bus.)
(24 VDC)
(2) and (3): 1.5 A each (Supplied from the NX bus.)
(4) and (5): 0 A (Supplied from external source.)
(6) and (7): 0.5 A each (Supplied from the NX bus.)

*1. The current consumption of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is not actually 0 A. However, a value of 0 A is used in
this calculation example.
In actual calculations, use the current consumption from the I/O power supply that is given elsewhere in this

 Outline
Find the I/O power supply voltage of the NX Unit that is the farthest from the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
In this example, the I/O power supply voltage of Unit (7) is found.

 Conditions
Assume that an I/O power supply voltage of 24.00 VDC is supplied to the I/O power supply terminals
on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 13

5 Designing the Power Supply System

 Procedure
1 Use the following formula to calculate the total current consumption from the I/O power supply.

Total current consumption from the I/O power supply =(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7)
= 0 A + 1.5 A + 1.5 A + 0 A + 0 A + 0.5 A + 0.5 A

2 Find the I/O power supply voltage and make sure that it is within the voltage specifications of the
I/O circuits of the NX Units and the connected external devices.

I/O power supply voltage at (7) = I/O power supply voltage on I/O power supply terminals − (Voltage drop per Unit ×
Number of Units passed through)
= 24.00 V − 0.08 V × (7 − 1 Units)
= 23.52 V

Design to Separate the I/O Power Supply

If the I/O power supply voltages of the connected external devices are different, connect an Additional
I/O Power Supply Unit at the point where the I/O power supply voltage changes and then perform simi-
lar calculations to design a system that meets the power supply conditions. The same method is used
to separate the power supply systems. Connect an Additional I/O Power Supply Unit at the point where
the power supply systems are to be separated and then perform similar calculations to design the over-
all system to meet the power supply conditions.

5-3-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply from External Sources

Unlike supplying power from the NX bus, there is no specific design method for supplying I/O power
from external sources.
Calculate the total current consumption from the I/O power supply for the NX Units to be supplied
power from an external source.
For the total current consumption from the I/O power supply, refer to Calculating the Total Current Con-
sumption from I/O Power Supply or Connecting the Power Supply in the user’s manuals of the NX

5-3-4 Restrictions on Inrush Current for ON/OFF Operation

This section describes the restrictions on inrush current from the I/O power supply that occurs when
connected external devices turn ON and OFF.

Inrush Current Restrictions

If inrush current to the I/O power supply occurs when a connected external device turns ON or OFF, do
not allow the effective value of the I/O power supply current to exceed the following rated values when
the inrush current is added to the current consumption from the I/O power supply.
• Maximum I/O power supply current
• Current capacity of power supply terminals for the I/O power supply
Do not allow the inrush current to exceed the values given in the following table.

Unit Model Peak value Pulse width

EtherCAT Coupler NX-ECC203 50 A 1s
Unit NX-ECC202
NX-ECC201 20 A 1s

5 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Calculating the Effective Value of the I/O Power Supply Current

The formula to calculate the effective value of the I/O power supply current, Irms, is given below.

Irms= Ip2×D+Ia2×(1-D)
• Ip: Peak inrush current (A)

5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System

• Irms: Effective value of I/O power supply current (A)
• Ia: Total current consumption from the I/O power supply (A)
• D: Inrush current duty
• τ: Inrush current pulse width (s)
• T: Inrush current period (s)



0A 5

5-3-4 Restrictions on Inrush Current for ON/OFF Operation


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 15

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies

and Protective Devices
This section describes how to select the external power supplies and protective devices for the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal, i.e., the Unit power supply and the I/O power supplies.

5-4-1 Selecting the Unit Power Supply

This section describes how to select the Unit power supply for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Recommended Power Supplies

Use an SELV power supply that meets the following conditions for the Unit power supply.
• Has overcurrent protection.
• Has double or reinforced insulation between the input and output.
• Has an output voltage of 24 VDC (20.4 to 28.8 VDC).
Recommended Power Supplies: S8JX Series (manufactured by OMRON)

Calculating the Required Power Supply Capacity of the Unit Power

 Formula
This section describes how to calculate the required capacity of the Unit power supply for the Ether-
CAT Slave Terminal.

Required capacity of the Unit power supply Total of required Unit power supply capacity
for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal for each block

Use the following formula to calculate the required Unit power supply capacity for each block in the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Required Unit power supply capacity of each block = (A + B)/C

A NX Unit power consumption of the Unit that supplies the NX Unit power
B Total power consumption from the NX Unit power supply that is required by the NX Units that
are connected to the Unit that supplies NX Unit power
C NX Unit power supply efficiency of the Unit that supplies the NX Unit power

5 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

 Blocks
A block consists of the Unit that supplies the NX Unit power and the range of Units to which that Unit

5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices

supplies the NX Unit power. For example, in the configuration in the following figure there are two
blocks in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal: the block with the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the block with
the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit block Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit block

NX Units connected to the

EtherCAT Coupler Unit
NX Units connected to the Additional
EtherCAT NX Unit Power Supply Unit
Unit power Coupler Unit
supply terminals
NX Unit power supply NX Unit power supply

∙ ∙ ∙

Unit power End Cover

Unit power supply terminals
supply Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit
Internal power supply circuits
The total of the required Unit power supply capacity for these two blocks is the required power sup-
ply capacity of the Unit power supply for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Precautions for Correct Use

5-4-1 Selecting the Unit Power Supply

Use the same Unit power supply to supply the Unit power to the entire Slave Terminal. If you
supply power from different Unit power supplies, differences in electrical potential may cause
unexpected currents in the NX Unit power supply, which may result in failure or malfunction.

 Calculation Example
This section provides a calculation example for the configuration example that is given in 5-2-2 Cal-
culation Example for the NX Unit Power Supply on page 5-7.

Name Model Quantity Power consumption/Unit

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX-ECC201 1 1.45 W
Digital Input Unit NX-ID3317 5 0.5 W
Relay Output Unit NX-OC2633 5 0.8 W

• The NX Unit power supply efficiency of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is 70%.

In this configuration example, there is only one block, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit block.

Required power supply capacity of Unit power supply to EtherCAT Slave Terminal
= Required Unit power supply capacity of EtherCAT Coupler Unit block
= (Power consumption from NX Unit power supply of EtherCAT Coupler Unit + Total power con-
sumption from NX Unit power supply of NX Units connected to EtherCAT Coupler Unit)/NX
Unit power supply efficiency of EtherCAT Coupler Unit
= (1.45 W + (0.5 W × 5) + (0.8 W × 5))/0.7
= Approx. 11.4 W

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 17

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Precautions for Correct Use

Consider the inrush current when the power supply is turned ON and select a Unit power sup-
ply with sufficient extra capacity. The inrush current when power is turned ON may prevent the
Unit power supply from operating correctly.

5-4-2 Selecting the I/O Power Supplies

This section describes how to select the I/O power supplies for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Recommended Power Supplies

Use an SELV power supply that meets the following conditions for the I/O power supply.
• Has overcurrent protection.
• Has double or reinforced insulation between the input and output.
• Has an output voltage of 5 to 24 VDC (4.5 to 28.8 VDC).
*1. Use an output voltage that is appropriate for the I/O circuits of the NX Units and the connected external
Recommended Power Supplies: S8JX Series (manufactured by OMRON)

Calculating the Required Power Supply Capacity of the I/O Power

Use the calculation method that is described in 5-3 Designing the I/O Power Supply System on page
5-9 and calculate the total current consumption from the I/O power supply and the required power sup-
ply capacity of the I/O power supply.
Unlike the Unit power supply, it is not necessary to use only one I/O power supply to supply power to
the entire Slave Terminal.

Precautions for Correct Use

Consider the inrush current when the power supply is turned ON and select an I/O power sup-
ply with sufficient extra capacity. The inrush current when power is turned ON may prevent the
I/O power supply from operating correctly.

An example of calculating the required power supply capacity of the I/O power supply is given below.
(a) Configuration and Conditions
EtherCAT Coupler Digital Input Digital Output
Unit Unit Unit
NX-ECC202 NX-ID3317 NX-OD3121

End Cover
power Connected output
supply input devices
(24 VDC) devices (loads)

5 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Item Condition
I/O power supply voltage 24 VDC

5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices

Inputs Number of inputs used (that turn ON simultaneously) 4 points
Current consumption of connected input devices 50 mA/point
Outputs Number of outputs (that turn ON simultaneously) 4 points
Load current of connected loads 125 mA/point
Current consumption of connected output devices 50 mA/point

I/O power is supplied to the NX-ID3317 and NX-OD3121 from the NX bus.

(b) Unit Specifications

Model Current consumption from I/O power supply Input current

NX-ECC202 10 mA ---
NX-ID3317 0 mA 6 mA/point
NX-OD3121 10 mA ---

(c) Calculations
The current consumption from the I/O power supply for each Unit is calculated as follows.

NX-ECC202 Current Consumption = Current consumption from I/O power supply

= 10 mA 5
NX-ID3317 Current Consumption = Current consumption from I/O power supply + (Input current ×

5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices

Number of inputs used) + Total current consumption of con-
nected input devices
= 0 mA + (6 mA × 4 points) + (50 mA × 4 points)
= 224 mA

NX-OD3121 Current Consumption = Current consumption from I/O power supply + Total load cur-
rent of connected loads + Total current consumption of con-
nected output devices
= 10 mA + (125 mA × 4 points) + (50 mA × 4 points)
= 710 mA

The required power supply capacity for the I/O power supply is calculated as follows.

Power supply capacity of I/O power supply = (Current consumed by NX-ECC202) + (Current consumed by
NX-ID3317) + (Current consumed by NX-OD3121)
= 10 mA + 224 mA +710 mA
= 944 mA

5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices

This section describes how to select protective devices (e.g., breakers and fuses) to protect against
short circuits and overcurrents in external circuits.
Overcurrent is the current that flows when an excessive load is connected and one of the following rat-
ings is exceeded.
• For the Unit power supply, the rating of the NX Unit power supply capacity or of the current capacity
of the power supply terminals
• For the I/O power supply, the rating of the maximum I/O power supply current or of the current capac-
ity of the power supply terminals

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 19

5 Designing the Power Supply System

For the above ratings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifica-
tions on page 3-2. For the ratings of NX-series power supply-related Units, refer to the NX-series Sys-
tem Units User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523).

Selecting Protective Devices

Consider the following items when you select protective devices.
• Protective device specifications (breaking/fusing, detection characteristics, steady current value, etc.)
• Inrush current when power is turned ON
• Inrush current when connected external devices turn ON and OFF*1
*1. Refer to 5-3-4 Restrictions on Inrush Current for ON/OFF Operation on page 5-14 for information on the
inrush current when connected external devices are turned ON and OFF.
For the breaking/fusing time, use protective devices that meet the conditions in the following table.

 For Unit Power Supply

Current Breaking/fusing time

6A 1 min max.
12 A 15 s max.
21 A 5 s max.
30 A 2.5 s max.

 For I/O Power Supply

The following values apply for a Unit which has 10 A of current capacity of the power supply termi-

Current Breaking/fusing time

14 A 1 min max.
28 A 9 s max.
56A 1.5 s max.
70 A 0.8 s max.

The following values apply for a Unit which has 4 A of current capacity of the power supply termi-

Current Breaking/fusing time

6A 1 min max.
12 A 15 s max.
21 A 5 s max.
30 A 2.5 s max.

5 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

Installation Locations for Protective Devices

5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices

Install protective devices for the Unit power supply and I/O power supply in the locations that are shown
in the following figure.
Block that is supplied I/O
power from the Additional
Block that is supplied I/O power from the EtherCAT I/O Power Supply Unit
Coupler Unit

Block that is supplied Unit

Block that is supplied Unit power from the Additional
power from the EtherCAT NX Unit Power Supply
Coupler Unit Unit

EtherCAT NX Unit
NX Unit Additional I/O
Coupler Unit Power Supply Unit
power Additional NX Unit
supply Power Supply Unit
Unit power
supply terminals

Internal Internal
I_unit1 power power
supply supply
circuit circuit NX Unit
power supply

I/O power
I/O power Unit power
I_io1 supply terminals supply terminals I_io2 supply terminals

Protective I_unit2 Protective

device device

5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices

I/O power Protective
supply device

Unit power

However, fewer protective devices may be required when the current consumption of each block does
not exceed the rated current. An example of this is provided below.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 21

5 Designing the Power Supply System

• Using Unwired Unit Power Supply Terminals

In this example, the current consumption from each power supply is as follows:
Current consumption from Unit power supply: I_unit1 + I_unit2 ≤ Lowest rated current
Current consumption from I/O power supply: I_io1 + I_io2 ≥ Lowest rated current*1
Block that is supplied I/O
Block that is supplied I/O power from the EtherCAT power from the Additional
Coupler Unit I/O Power Supply Unit

Block that is supplied

Block that is supplied Unit Unit power from the
power from the EtherCAT Additional NX Unit
Coupler Unit Power Supply Unit
Coupler Unit
NX Unit NX Unit Additional I/O
power Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit
Unit power supply Power Supply Unit
supply terminals
Internal Internal
I_unit1 + I_unit2 power power
supply supply NX Unit
circuit circuit
power supply

I/O power Unit power
supply I_io2 I/O power supply terminals
I_io1 supply terminals
Protective Protective
device device

I/O power

Unit power I_unit2


*1. This is the lowest rated current of all of the Units that supply I/O power and are connected to protective devices. For ex-
ample, if terminals with both a 10-A and 4-A capacities are connected, the value is 4 A.

5 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

5 Designing the Power Supply System

• When Total Current Consumption for All Blocks Does Not Exceed the Rated Current
In this example, the current consumption from each power supply is as follows:

5-4 Selecting External Power Supplies and Protective Devices

Current consumption from Unit power supply: I_unit1 + I_unit2 ≤ Lowest rated current
Current consumption from I/O power supply: I_io1 + I_io2 ≤ Lowest rated current*1
Block that is supplied I/O
Block that is supplied I/O power from the EtherCAT power from the Additional I/O
Coupler Unit Power Supply Unit

Block that is supplied

Block that is supplied Unit Unit power from the
power from the EtherCAT Additional NX Unit
Coupler Unit Power Supply Unit

NX Unit
EtherCAT NX Unit
Coupler Unit power Additional NX Unit Additional I/O
supply Power Supply Unit Power Supply Unit
Unit power
supply terminals
Internal Internal
I_unit1 power power
supply supply NX Unit
circuit circuit power supply

I/O power supply Unit power I/O power supply terminals

I_io1 terminals
supply terminals


5-4-3 Selecting Protective Devices


I/O power


Unit power

*1. This is the lowest rated current of all of the Units that supply I/O power and are connected to protective devices. For ex-
ample, if terminals with both a 10-A and 4-A capacities are connected, the value is 4 A.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 5 - 23

5 Designing the Power Supply System

5 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

This section describes how to install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

6-1 Installing Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6-1-1 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6-1-2 Preparations for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6-1-3 Installation Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6-1-4 Installing the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6-1-5 Installing and Connecting NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 6
6-1-6 Mounting the End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
6-1-7 Mounting the End Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
6-1-8 Attaching Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
6-1-9 Removing Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6-2 Control Panel Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
6-2-1 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
6-2-2 Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
6-2-3 Vibration and Shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
6-2-4 Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
6-2-5 Electrical Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
6-2-6 Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6-1

6 Installation

6-1 Installing Units

This section describes how to mount Units to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

6-1-1 Installation Precautions

To increase the reliability of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and take complete advantage of its function-
ality, observe the following precautions.

Installation Location
Do not install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the following locations.
• Locations subject to ambient temperatures outside the range of 0 to 55°C
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
• Locations subject to a relative humidity outside the range of 10% to 95%
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations subject to excessive dust, salt, and metal powder
• Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Locations subject to direct sunlight
• Locations subject to splashing of water, oils, or chemicals

Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the
following locations.
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
• Locations close to power lines

Installation in Cabinets or Control Panels

Consider the ambient temperature, accessibility for operation, accessibility for maintenance, noise
immunity, and installation orientation when you install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in a cabinet or con-
trol panel.

 Temperature Control
The ambient operating temperature of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal must be between 0 and 55°C.
When necessary, take the following steps to maintain the proper temperature.
• Provide enough space for good air flow.
• Do not install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal directly above equipment that generates a large
amount of heat such as heaters, transformers, or high-capacity resistors.
• If the ambient temperature exceeds 55°C, install a cooling fan or air conditioner.

6-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

Control panel



 Accessibility for Operation and Maintenance

• To ensure safe access for operation and maintenance, separate the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as
much as possible from high-voltage equipment and power machinery.
• If will be easy to operate the EtherCAT Slave Terminal if it is mounted at a height of 1.0 to 1.6 m
above the floor.

6-1 Installing Units

 Improving Noise Immunity
• Do not mount the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in a cabinet or control panel containing high-voltage
• Install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal at least 200 mm away from power lines.

Power lines

200 mm

6-1-1 Installation Precautions

EtherCAT Slave Terminal

200 mm min.

• Ground the mounting plate between the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and the mounting surface.

 Installation Orientation
Refer to 6-1-3 Installation Orientation on page 6-8.

Installation Method in Control Panels

Mount the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on DIN Track if you install it in a cabinet or control panel.
Consider the width of wiring ducts, wiring, ventilation, and Unit replacement when determining the
space between EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

Additional Information

The EtherCAT Slave Terminal must be mounted on DIN Track.

It cannot be mounted with screws.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6-3

6 Installation

 Wiring Ducts
Whenever possible, route I/O wiring through wiring ducts.
Install mounting bases so that it is easy to wire the I/O Units through ducts. It is handy to have the
ducts at the same height as the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

20 mm min.

Slave DIN Track

20 mm min.

 Wiring Duct Example

71 mm

30 mm
30 mm Mounting base
40 mm Terminal

*1. The height of the DIN Track is not considered in this figure.

6-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

 Routing Wiring Ducts

Install the wiring ducts at least 20 mm away from the tops of the devices and any other objects (e.g.,
top of the panel, other wiring ducts, structural supports, and components) to provide enough space
for air circulation and replacement of Units.
Input duct Output duct Power duct

200 mm min.

Controller Breakers
and fuses

EtherCAT Slave

6-1 Installing Units

such as
and magnetic

6-1-1 Installation Precautions

Fuses, relays,
timers, etc.
Terminal blocks Terminal blocks
(Do not install
for Controller for power equipment
devices that
generate heat
or power

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6-5

6 Installation

6-1-2 Preparations for Installation

You must install the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units on a DIN Track.
The following products are recommended.

Name Model Manufacturer Remarks

35-mm DIN PFP-50N OMRON Corporation • Length: 50 cm
Track • Material: Aluminum
• Surface treatment: Insulated
PFP-100N OMRON Corporation • Length: 100 cm
• Material: Aluminum
• Surface treatment: Insulated
NS 35/7,5 PERF Phoenix Contact • Length: 75.5, 95.5, 115.5, or 200 cm
• Material: Steel
• Surface treatment: Conductive
NS 35/15 PERF Phoenix Contact • Length: 75.5, 95.5, 115.5, or 200 cm
• Material: Steel
• Surface treatment: Conductive
End Plate PFP-M OMRON Corporation Two End Plates are required for each
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
CLIPFIX 35 Phoenix Contact Two End Plates are required for each
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Not all of the combinations of the DIN Tracks and End Plates listed above are possible.
Confirm applicability of the combinations in the following table.

DIN Track model
(OMRON) (Phoenix Contact)
PFP-50N Possible. Possible.
PFP-100N Possible. Possible.
NS 35/7,5 PERF Possible. Possible.
NS 35/15 PERF Not possible. Possible.

Also, use screws and washers of the following sizes to fix the DIN Tracks.

(a): Dimensions from the screw head to the fastening surface (a)
DIN Track model (a)*1
screw size
PFP-50N M4 4.9 mm max.
(4.1 mm max.)
NS35/7,5PERF M6 5.4 mm max.
(4.6 mm max.)
NS35/15PERF M6 10 mm max.
*1. Dimensions in parentheses are for Communications Coupler Units
with lot numbers through December 2014 or for NX Units with
12-mm widths with lot numbers through December 2014.

If you use any DIN Track other than those listed in the table above, refer to the dimensions shown in
6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions on page 6-23 and use proper screws and washers.

6-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

 DIN Tracks
PFP-100N/50N DIN Track

35±0.3 27±0.15

15 25 25 25 25 15(5)*1 1
10 10
*1 PFP-50N dimensions are given in parentheses.

NS 35/7,5 PERF
25 R0.8
27 35

15 1

NS 35/15 PERF


6-1 Installing Units

25 0.8 R1.25
27 35

15 1.5

 End Plate
PFP-M (Two)

6-1-2 Preparations for Installation

CLIPFIX 35 (Two)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6-7

6 Installation

6-1-3 Installation Orientation

An EtherCAT Slave Terminal can be installed in any of the following six orientations.
(A) is the upright installation direction and (B) to (F) are installation directions other than upright.

(A) (E) Up
(C) (D)

(B) (F)


However, there are restrictions on the installation orientation of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit due to the
ambient operating temperature and the NX Unit power supply capacity.
There are also installation orientation restrictions on the DIN Track of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
restrictions to specifications that can result from the NX Units that are used.
For restrictions on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on
page 3-2.
For restrictions on the installation orientation of NX Units, refer to Installation orientation and restrictions
specified in the user’s manuals for the NX Units.

Precautions for Safe Use

For installation orientations (C) and (D) in the above figure, support the cables, e.g., with a duct,
so that the End Plate on the bottom is not subjected to the weight of the cables. The weight of
the cables may cause the bottom End Plate to slide downward so that the Slave Terminal is no
longer secured to the DIN Track, which may result in malfunctions.

6-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

6-1-4 Installing the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

This section describes how to install the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Precautions for Safe Use

• Always turn OFF the power supply before installing the Unit.
If the power supply is not OFF, the Unit may malfunction or may be damaged.
• Do not apply labels or tape to the Unit. When the Unit is installed or removed, adhesive or
scraps may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.
• Do not touch the pins in the NX bus connector on the Unit. Dirt may adhere to the pins in the
NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.


6-1 Installing Units

Example: NX Unit (12 mm width)

6-1-4 Installing the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

• Do not write on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit with ink within the restricted region that is shown
in the following figure. Also do not get this area dirty. When the Unit is installed or removed,
ink or dirt may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions
in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Restricted region (shaded portion)

Precautions for Correct Use

• When you handle the Unit, be careful not to touch or bump the pins in the NX bus connector.
• When you handle the Unit, be careful not to apply stress to the pins in the NX bus connector.
If the Unit is installed and the power supply is turned ON when the pins in the NX bus con-
nector are deformed, contact failure may cause malfunctions.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6-9

6 Installation

1 Install the DIN Track.

• Using a PFP-50N/100N DIN Track
Use one M4 screw for each three holes in the DIN Track. There must be a screw for each inter-
val of 105 mm or less. The screw tightening torque is 1.2 N·m.

DIN Track

Use one screw for each three holes.

• Using an NS 35/7,5 PERF or NS 35/15 PERF DIN Track

Use one M6 screw for each four holes in the DIN Track. There must be a screw for each interval
of 100 mm or less. The screw tightening torque is 5.2 N·m.

DIN Track

Use one screw for each four holes.

2 Make sure that the two DIN Track mounting hooks on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit are in the locked
DIN Track
mounting hooks

9.5 mm
4.5 mm

DIN Track Mounting DIN Track Mounting

Hooks in Locked Position Hooks in Unlocked Position

If the DIN Track mounting hooks are pressed down, they are in the locked position.
If the DIN Track mounting hooks are up, they are in the unlocked position.
If the DIN Track mounting hooks are unlocked, press them down into the locked position.

6 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

3 Press the EtherCAT Coupler Unit firmly against the DIN Track until you hear the DIN Track
mounting hook lock into place.
After you mount the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, check to be sure that it is securely mounted on the
DIN Track.
DIN Track EtherCAT Cou-
mounting pler Unit

Press firmly.
DIN Track

6-1 Installing Units

Precautions for Correct Use
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit may not be mounted properly to the DIN Track if the protrusions on
the left back of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit interfere with the screw that fixes the DIN Track as
shown in the following figure.
When you mount the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the DIN Track, avoid interference of the protru-
sions on the left back of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit with the screw on the DIN Track. (This
applies to EtherCAT Coupler Units with lot numbers through December 2014.)

6-1-4 Installing the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Additional Information

It is not normally necessary to unlock the DIN Track mounting hooks when you mount the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit. However, if you mount the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on a DIN Track that is
not one of the recommended DIN Tracks, the DIN Track mounting hooks may not lock properly.
If that happens, unlock the DIN Track mounting hooks at the start of the procedure, mount the
Unit to the DIN Track, and then lock the DIN Track mounting hooks.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 11

6 Installation

6-1-5 Installing and Connecting NX Units

This section describes how to mount NX Units to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and how to connect NX
Units to each other.

Precautions for Safe Use

• Always turn OFF the power supply before mounting the NX Units. If the power supply is not
OFF, the Unit may malfunction or may be damaged.
• Do not apply labels or tape to the Units. When the Units are installed or removed, adhesive or
scraps may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.
• Do not touch the pins in the NX bus connector on the Unit. Dirt may adhere to the pins in the
NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.


Example: NX Unit (12 mm width)

• Do not write on an NX Unit with ink within the restricted region that is shown in the following
figure. Also do not get this area dirty. When the Unit is installed or removed, ink or dirt may
adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions in the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal.

Restricted region
(shaded portion)

6 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

Precautions for Correct Use

• When you mount an NX Unit to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or when you connect NX Units to
each other, always mount the Units one at a time on the DIN Track. If you connect NX Units
to each other and attempt to mount them together to the DIN Track at the same time, the
Units may separate from each other and fall.
• When you handle a Unit, be careful not to apply stress to the pins in the NX bus connector.
If the Unit is installed and the power supply is turned ON when the pins in the NX bus con-
nector are deformed, contact failure may cause malfunctions.
• When you handle a Unit, be careful not to touch or bump the pins in the NX bus connector.

 Mounting an NX Unit to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

1 From the front of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, engage the Unit hookup guides on the NX Unit
with the Unit hookup guides on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Unit hookup guides

6-1 Installing Units

Unit hookup guides

2 Slide the NX Unit in on the hookup guides.

6-1-5 Installing and Connecting NX Units

3 Press the NX Unit with a certain amount of force against the DIN Track until you hear the DIN
Track mounting hook lock into place.
When you mount the NX Unit, it is not necessary to release the DIN track mounting hook on the
NX Unit.
After you mount the NX Unit, make sure that it is locked to the DIN Track.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 13

6 Installation

Additional Information

It is not normally necessary to unlock the DIN Track mounting hook when you mount the NX
Unit. However, if you mount the NX Unit on a DIN Track that is not one of the recommended
DIN Tracks, the DIN Track mounting hook may not lock properly. If that happens, unlock the
DIN Track mounting hook at the start of the procedure, mount the NX Unit to the DIN Track, and
then lock the DIN Track mounting hook.

 Mounting NX Units to Each Other

Use the following procedure to mount NX Units to each other.

1 From the front of the previously mounted NX Unit, engage the Unit hookup guides on a new Unit
with the Unit hookup guides on the previously mounted NX Unit.

Unit hookup guides

Unit hookup guides

2 Slide the NX Unit in on the hookup guides.

3 Press the NX Unit with a certain amount of force against the DIN Track until you hear the DIN
Track mounting hook lock into place.
When you mount the NX Unit, it is not necessary to release the DIN track mounting hook on the
NX Unit.
After you mount the NX Unit, make sure that it is locked to the DIN Track.

6 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

Additional Information

It is not normally necessary to unlock the DIN Track mounting hook when you mount the NX
Unit. However, if you mount the NX Unit on a DIN Track that is not one of the recommended
DIN Tracks, the DIN Track mounting hook may not lock properly. If that happens, unlock the
DIN Track mounting hook at the start of the procedure, mount the NX Unit to the DIN Track, and
then lock the DIN Track mounting hook.

6-1 Installing Units


6-1-5 Installing and Connecting NX Units

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 15

6 Installation

6-1-6 Mounting the End Cover

Always mount an End Cover to the end of the Slave Terminal.

Precautions for Safe Use

• Always turn OFF the power supply before mounting the End Cover. If the power supply is not
OFF, the Unit may malfunction or may be damaged.
• Do not apply labels or tape to the Units. When the Units are installed or removed, adhesive or
scraps may adhere to the pins in the NX bus connector, which may result in malfunctions.

Precautions for Correct Use

Always mount an End Cover to the end of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to protect the last NX
Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Not mounting the End Cover may result in malfunction or
failure of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

1 From the front of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, slide the End Cover in on the Unit hookup
guides on the NX Unit on the right end of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

2 Press the End Cover firmly against the DIN Track until you hear it lock into place on the DIN
After you mount the End Cover, check to be sure that it is securely mounted on the DIN Track.

Press in until the End

Cover comes into contact
with the DIN Track.

6 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

Precautions for Correct Use

The End Cover may not be mounted properly to the DIN Track if the protrusions on the back of
the End Cover that are marked in the left below figure interfere with the screw that fixes the DIN
Track as shown in the right below figure. When you mount the End Cover to the DIN Track,
avoid interference of the protrusions on the back of the End Cover with the screw on the DIN
Track. (This applies to End Covers provided with EtherCAT Coupler Units with lot numbers
through December 2014.)
Protrusions on the back Interference of the protrusions with
of End Cover the screw

6-1 Installing Units


6-1-6 Mounting the End Cover

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 17

6 Installation

6-1-7 Mounting the End Plates

After you mount the End Cover, always secure the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with End Plates.

Precautions for Correct Use

After you mount the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, always install an End Plate on each side of the
Slave Terminal to secure the Slave Terminal. If you do not secure it, the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal may be damaged or malfunction.

 Using PFP-M (OMRON)

To mount an End Plate, 1) hook the bottom of it on the bottom of the DIN Track and 2) rotate the End
Plate to hook the top of it on the top of the DIN Track.
Then tighten the screw to lock the End Plate in place.



End Plate
End Plate End Cover

 Using CLIPFIX 35 (Phoenix Contact)

To mount an End Plate, 1) hook the top of it on the top of the DIN Track and 2) rotate the End Plate to
hook the bottom of it on the bottom of the DIN Track. Press in until you hear the End Plate lock into



End Plate

End Cover
End Plate

To remove an End Plate 1) insert the tip of a flat-blade screwdriver into groove “a” and 2) use “b” as a
fulcrum and lift the end of the screwdriver, as shown in the following diagram.

6 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation


Flat-blade screwdriver

6-1 Installing Units


6-1-7 Mounting the End Plates

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 19

6 Installation

6-1-8 Attaching Markers

Markers can be attached to EtherCAT Coupler Units, NX Units, and terminal blocks on NX Units to
identify them.
The plastic markers made by OMRON are installed for the factory setting. The ID information can be
written on them.
Commercially available markers can also be installed.
Replace the markers made by OMRON if you use commercially available markers now.


The marker attachment locations on the NX Units depend on the type of external connection terminals.
Refer to the user’s manual for the NX Units that you will use for the marker attachment locations.

 Installation Method
Insert the protrusions on the markers into the marker attachment locations on the EtherCAT Coupler
Units, NX Units, and terminal blocks on NX Units.

Marker attachment location Marker attachment location


<Units> <Terminal block>

 Commercially Available Markers

Commercially available markers are made of plastic and can be printed on with a special printer.
To use commercially available markers, purchase the following products.

Model number
Product name
Manufactured by Phoenix Contact Manufactured by Weidmuller
Markers UC1-TMF8 DEK 5/8
Special marker printer UM EN BLUEMARK X1 PrintJet PRO
The markers made by OMRON cannot be printed on with commercially available special printers.

6 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

6-1-9 Removing Units

Precautions for Safe Use

Always turn OFF the power supply before removing any Unit.
If the power supply is not OFF, the Unit may malfunction or may be damaged.

Precautions for Correct Use

• When removing an NX Unit, remove multiple Units together which include the one you want
to remove. If you attempt to remove only one Unit, it is stuck and hard to pull out. Do not
unlock the DIN track mounting hooks on all of the NX Units at the same time. If you unlock
the DIN Track mounting hooks on all of the NX Units at the same time, all of the Units may
come off.
• When you remove a Unit, be careful not to touch or bump the pins in the NX bus connector.

6-1 Installing Units

1 Use a flat-blade screwdriver to pull up the DIN Track mounting hook on the Unit to remove.
Flat-blade screwdriver
DIN track mounting hook

6-1-9 Removing Units

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 21

6 Installation

2 Remove the Unit with either (a) or (b) below.

(a) For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit, place your fingers on the protrusions on the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit and pull it straight forward.
(b) For an NX Unit, place your fingers on the protrusions on more than one NX Unit, including
the NX Unit to remove, and pull the NX Units straight forward.

Protrusion for
removing the Unit

<EtherCAT Coupler Unit> <NX Unit>

6 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions

Installation Dimensions
End Cover
EtherCAT Coupler Unit
End Plate (A)
0.55 *1
End Plate NX Units 1.5
DIN Track


100 104.5


6-1 Installing Units

1.5 65.2
(C) W (C) (B)
W+(C)+(C) 80 (Unit: mm)
(Unit: mm)

*1. The dimension is 1.35 mm for Communications Coupler Units with lot numbers through December 2014 or for
NX Units with 12-mm widths with lot numbers through December 2014.
W: Width of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
W + (C) + (C): Width of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal including the End Plates 6

6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions

(A) Dimension from the
DIN Track model
DIN Track dimension back of the Unit to the
back of the DIN Track
PFP-100N 7.3 mm 1.5 mm
PFP-50N 7.3 mm 1.5 mm
NS 35/7,5 PERF 7.5 mm 1.7 mm
NS 35/15 PERF 15 mm 9.2 mm

End Plate model
End Plate dimension
PFP-M 10 mm
CLIPFIX 35 9.5 mm

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 23

6 Installation

 Calculation Example for the Configuration Width of an EtherCAT Slave Termi-

NX Units: Digital Input Units
with 4 inputs each
NX Units: End Cover
Temperature Input Units
EtherCAT Coupler Unit with 4 inputs each

The widths of the Units in the example EtherCAT Slave Terminal configuration and the total configu-
ration width are given below.
Name Model Unit width
EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX-ECC201 46 mm
NX Units: Digital Input Units NX-ID3317 12 mm × 4 Units
NX Units: Temperature Input Units NX-TS3101 24 mm × 2 Units
End Cover NX-END01 12 mm
Total: W = 46 + (12 × 4) + (24 × 2) + 12 = 154 mm

Additional Information

You can check the width of a Slave Terminal when you create the Unit configuration on the Edit
Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac Studio. You can display the width on the
right of the Slave Terminal on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac
Studio. Click to display the width.

6 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

Installation Height
The installation height of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal depends on the model of DIN Track and on the
models of NX Units that are mounted.
Also, additional space is required for the cables that are connected to the Unit. Allow sufficient depth in
the control panel and allow extra space when you mount the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
The following figure shows the dimensions from the cables connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to
the back of the Unit.
This is the installation height without the DIN Track of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to Installation Dimensions on page 6-23 for the influence on the installation height on the DIN

100 to 120 *2

USB cable

6-1 Installing Units


6-1-10 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions

Communication cable

*1. This dimension depends on the specifications of the commercially available USB certified cable. Check the
specifications of the USB cable that is used.
*2. Dimension from Back of Unit to Communications Cables
• 100 mm: When an MPS588-C Connector is used.
• 120 mm: When an XS6G-T421-1 Connector is used.
As shown above, the installation height depends on the USB cable specifications when a USB cable is
used to connect the Sysmac Studio Support Software to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Check the specifi-
cations of the USB cable that is used.
For the installation height of NX Units, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 25

6 Installation

6-2 Control Panel Installation

To ensure system reliability and safety, the system must be designed and configured according to the
installation environment (temperature, humidity, vibration, shock, corrosive gases, overcurrent, noise,

6-2-1 Temperature
Panels have been reduced in size due to space-saving and miniaturization in devices and systems, and
the temperature inside the panel may be at least 10 to 15°C higher than outside the panel. Implement
the following measures against overheating at the installation site and in the panel, and allow a suffi-
cient margin for the temperature.

High Temperatures
Use the following cooling methods as required, taking into account the ambient temperature and the
amount of heating inside the panel.

 Natural Cooling
Natural cooling relies on natural ventilation through slits in the panel, rather than using cooling
devices such as fans or coolers.
When using this method, observe the following points.
• Do not install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal at the top of the panel, where hot air tends to stagnate.
• To provide ventilation space above and below the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, leave sufficient dis-
tance from other devices, wiring ducts, etc.
• Do not install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal directly above heat-generating equipment, such as
heaters, transformers, and devices with high resistance.
• Do not install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in a location exposed to direct sunlight.



Natural Cooling

6 - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

 Forced Ventilation by Fan at Top of Panel



Air filter

Forced Ventilation Method

 Forced Air Circulation by Fan in Closed Panel

6-2 Control Panel Installation

Fan EtherCAT


Forced Circulation Method

 Room Cooling (Cooling the Entire Room Where the Control Panel Is Located) 6

6-2-1 Temperature
Air conditioner

Control panel

Room Cooling

Low Temperatures
The EtherCAT Slave Terminal may not start normally if the temperature is below 0°C when the power is
turned ON.
Maintain an air temperature of at least approximately 5°C inside the panel, by implementing measures
such as installing a low-capacity space heater in the panel.
Alternatively, leave the EtherCAT Slave Terminal power ON to keep the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 27

6 Installation

6-2-2 Humidity
Rapid temperature changes can cause condensation to occur, resulting in malfunctioning due to
When there is a possibility of this occurring, take measures against condensation, such as leaving the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal power ON at night or installing a heater in the control panel to keep it warmer.
Control panel
absorber EtherCAT
Slave Terminal

Power ON

Examples of Measures against Condensation

6-2-3 Vibration and Shock

The EtherCAT Slave Terminal is tested for conformity with the sine wave vibration test method (IEC
60068-2-6) and the shock test method (IEC 60068-2-27) of the Environmental Testing for Electrotechni-
cal Products. It is designed so that malfunctioning will not occur within the specifications for vibration
and shock. If, however, the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is to be used in a location in which it will be
directly subjected to regular vibration or shock, then implement the following countermeasures:
• Separate the control panel from the source of the vibration or shock. Or secure the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal and the panel with rubber padding to prevent vibration.
• Make the building or the floor vibration-resistant.
• To prevent shock when other devices in the panel such as electromagnetic contactors operate,
secure either the source of the shock or the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with rubber padding.

6-2-4 Atmosphere
Using the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in any of the following locations can cause defective contact with
connectors and corrosion of components. Implement countermeasures such as purging the air as
• In locations exposed to dust, dirt, salt, metal powder, soot, or organic solvents, use a panel with an
airtight structure. Be careful of temperature increases inside the panel.
• In locations exposed to corrosive gas, purge the air inside the panel to clear the gas and then pres-
surize the inside of the panel to prevent gas from entering from outside.
• In locations where flammable gas is present, either use an explosion-protected construction or do not
use the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

6 - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

6-2-5 Electrical Environment

When installing or wiring devices, make sure that there will be no danger to people and that noise will
not interfere with electrical signals.

Installation Location of EtherCAT Slave Terminals

Install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as far away as possible from high-voltage (600 V or higher) and
power devices to ensure safe operation and maintenance.
Example of Recommended Equipment Arrangement


6-2 Control Panel Installation

Control panel Control panel High-voltage
power panel

Example of Poor Equipment Arrangement


Control panel Control panel High-voltage 6

power panel

6-2-5 Electrical Environment

Examples of Equipment Arrangement in Panel with High-voltage Devices

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 29

6 Installation

Arrangement of EtherCAT Slave Terminal and Cables

Observe the following points.
• The coils and contacts in electromagnetic contactors and relays in an external circuit are sources of
noise. Do not install them close to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Locate them at least 100 mm away
from the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

DC Unit

DC Unit

AC Unit

AC Unit
Coupler Unit

device device

Terminal block

Example of Arrangement in Panel

Wire Layout for the Power Supply System

Observe the following points when wiring the power supply system.
• Separate the EtherCAT Slave Terminal power supply from the I/O device power supply and install a
noise filter near the power supply feed section.
• Use an isolating transformer to significantly reduce noise between the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and
the ground. Install the isolating transformer between a power supply and the noise filter, and do not
ground the secondary coil of the transformer.
• Keep the wiring between the transformer and the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as short as possible, twist
the wires well, and keep the wiring separate from high-voltage and power lines.

 Supplying I/O Power from the NX Bus

Power circuits

Power supply for general operations circuits

I/O power supply for EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Noise Unit power supply for EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Outlet (for peripheral devices)

Power Supply System Diagram

6 - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

 Supplying I/O Power from External Sources

Power circuits

Power supply for general operations circuits

Power supply for input circuits of EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Power supply for output circuits of EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Noise Unit power supply for EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Outlet (for peripheral devices)

6-2 Control Panel Installation

Power Supply System Diagram

Wiring External I/O Signal Lines

Observe the following points when wiring external I/O signal lines.
• To absorb reverse electromotive force when an inductive load is connected to an output signal, con-
nect a surge suppressor near the inductive load in an AC circuit, or connect a diode near the induc-
tive load in a DC circuit.


Inductive Inductive Diode

Inductive Diode DC load load

6-2-5 Electrical Environment

load Input
Output Output
Unit Unit
Connect a diode in a DC circuit.
Connect a surge Connect a diode
suppressor in an AC circuit. in a DC circuit.
Input Signal Noise Countermeasures
Output Signal Noise Countermeasures

• Never bundle I/O cables with high-voltage or power lines, and do not route them in close proximity or
parallel to such lines. If output signal lines must be routed in close proximity to such lines, place them
in separate ducts or conduits. Be sure to ground the ducts or conduits.

I/O cables

I/O cables Power lines

Power lines I/O cables Power lines

Suspended ducts Floor ducts Conduits

I/O Cable Arrangement

• If the signal lines and power lines cannot be routed in separate ducts, use shielded cable. Connect
the shield to the ground terminal at the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, and leave it unconnected at the
input device.
• Wire the lines so that common impedance does not occur. Such wiring will increase the number of
wires, so use common return circuits. Use thick wires with sufficient allowance for the return circuits,
and bundle them with lines of the same signal level.
• For long I/O lines, wire the input and output signal lines separately.
• Use twisted-pair wires for pilot lamps (and particularly lamps with filaments).

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 31

6 Installation

• If noise causes malfunctions, use countermeasures, such as CR surge absorbers and diodes, for
noise sources of input devices and output load devices, as required.

External Wiring
Wiring, and noise countermeasures in particular, are based on experience, and it is necessary to
closely manage wiring based on experience and information in the manuals.

 Wiring Routes
Each of the following combinations includes different signal types, properties, or levels. They will
cause the signal-to-noise ratio to drop due to factors such as electrical induction. As a general rule
when wiring, either use separate cables or separate wiring routes for these items. Future mainte-
nance operations and changes to the system will also be made easier by carefully organizing the
wiring from the start.
• Power lines and signal lines
• Input signals and output signals
• Analog signals and digital signals
• High-level signals and low-level signals
• Communications lines and power lines
• DC signals and AC signals
• High-frequency devices (such as Inverters) and signal lines (communications)

 Wiring
Observe the following points when wiring power supply and signal cables.
• When routing signal cables with differing characteristics through the same duct, always keep
them separated.
• As much as possible, avoid routing multiple power supply lines through the same duct. If it cannot
be avoided, then construct a partition between them in the duct and ground the partition.

Signal Signal Signal Power

cables cables cables supply
(group A) (group B) (group C) Signal cables cables

(a) (b)
Signal cables

Signal cables

Power supply cables Power supply cables

(c) (d)

Partitioning Methods for Signal and Power Supply Cables

6 - 32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

• To avoid overheating the conduits when using conduits for wiring, do not place wires for a single
circuit in separate conduits.

Power supply

NG Conduits


Power supply



Power supply

6-2 Control Panel Installation



Parallel Wiring (Single Phase)

• Power cables and signal cables adversely affect each other. Do not wire them in parallel.
• Noise induction may occur if the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is installed in a panel that includes
high-voltage devices. Whenever possible, wire and install them separately.
• Either install the EtherCAT Slave Terminal a minimum of 200 mm away from high-voltage lines or
power lines, or place the high-voltage lines or power lines in metal tubing and completely ground
the metal tubing to 100 Ω or less.

6-2-5 Electrical Environment

High-voltage power panel
Power lines Metal tubing

200 mm

Slave Ground to 100 Ω or less
200 mm Terminal

Example: Separating EtherCAT Slave Terminal from Power Lines

 Other Precautions
Some models of Digital Input Units and Digital Output Units have polarity. Make sure that you wire
the polarity correctly.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 33

6 Installation

6-2-6 Grounding
Grounding has the following two purposes.
• Protective Grounding
Protective grounding is done to ensure safety. It is intended to prevent electrical shock by grounding
the electrical potential that is generated by factors such as leakage, induction, or failure.
• Functional Grounding
Functional grounding is done to protect device and system functions, including prevention of noise
from external sources, or prevention of noise from devices or equipment that could have harmful
effects on other devices or equipment.

Grounding requirements sometimes depend on the situation, and they may be found based on experi-
mentation. It is important to sufficiently check the particular circumstances before grounding.

Wire Layout for the Power Supply System

 Principles of One-point Grounding
For devices to operate properly, the reference potential between the devices must be stabilized. Use
one-point grounding so that noise current does not flow to ground lines between the devices.

Whenever possible, use an independent ground (with the ground pole separated by a minimum of
10 m from any other ground pole).
• Ground to 100 Ω or less, and if possible use a separate ground from those of other devices. (See
following figure (a).)
• If using an independent ground is not possible, then use a common ground as shown in figure (b).
Connect to the ground pole of the other device.
• Never connect to the same ground as a device that draws a large amount of power, such as a
motor or inverter. Ground the devices separately to avoid mutually adverse influences.
• To prevent electrical shock, do not connect to ground poles to which multiple devices are con-
• Use a ground pole as close to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as possible and keep the ground line
as short as possible.

 Grounding Methods
EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
Slave Slave Slave
Terminal Terminal Terminal
DIN Track DIN Track DIN Track
Other Other Other
device device device

Ground to
100 Ω or less

(a) Independent Grounds: Best
(b) Common Ground: Acceptable
(c) Common Ground: Incorrect

6 - 34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

6 Installation

If the DIN Track is made of steel and the surface is not treated to produce an insulating material, you
can omit grounding the functional ground terminal on any Unit that has one, as shown in the following

• DIN Track Made of Steel and Surface Not Insulated

EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
Slave Slave Slave
Terminal Terminal Terminal
DIN Track DIN Track DIN Track
Other Other Other
device device device

Ground to
100 Ω or less

(a) Independent Grounds: Best (b) Common Ground: Acceptable (c) Common Ground: Incorrect

6-2 Control Panel Installation

 Precautions when Grounding
• To prevent influence from leakage current from other electrical devices, electrically isolate the
panel in which the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is housed from other devices.
• If high-frequency equipment is present, then ground not only the high-frequency equipment but
also the panel itself in which the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is housed.
• To ground the shield wire when using shielded cables for I/O wiring, wire the ground according the
shield treatment specifications for the NX Unit that is used.
Wire communications cables according to the shield treatment specifications for the Unit.

6-2-6 Grounding

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 6 - 35

6 Installation

6 - 36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

This section describes how to wire the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7-1-1 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7-1-2 Preparations for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7-1-3 Pin Arrangement of Communications Connectors on
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
7-1-4 Connecting Communications Cables and Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
7-1-5 Connecting Communications Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7-2-1 Wiring the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 7
7-2-2 Wiring the Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7-2-4 Precautions for Wiring the EtherCAT Slave Terminal Together with
Computers and Other Peripheral Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
7-3 Connecting USB Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-30
7-4 Wiring External Signal Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7-1

7 Wiring

7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring

This section describes how to install the EtherCAT network.

7-1-1 Installation Precautions

Basic precautions for the installation of EtherCAT networks are provided below.

Precautions when Installing a Network

• When you install an EtherCAT network, take sufficient safety precautions and perform the installation
according to all applicable standards and specifications. An expert well versed in safety measures
and the standards and specifications should be asked to perform the installation.
• Do not install EtherCAT network equipment near sources of noise.
If the network must be installed in an area with noise, take steps to address the noise, such as plac-
ing equipment in metal cases.

Precautions when Installing Communications Cables

• Check the following items on the communications cables that are used in the network.
Are there any breaks?
Are there any shorts?
Are there any connector problems?
• When you connect the cable to the communications connectors on devices, firmly insert the commu-
nications cable connector until it locks in place.
• Do not lay the communications cables together with high-voltage lines.
• Do not lay the communications cable near devices that generate noise.
• Do not lay the communications cables in locations subject to high temperatures or high humidity.
• Do not lay the communications cables in locations subject to excessive dust, oil mist, or other con-
• There are limitations on the bending radius of communications cables. Check the specifications of
the communications cable for the bending radius.

7-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-1-2 Preparations for Installation

Prepare the following devices.

Product Remarks
Twisted-pair cable (Cables with the fol- 100BASE-TX (Category 5 or higher)
lowing connectors can also be used.) Double shielding with aluminum tape and braiding
RJ45 connectors Shielded

Recommended products are given in the following tables.

Cables with Connectors

 Sizes and Conductor Pairs: AWG 27 × 4 Pairs

Product name Manufacturer Length (m) *1 Model

Standard type Cables with Connec- OMRON Corpora- 0.3 XS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-Y

7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring

tors on Both Ends (RJ45/RJ45) tion 0.5 XS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-Y
10 XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-Y
*1. Refer to the XS5/XS6 Industrial Ethernet Connectors Catalog (Cat. No. G019) for the latest lineup of these Ca-

 Sizes and Conductor Pairs: AWG 22 × 2 Pairs

Product name Manufacturer Length (m)*1 Model

Rugged type Cables OMRON Corporation 0.3 XS5W-T421-AMD-K 7
with Connectors on 0.5 XS5W-T421-BMD-K
Both Ends (RJ45/RJ45) 1 XS5W-T421-CMD-K

7-1-2 Preparations for Installation

2 XS5W-T421-DMD-K
5 XS5W-T421-GMD-K
10 XS5W-T421-JMD-K
Rugged type Cables OMRON Corporation 0.3 XS5W-T421-AM2-SS
with Connectors on 0.5 XS5W-T421-BM2-SS
Both Ends (M12 1 XS5W-T421-CM2-SS
Straight/M12 Straight) 2 XS5W-T421-DM2-SS
Shield Strengthening 5 XS5W-T421-GM2-SS
10 XS5W-T421-JM2-SS
Rugged type Cables OMRON Corporation 0.3 XS5W-T421-AMC-SS
with Connectors on 0.5 XS5W-T421-BMC-SS
Both Ends (M12 1 XS5W-T421-CMC-SS
Straight/RJ45) 2 XS5W-T421-DMC-SS
Shield Strengthening 5 XS5W-T421-GMC-SS
10 XS5W-T421-JMC-SS
*1. Refer to the XS5/XS6 Industrial Ethernet Connectors Catalog (Cat. No. G019) for the latest lineup of these Ca-

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7-3

7 Wiring

Cables and Connectors

 Sizes and Conductor Pairs: AWG 24 × 4 Pairs
Part name Manufacturer Model
Cables Hitachi Metals, Ltd. NETSTAR-C5E SAB
0.5 × 4P CP*1
Kuramo Electric Co., Ltd. KETH-SB*1
SWCC Showa Cable Systems Co., Ltd. FAE-5004*1
RJ45 connectors Panduit Corporation MPS588-C*1
*1. We recommend that you use combinations of the above Cables and Connectors.

 Sizes and Conductor Pairs: AWG 22 × 2 Pairs

Part name Manufacturer Model

Cables Kuramo Electric Co., Ltd. KETH-PSB-OMR*1
JMACS Japan Co., Ltd. PNET/B*1
SWCC Showa Cable Systems Co., Ltd. FAE-5002*1
RJ45 Assembly Connectors OMRON Corporation XS6G-T421-1*1
*1. We recommend that you use combinations of the above Cables and Connectors.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The maximum length between nodes is 100 m. However, some cables are specified for less
than 100 m. Generally speaking, if the conductors are twisted wire rather than solid wire,
transmission performance will be lower, and reliable communications may not be possible at
100 m. Confirm details with the cable manufacturer.
• When selecting a connector, confirm that it is applicable to the cable that will be used. Con-
firm the following items: Conductor size, conductor type (solid wire or twisted wire), number
of twisted pairs (2 or 4), outer diameter, etc.

7-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-1-3 Pin Arrangement of Communications Connectors on the

EtherCAT Coupler Unit
The pin arrangement of the EtherCAT communications connectors is given below.


7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring

Pin No. Signal name Abbreviation
1 Send data + TD+
2 Send data − TD−
3 Receive data + RD+
4 Not used − ---
5 Not used − ---
6 Receive data − RD− 7
7 Not used − ---
8 Not used − ---

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

7-1-3 Pin Arrangement of Communications Connectors on the

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7-5

7 Wiring

7-1-4 Connecting Communications Cables and Connectors

Use straight connections for the communications cables and connectors, as shown below.

Pin No. Wire color Wire color Pin No.

1 White-Green White-Green 1
2 Green Green 2
3 White-Orange White-Orange 3
4 Blue Blue 4
5 White-Blue White-Blue 5
6 Orange Orange 6
7 White-Brown White-Brown 7
8 Brown Brown 8
*1 *1
Hood Shield Shield Hood

*1. Connect the cable shield wire to the connector hood at both ends of the cable.

Additional Information

There are two connection methods for Ethernet cables: T568A and T568B.
The T568A connection method is shown in the above figure, but the T568B connection method
can also be used.

7-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-1-5 Connecting Communications Cables

Cable connections can be made freely in EtherCAT networks.
The following example shows daisy-chain connections.
Connect the communications cable from the EtherCAT master to the input port on the first EtherCAT
Slave Terminal, and then connect another communications cable from the output port on the first Ether-
CAT Slave Terminal to the input port on the next EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Do not connect anything to the output port of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal at the end of the network.

EtherCAT master

Input port
cable Output port


7-1 EtherCAT Network Wiring


EtherCAT Slave

Ln 7

7-1-5 Connecting Communications Cables

Do not connect anything.

Last EtherCAT Slave


Precautions for Correct Use

• The cable between any two nodes (L1, L2 ... Ln) must be 100 m or less.
• Firmly connect the communications cable connector until it clicks into place.
• When you install the communications cables, observe the cable specifications (e.g., bending
radius) of the cable manufacturer.
• Do not disconnect the communications cables from the EtherCAT Slave Terminals during
operation. The outputs from the EtherCAT master may become unstable. However, for the
built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, you can dis-
connect the communications cable from an EtherCAT Slave Terminal that has been discon-
nected from communications in the software.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7-7

7 Wiring

Additional Information

Make sure the cable between each pair of devices connects an output port to an input port.
Normal communications are not possible if an output port is connected to another output port or
an input port is connected to another input port.

7-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and

Ground Wires
This section describes how to wire the power supplies and ground the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

7-2-1 Wiring the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

The wiring of the power supply and ground to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is shown in the following fig-

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

A1 B1 Through-wiring for unwired
UV UV terminals
Unit power
(24 VDC)

I/O power supply
(5 to 24 VDC)

A8 B8
Ground to
100 Ω or less

 Unit Power Supply Terminals

These terminals are connected to the Unit power supply. The details are given in the following table. 7
Terminal number
Terminal name Description

7-2-1 Wiring the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

A1 or B1 UV Connect the 24-VDC wire (positive side) from the Unit power
supply to either the A1 or B1 terminal.
A3 or B3 UG Connect the 0-VDC wire (negative side) from the Unit power
supply to either the A3 or B3 terminal.
You can use the unwired terminals for through-wiring to an Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit or
to the Unit power supply terminals on another EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Make the current supplied
from the unwired terminals meet the following conditions.
Current supplied from unwired terminals ≤ Current capacity of power supply terminals − Current
consumption of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit block
Refer to 5-4-1 Selecting the Unit Power Supply on page 5-16 for details on blocks.

 I/O Power Supply Terminals

These terminals are connected to the I/O power supply. The details are given in the following table.

Terminal number
Terminal name Description
A5 IOV Connect the 5 to 24-VDC wire (positive side) from the I/O
power supply.
B5 IOG Connect the 0-VDC wire (negative side) from the I/O power
Provide a power supply voltage that is within the power supply voltage specifications of the NX Unit
I/O circuits and connected external devices.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7-9

7 Wiring

 Functional Ground Terminals

These are the functional ground terminals. Connect the ground wire to one of these terminals. The
details are given in the following table.

Terminal number indication Terminal symbol Description

A7 or B7 Connect the ground wire to either the A7 or B7 ter-

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not connect the through-wiring terminals on the Unit power supply terminals to the I/O
power supply terminals. Always use separate power supplies for the Unit power supply and the
I/O power supply. Otherwise, noise may cause malfunctions.

Refer to 7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block on page 7-15 for the procedure to
connect wires to the terminals on the screwless clamping terminal block.

7-2-2 Wiring the Power Supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Refer to Section 5 Designing the Power Supply System for information on wiring the power supplies to
the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

This section describes how to ground the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Units with Ground Terminals and Type of Ground Terminals

Some of the Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal have ground terminals.

 Units with Ground Terminals

• EtherCAT Coupler Units
• Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit
• Shield Connection Unit
When connecting NX Units to external devices, the Shield Connection Unit is used to connect
the shield wire when the shield is used. You can ground more than one shield wire to the same
ground pole to reduce the amount of wiring work for grounding. For the specifications of the
Shield Connection Unit, refer to the NX-series System Units User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523).

 Type of Ground Terminals

The ground terminals are functional ground terminals.

Functional grounding is done to protect device and system functions, including prevention of noise
from external sources, or prevention of noise from devices or equipment that could have harmful
effects on other devices or equipment.

7 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

DIN Track Contact Plates

A Unit that has a ground terminal also has a DIN Track contact plate on the back of the Unit.

Unit side

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

Ground terminal

DIN Track contact plate

Connected inside the Unit.

The DIN Track contact plate is connected internally to the ground terminal on the Unit.
This means that the ground terminal will be electrically connected to the DIN Track.
For information on the DIN Track contact plate on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, refer to 4-6 DIN Track
Contact Plate on page 4-16. For information on the NX Units that have a ground terminal, refer to the
NX-series System Units User’s Manual (Cat. No. W523).

Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

This section describes how to ground the ground terminals on the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
The functional ground terminals that are provided on some Units and the DIN Track are grounded. 7
Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit Shield Connection Unit
EtherCAT Coupler Unit

7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Electrically connected to the DIN Track
through the DIN Track contact plate.

DIN Track

End Cover
Functional ground terminal Functional
ground terminal


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 11

7 Wiring

If the DIN Track is made of steel and the surface is not treated to produce an insulating material, you
can omit grounding the functional ground terminal on any Unit that has one, as shown in the following

■ DIN Track Made of Steel and Surface Not Insulated

Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit Shield Connection Unit
EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Electrically connected to the DIN Track
through the DIN Track contact plate.

DIN Track

End Cover
Functional ground terminal Functional ground terminals


Precautions for Correct Use

• Ground the ground terminals and DIN Track through dedicated ground wires to a ground
resistance of 100 Ω or less. The ground wire should not be more than 20 m long. Use a
ground wire that is 2.0 mm2 or larger. Refer to Applicable Wires on page 7-15 for the appli-
cable ground wires for screwless clamping terminal blocks.
• If the DIN Track is not made of steel or if the surface is treated to produce an insulating mate-
rial*1, always connect ground wires to the ground terminals. Otherwise, noise may cause

*1. If the surface of the DIN Track is treated to produce an insulating material (e.g., anodized aluminum), the DIN
Track contact plate will not be electrically connected to the DIN Track even if they are in physical contact.

Grounding the DIN Track

Attach a crimped terminal to the ground wire and then connect it to mounting hole on the DIN Track with
a screw to ground the DIN Track.

Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with Peripheral Devices and

in Control Panels
Refer to 6-2-6 Grounding on page 6-34 for the grounding procedures for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
with peripheral devices and in control panels.

7 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

Isolating the EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the Control Panel

If the ground wire for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or an NX Unit with a ground terminal is shared with
power equipment, noise will adversely affect the Units.
You can use OMRON NX-AUX01 DIN Track Insulation Spacers with PFP-50N or PFP-100N DIN Tracks
to isolate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the control panel.

 Installing DIN Track Insulation Spacers and DIN Track

Secure the DIN Track Insulation Spacers to the control panel with screws, and then secure the DIN
Track to the DIN Track Insulation Spacers. The recommended tightening torque for M4 screws is 1.2

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

DIN Track
Insulation Spacers

Screws, M4×10

DIN Track

Control panel

• DIN Track Insulation Spacers
NX-AUX01 (OMRON Corporation)

7-2-3 Grounding the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

Three Spacers are included in one model.
10 14.8
4.5 dia.

10 dia.


Precautions for Correct Use

If you use DIN Track Insulation Spacers to install an EtherCAT Slave Terminal, the height will be
increased by approximately 10 mm. Make sure that the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and connect-
ing cables do not come into contact with other devices.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 13

7 Wiring

7-2-4 Precautions for Wiring the EtherCAT Slave Terminal Together

with Computers and Other Peripheral Devices

When you connect a computer or other peripheral device to the following Unit, either ground the 0-V
side of the external power supply (i.e. Unit power supply) or do not ground it at all.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit with a non-isolated DC power supply (internal power supply cir-

Depending on how the peripheral device is grounded, the external power supply (i.e. Unit power sup-
ply) may be shorted. Never ground the 24-V side of the power supply, as shown in the following fig-

Grounding That Causes a 24-V Power Supply to Short

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

NX Unit power supply

Non-isolated DC power supply

(internal power supply circuit)
Peripheral device
(e.g., computer)
device cable


24 V 0 V

Unit power supply

7 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

This section describes how to connect wires to the screwless clamping terminal block on the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit, the installation and removing methods, and functions for preventing incorrect attachment.

You can connect ferrules that are attached to the twisted wires to the screwless clamping terminal
block. You can also connect the twisted wires or the solid wires to the screwless clamping terminal
block. If you connect the ferrules, all you need to do to connect the wires is to insert the ferrules into the
terminal holes.

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

Make sure that the voltages and currents that are input to the Units and slaves are within the specified ranges.
Inputting voltages or currents that are outside of the specified ranges may cause failure or fire.

Applicable Wires
The wires that you can connect to the screwless clamping terminal block are twisted wires, solid wires,
and ferrules that are attached to the twisted wires. The following section describes the dimensions and
processed methods for applicable wires.

 Dimensions of Wires Connected to the Terminal Block

The dimensions of wires that you can connect into the terminal holes of the screwless clamping ter-
minal block are as in the figure below.
Process the applicable wires that are specified in the following description to apply the dimensions.

1.6 mm max. (Terminals other than ground terminals)

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

2.0 mm max. (Ground terminals)

2.4 mm max. (Terminals other than ground terminals)

2.7 mm max. (Ground terminals)

 Using Ferrules
If you use ferrules, attach the twisted wires to them.
Observe the application instructions for your ferrules for the wire stripping length when attaching fer-
Always use plated one-pin ferrules. Do not use unplated ferrules or two-pin ferrules.

The applicable ferrules, wires, and crimping tools are listed in the following table.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 15

7 Wiring

Terminal Manufac- Ferrule ble wire
Crimping tool
types turer model (mm2
Terminals Phoenix AI0,34-8 0.34 (#22) Phoenix Contact (The figure in parentheses is the
other than Contact AI0,5-8 0.5 (#20) applicable wire size.)
ground ter- AI0,5-10 CRIMPFOX 6 (0.25 to 6 mm2, AWG24 to 10)
minals AI0,75-8 0.75 (#18)
AI1,0-8 1.0 (#18)
AI1,5-8 1.5 (#16)
Ground ter- AI2,5-10 2.0 *1
Terminals Weidmuller H0.14/12 0.14 (#26) Weidmuller (The figure in parentheses is the appli-
other than H0.25/12 0.25 (#24) cable wire size.)
ground ter- H0.34/12 0.34 (#22) PZ6 Roto (0.14 to 6 mm2, AWG26 to 10)
minals H0.5/14 0.5 (#20)
H0.75/14 0.75 (#18)
H1.0/14 1.0 (#18)
H1.5/14 1.5 (#16)
*1. Some AWG14 wires exceed 2.0 mm2 and cannot be used in the screwless clamping terminal block.

When you use any ferrules other than those in the above table, crimp them to the twisted wires so that
the following processed dimensions are achieved.

8 to 10mm

1.6 mm max.
(Terminals other than ground terminals) 2.4 mm max.
2.0 mm max. (Terminals other than ground terminals)
(Ground terminals) 2.7 mm max.
(Ground terminals)

7 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

 Using Twisted or Solid Wires

If you use twisted wires or solid wires, use the following table to determine the correct wire specifica-

Terminals Wire type

Solid wire
Classifica- Current Twisted wires Wire size length (strip-
tion capacity ping length)
Plated Unplated Plated Unplated
All terminals 2 A max. Possible Possible Possible Possible 0.08 to 1.5 8 to 10 mm
except Greater Not possi- mm2 (AWG
ground than 2 A Possible ble 28 to 16)
terminals and 4 A or *1

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

Greater Possible *1 Not pos- Not pos-
than 4 A sible sible
Ground --- Possible Possible Possible Possible*2 2.0 mm2 9 to 10 mm
terminals *2

*1. Secure wires to the screwless clamping terminal block. Refer to Securing Wires on page 7-21 for how to
secure wires.
*2. With the NX-TB1 Terminal Block, use twisted wires to connect the ground terminal. Do not use a solid

Conductor length (stripping length)

Precautions for Correct Use

• Use cables with suitable wire sizes for the carrying current. There are also restrictions on the
current due to the ambient temperature. Refer to the manuals for the cables and use the 7
cables correctly for the operating environment.
• For twisted wires, strip the sheath and twist the conductor portion. Do not unravel or bend the

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

conductor portion of twisted wires or solid wires.


Unravel wires Bend wires

Additional Information

If more than 2 A will flow on the wires, use plated wires or use ferrules.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 17

7 Wiring

Connecting/Removing Wires
This section describes how to connect and remove wires.

 Terminal Block Parts and Names

Release hole

Terminal hole

 Required Tools
Use a flat-blade screwdriver to connect and remove wires.
Use the following flat-blade screwdriver.

Side view Front view

8 to 12°
2.5-mm dia.

0.4 mm 2.5 mm

Recommended screwdriver
Model Manufacturer
SZF 0-0,4X2,5 Phoenix Contact

 Connecting Ferrules
Insert the ferrule straight into the terminal hole.
It is not necessary to press a flat-blade screwdriver into the release hole.


After you make a connection, make sure that the ferrule is securely connected to the terminal block.

7 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

 Connecting Twisted Wires/Solid Wires

Use the following procedure to connect the twisted wires or solid wires to the terminal block.

1 Press the a flat-blade screwdriver diagonally into the release hole.

Press at an angle of 10° to 15°.
If you press in the screwdriver correctly, you will feel the spring in the release hole.

Release hole Flat-blade screwdriver

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

10 to 15°

2 Leave the flat-blade screwdriver pressed into the release hole and insert the twisted wire or the
solid wire into the terminal hole.
Insert the twisted wire or the solid wire until the stripped portion is no longer visible to prevent

2 7
Twisted wire/Solid wire

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

3 Remove the flat-blade screwdriver from the release hole.

After you make a connection, lightly pull the twisted wire or the solid wire to make sure that the wire
is securely connected to the terminal block.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 19

7 Wiring

Precautions for Safe Use

• Do not press the flat-blade screwdriver straight into the release hole. Doing so may break the
terminal block.


• When you insert a flat-blade screwdriver into a release hole, press it down with a force of 30
N max. Applying excessive force may damage the terminal block.
• Do not tilt or twist the flat-blade screwdriver while it is pressed into the release hole. Doing so
may break the terminal block.


• Make sure that all wiring is correct.

• Do not bend the cable forcibly. Doing so may sever the cable.

7 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

 Securing Wires
It is necessary to secure wires to the screwless clamping terminal block depending on the wire types
that are used or the current flows on the wires.
The following table gives the necessity for securing wires.

Wire type
Twisted wires Solid wire
Classifica- Current Ferrule
Plated Unplated Plated Unplated
tion capacity
All terminals 2 A max. No No No No No
except Greater than Not Possible Yes Not Possible
ground 2 A and 4 A or

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

terminals less
Greater than Yes Not Possible
Ground --- No No No No

Use the following procedure to secure the wires.

1 Prepare a cable tie.

A cable tie can be used with a width of 4 mm or less and a thickness of 1.5 mm or less.
Select a cable tie correctly for the operating environment.

1.5 mm or less

4.0 mm or less

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

2 Pass a cable tie through the hole for securing wires on the bottom of the screwless clamping ter-
minal block.

Hole for securing wires

Cable tie

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 21

7 Wiring

3 Bundle the wires with a cable tie and secure them to the screwless clamping terminal block.

Secure wires within the range of 30 mm from the screwless clamping terminal block.

30 mm

7 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

 Removing Wires
Use the following procedure to remove the wires from the terminal block.
The removal method is the same for ferrules, twisted wires, and solid wires.
If wires are secured firmly to the terminal block, release them first.

1 Press the flat-blade screwdriver diagonally into the release hole.

Press at an angle of 10° to 15°.
If you press in the screwdriver correctly, you will feel the spring in the release hole.

Flat-blade screwdriver

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires


10 to 15°

2 Leave the flat-blade screwdriver pressed into the release hole and pull out the wire.

Wire 7

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

Remove the flat-blade screwdriver from the release hole.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 23

7 Wiring

Precautions for Safe Use

• Do not press the flat-blade screwdriver straight into the release hole. Doing so may break the
terminal block.


• When you insert a flat-blade screwdriver into a release hole, press it down with a force of 30
N max. Applying excessive force may damage the terminal block.
• Do not tilt or twist the flat-blade screwdriver while it is pressed into the release hole. Doing so
may break the terminal block.


• Make sure that all wiring is correct.

• Do not bend the cable forcibly. Doing so may sever the cable.

7 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

Removing a Terminal Block

1 Press the lock lever on the terminal block and pull out the top of the terminal block to remove it.

Lock lever

Terminal block

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

Attaching a Terminal Block
1 Mount the terminal block hook on the guide at the bottom of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, lift up
the terminal block, and press in on the top of the terminal block until you hear it engage.
The terminal block will click into place on the Unit.
After you mount the terminal block, make sure that it is locked to the Unit.

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

Terminal block hook Guide at bottom of EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Mount a terminal block that is applicable to the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to 4-5 Terminal Blocks on page 4-14 for the applicable terminal blocks.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 25

7 Wiring

Preventing Incorrect Attachment of Terminal Blocks

In order to prevent unintentionally installing the wrong terminal block, you can limit the combination of a
Unit and a terminal block.
Insert three Coding Pins (NX-AUX02) into three of the six incorrect attachment prevention holes on the
Unit and on the terminal block. Insert these pins into positions so that they do not interfere with each
other when the Unit and terminal block are connected to each other.

You can use these pins to create a combination in which the wrong terminal block cannot be attached
because the pin patterns do not match.


Terminal block

Cannot be

 Types of Coding Pins

There are two types of Coding Pins, both with their own unique shape: one for terminal blocks and
one for Units.
Three pins come with each runner.

For terminal block For Unit


Coding Pins (Use this part.)

Use the following Coding Pins.

Name Model Specification

Coding Pin NX-AUX02 For 10 Units
(Terminal block: 30 pins, Unit: 30 pins)

7 - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

 Insertion Locations and Patterns of Coding Pins

Insert three Coding Pins of each on the terminal block and on the Unit at the positions designated by
the numbers 1 through 6 in the figure below.
As shown in the following table, there are 20 unique pin patterns that can be used.

Terminal block Unit

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires

Holes used by Holes used by

1 1

2 2

Holes for incorrect 3 3 Holes for incorrect

attachment prevention attachment prevention
(pin locations) 4 4 (pin locations)

5 5

6 6

7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

○: Pin inserted
Pin locations for
terminal block Pin locations for Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
No.1 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.3 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.4 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.7 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.8 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.9 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.10 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.11 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.12 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.13 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.14 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.15 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.16 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.17 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.18 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.19 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
No.20 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 27

7 Wiring

To make the maximum of 20 patterns, purchase two sets of NX-AUX02 Pins. (One set for 10 Units.)

Precautions for Correct Use

• OMRON uses the holes other than No. 1 to 6 in the figure on the previous page. If you insert
a Coding Pin into one of the holes used by OMRON on the terminal block side, it would be
impossible to mount the terminal block on a Unit.
• Do not use Coding Pins that have been attached and then removed. If you use them again,
they may fall off.

 Inserting the Coding Pins

1 Hold the pins by the runner and insert a pin into one of the incorrect attachment prevention
holes on the terminal block or on the Unit.
Terminal block Unit

2 Rotate the runner to break off the Coding Pin.

Terminal block

7 - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7-2 Connecting the Power Supply and Ground Wires 7-2-5 Wiring to the Screwless Clamping Terminal Block

7 - 29
7 Wiring

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

7-3 Connecting USB Cable

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit can be connected directly to a computer in which the Sysmac Studio is
installed through a USB cable.

Connection Method
Use a commercially available USB certified cable to connect the computer in which the Sysmac Studio
is installed to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Sysmac Studio

USB port

B connector EtherCAT
Slave Terminal

A connector

Commercially available
USB certified cable
Peripheral USB port
(USB 2.0 compliant, B connector)

Connecting Cable
Use the following cable to connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the computer in which the Sysmac
Studio is installed.

Computer Network type (com-

Unit port Model Length
port munications mode)
Peripheral USB port (USB 2.0 USB port USB 2.0 Commercially available 5 m max.
compliant, B connector) USB certified cable (A
connector and B connec-

To connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to a computer with USB, you must first install a USB driver in the
When you install the Sysmac Studio, a USB driver for a USB connection will be automatically installed
in the computer.
When you turn ON the Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and connect the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit and computer with a USB cable, the computer will automatically recognize the device and
start installing the USB driver.
Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for the installation procedure
for the USB driver.

7 - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

7 Wiring

Setting Up With the Sysmac Studio

The connection between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and computer is set up with the Sysmac Studio.
Refer to Connection Method and Procedures on page 2-9 for the procedure to connect to the Sysmac

Restrictions for USB Connections

When you connect the computer to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, the USB specifications impose the fol-
lowing restrictions.
• You can connect only one computer to only one EtherCAT Coupler Unit with a USB connection. You
cannot connect more than one of each at the same time.
• Do not disconnect the USB cable while the Sysmac Studio is online with the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Always place the Sysmac Studio offline before you disconnect the USB cable.

7-3 Connecting USB Cable


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 7 - 31

7 Wiring

7-4 Wiring External Signal Lines

Refer to the sections on wiring in the user’s manuals for individual NX Units for information on wiring
the external I/O signal lines between the external devices and the NX Units.
For precautions on wiring in control panels, refer to 6-2 Control Panel Installation on page 6-26.

7 - 32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

EtherCAT Communications
This section provides an introduction to EtherCAT communications.

8-1 Structure of CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

8-2 EtherCAT Slave Information Files (ESI Files) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8-3 Transitions of Communications States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-4-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-4-2 PDO Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8-4-3 Assigning PDOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8-5 Service Data Objects (SDOs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8-5-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8-5-2 Abort Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8-6 Communications between an EtherCAT Master and Slaves . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 8
8-6-1 Communications Modes for Communications
between an EtherCAT Master and Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
8-6-2 Communications Modes for EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
8-6-3 Communications Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8-1

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-1 Structure of CAN Application Proto-

col over EtherCAT (CoE)
EtherCAT allows the use of multiple protocols for communications. However, the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal uses the CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) as the device profile for the CAN appli-
cation protocol. The CoE is a communications interface that is designed to provide compatibility with
EtherCAT devices. The CAN application protocol is an open network standard.
The following figure shows how the CoE is structured for an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Application layer NX Unit application

Object dictionary

Transitions of SDO (mailbox) PDO mappings

states PDO communications (cyclic)

Registers Mailbox Process data

SyncManager FMMU

EtherCAT data link layer

EtherCAT physical layer

The object dictionary for the CAN application protocol is broadly divided into PDOs (process data
objects) and SDOs (service data objects).

PDOs are contained in the object dictionary. The PDOs can be mapped in the object dictionary. The
process data is defined by the PDO mappings. PDOs are used in PDO communications for periodic
exchange of process data.

SDOs are the objects that can be read and written. SDOs are used in non-periodic SDO communica-
tions (event-driven message communications).

If you use the CoE interface to set the object dictionary for PDOs and SDOs, you can provide EtherCAT
devices with the same device profiles as the CAN application protocol.

8-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-2 EtherCAT Slave Information Files

(ESI Files)
The setting information for an EtherCAT slave is provided in an ESI file (EtherCAT slave information).
The EtherCAT communications settings are defined based on the ESI files of the connected slaves and
the network connection information.

You can create the network configuration information by installing ESI files into the network setup soft-
ware (configuration tool). *1
You can download the network configuration information to the EtherCAT master to configure the Ether-
CAT network.
Configuration Tool EtherCAT master

8-2 EtherCAT Slave Information Files (ESI Files)

ESI files tion

EtherCAT EtherCAT Slave

slave Terminal

Communications are started according to the

communications settings and the network
configuration based on the ESI files that are installed.
ESI files for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units can be downloaded from the OMRON website.

*1. Installation of the ESI files is not necessary if you are using the Sysmac Studio. The ESI files for OMRON Eth-
erCAT slaves are already installed in the Sysmac Studio. You can update the Sysmac Studio to get the ESI
files for the most recent models. 8

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8-3

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-3 Transitions of Communications

The state transition model for communications control of the EtherCAT Slave Terminals is controlled by
the EtherCAT master.

The following figure shows the communications state transitions from when the power supply is turned

Power supply ON





SDO com-
Sending Receiving
Status munica- Description
Init Not possi- Not possi- Not possible. Communications are being initialized. Communi-
ble. ble. cations are not possible.
Pre-Operational Possible. Not possi- Not possible. Only SDO communications (message communi-
ble. cations) are possible in this state.
This state is entered after initialization is com-
pleted. It is used to initialize network settings.
Safe-Operational Possible. Possible. Not possible. In this state, both SDO communications (mes-
sage communications) and sending PDOs are
Information, such as status, is sent from the
Slave Terminal.
Operational Possible. Possible. Possible. This is the normal state for communications.
PDO communications are used to control the I/O

8-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs)

8-4-1 Introduction
Process data objects (PDOs) are used to transfer data during cyclic communications in realtime.

There are two types of process data objects (PDOs): the RxPDOs, which are used by the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal to receive data from the EtherCAT master; and the TxPDOs, which are used by the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal to send data to the EtherCAT master.


Output data and motion

commands to NX Units
(Output Units)

8-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs)

EtherCAT master EtherCAT
Example: Built-in Terminal
port on TxPDO
CPU Unit Status of EtherCAT Slave
Terminals and input data
from NX Units (Input Units)

The EtherCAT application layer can hold more than one object to enable the transfer of various process
data of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. 8
The contents of the process data is defined in the PDO mapping objects.
EtherCAT Slave Terminals support PDO mapping for I/O control.

8-4-1 Introduction

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8-5

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-4-2 PDO Mappings

PDO mapping objects contain the I/O data for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals. PDO mapping objects for
the RxPDOs are managed in the object dictionary from indexes 1600 to 17FF hex, and for the TxPDOs
from indexes 1A00 to 1BFF hex.

PDO Mapping Scheme in EtherCAT

The PDO mapping scheme in EtherCAT is described below.
Three application objects (objects A, B, and D) are allocated to the PDO (name: PDO_1) at index 1ZZZ
As described here, PDO mapping shows how application objects are assigned to PDOs.
Indexes and subindexes are also assigned to application objects.
Object Dictionary
Mapping object

Index Sub- Object contents

1ZZZ hex 01 hex 6TTT hex TT hex 8
02 hex 6UUU hex UU hex 8
03 hex 6YYY hex YY hex 16
PDO-Length: 32 bits
PDO_1 Object A Object B Object D

6TTT hex TT hex Object A

Application object

6UUU hex UU hex Object B

6VVV hex VV hex Object C
6YYY hex YY hex Object D
6ZZZ hex ZZ hex Object E

PDO Mapping with EtherCAT Slave Terminals

An EtherCAT Slave Terminal has PDOs for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and each NX Unit.
Application objects are assigned by default to the PDOs for each Unit.

The following diagram shows a specific example for one of the PDOs in an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Object Dictionary


Index Object contents

1 BFF hex 01 hex 2001 hex 01 hex*1 8

PDO-Length: 8 bits

512th transmit PDO mapping Sysmac error status


2001 hex 01 hex Sysmac error status


*1. This is expressed as 0x2001:01 on the Sysmac Studio.

8-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

8 EtherCAT Communications

In the previous example, a single application object is assigned to the PDO at index 1BFF hex (name:
512th transmit PDO mapping). This PDO is a TxPDO. The application object contains the Sysmac error
status at index 2001 hex and subindex 01 hex.

 PDO Mapping When You Use Sysmac Studio with a Built-in EtherCAT Port
When you use Sysmac Studio with the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU or NY-series
Industrial PC, a PDO mapping object is called an I/O entry mapping. The application object is called
an I/O entry, and it is referenced by NX objects.

You can add or delete I/O entries for some I/O entry mappings but not for others.
Default I/O entries are mapped to the I/O entry mappings that allow the addition or deletion of I/O
entries. For Units with I/O entry mappings that allow the addition or deletion of I/O entries, you can
use the Sysmac Studio to change the default I/O entry mappings.
To change I/O entry mappings for EtherCAT Slave Terminals on the Sysmac Studio, use the I/O allo-
cation settings on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page. Refer to 9-2-4 I/O Allocation
Information on page 9-13 for information on editing I/O allocation settings.
Refer to 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information on page 9-13 for details on assigning I/O entry mappings
for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to the user’s manual for the specific NX Units for details on I/O entry mappings.

8-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs)

Additional Information

Refer to A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers on page A-11 for the application
object references in masters and tools from other manufacturers.

8-4-2 PDO Mappings

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8-7

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-4-3 Assigning PDOs

Scheme for Assigning PDOs to EtherCAT Slaves

You can assign more than one PDO to an EtherCAT slave.
Here, PDOs are assigned to index 1C12 hex for the RxPDO, and 1C13 hex for the TxPDO.
The following example shows how PDOs are assigned.
Sync Manager PDO
assignment objects

Index Object contents
1C13 hex 1 1A00 hex
2 1A01 hex
3 1A03 hex
Sync Manager entity Z

1A00 hex PDO A

Mapping objects

1A01 hex PDO B

1A02 hex PDO C
1A03 hex PDO D
1A04 hex PDO E
1A05 hex PDO F
1A06 hex PDO G

In this example, three PDOs (PDO A, PDO B, and PDO D) are assigned to index 1C13 hex (for the

Similarly, a PDO (for the RxPDO) is assigned to index 1C12 hex.

These assignments determine the PDOs to use for communications between the EtherCAT master and

Assigning PDOs to EtherCAT Slave Terminals

In an EtherCAT Slave Terminal, PDOs are assigned by default to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and each
NX Unit. These PDOs determine both the RxPDOs and TxPDOs that are used for communications with
the EtherCAT master.

You can use the Sysmac Studio to change the default PDO assignments for each Unit that allows
changes to the PDO mappings.
To change PDO assignments for EtherCAT Slave Terminals on the Sysmac Studio, use the I/O alloca-
tion settings on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
Refer to 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information on page 9-13 for information on editing I/O allocation settings.

8-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-5 Service Data Objects (SDOs)

8-5-1 Introduction
EtherCAT Slave Terminals support SDO communications.
The EtherCAT master can read and write data from and to entries in the object dictionary with SDO
communications to make parameter settings and monitor status.
Refer to A-7 CoE Objects on page A-27 for the objects that you can use with SDO communications.

8-5-2 Abort Codes

The following table lists the abort codes for SDO communications errors.

Value Meaning
05030000 hex Toggle bit not changed.
05040000 hex SDO protocol timeout.
05040001 hex Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown.
05040005 hex Out of memory.

8-5 Service Data Objects (SDOs)

06010000 hex Unsupported access to an object.
06010001 hex Attempt to read a write-only object.
06010002 hex Attempt to write to a read-only object.
06020000 hex The object does not exist in the object directory.
06040041 hex The object cannot be mapped to the PDO.
06040042 hex Number/length of mapped objects exceeds PDO length.
06040043 hex General parameter incompatibility.
06040047 hex General internal incompatibility in the device.
06060000 hex Access failed due to a hardware error.
06070010 hex Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match.
06070012 hex Data type does not match, service parameter is too long.
06070013 hex Data type does not match, service parameter is too short.
06090011 hex Missing subindex.
06090030 hex Value of parameter exceeded range (only for write access).

8-5-1 Introduction
06090031 hex Value of parameter that was written is too high.
06090032 hex Value of parameter that was written is too low.
06090036 hex Maximum value is less than minimum value.
08000000 hex General error.
08000020 hex Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application.
08000021 hex Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control.
08000022 hex Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present
device state.
08000023 hex Failed to dynamically create the object dictionary, or no object dictionary exists.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8-9

8 EtherCAT Communications

8-6 Communications between an Ether-

CAT Master and Slaves
This section describes the communications modes between the master and slaves for EtherCAT com-
munications, and the communications modes for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

8-6-1 Communications Modes for Communications between an Ether-

CAT Master and Slaves

Free-Run Mode
In this mode, the slave processes the I/O (i.e., refreshes the I/O data) asynchronous to the communica-
tions cycle of the master.

DC Mode

In this mode, the slave processes the I/O (i.e., refreshes the I/O data) in synchronization with the com-
munications cycle of the master. In this mode, a mechanism called a distributed clock (DC) is used to
synchronize EtherCAT communications. The clock is shared by the master and the slaves. In DC
Mode, the master and slaves are synchronized by sharing the same clock. Interruptions (Sync0) are
generated in the slaves at precise intervals based on this clock. Each slave executes I/O processing at
this precise time.

8-6-2 Communications Modes for EtherCAT Slave Terminals

EtherCAT Slave Terminals support the following two communications modes.
• Free-Run Mode
• DC Mode
Refer to Section 10 I/O Refreshing for information on the operation of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in
different communications modes.

8-6-3 Communications Cycle

The communications cycle is determined by the setting for it in the EtherCAT master.
The communications cycles in the communications modes of the EtherCAT Slave Terminals are
described below.
• Communications Cycle in DC Mode
Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2. There are restrictions in the com-
munications cycles that you can set for some of the NX Units. If you use any of those NX Units, set a
communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the refresh cycles that can be executed
by the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No.
W525-E1-07 or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. For information on the
communications cycles that you can set, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.

8 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

8 EtherCAT Communications

• Communications Cycle in Free-Run Mode

Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2. There are restrictions in the com-
munications cycles that you can set for some of the NX Units. If you use any of those NX Units, set a
communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the refresh cycles that can be executed
by the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No.
W525-E1-07 or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. For information on the
communications cycles that you can set, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.
Refer to Specifications of Built-in EhterCAT Port in the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on
the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for communications cycles that are supported by the built-in
EtherCAT port on the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.

8-6 Communications between an EtherCAT Master and Slaves


8-6-3 Communications Cycle

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 8 - 11

8 EtherCAT Communications

8 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Setting Up Slave Terminals
This section describes the procedures used to set up Slave Terminals.

9-1 Settings and Setting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

9-1-1 Items to Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9-1-2 Slave Terminal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9-1-3 Variable Assignment Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9-1-4 Setting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9-2-1 Items to Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-25
9-2-6 Unit Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-27
9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-27
9-3 Assigning Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
9-3-1 Methods to Assign Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
9-3-2 Assigning Device Variables to I/O Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-37
9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . 9-39
9-3-4 Assigning Axis Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40
9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-41
9-4-1 Transferring Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-41
9-4-2 Comparing Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
9-5 Backing Up Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
9-5-1 Backup Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
9-5-2 SD Memory Card Backup Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
9-5-3 Sysmac Studio Controller Backup Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
9-5-4 Data That Is Backed Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
9-5-5 Backing Up the Slave Terminal Settings by Transferring Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-47
9-6 Precautions in Changing the Unit Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-49
9-6-1 I/O Data That Require Specification of NX Unit Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-49
9-6-2 NX Bus Refresh Cycle in DC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-50
9-6-3 Using Settings from NX Units on Other Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-51
9-6-4 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information to the Controller . . . . . . . . . 9-51

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9-1

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-1 Settings and Setting Procedures

This section describes the settings that are required to access I/O data in EtherCAT Slave Terminals
from an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. This section also describes the setting pro-

9-1-1 Items to Set

The settings that are used to access I/O data in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals from an NJ/NX-series
CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC are given below.

Setting Description
Setting Slave Termi- Set the settings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave, and the Slave Termi-
nal parameters nal configuration and operation settings.
Assigning variables Assign and register the variables that are required to access the I/O data from the user

CPU Unit or Industrial PC (EtherCAT master)


Assigning variables
NX Units

Coupler Unit

Setting Slave Terminal parameters

Make the above settings on the Sysmac Studio. Then connect the Sysmac Studio to the CPU Unit or
Industrial PC and transfer the settings to the CPU Unit or Industrial PC and to the Slave Terminals.

9-1-2 Slave Terminal Parameters

The Slave Terminal parameters must be set to ensure that the EtherCAT Slave Terminal operates as
intended, and performs process data communications with the EtherCAT master. The settings are listed
in the following table.

Setting Description
Settings as an EtherCAT slave These settings are required for operation as an EtherCAT slave.
Slave Ter- Configu- Unit configuration This information describes the Unit configuration of the Slave Termi-
minal con- ration information nal.
figuration informa- I/O allocation This information specifies what I/O data in the Units in the Slave Ter-
and oper- tion information minal to exchange with process data communications.
ation set- Unit operation settings These are the operation settings for each Unit in the Slave Terminal.
tings Unit application data settings These data settings enable the functionality that is specific to each

9-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Refer to 9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters on page 9-4 for details on the settings.

9-1-3 Variable Assignment Settings

To allow the user program to access a Slave Terminal, you must assign variables in the CPU Unit or
Industrial PC to the I/O data in the Slave Terminal.
If the Slave Terminal is connected to an NJ/NX/NY-series Controller, the following methods are avail-

Setting Description
Assigning device variables Assign and register device variables to the I/O ports.
Assigning Axis Variables If you are using the Motion Control Function Module for control, assign I/O
data (process data) to the Axis Variables.

Refer to 9-3 Assigning Variables on page 9-36 for details on the settings.

9-1-4 Setting Procedures

Use the following procedures to set up an EtherCAT Slave Terminal for connection to an
NJ/NX/NY-series Controller.

(1) Setting the Slave Terminal as an EtherCAT slave

9-1 Settings and Setting Procedures

1 Setting Slave Terminal (2) Creating and setting the Unit configuration information
Refer to 9-2 Setting Slave (3) Setting the I/O allocation information
Terminal Parameters on
page 9-4. (4) Setting the Unit operation settings

(5) Setting Unit application data

2 Assigning variables 9
Refer to 9-3 Assigning Variables on page 9-36.
9-1-3 Variable Assignment Settings

3 Transferring the settings to the Controller

Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page 9-41.

The above procedure is not used to set up Safety Control Units. For the procedure to set up Safety
Control Units, refer to Commissioning Procedures in the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual
(Cat. No. Z930).

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9-3

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

This section describes how to set the EtherCAT Slave Terminal parameters.

9-2-1 Items to Set

There are the following two types of parameters that must be set in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

Setting location on Sysmac

Setting Description
Settings as an EtherCAT These settings enable the EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Configuration Edit
slave Unit to perform EtherCAT communications with Tab Page
the EtherCAT master as an EtherCAT slave.
Slave Terminal configura- These settings enable the EtherCAT Coupler Edit Slave Terminal Configura-
tion and operation settings Unit to control the internal processing of the tion Tab Page
Slave Terminal based on EtherCAT communica-
tions, i.e., I/O refreshing for the NX Units, man-
agement of the NX Units, etc.

CPU Unit (EtherCAT master)

Slave Terminal configuration and operation settings

NX Units
EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT slave
Coupler Unit

Settings as an EtherCAT slave

Settings as an EtherCAT Slave

Register the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT network and set the settings for the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit, such as the node address.
Make these settings on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page on the Sysmac Studio.

Refer to 9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave on page 9-6 for details on the settings.

9-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Slave Terminal Configuring and Operation Settings

These settings are used to control the Units in the Slave Terminal.

Create the Unit Configuration of the Slave Terminal, and set up each Unit.
Make the settings on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac Studio.

The Slave Terminal has the following setting information.

Name Description
Configura- Unit configura- This information describes the configuration of the Slave Terminal: the number
tion infor- tion information and order of NX Units mounted after the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, individual Unit
mation information, and information about the EtherCAT Coupler Unit itself.
Unit configuration

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

I/O allocation This information defines the I/O data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX
information Units.
Unit operation settings The Unit operation settings are for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units.
Unit application data This data controls the functionality that is specific to each NX Unit. Not all NX
Units have Unit application data.

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units have default values for the I/O allocation information. If
the default values are used, create and set the Unit configuration information to complete the configura-
tion information settings.

Refer to 9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information on page 9-9 to 9-2-6 Unit Application Data on
page 9-27 for details on the Slave Terminal configuration and operation settings.
9-2-1 Items to Set

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9-5

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave

Register the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT network and set the node address and other set-

Settings as an EtherCAT Slave

The parameters of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave are given below.
You can set only the items that have “Yes” in the Settable column.
Settings Settable Description
Device name This is the name of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Default value: E *** (* is a serial number from 001).
The default value is automatically generated based on the node address.
Setting range: Text string
Model name This is the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Product name This is the product name of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Revision This is the revision number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
PDO Commu- This tells whether the EtherCAT Slave Terminal communicates in PDO communica-
nications Cycle tions cycle 1 or PDO communications cycle 2. The PDO communications cycle is
given in parentheses. This item is displayed only for a built-in EtherCAT port on an
NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
Display example: PDO communications cycle 1 (500 μs)
Node Address This is the node address.
The default value is set automatically when a slave is added.
The setting range is the same as the node address range that can be set for the
built-in EtherCAT port that connects to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. For the node
address ranges that can be set for a built-in EtherCAT port, refer to the user's man-
ual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
Set this address to the same node address that is set on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
If you set the node address on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit switches, set the node
address on the Sysmac Studio to the same value. If you write the node address from
the Sysmac Studio, set the switches on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the same
value. Refer to 4-3-3 Setting the Node Address on page 4-12 for the node address
setting on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Enable/Dis- Enables or disables the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as a communications target.
able Settings • Enabled: The Slave Terminal will operate.
• Disabled: The Slave Terminal will not operate.*1
Default setting: Enabled
Serial Number This is the serial number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Default: 0x00000000 (when offline)
The value is updated to the serial number of the physical slave when you select Get
Slave Serial Numbers from the menu for the master.
A Network Configuration Verification Error occurs if the serial number on the Sys-
mac Studio and the serial number of the physical slave do not agree when the Serial
Number Check Method in the master settings is set to Setting = Actual device.
For details on how to obtain the serial numbers for actual devices, refer to the user's
manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
PDO Map Set- This is a list of the valid PDOs. The PDO mappings for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
tings depend on the I/O allocations to the Slave Terminal. The PDO mappings are not dis-
played because you do not directly edit the PDO mappings for the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.

9-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Settings Settable Description

Enable Distrib- These settings enable or disable the DC and specify the I/O refreshing methods for
uted Clock the mounted NX Units. The settings are as follows:
• Enabled (DC for synchronization)
• Enabled (DC with priority in cycle time)
• Disabled (FreeRun)
Default setting: Enabled (DC for synchronization)
Enabled (DC with priority in cycle time) is displayed only for the NX-ECC203 Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to 10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods on page 10-9 for details on NX
Unit I/O refreshing method for each setting.
Reference This setting tells whether the slave provides a reference clock. This setting indicates
Clock having a reference clock because the EtherCAT Coupler Unit has its own reference
Setting Param- This setting affects the parameters that are automatically set by the EtherCAT mas-
eters ter when EtherCAT communications start or when a slave is reconnected.
Backup This setting is for backup parameters. The backup parameters for the EtherCAT
Parameter Coupler Unit cannot be set here. Set the backup parameters in the Unit operation
Settings settings.
Slave Termi- These settings are for the Slave Terminal. Click the Edit Slave Terminal Configu-
nal Configura- Yes ration Button to edit these parameters.
*1. Register Slave Terminals that are not installed on the EtherCAT network but are scheduled for addition at a

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

later date as disabled Slave Terminals. Even for a disabled Terminal, you can set process data allocations
and use the process data through system-defined variables and device variables in the user program.

 Setting Parameter
The setting parameter is given in the following table.

Setting Setting range Description

Diagnosis History/Flags 0 or 1 This parameter specifies whether notification is provided with
emergency messages.
0: No notification
1: Notification
The default setting is 0.
Setting Up the Slave Terminal as an EtherCAT Slave
9-2-2 Settings as an EtherCAT Slave

1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer.

Or, right-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit.

2 Drag an EtherCAT Coupler Unit from the Toolbox to the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page
and drop it under the master.
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is added under the master.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9-7

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Drag & Drop

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

3 Select the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page.
The slave parameters of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT slave are displayed in the
Slave Parameters Pane on the right side of the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page.

Slave parameters

4 Set the parameters.

Additional Information

You can export the EtherCAT network configuration information from Sysmac Studio version
1.12 or higher to a CSV file. Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.
W504) for details on exporting the EtherCAT network configuration information.

9-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information

Specify the Unit configuration information for the Slave Terminal, which consists of an EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit and NX Units.

NX Units

Coupler Unit

Unit configuration information

Settings in the Unit Configuration Information

 EtherCAT Coupler Unit
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit settings are listed below.
You can set only the items that have “Yes” in the Settable column.

Setta- Data
Setting Description Default
ble range

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

Device name This is the name of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. --- E *** (* is a serial
Use the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page to number from
change this setting. 001).
The default value
is automatically
generated based
on the node
Model name This is the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. --- The model num-
ber of the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit
is shown.
Product name This is the product name. --- EtherCAT Cou-
Unit version This is the Unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. --- ---
NX Unit Number This number represents the logical position of the Eth- --- 0 9
erCAT Coupler Unit.
NX Unit Mounting This setting enables or disables the mounting of an NX --- ---
9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information

Setting Unit. You cannot directly edit these settings in the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit.
Serial Number This is the serial number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. --- ---
You can get the serial number to set the serial number
of the actual EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Supply Power/Avail- The power that is currently drawn by the NX Units and --- -/10.00
able Power [W] the maximum available power supply capacity are
Unit width [mm] This is the width of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. --- 46
I/O allocation settings Yes These are the I/O allocation settings for the EtherCAT --- Refer to 9-2-4 I/O
Coupler Unit. Click the Edit I/O Allocation Settings Allocation Infor-
Button to edit these settings. mation on page
Unit operation set- Yes These are the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT --- Refer to 9-2-5
tings Coupler Unit. Click the Edit Unit Operation Settings Unit Operation
Button to edit these settings. Settings on page
Number of mounted This is the number of mounted NX Units. --- ---

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9-9

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Setta- Data
Setting Description Default
ble range
NX Unit Connection Yes This is the wait time for the NX Units to connect to the 3 to 200 s 3s
Time (s) Slave Terminal.
Serial Number Check Yes Set this setting to Setting = Actual device to compare No check. No check.
Method the serial numbers of the NX Units at these times: when Setting =
the power is turned ON and after the EtherCAT Coupler Actual
Unit is restarted. The serial numbers of the NX Units device
saved in the Unit configuration information are com-
pared with the actual serial numbers of the NX Units.*1
If differences are found, a Unit Configuration Verifica-
tion Error will occur.
*1. If this setting is set to Setting = Actual device and you replace an NX Unit in the Slave Terminal, an Unit Con-
figuration Verification Error will occur. A Unit Configuration Verification Error will also occur if you swap the
mounting position of two Units of the same model. If it becomes necessary to replace an NX Unit, or swap the
mounting positions of two Units of the same model while this setting is set to Setting = Actual device, you must
correct the Unit configuration information and download it to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Set this parameter to
Setting = Actual device if strict management of the equipment configuration is required.

 NX Units

Name Settable Description Default
Device name Yes The name of the NX Unit. --- N* (Where * is a
serial number
from 1)
Model name This is the model number of the NX Unit. --- ---
Product name This is the product name. --- ---
Unit version This is the Unit version of the NX Unit. --- ---
NX Unit Number This number represents the logical position of the NX --- ---
Unit. Numbers are automatically assigned from the left-
most mounting position.
NX Unit Mounting Yes This setting enables or disables the mounting of an NX Enabled or Enabled
Setting Unit. Refer to 11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings on page Disabled
11-5 for details on this setting.
Serial Number This is the serial number of the NX Unit. You can get --- 0
the serial number to set the serial number of the actual
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Supply Power/Avail- The power that is currently drawn by the NX Units and --- -/10.00
able Power [W] the maximum available power supply capacity are
given. This item is for an Additional NX Unit Power Sup-
ply Unit.
Power consumption This is the power consumption of the NX Units from the --- Refer to the
[W] NX bus. This setting applies to Units other than an manual for the
Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit. specific NX Unit.
Unit width [mm] This is the width of the NX Unit. --- Refer to the
manual for the
specific NX Unit.
I/O allocation set- Yes These are the I/O allocation settings for the NX Unit. --- Refer to the
tings Click the Edit I/O Allocation Settings Button to edit manual for the
these settings. You cannot change this setting for Sys- specific NX Unit.
tem Units.
Unit operation set- Yes These are the Unit operation settings for the NX Unit. --- Refer to the
tings Click the Edit Unit Operation Settings Button to edit manual for the
these settings. You cannot change this setting for Sys- specific NX Unit.
tem Units.

9 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Setting the Unit Configuration Information

 Creating the Unit Configuration Information with the Edit Slave Terminal Con-
figuration Tab Page
1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer.
Or, right-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit.
The EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page is displayed.

2 Drag the EtherCAT Coupler Unit from the Toolbox to the Edit Pane and drop it under the master.
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is added under the master.

3 Click the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Button next to Slave Terminal Configuration in
the slave parameters for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page is displayed.

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

4 Drag the NX Unit from the Toolbox to the Edit Configuration Pane and drop it on the Slave Ter-

9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information


Unit Settings Pane

Edit Slave Terminal

Configuration Pane

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 11

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Item Description
Edit Configuration Pane You can edit the Unit configuration information for the Slave Terminal
Unit Settings Pane This list displays the setting information for the currently selected
• Edit I/O Allocation Settings Button: Click this button to change the
I/O allocation information.
• Edit Unit Operation Settings Button: Click this button to edit the
Unit operation settings.
Toolbox This area shows the NX Units by groups and individual Units.

5 Set the Unit configuration information in the Unit Settings Pane.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If you turn ON the power to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal before you create or transfer the
Unit configuration information to the Slave Terminal, the TS indicator on the front panel of the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit will flash green at 0.5-second intervals. This means that the Slave
Terminal is operating without any Unit configuration information.
In this state, the Slave Terminal will start and operate based on the physical Unit configura-
tion when the power is turned ON. The Unit configuration is not checked.
Also, variables are not automatically assigned to the I/O ports, which means you cannot
access the EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the program in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC. Always create the Unit configuration and transfer it to the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.
• To refresh I/O for EtherCAT Slave Terminals that operate in DC Mode, create the configura-
tion of all EtherCAT Slave Terminals and make the settings for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals
first, and then allocate the EtherCAT Slave Terminal periodic task and make the task settings
for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the Task Settings in the Controller Setup of the Sysmac
Studio. If you set a primary period that is shorter than the NX bus refresh cycle that is auto-
matically calculated by the Sysmac Studio for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals, it will not be
possible to transfer the parameter settings of the EtherCAT Slave Terminals through the CPU
Unit or Industrial PC. If you try to transfer the parameter settings through the USB port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit, a Synchronization Cycle Setting Error will occur. You can use the
Sysmac Studio to check to see if the NX bus refresh cycle exceeds the task periods of the
periodic tasks. If you import a Slave Terminal configuration, use the Sysmac Studio to see if
the task periods of the periodic tasks are shorter than the NX bus refresh cycle. Refer to
10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 for the confirmation proce-

Additional Information

You can export the EtherCAT Slave Terminal configuration information from Sysmac Studio ver-
sion 1.12 or higher to a CSV file. Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat.
No. W504) for details on exporting the EtherCAT Slave Terminal configuration information.

 Creating Unit Configuration Information Based on the Actual Configuration

This method uses the physical Unit configuration for the Unit configuration information.
Connect the Sysmac Studio to the EtherCAT network through the CPU Unit or Industrial PC. Com-
pare and merge with the actual network configuration to read the actual network configuration infor-
mation. Then use comparing and merging with the actual Unit configuration to read the Unit
configuration of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Finally, set the settings as an EtherCAT slave on the

9 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, and create the Slave Terminal configuration and operation
settings on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
For details on comparing and merging with the actual EtherCAT network configuration, refer to Com-
paring and Merging EtherCAT Network Configurations and Automatically Creating the Network Con-
figuration in the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
Refer to Comparing and Merging with Actual Unit Configuration of the Slave Terminal on page 9-28
under 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 for details on the comparing
and merging with the actual Unit configuration of the Slave Terminal.

Changing the Model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX Unit

You can use the Sysmac Studio to change the models and unit versions of EtherCAT Coupler Units and
NX Units that are registered in a project on the Sysmac Studio. For details on how to make these
changes with the Sysmac Studio, refer to Changing the Model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX Unit
on page 9-32 in 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27.

9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

The I/O allocation information tells what I/O data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units to
exchange with process data communications.
The EtherCAT Slave Terminal performs process data communications with the EtherCAT master based

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

on the I/O allocation information.

CPU Unit or Industrial PC (EtherCAT master)


NX Units

Process data

9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information
I/O allocation information

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units contain default values for the I/O allocation information.
These default values are sufficient for a standard exchange of I/O data. Change the settings as neces-

Specifications for I/O Data Allocations in EtherCAT Slave Terminals

The following limitations apply to I/O data allocations for the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Item Input data Output data

Number of I/O entry mappings 255 255
I/O data size 1,024 bytes 1,024 bytes
Allocatable I/O data points Maximum of 4,000 points total for both inputs and outputs

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 13

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

I/O Allocation Settings

To allocate I/O, select an I/O entry mapping and register an I/O entry to the I/O entry mapping.

 Selecting I/O Entry Mappings

An I/O entry mapping defines a set of I/O data. Each Unit has its own I/O entry mapping.
The data for each I/O entry included in the selected I/O entry mappings are exchanged using pro-
cess data communications. Default values are assigned to the I/O entry mapping selections.
Change the I/O entry mapping selections as necessary. If an I/O entry mapping must be selected,
the option to deselect it will not be available.

 Registering I/O Entries

The I/O data assigned to an I/O entry mapping is called an I/O entry.
Default values are assigned to the I/O entries in each I/O entry mapping. Some I/O entry mappings
allow you to add or delete I/O entries. Also, the I/O data that you can assign to an I/O entry mapping
is predetermined. Change the I/O entries as necessary.

Allocatable I/O data points

I/O entry Selection of I/O I/O entry mapping Editing I/O entries I/O data not included
mapping entry mapping I/O entry in the I/O entry
I/O data A I/O data I
Selected. Possible. I/O entry mapping A Possible. I/O data B
I/O data J I/O data K

I/O data C
Selected. Not possible. I/O entry mapping B Not possible.
I/O data D

I/O data E
Not selected. Possible. I/O entry mapping C Not possible.
I/O data F

I/O data G I/O data L

Selected. Possible. I/O entry mapping D Possible. Deleted.

I/O data H I/O data M

*The shaded I/O data is not exchanged with process data communications.

Precautions for Correct Use

Assign the I/O data that you will use in the user program. Some of the I/O data for the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal are not assigned by default. For example, the NX_DOutTimeStamp instruction
uses the Time Stamp of Synchronous Output, which is I/O data, as an input variable, but it is
not assigned by default in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. If you do not assign the Time Stamp of
Synchronous Output, you cannot use the NX_DOutTimeStamp instruction.

9 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Allocatable I/O Data in an EtherCAT Coupler Unit

This section gives the I/O data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit that you can assign as I/O.
To assign I/O data to an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, use the I/O ports for the
allocated I/O data.
To access I/O data as NX objects, use the index numbers.

 I/O Entry Mappings for EtherCAT Coupler Units

The following I/O entry mappings are available.

I/O entry mapping I/O entry

I/O I/O entry mapping name Maximum
Selecting Default Editing
Inputs 505th Transmit PDO Mapping Possible. Selected. Possible. 6
511th Transmit PDO Mapping Possible. Not selected. Not possible. 2
512th Transmit PDO Mapping Not possible. Selected. Not possible. 1

 I/O Data Allocatable to I/O Entry Mappings

The following I/O data can be registered as I/O entries for the I/O entry mappings.
a) 505th Transmit PDO Mapping
If you use a status that has a number as the suffix to the data name, select a status according to

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

the number of used NX Units. Doing so will suppress the I/O data size and improve communica-
tions performance. For example, if you use 10 NX Units, we recommend that you use the status
that has “Status 15” in the data name.

Registered by NX object
NX-ECC Subin-
Data name Function Data type Default I/O port name Index
201 or NX-ECC dex
NX-ECC 203 number
NX Unit Registration This is the registration ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Registra- 2003 hex 01 hex
Status 15 status for 15 NX Units. 15] OF tion Status 15
NX Unit Registration This is the registration ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Registra- 2003 hex 02 hex
Status 31 status for 31 NX Units. 31] OF tion Status 31
NX Unit Registration This is the registration ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Registra- Yes 2003 hex 03 hex
Status 63 status for 63 NX Units. 63] OF tion Status 63
9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

NX Unit Registration This is the registration ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Registra- Yes 2003 hex 04 hex
Status 125 status for 125 NX Units. 125] OF tion Status 125
NX Unit Message This tells whether mes- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Message 2004 hex 01 hex
Enabled Status 15 sage communications 15] OF Enabled Status
are enabled for 15 NX BOOL 15
NX Unit Message This tells whether mes- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Message 2004 hex 02 hex
Enabled Status 31 sage communications 31] OF Enabled Status
are enabled for 31 NX BOOL 31
NX Unit Message This tells whether mes- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Message 2004 hex 03 hex
Enabled Status 63 sage communications 63] OF Enabled Status
are enabled for 63 NX BOOL 63
NX Unit Message This tells whether mes- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Message 2004 hex 04 hex
Enabled Status 125 sage communications 125] OF Enabled Status
are enabled for 125 NX BOOL 125

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 15

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Registered by NX object
NX-ECC Subin-
Data name Function Data type Default I/O port name Index
201 or NX-ECC dex
NX-ECC 203 number
NX Unit I/O Data This tells whether I/O ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit I/O Data 2005 hex 01 hex
Active Status 15 data is usable for 15 NX 15] OF Active Status 15
Units. BOOL
NX Unit I/O Data This tells whether I/O ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit I/O Data 2005 hex 02 hex
Active Status 31 data is usable for 31 NX 31] OF Active Status 31
Units. BOOL
NX Unit I/O Data This tells whether I/O ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit I/O Data Yes 2005 hex 03 hex
Active Status 63 data is usable for 63 NX 63] OF Active Status 63
Units. BOOL
NX Unit I/O Data This tells whether I/O ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit I/O Data Yes 2005 hex 04 hex
Active Status 125 data is usable for 125 125] OF Active Status 125
NX Units. BOOL
NX Unit Error Status This gives the error sta- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Error 2006 hex 01 hex
15 tus for 15 NX Units. 15] OF Status 15
NX Unit Error Status This gives the error sta- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Error 2006 hex 02 hex
31 tus for 31 NX Units. 31] OF Status 31
NX Unit Error Status This gives the error sta- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Error 2006 hex 03 hex
63 tus for 63 NX Units. 63] OF Status 63
NX Unit Error Status This gives the error sta- ARRAY[0.. FALSE NX Unit Error 2006 hex 04 hex
125 tus for 125 NX Units. 125] OF Status 125
Time Stamp of Syn- This time stamp tells ULINT 0 Time Stamp of 200A hex 01 hex
chronous Input when a synchronous Synchronous
input occurred in the NX Input
Unit. Units: ns
Time Stamp of Syn- This time stamp tells ULINT 0 Time Stamp of 200A hex 02 hex
chronous Output when a synchronous Synchronous
output occurred in the Output
NX Unit. Units: ns

b) 511th Transmit PDO Mapping

Registered by NX object
NX-ECC Subin-
Data name Function Data type Default I/O port name Index
201 or NX-ECC dex
NX-ECC 203 number
New Messages Avail- This tells whether the WORD 0000 New Messages *1 200B hex 01 hex
able error log is updated. hex Available
*1. You can use this with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later. You cannot use this with NX-ECC201 and NX-ECC202.

c) 512th Transmit PDO Mapping

Registered by NX object
Data name Function Data type Default I/O port name NX-ECC Subin-
201 or NX-ECC dex
NX-ECC 203 number
Sysmac Error Status This is the Sysmac BYTE 02 hex Sysmac Error Yes Yes 2001 hex 01 hex
error status. It gives the Status
level of the error in the
EtherCAT Slave Termi-

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

The next section describes each data item in detail.

Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

This section describes the I/O data in detail.

 NX Unit Registration Status

Data name Description
NX Unit Registration Status This status tells whether the NX Units are registered in the Unit Configuration.
15 The status is acquired for as many NX Units as the numeric suffix at the end of
NX Unit Registration Status the data name. Select the I/O data with the appropriate numeric value based on
31 the number of NX Units that are mounted.
NX Unit Registration Status This status is given as an array of BOOL data. The subscript of the array corre-
63 sponds to the NX Unit number. A subscript of 0 indicates the EtherCAT Coupler
NX Unit Registration Status Unit.
Each bit has the following meaning.
TRUE: Registered
FALSE: Not registered

If the Unit configuration information is registered, the status is TRUE for each Unit

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

that is registered.
If the Unit configuration information was automatically created (with only the
actual Unit configuration information and no registered information), the status is
FALSE for all Units.

The status is TRUE for NX Units that are set as unmounted Units.

Each bit is updated at the following times.

• If the Unit Configuration Information Is Registered:
The status changes to TRUE when the system is started.
The status changes to FALSE when the configuration information is cleared.
• If the Unit Configuration Information Is Automatically Created:
The status changes to TRUE when the configuration information is confirmed. 9
The status is always FALSE if the Unit configuration information is automati-
cally created. 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 17

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

 NX Unit Message Enabled Status

Data name Description
NX Unit Message Enabled This status tells whether the NX Units can process message communications.
Status 15 The status is acquired for as many NX Units as the numeric suffix at the end of
NX Unit Message Enabled the data name. Select the I/O data with the appropriate numeric value based on
Status 31 the number of NX Units that are mounted.
NX Unit Message Enabled This status is given as an array of BOOL data. The subscript of the array corre-
Status 63 sponds to the NX Unit number. A subscript of 0 indicates the EtherCAT Coupler
NX Unit Message Enabled Unit.
Status 125
Each bit has the following meaning.
TRUE: Message communications possible.
FALSE: Message communications not possible.

The status says that message communications are enabled for NX Units that
meet the following conditions.
• The comparison shows no differences (only if the Unit configuration information
is registered).
• The NX Unit does not have a WDT error.

The status is FALSE for NX Units that are set as unmounted Units.

Each bit is updated when the message communications status changes on the
corresponding NX Unit.

 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status

Data name Description
NX Unit I/O Data Active Sta- This status tells whether the NX Units can process I/O data communications.
tus 15 The status is acquired for as many NX Units as the numeric suffix at the end of
NX Unit I/O Data Active Sta- the data name. Select the I/O data with the appropriate numeric value based on
tus 31 the number of NX Units that are mounted.
NX Unit I/O Data Active Sta- This status is given as an array of BOOL data. The subscript of the array corre-
tus 63 sponds to the NX Unit number. A subscript of 0 indicates the EtherCAT Coupler
NX Unit I/O Data Active Sta- Unit.
tus 125
Each bit has the following meaning.
TRUE: The I/O data in the NX Unit can be used for control.
FALSE: The I/O data in the NX Unit cannot be used for control.

The status is FALSE for NX Units that are set as unmounted Units.

Each bit is updated when the operating status changes on the corresponding NX

9 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

 NX Unit Error Status

Data name Description
NX Unit Error Status 15 This status tells whether an error exists on the NX Units.
NX Unit Error Status 31 The status is acquired for as many NX Units as the numeric suffix at the end of
NX Unit Error Status 63 the data name. Select the I/O data with the appropriate numeric value based on
NX Unit Error Status 125 the number of NX Units that are mounted.
This status is given as an array of BOOL data. The subscript of the array corre-
sponds to the NX Unit number. A subscript of 0 indicates the EtherCAT Coupler
Each bit has the following meaning.
TRUE: Error
FALSE: No error

If the Unit configuration information is registered, the status is reported for only
the NX Units for which the NX Unit Registration Status is TRUE (registered). This
status is FALSE for all NX Units for which the NX Unit Registration Status is
FALSE (not registered). If automatic generation*1 is used for the Unit configura-
tion information, the status is given for all NX Units.

Each bit is set to TRUE when the level of the error is as follows:
• Minor fault
• Observation

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

The status is FALSE for NX Units that are set as unmounted Units.

Each bit is updated at the following times.

The status changes to TRUE when an error occurs.
The status changes to FALSE when the error is reset. Even if the cause of the
error has been removed, you must reset the error for the status to change to
*1. This applies when only the physical Unit configuration information is used and the Unit configuration informa-
tion is not registered.

 Time Stamps of Synchronous I/O Refresh 9

Data name Description
Time Stamp of Synchronous This time stamp tells when a synchronous input occurred in the NX Unit. The unit
9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

Input is ns.
Time Stamp of Synchronous This time stamp tells when a synchronous output occurred in the NX Unit. The
Output unit is ns.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 19

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

 New Messages Available

Data name Description
New Messages Available This tells whether the error log is updated.
This tells whether the log of errors occurred in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX
Units is updated.
TRUE: The error log is updated.
FALSE: The error log is not updated.

The error log is updated at the following times.

The status changes to TRUE when the error log is updated.
The status changes to FALSE when the subindex number of the most recent
error log record is written to subindex 03 hex (Newest Acknowledged Message)
depends on the EtherCAT master.

 Sysmac Error Status

Data name Description
Sysmac Error Status This status gives the Sysmac error status for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
This is an OR of the error status of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units.
TRUE: An error of the corresponding level exists.
FALSE: No error of the corresponding level exists.

Each bit is updated at the following times.

The status changes to TRUE when an error occurs.
The status changes to FALSE when the error is reset. Even if the cause of the
error has been removed, you must reset the error for the status to change to

The following table shows the structure of the bits in the Slave Terminal Sysmac error status. Some bits
also have their own I/O ports.
Bit Data name Description I/O port
0 (Reserved) --- ---
1 (Reserved) This bit is always TRUE. This bit does not indicate ---
an error.
2 to 3 (Reserved) --- ---
4 Observation A monitoring error was detected in the Slave Termi- Observation
5 Minor fault A minor fault was detected in the Slave Terminal. Minor Fault
6 (Reserved) --- ---
7 (Reserved) --- ---

Data Allocatable to I/O in NX Units

Refer to the manual for the specific NX Unit for details on the allocatable I/O data.

Viewing I/O Allocation Information

1 Select the Unit in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.

9 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

The Unit Settings Pane is displayed for the selected Unit. The I/O entry name and data size are
displayed in the I/O allocation settings.

I/O entry name: Size

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 21

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Editing the I/O Allocation Settings

You can edit the I/O allocations for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units as necessary.

1 In the Unit Settings Pane, click the Edit I/O Allocation Settings Button.
The Edit I/O Allocation Settings Pane is displayed over the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration
Tab Page.

I/O Allocation Status

I/O Entry Mapping List I/O entries

Control buttons for the Edit I/O Allocation Settings Pane

Edit I/O Allocation Settings Pane

Name/Label Description
I/O Allocation The usage of I/O allocation for the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal is displayed here.

(1) I/O data size: The size of the I/O data that is allocated for the entire Slave Termi-
nal is given. The denominator is the maximum allocatable size.
The I/O data size gives the amount of memory that is used by the I/O data. This
value will not necessarily be the same as the total sum of all I/O entry sizes.

(2) Number of I/O entry mappings: The number of I/O entry mappings that are allo-
cated to the entire Slave Terminal is given. The denominator is the maximum
number of allocatable I/O data.

9 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Name/Label Description
I/O Entry Map- This is a mapping list of the I/O entries in the corresponding Unit.
ping List The I/O entry mapping list shows up to four inputs and outputs respectively.
The I/O entry mapping list shows the following items.
• Selection: This column is used to select the I/O entry mappings that you wish to
Select the I/O entry mapping that you wish to allocate.
If you do not want to allocate the I/O entry mapping as part of the I/O allocation
information, select No option.
• Input/Output: This column shows whether the data is an input or an output in
terms of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
• I/O entry mapping name: This column gives the name of the I/O entry mapping.
• Flag: If the I/O entry is editable, this column says “Editable.”
If the I/O entry is not editable, this column says “---.”
I/O entries This pane allows you to view and edit the I/O entries for the I/O entry mappings that
are selected in the I/O Entry Mapping List.
Each I/O entry contains the following information.
• Index: This is the index number for the NX object.
The index is displayed after “0x” as index_number:subindex-
• Size: This column gives the size of the I/O entry data.
• Data Type: This column gives the data type of the I/O entry.

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

• I/O entry name: This column gives the name of the I/O entry.
• Comment: This column gives a description of the I/O entry.
Control buttons Add I/O Entry Button: This button adds an I/O entry to the selected I/O entry
for the Edit I/O mapping.
Allocation Set- Delete I/O Entry Button: This button deletes the selected I/O entry from the
tings Pane selected I/O entry mapping.
OK Button: This button confirms the settings in the Edit I/O Alloca-
tion Settings Pane, and returns the display to the Edit
Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
Cancel Button: This button cancels the settings in the Edit I/O Allocation
Settings Pane, and returns the display to the Edit Slave
Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
Apply Button: This button confirms the settings in the Edit I/O Alloca- 9
tion Settings Pane, and allows you to edit other I/O
entries. 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Information

2 Select the option button next to the I/O entry mapping that you wish to edit. You can select only
I/O entry mappings that have the “Editable” in the Flag column.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 23

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

3 Click the Add I/O Entry Button.

The Add I/O Entry Dialog Box is displayed.
A list similar to the one that is shown below is displayed. This list shows the I/O data that you
can add to the selected I/O entry mapping list.

4 Select the I/O data to add, and then click the OK Button.
The I/O entry is added.

5 Click the Apply Button or OK Button to confirm the current settings.

You can also delete I/O entries. In step 3, select the I/O entry to delete, and then click the Delete I/O
Entry Button.

9 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings

Unit Operation Settings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

The operation settings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit are listed below.

Setting Setting range Default Description

Preventing Incorrect Disable or Enable Disable Set whether to prohibit a Sysmac Studio online con-
Operation Setting/USB nection through the peripheral USB port on the Eth-
Connection Prohibition erCAT Coupler Unit.
Setting Select Enable to prohibit the connection.
Refer to 11-12 Prohibiting USB Connections on
page 11-44 for details on prohibiting a USB connec-
Fail-soft Operation Set- Stop or Fail-soft Stop Set whether to use fail-soft operation for the Ether-
ting/Fail-soft Operation operation CAT Slave Terminal.
Setting Select Fail-soft operation to perform fail-soft opera-
Refer to 11-11 Fail-soft Operation on page 11-40 for
details on fail-soft operation.
Communications Error 0 to 15 1 A Communications Synchronization Error occurs if
Setting/Consecutive the communications error occurs consecutively for

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

Communications Error more than this set value.
Detection Count
Sync Not Received Tim- 0 to 600 s (0 0 A Synchronization Interruption Error occurs if the
eout Setting/Sync Error implies 120 s.) Sync0 signal input does not turn ON within this set
Monitoring Time value after the EtherCAT Coupler Unit enters the
Safe-Operational state.

Precautions for Safe Use

When you use an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit with the cable redundancy function in DC Mode, set
the Communications Error Setting set value for EtherCAT slaves in DC Mode to the following
value. If the communications cable is disconnected or the power supply of the EtherCAT slaves
is turned OFF with the Communications Error Setting set value set to any other value, commu-
nications may discontinue due to a Communications Synchronization Error.
Project unit version 1.42 or later: 2 or higher
Project unit version earlier than 1.42: 1 (default value) or higher
9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings

Unit Operation Settings for the NX Unit

The settings that are available depend on the type of the NX Unit.
For example, Digital Input Units have a setting for the input filter value, and Digital Output Units have a
setting for the output value at load rejection.
Refer to the manual for the specific NX Unit for the settings and their meanings.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 25

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Editing the Unit Operation Settings

You can edit the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units as necessary.

1 In the Unit Settings Pane, click the Edit Unit Operation Settings Button.
The Edit Unit Operation Settings Tab Page is displayed.

2 Change the set value of each setting.

9 - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-2-6 Unit Application Data

The Unit application data is the data that enables the functionality that is specific to each NX Unit. Not
all NX Units have Unit application data.
Refer to the manual for NX Units that have Unit application data for the method to set and transfer Unit
application data.

9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required

You can use the following functions on the Sysmac Studio.
• Comparing and merging with actual Unit configuration of the Slave Terminal
• Getting NX Unit serial numbers
• Exporting/importing Slave Terminal settings and NX Unit settings
• Uploading Slave Terminal settings through the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
• Changing the Model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX Unit
• Displaying the Transmission Delay Times of the EtherCAT Master

Version Information
• The function to upload Slave Terminal settings through the USB port on the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit was added for a version upgrade to the Sysmac Studio.
Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

for the versions that support this function.
• The function to change the model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit was added for a Sysmac Stu-
dio version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit
Version on page A-93 for the unit versions that support this function. The function to change
the model of an NX Unit is supported for Sysmac Studio version 1.06 and higher
• Displaying the transmission delay times of the EtherCAT master was added for a Sysmac
Studio upgrade. You can use it with Sysmac Studio version 1.13 or higher.

9-2-6 Unit Application Data

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 27

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Comparing and Merging with Actual Unit Configuration of the Slave

You can compare the Unit configuration information in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal that was created
offline with the actual Unit configuration. You can also use this command to merge a configuration that
was created offline with the actual configuration.

1 Go online, right-click anywhere in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, and select
Compare and Merge with Actual Unit Configuration.
The actual Unit configuration is read and compared with the Unit configuration on the Sysmac
Studio. The results are displayed in the Compare and Merge with Actual Unit Configuration Dia-
log Box.

2 To merge with actual Unit configuration, click the Apply Actual Unit Configuration Button.
The configuration information on the Sysmac Studio will now match the actual Unit configura-

3 Click the OK Button.

The display returns to the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.

Precautions for Safe Use

Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use
them for actual operation.

Precautions for Correct Use

You can read only the Unit configuration in the Slave Terminal by comparing and merging with
the actual Unit configuration. You cannot read the I/O allocation information, Unit operation set-
tings, and Unit application data.

9 - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Getting NX Unit Serial Numbers

If the serial number check method that is set in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is set to Setting = Actual
device, you must download the Unit configuration information in which the serial numbers for the NX
Units are set to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Use the following procedure to apply the serial numbers of
the actual devices to the serial numbers of the NX Units in the Unit configuration information on the
Sysmac Studio. Refer to 9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information on page 9-9 for information on
checking serial numbers.

1 Go online, right-click anywhere in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, and select
Get Serial Numbers of All NX Units.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

2 Click the Get Button.

The serial numbers are read from the actual Unit configuration, and applied to the Units in the
configuration information for the Slave Terminal on the Sysmac Studio.

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

Exporting/Importing Slave Terminal Settings and NX Unit Settings
You can export and import the Slave Terminal settings and NX Unit settings as files.
This procedure is not used to export and import data for the Safety Control Units. Refer to the
NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930-E1-04 or later) for information on export-
ing/importing data from/to the Safety Control Units.

 Exporting/Importing Settings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit as an EtherCAT

On the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, you can export all of the Slave Terminal settings,
shown below, into a single file (extension .ets).
The exported Slave Terminal setting file can be imported to add another Slave Terminal with the
same settings. To do this, go into the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page in the same project or a
new project on the Sysmac Studio.

9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required

On the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and select
Export Slave Settings.
The Save File Dialog Box is displayed.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 29

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

2 Enter a file name, and then click the Save Button.

An EtherCAT slave parameter file with an .ets extension is saved.

To import a file, select Import Slave Settings and Insert New Slave in step 1, and specify the file to

 Exporting/Importing NX Unit Settings

On the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, you can export the Unit operating settings and
Unit application data for each NX Unit into a single file (extension .nsf).
The exported NX Unit setting file can be imported to add other NX Units with the same settings. To
do this, go into the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page in a new project or the same project
on the Sysmac Studio.

1 On the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, right-click the NX Unit to export and select
Export NX Unit Settings.
The Export NX Unit Settings Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Enter a file name, and then click the Save Button.

An NX Unit setting file with an .nsf extension is saved.

To import a file, select Import NX Unit Settings and Insert New Unit in step 1, and specify the file to

9 - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Uploading Slave Terminal Settings through the USB Port on the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit
You can connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and transfer the
Slave Terminal settings information to the Sysmac Studio from the Slave Terminal.
However, if Safety Control Units are mounted to more than one Slave Terminal, there are restrictions in
the order that you can upload the settings. Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Units User’s Manual
(Cat. No. Z930-E1-02 or later) for the restrictions.

Use the following procedure to upload the settings.

1 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and place
it online.

2 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, and
select Coupler Connection (USB) − Transfer from Coupler.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

3 Click the Yes Button.
The configuration information, Unit operation settings, and Unit application data of the Slave
Terminal setting information are transferred.

9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 31

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Changing the Model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX Unit

Use the following procedures to change the model or unit version of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX
Unit that is already registered in a project on the Sysmac Studio. You can use this function when you
change a Unit to a Unit with a higher unit version.

 Changing the Model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Use the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page to change the model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

1 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page and select
Change Model.
The Units that you can change to are displayed in the Change Model Dialog Box.

2 Select the Unit to change to and then click the OK Button.

The Unit is changed to the selected model and unit version.

Precautions for Safe Use

Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use
them for actual operation.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the unit version that you changed to is old and mounting an NX Unit registered in the Slave
Terminal is not supported by the Sysmac Studio, an unsupported Unit error occurs for the NX
Unit. Confirm that the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit after the change supports the NX
Units on the Slave Terminal before you change the model. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That
Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the NX Units that are sup-
ported by EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• Any settings in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit before the change that are not supported by the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit after the change will be lost when you change the model.
• If the performance of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is different after changing the model, the
timing of I/O may change.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

 Changing NX Unit Models

Change the model of an NX Unit on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page on the Sysmac

1 Right-click the Unit to change on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page and select
Change Model.
The Units that you can change to are displayed in the Change Model Dialog Box.

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

2 Select the Unit to change to and then click the OK Button.
The Unit is changed to the selected model and unit version.

Precautions for Safe Use

Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use
them for actual operation.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If you change the model of an NX Unit that is assigned to an axis, the assignment to the axis
is deleted. If necessary, assign the NX Unit to the axis again.
• Any settings in the NX Unit before the change that are not supported by the NX Unit after the
9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required

change will be lost when you change the model.

• If the performance of the NX Unit is different after changing the model, the timing of I/O may

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 33

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Displaying the Transmission Delay Times of the EtherCAT Master

You can display the calculated values of the transmission delay times for the built-in EtherCAT port on
an NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. Always use this function in the calculation of the I/O
response time when I/O refreshing for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is performed in the priority-5 peri-
odic task.
Use the following procedure to display the transmission delay times.

1 On the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page, right-click the EtherCAT master or an EtherCAT
slave and select Calculate Transmission Delay Time of the Master.

2 The transmission delay times of PDO communications cycle 1 and PDO communications cycle
2 are displayed in the Output Tab Page.

The transmission delay times of the EtherCAT master depend on the periodic tasks that are used in the
CPU Unit or Industrial PC to refresh I/O for the EtherCAT Slave terminals, as shown below.

CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task

Applicable transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master
in which I/O is refreshed
Primary periodic task PDO communications cycle 1: Transmission delay time
Priority-5 periodic task*1 PDO communications cycle 2: Transmission delay time

*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701 CPU
Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's manual for the
connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are supported by the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Precautions for Correct Use

The Sysmac Studio calculates the transmission delay times of the EtherCAT master based on
the configuration information, such as the number of EtherCAT slaves and the EtherCAT frame
lengths. Therefore, display the transmission delay times again if you change the EtherCAT con-
figuration, EtherCAT setup, or Slave Terminal configuration.

Additional Information

You cannot select this menu command if there is an error in the EtherCAT configurations and

9-2 Setting Slave Terminal Parameters

9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 35

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-3 Assigning Variables

This section describes how to assign variables in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC
to the I/O data in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

9-3-1 Methods to Assign Variables

The methods that are used to assign variables in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC
to I/O data in the Slave Terminal are given below.

Method to assign variables Description Assignable Units

Assigning device variables Assign device variables to the I/O ports of the • EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Slave Terminal. • NX Units with I/O ports
Assigning axis variables Assign axis variables to the I/O data for the • Position Interface Units
devices in the Slave Terminal. Assign axis vari- • Some other NX Units*1
ables if you are using the Motion Control Func-
tion Module for control.
*1. Refer to the manuals for the specific NX Units to see which NX Units you can assign to axes.

CPU Unit or Industrial PC


Assigning variables

EtherCAT NX Units

Coupler Unit

Version Information
With the Sysmac Studio version 1.09 or higher, device variables can be assigned to the I/O
ports of NX Units to which a servo axis or encoder axis is assigned. The I/O port to which a
device variable can be assigned must meet either of the following conditions.
• The value of the R/W attribute is R (Read only).
• The value of the R/W attribute is W (Write only), and <Not assigned> is set for the process
data field under Detailed Settings on the Axis Basic Settings Display in the Sysmac Studio.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Precautions for Correct Use

If you perform the following steps, the system will clear the assignment of the device variables
to the I/O ports of an NX Unit to which a servo axis or encoder axis is assigned.
(1) With the Sysmac Studio version 1.09 or higher, assign device variables to the I/O ports of
the NX Units to which axes are assigned.
(2) Save the project data.
(3) Open the saved project data with the Sysmac Studio version 1.08 or lower.

9-3-2 Assigning Device Variables to I/O Ports

When you create the Unit configuration information, the I/O data that are assigned in the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal are displayed as I/O ports.
To access the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, assign device variables to the I/O ports and reference the
device variables in the user program.

For details on I/O ports and device variables, refer to the software user's manual for the connected CPU
Unit or Industrial PC.

Checking I/O Ports

You can check the I/O ports with the I/O Map on the Sysmac Studio.
Select I/O Map under Configurations and Setup on the Multiview Explorer on the Sysmac Studio

9-3 Assigning Variables

9-3-2 Assigning Device Variables to I/O Ports

I/O Port Names

 I/O Port Names for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Refer to Allocatable I/O Data in an EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-15 under 9-2-4 I/O Allocation
Information on page 9-13 for details on the I/O port names in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

 I/O Port Names for the NX Units

Refer to the manual for the specific Unit for the I/O port names in NX Units.
The following is an example for a Digital Input Unit (NX-ID3317 Four-point Input Unit).
Input Bit 00 to Input Bit 03

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 37

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Registering Device Variables and Attributes

 Registering Device Variables
You assign device variables to I/O ports in the I/O Map of the Sysmac Studio. The device variables
that you create are registered in the variable table.

 Device Variable Attributes

This section describes the attributes for the device variables that are used with the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
Attribute Specification method Changes to settings
Variable name There are three ways to assign a device variable. Possible.
• Select a registered variable from the variable table.
• Manually enter the device variable name.
• Automatically create the device variable name.
Variable names are automatically created using the fol-
lowing convention:
Data type You must specify a data type of the same size as the data Possible.*1
type of the I/O port.
AT specification ECAT://node#[node_address.NX_Unit_num- Not possible.
For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit whose node address is 10,
and a Digital Input Unit (NX-ID3317 Four-point Input Unit)
whose NX Unit number is 15:
ECAT://node#[10,15]/Input Bit 00 to
ECAT://node#[10,15]/Input Bit 03
Retain Not retained. Not possible.
Initial value None Possible.
Constant Do not specify a constant. Possible.
Network publish Do not publish. Possible.
*1. Changes are possible only for data types of the same size.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments

I/O Ports for Status

To access the status of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the user program in the NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, assign devices variables to the I/O ports for the status.
Refer to Allocatable I/O Data in an EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-15 under 9-2-4 I/O Allocation
Information on page 9-13 for the I/O ports that you can assign.

Programming Sample Using I/O Ports for Status

 Testing the Validity of I/O Data for Individual Units
The NX Unit I/O Data Active Status and the NX Unit Error Status are assigned to the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
The I/O data is manipulated in the NX Unit at NX Unit number 10 in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
with node address 5.

_EC_PDSlavTbl[5] _node5UnitRun[10] _node5UnitErr[10]

In1[1] In Out
_EC_CommErrTbl[5] AryOut
AryOut1[1] AryOut1[1]
UINT#3 Size

* _node5UnitRun[10]: This is a device variable for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (with node address 5)

9-3 Assigning Variables

to which the NX Unit I/O Data Active Status (NX Unit number 10) is assigned.
* _node5UnitErr[10]: This is a device variable for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (with node address 5)
to which the NX Unit Error Status (NX Unit number 10) is assigned.

 Testing Whether Individual NX Units Can Process Message Communications

To test whether a Unit can process message communications, assign the NX Unit Message Enabled
Status to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The Write NX Unit Object instruction is used to send a message to the NX Unit at NX Unit number 10 in
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit with node address 5.
9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable
_EC_PDSlavTbl[5] _node5UnitMsg[10]
Execute Done
UnitProxy1 UnitProxy Busy
_EC_CommErrTbl[5] Obj1 Obj Error
TimeOut ErrorID
WriteDat1 WriteDat ErrorIDEx

_node5UnitMsg[10]: This is a device variable for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (with node address 5)
to which the NX Unit Message Enabled Status (NX Unit number 10) is assigned.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 39

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Additional Information

To use the built-in EtherCAT port on the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC as
the EtherCAT master to access the status of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as an EtherCAT
slave, use the system-defined variables in the EtherCAT Master Function Module. For details,
refer to the user's manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial

9-3-4 Assigning Axis Variables

To control NX Units, such as Position Interface Units, with the Motion Control Function Module, create
axes on the Sysmac Studio, and assign system-defined variables called Axis Variables to the I/O data.

Refer to the NX-series Position Interface Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. W524) for instructions on using
the Position Interface Units. Refer to the motion control user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC for information on using Axis Variables.

Precautions for Correct Use

If an axis variable is assigned to NX Unit I/O data, enable the distributed clock in the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit where the NX Unit is mounted. If the distributed clock is disabled, an axis cannot
be assigned to the NX Unit, so you cannot assign an axis variable to the NX Unit I/O data.

9 - 40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings

This section describes how to transfer and compare EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings that you set on
the Sysmac Studio.
This procedure is not used to transfer settings to the Safety Control Units. Refer to the NX-series Safety
Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for the procedure to transfer settings to the Safety Control

Always confirm safety at the destination node before you transfer Unit configuration
information, parameters, settings, or other data from tools such as the Sysmac Studio.
The devices or machines may operate unexpectedly, regardless of the operating mode
of the Controller.

9-4-1 Transferring Settings

This section describes how to transfer Slave Terminal settings and I/O allocation settings to the Control-

9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings

Procedure to Transfer Settings
On the Sysmac Studio that is connected to an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, use
the synchronization function of the Sysmac Studio to transfer all of the following data: network configu-
ration information, configuration information, Unit operation settings, and Unit application data.

The actual operating procedure is given below.

1 Place the Sysmac Studio online with the CPU Unit or Industrial PC and execute synchroniza-
The comparison results are displayed in the Synchronization Pane.

9-4-1 Transferring Settings

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 41

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

2 To transfer the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and the application data
for the NX Units, make the setting to transfer the Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX
Unit application data in the Synchronization Pane.
For example, when using an NJ-series CPU Unit, clear the selection of the following check box.
Do not transfer the following. (All items are not transferred.)
• CJ-series Special Unit parameters and EtherCAT slave backup parameters
• Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX Unit application data.
Example: NJ-series CPU Unit

Clear the selection of

this check box. It is
selected in this screen

For items other than the Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX Unit application data,
the check box text may vary with the CPU Unit or Industrial PC that is used.

3 From the Comparison Results Dialog Box, select the EtherCAT Slave Terminal as a transfer
item, and then click the Transfer To Controller Button.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the Yes Button.

The settings are transferred from the Sysmac Studio to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit so that they
match. When the transfer is completed, the Slave Terminal is restarted.

Before the transfer begins, you can run a check on the Sysmac Studio to see if the configuration data is
the same. This will compare the EtherCAT network configuration and the Unit configuration for the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal, which were created offline, with the actual configuration of the EtherCAT net-
work and the Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Refer to Comparing and Merging with Actual Unit Configuration of the Slave Terminal on page 9-28
under 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the comparison is done with the Sysmac Studio connected and synchronized with the CPU
Unit or Industrial PC, you cannot compare the settings that are downloaded to the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal. Refer to 9-4-2 Comparing Settings on page 9-44 to compare the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal settings.
• In the following cases, the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is restarted after the transfer is com-
pleted: when the transfer is done without using the synchronization function of the Sysmac
Studio through the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or through the NY-series Industrial PC or when
the Sysmac Studio is connected to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. The restart
may cause the EtherCAT master to detect an error. In this case, you must reset the error on
the EtherCAT master.
• When the Slave Terminal is restarted, all of the Units on the Slave Terminal perform the same
operation as when the power supply is cycled. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for
the operation that is performed when the power supply is turned ON.

Additional Information

• You can connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to trans-
fer the Slave Terminal parameter settings to the Slave Terminal. In this case, you cannot
transfer the CPU Unit user program and other data. In this case, you cannot transfer the CPU
Unit or Industrial PC user program and other data.

9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings

• Refer to A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the USB Port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page A-7 for the transfer procedure.
• You can also transfer only the Unit operation settings to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX
Units without using the synchronization function of the Sysmac Studio. In this case, the set-
tings are transferred to one Unit at a time. Refer to A-2-2 Transferring the Unit Operation Set-
tings on page A-6 for details.

9-4-1 Transferring Settings

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 43

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-4-2 Comparing Settings

To compare the EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings, connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port of the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit to compare. Use the following procedure.
Refer to Comparing and Merging with Actual Unit Configuration of the Slave Terminal on page 9-28
under 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 to compare the Unit configura-

1 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

2 In the Unit Settings Pane on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, click the Online
Button next to Coupler Connection (USB) for the target EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

3 Click the OK Button.

The Sysmac Studio goes online with the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

4 Right-click the target EtherCAT Coupler Unit and select Coupler Connection (USB) − Com-
pare from the pop-up menu.
The results of the comparison are displayed as shown below.
When the Settings Are the Same:

When the Settings Are Different:

Precautions for Correct Use

You cannot compare the EtherCAT Slave Terminal settings if you connect the Sysmac Studio to
the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

9 - 44 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-5 Backing Up Settings

This section describes how to back up the Slave Terminal settings.

9-5-1 Backup Functions

You can back up, restore, and compare Slave Terminal settings with the backup functions for the entire
NJ/NX/NY-series Controller. The backup functions are used when you need to replace hardware, or to
change or restore various settings in a single operation.
However, the backup functions for the entire NJ/NX/NY-series Controller cannot be used for Safety
Control Units.

For an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit, you can back up, restore, and compare the settings for the entire Slave
Terminal, including the Communications Coupler Unit and NX Units, to either of these locations: an SD
Memory Card inserted in the CPU Unit or a specified folder on a computer. With an NY-series Industrial
PC, you can backup or compare the settings for the overall Slave Terminals to the Virtual SD Memory
Card in the Industrial PC. Also, you can back up, restore, and compare the settings to settings in a des-
ignated folder on your computer.
The functions also backup all the other data in the Controller.

For details on backup functions, refer to the software user's manual for the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC.

9-5 Backing Up Settings

The following backup functions are supported.

Function name Backing up data Restoring data Comparing data

SD Memory Card backup function*1 Yes • CPU Unit: Yes Yes
• Industrial PC: No*2
Sysmac Studio Controller backup function Yes Yes Yes
*1. The SD Memory Card backup functions of the Industrial PC back up and verify data in the Virtual SD Memory
*2. For the methods to restore backup files saved to the Virtual SD Memory Card, refer to the software user's man- 9
ual of the Industrial PC.
9-5-1 Backup Functions

9-5-2 SD Memory Card Backup Function

You can back up, restore, and compare the data for the entire NJ/NX-series Controller (including the
Slave Terminals) to an SD Memory Card that is inserted in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit. With an
NY-series Industrial PC, you then can back up and compare the data for the entire NY-series Controller
(including the Slave Terminals) with the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Industrial PC.
For details on SD Memory Card backup, refer to the software user’s manual for the connected CPU
Unit or Industrial PC.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 45

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-5-3 Sysmac Studio Controller Backup Function

You can back up, restore, and compare the data for the entire NJ/NX-series Controller (including Slave
Terminals) from the Sysmac Studio that is online with the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit. With an NY-series
Industrial PC, you can back up, restore, and compare the data for the entire NY-series Controller from
the Sysmac Studio that is online with the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit.
For details on Sysmac Studio Controller backups, refer to the software user’s manual for the connected
CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

Precautions for Correct Use

This function is not supported if the Sysmac Studio is connected directly to the USB port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Additional Information

Importing Sysmac Studio Backup Files

On the Sysmac Studio, you can import backup files that were saved with the Controller backup
function, which includes all of the Slave Terminal data, into a project.
For details on target data for Sysmac Studio backup importing, refer to the software user’s
manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC. Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1
Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for the procedure to import backup files.

9-5-4 Data That Is Backed Up

The following data for Slave Terminal setting is backed up, restored, or compared.
This data is saved in the backup file along with the other target data in the Controller.
OK: Included, NA: Excluded

Backing up Restoring Comparing

Unit Data
data data data
EtherCAT Coupler Unit Configuration information OK OK OK
Unit operation settings OK OK OK
NX Units Configuration information OK OK OK
Unit operation settings OK OK OK
Unit application data*1 OK OK OK
*1. This data is only included if the Unit has Unit application data.

Precautions for Correct Use

To restore backup data to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal that has an identical Unit configuration,
make sure all hardware switches are set to the same settings as when the backup was made.
Backup data cannot be restored if the hardware switches are set differently from those in the
backup data. This will cause an Restore Operation Failed to Start (EtherCAT Slave) observa-
tion event to occur.

9 - 46 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-5-5 Backing Up the Slave Terminal Settings by Transferring Data

To back up only the Slave Terminal settings rather than the entire Controller data, use the synchroniza-
tion function of the Sysmac Studio. Transfer only the Slave Terminal settings to the computer, apply
them to the project, and save the project.
The actual operating procedure is given below.

1 Place the Sysmac Studio online with the CPU Unit or Industrial PC and execute synchroniza-
The comparison results are displayed in the Synchronization Pane.

9-5 Backing Up Settings

To transfer the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and the application data
for the NX Units, make the setting to transfer the Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX
Unit application data in the Synchronization Pane.
For example, when using an NJ-series CPU Unit, clear the selection of the following check box.
Do not transfer the following. (All items are not transferred.)
• CJ-series Special Unit parameters and EtherCAT slave backup parameters
• Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX Unit application data
Example: NJ-series CPU Unit 9
ring Data
9-5-5 Backing Up the Slave Terminal Settings by Transfer-

Clear the selection of

this check box. It is
selected in this screen

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 47

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

For items other than the Slave Terminal Unit operation settings and NX Unit application data,
the check box text may vary with the CPU Unit or Industrial PC that is used.

3 From the Comparison Results Dialog Box, select the Communications Coupler Unit as the
Transfer Item, and then click the Transfer From Controller Button.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the Yes Button.

The settings are transferred from the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to the Sysmac Studio.

5 Close the Synchronization Window and save the project.

To restore the backed up Slave Terminal settings data, open the saved project file on the Sysmac Stu-
dio and transfer the Slave Terminal settings to the Slave Terminal. Refer to 9-4-1 Transferring Settings
on page 9-41 for the procedure to transfer the settings to the Slave Terminal.

Precautions for Correct Use

These functions are not supported if the Sysmac Studio is connected directly to the USB port
on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

9 - 48 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-6 Precautions in Changing the Unit

This section provides precautions that apply when you change the Unit configuration of an EtherCAT
Slave Terminal.

9-6-1 I/O Data That Require Specification of NX Unit Numbers

You must specify the NX Unit number to access some I/O data. If you change the Unit configuration of
an EtherCAT Slave Terminal, you must correct the specified NX Unit numbers, such as those in pro-

The NX Unit Registration Status and NX Unit Error Status that are described in 9-2-4 I/O Allocation
Information on page 9-13 are examples of I/O data that is accessed by specifying the NX Unit number.
The I/O data for this status information uses BOOL arrays, and the NX Unit number is specified as the

9-6 Precautions in Changing the Unit Configuration

For example, if an NX Unit (F in the bottom figure) is added to the Slave Terminal, the NX Unit numbers
of all NX Units to the right of the new NX Unit (C to E in the bottom figure) will change.

NX Unit number 1 2 3 4 5
NX Unit Registration Status NxReg[1] NxReg[2] NxReg[3] NxReg[4] NxReg[5]

Coupler Unit Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Unit E

The addition changes the NX Unit numbers, so you must

NX Unit F added as 3rd NX Unit correct the subscripts to specify the same NX Units as
before the addition in the NX Unit Registration Status. 9

1 2 3 4 5 6
9-6-1 I/O Data That Require Specification of NX Unit Num-

NxReg[1] NxReg[2] NxReg[3] NxReg[4] NxReg[5] NxReg[6]

Coupler Unit Unit A Unit B Unit F Unit C Unit D Unit E

Note: NxReg[ ] is the variable that is assigned to the NX Unit Registration Status.

If you specify the subscripts of arrays directly with numbers, the subscripts in the program must be cor-
rected to specify the same NX Unit as before the addition.
If you use _sNXUNIT_ID data type variables that are assigned to the Units to specify the array sub-
scripts, you do not need to correct the program even if the Unit configuration changes. The NX Unit
number of a Unit is stored in the UnitNo member of the _sNXUNIT_ID structure variable.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 9 - 49

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

For example, if the _sNXUNIT_ID variable NXUnitC is assigned to NX Unit C in the above figure, the
program would not need to be corrected even if the Unit configuration changed as long as the array
subscript is specified with NxReg[NXUnitC.UnitNo].
For information on how to register variables to assign to Units and how to assign variables, refer to Allo-
cating Variables to Units in the software user's manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

Additional Information

NX Unit Mounting Settings

If an NX Unit is removed or if you know in advance that an NX Unit is planned to be added, you
can use the NX Unit mounting settings to prevent the NX Unit numbers from changing.
Refer to 11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings on page 11-5 for details on the NX Unit mounting set-

9-6-2 NX Bus Refresh Cycle in DC Mode

When you use EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode, the NX bus refresh cycles for all other Slave
Terminals will increase if the NX bus refresh cycle for any one Slave Terminal increases.
The NX bus refresh cycle of a Slave Terminal increases in the following cases.
• If you add an NX Unit with a long refresh cycle to the Slave Terminal when synchronous I/O refresh-
ing is set for operation, the NX bus refresh cycles will increase.
• If the number of NX Units mounted to a Slave Terminal increases, the amount of data communica-
tions increases and the data processing time of the Slave Terminal becomes longer. Therefore, the
NX bus refresh cycles become longer.

You can use the following measures to eliminate the influences of the refresh cycle between NX Units
on the same Slave Terminal and between different Slave Terminals. Implementing these countermea-
sures may affect the communications performance and require changes in the programming. Consider
the results of these measures carefully before you implement them.

• Slave Terminals that do not require synchronization are set to Free-Run Mode so that they operate
with Free-Run refreshing.
• If you use a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Termi-
nal in more than one periodic task, assign the Slave Terminal to a separate periodic task that can per-
form process data communications. For example, if you use an NX701 CPU Unit, assign a Slave
Terminal that was assigned to the primary periodic task to the priority-5 periodic task. However, if the
task period of the periodic task to which you add the Slave Terminal does not have any leeway in
respect to the NX bus refresh cycle, you may have to increase the task period.
• If an NX Unit supports both synchronous I/O refreshing and task period prioritized refreshing, set task
period prioritized refreshing unless there is a specific need to use synchronous I/O refreshing.

Refer to 10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods on page 10-9 for the setting procedure of the Slave
Terminal I/O refreshing method. Refer to 10-3-6 Task Allocations on page 10-23 for the method to allo-
cate a Slave Terminal to a task.

9 - 50 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9-6-3 Using Settings from NX Units on Other Slave Terminals

To mount and use NX Units that were set for one Slave Terminal under a different EtherCAT Coupler
Unit, you must export and import NX Unit settings.
To use the NX Unit settings on a different Slave Terminal, you must export the NX Unit settings from the
Unit configuration of the set Slave Terminal and then import the settings to the Unit configuration of the
newly mounted Slave Terminal.

Additional Information

• Refer to 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 for information on
exporting and importing NX Unit settings.
• Some of the NX Unit settings are saved in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Therefore, even if you
upload the NX Unit settings to an NX Unit that was set on a different Slave Terminal, the orig-
inal NX Unit settings are not correctly applied to the newly mounted Slave Terminal. If you
want to use the set NX Unit by mounting it to another Slave Terminal, transfer the Unit opera-
tion settings to the relevant NX Unit.

9-6 Precautions in Changing the Unit Configuration

9-6-4 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information to the Controller
When an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, the Slave Terminal setting information must be the same between the
CPU Unit or Industrial PC and the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. When you transfer the Slave Terminal
setting information, always use the synchronization function from the Sysmac Studio that is connected
to the CPU Unit or Industrial PC. The Slave Terminal setting information transfer procedure given below
is for when an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is connected to a built-in EtherCAT port and the actual Slave
Terminal configuration was changed without changing the node address.

1 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the Slave Terminal through the CPU Unit or Industrial PC. Use
the compare and merge with actual Unit configuration of Slave Terminal to synchronize the con-
figuration information between the project and the actual Slave Terminal.

2 Set the Slave Terminal as an EtherCAT slave on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page. 9
3 Set up the Slave Terminal (create the configuration and set the parameters) on the Edit Slave
Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
9-6-3 Using Settings from NX Units on Other Slave Termi-

4 On the I/O Map Tab Page, allocate variables and actual I/O.

5 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the CPU Unit or Industrial PC and use the synchronization func-
tion of the Sysmac Studio to transfer the Slave Terminal setting information.

If the node address was also changed, do the following before you perform step 1, above: Connect the
Sysmac Studio to the Slave Terminal through the CPU Unit or Industrial PC, and use the compare and
merge with actual network configuration of EtherCAT to synchronize the project and actual network
configuration information.

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9 Setting Up Slave Terminals

9 - 52 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


I/O Refreshing
This section describes I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

10-1 Introduction to I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . 10-2

10-2 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10-2-1 I/O Refreshing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10-2-2 I/O Refreshing Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10-3 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-8
10-3-1 I/O Refreshing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
10-3-3 Selecting NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
10-3-6 Task Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 1

10 I/O Refreshing

10-1 Introduction to I/O Refreshing for

EtherCAT Slave Terminals
This section introduces I/O refreshing for NX-series EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

The NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC performs I/O refreshing cyclically with the NX
Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal through EtherCAT communications and the NX bus.

The following four cycles affect the operation of I/O refreshing between the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC and the NX Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
(A) Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC
(B) Process data communications cycle
(C) Refresh cycle of the NX bus
(D) Refresh cycle of each NX Unit

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or

NY-series Industrial PC

I/O refreshing between the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC and the NX Units

Built-in EtherCAT port

(B) Communications path

EtherCAT NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit

EtherCAT Slave Terminal Coupler Unit

(C) Other EtherCAT slaves

(D) (D) (D)

Example: Synchronous I/O refreshing Example: Synchronous I/O refreshing

Example: Free-Run refreshing

This section describes the operation of the NX Units on the EtherCAT Slave Terminals and the opera-
tion of I/O refreshing with the various series of CPU Units or Industrial PCs using the letters given in the
above figure.

10 - 2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-1 Introduction to I/O Refresh-

ing for EtherCAT Slave Termi-
I/O Refresh Operation with NX-series CPU Units
With the built-in EtherCAT port, some NX-series CPU Units can support process data communications
with EtherCAT slaves and EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the primary periodic task and priority-5 periodic
task, and others only in the primary periodic task.

This section describes how the I/O refreshing operates with the following CPU Units.
CPU Units Periodic task which support process data communications
NX701 CPU Units Primary periodic task and priority-5 periodic task
NX1P2 CPU Unit Primary periodic task

For information on periodic tasks which support process data communications with the built-in Ether-
CAT port on the NX-series CPU Unit, refer to Process Data Communications (PDO Communications) in
the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W505).

 CPU Units That Support Process Data Communications in Primary Periodic

Task and Priority-5 Periodic Task
With the built-in EtherCAT port on an NX-series NX701 CPU Unit, you can perform process data
communications with EtherCAT slaves and EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the primary periodic task
and the priority-5 periodic task. Each of these periodic tasks has a process data communications
I/O refreshing operates as described below.
• The (B) process data communications cycle and (C) refresh cycle of the NX bus are automatically
synchronized with the (A) task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit.*1
The (B) and (C) that correspond to (A) are given in the following table.
*1. This applies when the distributed clock is enabled in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Or, it applies when the task
period of a periodic task is set to a value that is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that was automatically
calculated by the Sysmac Studio.

(A) Task period of the periodic (B) Process data communica-

(C) Refresh cycle of the NX bus
task in the CPU Unit tions cycle
Task period of the primary periodic Process data communications NX bus refresh cycle of the Slave
task (called the primary period) cycle 1 Terminals that refresh I/O in the
primary periodic task
Task period of the priority-5 peri- Process data communications NX bus refresh cycle of the Slave
odic task cycle 2 Terminals that refresh I/O in the
priority-5 periodic task
The following is an example. In this example, EtherCAT Slave Terminal #1 is assigned to the primary
periodic task and EtherCAT Slave Terminal #2 is assigned to the priority-5 periodic task. Process
data communications cycle 1 and the refresh cycle of the NX bus for EtherCAT Slave Terminal #1
are automatically synchronized with the primary period. Process data communications cycle 2 and
the refresh cycle of the NX bus for EtherCAT Slave Terminal #2 are automatically synchronized with
the priority-5 periodic task.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 3

10 I/O Refreshing

NX-series CPU Unit

Primary period EtherCAT Slave Terminal #1
EtherCAT NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit
Coupler Unit

Process data communications cycle 1 Refresh cycle of the NX bus

Communications path
EtherCAT Slave Terminal #2
Built-in EtherCAT port
EtherCAT NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit
Coupler Unit

Process data communications cycle 2 Refresh cycle of the NX bus

Task period of the priority-5 periodic task

• The (D) refresh cycles of the NX Units depend on the I/O refreshing method of each NX Unit. You
can also use NX Units with different I/O refreshing methods together. Refer to 10-3 I/O Refreshing
for EtherCAT Slave Terminals on page 10-8 for information on the I/O refreshing methods of each
NX Unit.

 CPU Units That Support Process Data Communications Only in Primary Peri-
odic Task
With the built-in EtherCAT port on an NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit, you can perform process data
communications with EtherCAT slaves and EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the primary periodic task.
The I/O refresh operation is the same as for an NJ-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. For
details on this operation, refer to I/O Refresh Operation with NJ-series CPU Units or NY-series
Industrial PCs on page 10-4.
For the specifications of the built-in EtherCAT ports on NX-series CPU Units, refer to Process Data
Communications (PDO Communications) in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s
Manual (Cat. No. W505). For detailed task specifications of NX-series CPU Units, refer to Designing
Tasks in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501). Refer to 10-3-6 Task
Allocations on page 10-23 for the method to allocate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal to a task.

I/O Refresh Operation with NJ-series CPU Units or NY-series Indus-

trial PCs
I/O refreshing operates as described below.
• The (B) process data communications cycle and (C) refresh cycle of the NX bus are automatically
synchronized with the (A) task period of the primary periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.*1
• The (D) refresh cycles of the NX Units depend on the I/O refreshing method of each NX Unit. You can
also use NX Units with different I/O refreshing methods together. Refer to 10-3 I/O Refreshing for
EtherCAT Slave Terminals on page 10-8 for information on the I/O refreshing methods of each NX
*1. This applies when the distributed clock is enabled in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Or, it applies when the task
period of a periodic task is set to a value that is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that was automatically
calculated by the Sysmac Studio.

10 - 4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-1 Introduction to I/O Refresh-

ing for EtherCAT Slave Termi-
I/O Refreshing Type
I/O refreshing is performed between the EtherCAT master and EtherCAT slaves and between the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units. The ranges of refreshing are given in the following table.

I/O refreshing type

Synchronized Not synchronized
Refreshing between the EtherCAT DC Mode Free-Run Mode
master and EtherCAT slaves*1
Refreshing between EtherCAT Cou- • Synchronous I/O refreshing Free-Run refreshing
pler Unit and NX Units • Time stamp refreshing
• Task period prioritized refreshing
*1. In this context, an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is an EtherCAT slave.

The operation of refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port and the NX Units on the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal is determined by the combination of the I/O refresh types for the above ranges.

The rest of this section gives a general description of I/O refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port
and EtherCAT slaves. This is followed by a description of I/O refreshing with the NX Units on EtherCAT
Slave Terminals.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 5

10 I/O Refreshing

10-2 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slaves

This section provides a general description of I/O refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port on the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and the EtherCAT slaves.

10-2-1 I/O Refreshing Modes

The built-in EtherCAT port uses synchronization that is based on a distributed clock (DC) to process
communications with EtherCAT slaves.

This type of synchronization uses a mechanism called a distributed clock for EtherCAT communications
to synchronize each slave on the network.
EtherCAT slaves that support distributed clock synchronization have a clock that is shared by all slaves
in the network.
Interruptions are generated in the slaves at precise intervals based on this clock. Each slave executes
I/O processing based on the timing (Sync0) of these interruptions. The operating mode of slaves that
operate in this manner is called DC Mode. The times for I/O refreshing that are based on the distributed
clock are called the DC times.

Some slaves do not support the DC Mode. In that case, the process data communications cycle and
the I/O cycle of the slaves operate asynchronously. The operation mode of slaves that operate in this
manner is called Free-Run Mode.

The built-in EtherCAT port can execute I/O refreshing at the same time for slaves that operate in the DC
Mode and slaves that operate in Free-Run Mode.

10-2-2 I/O Refreshing Mode Operation

This section describes the operation of I/O refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port and EtherCAT

DC Mode Operation
Synced slaves #1 and #2 in the figure labeled Example of I/O Refreshing Mode Operation on page 10-7
operate in DC Mode.
The inputs are read at a fixed interval for each slave based on Sync0. Because the performance levels
of the slaves are different, inputs are not read at the same time across all of the slaves ((A) in the fig-
Each slave uses Sync0 as a trigger to perform output processing. Because the performance levels of
the slaves are different, the processing results do not appear at the output terminals at the same time
across all of the slaves ((B) in the figure).

10 - 6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-2 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

Free-Run Mode Operation

CAT Slaves
Free-run slave #3 in the figure labeled Example of I/O Refreshing Mode Operation on page 10-7 oper-
ates in Free-Run Mode.
This slave performs I/O processing based on its own unique timing ((C) and (D) in the figure), indepen-
dent of Sync0.
Example of I/O Refreshing Mode Operation

10-2-2 I/O Refreshing Mode Operation

An example of operation in each I/O refreshing mode is provided in the following figure. The following
figure is an example for the primary periodic task, but the same operation is performed with the prior-
ity-5 periodic task.

PLC Primary periodic task Primary periodic task Primary periodic task
Industrial PC

Primary period Primary period Primary period

CPU Unit or

Module (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Process data Process data Process data
EtherCAT communications cycle communications cycle communications cycle *1
Master Function (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Module EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time
EtherCAT Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0
communications (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Sync0 Sync0 Sync0
Output delay and
Synced DA conversion time
slave #1
EtherCAT slaves

Synced (A)
slave #2
Input delay and
AD conversion time
Free-run Processing for free-run slave #3 Processing for free-run slave #3
slave #3

(C) (D)

*1. For a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more
than one periodic task, this is called process data communications cycle 1.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 7

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Ter-

This section describes I/O refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port on the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC and the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

10-3-1 I/O Refreshing Methods

I/O Refreshing between the Built-in EtherCAT Port and the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is an EtherCAT slave that supports DC synchronization.
The I/O refreshing between the built-in EtherCAT port and the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is the same as
the operation of DC Mode that is described in 10-2 I/O Refreshing for EtherCAT Slaves on page 10-6.

I/O Refreshing between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units

There is more than one I/O refreshing method that you can use between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
and the NX Units. The I/O refreshing methods that you can use between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
and the NX Units are listed below.

I/O refreshing method name Outline of operation

Synchronous I/O refreshing With this I/O refreshing method, the timing to read inputs or to refresh outputs
is synchronized on a fixed interval between more than one NX Unit on more
than one Slave Terminal.
Task period prioritized refresh- With this I/O refreshing method, shortening the task period is given priority over
ing*1 synchronizing the I/O timing with other NX Units. With this I/O refreshing
method, the timing of I/O is not consistent with the timing of I/O for NX Units
that use synchronous I/O refreshing.
Input prioritized refreshing With this refreshing method, execution of input processing is given priority over
output processing. Output processing is executed after the completion of input
Output prioritized refresh- With this refreshing method, execution of output processing is given priority
ing over input processing. Input processing is executed after the completion of out-
put processing.
The input data from input processing is read by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in
the next period after the period in which the output processing is performed.
Time stamp refreshing With this I/O refreshing method, the NX Units record the DC times when inputs
change or perform outputs at specified DC times. These times are asynchro-
nous to the NX bus refresh cycles. Data exchange between the NX Units and
EtherCAT Coupler Unit are performed cyclically on the NX bus refresh cycles.
Input refreshing with input With this I/O refreshing method, the Input Units record the DC times when
changed times inputs change.
Output refreshing with With this I/O refreshing method, the Output Units change outputs at specified
specified time stamps DC times.
Free-Run refreshing With this I/O refreshing method, the refresh cycle of the NX bus and the I/O
refresh cycles of the NX Units are asynchronous.
*1. Of the EtherCAT Coupler Units, only the NX-ECC203 supports this refreshing method.

10 - 8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

Because the EtherCAT Coupler Unit can perform all I/O refreshing methods at the same time, NX Units

CAT Slave Terminals

with different I/O refreshing methods can be used together in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

Refer to the manuals for the specific NX Units for details on the operation for each I/O refreshing

Version Information

Time stamp refreshing is an I/O refreshing method that was added for a version upgrade. Refer
to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the 10
versions that support time stamp refreshing.

10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods

10-3-2 Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods
The I/O refreshing method between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and each NX Unit depends on whether
the DC is enabled in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

NX Units that
NX Units that support
NX Units that NX Units that support both Free-Run NX Units that
DC enable set-
support only support only Free-Run refreshing, syn- support only
ting in the Ether-
Free-Run synchronous I/O refreshing and chronous I/O time stamp
CAT Coupler Unit
refreshing refreshing synchronous I/O refreshing, and refreshing
refreshing task period prior-
itized refreshing
Enabled (DC for Free-Run refresh- Synchronous I/O Synchronous I/O Synchronous I/O Time stamp
synchronization)*1 ing refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing
Enabled (DC with Task period priori-
priority in cycle tized refreshing
Disabled Free-Run refresh- Not available. Free-Run refresh- Free-Run refresh- Operation with
(FreeRun) *2 ing ing ing time stamp
refreshing is not
*1. The EtherCAT Slave Terminal operates in DC Mode.
*2. The EtherCAT Slave Terminal operates in Free-Run Mode.
*3. Refer to the manuals for the specific NX Units for details on the operation when the DC is set to Disabled (FreeRun).

Additional Information

To enable the distributed clock for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, set the Enable Distributed Clock
slave parameter on the Edit Configuration Dialog Box on the Sysmac Studio. The default set-
ting on the Sysmac Studio is Enabled (DC for synchronization). Refer to 9-2-2 Settings as an
EtherCAT Slave on page 9-6 for the setting method.

10-3-3 Selecting NX Units

The I/O refreshing methods that you can use depend on the model of the NX Unit. Select the NX Units
according to the I/O refreshing method to use.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 9

10 I/O Refreshing

Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for the I/O refreshing methods that are supported by individ-
ual NX Units.

10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation

This section describes the operation of each I/O refreshing method.
The detailed operation of the I/O refreshing methods depends on the NX Units. Refer to the manuals for
the NX Units.

Additional Information

Refer to A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers on page A-11 for details on the
operation of I/O refreshing with connections that do not use the built-in EtherCAT port.

Operation of Synchronous I/O Refreshing

All NX Units that support synchronous I/O refreshing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal read their inputs
at the same time at a fixed interval based on Sync0.These NX Units also refresh their outputs simulta-
neously but at different intervals from the intervals for the inputs.

If there is more than one Slave Terminal on the same EtherCAT network, the above operation is per-
formed for the Slave Terminals for which I/O refreshing is performed in the same periodic task. The NX
Units that use only synchronous I/O refreshing in all of the Slave Terminals for which I/O is refreshed in
the same periodic task receive inputs and refresh outputs simultaneously. The periodic tasks to which
you can assign the I/O refreshing of a Slave Terminal depend on the type of CPU Unit or Industrial PC
to which the Slave Terminal is connected as shown below.

Type of CPU Unit or Industrial PC*1 Periodic task in which I/O is refreshed
NX-series NX701 CPU Unit Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Primary periodic task
NJ-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC
*1. If you connect the Slave Terminal to a CPU Unit or Industrial PC whose model is not included in the table, refer
to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or In-
dustrial PC for information on the periodic tasks in which Slave Terminal I/O is refreshed.

NX Units (No.1 to 3) in EtherCAT Slave Terminals #2 and #3 in the figure labeled Example of Synchro-
nous I/O Refreshing Operation on page 10-12 provide examples of operation with synchronous I/O
All NX Units read their inputs at the same time ((A) in the figure).
All NX Units refresh their outputs at the same time ((B) in the figure).

10 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
Precautions for Correct Use
The Sysmac Studio automatically calculates Sync0, the timing of reading and updating outputs,
and the maximum NX bus refresh cycle for multiple Slave Terminals. It calculates them accord-
ing to factors such as the I/O refresh cycles and the data sizes of the NX Units in the Slave Ter-
minals when the Slave Terminals are configured and set up. If you use a built-in EtherCAT port
that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic
task, this is calculated for each periodic task.
If you use synchronous I/O refreshing, you must set the task period of the periodic task to a 10
value that is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that is automatically calculated by the Sys-
mac Studio. Refer to 10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 for

10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation


Additional Information

The EtherCAT Slave Terminals with enabled distributed clocks and all EtherCAT slaves that
support DC synchronization execute I/O processing based on Sync0, which is shared on the
EtherCAT network. Because these EtherCAT Slave Terminals and these EtherCAT slaves have
different specifications and performance levels for the timing of reading inputs and updating
outputs, they do not read inputs or update outputs simultaneously.
Also, even for two EtherCAT slaves that support distributed clock synchronization, the specifi-
cations and performances for the timing of reading inputs and the timing of updating outputs
can be different for different slaves. This means that inputs are not always read and outputs are
not always updated simultaneously.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 11

10 I/O Refreshing

 Example of Synchronous I/O Refreshing Operation

An example of operation for the synchronous I/O refreshing method is provided in the following fig-
ure. The following figure is an example for the primary periodic task, but the same operation is per-
formed with the priority-5 periodic task.
Primary periodic task Primary periodic task Primary periodic task
Industrial PC

PLC Function
CPU Unit or

Module Primary period Primary period Primary period

(example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs)
Process data Process data Process data
communications cycle communications cycle communications cycle *1
EtherCAT Master (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs)
Function Module
EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time
EtherCAT communications Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0
path (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs)
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)

Synced slave #1
Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of
the NX bus the NX bus the NX bus
EtherCAT Slave
(example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs) (example: 500 μs)
Terminal #2
Input data transmission
Input data time for EtherCAT Output data transmission time
Output data transmission Output data Coupler Unit for EtherCAT Coupler Unit
EtherCAT transmission time for transmission
time for EtherCAT time for All Units with synchronous input
Coupler Unit refreshing read their inputs
EtherCAT Coupler Unit EtherCAT
Coupler Unit Coupler Unit simultaneously (A).

Synchronized NX
Unit (No. 1)
ON/OFF response time ON/OFF response
time + Input filter time
Synchronized NX
Unit (No. 2)
EtherCAT slave

Synchronized NX
ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2
Unit (No. 3)
AD conversion time
DA conversion All Units with synchronous output refreshing for each Unit
time for each
Unit refresh their outputs simultaneously (B).

EtherCAT Slave
Terminal #3

Coupler Unit

Synchronized NX
Unit (No. 1)
ON/OFF response time ON/OFF response
Synchronized NX time + Input filter time
Unit (No. 2)

Synchronized NX Unit
(No. 3) ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2 ch1 ch2
DA conversion AD conversion time
time for each for each Unit
*1. For a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one peri-
odic task, this is called process data communications cycle 1.

10 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
Operation for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing
This section describes the operation of task period prioritized refreshing.

 Operation with Input Prioritized Refreshing

The NX Units that use input prioritized refreshing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal give priority to
execution of the input processing for each NX Unit. Output processing is executed after input pro-
cessing is completed. 10
Input-prioritized NX Unit (No. 1) in EtherCAT Slave Terminals #2 and #3 in the figure labeled Exam-
ple of Task Period Prioritized Refreshing Operation on page 10-13 provide examples of operation

10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation

with input prioritized refreshing.
Execution of input processing for each NX Unit is given priority. Output processing is performed after
input processed is completed ((A) in the figure). Input processing is executed until the I/O refreshing
of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit ((B) in the figure).

 Operation with Output Prioritized Refreshing

The NX Units that use output prioritized refreshing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal give priority to
execution of the output processing for each NX Unit. Input processing is executed after output pro-
cessing is completed. The input data from input processing is read by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in
the next period after the period in which the output processing is performed.
Output-prioritized NX Unit (No. 2) in EtherCAT Slave Terminals #2 and #3 in the figure labeled
Example of Task Period Prioritized Refreshing Operation on page 10-13 provide examples of oper-
ation with output prioritized refreshing.
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit gets the input data in the next period after the period in which each NX
Unit performs output processing ((C) in the figure). Execution of output processing is given priority
starting on Sync0. Input processing is executed after output processing is completed ((D) in the fig-

Precautions for Correct Use

The Sysmac Studio automatically calculates Sync0, the timing of reading inputs and updating
outputs, and the maximum NX bus refresh cycle for multiple Slave Terminals. It calculates them
according to factors such as the I/O refresh cycles and the data sizes of the NX Units in the
Slave Terminals when the Slave Terminals are configured and set up. If you use a built-in Eth-
erCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than
one periodic task, this is calculated for each periodic task.
If you use task period prioritized refreshing, you must set the task period of the periodic task to
a value that is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that is automatically calculated by the Sys-
mac Studio. Refer to 10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 for

 Example of Task Period Prioritized Refreshing Operation

An example of operation for the task period prioritized refreshing method is provided in the following
figure. The following figure is an example for the primary periodic task, but the same operation is
performed with the priority-5 periodic task.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 13

10 I/O Refreshing

Primary periodic task Primary periodic task Primary periodic task

Industrial PC

PLC Function
CPU Unit or

Module Primary period Primary period Primary period

(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Process data Process data Process data
communications cycle communications cycle communications cycle *1
EtherCAT Master (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Function Module
EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time
EtherCAT communications Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0
path (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)

Synced slave #1
Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of
the NX bus the NX bus the NX bus
EtherCAT Slave
(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Terminal #2
Output data Input data Output data Input data Output data
transmission transmission transmission transmission transmission
EtherCAT time for time for time for
time for time for
Coupler Unit EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit

Execution of input processing is given priority. Output processing

is executed after input processing is completed (A).

Input-prioritized NX
Unit (No. 1)
Input Input processing is executed until the I/O processing
processing refreshing of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (B).

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit gets the input data in the next period
after the period in which output processing is performed (C).
EtherCAT slave

Output-prioritized NX
Unit (No. 2)

Execution of output processing is given

Output Input
priority starting on Sync0. Input
processing processing
EtherCAT Slave processing is executed after output
Terminal #3 processing is completed (D).

Coupler Unit Execution of input processing is given priority. Output processing
is executed after input processing is completed (A).

Input-prioritized NX
Unit (No. 1)
Input Input processing is executed until the I/O processing
processing refreshing of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (B).

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit gets the input data in the next period
after the period in which output processing is performed (C).

Output-prioritized NX
Unit (No. 2)

Execution of output processing is given priority starting

Output Input processing
on Sync0. Input processing is executed after output
processing is completed (D).

*1. For a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one peri-
odic task, this is called process data communications cycle 1.

10 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
Operation of Time Stamp Refreshing
This section describes the operation of time stamp refreshing.

 Operation of Input Refreshing with Input Changed Times

All NX Units that use input refreshing with input changed times in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
record the DC times when inputs change (called input changed times). These times are read when
the inputs change at a set fixed interval based on Sync0. The most recent values are always read as 10
the input values.

10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation

Additional Information

The timing when the input changed times are read is the same as that for reading the inputs for
NX Units that use synchronous input refreshing.

If there is more than one Slave Terminal on the same EtherCAT network, the above operation is per-
formed for the Slave Terminals for which I/O refreshing is performed in the same periodic task. The
NX Units that use only input refreshing with input changed time in all of the Slave Terminals for
which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task read the input changed times simultaneously. The
periodic tasks to which you can assign the I/O refreshing of a Slave Terminal depend on the type of
CPU Unit or Industrial PC to which the Slave Terminal is connected as shown below.

Type of CPU Unit or Industrial PC*1 Periodic task in which I/O is refreshed
NX-series NX701 CPU Unit Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit Primary periodic task
NJ-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC
*1. If you connect the Slave Terminal to a CPU Unit or Industrial PC whose model is not included in the table, refer
to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or In-
dustrial PC for information on the periodic tasks in which Slave Terminal I/O is refreshed.

NX Unit with input refreshing with input changed times (No. 1) in EtherCAT Slave Terminals #2 and
#3 in the figure labeled Operation Example for Time Stamp Refreshing on page 10-17 provide an
example of operation with input refreshing with input changed times.
All NX Units read their input changed times at the same time ((A) in the figure).
The DC times when the inputs changed are recorded for each NX Unit ((B) in the figure).

 Operation of Output Refreshing with Specified Time Stamps

NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time stamps in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
change the outputs at the specified DC times for each NX Unit.
NX Unit with output refreshing with specified time stamps (No. 2) in EtherCAT Slave Terminals #2
and #3 in the figure labeled Operation Example for Time Stamp Refreshing on page 10-17 provide
an example of operation with output refreshing with specified time stamps.
The outputs are changed at the specified DC times for each NX Unit ((C) in the figure).

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 15

10 I/O Refreshing

Precautions for Correct Use

The Sysmac Studio automatically calculates Sync0, the timing of reading inputs and updating
outputs, and the maximum NX bus refresh cycle for multiple Slave Terminals. It calculates them
according to factors such as the I/O refresh cycles and the data sizes of the NX Units in the
Slave Terminals when the Slave Terminals are configured and set up. If you use a built-in Eth-
erCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than
one periodic task, this is calculated for each periodic task.
If you use time stamp refreshing, you must set the task period of the periodic task to a value
that is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that is automatically calculated by the Sysmac Stu-
dio. Refer to 10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 for details

10 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

 Operation Example for Time Stamp Refreshing

CAT Slave Terminals

An example of operation for the time stamp refreshing method is provided in the following figure.
The following figure is an example for the primary periodic task, but the same operation is performed
with the priority-5 periodic task.
Primary periodic task Primary periodic task Primary periodic task
Industrial PC

PLC Function
CPU Unit or

Module Primary period Primary period Primary period

(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Process data Process data Process data
EtherCAT Master
communications cycle
(example: 500 µs)
communications cycle
(example: 500 µs)
communications cycle
(example: 500 µs) 10
Function Module
EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time
Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0

10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation

EtherCAT communications
path (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)

Synced slave #1
Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of
the NX bus the NX bus the NX bus
EtherCAT Slave
(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Terminal #2
Input data transmission
Output data Input data time for EtherCAT Output data transmission time
transmission transmission Output data Coupler Unit for EtherCAT Coupler Unit
EtherCAT time for time for transmission
EtherCAT EtherCAT time for All Units with input refreshing with
Coupler Unit input changed times read their input
Coupler Unit Coupler Unit EtherCAT
Coupler Unit changed times simultaneously (A).

NX Unit with input

refreshing with input
changed times (No. 1)
NX Unit with output DC time when input ON/OFF response
refreshing with specified changed is recorded time
time stamps (No. 2) (B).
EtherCAT slave

response time
Output at specified DC time (C).

EtherCAT Slave
Terminal #3

Coupler Unit

NX Unit with input

refreshing with input
changed times (No. 1)
NX Unit with output DC time when input ON/OFF
refreshing with specified changed is recorded response time
time stamps (No. 2) (B).
response time
Output at specified DC time (C).

*1. For a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one peri-
odic task, this is called process data communications cycle 1.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 17

10 I/O Refreshing

Operation of Free-Run Refreshing

With Free-Run refreshing, the refresh cycle of the NX bus and the I/O refresh cycle of the NX Units
operate asynchronously.
Free-run NX Unit (No. 1) in EtherCAT Slave Terminal #2 in the figure labeled Example of Free-Run
Refreshing Operation on page 10-18 provides an example of operation with Free-Run refreshing. The
NX Units perform I/O processing based on their own unique timings ((A) and (B) in the figure), indepen-
dent of Sync0.

 Example of Free-Run Refreshing Operation

An example of operation for Free-Run refreshing method is provided in the following figure. This
example shows the operation of EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode. The following figure is an
example for the primary periodic task, but the same operation is performed with the priority-5 peri-
odic task.
Primary periodic task Primary periodic task Primary periodic task
Industrial PC

PLC Function
CPU Unit or

Module Primary period Primary period Primary period

(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Process data Process data Process data
communications cycle communications cycle communications cycle *1
EtherCAT Master (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Function Module
EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time
Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0 Period of Sync0
EtherCAT communications
(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)

Synced slave #1
Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of Refresh cycle of
EtherCAT Slave the NX bus the NX bus the NX bus
(example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs) (example: 500 µs)
Terminal #2
EtherCAT slave

Output data Input data Output data Input data Output data
transmission transmission transmission transmission transmission
EtherCAT time for time for time for
time for time for
Coupler Unit EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit Coupler Unit

Free-run NX Unit
Processing of free-run NX Unit (No. 1) Processing of free-run NX Unit (No. 1)
(No. 1)

(A) (B)
*1. For a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one peri-
odic task, this is called process data communications cycle 1.
Operation is as follows for EtherCAT Slave Terminals that operate in Free-Run Mode:
• The NX bus refresh cycle is not synchronized with the task periods of the periodic tasks or process
data communications cycle. The NX bus operates on its own cycle.
• The refresh cycle of the NX bus and the I/O refresh cycles of the NX Units are asynchronous.

10 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks
This section describes the settings of the task periods of the primary periodic task and priority-5 peri-
odic task. Process data communications can be performed from these tasks. This is explained for each
series of CPU Unit or Industrial PC that connects to EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NX-series NX701 10

CPU Unit
The task periods must be set within the following restrictions.

10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks

• Relation of the task periods between different periodic tasks
• Communications cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode
• Communications cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in Free-Run Mode
• Refresh cycle of the NX bus

 Relation of the Task Periods between Different Periodic Tasks

Set the task period of the priority-5 periodic task as an integer multiple of the primary period. For
details on setting the task periods for an NX-series CPU Unit, refer to Specifications of Tasks for the
NX-series CPU Unit in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501).

 Communications Cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode

To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode, set a task period within the specified range for
the DC Mode communications cycle supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Refer to 3-1-2 Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2 for the DC Mode communications cycles that are
supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminals. There are restrictions in the communications cycles
that you can set for some of the NX Units. If you use any of those NX Units, set a task period for a
communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the refresh cycles that can be executed
by the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No.
W525-E1-07 or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. For information on the
communications cycles that you can set, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.

Precautions for Correct Use

There are restrictions in the communications cycles in DC Mode that you can set for some of
the NX Units. For example, there are some models of NX Units that cannot refresh I/O at a task
period of 125 μs, and there are other models of NX Units that cannot refresh I/O at a task
period of 125 μs unless you use task period prioritized refreshing. If you use any of those NX
Units, set a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the
refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.

 Communications Cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in Free-Run Mode

To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run Mode, set a task period within the specified
range for the Free-Run Mode communications cycle supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2 for the Free-Run Mode communi-
cations cycles that are supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminals. There are restrictions in the
communications cycles that you can set for some of the NX Units. If you use any of those NX Units,
set a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the refresh cycles
that can be executed by the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual
(Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. For informa-
tion on the communications cycles that you can set, refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 19

10 I/O Refreshing

 Refresh Cycle of the NX Bus

(a) Operating the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode
You must set the task periods of the primary task and priority-5 periodic task to values that are
longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that is automatically calculated by the Sysmac Studio for
each periodic task.
The Sysmac Studio provides a task period warning if the task period of the primary task or prior-
ity-5 periodic task is shorter than the NX bus refresh cycle. A warning is displayed to the left of
EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer and also to the right of the
master on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page. If you place the cursor on the warning
mark, the task period that is required for the primary task or priority-5 periodic task is displayed.
Set the task period of the primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task accordingly.

With the task period of the primary task or priority-5 periodic task in Configurations and Setup −
Task Settings, select the task periods from the lists for the Period/Execution Conditions for both
the primary task and priority-5 periodic task.
(b) Operating the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run Mode
Set the task periods of the primary task and priority-5 periodic task according to Relation of the
Task Periods between Different Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 and Communications Cycle for
EtherCAT Slave Terminals in Free-Run Mode on page 10-19. The NX bus refresh cycle for each
process data communications cycle is not synchronized with the following cycles. The NX bus
operates on its own cycle.
• Primary period and process data communications cycle 1
• Task period of priority-5 periodic task and process data communications cycle 2
Therefor, the Sysmac Studio will not provide a task period warning if the task period of the pri-
mary task or priority-5 periodic task is shorter than the NX bus refresh cycle for either of the pro-
cess data communications.

10 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
Precautions for Correct Use
Restrictions in Process Data Communications for Multiple Communications Cycles
With a built-in EtherCAT port that can perform process data communications in more than one
periodic task on the same EtherCAT network, the following restrictions apply because there is
physically only one EtherCAT network and because the primary periodic task is given priority.
• Even if the same task period is set for the primary task and priority-5 periodic task, the PDO
data size that can be processed for the EtherCAT slave by the built-in EtherCAT port in the
priority-5 periodic task may be less than the data size processed in the primary periodic task. 10
For details on the restrictions on process data communications in multiple communications
cycles, refer to Restrictions for Multiple Communications Cycles in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit

10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of Periodic Tasks

Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W505).

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on Other NX-series CPU

When connected to a built-in EtherCAT port of a CPU Unit that is not an NX-series NX701 CPU Unit,
the task periods must be set within the following restrictions.
• Communications cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode
• Refresh cycle of the NX bus

 Communications Cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode

To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode, set a task period within the specified range for
the DC Mode communications cycle supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. For example,
4,000 μs is the maximum communications cycle for DC Mode with the NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202.
Therefore, when you set the task period to a value greater than 4,000 μs for the built-in EtherCAT
port on a CPU Unit, you cannot use the NX-ECC201/ECC202. Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler
Unit Specifications on page 3-2 for the DC Mode communications cycles that are supported by the
EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

 Refresh Cycle of the NX Bus

The restrictions are the same as when connecting to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ-series CPU
Unit, which are described below. Refer to Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series
CPU Unit on page 10-21 for details.

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series CPU Unit

The task periods must be set within the following restrictions.
• Refresh cycle of the NX bus
Details are given below.

 Operating the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode

Set the primary period so that it is longer than the NX bus refresh cycle that is automatically calcu-
lated by the Sysmac Studio.
The Sysmac Studio provides a task period warning if the primary period is smaller than the NX bus
refresh cycle. A warning is displayed to the left of EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the
Multiview Explorer and also to the right of the master on the EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page.
If you place the cursor on the warning mark, the required primary period is displayed. Set the pri-
mary period accordingly.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 21

10 I/O Refreshing

With the primary periodic task in Configurations and Setup − Task Settings, select the task period
from the list for the Period/Execution Conditions.

 Operating the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run Mode

Set the primary period according to Communications Cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in
Free-Run Mode on page 10-19. The NX bus refresh cycle is not synchronized with the primary
period or process data communications cycle. The NX bus operates on its own cycle. Therefore, the
Sysmac Studio does not provide a task period warning if the primary period is smaller than the NX
bus refresh cycle.

Connecting to a Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NY-series Industrial PC

The task periods must be set within the following restrictions.
• Communications cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode
• Refresh cycle of the NX bus

 Communications Cycle for EtherCAT Slave Terminals in DC Mode

To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode, set a task period within the specified range for
the DC Mode communications cycle supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. For example, the
communications cycle for DC Mode for the NX-ECC201/ECC202 is 4,000 µs max. Therefore, if you
set the task period for an NY-series Industrial PC to a value greater than 4,000 µs, you cannot use
the NX-ECC201/ECC202. Refer to 3-1-2 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Specifications on page 3-2 for the
DC Mode communications cycles that are supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

 Refresh Cycle of the NX Bus

The same restrictions apply when connecting to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ-series CPU
Unit. Refer to Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series CPU Unit on page 10-21 for

10 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

10 I/O Refreshing

10-3 I/O Refreshing for Ether-

CAT Slave Terminals
10-3-6 Task Allocations
This section describes the specifications to assign EtherCAT Slave Terminals to tasks in an
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. This is explained for each series of CPU Unit that
connects to EtherCAT Slave Terminals. If you connect the Slave Terminal to a CPU Unit or Industrial
PC whose model is not given here, refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software
user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the task assignment spec-

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NX-series NX701

10-3-6 Task Allocations

CPU Unit
 Number of Tasks to Assign
You can assign only one task to each EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
You cannot assign a task to each NX Unit.

 Assignable Tasks
The tasks that you can assign depends on whether the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to which you are
assigning the task contains an NX Unit to which an axis is assigned. The assignable tasks are given
in the following table.
NX Unit with axis assignment Assignable tasks
Present • Primary periodic task
• Priority-5 periodic task
Not present • Primary periodic task
• Priority-5 periodic task
• Priority-16 periodic task
If Safety Control Units are mounted to more than one EtherCAT Slave Terminal, there are restric-
tions in the combinations of tasks that you can assign. You cannot assign both the priority-5 periodic
task and a periodic task other than the priority-5 periodic task.
Refer to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501) for information on
designing tasks for an NX-series CPU Unit.

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NX-series NX1P2

CPU Unit
 Number of Tasks to Assign
You can assign only one task to each EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
You cannot assign a task to each NX Unit.

 Assignable Tasks
The tasks that you can assign depend on whether the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to which you are
assigning the task contains an NX Unit to which an axis is assigned. The assignable tasks are given
in the following table.

NX Unit with axis assignment Assignable tasks

Present Primary periodic task
Not present
Refer to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501) for information on
designing tasks for an NX-series CPU Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 10 - 23

10 I/O Refreshing

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series CPU Unit

 Number of Tasks to Assign
You can assign only one task to each EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
You cannot assign a task to each NX Unit.

 Assignable Tasks
The tasks that you can assign depends on whether the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to which you are
assigning the task contains an NX Unit to which an axis is assigned. The assignable tasks are given
in the following table.
NX Unit with axis assignment Assignable tasks
Present Primary periodic task
Not present Primary periodic task or priority-16 periodic task
Refer to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501) for information on
designing tasks for an NJ-series CPU Unit.

Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NY-series Industrial

The same specifications apply when connecting to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ-series CPU Unit.
Refer to Connecting to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series CPU Unit on page 10-24 for details.
For information on task design for an NY-series Industrial PC, refer to the NY-series IPC Machine Con-
troller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).

10 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions
This section describes the functions of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit when it is used in an
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3

11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
11-2-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-5
11-2-2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-6
11-2-3 Operating Specifications for NX Units That Are Set as Unmounted Units . . . .11-7
11-2-4 Setting NX Units as Unmounted Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-8
11-3 Sysmac Device Functionality Unique to EtherCAT Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9
11-4 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-11
11-4-1 Supported Security Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
11-4-2 Specifications of Verification of Operation Authority for the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
11-5 Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
11-5-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-13
11-5-2 Detailed Information on Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-14
11-5-3 Reading Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-17
11-5-4 Clearing Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-18
11-5-5 Exporting the Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-20
11-6 Clearing All Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21
11-6-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-21
11-6-2 Details on Clearing All Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-21
11-6-3 Procedure for Clearing All Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-23
11-7 Restarting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-24
11-7-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-24
11-7-2 Details on Restarting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-24
11-7-3 Procedure for Restarting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-25
11-8 Changing Event Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-27
11-8-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-27
11-8-2 Details on Changing Event Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-27
11-8-3 Procedure to Change an Event Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-28

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 1

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-9 Resetting Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30

11-9-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
11-9-2 Details on Resetting Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
11-9-3 Procedure to Reset Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-31
11-10I/O Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-33
11-10-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-33
11-10-2 Details on I/O Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-33
11-10-3 Procedure Required before I/O Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-36
11-10-4 I/O Checking Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-38
11-11Fail-soft Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-40
11-11-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-40
11-11-2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-41
11-11-3 Details on Fail-soft Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-41
11-12Prohibiting USB Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-44
11-12-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-44
11-12-2 Details on Prohibiting USB Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-44
11-13Monitoring Total Power-ON Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46
11-13-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46
11-13-2 Details on Monitoring Total Power-ON Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46
11-13-3 Checking Total Power-ON Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46

11 - 2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-1 Functions
The functions of EtherCAT Coupler Units when they are used in EtherCAT Slave Terminals are listed
below. Refer to A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model on page A-91 for the functions that are sup-

11-1 Functions
ported by each model of EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Function Overview Reference

Setting Slave Terminals This function is used to read and set the Slave Terminal Section 9 Setting Up
parameters from the Sysmac Studio. You can make set- Slave Terminals
tings offline, or go online and read and set the Unit con-
figuration of the actual Slave Terminals. 11
Cyclic I/O Refreshing The EtherCAT Coupler Unit exchanges I/O data at a fixed Section 10 I/O
interval with the mounted NX Units. There are the follow- Refreshing
ing methods to exchange I/O.
• Free-Run refreshing
• Synchronous I/O refreshing
• Task period prioritized refreshing*1
• Time stamp refreshing
Even if the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is connected to NX
Units that use different refreshing methods, it exchanges
I/O data with the NX Units according to the method set for
each NX Unit.
Free-Run Refreshing With this I/O refreshing method, the refresh cycle of the
NX bus and the I/O refresh cycles of the NX Units are
Synchronous I/O With this I/O refreshing method, the timing to read inputs
Refreshing or to refresh outputs is synchronized on a fixed interval
between more than one NX Unit on more than one Slave
Use the following methods.
• Synchronous input refreshing
• Synchronous output refreshing
Task Period Prioritized With this I/O refreshing method, shortening the task
Refreshing*1 period is given priority over synchronizing the I/O timing
with other NX Units. With this I/O refreshing method, the
timing of I/O is not consistent with the timing of I/O for NX
Units that use synchronous I/O refreshing. Use the fol-
lowing methods.
• Input prioritized refreshing
• Output prioritized refreshing
Time Stamp Refreshing*2 With this I/O refreshing method, the NX Units record the
DC times when inputs change or perform outputs at spec-
ified DC times. These times are asynchronous to the NX
bus refresh cycles.
Use the following methods.
• Input refreshing with input changed times
• Output refreshing with specified time stamps
NX Unit Mounting Settings This function is used to register NX Units that are not 11-2 NX Unit Mount-
connected to the actual configuration but will be added at ing Settings on page
a later time in the Unit configuration information as 11-5
unmounted Units. If you use this function, you do not
have to modify the user program after the NX Units are

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 3

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Function Overview Reference

Sysmac Device Functionality These are the unique functions of an EtherCAT slave as 11-3 Sysmac Device
Unique to EtherCAT Slaves a Sysmac device. Functionality Unique
Troubleshooting with This function allows the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to use the to EtherCAT Slaves
Error Notification through Sysmac error status, which is assignable to I/O data, to on page 11-9
Sysmac Error Status notify the EtherCAT master when an error occurs. This
notification acts as a trigger that allows you to use the
troubleshooting functions on the Sysmac Studio to view
and correct errors that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
Saving Node Address This function sets the node address on the Sysmac Stu-
Settings dio.
Verifying the EtherCAT This function verifies the EtherCAT network configuration
Network Configuration based on serial numbers.
Using Serial Numbers
SII Data Checking The EtherCAT Coupler Unit checks the information in the
SII (Slave Information Interface).
Security These functions of the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or 11-4 Security on
NY-series Industrial PC are designed to protect assets page 11-11, Soft-
and prevent incorrect operation. ware user's manual
Operation Authority Verifi- You can set operation authorities to restrict the opera- for the connected
cation tions that can be performed when the Sysmac Studio is CPU Unit or Indus-
used to access the EtherCAT Slave Terminal through a trial PC
connection to the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
Event Logs This function records events, such as errors and status 11-5 Event Logs on
changes, that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. page 11-13
Clear All Memory This function initializes the entire EtherCAT Slave Termi- 11-6 Clearing All
nal or specified Units from the Sysmac Studio. Memory on page
Restarting*2 This function allows you to apply changes to settings with 11-7 Restarting on
the Sysmac Studio or through special instructions, with- page 11-24
out cycling the Unit power supply.
Changing Event Levels This function allows you to change the level of errors that 11-8 Changing Event
occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Levels on page 11-27
Resetting Errors This function allows you to use the Sysmac Studio to 11-9 Resetting Errors
reset errors that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. on page 11-30
I/O Checking*2 This function allows you to check the wiring between NX 11-10 I/O Checking
Units and I/O devices from the Sysmac Studio connected on page 11-33
to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
You can monitor inputs to NX Units and change the out-
put values from NX Units.
Fail-soft Operation*2 This function allows the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to start 11-11 Fail-soft Oper-
or continue I/O refreshing only with the NX Units that can ation on page 11-40
operate normally when an error occurs for the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal.
Prohibiting USB Connec- This function allows you to prohibit a Sysmac Studio 11-12 Prohibiting
tion*2 online connection through the peripheral USB port on the USB Connections on
EtherCAT Coupler Unit. page 11-44
Monitoring Total Power-ON Each of the EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units 11-13 Monitoring
Time*2 records the total time that the Unit power supply is ON to Total Power-ON
it. You can display these times on the Sysmac Studio. Time on page 11-46
*1. This method is supported only by the NX-ECC203.
*2. These functions were added for version upgrades. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed
for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for version upgrade information.

11 - 4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings

11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings

This section describes the NX Unit mounting settings.

Precautions for Correct Use

NX Unit mounting settings can be used when the NX Units are connected with the following
OMRON master products.
• NJ/NX-series CPU Units
• NY-series Industrial PCs (NX5-100 and NY5-500)
This function cannot be used when the NX Units are connected to other manufacturer's master
products or other OMRON master products.

11-2-1 Introduction
11-2-1 Introduction
This function is used to register NX Units that are not connected to the actual configuration but will be
added at a later time in the Unit configuration information as unmounted Units.
If you use this function, you do not have to modify the user program after the NX Units are added
because of the following reasons.
• I/O memory area is reserved for these unmounted NX Units in the same way that it is reserved for
mounted NX Units.
• Unmounted NX Units are also assigned NX Unit numbers. This prevents the NX Unit numbers of
other NX Units in the same Slave Terminal from changing when you change the setting of an NX Unit
from unmounted to mounted.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 5

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

♯2 ♯3 ♯7
NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit
NX Units to add later

End Cover

EtherCAT Coupler ♯1 ♯4 ♯5 ♯6 ♯8
Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit

Current Unit

EtherCAT Coupler ♯1 ♯2 ♯3 ♯4 ♯5 ♯6 ♯7 ♯8
Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit
Unit configuration (Set as an (Set as an (Set as an
information that is unmounted unmounted unmounted
Unit configuration
created Unit.) Unit.) Unit.)

The Unit configuration information includes information on unmounted Units so that I/O memory area is
also reserved for them.

11-2-2 Applications
For example, if you use this function in the following cases, you do not have to modify the user pro-
• When you plan to add Units in the future
• When a specific NX Unit is temporarily unavailable, such as when commissioning the system

11 - 6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-2 NX Unit Mounting Settings

11-2-3 Operating Specifications for NX Units That Are Set as
Unmounted Units
The operating specifications for NX Units that are set as unmounted Units are given in the following

Item Operation
Bandwidth reservation for I/O refresh Bandwidth is reserved.
data with the EtherCAT master
I/O refreshing with the EtherCAT master The I/O is not refreshed.
Detection of events Events are not detected.
Assignment of NX Unit numbers to NX Unit numbers are not assigned because the Units do not exist. 11
Message communications Not possible because the Units do not exist.

11-2-3 Operating Specifications for NX Units That Are Set as Unmounted Units
Transfers for the synchronization func- Not applicable.
tion of the Sysmac Studio
Transfer of the Unit operation settings Not applicable.
Sysmac Studio Controller backup func- Not applicable.
SD Memory Card backup function Not applicable.
Instructions Parameters cannot be read or written. An instruction error will occur.
Clearing all memory Not applicable.
Reading/writing Slave Terminal setting Not applicable.
information through backup/restore
Reading event logs Not applicable.
Notification of status information Not applicable.

NX Units that are set as unmounted Units are included in the calculations for total power consumption
and total Unit width when the Unit configuration is created on the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Safe Use

Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use
them for actual operation.

Precautions for Correct Use

When you mount an NX Unit that was set as an unmounted Unit, a Unit Configuration Verifica-
tion Error will occur.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 7

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-2-4 Setting NX Units as Unmounted Units

You use the Sysmac Studio to set NX Units as unmounted Units. After you change the settings for any
NX Units, always transfer the Unit configuration information to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

1 Select the NX Units to set as unmounted Units from those that are registered to the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page.
The Unit Settings Pane is displayed.

Selected NX Unit Unit Settings Pane

2 In the Unit Setting pane, set the NX Unit Mounting Setting to Disabled.
The selected NX Unit is set as an unmounted Unit.

This shows that the NX Unit is

set as an unmounted Unit.

To change an NX Unit that is set as an unmounted Unit to a mounted NX Unit, set the NX Unit Mounting
Setting to Enabled in step 2.

11 - 8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-3 Sysmac Device Functionality Unique to

11-3 Sysmac Device Functionality Unique
to EtherCAT Slaves

EtherCAT Slaves
“Sysmac devices” is a generic name for EtherCAT slaves and other OMRON control components that
were designed with the same communications and user interface specifications.
You can use the EtherCAT Slave Terminals together with NJ/NX/NY-series Machine Automation Con-
trollers and the Sysmac Studio Automation Software to achieve optimum functionality and ease of oper-
ation. This is called Sysmac device functionality.
EtherCAT slaves that are Sysmac devices have unique Sysmac device functionality. The EtherCAT 11
Slave Terminal also has unique Sysmac device functionality.
This section describes the unique Sysmac device functionality of EtherCAT slaves.

 Troubleshooting with Error Notification through Sysmac Error Status

This function allows the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to use the Sysmac error status, which can be
assigned to I/O, to notify the EtherCAT master when an error occurs. This notification acts as a trig-
ger that allows you to use the troubleshooting functions on the Sysmac Studio to view and correct
errors that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
The Sysmac error status has error level information that is commonly defined for all Sysmac

Additional Information

• The Sysmac error status is assigned to I/O by default. Refer to 9-2-4 I/O Allocation Informa-
tion on page 9-13 for details on I/O allocations of the Sysmac error status.
• Refer to the 13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Studio on page
13-12 for details on troubleshooting with the Sysmac Studio.

 Saving Node Address Settings

This function sets the EtherCAT node addresses on the Sysmac Studio.
If you set the rotary switches and DIP switch pins on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit for the node
address to 0, you can use the software setting that is set with the node address setting on the Sys-
mac Studio.
Place the Sysmac Studio online with the NJ/NX-series CPU or the NY-series Industrial PC to set the
node address from the Sysmac Studio. For the procedure to set the node address from the Sysmac
Studio, refer to the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Indus-
trial PC.

Additional Information

Refer to 4-3 Hardware Switch Settings on page 4-10 for information on how to set the node
address with the rotary switches and DIP switch pins.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 9

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

 Verifying the EtherCAT Network Configuration Using Serial Numbers

Controllers that support Sysmac devices can verify the EtherCAT network configuration based on
the serial numbers.
To enable verification, set the Serial Number Check Method to Setting = Actual device in the Edit
EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page on the Sysmac Studio.
A Network Configuration Verification Error occurs if the specified standard is not met.
This function detects when the EtherCAT Coupler Unit was replaced so that you can remember to
set the parameters for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

 SII Data Checking

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit checks the information in the SII (slave information interface).
The SII contains setting information that is unique to each EtherCAT slave. It is written to the
non-volatile memory in the EtherCAT slave (in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit for an EtherCAT Slave
Because the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is a Sysmac device, it checks the SII information at the slave.
If the slave contains SII information that prevents it from operating, a Slave Unit Verification Error
occurs to inform you that there is an error in the SII data.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not change the SII information with setting software from other manufacturers.

11 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-4 Security
This section describes the subset of security functions that are supported by the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal, and the specifications that apply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Security is built into the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or the NY-series Industrial PC.

11-4 Security
For information on security functions, refer to the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or
Industrial PC.

11-4-1 Supported Security Functions 11

The following table lists the subset of the security functions that are supported by the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal. These security functions are built into the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or the NY-series Industrial

11-4-1 Supported Security Functions


Function Purpose of function Remarks

Operation authority verification Prevention of incor- ---
rect operation

11-4-2 Specifications of Verification of Operation Authority for the Eth-

erCAT Slave Terminal
The authority for operations that affect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units are given below.
OK: Operation possible, VR: Verification required for each operation, NP: Operation not possible

Adminis- Main-
Monitoring status Designer Operator Observer
trator tainer
Troubleshooting and event logs OK OK OK OK OK

Adminis- Main-
I/O monitoring Designer Operator Observer
trator tainer
Reading I/O OK OK OK OK NP
Writing I/O OK OK OK VR NP
Setting/resetting OK OK OK VR NP
Forced refreshing (TRUE/FALSE/Clear) OK OK OK NP NP

Adminis- Main-
Controller operation Designer Operator Observer
trator tainer
Clearing all memory OK NP NP NP NP
Resetting Controller OK OK NP NP NP
Resetting errors (troubleshooting) OK OK OK VR NP
Clearing event logs (troubleshooting) OK OK OK NP NP
Restarting OK OK OK NP NP

Adminis- Main-
Transfer operation Designer Operator Observer
trator tainer
Sysmac Studio synchronization*1 OK OK OK NP NP
Unit operation settings
Transferring data to the Controller from the computer
*1. For both uploading and downloading.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Adminis- Main-
Backing up and restoring parameters Designer Operator Observer
trator tainer
Controller backup, restore, and compare functions OK OK OK NP NP
SD Memory Card backup and compare functions OK OK OK NP NP
Backing up variables and memory OK OK OK NP NP
Restoring variables and memory OK OK NP NP NP

Precautions for Correct Use

There is no operation authority function if the Sysmac Studio is connected to the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit directly through the peripheral USB port.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-5 Event Logs

The EtherCAT Slave Terminal supports the event logs of NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers. This allows you
to use the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller to perform troubleshooting.

11-5 Event Logs

This section describes event logging for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
Refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on
troubleshooting the overall NJ/NX-series Controller.

11-5-1 Introduction 11
The EtherCAT Slave Terminal records events, such as errors and status changes, that occur in the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal. You can use the Sysmac Studio to check the meaning of the events in the Ether-

11-5-1 Introduction
CAT Slave Terminals.

Use the Sysmac Studio to check past and current events for the following:
• NJ/NX/NY-series Controller
Sysmac Studio • EtherCAT Slave Terminal

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or

NY-series Industrial PC

Event logs

Coupler Unit
Sysmac Studio (when connected to the USB port
on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit)

Event logs

Use the Sysmac Studio to check past and current events for the following:
• EtherCAT Slave Terminal

"Event" for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is a generic term for an unexpected error or for information that
does not indicate an error but for which the user must be notified.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Event logging in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal offers the same benefits that apply to NJ/NX/NY-series
• In addition to error logs, various logs are recorded, such as execution of restarting.
• This allows you to check events based on time, which can help you isolate the causes of errors when
problems occur.

Displaying Event Logs

You can use the troubleshooting functions on the Sysmac Studio to check current and past events in an
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Additional Information

Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
PC for the specifications for checking EtherCAT Slave Terminal errors on an OMRON HMI.

11-5-2 Detailed Information on Event Logs

This section describes the event logs in detail.

Where Events Are Stored

Events that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal are stored as described below.

Unit where event occurred Where events are stored

EtherCAT Coupler Unit In the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
NX Units In the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or in the NX Unit
For the location where events are stored, refer to Current Errors and Log
of Past Errors in Troubleshooting in the user’s manuals for the NX Units
to check the specifications.

Sysmac Studio
When event occurs

CPU Unit or Industrial PC EtherCAT Coupler Unit

and certain NX Units:
Events are stored
in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Other NX Units:
Events are stored
in the NX Unit.
Coupler Unit

Event logs

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Event Sources
The sources of events that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal are listed below.

Item Description

11-5 Event Logs

Event source EtherCAT Master Function Module
Source details EtherCAT node address, slot position, NX Unit number, and model number

Event Log Categories

This information gives the category of the event log. 11
You view each of these logs separately on the Sysmac Studio.

11-5-2 Detailed Information on Event Logs

Event type Event log category Description
Controller event System log This is a log of the events that are detected by each Unit.
Access log This is a log of the events that affect the Slave Terminal opera-
tion due to user actions.

Number of Records
Each event log can contain the following number of records. If the number of events exceeds this num-
ber, the oldest events are overwritten.

Unit type
Event log NX Unit
EtherCAT Coupler
category Units that store events in the Units that store their own
EtherCAT Coupler Unit events
System event log Total: 128 events Refer to Current Errors and Log
Access event log Total: 32 events of Past Errors in Troubleshoot-
ing in the user’s manual for
each Unit to check the specifi-

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Retaining Event Logs during Power Interruptions

The EtherCAT Slave Terminal retains event logs even if the Unit power supply is interrupted.

Event Codes
Event codes are pre-assigned to the events based on the type of event. Event codes are displayed as
8-digit hexadecimal numbers.
Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details on
event codes and error meanings.

Additional Information

When the power supply is turned ON, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit enters the Pre-Operational
state. It then resets any current errors and detects errors again. Therefore, the same error may
be recorded more than once in the event log of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. This applies to
the following errors.
• Errors that occurred before the power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal was cycled for
which the causes of the errors remain.
• Errors that occur after the power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is turned ON but
before it moves to the Pre-Operational state

Event Levels
Each event has an event level.
Events are classified into the following five levels according to the level of impact the events have on

No. Event level Classification

1 High Major fault
2 Partial fault level
3 Minor fault level
4 Observation level
5 Low Information level

Errors with a higher level have a greater impact on the functions that the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller
provides, and are more difficult to recover from. These classifications are displayed on the Sysmac Stu-
dio when an error occurs.

You can change the level assigned to some events. Refer to 11-8 Changing Event Levels on page

Clock Information
The time at which an error occurs in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is recorded based on the time infor-
mation from the clock built in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC, which is retrieved from the
NJ/NX/NY-series Controller.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

If the clock information cannot be retrieved from the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller, the time on the Sys-
mac Studio is displayed as ----/--/-- --:--:--. The times of events that occur before the time is retrieved
from the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller are also displayed as ----/--/-- --:--:--.

11-5 Event Logs

Version Information

If the time information cannot be obtained from the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller or if an event
occurs before the time information is obtained from the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller, the time of
event occurrence was given as 1970/1/1 0:00:00 for Sysmac Studio version 1.14 or lower.

11-5-3 Reading Event Logs
Use the following procedure to read the event log.

11-5-3 Reading Event Logs

1 Select Troubleshooting from the Tools Menu while online. You can also click the Trouble-
shooting Button in the toolbar.
The following Troubleshooting Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Click the Controller Event Log Tab.

The event log for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is displayed.
Click the Update Button to display the latest event log.
If an event is for a Slave Terminal, the node number of the Slave Terminal and the NX Unit num-
ber are displayed as the source details.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Additional Information

• The NX Unit numbers that are displayed as the source in the event log are the NX Unit num-
bers in the current Unit configuration. They are not necessarily the NX Unit numbers at the
time that the event occurred.
• You can check the NX Unit event log that is stored in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit for NX Units
that are no longer mounted under the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. To check them, select every-
thing or select the EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the Select the Display Target from the Control-
ler Event Log Tab Page. The event log display will also include NX Units that were previously
mounted to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. For these NX Units, the NX Unit number is the num-
ber when the error occurred.
To display the event log for only the currently mounted NX Units, select the NX Units in the
Select the Display Target.
• If the most recent version of the Sysmac Studio is not used, the Sysmac Studio may not sup-
port some events. If unsupported events occur, Unknown is given for the source and
Unknown Event is given for the event name. The event code and attached information are
displayed correctly.
Use the most recent version of the Sysmac Studio to check events.

11-5-4 Clearing Event Logs

You can clear the event logs in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. This section describes how to clear the
event logs.

Specifying the Scope of Event Logs to Clear

You can specify whether to clear events from the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal, the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit, or the NX Units.

Unit to clear log from

Sysmac Studio connection Clearing event logs in the entire Ether- Clearing events for specific
CAT Slave Terminal at once Units
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or • Entire Controller • EtherCAT Coupler Unit
NY-series Industrial PC • EtherCAT Slave Terminal • NX Units
Peripheral USB port on EtherCAT • EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Coupler Unit

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Procedure for Clearing Event Logs

From the Controller Event Log Tab Page, you can clear the events for an entire Slave Terminal or the
events for a specified EtherCAT Coupler Unit or NX Unit.

11-5 Event Logs

Select Troubleshooting from the Tools Menu while online. You can also click the Trouble-
shooting Button in the toolbar.
The following Troubleshooting Dialog Box is displayed.


11-5-4 Clearing Event Logs

2 In the Select the Display Target Area of the Controller Event Log Tab Page, select the Units to
clear and click the Clear Button.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

3 Click the Yes Button.

The selected events are cleared.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-5-5 Exporting the Event Log

You can export the contents of the event log to a CSV file.
The event log for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units is displayed as part of the Controller event
log. Use the Sysmac Studio.

1 Select Troubleshooting from the Tools Menu while online. You can also click the Trouble-
shooting Button in the toolbar.
The following Troubleshooting Dialog Box is displayed.

2 In the Select the Display Target Area of the Controller Event Log Tab Page, select the Unit for
which to export the events and click the Save Button.

The Save Dialog Box is displayed.

3 Input the file name, and then click the Save Button.
The Controller event logs are saved in CSV format.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-6 Clearing All Memory

11-6 Clearing All Memory

This section describes how to clear all memory in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
This procedure is not used to clear all memory in the Safety Control Units. Refer to the NX-series
Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for the procedure for the Clear All Memory operation
for the Safety Control Units.

11-6-1 Introduction
The clear all memory function initializes various setting information in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to
the default settings, such as the Unit configuration information and the I/O allocation information.
You can use this function on the Sysmac Studio to initialize various setting information.

11-6-1 Introduction
11-6-2 Details on Clearing All Memory

Specifying the Scope of Memory to Clear

You can specify the scope of the memory to clear from the following.
• EtherCAT Slave Terminal
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit
• NX Units

Additional Information

Even if you clear all memory on the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, the
memory in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is not cleared.

Scope of Data to Clear and State of Memory After It Is Cleared

The function clears the following data in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Status after Clear All Memory operation for each specification

Data Entire EtherCAT Slave Ter-
EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Unit
Unit configuration This data is set to the default The data is not cleared. The data is not cleared.
information settings.
If you turn ON the Unit power
supply immediately after the
Clear All Memory operation is
completed, the Slave Termi-
nal starts based on the actual
Unit configuration informa-
I/O allocation This data is set to the default The data is not cleared. The data is not cleared.
information settings.
Unit operation This data is set to the default This data is set to the default This data is set to the default
settings settings. settings. settings.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Status after Clear All Memory operation for each specification

Data Entire EtherCAT Slave Ter-
EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Unit
Unit application Refer to the manual for each --- Refer to the manual for each
data NX Unit for the operating NX Unit for the operating
specifications when the Clear specifications when the Clear
All Memory operation is used All Memory operation is used
on NX Units that have Unit on NX Units that have Unit
application data. application data.
Event logs Event logs are cleared if you Event logs are cleared if you Event logs are cleared if you
select the Clear event log select the Clear event log select the Clear event log
Option when you execute the Option when you execute the Option when you execute the
Clear All Memory operation. Clear All Memory operation. Clear All Memory operation.

Restarting after Clear All Memory Operation

Restarting is performed after the Clear All Memory operation.
The following table gives the target of the Clear All Memory operation and the type of restart that is per-
formed after the Clear All Memory operation.

Target of Clear All Memory opera-

Type of restart
Entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal Restarting the Slave Terminal.
EtherCAT Coupler Unit Restarting the Slave Terminal.
NX Unit Restarting the Slave Terminal or the NX Unit.*1
*1. The function to restart individual NX Units was added for a version upgrade.
The NX Unit is restarted if the unit versions of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Unit support restarting
individual NX Units.
The Slave Terminal is restarted if the unit version of either the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or the NX Unit does not
support restarting individual NX Units.
Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the versions
that support restarting individual NX Units.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-6-3 Procedure for Clearing All Memory

11-6 Clearing All Memory

Use the following procedure to clear all of the memory in the Slave Terminal.
Use the Sysmac Studio.

1 Connect the computer on which the Sysmac Studio is installed through the NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC or to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
go online.

2 Right-click the Unit on the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page and select Clear All
Memory. To clear the memory in all Units, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and select
Clear All Memory. 11
The Clear All Memory Dialog Box is displayed.

11-6-3 Procedure for Clearing All Memory

3 Check the areas to clear and then click the Execute Button.
• To clear the event log, select the Clear the event logs Check Box.
• To clear the memory in all Units, select the Coupler + NX Units Option in the Area Selection
for Coupler Area.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the Yes Button.

After memory is cleared, the Memory All Cleared Dialog Box is displayed.

Precautions for Correct Use

Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for details on the areas that are cleared and the sta-
tus after memory is cleared.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-7 Restarting
This section describes restarting an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-7-1 Introduction
The restart function is used to apply changes to settings with the Sysmac Studio or by executing
instructions without cycling the Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-7-2 Details on Restarting

This section describes the types of restarts: Restarting the Slave Terminal and restarting individual NX

Types of Restarts
The following table gives the types of restarts.

Type Function
Restarting Slave Terminal The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and all NX Units mounted to the Slave Terminal
are restarted.
Restarting individual NX Units The specified NX Unit is restarted.

Version Information

The function to restart individual NX Units was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2
Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the versions
that support restarting individual NX Units.

Restarting Slave Terminals

The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and all NX Units mounted to the Slave Terminal are restarted.
Select the EtherCAT Coupler Unit of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to restart and then execute the

The methods for restarting are listed below.

• Sysmac Studio
• RestartNXUnit (Restart NX Unit) instruction

Refer to the instructions reference manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information
on the RestartNXUnit instruction.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Precautions for Correct Use

• The EtherCAT master may detect an error when the Slave Terminal is restarted after a restart
operation is performed with a direct USB connection between the Sysmac Studio and Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit. If an error is detected, you need to reset the error in the EtherCAT master.

11-7 Restarting
• When the Slave Terminal is restarted, all of the Units on the Slave Terminal perform the same
operation as when the power supply is cycled. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for
the operation that is performed when the power supply is turned ON.

Restarting Individual NX Units

One specified NX Unit is restarted.
The methods for restarting an NX Unit are listed below.

11-7-3 Procedure for Restarting

• Sysmac Studio
• RestartNXUnit (Restart NX Unit) instruction
Refer to the instructions reference manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information
on the RestartNXUnit instruction.
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit and all NX Units that were not specified for restarting continue to operate.

11-7-3 Procedure for Restarting

This section gives the restart procedures for the Sysmac Studio.

Restarting the Slave Terminal

Use the following procedure to restart all of the Units in the Slave Terminal.

1 Go online, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab
Page, and select Restart.
A Restart Confirmation Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Click the Yes Button.

After the Units are restarted, a Restart Completion Dialog Box is displayed.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Restarting an NX Unit
Use the following procedure to restart an NX Unit.

1 Go online, right-click the NX Unit to restart in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page,
and select Restart.
A Restart Confirmation Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Click the Yes Button.

After the Unit is restarted, a Restart Completion Dialog Box is displayed.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-8 Changing Event Levels

11-8 Changing Event Levels

This section describes changing event levels for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

11-8-1 Introduction
You can change the event levels that are assigned to each Controller event.

11-8-2 Details on Changing Event Levels 11

11-8-1 Introduction
Unit of Event Level Settings
Levels are set for each event in each Unit. If the same event code occurs in more than one Unit, you
can set a different event level for each Unit.

Events with Changeable Levels

 EtherCAT Coupler Unit
The EtherCAT Coupler Unit does not have events for which you can change the event level.

 NX Units
For events for which you can change the event level in each NX Unit, refer to Error Event Codes and
Troubleshooting or Event Codes and Corrections for Errors in the Troubleshooting section of the
user’s manual for the NX Unit.

When Changes Take Effect

Changes to the event levels take effect only after they are downloaded and the Unit power supply is
cycled or the Units are restarted.

Additional Information

Changing the Event Levels for Current Errors

The event levels of current errors do not change when the event level settings are changed and
downloaded. You must restart the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or cycle the Unit power supply to
enable the changes.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-8-3 Procedure to Change an Event Level

Use the Sysmac Studio to change an event level.
After you change an event level, always transfer the operation settings to the Controller.

1 On the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, select the Unit for which to change the
event level and click the Unit Operation Settings Button.
The Edit Unit Operation Settings Tab Page is displayed.

2 From the events for which Level setting is displayed, select the event for which you want to
change the level, and then select a level from the list in the Value field.

3 After you make the change, go online and click the Transfer to Unit Button to transfer the
change to the Controller.
The specified event level is changed.

There are no events for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit for which you can change the event level. If
there are Controller events for which you can change the event level in an NX Unit, they will be
given in the manual for the NX Unit. Refer to Error Event Codes and Troubleshooting or Event
Codes and Corrections for Errors in the Troubleshooting section of the user’s manual for the NX

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-8 Changing Event Levels

Precautions for Correct Use
If you change the event level of a Controller error, the output status when the error occurs may
also change. Confirm safety before you change an event level.


11-8-3 Procedure to Change an Event Level

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-9 Resetting Errors

This section describes how to reset errors that occur in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-9-1 Introduction
The error reset function is used to change the error status of a target EtherCAT Slave Terminal to a nor-
mal state.

11-9-2 Details on Resetting Errors

Error Reset Methods

Refer to 13-4 Resetting Errors on page 13-51 for the error reset methods.

Methods and Specified Range for Resetting Errors

The following table describes how to reset errors in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the Sysmac Stu-
dio, and gives the range of errors that you can reset.

Sysmac Studio connection Batch reset Individual reset

NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Resets all error in the Controller. Resets errors in the specified
Industrial PC This includes resetting errors in Unit.
the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Peripheral USB port on EtherCAT Cou- Resets all errors in the EtherCAT
pler Unit Slave Terminal.

With Safety Control Units, you may have to reset some errors by accessing safety programs, depend-
ing on the contents of the errors. Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No.
Z930) for information on resetting errors for Safety Control Units.

Additional Information

Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
PC for the specified ranges to use when resetting errors from an OMRON HMI.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-9-3 Procedure to Reset Errors

The current errors and the contents of the event logs in the online Controller are read and reset in the

11-9 Resetting Errors

Troubleshooting Dialog Box. Use the Sysmac Studio.

Resetting Errors Individually in Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

1 Connect the computer on which the Sysmac Studio is installed through the NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC or to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
go online.

2 Select Troubleshooting from the Tools Menu while online. You can also click the Trouble- 11
shooting Button in the toolbar.
The following Troubleshooting Dialog Box is displayed.

11-9-3 Procedure to Reset Errors

The current Controller errors are displayed on the Controller Errors Tab Page. (Observations
and information are not displayed.)

3 In the Select the Display Target of the Controller Errors Tab Page, select the Unit for which to
reset the errors and click the Reset (Selected Units) Button.

The errors in the selected NX Unit are reset.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Additional Information

If you select the EtherCAT Slave Terminal or EtherCAT Coupler Unit, errors are reset for the
entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Resetting the Errors in All Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal at

the Same Time

1 Connect the computer on which the Sysmac Studio is installed through the NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC or to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
go online.

2 Select Troubleshooting from the Tools Menu while online. You can also click the Trouble-
shooting Button in the toolbar.
The following Troubleshooting Dialog Box is displayed.

The current Controller errors are displayed on the Controller Errors Tab Page. (Observations
and information are not displayed.)

3 Click the Reset All Button.

The errors are reset. Any errors for which the causes remain are displayed again.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-10I/O Checking
This section describes how to check I/O for an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-10 I/O Checking

Version Information

The function for I/O checking was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That
Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the versions that support I/O

11-10-1 Overview

11-10-1 Overview
This function allows you to check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices from the Sysmac
Studio connected to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
You can monitor inputs to NX Units and change the output values from NX Units.
This allows you to check wiring in the following cases.
• You can check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices in advance during system commis-
sioning when the CPU Unit is temporarily not available.
• You can check the wiring between NX Units and I/O devices in advance during system commis-
sioning when EtherCAT network wiring is not completed.
• You can check wiring between the NX Units and I/O devices from close to the EtherCAT Slave
• More than one person can simultaneously check wiring between the NX Units and I/O devices
when there is more than one EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11-10-2 Details on I/O Checking

This section describes I/O checking in detail.

You can use I/O checking to perform the following for EtherCAT Slave Terminal inputs and outputs that
are displayed as I/O ports on the Sysmac Studio.

Item Function
Inputs You can monitor the values of inputs to a Unit.
Outputs You can output specified values from Units.
However, for Position Interface Units and other NX Units that are assigned to axes, you can monitor the
input values but you cannot output values. If an axis is assigned to an NX Unit, use the MC Test Run or
axis status monitoring (MC Monitor Table) of the Sysmac Studio instead of I/O checking to check wiring.
I/O checking cannot be used for some models or unit versions of the NX Unit. Refer to Support Func-
tions of the Communications Coupler Units and Restrictions on the NX Units of the NX-series Data Ref-
erence Manual (Cat. No. W525) for the restrictions on NX Units.

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11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Range of Application of I/O Checking

I/O checking is applicable to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal that is online with the Sysmac Studio that is
connected to the peripheral USB port of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. You cannot use I/O checking for
any Units that are not connected to the Sysmac Studio, such as a CPU Unit, an Industrial PC, or other
EtherCAT slaves including other EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

CPU Unit or Industrial PC EtherCAT Slave Terminal

(EtherCAT slave)
EtherCAT master Digital I/O Slave Analog I/O Slave
(EtherCAT Slave) (EtherCAT slave)

Built-in EtherCAT port

EtherCAT NX Units
Coupler Unit
Sysmac Studio
USB port

Range of I/O checking

I/O Checking Operation Specifications

This section gives the operation specifications of I/O checking.

 Conditions for Starting I/O Checking

To start I/O checking, the following conditions must be met for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
You cannot start I/O checking unless all of these conditions are met.
• Communications with the EtherCAT master must be stopped.
• The Unit configuration information in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit must match the actual configura-
• The Unit configuration information in the Sysmac Studio project must match the actual configura-
• There must be no current errors.*1
*1. I/O checking can be started even when an NX Unit Initialization Error has occurred during fail-soft operation.
However, you cannot use I/O checking for any NX Unit where there is an NX Unit Initialization Error.

 Indicator Status during I/O Checking

The following table shows the indicator status during I/O checking when the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal is in normal status.

Indicator status on EtherCAT Cou-

Indicator Indicator status on NX Units*1
pler Unit
TS Flashing green at 0.5-s intervals. Lit green.
UNIT PWR Lit green. Lit green.
I/O PWR Lit green. Lit green.
L/A IN Not lit. ---
L/A OUT Not lit. ---
RUN Not lit. ---

11 - 34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Indicator status on EtherCAT Cou-

Indicator Indicator status on NX Units*1
pler Unit
ERR Not lit. ---
Signal I/O status indicators --- The current I/O status is shown.

11-10 I/O Checking

*1. The indicator status is given for Units that have the relevant indicators.

 Operation Specifications for Interference during I/O Checking

The following table gives the operation specifications for when errors or other interference occurs
during I/O checking.

Interference Operation specifications

Bus Controller Error I/O checking cannot be continued. The outputs from the EtherCAT 11
Slave Terminal will follow the output values at load rejection.
Unit Configuration Verification I/O checking is continued during fail-soft operation. However, you can-

11-10-2 Details on I/O Checking

Error not use I/O checking for an NX Unit that cannot operate normally.
I/O checking is not continued if fail-soft operation is not used. The out-
puts from the EtherCAT Slave Terminal will follow the output values at
load rejection.
NX Message Communications I/O checking can be continued. However, you cannot use I/O checking
Error for an NX Unit that has a current error.
Disconnection of Such as The EtherCAT Slave Terminal continues I/O checking. The current val-
communications when USB ues output by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal will continue. The Sysmac
between Sysmac cable is dis- Studio will remain in an online status.
Studio and Ether- connected When the Sysmac Studio is connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, it
CAT Slave Termi- will go online and you can continue I/O checking.
Unit power supply to EtherCAT I/O checking cannot be continued.
Coupler Unit is turned OFF.
If an error occurs in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal during I/O checking, the error is recorded in the
event log. The indicators will show the error.

 I/O Checking for Unmounted Units

You cannot use I/O checking for an NX Unit that is set as an unmounted Unit in the NX Unit Mount-
ing Setting.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 35

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-10-3 Procedure Required before I/O Checking

This section describes the procedure that is required before you can start I/O checking. To start I/O
checking, the conditions to start I/O checking must be met. For the specific conditions to start I/O
checking, refer to Conditions for Starting I/O Checking on page 11-34.
The procedure depends on whether you have already transferred the Slave Terminal setting informa-
tion to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Procedure When the Slave Terminal Setting Information Was Not

Previously Transferred
Use the following procedure when you have not transferred the Slave Terminal setting information to
the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. You do not have to perform the following procedure if you have already
transferred the settings information with the procedure given in 3-2 Procedures on page 3-7.

1 Perform steps 1 to 4 in 3-2 Procedures on page 3-7. However, do not wire the communications
cables. Also, you do not necessarily have to create the Unit application data.

2 Turn ON the Unit power supply and I/O power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

3 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and place
it online.

4 Use the compare and merge operation for the physical configurations to see if the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal Unit configuration that is set on the Sysmac Studio agrees with the actual config-
Refer to Comparing and Merging with Actual Unit Configuration of the Slave Terminal on page
9-28 for information on comparing and merging with the actual configuration.

5 Transfer the Slave Terminal setting information to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Refer to A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the USB Port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page A-7 for the transfer procedure.

After you perform the above procedure and complete I/O checking, perform the remaining procedures
in 3-2 Procedures on page 3-7 to commission the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

11 - 36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Procedure When the Slave Terminal Setting Information Was Previ-

ously Transferred
Use the following procedure when you previously transferred the Slave Terminal setting information to

11-10 I/O Checking

the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. After you complete I/O checking, perform the remaining procedures in
3-2 Procedures on page 3-7 to commission the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

 When Communications with EtherCAT Master Are Active

1 Disconnect the EtherCAT Slave Terminal from the EtherCAT network.
Refer to the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Indus-
trial PC for the procedures to disconnect and connect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit from and to 11
the EtherCAT network.

11-10-3 Procedure Required before I/O Checking

Turn OFF the Unit power supply and I/O power supply to the Slave Terminal.

3 Disconnect the communications cable from the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

4 Turn ON the Unit power supply and I/O power supply to the Slave Terminal.

 When Communications with EtherCAT Master Are Not Active

1 Turn OFF the Unit power supply and I/O power supply to the Slave Terminal.

2 Disconnect the communications cable from the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

3 Turn ON the Unit power supply and I/O power supply to the Slave Terminal.

Additional Information

If there is no project on the Sysmac Studio, upload the Slave Terminal setting information from
the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to the Sysmac Studio. By doing so, the Unit configuration infor-
mation on the project agrees with the information in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and I/O check-
ing will be possible. Refer to Uploading Slave Terminal Settings through the USB Port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-31 for the upload procedure.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 37

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-10-4 I/O Checking Operating Procedure

Use the Sysmac Studio to perform I/O checking.

1 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and place
it online.

2 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, and
select Coupler Connection (USB) − Start I/O Check.
The following confirmation dialog box is displayed to confirm starting I/O checking.

3 Click the Yes Button.

The I/O checking function is enabled.
You cannot perform any other online operations on the Sysmac Studio while the I/O checking
function is enabled.

4 On the I/O Map Tab Page, monitor the input values or set the output values for the NX Units for
which to check the wiring.

11 - 38 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

5 After you finish checking the wiring, right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit Slave Ter-
minal Configuration Tab Page, and select Coupler Connection (USB) − Stop I/O Check.
The following confirmation dialog box is displayed to confirm ending I/O checking.

11-10 I/O Checking

6 Click the Yes Button.
When I/O checking is ended, the Slave Terminal is restarted.

11-10-4 I/O Checking Operating Procedure

Precautions for Correct Use
When the Slave Terminal is restarted, all of the Units on the Slave Terminal perform the same
operation as when the power supply is cycled. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for
the operation that is performed when the power supply is turned ON.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 39

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-11 Fail-soft Operation

This section describes the fail-soft operation for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

Version Information

Fail-soft operation was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were
Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the unit versions that support
fail-soft operation.

11-11-1 Overview
This function allows the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to start or continue I/O refreshing only with the NX
Units that can operate normally when an error occurs for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

End Cover

EtherCAT ♯1 ♯2 ♯3 ♯4 ♯5
Coupler Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit

Error occurs.
End Cover

EtherCAT ♯1 ♯2 ♯3 ♯4 ♯5
Coupler Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit NX Unit

Start or continue I/O Stop or do not start I/O

refreshing for NX Units refreshing for NX Units that
that can operate normally. cannot operate normally.

11 - 40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Precautions for Safe Use

• If you change the fail-soft operation setting, the output status when the error occurs may also

11-11 Fail-soft Operation

change. Confirm safety before you change the setting.
• If you use fail-soft operation, write programming to determine whether Unit I/O data is valid.
Without such programming, the user program cannot distinguish between Units for which I/O
refreshing is continued and Units for which I/O refreshing is stopped.
To determine whether Unit I/O data is valid, you must assign the NX Unit I/O Data Active Sta-
tus and the NX Unit Error Status from the I/O data that is assignable to the EtherCAT Coupler
The NX Unit Error Status is not assigned by default. Add it to the I/O entry mapping.
For sample programming that determines whether the I/O Unit data is valid, refer to Testing 11
the Validity of I/O Data for Individual Units on page 9-39 in 9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That
Accept Device Variable Assignments on page 9-39

11-11-2 Application
11-11-2 Application
You can use this function in the following cases.
• When it is dangerous to stop the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal all at once
• To continue the operation of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal until the system can be stopped safely
through the user program or user operation
• To not stop all devices, i.e., to continue operation for only some devices

11-11-3 Details on Fail-soft Operation

This section describes fail-soft operation in detail.

Operation for Errors with and without Fail-soft Operation

The following table describes the operation of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal when the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal is used with and without fail-soft operation.

Operation when an error occurs

Operation when an error occurs while
Operating status during normal operation of the Ether-
starting the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
CAT Slave Terminal
With fail-soft operation The EtherCAT Coupler Unit starts I/O The EtherCAT Coupler Unit continues
refreshing for the NX Units that can I/O refreshing for the NX Units that can
operate normally. operate normally.
It does not start I/O refreshing for NX It stops I/O refreshing for NX Units that
Units that cannot operate normally. cannot operate normally.
Without fail-soft oper- The EtherCAT Coupler Unit does not The EtherCAT Coupler Unit stops I/O
ation *1 start I/O refreshing for any of the NX refreshing for all of the NX Units.
*1. When fail-soft operation is not used, all I/O refreshing is stopped.

Except for the I/O refreshing, the operation when an error occurs for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is the
same regardless of whether fail-soft operation is used. Specifically, error notification is provided and
errors are recorded in the event log. Also, the indicators will show the error.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 41

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Setting Fail-soft Operation

 Using Fail-soft Operation
To enable fail-soft operation, use the Sysmac Studio to set the Fail-soft Operation Setting in the Unit
operation settings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to Fail-soft operation. After you change the setting,
always transfer the Unit operation settings to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. For the Unit operation set-
tings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and editing procedures, refer to 9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings on
page 9-25. Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page 9-41 for the procedure to
transfer the settings.

 Not Using Fail-soft Operation

To disable fail-soft operation, use the Sysmac Studio to set the Fail-soft Operation Setting in the Unit
operation settings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to Stop. The default setting is Stop.
After you change the setting, always transfer the Unit operation settings to the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit. For the Unit operation settings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and editing procedures, refer to
9-2-5 Unit Operation Settings on page 9-25. Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on
page 9-41 for the procedure to transfer the settings.

Errors to Which Fail-soft Operation Applies

The following errors are examples of the errors to which fail-soft operation applies.
• Unit Configuration Verification Error*1
• NX Unit Communications Timeout
• NX Unit Initialization Error
• NX Unit Startup Error

*1. Even if you enable fail-soft operation, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit may not start refreshing I/O for any of the
NX Units when the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is started, depending on the cause of the error. Refer to Causes
of Unit Configuration Verification Errors and Error Operation on page 11-43 for details on the operation for dif-
ferent error causes.

Refer to Error Descriptions on page 13-20 for the errors to which fail-soft operation applies. If an error
occurs to which fail-soft operation does not apply, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit will stop I/O refreshing for
all of the NX Units even if you enable fail-soft operation.

11 - 42 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

Causes of Unit Configuration Verification Errors and Error Opera-


11-11 Fail-soft Operation

Depending on the cause of a Unit Configuration Verification Error, I/O refreshing may not start when the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal starts even if fail-soft operation is enabled.
Examples are provided below.

Example of Unit configuration information and actual

configuration Operation when EtherCAT
Description of configuration
NX Unit numbers Slave Terminal starts
1 2 3 4 5
Unit configuration A B C D E The following models of Units --- 11
information (unmounted) are mounted after the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit in the order given
on the left: A, B, C, D, and E.

11-11-3 Details on Fail-soft Operation

Unit E, however, has the NX
Unit Mounting Setting set to
Actual Case 1 A B C --- --- Unit D is not mounted. I/O refreshing is started for
config- NX Unit numbers 1, 2, and 3
uration because fail-soft operation is
Case 2 A C D --- --- Unit B is not mounted. I/O refreshing does not start
for any of the NX Units.
Case 3 A B D C --- Units C and D are mounted in I/O refreshing does not start
reverse order. for any of the NX Units.
Case 4 A B C D D An extra Unit D is mounted for I/O refreshing does not start
NX Unit number 5. for any of the NX Units.
Case 5 A B C F --- Unit F is mounted for NX Unit I/O refreshing does not start
number 4, but it does not exist for any of the NX Units.
in the Unit configuration infor-
Case 6 A B C D E Unit E is mounted for NX Unit I/O refreshing does not start
number 5 even though its NX for any of the NX Units.
Unit Mounting Setting is set to

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 43

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-12Prohibiting USB Connections

This section describes prohibiting USB connections to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Version Information

The function for prohibiting USB connections was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2
Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the unit ver-
sions that support prohibiting USB connections.

11-12-1 Overview
This function allows you to prohibit a Sysmac Studio online connection through the peripheral USB port
on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
You can use this function to prevent incorrect machine operation caused by operation mistakes on the
Sysmac Studio during machine operation when the Sysmac Studio is connected to the peripheral USB
port on an EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

11-12-2 Details on Prohibiting USB Connections

This section describes prohibiting USB connections in detail.

Setting to Prohibit USB Connections

 Enabling Prohibition of USB Connections
To enable prohibiting USB connections, use the Sysmac Studio to set the Preventing Incorrect
Operation/USB Connection Prohibition Setting in the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit to Enable.
After you change the setting, always transfer the Unit operation settings to the EtherCAT Coupler
After you transfer the Unit operation settings with the Sysmac Studio connected to the peripheral
USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, always place the Sysmac Studio offline. If you only transfer
the settings, an online connection can be continued.
For the Unit operation settings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and editing procedures, refer to 9-2-5
Unit Operation Settings on page 9-25. Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page
9-41 for the procedure to transfer the settings.

 Disabling Prohibition of USB Connections

To disable prohibiting USB connections, use the Sysmac Studio to set the Preventing Incorrect
Operation/USB Connection Prohibition Setting in the Unit operation settings for the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit to Disable. The default setting is Disable.
After you change the setting, place the Sysmac Studio online with the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
through the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and transfer the Unit operation set-
tings to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
For the Unit operation settings of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and editing procedures, refer to 9-2-5
Unit Operation Settings on page 9-25. Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page
9-41 for the procedure to transfer the settings.

11 - 44 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-12 Prohibiting USB Connections

Additional Information

To transfer the changed Unit operation settings to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit through a con-
nection to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, disconnect the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal from the EtherCAT network first and then transfer the settings.

Situations That Allow Users To Place Sysmac Studio Online Even

When Prohibiting USB Connections Is Enabled
You can place the Sysmac Studio online in the following situations even when prohibiting USB connec-
tions is enabled.
• When an error occurs in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

11-12-2 Details on Prohibiting USB Connections

• When the communications cable to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is broken
• When the communications cable is not connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
• When the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is disconnected from the EtherCAT network

Always place the Sysmac Studio offline after these situations are resolved.
If you only resolve the situation, an online connection can be continued.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 45

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-13Monitoring Total Power-ON Time

This section describes how to monitor the total power-ON time for EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX

Version Information

The function to monitor the total power-ON time was added for a version upgrade. Refer to
A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the unit
versions that support monitoring the total power-ON time.

11-13-1 Overview
Each of the EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units records the total time that the Unit power supply is
ON to it. You can display these times on the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Correct Use

To record the total power-ON time for any NX Unit that supports this function, you must use an
EtherCAT Coupler Unit with a unit version that supports this function. If you use an EtherCAT
Coupler Unit with a unit version that does not support this function, the total power-ON times
will not be recorded for the NX Units.

11-13-2 Details on Monitoring Total Power-ON Times

The specifications of monitoring the total power-ON times are given in the following table.

Item Specification
Display unit • When total power-ON time is less than 1 hour: Minutes
• When total power-ON time is 1 hour or longer: Hours
Update interval • When total power-ON time is less than 24 hours: 10 minutes
• When total power-ON time is 24 hours or longer: 1 hour
Measurement error 1 hour/month max.
Default setting 0 minutes

11-13-3 Checking Total Power-ON Times

You can use the Sysmac Studio to check the total power-ON times of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
NX Units.
With an NJ-series CPU Unit with version 1.10 or later, an NX-series CPU Unit, or an NY-series Indus-
trial PC, the following instruction can be used to check the total power ON time.
• NX_ReadTotalPowerOnTime instruction
Refer to the instructions reference manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information
on the NX_ReadTotalPowerOnTime instruction.
On the Sysmac Studio, you can use the Production Information to check.
For the procedure to check the Production Information on the Sysmac Studio, refer to Confirming Unit
Versions with the Sysmac Studio on page 31.

11 - 46 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11-13 Monitoring Total Power-ON Time

 Display When Times Cannot Be Recorded
If the total power-ON time cannot be recorded because of a non-volatile memory hardware error, the
total power-ON time is displayed as Invalid record on the Sysmac Studio.

 Display for Units That Do Not Support Monitoring the Total Power-ON Time
If a Unit does not support monitoring the total power-ON time, the total power-ON time for the Unit is
displayed as “---” on the Sysmac Studio.

 Display When Reading the Time Failed

If reading the time failed, the total power-ON time is displayed as “---” on the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Correct Use

11-13-3 Checking Total Power-ON Times

To check the total power-ON time for any NX Unit that supports this function, you must use a
Sysmac Studio version and an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with a unit version that support this func-
If the unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or the Sysmac Studio version that you use does
not support this function, the total power-ON times will not be recorded for the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 11 - 47

11 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Functions

11 - 48 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Communications Performance
This section describes the I/O response performance of process data communications
and the response performance of message communications for EtherCAT Slave Termi-

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15
12-1-3 I/O Response Times for Time Stamp Refreshing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-24
12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-28
12-2 Message Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
12-2-1 Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 1

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Com-

This section describes the performance of process data communications when an EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal is connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial
PC and I/O refreshing is performed.
The performance of process data communications depends on the I/O refreshing method.
Refer to Calculating Safety Reaction Times in the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat.
No. Z930) for information on the performance of process data communications when Safety Control
Units are connected under the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Precautions for Correct Use

The values found with the calculation formulas for the communications performance are only
guidelines. Actual transfer times will vary. Always test performance with the actual equipment
before you use the system.

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

This section describes the I/O response times of NX Units on EtherCAT Slave Terminals under the fol-
lowing conditions.

Item Condition
CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task in which I/O is Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task*1
I/O refreshing mode DC Mode
I/O refreshing method for NX Units Synchronous I/O refreshing
*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701 CPU
Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's manual for the
connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are supported by the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC.

The I/O response time is the time required for the following processing: The CPU Unit or Industrial PC
processes an external signal input to one NX Unit, and another NX Unit outputs the processed result as
an external signal.

With synchronous I/O refreshing, when there is more than one EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the same
EtherCAT network, the inputs are read or the outputs are updated simultaneously for all of the NX Units
that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing on the EtherCAT Slave Terminals for which I/O is
refreshed in the same periodic task.
Therefore, when you calculate the I/O response times for an NX Unit on an EtherCAT Slave Terminal,
you must use in the calculations the longest elements for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals for which I/O is
refreshed in the same periodic task.
Refer to 10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation on page 10-10 for details on the operation of synchro-
nous I/O refreshing.

Prerequisites for Calculations

The calculations that are described in this section assume that the following conditions are met.

12 - 2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

(a) Sequence control and motion control in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial
PC are performed within the task period of the periodic task in which EtherCAT communica-
tions were refreshed.
(b) The refresh cycle of the NX bus of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is within the task period of
the periodic task.
(c) If you use an NX Unit that has restrictions in the communications cycle in DC Mode, it must
be set to a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the
refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.
You can check for condition (a) by estimating the task execution time. For the checking procedure, refer
to the section on designing tasks in the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
You can check for condition (b) from the Sysmac Studio. Refer to 10-3-5 Setting the Task Periods of
Periodic Tasks on page 10-19 for the confirmation procedure.
For condition (c), refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07
or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. If there are restrictions, refer to the
user’s manual for the NX Unit, and confirm that the task period satisfies the specifications for the
refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 3

12 Communications Performance

Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time

A timing chart for the I/O response time with synchronous I/O refreshing is provided in the following fig-
ure. This timing chart shows the maximum I/O response time.
Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of
periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle

Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task

PLC Function
Industrial PC
CPU Unit or


Process data Process data Process data Process data

EtherCAT communications communications communications communications
Master cycle cycle cycle cycle
Module EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
transmission time transmission time transmission time transmission time
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)
EtherCAT communi-
NX Unit input NX Unit input NX Unit output
cations path
synchroniza- synchroniza- synchroniza-
tion timing tion timing tion timing

All EtherCAT
Slave Terminals
Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj

EtherCAT Slave Tmax-OutTrans

Tmax-InProc Tmax-OutProc
Terminal #1
Coupler Unit

NX Unit (inputs) T#1-OutTrans

NX Unit (outputs)

EtherCAT Slave
Terminal #2 Tnx-OutProc
Coupler Unit
Time lag = Tcycle
NX Unit (inputs) T#2-InTrans

Signal to input

NX Unit (outputs) Tnx-Indelay

Signal from
output terminal


I/O response time

The maximum and minimum values of the I/O response time are calculated as shown below. The mini-
mum value occurs when the time lag that is shown in the above figure does not occur.
Formula: Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc + Tmax-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay

Formula: Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc + Tmax-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay

If you perform I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals at a built-in EtherCAT port that supports pro-
cess data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic task, calculate the I/O

12 - 4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

response times for each EtherCAT Slave Terminal for the task period of each periodic task of the CPU
Unit that performs the I/O refreshing.
The elements in the formulas are as follows:
• Tcycle: Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC
• Edelay: Transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master
• Etxj: Transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master
• Tmax-InTrans: Longest input data transmission time of all of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• Tmax-OutTrans: Longest output data transmission time of all of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• Tmax-InProc: Longest input data processing time of all of the NX Units.
• Tmax-OutProc: Longest output data processing time of all of the NX Units.
• Tnx-Indelay: Input delay time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Outdelay: Output delay time of the NX Unit

Definitions of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods 12

This section defines the calculation formula elements and describes the calculation methods.

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

 Tcycle
This is the time that is set for the task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

 Edelay
This is the transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master. The calculation method of Edelay
depends on the type of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC and the periodic task in the CPU Unit or the
Industrial PC that performs I/O refreshing. These are given in the following table.

CPU Unit or Industrial

Type of CPU Unit or
PC periodic task in Calculation method
Industrial PC*1
which I/O is refreshed
NX-series NX701 Primary periodic task • Calculate with the Sysmac Studio.
CPU Unit • Calculate with a formula.
Priority-5 periodic task Calculate with the Sysmac Studio.
NX-series NX1P2 Primary periodic task • Calculate with the Sysmac Studio
CPU Unit • Calculate with a Formula
NJ-series CPU Unit Calculate with a formula.
NY-series Industrial • Calculate with the Sysmac Studio.
PC • Calculate with a formula.
*1. If you connect the Slave Terminal to a CPU Unit or Industrial PC whose model is not given in the table, refer
to Transmission Delay Time in System Response Time in Process Data Communications in the user’s
manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the
calculation method.

Details on the calculation methods are given below.

a) Calculation with the Sysmac Studio

You can display the transmission delay times of the EtherCAT master with the Sysmac Studio.
Refer to Displaying the Transmission Delay Times of the EtherCAT Master on page 9-34 in 9-2-7
Sysmac Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 for details on the calculation methods.
b) Calculation with a Formula
The formula depends on the model or unit version of the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.
Refer to Transmission Delay Time in System Response Time in Process Data Communications
in the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for
details on the formula for the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 5

12 Communications Performance

For example, when an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit with project unit version earlier than 1.40 in the
Sysmac Studio project is connected, use the following formula to calculate Edelay.
The value that is found in the formula is a roughly-estimated value.

Formula: Edelay = 1.24 [μs] × Number of EtherCAT slaves

+ 0.082 [μs] × EtherCAT frame length in bytes
+ 0.01 [μs] × Total cable length (m)
The parameters required for the calculation are described in the following table.

Parameter Meaning
Number of EtherCAT This is the number of all of the EtherCAT slaves in the same EtherCAT network.
Slaves An EtherCAT Slave Terminal is counted as one EtherCAT slave.
EtherCAT Frame The EtherCAT frame length is the data byte size that is calculated under the fol-
Length in Bytes lowing conditions for the EtherCAT slaves in the same EtherCAT network and for
which I/O is refreshed in the primary periodic task.
• If the total data size is less than 64 bytes, use 64 bytes in the calculation.
• For EtherCAT slaves that have both input and output data, use the larger of
the input data size and output data size.
For example, the EtherCAT frame length in bytes for the following configuration
is as given below.
EtherCAT frame length = 20 bytes + 20 bytes + 50 bytes = 90 bytes
Configuration Example
• Two OMRON GX-series EtherCAT slaves: Data size of 20 bytes/slave
• One EtherCAT Slave Terminal: Input data size of 50 bytes and output data
size of 30 bytes
Total Cable Length (m) This is the total cable length, including the cable between the master and a slave
and cables between slaves.

 Etxj
This is the transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master.
The following table gives the value of Etxj for the different types of CPU Units and Industrial PCs.

Type of CPU Unit or Industrial PC*1 Etxj

NX-series NX701 CPU Unit 10 [μs]
NX-series NX1P2 CPU Unit 10 [μs]
NY-series Industrial PC 10 [μs]
NJ-series CPU Unit 100 [μs]
*1. If you connect the Slave Terminal to a CPU Unit or Industrial PC whose model is not given in the table, refer
to Transmission Jitter in System Response Time in Process Data Communications in the user’s manual for
the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC to check Etxj values.

 Tmax-InTrans
This is the longest input transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Units in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.
The input data transmission time is the time that is required for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to read all
of the input data for all of the NX Units. After all of the input data is read, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
is ready to send the data to the EtherCAT communications path.
Use the following formula to find Tmax-InTrans.

Formula: Tmax-InTrans = Max(T#1-InTrans,*1 T#2-InTrans,*2 ...T#n-InTrans*3)

“Max” indicates the maximum value in the parentheses.
*1. T#1-InTrans is the input data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal with node address 1.

12 - 6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

*2. T#2-InTrans is the input data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal with node address 2.
*3. T#n-InTrans is the input data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal with node address n. “#n” indicates the node address of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. “n” is the ad-

The formula to calculate T#n-InTrans depends on the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Use the
calculation formula for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit that you will use.

a) NX-ECC203
Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-InTrans = 5.92 × (Integer quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit input data ÷ 32)*2
+ 0.19 × (Remainder of quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit input data ÷ 32)*3
+ (0.36 × Number of NX Units with BOOL input data*4 + 1.19)*5
+ 2.15 × Number of NX Units*6
+ 0.15 × Total byte size of NX Unit input data*1 12
+ 35.85
(Unit: μs)

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

*1. This is the total byte size of the input data of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
*2. Round down the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as fol-
lows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*3. This is the remainder. It is expressed as follows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*4. This is the number of all of the NX Units for which there are I/O assignments to BOOL input data in the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal. For example, the NX-ID3317 meets this condition because it is an NX Unit that
has BOOL input data. However, the NX-ID4342 does not meet this condition because it is an NX Unit that
has BYTE input data.
*5. If there are no NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal that have I/O assignments to BOOL input data,
use 0 for the calculation in parentheses.
*6. This is the total number of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

b) NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202
Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-InTrans = 9.22 × (Integer quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit input data ÷ 32)*2

+ 0.55 × (Remainder of quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit input data ÷ 32)*3
+ (0.34 × Number of NX Units with BOOL input data*4 + 3.41)*5
+ 3.53 × Number of NX Units*6
+ 0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit input data*1
+ 75.17
(Unit: μs)
*1. This is the total byte size of the input data of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
*2. Round down the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as fol-
lows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*3. This is the remainder. It is expressed as follows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*4. This is the number of all of the NX Units for which there are I/O assignments to BOOL input data in the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal. For example, the NX-ID3317 meets this condition because it is an NX Unit that has
BOOL input data. However, the NX-ID4342 does not meet this condition because it is an NX Unit that has
BYTE input data.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 7

12 Communications Performance

*5. If there are no NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal that have I/O assignments to BOOL input data,
use 0 for the calculation in parentheses.
*6. This is the total number of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

 Tmax-OutTrans
This is the longest output transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Units in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.
The output data transmission time is the time that is required for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to read
the output data from the EtherCAT communications path and send the data to the NX Units.
With synchronous I/O refreshing or task period prioritized refreshing, the data transmission is com-
pleted before the Sync0 timing.

Use the following formula to find Tmax-OutTrans.

Formula: Tmax-OutTrans = Max(T#1-OutTrans,*1 T#2-OutTrans,*2 ...T#n-OutTrans*3

“Max” indicates the maximum value in the parentheses.
*1. T#1-OutTrans is the output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal with node address 1.
*2. T#2-OutTrans is the output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal with node address 2.
*3. T#n-OutTrans is the output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal with node address n. “#n” indicates the node address of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. “n” is the

The formula to calculate T#n-OutTrans depends on the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Use
the calculation formula for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit that you will use.

a) NX-ECC203
Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-OutTrans = 6.08 × (Integer quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit output data ÷ 32)*2
+ 0.19 × (Remainder of quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit output data ÷ 32)*3
+ (0.31 × Number of NX Units with BOOL output data*4 + 1.22)*5
+ (3.31 × Number of NX Units with output refreshing with specific time stamps*6 + 2.80)*7
+ 0.38 × Number of NX Units*8
+ 0.15 × Total byte size of NX Unit output data*1
+ 17.76
(Unit: μs)
*1. This is the total byte size of the output data of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
*2. Round down the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as fol-
lows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*3. This is the remainder. It is expressed as follows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*4. This is the number of all of the NX Units for which there are I/O assignments to BOOL output data in the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal. For example, the NX-OD3121 meets this condition because it is an NX Unit that
has BOOL output data. However, the NX-OD4121 does not meet this condition because it is an NX Unit
that has BYTE output data.
*5. If there are no NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal that have I/O assignments to BOOL output data,
use 0 for the calculation in parentheses.

12 - 8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

*6. This is the total number of NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time stamps with the fol-
lowing model numbers in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258
*7. If there are no NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time stamps with the following model
numbers in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, use a value of 0.
NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258
*8. This is the total number of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

b) NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202
Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-OutTrans = 11.71 × (Integer quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit output data ÷32)*2
+ 0.46 × (Remainder of quotient of total byte size*1 of the NX Unit output data ÷32)*3
+ (0.19 × Number of NX Units with BOOL output data*4 + 2.93)*5
+ (8.10 × Number of NX Units with output refreshing with specified time stamps*6 + 4.49)*7
+ 0.38 × Number of NX Units*8

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

+ 0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit output data*1
+ 30.40
(Unit: μs)
*1. This is the total byte size of the output data of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
*2. Round down the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as
follows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*3. This is the remainder. It is expressed as follows with a Microsoft Excel function:
*4. This is the number of all of the NX Units for which there are I/O assignments to BOOL output data in the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal. For example, the NX-OD3121 meets this condition because it is an NX Unit that
has BOOL output data. However, the NX-OD4121 does not meet this condition because it is an NX Unit
that has BYTE output data.
*5. If there are no NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal that have I/O assignments to BOOL output data,
use 0 for the calculation in parentheses.
*6. This is the total number of NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time stamps with the fol-
lowing model numbers in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
•NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258
*7. If there are no NX Units that support output refreshing with specified time stamps with the following model
numbers in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, use a value of 0.
•NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258
*8. This is the total number of all of the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

 Tmax-InProc
This is the longest time in the NX Unit input processing times (Tnx-InProc) in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.
This is the longest time of the NX Units that operate with the following I/O refresh methods in the cal-
culations of the I/O response times for synchronous I/O refreshing.
• Synchronous I/O refreshing
• Input refreshing with input changed time for time stamp refreshing
Calculations of NX Units that operate with Free-Run refreshing or task period prioritized refreshing
are not included.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 9

12 Communications Performance

The input data processing time of an NX Unit (Tnx-InProc) is the time from reading the status of the
NX Unit input terminals into memory until preparations to pass the read data to the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. With synchronous I/O
refreshing, this is the time from the NX Unit input synchronization timing until preparations to pass
the data are completed. The NX Unit input synchronization timing is when all NX Units with synchro-
nous input refreshing simultaneously read the inputs and all NX Units with input refreshing with input
changed times simultaneously read the input changed times in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the
same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.

The NX Unit input data processing time (Tnx-InProc) depends on the NX Unit.
Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for
the values of Tnx-InProc for NX Units that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing or with input
refreshing with input changed time for time stamp refreshing.

 Tmax-OutProc
This is the longest time in the NX Unit output processing times (Tnx-OutProc) in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.
This is the longest time of the NX Units that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing in the calcula-
tions of the I/O response times for synchronous I/O refreshing. Calculations of NX Units that operate
with Free-Run refreshing, task period prioritized refreshing, or time stamp refreshing are not

The output data processing time of an NX Unit (Tnx-OutProc) is the time from when the NX Unit
reads the output data that was sent by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit until preparations to update the
output data are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. With synchronous I/O
refreshing, each NX Unit completes processing before the NX Unit output synchronization timing.
The NX Unit output synchronization timing is when all of the NX Units that use synchronous output
refreshing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is
refreshed in the same periodic task simultaneously update the output data.

The NX Unit output data processing time (Tnx-OutProc) depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the
appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of
Tnx-OutProc for NX Units that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing.

 Tnx-Indelay
This is the input delay time of the NX Unit. It is the time required for the NX Unit to read the status of
the input terminals into NX Unit memory. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. The NX
Unit input delay time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Refer-
ence Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-Indelay for NX Units that operate
with synchronous I/O refreshing.

 Tnx-Outdelay
This is the output delay time of the NX Unit. This is the time required to change the output terminals
according to the updated output data in the NX Unit. There is a unique value for each type of NX
Unit. The NX Unit output delay time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series
Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-Outdelay for NX Units
that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing.

12 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Calculation Precautions
Observe the following precautions when you make the calculations.
• If you perform I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals at a built-in EtherCAT port that supports
process data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic task, calculate the I/O
response times for each EtherCAT Slave Terminal for the task period of each periodic task of the
CPU Unit that performs the I/O refreshing.
• Include the NX Units that are set to Disable in the NX Unit Mounting Setting.
• Even if you disabled a channel when you select the channels to use for an Analog I/O Unit, use the
data size for when all channels are enabled to calculate the elements.
• Use bytes as the unit for NX Units that have a data byte size of less than one byte.
For example, the byte size is as follows for an NX Unit with a data size of 4 bits.
4 (bits) ÷8 (bits/byte) = 0.5 (bytes)
• Use the data sizes that you will actually use in the data size calculations.
Refer to this manual, the user’s manuals for individual NX Units, or to the NX-series Data Reference

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

Manual (Cat. No. W525) for the default values of the Unit data sizes.

Calculation Example
This section provides a calculation example for I/O response times.

 Calculation Conditions
Calculations are made for the following conditions.
(a) Configuration
The following configuration is used. In this example, an NJ-series CPU Unit with project unit
version earlier than 1.40 in the Sysmac Studio project is used to refresh I/O with an Ether-
CAT Slave Terminal. The total cable length is 50 m.

Built-in EtherCAT port
CPU Unit

EtherCAT Slave Terminal #1


ECC201: ID3343: OD3153: AD4608: DA3605:
1 Unit 8 Units 8 Units 1 Unit 1 Unit

NX Units
EtherCAT Coupler Unit End Cover

(b) With the above configuration, the I/O response time is calculated as the time from when the
CPU Unit processes an external input signal to the NX-ID3343 until the signal is output
from the NX-OD3153.
(c) It is assumed that Tcycle is set to 500 μs.
(d) The default I/O allocations settings are used for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
(e) The input filter time for the NX-ID3343 is set to No filter.
(f) The power supply design conditions are not considered in this calculation example.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 11

12 Communications Performance

 Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

The unit configuration and data sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal are given in the following

No. of NX No. of NX
Byte size
Model num- Number Byte size of Units with Units with
Unit type of output
ber of Units input data BOOL input BOOL output
data data
EtherCAT Cou- NX-ECC201 1 34 0 --- ---
pler Unit
Digital Input Units NX-ID3343 8 4*1 0 8 ---
Digital Output NX-OD3153 8 0 4*2 --- 8
Analog Input Units NX-AD4608 1 16 0 0*3 ---
Analog Output NX-DA3605 1 0 8 --- 0*4
Total for EtherCAT Slave Terminal 19 54 12 --- ---
Total for NX Units 18 20 12 8 8
*1. The input data size of one NX-ID3343 is 0.5 bytes. Therefore, the byte size of the input data is
8 Units × 0.5 bytes, or 4 bytes.
*2. The output data size of one NX-OD3153 is 0.5 bytes. Therefore, the byte size of the input data
is 8 Units × 0.5 bytes, or 4 bytes.
*3. This Unit has INT data, so there are 0 Units.
*4. This Unit has INT data, so there are 0 Units.
There are no NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258 Units, which support output refreshing with specified time
stamps, in the configuration example.

 Calculating the Elements of the I/O Response Times

This section shows how to calculate the elements of the I/O response times.
(a) Calculating Edelay
The following parameters are required to calculate the value.

Parameter Value Remarks

Number of EtherCAT 1*1 An EtherCAT Slave Terminal is counted as one
slaves EtherCAT slave.
EtherCAT frame length 64 bytes*1 The EtherCAT Slave Terminal has a total input
in bytes data size of 54 bytes and a total output data size
of 12 bytes. Both the input data size and output
data size are less than 64 bytes, so 64 bytes is
Total Cable Length (m) 50 m The value is for this configuration example.
*1. Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-12 for the
parameter values.

Therefore, the value of Edelay is as follows:

Formula: Edelay = 1.24 × Number of EtherCAT slaves

+ 0.082 × EtherCAT frame length in bytes
+ 0.01 × Total cable length (m)
= 1.24 × 1 unit + 0.082 × 64 bytes + 0.01 × 50 m
= 6.988
≈ 7
(Unit: μs)

12 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

(b) Calculating Etxj
The value of Etxj is fixed. The value is given below.

Formula: Etxj = 100

(Unit: μs)

(c) Calculating Tmax-InTrans

There is only one EtherCAT Slave Terminal, so the value is as follows:
Tmax-InTrans = T#1-InTrans

The following parameters are required to calculate T#1-InTrans.

Parameter Value Remarks

Total byte size of the input data of the NX 20 bytes This is the total input data size of the
Unit NX Unit.
Number of NX Units 18 Units ---
Number of NX Units with BOOL input data 8 Units ---

12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing

Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-12
for the values of the above parameters.
Therefore, the value of Tmax-InTrans is as follows:
Formula: Tmax-InTrans = T#1-InTrans
= 9.22 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the input data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ 0.55 × (Remainder of total byte size of the input data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ (0.34 × Number of NX Units with BOOL input data + 3.41)
+ 3.53 × Number of NX Units
+ 0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit input data
+ 75.17
= 9.22 × (Integer quotient of 20 bytes ÷32)
+ 0.55 × (Remainder of 20 bytes ÷32)
+ (0.34 × 8 Units + 3.41) + 3.53 × 18 Units
+ 0.014 × 20 bytes + 75.17
= 9.22 × 0.00 + 0.55 × 20.00 + (0.34 × 8 Units + 3.41)
+ 3.53 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 20 bytes + 75.17
= 156.12
(Unit: μs)

(d) Calculating Tmax-OutTrans

There is only one EtherCAT Slave Terminal, so the value is as follows:
Tmax-OutTrans = T#1-OutTrans
The following parameters are required to calculate T#1-OutTrans.

Parameter Value Remarks

Total byte size of the out- 12 bytes This is the total output data size of the NX Unit.
put data of the NX Unit
Number of NX Units 18 Units ---
Number of NX Units with 8 Units ---
BOOL output data

Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-12
for the values of the above parameters.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 13

12 Communications Performance

Therefore, the value of Tmax-OutTrans is as follows:

Formula: Tmax-OutTrans = T#1-OutTrans

= 11.71 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the output data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ 0.46 × (Remainder of total byte size of the output data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ (0.19 × Number of NX Units with BOOL output data + 2.93)
+ (8.10 × Number of NX Units with output refreshing with specified time stamps + 4.49)
+ 0.38 × Number of NX Units
+ 0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit output data
+ 30.40
= 11.71 × (Integer quotient of 12 bytes ÷32) + 0.46 × (Remainder of 12 bytes ÷32)
+ (0.19 × 8 Units + 2.93) + 0 + 0.38 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 12 bytes + 30.40
= 11.71 × 0.00 + 0.46 × 12.00 + (0.19 × 8 Units + 2.93)
+ 0 + 0.38 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 12 bytes + 30.40
= 47.38
(Unit: μs)

(e) Calculating Tmax-InProc

Tnx-InProc for an NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit and an NX-AD4608 Analog Input Unit is 0
Therefore, the value of Tmax-InProc is as follows:

Formula: Tmax-InProc = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

(f) Calculating Tmax-OutProc

Tnx-OutProc of an NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is 0 μs.
Tnx-OutProc of an NX-DA3605 Analog Output Unit is defined as the conversion time times
the number of points. The conversion time is 10 μs per point and there are 4 points.
Therefore, the value of Tmax-OutProc is as follows:

Formula: Tmax-OutProc = Conversion time × Number of points = 10 × 4 points = 40.00

(Unit: μs)

(g) Calculating Tnx-Indelay

Tnx-Indelay of an NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is defined as the ON/OFF response time
plus the input filter time. The ON/OFF response time is 0.10 μs and the input filter time is 0
*1.Calculation condition (5) says there is no filter, so the time is 0 μs.
Therefore the value of Tnx-Indelay for the NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Indelay = 0.10

(Unit: μs)

(h) Calculating Tnx-Outdelay

The Tnx-Outdelay of an NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is defined as the ON/OFF
response time. The ON/OFF response time is 0.30 μs.
Therefore the value of Tnx-Outdelay for the NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Outdelay = 0.30

(Unit: μs)

12 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

 Calculating the I/O Response Times
The I/O response times are as follows based on the calculation results for the elements.

Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans +
Tmax-InProc + Tmax-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
= 500 × 2 + 7 +100 + 156.12 + 47.38 + 0.00 + 40.00 + 0.10 + 0.30
= 1350.90
(Unit: μs)

Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans +
Tmax-InProc + Tmax-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
= 500 + 7 +100 + 156.12 + 47.38 + 0.00 + 40.00 + 0.10 + 0.30
= 850.90 12
(Unit: μs)

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing
This section describes the I/O response times of NX Units on EtherCAT Slave Terminals under the fol-
lowing conditions.

Item Condition
CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task in which I/O is Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task*1
I/O refreshing mode DC Mode
I/O refreshing method for NX Units Task period prioritized refreshing
*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701 CPU
Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's manual for the
connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are supported by the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC.

The I/O response time is the time required for the following processing: The CPU Unit or Industrial PC
processes an external signal input to one NX Unit, and another NX Unit outputs the processed result as
an external signal.

With task period prioritized refreshing, shortening the task period is given priority over synchronizing the
I/O timing with other NX Units. With this I/O refreshing method, the timing of I/O is not consistent with
the timing of I/O for NX Units that use synchronous I/O refreshing.

Refer to 10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation on page 10-10 for details on the operation of task
period prioritized refreshing.

Prerequisites for Calculations

These are the same as the prerequisites for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O
Refer to Prerequisites for Calculations on page 12-2 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous
I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the prerequisites for calculations.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 15

12 Communications Performance

Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time

A timing chart for the maximum I/O response time with task period prioritized refreshing is provided in
the following figure.

Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of

periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle

Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task

PLC Function
Industrial PC

CPU Unit or


EtherCAT Process data Process data Process data Process data

communications communications communications communications
cycle cycle cycle cycle
Module EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time time
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)
EtherCAT communi- NX Unit input NX Unit output
NX Unit input
cations path synchroniza- synchroniza-
tion timing tion timing tion timing
All EtherCAT
Slave Terminals
Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj

EtherCAT Slave Tmax-OutTrans

Terminal #1
Coupler Unit
NX Unit with T#1-OutTrans
synchronous input
refreshing (inputs) T#1-InTrans
NX Unit with Tnx-InProc
synchronous output
refreshing (outputs) Tmax-InProc
EtherCAT Slave NX Unit input
Terminal #2 timing Tnx-OutProc

Coupler Unit
Input-prioritized Time lag = Tcycle
NX Unit (inputs) T#2-InTrans

Signals to input

NX Unit (outputs) Tnx-Indelay

Signals from
output terminals


I/O response time

The maximum and minimum values of the I/O response time are calculated as shown below. The mini-
mum value occurs when the time lag that is shown in the above figure does not occur.

Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc + Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay
+ Tnx-Outdelay

Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc + Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay
+ Tnx-Outdelay

12 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

If you perform I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals at a built-in EtherCAT port that supports pro-
cess data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic task, calculate the I/O
response times for each EtherCAT Slave Terminal for the task period of each periodic task of the CPU
Unit that performs the I/O refreshing.
• Tcycle: Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC
• Edelay: Transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master
• Etxj: Transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master
• Tmax-InTrans: Longest input data transmission time of all of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• Tmax-OutTrans: Longest output data transmission time of all of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• Tmax-InProc: Longest input data processing time of all of the NX Units.
• Tnx-InProc: Input data processing time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-OutProc: Output data processing time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Indelay: Input delay time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Outdelay: Output delay time of the NX Unit

Additional Information

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing

The figure in Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time on page
12-16 shows an example in which the NX Units with synchronous I/O refreshing are in the
same EtherCAT network as NX Units with time stamp refreshing. The formula for when only NX
Units with task period prioritized refreshing are in an EtherCAT network is the same as the for-
mula in Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time on page 12-16.

Definition of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods

This section defines the calculation formula elements and describes the calculation methods.
Tcycle, Edelay, Etxj, Tmax-InTrans, and Tmax-OutTrans are the same in terms of definitions and calcu-
lation methods as the elements for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O refreshing. In
the calculations of Tmax-InTrans and Tmax-OutTrans, select the formula for an NX-ECC203 EtherCAT
Coupler Unit, which supports task period prioritized refreshing. Refer to Definitions of Formula Ele-
ments and Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for the definitions and calculation methods for these elements.

 Tmax-InProc
In the calculations of the I/O response time for task period prioritized refreshing, Tmax-InProc is
added. Tmax-InProc is an element of the I/O response time for synchronous I/O refreshing and time
stamp refreshing. Refer to Definitions of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods on page 12-5
in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the method to cal-
culate Tmax-InProc.

 Tnx-InProc
This is the input data processing time of the NX Unit. It is the time from reading the status of the NX
Unit input terminals into memory until preparations to pass the read data to the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the
NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-InProc for
NX Units that operate with input prioritized refreshing for task period prioritized refreshing.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 17

12 Communications Performance

 Tnx-OutProc
This is the output data processing time of the NX Unit. It is the time from when the NX Unit reads the
output data that was sent by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit until preparations to update the output data
are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the
NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-OutProc for
NX Units that operate with output prioritized refreshing for task period prioritized refreshing.

 Tnx-Indelay
This is the input delay time of the NX Unit. It is the time required for the NX Unit to read the status of
the input terminals into NX Unit memory. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. Refer to
the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values
of Tnx-Indelay for NX Units that operate with output prioritized refreshing for task period prioritized

 Tnx-Outdelay
This is the output delay time of the NX Unit. This is the time to change the output terminals accord-
ing to the updated output data in the NX Unit. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.
Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for
the values of Tnx-Outdelay for NX Units that operate with output prioritized refreshing for task period
prioritized refreshing.

12 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Calculation Precautions
Refer to Calculation Precautions on page 12-11 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for calculation precautions.

Calculation Example
This section provides a calculation example for I/O response times.

 Calculation Conditions
Calculations are made for the following conditions.
(a) Configuration
The following configuration is used. In this example, an NX-series NX701 CPU Unit with
project unit version earlier than 1.40 in the Sysmac Studio project is used to refresh I/O with 12
an EtherCAT Slave Terminal. The total cable length is 50 m.

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing

Built-in EtherCAT port

EtherCAT Slave Terminal #1


203: 1 122: 1 22: 1 Unit 43: 1 153: 1
Unit Unit Unit Unit

NX Units
EtherCAT Coupler Unit End Cover

(b) With the above configuration, the I/O response time is calculated as the time from when the
CPU Unit processes an external input signal to the NX-EC0122 until the signal is output
from the NX-PG0122.
(c) It is assumed that Tcycle is set to 250 μs.
(d) The I/O refreshing method for the NX Unit is as follows:

NX Unit I/O refreshing method

NX-EC0122*1 Task period prioritized refreshing
NX-ID3343 Synchronous I/O refreshing
*1. The unit version is 1.2 or later.

(e) The default I/O allocation settings are used for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
(f) It is assumed that I/O refreshing for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is performed in the pri-
mary periodic task of the NX701 CPU Unit.
(g) The power supply design conditions are not considered in this calculation example.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 19

12 Communications Performance

 Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

The unit configuration and data sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal are given in the following

No. of NX No. of NX
Num- Byte size
Model Byte size of Units with Units with
Unit type ber of of output
number input data BOOL input BOOL out-
Units data
data put data
EtherCAT Coupler NX-ECC203 1 18 0 - -
Incremental Encoder NX-EC0122 1 18 4 0 -
Input Units
Pulse Output Units NX-PG0122 1 18 14 - 0
Digital Input Units NX-ID3343 1 0.5 0 1 -
Digital Output Units NX-OD3153 1 0 0.5 - 1
Total for EtherCAT Slave Terminal 5 54.5 18.5 - -
Total for NX Units 4 36.5 18.5 1 1

There are no NX-OD2154 or NX-OD2258 Units, which support output refreshing with specified time
stamps, in the configuration example.

 Calculating the Elements of the I/O Response Times

This section shows how to calculate the elements of the I/O response times.
(a) Calculating Edelay
The calculation method with a formula is described here. Edelay can also be calculated
with the Sysmac Studio because this is an example of performing I/O refreshing of an Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal in the primary periodic task of an NX701 CPU Unit. Refer to Display-
ing the Transmission Delay Times of the EtherCAT Master on page 9-34 in 9-2-7 Sysmac
Studio Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 for details on the calculation method with
the Sysmac Studio.
The following parameters are required to calculate the value.

Parameter Value Remarks

Number of EtherCAT 1*1 An EtherCAT Slave Terminal is counted as one Eth-
slaves erCAT slave.
EtherCAT frame length 64 bytes*1 The EtherCAT Slave Terminal has a total input data
in bytes size of 54.5 bytes and a total output data size of 18.5
bytes. Both the input data size and output data size
are less than 64 bytes, so 64 bytes is used.
Total Cable Length (m) 50 m The value is for this configuration example.
*1. Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-20 for the
parameter values.

Therefore, the value of Edelay is as follows:

Formula: Edelay = 1.24 × Number of EtherCAT slaves

+ 0.082 × EtherCAT frame length in bytes
+ 0.01 × Total cable length (m)
= 1.24 × 1 unit + 0.082 × 64 bytes + 0.01 × 50 m
= 6.988
≈ 7
(Unit: μs)

12 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

(b) Calculating Etxj
The value of Etxj is fixed. The value is given below. The value for an NX701 CPU Unit is

Formula: Etxj = 10
(Unit: μs)

(c) Calculating Tmax-InTrans

There is only one EtherCAT Slave Terminal, so the value is as follows:
Tmax-InTrans = T#1-InTrans
The following parameters are required to calculate T#1-InTrans.

Parameter Value Remarks

Total byte size of the 36.5 bytes This is the total input data size of the NX Unit.
input data of the NX Unit 12
Number of NX Units 4 Units -
Number of NX Units with 1 Unit -

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing

BOOL input data
Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-20
for the values of the above parameters.
Therefore, the value of Tmax-InTrans is as follows: The calculation formula for the
NX-ECC203 is used.

Formula: Tmax-InTrans = T#1-InTrans

= 5.92 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the input data of the
NX Unit ÷ 32)
+0.19 × (Remainder of total byte size of the input data of the NX
Unit ÷ 32))
+ (0.36 × Number of NX Units with BOOL input data + 1.19
+ 2.15 × Number of NX Units
+ 0.15 × Total byte size of NX Unit input data
+ 35.85
= 5.92 × (Integer quotient of 36.5 bytes ÷ 32) + 0.19 × (Remainder
of 36.5 bytes ÷ 32)
+ (0.36 × 1 Unit + 1.19) + 2.15 × 4 Units
+ 0.15 × 36.5 bytes + 35.85
= 5.92 × 1.00 + 0.19 × 4.50 + (0.36 × 1 Unit + 1.19)
+ 2.15 × 4 Units + 0.15 × 36.5 bytes + 35.85
= 58.25
(Unit: μs)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 21

12 Communications Performance

(d) Calculating Tmax-OutTrans

There is only one EtherCAT Slave Terminal, so the value is as follows:
Tmax-OutTrans = T#1-OutTrans
The following parameters are required to calculate T#1-OutTrans.

Parameter Value Remarks

Total byte size of the out- 18.5 bytes This is the total output data size of the NX Unit.
put data of the NX Unit
Number of NX Units 4 Units -
Number of NX Units with 1 Unit -
BOOL output data

Refer to Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page 12-20
for the values of the above parameters.

Therefore, the value of Tmax-OutTrans is as follows:

Formula: Tmax-OutTrans = T#1-OutTrans

= 6.08 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the output
data of the NX Unit ÷ 32) + 0.19 × (Remainder of total
byte size of the output data of the NX Unit ÷ 32) + (0.31 ×
Number of NX Units with BOOL output data + 1.22) +
(3.31 × Number of NX Units with output refreshing with
specified time stamps + 2.80) + 0.38 × Number of NX
Units + 0.15 × Total byte size of NX Unit output data +
= 6.08 × (Integer quotient of 18.5 bytes ÷ 32) + 0.19 ×
(Remainder of 18.5 bytes ÷ 32) + (0.31 × 1 Unit + 1.22) +
0 + 0.38 × 4 Units + 0.15 × 18.5 bytes + 17.76
= 6.08 × 0.00 + 0.19 × 18.50 + (0.31 × 1 Unit + 1.22) + 0 +
0.38 × 4 Units + 0.15 × 18.5 bytes + 17.76
= 27.10
(Unit: μs)

(e) Calculating Tmax-InProc

The NX-EC0122 Incremental Encoder Input Unit and NX-PG0122 Pulse Output Unit use
task period prioritized refreshing, so they are not included in this calculation. Tnx-InProc of
an NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit with synchronous I/O refreshing is 0 μs. Therefore, the
value of Tmax-InProc is as follows:

Formula: Tmax-InProc = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

(f) Calculating Tnx-InProc

Tnx-InProc of an NX-EC0122 Incremental Encoder Input Unit is 85 μs.
Therefore, the value of Tnx-InProc is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-InProc = 85.00

(Unit: μs)

12 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

(g) Calculating Tnx-OutProc
Tnx-OutProc of an NX-PG0122 Pulse Output Unit is 70 μs.
Therefore, the value of Tnx-OutProc is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-OutProc = 70.00

(Unit: μs)

(h) Calculating Tnx-Indelay

Tnx-Indelay of an NX-EC0122 Incremental Encoder Input Unit is 0 μs.
Therefore, the value of Tnx-Indelay is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Indelay = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

(i) Calculating Tnx-Outdelay
Tnx-Outdelay of an NX-PG0122 Pulse Output Unit is 0 μs.

12-1-2 I/O Response Times for Task Period Prioritized Refreshing

Therefore, the value of Tnx-Outdelay is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Outdelay = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

 Calculating the I/O Response Times

The I/O response times are as follows based on the calculation results for the elements.

Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc+ Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
= 250 × 2 + 7 +10 + 58.25 + 27.10 + 0.00 + 85.00 + 70.00 + 0.00 + 0.00
= 757.35
(Unit: μs)

Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + Tmax-OutTrans
+ Tmax-InProc + Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
= 250 + 7 +10 + 58.25 + 27.10 + 0.00 + 85.00 + 70.00 + 0.00 +0.00
= 507.35
(Unit: μs)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 23

12 Communications Performance

12-1-3 I/O Response Times for Time Stamp Refreshing

This section describes the I/O response times of NX Units on EtherCAT Slave Terminals under the fol-
lowing conditions.

Item Condition
CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task in which I/O is Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task*1
I/O refreshing mode DC Mode
I/O refreshing method for NX Units Time stamp refreshing
*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701 CPU
Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's manual for the
connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are supported by the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC.

The I/O response time for time stamp refreshing is the specific time required to produce the output after
the input changed time.
You specify the time in the user program. Specify a time that has sufficient leeway to ensure that the
output is produced at the expected time.
The minimum specified time for which the expected output is produced is defined as the maximum I/O
response time for time stamp refreshing. It is described in this section.
With input refreshing with input changed times for time stamp refreshing, when there is more than one
EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the same EtherCAT network, the inputs for all of the NX Units that operate
with synchronous input refreshing and the changed times for all of the NX Units that operate with input
refreshing with input changed times on the EtherCAT Slave Terminals for which I/O is refreshed in the
same periodic task are read at the same time.
Therefore, when you calculate the I/O response times for an NX Unit on an EtherCAT Slave Terminal,
you must use in the calculations the longest elements for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals that are
refreshed in the same periodic task.
Refer to 10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation on page 10-10 for details on the operation of time
stamp refreshing.

Prerequisites for Calculations

These are the same as the prerequisites for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O
Refer to Prerequisites for Calculations on page 12-2 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous
I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the prerequisites for calculations.

12 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time
A timing chart for the maximum I/O response time with time stamp refreshing is provided in the follow-
ing figure.
Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of
periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle

PLC Function Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task
Industrial PC
CPU Unit or


EtherCAT Process data Process data Process data Process data

Master communications communications communications communications
Function cycle cycle cycle cycle
Module EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time time
(Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0) (Sync0)
EtherCAT communi-
cations path NX Unit input NX Unit input NX Unit output 12
synchroniza- synchroniza- synchroniza-
tion timing tion timing tion timing
All EtherCAT

12-1-3 I/O Response Times for Time Stamp Refreshing

Slave Terminals
Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj

EtherCAT Slave Tmax-OutTrans

Tmax-InProc Tmax-OutProc
Terminal #1
EtherCAT Coupler
NX Unit with T#1-OutTrans
synchronous input
refreshing (inputs) T#1-InTrans
NX Unit with
synchronous output
refreshing (outputs)

EtherCAT Slave
Terminal #2
EtherCAT Coupler
NX Unit with input T#2-OutTrans
Time lag = Tcycle
refreshing with input
changed times T#2-InTrans
Signal to input
NX Unit with output
refreshing with Tnx-Indelay
specified time
stamps (outputs)
Signal from
output terminal


I/O response time

The maximum I/O response time is given below.

Formula: Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + Tmax-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans*1
+ Tmax-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
*1. In the example in the above figure, this is the output data transmission time (T#2-OutTrans) of the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with node address 2.

If you perform I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals at a built-in EtherCAT port that supports pro-
cess data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic task, calculate the I/O
response times for each EtherCAT Slave Terminal for the task period of each periodic task of the CPU
Unit that performs the I/O refreshing.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 25

12 Communications Performance

The elements in the formulas are as follows:

• Tcycle: Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC
• Edelay: Transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master
• Etxj: Transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master
• Tmax-InTrans: Longest input data transmission time of all of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.
• T#n-OutTrans: Output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal with node address n.
• Tmax-InProc: Longest input data processing time of all of the NX Units.
• Tnx-OutProc: Output data processing time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Indelay: Input delay time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Outdelay: Output delay time of the NX Unit

Precautions for Correct Use

Specify a time that has sufficient leeway to ensure that the output is produced at the expected
time. If you specify times, you must use the status of the Output Units with output refreshing
with specified time stamps when you create the user program. Refer to the manuals for the
specific NX Units for details on the specifications and operation of time stamp refreshing.

Additional Information

The figure in Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time on page
12-25 shows an example in which the NX Units with synchronous I/O refreshing are on the
same EtherCAT network as NX Units with time stamp refreshing. The formula for when only NX
Units with time stamp refreshing are on an EtherCAT network is the same as the formula in
Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time on page 12-25.

Definition of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods

This section defines the calculation formula elements and describes the calculation methods.
Tcycle, Edelay, Etxj, and Tmax-InTrans are the same in terms of definitions and calculation methods as
the elements for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O refreshing. Refer to Definitions
of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Syn-
chronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the definitions and calculation methods for these elements.

 T#n-OutTrans
This is the output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal with node address n. The output data transmission time is the time that is required for the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit to read the output data from the EtherCAT communications path and send the
data to the NX Units. Refer to Definitions of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods on page
12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the formula for
T#n-OutTrans. Use the formula for T#n-OutTrans in the description of Tmax-OutTrans in the refer-
enced section.

 Tmax-InProc
This is the longest time in the NX Unit input processing times (Tnx-InProc) in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is refreshed in the same periodic task.
This is the longest time of the NX Units that operate with the following I/O refresh methods in the cal-
culations of the I/O response times for time stamp refreshing.
• Synchronous I/O refreshing
• Input refreshing with input changed time for time stamp refreshing

12 - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Calculations of NX Units that operate with Free-Run refreshing or task period prioritized refreshing
are not included.
The input data processing time of an NX Unit (Tnx-InProc) is the time from reading the status of the
NX Unit input terminals into memory until preparations to pass the read data to the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. With input refreshing with
input changed times for time stamp refreshing, this is the time from the NX Unit input synchroniza-
tion timing until preparations to pass the input changed times are completed. The NX Unit input syn-
chronization timing is when all NX Units with synchronous input refreshing simultaneously read the
inputs and all NX Units with input refreshing with input changed times simultaneously read the input
changed times in the EtherCAT Slave Terminals in the same EtherCAT network and for which I/O is
refreshed in the same periodic task.

Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for
the values of Tnx-InProc for NX Units that operate with synchronous I/O refreshing or with input
refreshing with input changed time for time stamp refreshing.
 Tnx-OutProc
This is the output data processing time of the NX Unit. It is the time from when the NX Unit reads the

12-1-3 I/O Response Times for Time Stamp Refreshing

output data that was sent by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit until preparations to update the output data
are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the
NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-OutProc for
NX Units that operate with output refreshing with specified time stamp for time stamp refreshing.

 Tnx-Indelay
This is the input delay time of the NX Unit. It is the time required for the NX Unit to read the status of
the input terminals into NX Unit memory. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.
Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for
the values of Tnx-Indelay for NX Units that operate with input refreshing with input changed time for
time stamp refreshing.

 Tnx-Outdelay
This is the output delay time of the NX Unit. This is the time to change the output terminals accord-
ing to the updated output data in the NX Unit. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.
Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for
the values of Tnx-Outdelay for NX Units that operate with output refreshing with specified time
stamp for time stamp refreshing.

Calculation Precautions
Refer to Calculation Precautions on page 12-11 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for calculation precautions.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 27

12 Communications Performance

12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing

This section describes the I/O response times of NX Units on EtherCAT Slave Terminals under the fol-
lowing conditions.

Item Condition
CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task in which Primary periodic task and priority-5 periodic task*1
I/O is refreshed
I/O refreshing mode Free-Run Mode
I/O refreshing method for NX Units Free-Run refreshing
*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701
CPU Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's
manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are sup-
ported by the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

The I/O response time is the time required for the following processing: The CPU Unit or Industrial PC
processes an external signal input to one NX Unit, and another NX Unit outputs the processed result as
an external signal.

With Free-Run refreshing, the refresh cycle of the NX bus and the I/O refresh cycle of the NX Units
operate asynchronously. In Free-Run Mode, the NX bus refresh cycle is not synchronized with the task
period of the periodic task or process data communications cycle. The NX bus operates on its own
cycle. Refer to Section 10 I/O Refreshing for details on the operation of Free-Run refreshing and syn-
chronous I/O refreshing.

Prerequisites for Calculations

The calculations that are described in this section assume that the following conditions are met.
(a) Sequence control and motion control in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or Industrial PC are
performed within the task period of the periodic task in which EtherCAT communications
were refreshed.
(b) If you use an NX Unit that has restrictions in the communications cycle in Free-Run Mode,
it must be set to a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications
for the refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.
You can check for condition (a) by estimating the task execution time. For the checking procedure, refer
to the section on designing tasks in the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
For condition (b), refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07
or later) to see if there are restrictions on any specific NX Units. If there are restrictions, refer to the
user’s manual for the NX Unit, and confirm that the task period satisfies the specifications for the
refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.

12 - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Timing Chart and Configuration Elements of the I/O Response Time
A timing chart for the I/O response time with Free-Run refreshing is provided in the following figure.
This timing chart shows the maximum I/O response time.
Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of
periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle

Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task Periodic task
Industrial PC
CPU Unit or


Process data Process data Process data Process data Process data
EtherCAT communications communications communications communications communications
Master cycle cycle cycle cycle cycle
Module EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission EtherCAT transmission
time time time time time
EtherCAT communi-
cations path
EtherCAT Slave Time lag 2 Time lag 3 Time lag 4
Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj

12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing

Terminal #n =T#n-Free_I/OCycle =Tcycle =T#n-Free_I/OCycle
Coupler Unit

Time lag 1
=Tnx-InProc T#n-Free_I/OCycle
NX Unit (inputs)
T#n-InTrans T#n-OutTrans

Signal to input
Time lag 5

NX Unit (outputs)

Signal from Tnx-OutProc

output terminal

I/O response time

The maximum and minimum values of the I/O response time are calculated as shown below. The mini-
mum value occurs when the time lags that are shown in the above figure do not occur.
Formula: Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + T#n-Free_I/OCycle × 2
+ T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans + Tnx-InProc × 2
+ Tnx-OutProc × 2 + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay

Formula: Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans
+ Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
If you perform I/O refreshing for EtherCAT Slave Terminals at a built-in EtherCAT port that supports pro-
cess data communications with a Slave Terminal in more than one periodic task, calculate the I/O
response times for each EtherCAT Slave Terminal for the task period of each periodic task of the CPU
Unit that performs the I/O refreshing.
The elements in the formulas are as follows: “#n” indicates the node address of the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal. “n” is the address.
• Tcycle: Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC
• Edelay: Transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master
• Etxj: Transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 29

12 Communications Performance

• T#n-InTrans: Input data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal with node address n.
• T#n-OutTrans: Output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal with node address n.
• T#n-Free_I/OCycle: Refresh cycle of NX but in EtherCAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run Mode.
• Tnx-InProc: Input data processing time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-OutProc: Output data processing time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Indelay: Input delay time of the NX Unit
• Tnx-Outdelay: Output delay time of the NX Unit

Definition of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods

This section defines the elements and describes the calculation methods.

 Tcycle
This is the time that is set for the task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

 Edelay
This is the transmission delay time of the EtherCAT master. Refer to Definitions of Formula Ele-
ments and Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for the calculation methods for Edelay.

 Etxj
This is the transmission jitter of the EtherCAT master. Refer to Definitions of Formula Elements and
Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing
on page 12-2 for the values of Etxj.

 T#n-InTrans
This is the input data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal with node address n. The input data transmission time is the time that is required for the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit to read all of the input data for all of the NX Units. After all of the input data is read,
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is ready to send the data to the EtherCAT communications path.

Refer to Definitions of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O
Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the formula for T#n-InTrans. Use
the formula for T#n-InTrans in the description of Tmax-InTrans in the referenced section.

 T#n-OutTrans
This is the output data transmission time of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
nal with node address n. The output data transmission time is the time that is required for the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit to read the output data from the EtherCAT communications path and send the
data to the NX Units.
Refer to Definitions of Formula Elements and Calculation Methods on page 12-5 in 12-1-1 I/O
Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for the formula for T#n-OutTrans.
Use the formula for T#n-OutTrans in the description of Tmax-OutTrans in the referenced section.

12 - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

 T#n-Free_I/OCycle
This is the refresh cycle of the NX bus in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with node address #n in
Free-Run Mode. Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-Free_I/OCycle = T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans + T#n-exsoft

(Unit: μs)

Refer to T#n-InTrans on page 12-30 and to T#n-OutTrans on page 12-30 for the definitions of and
calculation methods for T#n-InTrans and T#n-OutTrans. Here, the calculation method for T#n-exsoft
is described.
T#n-exsoft is the internal processing time in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal with node address n in Free-Run Mode.
The formula to calculate T#n-exsoft depends on the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Use the
calculation formula for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit that you will use.
a) NX-ECC203
Use the following formula.

12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing

Formula: T#n-exsoft = 25.72 + {0.3 × {T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans
+ (0.03 × Number of NX Units*1)+ 31.94}} ÷ 0.7
(Unit: μs)
*1. This is the number of NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with node address #n.

b) NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202
Use the following formula.

Formula: T#n-exsoft = 60 + {0.3 × {T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans

+ (0.75 × Number of NX Units*1) + 54}} ÷ 0.7
(Unit: μs)
*1. This is the number of NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with node address #n.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 31

12 Communications Performance

 Tnx-InProc
This is the input data processing time of the NX Unit. It is the time from reading the status of the NX
Unit input terminals into memory until preparations to pass the read data to the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.

The NX Unit input data processing time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the
NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-InProc for
NX Units that operate with Free-Run refreshing.

 Tnx-OutProc
This is the output data processing time of the NX Unit. It is the time from when the NX Unit reads the
output data that was sent by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit until preparations to update the output data
are completed. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.
The NX Unit output data processing time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the
NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-OutProc for
NX Units that operate with Free-Run refreshing.

 Tnx-Indelay
This is the input delay time of the NX Unit. It is the time required to read the status of the input termi-
nals into NX Unit memory.
The NX Unit input delay time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data
Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-Indelay for NX Units that
operate with Free-Run refreshing.

 Tnx-Outdelay
This is the output delay time of the NX Unit. This is the time to change the output terminals accord-
ing to the updated output data in the NX Unit. There is a unique value for each type of NX Unit.
The NX Unit output delay time depends on the NX Unit. Refer to the appendix of the NX-series Data
Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525-E1-07 or later) for the values of Tnx-Outdelay for NX Units that
operate with Free-Run refreshing.

Calculation Precautions
Refer to Calculation Precautions on page 12-11 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for the formula for calculation precautions.

12 - 32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Calculation Example
This section provides a calculation example for I/O response times.

 Calculation Conditions
The conditions are the same as those for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O
refreshing. Refer to Calculation Precautions on page 12-11 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Syn-
chronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for details.

 Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal

These are the same as those for calculating the I/O response time for synchronous I/O refreshing.
Refer to Calculation Example on page 12-11 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 and Unit Configuration and Data Sizes in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on
page 12-12 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O Refreshing on page 12-2 for details.
 Calculating the Elements of the I/O Response Times
This section shows how to calculate the elements of the I/O response times.

12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing

Because the calculation conditions are the same as for calculating the I/O response time for syn-
chronous I/O refreshing, a description of the required parameters is omitted here and only the calcu-
lation results are given. Refer to Calculation Example on page 12-11 and Calculating the Elements
of the I/O Response Times on page 12-12 in 12-1-1 I/O Response Times for Synchronous I/O
Refreshing on page 12-2 for a description of the parameters required for the calculation.
(a) Calculating Edelay
The value of Edelay is as follows:

Formula: Edelay = 1.24 × Number of EtherCAT slaves

+ 0.082 × EtherCAT frame length in bytes
+ 0.01 × Total cable length (m)
= 1.24 × 1 unit + 0.082 × 64 bytes + 0.01 × 50 m
= 6.988
≈ 7
(Unit: μs)

(b) Calculating Etxj

The value of Etxj is fixed. The value is given below.

Formula: Etxj = 100

(Unit: μs)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 33

12 Communications Performance

(c) Calculating T#1-InTrans

The value of T#1-InTrans is as follows:

Formula: T#1-InTrans = 9.22 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the input data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ 0.55 × (Remainder of total byte size of the input data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ (0.34 × Number of NX Units with BOOL input data + 3.41)
+ 3.53 × Number of NX Units + 0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit
input data + 75.17
= 9.22 × (Integer quotient of 20 bytes ÷32)
+ 0.55 × (Remainder of 20 bytes ÷32) + (0.34 × 8 Units + 3.41)
+ 3.53 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 20 bytes + 75.17
= 9.22 × 0.00 + 0.55 × 20.00 + (0.34 × 8 Units + 3.41)
+ 3.53 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 20 bytes + 75.17
= 156.12
(Unit: μs)

(d) Calculating T#1-OutTrans

The value of T#1-OutTrans is as follows:

Formula: T#1-OutTrans = 11.71 × (Integer quotient of total byte size of the output data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ 0.46 × (Remainder of total byte size of the output data of the NX Unit ÷32)
+ (0.19 × Number of NX Units with BOOL output data + 2.93)
+ (8.10 × Total number of NX Units with output refreshing with
specified time stamps + 4.49) + 0.38 × Number of NX Units +
0.014 × Total byte size of NX Unit output data + 30.40
= 11.71 × (Integer quotient of 12 bytes ÷32)
+ 0.46 × (Remainder of 12 bytes ÷32)
+ (0.19 × 8 Units + 2.93)+ 0 + 0.38 × 18 Units
+ 0.014 × 12 bytes+ 30.40
= 11.71 × 0.00 + 0.46 × 12.00 + (0.19 × 8 Units + 2.93)
+ 0 + 0.38 × 18 Units + 0.014 × 12 bytes + 30.40
= 47.38
(Unit: μs)

(e) Calculating T#1-Free_I/OCycle

T#1-exsoft is calculated with the calculation formula for T#1-Free_I/OCycle.
There are 18 NX Units.
Based on the calculation results for (c) and (d), the values of T#1-InTrans and T#1-Out-
Trans are as follows:
T#1-InTrans = 156.12 μs
T#1-OutTrans = 47.38 μs

Therefore, the value of T#1-exsoft is as follows:

Formula: T#1-exsoft = 60 + {0.3 × {T#1-InTrans + T#1-OutTrans

+ (0.75 × Number of NX Units) + 54}} ÷0.7
= 60 + {0.3 × {156.12 + 47.38 + (0.75 × 18 Units) + 54}} ÷0.7
= 176.14
(Unit: μs)

12 - 34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-1 Performance of Process Data Communications

Therefore, the value of T#1-Free_I/OCycle is as follows:

Formula: T#n-Free_I/OCycle = T#n-InTrans + T#n-OutTrans + T#n-exsoft

= 156.12 + 47.38 + 176.14
= 379.64
(Unit: μs)

(f) Calculating Tnx-InProc

Tnx-InProc of an NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is 0 μs.
Therefore the value of Tnx-InProc for the NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-InProc = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

(g) Calculating Tnx-OutProc 12

Tnx-OutProc of an NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is 0 μs.

12-1-4 I/O Response Times for Free-Run Refreshing

Therefore the value of Tnx-OutProc for the NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-OutProc = 0.00

(Unit: μs)

(h) Calculating Tnx-Indelay

Tnx-Indelay of an NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is defined as the ON/OFF response time
plus the input filter time. The ON/OFF response time is 0.10 μs and the input filter time is 0
*1.Calculation condition (5) says there is no filter, so the time is 0 μs.

Therefore the value of Tnx-Indelay for the NX-ID3343 Digital Input Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Indelay = 0.10

(Unit: μs)

(i) Calculating Tnx-Outdelay

The Tnx-Outdelay of an NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is defined as the ON/OFF
response time. The ON/OFF response time is 0.30 μs.
Therefore the value of Tnx-Outdelay for the NX-OD3153 Digital Output Unit is as follows:

Formula: Tnx-Outdelay = 0.30

(Unit: μs)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 35

12 Communications Performance

 Calculating the I/O Response Times

The I/O response times are as follows based on the calculation results for the elements.

Maximum I/O response time = Tcycle × 2 + Edelay + Etxj + T#1-Free_I/OCycle × 2
+ T#1-InTrans + T#1-OutTrans + Tnx-InProc × 2
+ Tnx-OutProc × 2 + Tnx-Indelay + Tnx-Outdelay
= 500 × 2 + 7 + 100 + 379.64 × 2 + 156.12 + 47.38
+ 0.00 × 2 + 0.00 × 2 + 0.10 + 0.30
= 2070.18
(Unit: μs)

Minimum I/O response time = Tcycle + Edelay + Etxj + T#1-InTrans + T#1-OutTrans
+ Tnx-InProc + Tnx-OutProc + Tnx-Indelay
+ Tnx-Outdelay
= 500 + 7 + 100 + 156.12 + 47.38 + 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.10 + 0.30
= 810.9
(Unit: μs)

12 - 36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

12-2 Message Response Time

This section describes the minimum message response time for SDO communications and for NX

12-2 Message Response Time

object read/write instructions when an EtherCAT Slave Terminal is connected to the built-in EtherCAT
port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and I/O refreshing is performed.
Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for information on the mes-
sage response performance when Safety Control Units are connected under the EtherCAT Coupler

12-2-1 Special Instructions

This section describes the instructions that are used to execute message communications.

 Reading and Writing SDO Data 12

You can read and write SDO data with the following EtherCAT communications instruction to exe-
cute SDO communications.

12-2-1 Special Instructions

Function name Instruction Description
Read EtherCAT CoE SDO EC_CoESDORead Sets the parameters and reads data from the object
dictionary (SDO data) in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Write EtherCAT CoE SDO EC_CoESDOWrite Sets the parameters and writes data to the object dic-
tionary (SDO data) in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

 Reading and Writing NX Objects

You can use the following NX object read/write instructions to read and write NX objects.

Function name Instruction Description

Read NX Unit Object NX_ReadObj Sets the parameters and reads data from the NX
objects in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Write NX Unit Object NX_WriteObj Sets the parameters and writes data to the NX objects
in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time

This section describes the minimum message response times of EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units
on EtherCAT Slave Terminals under the following conditions.

Item Condition
CPU Unit or Industrial PC periodic task in which I/O is Primary periodic task or priority-5 periodic task*1
*1. The connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC must support a priority-5 periodic task. For example, NX701 CPU
Units support them. Refer to Assignment and Settings Related to Tasks in the software user's manual for the
connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the periodic tasks that are supported by the CPU Unit
or Industrial PC.

The minimum message response time is the time from when the SDO communications instruction or
Read NX Unit Object or Write NX Unit Object instruction is executed in the user program until execution
of the instruction is completed.

When the instruction is executed in the user program, the EtherCAT master sends a frame to the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit or to an NX Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal through the system service. When
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit receive the frame, they process the message. When the mes-
sage processing is completed, the EtherCAT master receives a response from the EtherCAT Slave Ter-
minal to complete execution of the instruction.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 37

12 Communications Performance

The calculations that are described in this section assume that the following conditions are met.
(a) Sequence control and motion control in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or Industrial PC are
performed within the task period of the periodic task in which EtherCAT communications
were refreshed.
(b) The EtherCAT Coupler Unit is not processing any of the following high-load processes.
• Multiple message communications
• Error processing
(c) In DC Mode, the refresh cycle of the NX bus of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is within the
task period of the periodic task.
(d) If you use an NX Unit that has restrictions in the communications cycle in DC Mode, it must
be set to a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications for the
refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.
(e) If you use an NX Unit that has restrictions in the communications cycle in Free-Run Mode,
it must be set to a task period for a communications cycle that will satisfy the specifications
for the refresh cycles that can be executed by the NX Unit.

The following sections describe the calculation formulas for the minimum message response time for
EtherCAT Slave Terminals for which I/O is refreshed in a periodic task. This is explained for each series
of CPU Unit or Industrial PC that connects to EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

When Connected to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NX-series CPU

The calculation formula that is used for the minimum message response time depends on whether the
task period of the periodic task is less than 4 ms or is 4 ms or longer.

 Calculation Formula When Task Period of Periodic Task Is Less Than 4 ms

Use the following formula to calculate the minimum message response time.

Minimum message response time = Tcycle + {(Rounded up quotient of (Ts-resp ÷ Tcycle))*1 × Tcycle} + Tcycle +
{(Rounded up quotient of (Message response data byte size ÷ Data byte
size to read))*2 × Tcycle} + Tcycle
• Tcycle: Task period of the periodic task in the CPU Unit
• Ts-resp: Slave message processing time
*1. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows
with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Ts-resp / Tcycle,0)
*2. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows
with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Message_response_byte_size / Data_byte_size_to_read,0)
Calculate the minimum message response times for all EtherCAT Slave Terminals for each periodic
task of the CPU Unit that performs I/O refreshing for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.

12 - 38 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

Message communications instruction executed.

Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of Task period of
periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle
I/O: I/O refreshing


12-2 Message Response Time

CPU Unit MC: Motion control

System services

Line delay

Frame sent. Response data

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1
EtherCAT NX Unit number 1 Response
Coupler Unit
NX Unit number 2 Request received. completed.

12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time

Slave message processing time: Ts-resp

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1

NX Unit NX Unit number 1 Response
Request received. generation
NX Unit number 2 completed.

Request received. Response generated.

The definitions and values of Tx-resp and the data size to read are given below.
a) Ts-resp
Ts-resp is the slave message processing time. This is the time from when the message request
is received until the EtherCAT Slave Terminal completes generating the response. The minimum
values of Ts-resp are given below.

Minimum value of Ts-resp

Special Instructions Message destination NX-ECC201 or
Reading and writing of SDO EtherCAT Coupler Unit 64.8 [μs] 22.4 [μs]
Reading and writing of NX EtherCAT Coupler Unit 945 [μs] 244 [μs]
objects NX Unit 945 [μs] 244 [μs]

b) Data Size to Read

The EtherCAT master reads this size of the message response data from the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal in each task period of the periodic task. The size of data to read depends on the set
value of the task period of the periodic task as given in the following table.

Value set for the task period of a periodic task Data size to read
125 μs 64 bytes
250 μs 128 bytes
500 to 3,750 μs*1 256 bytes

*1. Set in increments of 250 μs.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 39

12 Communications Performance

 Calculation Formula When Task Period of Periodic Task Is 4 ms or Longer

Use the following formula to calculate the minimum message response time.

Minimum message response time = Divided period + {(Rounded up quotient of (Ts-resp ÷ Divided period))*1 ×
Divided period} + Divided period + {(Rounded up quotient of (Message
response data byte size ÷ 256))*2 × Divided period} + Divided period
• Divided period: The period that results from dividing the task period of the periodic task.
• Ts-resp: Slave message processing time
*1. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows
with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Ts-resp / Divided_period,0)
*2. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows
with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Message_response_data_byte_size / 256,0)
Calculate the minimum message response times for all EtherCAT Slave Terminals for each periodic
task of the CPU Unit that performs I/O refreshing for the EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
Message communications instruction executed. Task period of Task period of
periodic task periodic task
Tcycle Tcycle
I/O: I/O refreshing (example: 4,000 μs)

UPG: User program execution IO UPG MC IO UPG MC

MC: Motion control

NX-series Divided period Divided period Divided period Divided period Divided period
CPU Unit
(1,000 μs) (1,000 μs) (1,000 μs) (1,000 μs) (1,000 μs)

System services

Line delay

Frame sent. Response data

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1
EtherCAT NX Unit number 1 Response
Coupler Unit generation
NX Unit number 2 Request received. completed.

Slave message processing time: Ts-resp

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1

NX Unit number 1 Response
NX Unit
Request received. generation
NX Unit number 2 completed.

Request received. Response generated.

The definitions and values of Tx-resp and the divided period are given below.

a) Ts-resp
The definitions and values of Ts-resp are the same as the definitions and values for the calcula-
tion formula for when the task period of the periodic task is less than 4 ms. Refer to Calculation
Formula When Task Period of Periodic Task Is Less Than 4 ms on page 12-38 under 12-2-2
Minimum Message Response Time on page 12-37.

12 - 40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

12 Communications Performance

b) Divided Period
The period that results from dividing the task period of a periodic task is called the divided period.
If the task period of the periodic task is 4 ms or longer, the EtherCAT master sends message
communications frames to the EtherCAT slaves and reads message response data from the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal according to the divided period.

12-2 Message Response Time

Use 1,000 μs as the divided period in calculations.

When Connected to the Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NJ-series CPU Unit

Use the following formula to calculate the minimum message response time.

Minimum message response time = Tcycle +{(Rounded up quotient of (Ts-resp ÷ Tcycle))*1 × Tcycle} + Tcycle +{
(Rounded up quotient of (Message response data byte size ÷ 256))*2 × Tcycle} +
• Tcycle: Task period of the primary periodic task in the CPU Unit
• Ts-resp: Slave message processing time
*1. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows

12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time

with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Ts-resp / Tcycle,0)
*2. Round up the value that results from the calculation in parentheses to an integer. It is expressed as follows
with a Microsoft Excel function:
ROUNDUP(Message_response_data_byte_size / 256,0)

Message communications instruction executed.

Primary period Primary period Primary period Primary period Primary period
Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle Tcycle
I/O: I/O refreshing


CPU Unit MC: Motion control

System services

Line delay

Frame sent. Response data

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1
EtherCAT NX Unit number 1 Response
Coupler Unit generation
NX Unit number 2 Request received. completed.

Slave message processing time: Ts-resp

EtherCAT Coupler Unit #1

NX Unit NX Unit number 1 Response
Request received. generation
NX Unit number 2 completed.

Request received. Response generated.

The definitions and values of Ts-resp are the same as the definitions and values for the calculation for-
mula when connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NX-series CPU Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 12 - 41

12 Communications Performance

Refer to Calculation Formula When Task Period of Periodic Task Is Less Than 4 ms on page 12-38
under 12-2-2 Minimum Message Response Time on page 12-37 for the definitions and values of

When Connected to a Built-in EtherCAT Port on an NY-series Indus-

trial PC
The minimum message response time is calculated using the same formula as is used for a connection
to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NX-series CPU Unit. Refer to When Connected to the Built-in Ether-
CAT Port on an NX-series CPU Unit on page 12-38 for the formulas. The periodic tasks in which I/O is
refreshed and the task periods that can be set for the period tasks are different here from when the
Slave Terminal is connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NX-series CPU Unit. Be careful to use
the correct values in the calculations. Refer to 10-3-4 I/O Refreshing Method Operation on page 10-10
for the periodic tasks in which Slave Terminal I/O can be refreshed. For information on the task periods
of the periodic tasks that you can set for NY-series Industrial PCs, refer to Specifications of Tasks in the
NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat.
No. W558).

12 - 42 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

There are several ways to check errors on an EtherCAT Slave Terminal. If an error
occurs, refer to this section to troubleshoot the error.

13-1 How to Check for Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators . . . . . . . . 13-3
13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with
the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3
13-2-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with
the Indicators on the NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-11
13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Studio . . . . 13-12
13-3-1 Checking for Errors from the Sysmac Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12
13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15
13-4 Resetting Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-51
13-5 Error Notification Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-52
13-6 Error Notifications Based on the Sysmac Error Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-53
13-7 Emergency Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-54
13-7-1 Enabling/Disabling Emergency Message Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-54
13-7-2 Error Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-54
13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-55
13-8 Error Notifications Based on the AL Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-58
13-8-1 Procedure for Checking AL Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-58
13-8-2 AL Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-58
13-9 Troubleshooting Other Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-61
13-10Troubleshooting Flow When Errors Occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-62
13-10-1 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to a CPU Unit or an Industrial PC . 13-62
13-10-2 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . 13-63
13-11Troubleshooting When the Sysmac Studio Cannot Go Online . . . . . . . 13-64
13-11-1 Causes and Corrective Actions When the Sysmac Studio
Cannot Go Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-64
13-11-2 Troubleshooting by Cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-65

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 1

13 Troubleshooting

13-1 How to Check for Errors

Use the following methods to check the status of errors on the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

NJ/NX/NY-series Controller

• Current errors
USB or
• Error logs other
connection EtherCAT

Sysmac Studio

Slave Terminal

Checking method What you can check

Checking the indicators The indicators tell you the status of each Unit, and the level of the error.
Troubleshooting with the Sysmac You can check for current Controller errors, a log of past Controller
Studio errors, error sources, error causes, and corrections.

If you use an NJ/NX/NY-series Controller, refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU
Unit or Industrial PC for the procedures to check for errors in the entire Controller.

Additional Information

Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
PC for the specifications for checking EtherCAT Slave Terminal errors on an OMRON HMI.

13 - 2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators

13-2 Checking for Errors and Trouble-
shooting with the Indicators
You can check for errors in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal with the indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit and the NX Units. This section tells you about the errors that the indicators show and the trouble-
shooting procedures for them.

13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on

the EtherCAT Coupler Unit


Name Function
L/A IN The L/A IN indicator shows the status of the inputs in EtherCAT communications. 13
L/A OUT The L/A OUT indicator shows the status of the outputs in EtherCAT communications.
RUN The RUN indicator shows the operating status of EtherCAT communications for the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.

13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
ERR The ERR indicator provides information on errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
TS The TS indicator gives the status of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the communications status
between the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units.
UNIT PWR The UNIT PWR indicator shows the status of the Unit power supply.
IO PWR The IO PWR indicator shows the status of the I/O power supply.

Primary Errors That the Indicators Show and Troubleshooting Pro-

Here, the following abbreviations are used to describe the status of the indicators.

Abbreviation Indicator status

Lit Lit.
Not Lit Not lit.
FS () A flashing pattern other than flickering, blinking, single flash, and double flash. The
numeric value in parenthesis is the interval.
FK Flickering
B Blinking
SF Single flash
DF Double flash
--- Undefined.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 3

13 Troubleshooting

The timing of indicator flashing is given below.

50 ms


200 ms 200 ms

Single flash 1000 ms

200 ms 200 ms

Double flash 1000 ms
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms

 Troubleshooting the Primary Errors That Are Displayed with the UNIT PWR,
L/A IN, L/A OUT, ERR, and TS Indicators

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit FK Lit Not Lit Not --- --- (This is the normal status.)
Lit Lit
Not Lit Not Lit Not Lit Not Not Lit Not No power is sup- Check the following items and
Lit Lit plied by the Unit make sure that power is correctly
power supply. supplied from the Unit power sup-
Checks Related to the Power Sup-
• Make sure that the power supply
cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no
breaks in the power supply
• Make sure that the power supply
voltage is within the specified
• Make sure that the power supply
has enough capacity.
• Make sure that the power supply
has not failed.
Lit --- Not Lit Lit Not Lit Lit Hardware failure If cycling the power supply to the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal does not
clear the error, replace the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.

13 - 4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit --- Not Lit Not Not Lit Not Node address Set the node address correctly.
Lit Lit setting errors (the • The same node address is also
TS indicator on used for another slave.
the NX Unit is
• The node address is out of the
also not lit).
setting range for the EtherCAT
master. For the node address
setting range for the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit, refer to 3-1-2 Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit Specifica-
tions on page 3-2.
If you cannot resolve the problem after you check the
above items and cycle the Unit power supply, the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit may have a hardware failure.
Replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Lit --- Not Lit FK Not Lit Lit ESC Error If cycling the power supply to the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal does not
clear the error, replace the Ether- 13
CAT Coupler Unit.
Lit --- --- B Not Lit FS NX Unit Commu- Check the following items.
(1 s) nications Timeout • Make sure that the NX Unit is

13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
mounted correctly.
If the error occurs again even after
you make the above correction,
replace the NX Unit.
Lit --- NX Unit Initializa- Connect the Sysmac Studio, and
tion Error then set and save the Unit configu-
ration information in the Communi-
cations Coupler Unit again. If this
error occurs again, check that
there are no errors in the NX Unit
settings and I/O data mapping
information, and correct any errors
that are found.
For an Analog I/O Unit, set the
Channel Enable/Disable Setting to
Enable for at least one channel.
If the error occurs again even after
you check the items above, cycle
the power supply to the NX Unit in
question. If this error persists,
replace the NX Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 5

13 Troubleshooting

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit --- --- B Not Lit Lit Bus Controller Mount the NX Units and End Cover
Error securely and secure them with End
Non-volatile If you turn OFF the power supply
Memory Control to the NX Unit or disconnect the
Parameter Error Sysmac Studio communications
while writing the control parame-
ters is in progress, write the control
parameters again.
Memory Corrup- Cycle the power supply to the Eth-
tion Detected erCAT Slave Terminal. If this error
occurs again even after you cycle
the power supply, replace the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit.
Unit Configura- Make sure that the number of NX
tion Error, Too Units that are connected does not
Many Units exceed the upper limit of the speci-
Unit Configura- Make sure that the total byte size
tion Error, Unsup- of all I/O data in the EtherCAT
ported Slave Terminal does not exceed
Configuration the upper size limit of 1,024 bytes
for input data or 1,024 bytes for
output data.
Unit Configura- If you turn OFF the power supply
tion Information to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or
Error disconnect communications with
the Sysmac Studio while a down-
load of Unit configuration informa-
tion is in progress, clear all
memory on the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit, and then download the Unit
configuration information again.
Unit Configura- There is an inconsistency between
tion Verification the Unit configuration information
Error in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and
the Units that are actually con-
• Make sure that the Unit that is
connected is registered.
• Make sure that the Unit that is
registered is connected.
Not Lit Slave Unit Verifi- Cycle the power supply to the Eth-
cation Error erCAT Slave Terminal. If this error
occurs again even after you cycle
the power supply, replace the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit.
--- NX Unit Startup Cycle the power supply to the Eth-
Error erCAT Slave Terminal. If this error
occurs again even after you cycle
the power supply, replace the NX
Check the items described above. If this error occurs
again even after you cycle the power supply, replace
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

13 - 6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit --- B B --- FS Mailbox Setting When the master from another
(1 s) Error manufacturer is connected
Correct the mailbox setting and
then download the settings to the
EtherCAT master again. If the error
occurs again even after you make
the above correction, replace the
relevant EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
When the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC is con-
Cycle the power supply to the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC. Then,
cycle the power supply to the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit. If this error
occurs again even after you make 13
the above correction, replace the
relevant CPU Unit, Industrial PC,

13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
or EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• RxPDO Set- Correct the setting and then down-
ting Error load the settings to the EtherCAT
• TxPDO Setting master again.
• PDO WDT Set-
ting Error
• SM Event
Mode Setting
• TxPDO Map-
ping Error
• RxPDO Map-
ping Error
--- • Illegal State Change states correctly according
Transition to EtherCAT specifications.
• Error State
B Synchronization Correct the setting and then down-
Cycle Setting load the settings to the EtherCAT
Error master again.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 7

13 Troubleshooting

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit --- SF SF Not Lit FS Synchronization Check the following items, and
(1 s) Interruption Error then reset the error in the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
Items Related to the Communica-
tions Cable
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no
breaks in the communications
cable or loosening in the mating
• Make sure that the cable is of
the appropriate length.
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable meets the recom-
mended specifications.
Items Related to the Synchroniza-
tion Settings
• Make sure that the synchroniza-
tion settings for the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit are equal or longer
than the minimum time for syn-
chronizing the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
If the error occurs again even after
you make the above correction,
the Communications Coupler Unit
may have a hardware failure. In
that case, replace the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.
Synchronization Same as above.

13 - 8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit --- SF SF Not Lit FS Communications Check the following items, and
(1 s) Synchronization then reset the error in the Ether-
Error CAT Coupler Unit. If the power to
the host EtherCAT master was
interrupted, reset the error in the
Items Related to the Communica-
tions Cable
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no
breaks in the communications
cable or loosening in the mating
• Make sure that the cable is of
the appropriate length.
• Make sure that the communica- 13
tions cable meets the recom-
mended specifications.

13-2-1 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Items Related to the Host Ether-
CAT Master
• Check if there was a power
interruption during process data
communications with the host
EtherCAT master.
Lit --- SF DF Not Lit FS Process Data Check the following items, and
(1 s) WDT Error then reset the error in the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit. Check the host
EtherCAT master for problems and
take the appropriate measures.
Items Related to the Communica-
tions Cable
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no
breaks in the communications
cable or loosening in the mating
• Make sure that the cable is of
the appropriate length.
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable meets the recom-
mended specifications.
Items Related to the Host Ether-
CAT Master
• Make sure that the host Ether-
CAT master does not have oper-
ational errors.
Lit Lit --- --- --- --- A link was estab- --- (The Coupler Unit is in standby
lished in the status after the link was estab-
physical layer. lished in the physical layer. Wait
until processing is completed.)

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 9

13 Troubleshooting

PWR L/A OUT Cause Corrective action
[green] [red] Green Red
[green] [green]
Lit Not Lit --- --- --- --- A link was not Check the following items, and
established in the then restart the Slave Terminal
physical layer. based on the specifications of the
connected EtherCAT master.
Items Related to the Communica-
tions Cable
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no
breaks in the communications
cable or loosening in the mating
• Make sure that the cable is of
the appropriate length.
• Make sure that the communica-
tions cable meets the recom-
mended specifications.
The host master Make sure that the operation of the
is not operating. EtherCAT master is correct.
If you cannot resolve the problem after you check the
above items and cycle the Unit power supply, there
may be a hardware failure. In that case, replace the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Lit --- --- --- FS Not Initializing --- (This status is normal. Wait until
(2 s) Lit processing is completed.)
Lit --- --- --- FS Not Unit configura- Promptly check whether the con-
(0.5 s) Lit tion information is figuration is the intended configu-
not set. The Eth- ration, and then register the Unit
erCAT Coupler configuration information on the
Unit is operating Sysmac Studio.
according to the
actual Unit con-

13 - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators

 I/O PWR Indicator

Color Status Meaning Cause Corrective action

Green Lit Power is currently sup- --- ---- (This is the normal status.)
plied from the I/O power
Not Lit No power is currently sup- There is no I/O Check the following items and make
plied. power supply. sure that power is correctly supplied
from the I/O power supply.
Checks Related to the Power Supply
• Make sure that the power supply
cable is wired properly.
• Make sure that there are no breaks
in the power supply cable.
• Make sure that the power supply
voltage is within the specified
• Make sure that the power supply
has enough capacity.
• Make sure that the power supply
has not failed.

13-2-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on the NX Units
13-2-2 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting with the Indicators on
the NX Units
The TS indicator on an NX Unit tells you the status and level of any errors in the NX Unit.
For details on the other indicators on the NX Units, refer to Checking for Errors with the Indicators in the
user’s manuals for the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 11

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Trouble-

shooting on the Sysmac Studio
Error management on the NX Series is based on the methods used for the NJ/NX/NY-series Control-
This allows you to use the Sysmac Studio to check the meanings of errors and troubleshooting proce-

13-3-1 Checking for Errors from the Sysmac Studio

When an error occurs, you can place the Sysmac Studio online to the Controller or the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit to check current Controller errors and the log of past Controller errors.

The methods that are used to check errors depend on the Controller you use.

Controller Sysmac Studio

Scope of check Remarks
used connection
NJ/NX/NY-seri NJ/NX-series CPU You can check the errors that are • You cannot check errors if there
es Controller Unit or NY-series managed by the Controller. This is a fatal error in the CPU Unit or
Industrial PC includes errors for the connected Industrial PC.
EtherCAT Slave Terminals. • You cannot check errors if there
is a fatal error in the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.
• Some errors in the NX Units can-
not be checked if a fatal error
occurs in that NX Unit.*1
EtherCAT Coupler You can check the errors that are • You can check errors in the Slave
Unit managed by the EtherCAT Coupler Terminals even if there is a fatal
Unit. You can check errors in the error in the CPU Unit or Industrial
EtherCAT Coupler Unit to which the PC.
Sysmac Studio is connected, and • You cannot check errors if there
errors in the NX Units that are con- is a fatal error in the EtherCAT
nected after the EtherCAT Coupler Coupler Unit.
Unit. • Some errors in the NX Units can-
not be checked if a fatal error
occurs in that NX Unit.*1
Other control- EtherCAT Coupler Same as above. Same as above.
lers Unit
*1. On NX Units that manage their own errors, current errors cannot be checked after a fatal error occurs in that
NX Unit. On NX Units that record their own event logs, the error log cannot be checked after a fatal error occurs
in that NX Unit.

Refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on
NJ/NX/NY-series error management methods.
Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for details on troubleshooting
with the Sysmac Studio.
If you cannot check the error on the Sysmac Studio, check the error by following the flow outlined in
13-10 Troubleshooting Flow When Errors Occur on page 13-62.

13 - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Additional Information

Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
PC for the specifications for checking EtherCAT Slave Terminal errors on an OMRON HMI.

Current Errors
Open the Sysmac Studio's Controller Error Tab Page to check the current error's level, source,
source details, event name, event codes, details, attached information 1 to 4, and correction.
Errors in the observation level are not displayed.

Additional Information

Number of Current Errors
The following table gives the number of errors that are reported simultaneously as current
errors in each Unit. 13
Unit Number of simultaneous error notifications

13-3-1 Checking for Errors from the Sysmac Studio

EtherCAT Coupler Unit 128 errors
NX Units For NX Units that manage their own current errors, the number of
current errors depends on the specifications of the individual
For NX Units that do not manage their own current errors, current
errors are managed in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, so the number
of current errors is limited by the number of errors for the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to the manual for each NX Unit to find out if the NX Unit
manages its own current errors.

If the number of errors exceeds the maximum number of reportable current errors, errors are
reported with a priority given to the oldest and highest-level errors. Errors that exceed the limit
on simultaneous error notifications are not reported.
Errors that are not reported are still reflected in the error status.

Log of Past Errors

Open the Sysmac Studio's Controller Event Log Tab Page to check the times, levels, sources,
source details, event names, event codes, details, attached information 1 to 4, and corrections for
previous errors.

Refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC and the Sysmac Stu-
dio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for the items that you can check and the procedures
to check for errors. Refer to 11-5 Event Logs on page 11-13 for details on the event log in the Slave Ter-

Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details on
event codes.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 13

13 Troubleshooting

 Error Notifications for Slave Terminals

The NJ/NX/NY-series Controller can use the Sysmac error status to detect errors that occur in an
EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Refer to 13-6 Error Notifications Based on the Sysmac Error Status on
page 13-53 for details on the Sysmac error status.

13 - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures
This section describes the errors (events) that can occur and how to troubleshoot them.

Error Table
The errors (i.e., events) that can occur in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit are given on the following pages.
The following abbreviations are used in the Level column.
Abbreviation Meaning
Maj Major fault level
Prt Partial fault level
Min Minor fault level
Obs Observation level
Info Information level

A version in parentheses in the Event code column is the model or unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit when the event occurs for only specific models or unit versions of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on 13
NJ/NX/NY-series event codes.

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
00210000 hex Bus Control- An internal bus • A Unit failed or an I/O commu- √ P. 13-21
ler Error error occurred. nications error occurred
between the Communications
Coupler Unit and the NX Unit.
00220000 hex Non-volatile An error occurred in • Non-volatile memory failure √ P. 13-22
Memory non-volatile mem-
Hardware ory.
05010000 hex ESC Error An error occurred in • An error occurred in the Ether- √ P. 13-23
the EtherCAT slave CAT slave communications
communications controller.
05020000 hex ESC Initial- Initialization of the • An initialization error occurred √ P. 13-23
ization Error EtherCAT slave in the EtherCAT slave commu-
communications nications controller.
controller failed.
05030000 hex Slave Unit An error occurred in • An error occurred in Slave Unit √ P. 13-24
Verification Slave Unit verifica- information.
Error tion.
10420000 hex Non-volatile An error occurred in • The power supply to the Com- √ P. 13-25
Memory Con- the control parame- munications Coupler Unit was
trol Parame- ters. turned OFF or Support Soft-
ter Error ware communications were
disconnected while writing the
Unit operation settings was in
10430000 hex Memory Cor- Memory corruption • Memory corruption was √ P. 13-26
ruption was detected. detected.
24A00000 hex Unit Configu- The number of con- • More than the maximum num- √ P. 13-27
ration Error, nected NX Units ber of NX Units is connected to
Too Many exceeds the maxi- the Communications Coupler
Units mum value for the Unit.
Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 15

13 Troubleshooting

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
24A10000 hex Unit Configu- An unsupported NX • An unsupported NX Unit was √ P. 13-28
ration Error, Unit is mounted. Or, detected.
Unsupported the total byte size of • The total byte size of all I/O
Configuration all I/O data for the data for the connected NX
connected NX Units Units exceeds the predeter-
exceeds the prede- mined maximum value for the
termined maximum Communications Coupler Unit.
value for the Com-
munications Cou-
pler Unit.
35000000 hex Unit Configu- An error occurred in • The power supply to the Com- √ P. 13-29
ration Infor- the Unit configura- munications Coupler Unit was
mation Error tion information in turned OFF or Support Soft-
the Communica- ware communications were
tions Coupler Unit. disconnected while download-
ing the Unit configuration infor-
35010000 hex Unit Configu- There is an incon- • An NX Unit that is registered in √ P. 13-30
ration Verifi- sistency between the Unit configuration informa-
cation Error the Unit configura- tion is not connected.
tion information in • A connected NX Unit does not
the Communica- agree with the NX Unit that is
tions Coupler Unit registered in the Unit configura-
and the Units that tion information.
are actually con-
• An NX Unit that is not regis-
nected. Or, the Unit tered in the Unit configuration
configuration was
information is connected.
changed during
• A mounted Unit is disabled in
operation while the
Unit configuration the NX Unit Mounting Setting
for the Unit configuration infor-
information was not
set in the Commu-
nications Coupler • An NX Unit became discon-
Unit. nected during operation.
• An NX Unit was connected
during operation.
• The serial number of a Unit that
is registered in the Unit config-
uration information does not
agree with the serial number of
the Unit that is connected. (The
Serial Number Check Method
is set to Setting = Actual
• The version of a Unit that is
registered in the Unit configura-
tion information is newer than
the version of the Unit that is
• The power supply to an Addi-
tional NX Unit Power Supply
Unit is not turned ON.
35020000 hex NX Unit A minor fault was • A minor fault level error √ P. 13-33
Minor Fault detected in an NX occurred in a Unit where an
Unit. error was detected.
35040000 hex Mailbox Set- An incorrect mail- • An incorrect mailbox setting √ P. 13-34
ting Error box setting was was detected for the Sync
detected for the Manager.
Sync Manager.
(AL-Status Code:
0016 hex)

13 - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
35050000 hex RxPDO Set- An error was • An error was detected in the √ P. 13-35
ting Error detected in the RxPDO settings.
RxPDO settings.
(AL-Status Code:
001D hex)
35060000 hex TxPDO Set- An error was • An error was detected in the √ P. 13-35
ting Error detected in the TxPDO settings.
TxPDO settings.
(AL-Status Code:
001E hex)
35070000 hex PDO WDT An incorrect PDO • An incorrect PDO WDT setting √ P. 13-36
Setting Error WDT setting was was detected.
detected. (AL-Sta-
tus Code: 001F
35080000 hex SM Event An SM Event Mode • An SM Event Mode that is not √ P. 13-36
Mode Set- that is not sup- supported was set.

ting Error ported was set.
(AL-Status Code:
0028 hex)
35090000 hex TxPDO Map- An incorrect TxPDO • An incorrect TxPDO was set, √ P. 13-37
ping Error was set. (AL-Status e.g., the index, subindex, or
Code: 0024 hex) size was outside of the allow-

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

able range.
350A0000 hex RxPDO Map- An incorrect • An incorrect RxPDO was set, √ P. 13-37
ping Error RxPDO was set. e.g., the index, subindex, or
(AL-Status Code: size was outside of the allow-
0025 hex) able range.
350B0000 hex Illegal State An incorrect state • An incorrect state transition √ P. 13-38
Transition transition request request was received.
Request was received.
Received (AL-Status Code:
0011 hex)
350C0000 hex Error State An unclear state • An unclear state transition √ P. 13-38
Transition transition request request was received.
Received was received.
(AL-Status Code:
0012 hex)
350D0000 hex Synchroniza- When DC Mode • When DC Mode was con- √ P. 13-39
tion Cycle was confirmed, the firmed, the cycle time was set
Setting Error cycle time was set to a value that made operation
to a value that impossible.
made operation
(AL-Status Code:
0035 hex)
40200000 hex NX Unit Pro- A fatal error • An error occurred in the soft- √ P. 13-39
cessing Error occurred in an NX ware.
84C00000 hex NX Unit An error occurred in • An NX Unit is not mounted √ P. 13-40
Communica- I/O data communi- properly.
tions Timeout cations with the NX • An NX Unit has failed.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 17

13 Troubleshooting

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
84C1 0000 hex NX Unit Ini- Initializing an NX • An error occurred in processing √ P. 13-41
tialization Unit failed. the Communications Coupler
Error Unit.
• An initialization error occurred
in an NX Unit.
• The Channel Enable/Disable
Setting for all channels of the
Analog Input Unit are set to
The Channel Enable/Disable
Setting for all channels of the
Analog Output Unit are set to
85000000 hex Process Data Process data com- • The EtherCAT communications √ P. 13-42
WDT Error munications were cable is disconnected or bro-
stopped for more ken.
than the specified • There is an error in the host
period of time. controller.
85010000 hex Synchroniza- A synchronization • The EtherCAT communications √ P. 13-43
tion Interrup- interruption error cable is disconnected or bro-
tion Error occurred. ken.
• There is a synchronization set-
ting error in the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
• There is a hardware error in the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
85020000 hex Synchroniza- A synchronization • The EtherCAT communications √ P. 13-44
tion Error error occurred. cable is disconnected or bro-
• There is a synchronization set-
ting error in the EtherCAT mas-
ter or EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• There is a hardware error in the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
85030000 hex Communica- The number of • Power to the host controller √ P. 13-45
tions Syn- consecutive was interrupted during process
chronization communications data communications.
Error errors in receiving • The EtherCAT communications
the synchronization cable is disconnected or bro-
data exceeded the ken.
value that is set for
• Noise is entering on an Ether-
the Consecutive CAT communications cable.
Error Detection
Count parameter in
Error Settings.
84C5 0000 hex NX Unit Starting an NX Unit • A startup error occurred in an √ P. 13-46
Startup Error failed. NX Unit.
35030000 hex NX Unit An observation was • An observation level error √ P. 13-47
Observation detected in an NX occurred in a Unit where an
Unit. error was detected.
350E0000 hex NX Bus Exceeding the NX • The NX bus cycle was √ P. 13-47
Cycle Delay bus cycle was exceeded.
Detected detected.

13 - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
80220000 hex NX Message An error was For the NX bus of CPU Units √ P. 13-48
Communica- detected in mes- • The message communications
tions Error sage communica- load is high.
tions and the
message frame For Communications Coupler
was discarded.
• The message communications
load is high.
• The communications cable is
disconnected or broken.
• Message communications
were cutoff in communica-
90400000 hex Event Log The event log was • The event log was cleared by √ P. 13-49
Cleared cleared. the user.
90420000 hex Restart Exe- A restart was exe- • A restart command was √ P. 13-49
cuted cuted. received.

90430000 hex Memory All The Unit settings • The Clear All Memory opera- √ P. 13-50
Cleared were cleared. tion was executed.
94600000 hex I/O Check I/O checking was • I/O checking was started. √ P. 13-50 13
(Ver. 1.2 or Execution started.
later) Started

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 19

13 Troubleshooting

Error Descriptions
This section describes the information that is given for individual errors.

 Controller Error Descriptions

The items that are used to describe individual errors (events) are described in the following copy of
an error table.

Event name Gives the name of the error. Event code Gives the code of the error.
Meaning Gives a short description of the error.
Source Gives the source of the error. Source Gives details Detection Tells when the
details on the source timing error is
of the error. detected.
Error Level Tells the level of Recovery Gives the Log category Tells which log
attributes influence on recovery the error is
control.*1 method.*2 saved in.*3
Effects User program Tells what will Operation Provides special information on the operation that
happen to exe- results from the error.
cution of the
user program.*4
Indicators Gives the status of the built-in EtherNet/IP port and built-in EtherCAT port indicators. Indicator status is
given only for errors in the EtherCAT Master Function Module and the EtherNet/IP Function Module.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables Lists the variable names, data types, and meanings for system-defined variables that provide direct
error notification, that are directly affected by the error, or that contain settings that cause the error.
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction Lists the possible causes, corrections, and preventive measures for the error.
Attached This is the attached information that is displayed by the Support Software or an HMI.*5, *6
Precautions/ Provides precautions, restrictions, and supplemental information.

*1. One of the following:

Major fault: Major fault level
Partial fault: Partial fault level
Minor fault: Minor fault level
*2. One of the following:
Automatic recovery: Normal status is restored automatically when the cause of the error is removed.
Error reset: Normal status is restored when the error is reset after the cause of the error is removed.
Cycle the power supply: Normal status is restored when the power supply to the Controller is turned OFF and then back
ON after the cause of the error is removed.
Controller reset: Normal status is restored when the Controller is reset after the cause of the error is removed.
Depends on cause: The recovery method depends on the cause of the error.
*3. One of the following:
System: System event log
Access: Access event log
*4. One of the following:
Continues: Execution of the user program will continue.
Stops: Execution of the user program stops.
Starts: Execution of the user program starts.
*5. “System information” indicates internal system information that is used by OMRON.

13 - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

*6. Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for the applicable
range of the HMI Troubleshooter.

 Error Descriptions
If a manual name is given in a description, use the appropriate manual for the connected product.

Event name Bus Controller Error Event code 00210000 hex

Meaning An internal bus error occurred.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
during NX bus
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System

attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
Sys- Variable Data type Name

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction A Unit failed or an I/O communica- Mount the NX Units and End None
tions error occurred between the Cover securely and secure them
Communications Coupler Unit and with End Plates.
the NX Unit. Cycle the power supply to the
Communications Coupler Unit.
If the error occurs again even after
you make the above correction,
replace the Communications Cou-
pler Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 21

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Non-volatile Memory Hardware Error Event code 00220000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in non-volatile memory.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
when parame-
ters are read or
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation Writing to non-volatile memory will not be possible.
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in the
Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction Non-volatile memory failure Replace the Communications None
Coupler Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.2 or later, this event is detected only when the power sup-
Remarks ply to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is turned ON.

13 - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name ESC Error Event code 05010000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in the EtherCAT slave communications controller.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When establish-
ule pler Unit timing ing EtherCAT
tions after
power is turned
ON to the Ether-
CAT Coupler
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.

Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
variables 13
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An error occurred in the EtherCAT Replace the EtherCAT Coupler None

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

slave communications controller. Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name ESC Initialization Error Event code 05020000 hex

Meaning Initialization of the EtherCAT slave communications controller failed.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When establish-
ule pler Unit timing ing EtherCAT
tions after
power is turned
ON to the Ether-
CAT Coupler
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An initialization error occurred in Replace the EtherCAT Coupler None
the EtherCAT slave communica- Unit.
tions controller.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 23

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Slave Unit Verification Error Event code 05030000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in Slave Unit verification.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When establish-
ule pler Unit timing ing EtherCAT
tions after
power is turned
ON to the Ether-
CAT Coupler
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An error occurred in Slave Unit Replace the EtherCAT Coupler None
information. Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Non-volatile Memory Control Parameter Error Event code 10420000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in the control parameters.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
when parame-
ters are read or
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name

tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention 13
correction The power supply to the Commu- Download the Unit operation set- Do not turn OFF the power supply
nications Coupler Unit was turned tings of the Communications Cou- to the Communications Coupler

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

OFF or Support Software commu- pler Unit again. Unit or disconnect Support Soft-
nications were disconnected while ware communications while trans-
writing the Unit operation settings fer of the Unit operation settings
was in progress. for the Communications Coupler
Unit by the Support Software or
save of NX Unit parameters by a
message is in progress.
Attached None
Precautions/ For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.2 or later, this event is detected only when the power sup-
Remarks ply to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is turned ON.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 25

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Memory Corruption Detected Event code 10430000 hex

Meaning Memory corruption was detected.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction Memory corruption was detected. Cycle the power supply to the None
Communications Coupler Unit. If
this error occurs again even after
you cycle the power supply,
replace the Communications Cou-
pler Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Unit Configuration Error, Too Many Units Event code 24A0 0000 hex
Meaning The number of connected NX Units exceeds the maximum value for the Communications Coupler Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
the Slave Ter-
minal is
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle power to Log category System
attributes the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
restart the
Slave Terminal.
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in

the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- --- 13
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

correction More than the maximum number Reduce the number of NX Units Configure the EtherCAT Slave
of NX Units is connected to the that are connected to the maxi- Terminal within the maximum
Communications Coupler Unit. mum number or fewer. number of NX Units.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 27

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Unit Configuration Error, Unsupported Configuration Event code 24A10000 hex
Meaning An unsupported NX Unit is mounted. Or, the total byte size of all I/O data for the connected NX Units
exceeds the predetermined maximum value for the Communications Coupler Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
the Slave Ter-
minal is
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle power to Log category System
attributes the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
restart the
Slave Terminal.
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in
the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An unsupported NX Unit was Remove the unsupported NX Unit Connect only supported NX Units
detected. or replace it with a supported NX to the Communications Coupler
Unit. Unit.
The total byte size of all I/O data Configure the NX Units so that the Configure the NX Units so that the
for the connected NX Units total byte size of all I/O for the total byte size of all I/O for the
exceeds the predetermined maxi- connected NX Units does not connected NX Units does not
mum value for the Communica- exceed the predetermined maxi- exceed the predetermined maxi-
tions Coupler Unit. mum value for the Communica- mum value for the Communica-
tions Coupler Unit. tions Coupler Unit.
Attached Attached information 1: Unit number of the NX Unit where the error was detected
Precautions/ None

13 - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Unit Configuration Information Error Event code 35000000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in the Unit configuration information in the Communications Coupler Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
the Slave Ter-
minal is
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle power to Log category System
attributes the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
restart the
Slave Terminal.
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Terminal
stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in

the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- --- 13
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

correction The power supply to the Commu- Clear all memory in the Communi- Do not turn OFF the power supply
nications Coupler Unit was turned cations Coupler Unit, and then to the Communications Coupler
OFF or Support Software commu- download the Unit configuration Unit or disconnect Support Soft-
nications were disconnected while information again. ware communications while down-
downloading the Unit configura- loading the Unit configuration
tion information. information.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 29

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Unit Configuration Verification Error Event code 35010000 hex
Meaning There is an inconsistency between the Unit configuration information in the Communications Coupler Unit
and the Units that are actually connected. Or, the Unit configuration was changed during operation while the
Unit configuration information was not set in the Communications Coupler Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit,
when the Slave
Terminal is
restarted, or
during NX bus
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle power to Log category System
attributes the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or
restart the
Slave Terminal.
Effects User program Continues. Operation When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Fail-soft and
Fail-soft Operation Is Possible
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for the NX Units that have a verifica-
tion error in the Slave Terminal stops.
Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units that
have a verification error in the Slave Terminal.
When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Fail-soft and
Fail-soft Operation Is Not Possible
The operation is the same as when fail-soft opera-
tion is set to Stop.
When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Stop
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Pre-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Termi-
nal stops.
Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units in the
Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---

13 - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An NX Unit that is registered in the Connect the NX Units that are Download the Unit configuration
Unit configuration information is registered in the Unit configuration information that contains the
not connected. information. actually connected configuration
Or, connect the Support Software, to the Communications Coupler
unregister the unconnected NX Unit.
Unit from the Unit configuration
information, and download the
Unit configuration information to
the Communications Coupler Unit.
A connected NX Unit does not Connect the NX Units that are
agree with the NX Unit that is reg- registered in the Unit configuration
istered in the Unit configuration information.
information. Or, connect the Support Software,
change the Unit configuration
information to reflect the actually
connected NX Units, and

download the Unit configuration
information to the
Communications Coupler Unit. 13
An NX Unit that is not registered in Remove the NX Unit that is not
the Unit configuration information registered in the Unit configuration
is connected. information.

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Or, connect the Support Software,
add the unregistered NX Unit to
the Unit configuration information,
and download the Unit
configuration information to the
Communications Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 31

13 Troubleshooting

Cause and A mounted Unit is disabled in the Remove the Unit that is disabled Remove the Unit that is disabled
correction NX Unit Mounting Setting for the in the NX Unit Mounting Setting in the NX Unit Mounting Setting
Unit configuration information. for the Unit configuration informa- for the Unit configuration informa-
tion. Or, connect the Support Soft- tion. Or, connect the Support Soft-
ware, enable the disabled Unit in ware, enable the disabled Unit in
the NX Unit Mounting Setting, the NX Unit Mounting Setting,
download the Unit configuration download the Unit configuration
information to the Communica- information to the Communica-
tions Coupler Unit, and mount the tions Coupler Unit, and mount the
enabled Unit. enabled Unit.
An NX Unit became disconnected Turn OFF the power supply to the Do not connect or disconnect NX
during operation. Slave Terminal, mount the NX Units during operation.
Units securely, and turn the power
supply to the Slave Terminal back
An NX Unit was connected during Cycle the power supply to the
operation. Slave Terminal.
The serial number of a Unit that is Download the Unit configuration If the Serial Number Check
registered in the Unit configuration information in which the serial Method is set to Setting = Actual
information does not agree with number of the connected Unit is device, read the serial numbers of
the serial number of the Unit that set to the Communications Cou- the actually connected Units to the
is connected. (The Serial Number pler Unit. Support Software and use them.
Check Method is set to Setting =
Actual device.)
The version of a Unit that is regis- Make sure that the results of the
Create a Unit configuration infor-
tered in the Unit configuration mation with the version of the compare and merge operation for
information is newer than the ver- actually connected Unit, and the Unit configuration of the Slave
sion of the Unit that is connected. download it to the Communica- Terminal do not indicate any
tions Coupler Unit. incompatibilities before you down-
load the Unit configuration infor-
mation to the Communications
Coupler Unit.
The power supply to an Additional Turn ON the power supply to the Increase the length of the NX Unit
NX Unit Power Supply Unit is not Additional NX Unit Power Supply wait time. Turn ON the power sup-
turned ON. Units before the NX Unit wait time ply to the Additional NX Unit
expires. Power Supply Unit before you turn
ON the power supply to the Com-
munications Coupler Unit.
Attached Attached information 1: Unit number of the NX Unit where the error was detected
information Attached Information 2: Error details
0: A connected Unit has the same model number as the Unit that is registered in the Unit
configuration information, but the Unit is not compatible.
1: A Unit that is registered in the Unit configuration information is not connected.
2: A Unit that is not registered in the Unit configuration information is connected.
Precautions/ None

13 - 32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name NX Unit Minor Fault Event code 35020000 hex
Meaning A minor fault was detected in an NX Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details NX Unit Detection Continuously
ule timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Depends on the Log category Depends on the
attributes error that error that
occurred. occurred.
Effects User program Continues. Operation Depends on the error that occurred.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction A minor fault level error occurred Check the cause of the minor fault ---
in a Unit where an error was in the NX Unit.
Attached None

Precautions/ For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.6 or earlier, this event is recorded in the event log in the
Remarks EtherCAT Coupler Unit. For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.7 or later, this event is not
recorded in the event log. 13

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 33

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Mailbox Setting Error Event code 35040000 hex

Meaning An incorrect mailbox setting was detected for the Sync Manager. (AL-Status Code: 0016 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from Init state to
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Init state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An incorrect mailbox setting was When the master from another Set the communications for the
detected for the Sync Manager. manufacturer is connected Slave Terminal that are set in the
Correct the mailbox setting and EtherCAT master according to the
then download the settings to the ESI.
EtherCAT master again. If the
error occurs again even after you
make the above correction,
replace the relevant EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.
When the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC is con-
Cycle the power supply to the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC. Then,
cycle the power supply to the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit. If this error
occurs again even after you make
the above correction, replace the
relevant CPU Unit, Industrial PC,
or EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name RxPDO Setting Error Event code 35050000 hex
Meaning An error was detected in the RxPDO settings. (AL-Status Code: 001D hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

An error was detected in the Correct the RxPDO setting and Set the communications for the
RxPDO settings. then download the settings to the Slave Terminal that are set in the
EtherCAT master again. EtherCAT master according to the
ESI. 13
Attached None

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Precautions/ None

Event name TxPDO Setting Error Event code 35060000 hex

Meaning An error was detected in the TxPDO settings. (AL-Status Code: 001E hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An error was detected in the Correct the TxPDO setting and Set the communications for the
TxPDO settings. then download the settings to the Slave Terminal that are set in the
EtherCAT master again. EtherCAT master according to the
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 35

13 Troubleshooting

Event name PDO WDT Setting Error Event code 35070000 hex
Meaning An incorrect PDO WDT setting was detected. (AL-Status Code: 001F hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An incorrect PDO WDT setting Correct the PDO WDT setting and Set the communications for the
was detected. then download the settings to the Slave Terminal that are set in the
EtherCAT master again. EtherCAT master according to the
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name SM Event Mode Setting Error Event code 35080000 hex
Meaning An SM Event Mode that is not supported was set. (AL-Status Code: 0028 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An SM Event Mode that is not Correct the synchronization set- Set the communications for the
supported was set. ting and then download the set- Slave Terminal that are set in the
tings to the EtherCAT master EtherCAT master according to the
again. ESI.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name TxPDO Mapping Error Event code 35090000 hex
Meaning An incorrect TxPDO was set. (AL-Status Code: 0024 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

An incorrect TxPDO was set, e.g., Correct the TxPDO setting and Set the communications for the
the index, subindex, or size was then download the settings to the Slave Terminal that are set in the
outside of the allowable range. EtherCAT master again. EtherCAT master according to the
ESI. 13
Attached None

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Precautions/ None

Event name RxPDO Mapping Error Event code 350A0000 hex

Meaning An incorrect RxPDO was set. (AL-Status Code: 0025 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from
state to
al state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An incorrect RxPDO was set, e.g., Correct the RxPDO setting and Set the communications for the
the index, subindex, or size was then download the settings to the Slave Terminal that are set in the
outside of the allowable range. EtherCAT master again. EtherCAT master according to the
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 37

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Illegal State Transition Request Received Event code 350B0000 hex
Meaning An incorrect state transition request was received. (AL-Status Code: 0011 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection At EtherCAT
ule pler Unit timing communica-
tions state tran-
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation Depends on the state when the state transition
request was received.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An incorrect state transition Change states correctly accord- Change the communications state
request was received. ing to EtherCAT specifications. as following for the Slave Termi-
nal: Between Init state and
Pre-Operational state, between
Pre-Operational state and
Safe-Operational state, or
between Safe-Operational state
and Operational state.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name Error State Transition Received Event code 350C0000 hex
Meaning An unclear state transition request was received. (AL-Status Code: 0012 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection At EtherCAT
ule pler Unit timing communica-
tions state tran-
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation Depends on the state when the state transition
request was received.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An unclear state transition request Change states correctly accord- Change the communications state
was received. ing to EtherCAT specifications. as following for the Slave Termi-
nal: Between Init state and
Pre-Operational state, between
Pre-Operational state and
Safe-Operational state, or
between Safe-Operational state
and Operational state.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 38 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Synchronization Cycle Setting Error Event code 350D0000 hex
Meaning When DC Mode was confirmed, the cycle time was set to a value that made operation impossible. (AL-Sta-
tus Code: 0035 hex)
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When moving
ule pler Unit timing from Pre-Oper-
ational state to
tional state.
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset the Eth- Log category System
attributes erCAT master
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Slave Terminal stops in Pre-Operational state.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

When DC Mode was confirmed, Correct the synchronization set- Set the communications for the
the cycle time was set to a value ting and then download the set- Slave Terminal that are set in the
that made operation impossible. tings to the EtherCAT master EtherCAT master according to the
again. ESI. 13
Attached None

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Precautions/ None

Event name NX Unit Processing Error Event code 40200000 hex

Meaning A fatal error occurred in an NX Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the EtherCAT Slave
Terminal stops. Messages cannot be sent to the NX
Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An error occurred in the software. Contact your OMRON representa- None
Attached Attached information 1: System information
information Attached information 2: System information
Attached information 3: System information
Attached information 4: System information
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 39

13 Troubleshooting

Event name NX Unit Communications Timeout Event code 84C00000 hex

Meaning An error occurred in I/O data communications with the NX Units.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System log
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Fail-soft
Not affected.
When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Stop
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Pre-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Termi-
nal stops.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An NX Unit is not mounted prop- Mount the NX Units and End Mount the NX Units and End
erly. Cover securely and secure them Cover securely and secure them
with End Plates. with End Plates.
An NX Unit has failed. If the error occurs again even after None
you make the above correction,
replace the NX Unit.
Attached Attached information 1: Unit number of the NX Unit where the error was detected
Precautions/ None

13 - 40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name NX Unit Initialization Error Event code 84C10000 hex
Meaning Initializing an NX Unit failed.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit,
the Slave Ter-
minal is
restarted, an
NX Unit is
restarted, or an
error is reset in
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.

Effects User program Continues. Operation When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Fail-soft
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for all of the NX Units that have an 13
initialization error in the Slave Terminal stops.
When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Stop

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Pre-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Termi-
nal stops.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An error occurred in processing Set and save the Unit configura- Correctly set NX Units and I/O
the Communications Coupler Unit. tion information in the Communi- data mapping information, and set
cations Coupler Unit again. and save the Unit configuration
If this error occurs again, check information in the Communica-
that there are no errors in the NX tions Coupler Unit.
Unit settings and I/O data map-
ping information, and correct any
errors that are found.
An initialization error occurred in Cycle the power supply to the rel- None
an NX Unit. evant NX Unit.
If the error occurs again, replace
the NX Unit.
The Channel Enable/Disable Set- Set the Channel Enable/Disable Set the Channel Enable/Disable
ting for all channels of the Analog Setting to Enable for at least one Setting to Disabled for only the
Input Unit are set to Disable. channel. unused channels.
The Channel Enable/Disable Set-
ting for all channels of the Analog
Output Unit are set to Disable.
Attached Attached information 1: Unit number of the NX Unit where the error was detected
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 41

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Process Data WDT Error Event code 85000000 hex
Meaning Process data communications were stopped for more than the specified period of time.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation • EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Safe-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
Output refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave
Terminal stops.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The EtherCAT communications Connect the EtherCAT communi- Connect the EtherCAT communi-
cable is disconnected or broken. cations cable securely. cations cable securely.
There is an error in the host con- Check the operation of the host None
troller. controller and take appropriate
measures if there is a problem.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

13 - 42 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Synchronization Interruption Error Event code 85010000 hex
Meaning A synchronization interruption error occurred.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation • EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Safe-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
Output refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave
Terminal stops.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---

Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The EtherCAT communications Connect the EtherCAT communi- Connect the EtherCAT communi-
cable is disconnected or broken. cations cable securely. cations cable securely. 13
There is a synchronization setting Set the synchronization fre- Set the synchronization fre-
error in the EtherCAT Coupler quency to the value set in the quency to the value set in the

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Unit. Sync Error Monitoring Time Sync Error Monitoring Time
parameter for the EtherCAT Cou- parameter for the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit or higher. pler Unit or higher.
There is a hardware error in the If the error occurs again even after None
EtherCAT Coupler Unit. you make the above correction,
replace the EtherCAT Coupler
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 43

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Synchronization Error Event code 85020000 hex

Meaning A synchronization error occurred.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation • EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Safe-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
Output refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave
Terminal stops.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The EtherCAT communications Connect the EtherCAT communi- Connect the EtherCAT communi-
cable is disconnected or broken. cations cable securely. cations cable securely.
There is a synchronization setting Set the communications cycle of Set the communications cycle of
error in the EtherCAT master or the EtherCAT master so that the the EtherCAT master so that the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Slave Terminal can operate. Slave Terminal can operate.
There is a hardware error in the If the error occurs again even after None
EtherCAT Coupler Unit. you make the above correction,
replace the EtherCAT Coupler
Attached Attached information 1: System information
Precautions/ For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.6 or earlier, there is no attached information for this event.

13 - 44 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Communications Synchronization Error Event code 85030000 hex
Meaning The number of consecutive communications errors in receiving the synchronization data exceeded the
value that is set for the Consecutive Communications Error Detection Count parameter in the
Communications Error Settings.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Continuously
ule pler Unit timing
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Reset error in Log category System
attributes EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
Effects User program Continues. Operation • EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Safe-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
Output refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave
Terminal stops.

Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention 13
correction Power to the host controller was Reset the error in the host control- Turn OFF the power supply to the
interrupted during process data ler. This event indicates that an EtherCAT Coupler Unit before you

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

communications. error was detected when the turn OFF the power supply to the
power supply to the host controller host controller.
was interrupted. It does not indi-
cate a current error.
The EtherCAT communications Connect the EtherCAT communi- Connect the EtherCAT communi-
cable is disconnected or broken. cations cable securely. cations cable securely.
Disconnect an EtherCAT slave
from the network or disable it
before you physically remove it
during EtherCAT communications.
Noise is entering on an EtherCAT Implement suitable noise counter- Implement suitable noise counter-
communications cable. measures for the EtherCAT com- measures for the EtherCAT com-
munications cables. munications cables.
Increase the set values of the ---
PDO communications timeout
detection count in the EtherCAT
master settings and the Consecu-
tive Communications Error Detec-
tion Count in the Unit operation
settings for the EtherCAT Coupler
If the I/O refreshing methods that If the I/O refreshing methods that
operate only when the EtherCAT operate only when the EtherCAT
Slave Terminal is in DC Mode are Slave Terminal is in DC Mode are
not necessary, operate the Ether- not necessary, operate the Ether-
CAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run CAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run
Mode. Mode.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 45

13 Troubleshooting

Event name NX Unit Startup Error Event code 84C50000 hex

Meaning Starting an NX Unit failed.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When power is
ule pler Unit timing turned ON to
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit,
the Slave Ter-
minal is
restarted, or an
error is reset in
the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit
Error Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
attributes supply to the
EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit or
restart the Eth-
erCAT Coupler
Effects User program Continues. Operation When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Fail-soft
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for all of the NX Units that have a
startup error in the Slave Terminal stops.
Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units that
have an initialization error in the Slave Terminal.
When Fail-soft Operation Is Set to Stop
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, EtherCAT Communica-
A Slave Application Error occurs.
Pre-Operational state is entered.
• EtherCAT Coupler Unit, NX Bus
I/O refreshing for the NX Units in the Slave Termi-
nal stops.
Messages cannot be sent to the NX Units that
have a startup error in the Slave Terminal.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction A startup error occurred in an NX Cycle the power supply to the None
Unit. Communications Coupler Unit. If
this error occurs again even after
you cycle the power supply,
replace the NX Unit.
Attached Attached information 1: Slot number of the NX Unit where the error occurred
Precautions/ None

13 - 46 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name NX Unit Observation Event code 35030000 hex
Meaning An observation was detected in an NX Unit.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details NX Unit Detection Continuously
ule timing
Error Level Observation Recovery Depends on the Log category Depends on the
attributes error that error that
occurred. occurred.
Effects User program Continues. Operation Depends on the error that occurred.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction An observation level error Check the cause of the observa- ---
occurred in a Unit where an error tion in the NX Unit.
was detected.
Attached None

Precautions/ For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.6 or earlier, this event is recorded in the event log in the
Remarks EtherCAT Coupler Unit. For an EtherCAT Coupler Unit with unit version 1.7 or later, this event is not
recorded in the event log. 13
Event name NX Bus Cycle Delay Detected Event code 350E0000 hex

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Meaning Exceeding the NX bus cycle was detected.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection Safe-Opera-
ule pler Unit timing tional or Opera-
tional state
Error Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Not affected.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The NX bus cycle was exceeded. Use the Support Software and None
download the configuration infor-
Attached None
Precautions/ This event occurs only when the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is in Free-Run Mode.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 47

13 Troubleshooting

Event name NX Message Communications Error Event code 80220000 hex

Meaning An error was detected in message communications and the message frame was discarded.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection During
ule pler Unit timing message
Error Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Not affected.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction For the NX bus of CPU Units
The message communications Reduce the number of times that Reduce the number of times that
load is high. instructions are used to send NX instructions are used to send NX
messages. messages.
For Communications Coupler Units
The message communications Reduce the number of times that Reduce the number of times that
load is high. instructions are used to send NX instructions are used to send NX
messages. messages.
The communications cable is dis- Connect the communications Connect the communications
connected or broken. cable securely. cable securely.
This cause does not apply if
attached information 2 is 0 (NX
Message communications were --- ---
cutoff by executing the followings
in message communications.
• Transfer of parameters by the
Support Software
• Restoration of the backup data
(if this error occurred in the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal)
• Disconnection of an EtherCAT
slave (if this error occurred in
the EtherCAT Slave Terminal)
Attached Attached information 1: System information
information Attached Information 2: Type of communications where error occurred
0: NX bus
1: EtherCAT
2: Serial communications (USB)
3: EtherNet/IP
65535: Internal Unit communications (routing)
Precautions/ None

13 - 48 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-3 Checking for Errors and Troubleshooting on the Sysmac Stu-

Event name Event Log Cleared Event code 90400000 hex
Meaning The event log was cleared.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When com-
ule pler Unit timing manded from
Error Level Information Recovery --- Log category Access
Effects User program Continues. Operation Not affected.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The event log was cleared by the --- ---
Attached Attached information 1: Events that were cleared
information 1: The system event log was cleared.

2: The access event log was cleared.
Precautions/ None

Event name Restart Executed Event code 90420000 hex

13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures

Meaning A restart was executed.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When the Slave
ule pler Unit timing Terminal or an
NX Unit is
Error Level Information Recovery --- Log category Access
Effects User program Continues. Operation Operation starts after the restart is executed.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction A restart command was received. --- ---
Attached Attached information 1: Type of restart
information 0: The Slave Terminal was restarted.
1: An NX Unit was restarted.
Attached information 2: Unit number of the NX Unit where the restart was executed
Precautions/ None

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 49

13 Troubleshooting

Event name Memory All Cleared Event code 90430000 hex

Meaning The Unit settings were cleared.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When
ule pler Unit timing commanded
from user
Error Level Information Recovery --- Log category Access
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Unit settings were cleared.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The Clear All Memory operation --- ---
was executed.
Attached Attached information 1 and 3: Unit number of the NX Unit where the Clear All Memory operation was per-
information formed. If the Clear All Memory operation was performed for the entire Slave Terminal, the information given
will be 255.
Attached information 2 and 4: Execution results
0: Successful
1: Hardware error
2: Initialization failed
3: Initialization not possible
Precautions/ Refer to the attached information for the results of the Clear All Memory operation.

Event name I/O Check Execution Started Event code 94600000 hex*1
Meaning I/O checking was started.
Source EtherCAT Master Function Mod- Source details EtherCAT Cou- Detection When I/O
ule pler Unit timing checking starts
Error Level Information Recovery --- Log category Access
Effects User program Continues. Operation An I/O check is started.
Sys- Variable Data type Name
tem-defined None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction I/O checking was started. --- ---
Attached None
Precautions/ None
*1. This event code occurs for unit version 1.2 or later of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

13 - 50 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-4 Resetting Errors

Current errors in a Slave Terminal are retained, unless you reset them, until you cycle the power supply
or restart the Slave Terminal.

To reset errors, you must remove the cause of the current error. If you reset an error without removing
the cause, the same error will occur again.

13-4 Resetting Errors

Precautions for Correct Use
Resetting the errors does not remove the cause of the error.
Always remove the cause of the error, and then reset the error.

You can use the following methods to reset errors in a Slave Terminal.
Method Operation Scope of error reset Description
Commands from Resetting Controller All errors in the Con- Reset the Controller error from the Trou-
Sysmac Studio errors*1 troller bleshooting Dialog Box on the Sysmac
All errors in the Slave Refer to 11-9 Resetting Errors on page
Terminal 11-30 for details on resetting errors in the
Errors for individually EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
specified NX Units
Clearing all memory All errors in the Slave If the causes for the Controller errors are
for the Slave Terminal Terminal removed, all Controller errors in the Slave
Restarting Slave Ter- Terminals are reset.
Commands from Resetting Controller All errors in the Ether- Execute the Reset EtherCAT Error (Rese-
the user program errors in the Ether- CAT Master Function tECError) instruction in the user program
CAT Master Function Module of the NJ/NX/NY-series Controller.
Cycling the Unit --- All errors in the Slave If the causes for the Controller errors are
power supply to Terminal removed, all Controller errors in the Slave
the Slave Terminal Terminals are reset.
*1. With Safety Control Units, the above operations may not be able to reset some errors depending on the con-
tents of the errors, and you may have to access safety programs to reset them.
Refer to the NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z930) for information on resetting errors
for Safety Control Units.

You can use an NS-series PT only to reset errors in the entire Controller.

Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for Sysmac Studio operating
Refer to the instructions reference manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information
on the ResetECError (Reset EtherCAT Error) instruction.

Additional Information

Refer to the appendices of the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial
PC for the specifications for resetting EtherCAT Slave Terminal errors on an OMRON HMI.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 51

13 Troubleshooting

13-5 Error Notification Methods

The EtherCAT Slave Terminal uses the following methods to notify the Controller or EtherCAT master
that errors have occurred.

EtherCAT master

Notification to the master

Sysmac error status

Emergency message
Slave Terminal Error log
Error occurs.
AL status

Type of error notification Overview Notification method

Sysmac error status This status reports errors that are The status is assigned to the
detected in the application section. TxPDO and notified cyclically to the
Emergency message The emergency message reports When an error occurs, the slave
application level errors. notifies the EtherCAT master.
The error code contains the
CiA-defined error code, and an
additional error code in the unique
header area.
AL status This status reports errors related to When an error occurs, the error is
EtherCAT communications. written to the AL status register to
The ETG-defined method is used notify the EtherCAT master.
for the error detection and error

13 - 52 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-6 Error Notifications Based on the Sysmac Error Status

13-6 Error Notifications Based on the Sys-
mac Error Status
The Sysmac error status is assigned to the TxPDO to provide cyclic notifications of the level of current
errors in the Slave Terminal to the EtherCAT master.
With NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers, the Sysmac error status notification allows the Controller to detect
and make use of the error status in the Slave Terminal.

Detected error show in Possible actions

System-defined variables The error status variables can also be used to detect errors
that occur in a Slave Terminal.
Controller operation The Controller can perform operations based on the level of
errors that exist in the Slave Terminal.
Refer to the troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the
error status variables and NJ/NX/NY-series Controller operation based on the level of errors.


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 53

13 Troubleshooting

13-7 Emergency Messages

EtherCAT Slave Terminals are able to report emergency messages to the EtherCAT master by using
the SDO communications if they detect errors.

13-7-1 Enabling/Disabling Emergency Message Notification

You can use SDO communications to specify whether notification is provided with emergency mes-
The applicable indexes are a subindex of 05 hex: (Flags) in index 10F3 hex (Diagnostic History).
The settings are as follows:

Setting value Emergency message notification

0000 hex No notification
0001 hex Notification

When the Unit power supply is turned ON, the EtherCAT Slave Terminal always starts with the No Noti-
fication setting.
If you want to use a Slave Terminal with emergency message notification, enable it every time you turn
ON the power supply.
Emergency messages cannot be sent while there is an EtherCAT communications error.

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Contents Emergency error code Reserved. Event codes
Refer to 13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes on page 13-55 for the meanings of the emergency messages.
Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details on
event codes.

Additional Information

If you use an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, you can use the setting to pro-
vide notification just by turning ON the Unit power supply. Set the Diagnosis History/Flags set-
ting parameter for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to 1 (Notification) from the Sysmac Studio.

13-7-2 Error Logs

A log of the errors that were reported with emergency messages is saved in the non-volatile memory of
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. This log can save up to 128 errors. You can read the errors with SDO com-
munications. The indexes to read are from subindexes 06 to 85 hex (Diagnosis Messages 1 to 128) in
index 10F3 hex (Diagnostic History).
The error log saves errors sequentially from Diagnosis Message 1 to Diagnosis Message 128. The
count returns to Diagnosis Message 1 on the 129th error. Even if an emergency message cannot be
sent to the EtherCAT master, it is still saved in the error log. Errors related to the non-volatile memory
are not saved in the error log.

13 - 54 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes

The following table lists the emergency error codes that are used with EtherCAT Slave Terminals, and
the meaning of each error.

Error Error Notification

code Error type Error name Description log to EtherCAT Corrective action
(hex) record master

13-7 Emergency Messages

5530 Hardware Hardware Error An error occurred in Not Not possible. If cycling the power supply to
errors non-volatile memory. saved. the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
An error occurred in Saved. Not possible. does not reset the error,
other hardware. replace the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
7040 Errors Non-volatile Mem- An error occurred in Saved. Possible. Write the control parameters
related to ory Control Param- the control parame- again.
settings or eter Error ters.
configura- Unit Configuration The number of con- Saved. Possible. Configure the EtherCAT
tions Error, Too Many nected NX Units Slave Terminal within the
Units exceeds the maxi- maximum number of NX 13
mum value for the Units.

13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes

Coupler Unit.
Unit Configuration The total byte size of Saved. Possible. Configure the NX Units so
Error, Unsup- all I/O data for the that the total byte size of all
ported Configura- connected NX Units I/O data for the connected
tion exceeds the prede- NX Units does not exceed
termined maximum 1,024 bytes for input data or
value for the Ether- 1,024 bytes for output data.
CAT Coupler Unit.
Unit Configuration An error occurred in Saved. Possible. Clear all memory in the Eth-
Information Error the Unit configura- erCAT Coupler Unit, and then
tion information in download the Unit configura-
the EtherCAT Cou- tion information again.
pler Unit.
Unit Configuration There is an inconsis- Saved. Possible. Cause
Verification Error tency between the An NX Unit that is registered
Unit configuration in the Unit configuration infor-
information in the mation is not connected.
EtherCAT Coupler
Corrective Action
Unit and the Units
that are actually con- Connect the NX Units that
nected. are registered in the Unit
configuration information. Or,
connect the Sysmac Studio,
unregister the unconnected
NX Unit from the Unit config-
uration information, and
download the Unit configura-
tion information to the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 55

13 Troubleshooting

Error Error Notification

code Error type Error name Description log to EtherCAT Corrective action
(hex) record master
7040 Errors Unit Configuration There is an inconsis- Saved. Possible. Cause
related to Verification Error tency between the A connected NX Unit does
settings or Unit configuration not agree with the NX Unit
configura- information in the that is registered in the Unit
tions EtherCAT Coupler configuration information.
Unit and the Units
Corrective Action
that are actually con-
nected. Connect the NX Units that
are registered in the Unit
configuration information.
Or, connect the Sysmac Stu-
dio, change the Unit configu-
ration information to reflect
the actually connected NX
Units, and download the Unit
configuration information to
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
An NX Unit that is not regis-
tered in the Unit configuration
information is connected.
Corrective Action
Remove the NX Unit that is
not registered in the Unit con-
figuration information. Or,
connect the Sysmac Studio,
add the NX Unit to the Unit
configuration information,
and download the Unit con-
figuration information to the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Memory Corruption Memory corruption Saved. Possible. If the error occurs again after
was detected. cycling the power supply to
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit,
replace the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.

13 - 56 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

Error Error Notification

code Error type Error name Description log to EtherCAT Corrective action
(hex) record master
7041 Errors NX Unit Communi- An error occurred in Saved. Possible. Cause
related to cations Timeout I/O data communi- The NX Unit is not mounted
communi- cations with the NX properly.
cations with Units.
Corrective Action
NX Units
Mount the NX Unit properly.

13-7 Emergency Messages

Influence from noise
Corrective Action
Implement noise counter-
measures if there is exces-
sive noise.
The NX Unit has failed.
Corrective Action
If the error occurs again even
after you make the above
correction, replace the NX

13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes

NX Unit Initializa- Initializing an NX Saved. Possible. Cause
tion Error Unit failed. An error occurred in process-
ing the EtherCAT Coupler
Corrective Action
Set and save the Unit config-
uration information in the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit
again. If this error occurs
again, check that there are
no errors in the NX Unit set-
tings and I/O data mapping
information, and correct any
errors that are found.
An initialization error
occurred in an NX Unit.
Corrective Action
Cycle the power supply to the
relevant NX Unit. If the error
occurs again, replace the NX
NX Unit Startup Starting an NX Unit Saved. Possible. If the error occurs again after
Error failed. cycling the power supply to
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit,
replace the NX Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 57

13 Troubleshooting

13-8 Error Notifications Based on the AL

This status reports errors related to EtherCAT communications.

13-8-1 Procedure for Checking AL Status Codes

The AL status is reported as attached information for the Slave Application Error event (84280000 hex).
Use the troubleshooting functions on the Sysmac Studio to check the code that is displayed for
Attached information 1 in the Slave Application Error. Refer to13-8-2 AL Status Codes on page 13-58 to
troubleshoot the error identified by the AL status code.

13-8-2 AL Status Codes

AL status Error log tion to Eth-
Status name Contents Corrective action
code (hex) record erCAT
0001 State Transition The number of Not saved. Possible. An error occurred in the EtherCAT
Impossible received state tran- Slave Terminal. Check the event log.
sition requests
exceeded the limit
set by the applica-
0011 Illegal State Transi- An incorrect state Not saved. Possible. Change the status correctly.
tion Request transition request
Received was received.
0012 Error State Transi- An unclear state Not saved. Possible. Change the status correctly.
tion Received transition request
was received.
0014 Slave Unit Verifica- The non-volatile Not saved. Possible. Cycle the power supply.
tion Error memory for SII back- If the error still occurs, replace the
ups does not match Communications Coupler Unit.
the information in
the SII (VendorID,
ProductCode, Revi-
sionNo, and Serial

13 - 58 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

AL status Error log tion to Eth-
Status name Contents Corrective action
code (hex) record erCAT

13-8 Error Notifications Based on the AL Status

0016 Mailbox Setting An incorrect mail- Not saved. Possible. When the master from another man-
Error box setting was ufacturer is connected
detected for the Correct the mailbox setting and then
Sync Manager. download the settings to the Ether-
CAT master again. If the error
occurs again even after you make
the above correction, replace the
relevant EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
When the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC is connected
Cycle the power supply to the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series
Industrial PC. Then, cycle the power
supply to the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit. If this error occurs again even
after you make the above correction, 13
replace the relevant CPU Unit,
Industrial PC, or EtherCAT Coupler

13-8-2 AL Status Codes

001B Process Data WDT A timeout was Not saved. Possible. Review the following items, and
Error detected for an I/O restart the slave based on the speci-
data send frame. fications of the connected EtherCAT
• Wire the EtherCAT communica-
tions cable correctly.
• Check to see if the EtherCAT
communications cable is exposed
to excessive noise.
• Set the synchronization cycle cor-
001D RxPDO Setting An error was Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Error detected in the load the settings to the EtherCAT
RxPDO settings. master again.
001E TxPDO Setting An error was Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Error detected in the load the settings to the EtherCAT
TxPDO settings. master again.
001F PDO WDT Setting An incorrect PDO Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Error WDT setting was load the settings to the EtherCAT
detected. master again.
0024 TxPDO Mapping An illegal TxPDO Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Error was set. load the settings to the EtherCAT
master again.
0025 RxPDO Mapping An illegal RxPDO Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Error was set. load the settings to the EtherCAT
master again.
0028 SM Event Mode An SM Event Mode Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Setting Error that is not sup- load the settings to the EtherCAT
ported was set. master again.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 59

13 Troubleshooting

AL status Error log tion to Eth-
Status name Contents Corrective action
code (hex) record erCAT
002C*1 Synchronization Inputs of the SYNC0 Not saved. Possible. Review the following items, and
Error during Oper- interrupt signal restart the slave based on the speci-
ation stopped midway fications of the connected EtherCAT
during operation in master.
Safe-Operational • Wire the EtherCAT communica-
state or Operational tions cable correctly.
• Check to see if the EtherCAT
communications cable is exposed
to excessive noise.
• Correct the synchronization cycle
setting in the EtherCAT master or
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
002D*2 Synchronization After changing to Not saved. Possible. Review the following items, and
Error at Synchroni- Safe-Operational restart the slave based on the speci-
zation Start state, the first fications of the connected EtherCAT
SYNC0 signal input master.
was never detected. • Wire the EtherCAT communica-
tions cable correctly.
• Check to see if the EtherCAT
communications cable is exposed
to excessive noise.
• Set the synchronization cycle cor-
0034*3 Synchronization During operation in Not saved. Possible. Review the following items, and
Error during Oper- Operational state, restart the slave based on the speci-
ation inputs of the SYNC0 fications of the connected EtherCAT
signal continued, but master.
refreshing of the • Wire the EtherCAT communica-
RxPDO data failed tions cable correctly.
consecutively for the
• Check to see if the EtherCAT
specified number of
communications cable is exposed
to excessive noise.
0035 Synchronization When DC Mode was Not saved. Possible. Correct the settings, and then down-
Cycle Setting Error confirmed, the syn- load the settings to the EtherCAT
chronization cycle master again.
was set to a value
that made operation
8000 Slave Restarted A restart was imple- Not saved. Possible. ---
mented with a slave
restart command.
8001 Parameter Over- Parameter Overwrite Not saved. Possible. ---
write Mode Mode was entered.
8002 Illegal Change in An illegal change in Not saved. Possible. Cycle the power supply to the Ether-
EtherCAT Commu- the EtherCAT com- CAT Slave Terminal or restart the
nications Mode munications mode Slave Terminal.
made operation
*1. This code is reported when a Synchronization Error event (event code: 85020000 hex) occurs.
*2. This code is reported when a Synchronization Interruption Error event (event code: 85010000 hex) occurs.
*3. This code is reported when a Communications Synchronization Error event (event code: 85030000 hex) occurs.

13 - 60 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-9 Troubleshooting Other Errors

This section describes error symptoms that cannot be resolved with the methods for checking for errors
and troubleshooting that were described earlier.

13-9 Troubleshooting Other Errors

Status Possible cause and correction
When the Unit configuration was The NX bus connector on the left side of the Units where the TS indica-
registered, the TS indicator on the tors are not lit is not connected properly.
EtherCAT Coupler Unit flashed Connect it properly and cycle the power supply.
green, and the TS indicators on the
first few NX Units near the EtherCAT EtherCAT
Coupler Unit flash green and the TS Coupler Unit NX Units
indicators on the other NX Units are
not lit. TS indicator status
Flashing. Not lit.
Faulty connection
• All TS indicators on the EtherCAT • The power supply to the Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit is not
Slave Terminal (EtherCAT Cou- turned ON. Check the wiring and turn ON the power supply.
pler Unit and NX Units) are lit • The NX bus connectors between the Units are not connected properly.
green. Make sure that the Unit hookup guides are properly engaged.
• When the output of the EtherCAT • The wiring for the I/O power supply is disconnected. Check the wiring.
Coupler is active, the OUT indica-
tor on the Digital I/O Unit is lit yel-
low but the actual output is OFF.
• A device (e.g., sensor) that is con-
nected to the Digital I/O Unit is
ON, but a signal is not input, and
the IN and OUT indicators are both
not lit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 61

13 Troubleshooting

13-10Troubleshooting Flow When Errors

The following figure shows the standard flow for troubleshooting errors that occur when an EtherCAT
Slave Terminal is used with an NJ/NX/NY-series Controller. Refer to this flow when it is difficult to isolate
errors in the entire Controller.

13-10-1 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to a CPU Unit or an Indus-

trial PC
The following flow is for troubleshooting when the Sysmac Studio is connected to an NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or an NY-series Industrial PC.

Error occurs.

No Refer to information on corrections for an inability

Can Sysmac Studio go
to place the Sysmac Studio online in the
online with CPU Unit or
troubleshooting manual for the connected CPU
Industrial PC?
Unit or Industrial PC.


Does the troubleshooting function No

Check for errors that have occurred for causes
of the Sysmac Studio show an
outside the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and correct
error in the EtherCAT Slave
them if there are any.


Communications No No Use the troubleshooting

Communications error
error in EtherCAT functions of the Sysmac Studio
in NX Unit?
Coupler Unit? to troubleshoot the error.

Yes Yes

Flashing green Flashing green

Status of TS indicator or not lit Status of TS or not lit
on EtherCAT Coupler indicator on NX
Unit? Unit?

Lit red. Lit red

Refer to Troubleshooting Refer to 13-2 Check- Cycle the NX Unit Refer to the manual
Fatal Errors in the EtherCAT ing for Errors and power supply. If normal for the specific NX
Coupler Unit on page 13-66 Troubleshooting with operation cannot be Unit.
under 13-11-2 Troubleshoot- the Indicators on
restored, replace the
ing by Cause on page 13-65. page 13-3.
NX Unit.

13 - 62 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-10-2 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to the EtherCAT Coupler


13-10 Troubleshooting Flow When Errors Occur

The following flow is for troubleshooting when the Sysmac Studio is connected to the EtherCAT Coupler

Error occurs.

TS indicator on EtherCAT Yes TS indicator on Yes

Coupler Unit lit green and NX Unit lit
ERR indicator not lit? green?

Slave Terminal is
No No operating
Flashing green Flashing green
Status of TS indicator or not lit Status of TS or not lit
on EtherCAT Coupler indicator on NX

13-10-2 When the Sysmac Studio Is Connected to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Unit? Unit?

Lit red or Refer to 13-2 Checking Lit red or

flash red Refer to the
for Errors and Trouble- flash red
manual for the
shooting with the Indi-
specific NX Unit.
cators on page 13-3.

Can Sysmac Studio go

Yes Use the troubleshooting
online through USB port on
EtherCAT Coupler Unit? functions of the Sysmac
Studio to troubleshoot the
error in the NX Unit.


Refer to 13-11 Trouble- Use the troubleshooting functions

shooting When the Sysmac of the Sysmac Studio to trouble-
Studio Cannot Go Online shoot the error in the EtherCAT
on page 13-64. Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 63

13 Troubleshooting

13-11Troubleshooting When the Sysmac

Studio Cannot Go Online
This section describes the troubleshooting procedures when you cannot place the Sysmac Studio
online with the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

13-11-1 Causes and Corrective Actions When the Sysmac Studio Cannot
Go Online
The following table lists the possible causes if you cannot place the Sysmac Studio online with the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit.

Cause Description Corrective action

Incorrect setting or faulty The settings used to place the Sysmac Refer to Troubleshooting Incorrect
communications path Studio online with the EtherCAT Coupler Settings or a Faulty Communications
Unit are incorrect. Path on page 13-65 under 13-11-2
Or, the communications path is faulty. Troubleshooting by Cause on page
Fatal error in the Ether- An fatal error occurred in the EtherCAT Refer to Troubleshooting Fatal Errors
CAT Coupler Unit Coupler Unit. in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page
13-66 under 13-11-2 Troubleshooting
by Cause on page 13-65.
Prohibiting USB connec- A Sysmac Studio online connection Set the Preventing Incorrect Opera-
tions is enabled. through the peripheral USB port on the tion/USB Connection Prohibition Set-
EtherCAT Coupler Unit is prohibited. ting in the Unit operation settings for
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to Disable.
Refer to Setting to Prohibit USB Con-
nections on page 11-44 for the setting

13 - 64 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

13 Troubleshooting

13-11 Troubleshooting When the Sysmac Studio Cannot Go Online

13-11-2 Troubleshooting by Cause
This section describes how to troubleshoot by cause.

Troubleshooting Incorrect Settings or a Faulty Communications


The Sysmac Studio cannot go online.

Power supply to No
Turn ON the power supply to
EtherCAT Coupler
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Unit turned ON?


No Can Sysmac Studio go Yes


13-11-2 Troubleshooting by Cause

Is USB cable No
Plug cable securely into USB port on
connected securely? EtherCAT Coupler Unit.


No Can Sysmac Studio go Yes


Is the prohibition
No Set the USB Connection Prohibition Setting
of USB connection to the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to Disable.
disabled ?


No Can Sysmac Studio Yes

go online?

USB driver properly No

Install USB driver.


No Yes
Can Sysmac Studio go

Replace the USB cable. End

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 13 - 65

13 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Fatal Errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

This section describes the errors that cause the operation of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to stop.

Error Corrective action

Watchdog timer error Cycle the power supply to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
EtherCAT Coupler Unit failure If you cannot restore normal operation even after you make the above
correction, replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

13 - 66 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

Maintenance and Inspection
This section describes the procedures for cleaning, inspecting, and replacing EtherCAT
Coupler Units.

14-1 Cleaning and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 14

14-1-1 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-1-2 Periodic Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-2 Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
14-2-1 Backing Up Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4
14-2-2 Replacement Procedure for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5
14-2-3 Basic Replacement Procedure for NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 14 - 1

14 Maintenance and Inspection

14-1 Cleaning and Maintenance

This section describes daily maintenance and the cleaning and inspection methods.
Inspect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit daily or periodically in order to keep it in optimal operating condition.

14-1-1 Cleaning
Clean the EtherCAT Coupler Unit regularly as described below in order to keep it in optimal operating
• Wipe the network over with a soft, dry cloth when doing daily cleaning.
• If dirt remains even after wiping with a soft, dry cloth, wipe over with a cloth that has been wet with a
sufficiently diluted detergent (2%) and wrung dry.
• A smudge may remain on the Unit from gum, vinyl, or tape that was left on for a long time. Remove
the smudge when cleaning.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Never use volatile solvents, such as paint thinner, benzene, or chemical wipes.
• Do not touch the NX bus connector.

14-1-2 Periodic Inspections

Although the major components in EtherCAT Coupler Unit have an extremely long life time, they can
deteriorate under improper environmental conditions. Periodic inspections are thus required.
Inspection is recommended at least once every six months to a year, but more frequent inspections will
be necessary in adverse environments.
Take immediate steps to correct the situation if any of the conditions in the following table are not met.

Periodic Inspection Points

No. Item Inspection Criteria Action

1 External Measure the power supply volt- The voltage must be within Use a voltage tester to check the power
power age at the terminal blocks, and the power supply voltage supply at the terminals. Take necessary
supplies make sure that they are within range. steps to bring voltage of the supplied
the criteria voltage. power to within the power supply voltage
2 I/O power Measure the power supply volt- The voltages must be Use a voltage tester to check the power
supplies ages at the input and output ter- within the I/O specifications supply at the terminals. Take necessary
minal blocks, and make sure that for each NX Unit. steps to bring voltage of the I/O power
they are within the criteria volt- supplies to within the I/O specifications of
age. each Unit.

14 - 2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

14 Maintenance and Inspection

No. Item Inspection Criteria Action

3 Ambient Check that the ambient operat- 0 to 55°C Use a thermometer to check the tem-
environ- ing temperature is within the cri- perature and ensure that the ambient
ment teria. temperature remains within the allowed
range of 0 to 55°C.
Check that the ambient operat- 10 to 95% Use a hygrometer to check the humidity
ing humidity is within the criteria. With no condensation. and ensure that the ambient humidity
remains between 10% and 95%.
Make sure that condensation does not
occur due to rapid changes in tempera-
Check that the Controller is not Not in direct sunlight Protect the EtherCAT Coupler Unit if nec-
in direct sunlight. essary.

14-1 Cleaning and Maintenance

Check for accumulation of dirt, No accumulation Clean and protect the EtherCAT Coupler
dust, salt, or metal powder. Unit if necessary.
Check for water, oil, or chemical No spray Clean and protect the EtherCAT Coupler
sprays hitting the EtherCAT Cou- Unit if necessary.
pler Unit.
Check for corrosive or flamma- No corrosive or flammable Check by smell or use a gas sensor.
ble gases in the area of the Eth- gases
erCAT Coupler Unit.
Check that the EtherCAT Cou- Vibration and shock must Install cushioning or shock absorbing
pler Unit is not subject to direct be within specifications. equipment if necessary.
vibration or shock.
Check for noise sources nearby No significant noise Either separate the EtherCAT Coupler
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. sources Unit and noise source or protect the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit.
4 Installa- Check that the DIN Track mount- No looseness Securely lock all DIN Track mounting
tion and ing hooks on all Units are hooks.
wiring securely locked.

14-1-2 Periodic Inspections

Check that cable connectors are No looseness Correct any improperly installed connec-
fully inserted and locked. tors.
Check that the screws on the No looseness Tighten loose screws with a Phillips
End Plates (PFP-M) are tight. screwdriver.
Check that each Unit is con- The Units must be con- Connect each Unit along the hookup
nected along the hookup guides, nected and securely in guides, and insert each Units until it con-
and fully inserted until it contacts place on the DIN Track. tacts the DIN Track.
the DIN Track.
Check for damaged external wir- No visible damage Check visually and replace cables if nec-
ing cables. essary.

Tools Required for Inspections

 Required Tools
• Flat-blade screwdriver
• Phillips screwdriver
• Voltage tester or voltmeter
• Industrial alcohol and clean cotton cloth

 Tools Required Occasionally

• Oscilloscope
• Thermometer and hygrometer

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 14 - 3

14 Maintenance and Inspection

14-2 Maintenance Procedures

This section describes the procedures for backing up the data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and how
to replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

14-2-1 Backing Up Data

Perform backups so that you can restore the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to its original state in the event of a
failure or other problem.

The target data to back up on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit are listed below.
• Unit configuration information
• I/O allocation information
• Unit operation settings
• Hardware switch information
• Production information

Precautions for Correct Use

The backup data for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit includes data for NX Units that store their set-
tings in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. If you replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, you must restore
this data to restore the settings for these NX Units.

Refer to 9-5 Backing Up Settings on page 9-45 for the backup methods and to the Sysmac Studio Ver-
sion 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for the backup procedures.

14 - 4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

14 Maintenance and Inspection

14-2-2 Replacement Procedure for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

This section describes how to replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Turn OFF the system power, or disconnect

the EtherCAT Coupler Unit from the EtherCAT

Turn OFF the power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

14-2 Maintenance Procedures

Replace the Unit.

Turn ON the power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Restore and verify the data.

Turn ON the equipment power or connect to the 14

EtherCAT network.

14-2-2 Replacement Procedure for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

1 Turn OFF the power supply to all of the equipment or disconnect the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
that includes the EtherCAT Coupler Unit from the EtherCAT network.

2 Turn OFF the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

3 Replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Make sure that the hardware switches are set to the same
settings as the original Unit.

4 Turn ON the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

5 Restore and verify data for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

6 Turn ON the power supply to all of the equipment, or connect the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to
the EtherCAT network.

Precautions for Correct Use

Checking the Serial Number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
If the Serial Number Check Method setting on the EtherCAT master is set to Setting = Actual
device, temporarily change this setting to None, and then replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Get the serial number of the new EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and then set the Serial Number
Check Method setting on the EtherCAT master to Setting = Actual device again.
If you replace the EtherCAT Coupler Unit with the Serial Number Check Method setting set to
Setting = Actual device, a Network Configuration Verification Error will occur.
Refer to the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on the connected CPU Unit or Indus-
trial PC for details on the serial number check method for the EtherCAT master and details on
getting the serial numbers of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 14 - 5

14 Maintenance and Inspection

Additional Information

• Refer to 6-1 Installing Units on page 6-2 for the procedures to mount and remove the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
• Refer to Slave Replacement Methods in the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on
the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for the procedures to disconnect and connect the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit from and to the EtherCAT network.
• Refer to the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for the pro-
cedures for restoring and comparing data.

14-2-3 Basic Replacement Procedure for NX Units

This section describes the basic replacement procedures for the NX Units that are mounted after the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The procedure may differ from the one that is described below depending on the model number of the
NX Unit. Refer to the manual for the specific NX Unit to replace, in addition to this manual.

Turn OFF the system power, or disconnect

the EtherCAT Coupler Unit from the EtherCAT

Turn OFF the power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Replace the Unit.

Turn ON the power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Restore and verify the data.

Turn ON the equipment power or connect to the

EtherCAT network.

1 Turn OFF the power supply to all of the equipment or disconnect the EtherCAT Slave Terminal
that includes the NX Unit to replace from the EtherCAT network.

2 Turn OFF the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

3 Replace the NX Unit. If the NX Unit has hardware switches, set the hardware switches to the
same settings as on the original NX Unit.

4 Turn ON the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

5 Restore and verify data for the new NX Unit.

6 Turn ON the power supply to all of the equipment, or connect the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to
the EtherCAT network.

14 - 6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

14 Maintenance and Inspection

Precautions for Correct Use

Checking the Serial Numbers of NX Units
If the Serial Number Check Method setting on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is set to Setting =
Actual device, temporarily change this setting to None, and then replace the NX Unit. Get the
serial number of the new NX Unit, and then set the Serial Number Check Method setting on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit to Setting = Actual device again.
If you replace the NX Unit with the Serial Number Check Method setting set to Setting = Actual
device, a Unit Configuration Verification Error will occur.
Refer to 9-2-3 Setting the Unit Configuration Information on page 9-9 for details on the Serial
Number Check Method setting for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, and to 9-2-7 Sysmac Studio
Functions Used as Required on page 9-27 for details on getting the serial numbers of NX Units.

14-2 Maintenance Procedures

Additional Information

• Refer to the manual for the specific NX Unit for the procedures to mount and remove the NX
• Refer to Slave Replacement Methods in the user’s manual for the built-in EtherCAT port on
the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for the procedures to disconnect and connect the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit from and to the EtherCAT network.
• Refer to the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for the pro-
cedures for restoring and comparing data. 14

14-2-3 Basic Replacement Procedure for NX Units

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) 14 - 7

14 Maintenance and Inspection

14 - 8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

The appendices provide dimensions, supplemental information on the Sysmac Studio,
information on special instructions, and other supplemental information.

A-1 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3

A-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-1-2 End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A-2 Supplementary Information on Sysmac Studio Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
A-2-1 Functional Differences on the Sysmac Studio Based on the Connected
Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
A-2-2 Transferring the Unit Operation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the USB Port on the
EtherCAT Coupler Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
A-3 Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
A-3-1 Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
A-3-2 Specifying the Targets for Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A-4-1 Basic Connection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A-4-2 Supplementary Information for Connections with a Master from
Another Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
A-5 Troubleshooting with a Master from Another Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . A-15
A-5-1 CoE Objects Used for Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15
A-5-2 Getting Information on Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler Units
and NX Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15
A-5-3 Clearing Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units . . . . . . . . . A-16
A-5-4 Getting Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units . . . . . . . . . . A-16
A-5-5 Clearing Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units . . . . . . . . . A-17
A-5-6 Troubleshooting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-17
A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master
from Another Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19
A-6-1 Difference between Using CoE Objects for Saving Parameters and Those for Ini-
tializing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19
A-6-2 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1010 Hex (Store Parameters) . . A-20
A-6-3 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 380F Hex (Store Parameters Com-
mand) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-21
A-6-4 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1011 Hex (Restore Default Parame-

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A-1


ters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-23
A-6-5 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 3810 Hex (Restore Default Parameters
Command) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-24
A-7 CoE Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-27
A-7-1 Object Dictionary Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-27
A-7-2 Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-27
A-7-3 Assigning Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-28
A-7-4 Format of Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-30
A-7-5 Communication Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-31
A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-38
A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-47
A-7-8 Manufacturer-specific Object 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-52
A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-56
A-7-10 Device Profile Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-73
A-7-11 Modular Device-specific Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-79
A-8 NX Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-82
A-8-1 NX Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-82
A-8-2 Format of Object Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-82
A-8-3 Unit Information Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-83
A-8-4 Objects That Accept I/O Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-84
A-8-5 Other Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-86
A-9 Terminal Block Model Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-90
A-9-1 Model Number Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-90
A-9-2 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-90
A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-91
A-11 Version Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-92
A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-92
A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version . . . . . . . . . . .A-93

A-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-1 Dimensions

A-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Unit

 EtherCAT Coupler Unit Only


A-1 Dimensions
65.2 0.55 *1
*1. The dimension is 1.35 mm for Units with lot numbers through December 2014. A
 With Cables Connected
Unit: mm

A-1-1 EtherCAT Coupler Unit


100 to 120 *2

USB cable

Communications cable

*1.This dimension depends on the specifications of the commercially available USB certified cable. Check the
specifications of the USB cable that is used.
*2.This is the dimension from the back of the Unit to the communications cables.
⋅ 100 mm: When an MPS588-C Connector is used.
⋅ 120 mm: When an XS6G-T421-1 Connector is used.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A-3


A-1-2 End Cover

12 Unit: mm

A A *1



*1. This is the shape for Units with lot numbers through December 2014.

A-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-2 Supplementary Information on Sys-

mac Studio Functions
This section provides supplementary information on the Sysmac Studio functions that are related to the

A-2 Supplementary Information on Sysmac Studio Functions

EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

A-2-1 Functional Differences on the Sysmac Studio Based on the

Connected Port
The functions that you can use on the Sysmac Studio depend on the port to which the Sysmac Studio is
Yes: Supported, ---: Not supported
Sysmac Studio connection
USB port on
Functional category Description CPU Unit or the Ether-
Industrial PC CAT Cou-
pler Unit
Synchronization This function synchronizes the project data
(which includes the configuration information for
Yes ---
the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units)
between the Sysmac Studio and the Controller.
Backing up and restoring set- This function saves and restores all of the set-
tings tings in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
Yes --- A
Operations Forced refresh- This function refreshes specific bits with forced
Yes ---
for debug- ing values.

A-2-1 Functional Differences on the Sysmac Studio Based on the Connected Port
ging Changing pres- This function is used to change the values of
ent values variables that are used in the user program and
Yes ---
settings, and the TRUE/FALSE value of input
bits and output bits.
I/O Monitor This function displays the values of the inputs
Yes ---
and outputs.
Editing Eth- Comparing and This function compares and matches the actual
erCAT net- merging net- configuration with the network configuration in
Yes ---
work work configura- the project.
Setting node addresses This function sets the node addresses of the
Yes ---
EtherCAT slaves from the Sysmac Studio.
Operation authority verifica- This function restricts write operations to the
tion EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Units to users Yes ---
that have the proper authority.
Other Verifying the This function verifies the EtherCAT network con-
EtherCAT net- figuration based on serial numbers.
work configura- Yes ---
tion using serial
I/O checking This function allows you to check the wiring
between NX Units and I/O devices from the Sys-
mac Studio connected to the peripheral USB
--- Yes
port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
You can monitor inputs to NX Units and change
the output values from NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A-5


A-2-2 Transferring the Unit Operation Settings

Always confirm safety at the destination node before you transfer Unit configuration
information, parameters, settings, or other data from tools such as the Sysmac Studio.
The devices or machines may operate unexpectedly, regardless of the operating mode
of the Controller.

The Sysmac Studio also supports the ability to transfer only the Unit operation settings for a EtherCAT
Coupler Unit or NX Unit in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. You can use this function when you need to
send only Unit operation settings.

Procedure to Transfer the Unit Operation Settings

Use the following procedures to transfer only the Unit operation settings.

1 Place the Sysmac Studio online with the Controller.

2 Click the Edit Unit Operation Settings Button for the Unit to which to transfer the Unit opera-
tion settings.

3 Click the Transfer to Unit Button on the Unit Operation Settings Tab Page.
One of the following messages is displayed depending on whether the Unit needs to be
Transfer to NX Unit will be executed. Do you want to continue?
Transfer to NX Unit will be executed. The Unit will be restarted after the completion because
there is a change in the settings that require restarting. I/O communications with the communi-
cations master will be stopped by this operation. Are you sure you want to execute the transfer?

4 Click the Yes Button.

The Unit operation settings are transferred.

A-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Restarting after Transferring Data

If a setting is changed that requires restarting, the Unit is restarted after the Unit operation settings are
The following table gives the types of restarts depending on the Unit to which the Unit operation set-

A-2 Supplementary Information on Sysmac Studio Functions

tings were transferred.

Destination of Unit operation settings Type of restart

EtherCAT Coupler Unit Restarting the Slave Terminal
NX Unit Restarting the Slave Terminal or the NX Unit *1
*1. The function to restart individual NX Units was added for a version upgrade.
The NX Unit is restarted if the unit versions of EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Unit support restarting indi-
vidual NX Units.
The Slave Terminal is restarted if the unit version of either the EtherCAT Coupler Unit or the NX Unit does not
support restarting individual NX Units.
Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the unit ver-
sions that support restarting individual NX Units.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The EtherCAT master may detect an error when the Slave Terminal is restarted after the Unit
operation settings are transferred with a direct USB connection between the Sysmac Studio
and EtherCAT Coupler Unit. If an error is detected, you need to reset the error in the Ether-
CAT master.
Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page 9-41 for a transfer method that
does not produce an error on the EtherCAT master. A
• When the Slave Terminal is restarted, all of the Units on the Slave Terminal perform the same
operation as when the power supply is cycled. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for

pler Unit
A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the USB Port on the EtherCAT Cou-
the operation that is performed when the power supply is turned ON.

A-2-3 Transferring Slave Terminal Setting Information through the

USB Port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

Always confirm safety at the destination before you transfer the Unit configuration
information, parameters, set values, or other data from the Sysmac Studio or other
Support Software.
The devices or machines may operate unexpectedly, regardless of the operating
mode of the Controller.

You can connect the Sysmac Studio to the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit to transfer the Slave
Terminal settings information to the Slave Terminal. In this case, you cannot transfer the CPU Unit or
Industrial PC user program and other data.
Use the following procedure to transfer the settings.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A-7


1 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and place
it online.

2 Right-click the EtherCAT Coupler Unit in the Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page, and
select Coupler Connection (USB) − Transfer to Coupler.
The Transfer to Coupler Dialog Box is displayed.

3 Select the data to transfer.

• To transfer the configuration information, Unit operation settings, and Unit application data,
select Configuration Information + Unit Operation Settings + Unit Application Data.
• To transfer only the configuration information, select Configuration information only.
An execution confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the Yes Button.

The specified data is transferred.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The EtherCAT master may detect an error when the Slave Terminal is restarted after the
Slave Terminal setting information is transferred with a direct USB connection between the
Sysmac Studio and EtherCAT Coupler Unit. If an error is detected, you need to reset the
error in the EtherCAT master.
Refer to 9-4 Transferring and Comparing Settings on page 9-41 for a transfer method that
does not produce an error on the EtherCAT master.
• When the Slave Terminal is restarted, all of the Units on the Slave Terminal perform the same
operation as when the power supply is cycled. Refer to the manuals for the specific Units for
the operation that is performed when the power supply is turned ON.
• The Slave Terminal setting information must be the same between the NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. When you transfer the
Slave Terminal setting information, always use the synchronization function from the Sysmac
Studio that is connected to the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

A-8 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-3 Special Instructions

A-3-1 Instructions
The following table lists the instructions that you can use in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series PC
for the Communications Coupler Unit and the NX Units.

Type Instruction Name Outline of function

System control NX_Change- Change to NX Unit This instruction changes the specified Communica-
instructions WriteMode Write Mode tions Coupler Unit or NX Unit to the mode that allows
the writing of data.*1
NX_SaveParam Save NX Unit This instruction saves data that is written to the spec-
Parameters ified Communications Coupler Unit or NX Unit.*2
RestartNXUnit Restart NX Unit This instruction restarts the specified Communica-
tions Coupler Unit and all NX Units that are con-

A-3 Special Instructions

nected to it. It can also be used to restart a specified
NX Unit.*3
EtherCAT Com- NX_ReadObj Read NX Unit This instruction reads data from the NX object for the
munications Object specified Communications Coupler Unit or NX Unit.
Instructions NX_WriteObj Write NX Unit This instruction writes data to the NX object for the
Object specified Communications Coupler Unit or NX Unit.*2
Others NX_ReadTotal Read NX Unit This instruction reads the total power ON time from
PowerOnTime Total Power ON the specified Communications Coupler Unit or NX
Time Unit. You can use this instruction only for an A
NJ-series CPU Unit with version 1.10 or later, an
NX-series CPU Unit, or an NY-series Industrial PC.

A-3-1 Instructions
*1. You can write the parameters that are updated without restarting the Unit at any time.
*2. Always execute the NX_SaveParam instruction after you execute the NX_WriteObj instruction. If you do not
execute the NX_SaveParam instruction, the object data will return to the values before the NX_WriteObj in-
struction was executed when the Unit is restarted.
*3. The function to restart a specified NX Unit was added for a version upgrade. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That
Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the unit versions that support this function.

Note You can use the NX_ReadObj and RestartNXUnit instructions for Safety Control Units. However, you can
use the RestartNXUnit instruction to restart only the Slave Terminal of the specified Communications Cou-
pler Unit.

Refer to the instructions reference manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information
on the instructions.
Refer to the software user’s manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on how
to create a user program that uses these instructions.
Refer to the manual for the specific NX Unit and the instructions reference manual for the connected
CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the instructions that you can use with NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A-9


A-3-2 Specifying the Targets for Instructions

This section describes the methods that you use to specify the target Unit or NX objects in special

Specifying Units
Use a variable assigned to the Unit to specify the target Unit in a special instruction. You must register
the variables and assign them to the Units in advance. For details, refer to the software user’s manual
for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC.

Specifying NX Objects
To specify an NX object in a special instruction, use the index and subindex for that NX object.
Refer to A-8 NX Objects on page A-82 for details on indexes and subindexes of NX objects for the Eth-
erCAT Coupler Unit, and for the meanings of those objects. Refer to the manuals for the individual NX
Units for details on the NX objects for each NX Unit.

A - 10 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other

This section describes the basic connection procedures and supplementary information for connecting
an NX-series EtherCAT Slave Terminal to EtherCAT masters from other manufacturers.

A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers

A-4-1 Basic Connection Procedures
Use the basic connection procedures that are described below to connect an EtherCAT Slave Terminal
to a master from another manufacturer.
Refer to the manual for the master from the other manufacturer for details on that particular master.

Software for master from

another manufacturer

Network configuration
ESI information (ENI)

ESI files
Master from another
Downloading manufacturer
(Active configuration)

Sysmac Studio
Edit Slave Terminal
Configuration Tab Page EtherCAT

A-4-1 Basic Connection Procedures

NX Units


Peripheral USB port

EtherCAT Coupler Unit

1 Install the Sysmac Studio and the configuration software for the master from the other manufac-
turer on the computer. (The configuration software for the master from the other manufacturer is
referred to as the software for the master from the other manufacturer.)

2 Install the ESI files for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and the NX Units that you will use into the
software from the other manufacturer.

3 Perform steps 1 to 4 in 3-2 Procedures on page 3-7. In steps 3 and 4, use the Sysmac Studio to
set up the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. In step 3 in 3-2 Procedures on page 3-7, the DC must be
enabled for the EtherCAT slave when task period prioritized refreshing is used. When you use
task period prioritized refreshing, set the Enable Distributed Clock setting to Enabled (DC with
priority in cycle time).

4 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the peripheral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

5 Turn ON the Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and place the Sysmac Studio

6 Transfer the settings that you made in step 3 to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 11


7 Place the Sysmac Studio offline. Remove the USB cable from the EtherCAT Slave Terminal and
turn ON the power to the master from the other manufacturer.

8 Use the software from the other manufacturer to read the I/O allocation settings (PDO Map Set-
tings) for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

9 Use the software from the other manufacturer to create the network configuration information
(ENI) based on the EtherCAT Slave Terminal information that was read in the previous step.
Download the network configuration information file to the master from the other manufacturer.
(This operation is called active configuration.)

10 Turn ON the Unit power supplies and I/O power supplies for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, and
start communications.

A-4-2 Supplementary Information for Connections with a Master from

Another Manufacturer
This section provides supplementary information that applies when you connect an EtherCAT Slave
Terminal to a master from another manufacturer.

I/O Map
This section describes the I/O map.

 PDO Groups
There are four groups of PDOs. These are described in the following table.

PDO group Description

Coupler This PDO group is for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Word This PDO group is for NX Units that have I/O data entries in words other than Safety Con-
trol Units.
Bit This PDO group is for NX Units that have I/O data entries in bits other than Safety Control
Units. NX Units that have PDO entries (I/O entries) consisting of only BOOL data belong
to this group.
Safety This PDO group is for the Safety Control Units.

 PDO Group Mapping Order

Mapping is performed in the following order of PDO groups: Coupler, Word, Bit, and then Safety.
Within the PDO groups that the NX Units belong to, mapping is performed in the order of the NX
Unit numbers.

 PDO Group Boundaries

The areas that are mapped for the PDO groups are aligned by word.

A - 12 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


 PDO Group Mapping Example

An example of PDO group mapping is provided below.
Configuration Example

#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 End
(4 bytes) (2 bytes) (2 bytes) (1 bit) (4 bytes) (2 bits) (1 byte) (4 bits) (4 bits) (2 bytes) (2 bytes) Cover
Coupler Bit Word Bit Safety Bit Bit Bit Bit Word Safety

Top line: NX Unit number

A-4 Connecting to Masters from Other Manufacturers

Middle line: Data size
Bottom line: PDO group

Mappings for Configuration Example

Bit Bit Bit Bit

Offset PDO group
15 8 7 0
+0 #0 Coupler
+2 #2 Word
+3 #9
+4 #1 Bit
+5 #8 #7 #6 #5 #3
+6 Reserved. #8
+7 #4 Safety
+9 #10

A-4-2 Supplementary Information for Connections with a Master from Another Manufacturer
I/O Refreshing
This section describes I/O refreshing.

 I/O Refreshing with a Master from Another Manufacturer That Does Not Sup-
port DC Synchronization
In this case, EtherCAT Slave Terminals can operate only in Free-Run Mode.
NX Units can operate in Free-Run Mode if you use Free-Run refreshing.

To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in Free-Run Mode, select the following communications
setting in the software from the other manufacturer so that the EtherCAT Slave Terminal operates in
Free-Run Mode.
• Free-Run
With this setting, any NX Unit that has both Free-Run refreshing and another refreshing method are
automatically set to use Free-Run refreshing.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 13


 I/O Refreshing with a Master from Another Manufacturer That Supports DC

In this case, EtherCAT Slave Terminals can operate only in DC Mode. The operating specifications
for the I/O refreshing methods that you can use with an NX Unit in DC Mode are given below.

I/O refreshing method for NX Units Operation specifications

Synchronous I/O refreshing Operation is possible. However, not all of the NX Units that
use synchronous I/O refreshing in all Slave Terminals that
are connected to the same EtherCAT network will read
inputs and refresh outputs simultaneously.
Task period prioritized refreshing Operation is possible.
Time stamp refreshing Operation will not be reliable.
To operate an EtherCAT Slave Terminal in DC Mode, select one of the following communications
settings in the software from the other manufacturer so that the EtherCAT Slave Terminal operates
in DC Mode.
• DC for synchronization
• DC with priority in cycle time*1
*1. This method is supported only by the NX-ECC203.
For NX Units that have more than one I/O refreshing method, the I/O refreshing method is set auto-
matically according to the setting. The I/O refreshing method for each setting of the NX Unit is as fol-
lows: Select the setting for the I/O refreshing method that you want to use with the NX Unit.

NX Units that support both NX Units that support Free-Run refreshing,

Communications setting Free-Run refreshing and synchronous I/O refreshing, and task
synchronous I/O refreshing period prioritized refreshing
DC for synchronization Operates with synchronous Operates with synchronous I/O refreshing
DC with priority in cycle time I/O refreshing Operates with task period prioritized refresh-
If you use task period prioritized refreshing, in addition to the communications setting in the software
from the other manufacturer, you must also enable the distributed clock in the settings for the Ether-
CAT slave on the Sysmac Studio. For details on the setting, refer to A-4-1 Basic Connection Proce-
dures on page A-11.

 Procedure to Change from DC Mode to Free-Run Mode

Use the following procedure to change the EtherCAT communications mode from DC Mode to
Free-Run Mode.

1 Turn OFF the Unit power supply to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

2 Use the communications settings in the support software from the other manufacturer to change
the EtherCAT communications mode to Free-Run Mode.

3 Turn the Unit power supply back ON.

Referenced Objects
Objects in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit are referenced by CoE objects.
Application objects for NX Units are referenced by NX objects.
Refer to A-7 CoE Objects on page A-27 for details on CoE objects that are implemented by the Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit.
Refer to the user’s manuals for NX Units for details on NX objects which serve as application objects for
the NX Units.

A - 14 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-5 Troubleshooting with a Master from

Another Manufacturer

A-5 Troubleshooting with a Master from Another Manufacturer

You can use CoE objects to troubleshoot EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units even if you use a mas-
ter from another manufacturer.

Version Information
The descriptions in this section are supported for NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later. Refer to
A-11 Version Information on page A-92 for information on versions.

A-5-1 CoE Objects Used for Troubleshooting

You use the following CoE objects to troubleshoot EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units.

Index (hex) Object name Reference

2002 Sysmac Error P. A-52
2100 Error History Clear P. A-54
3007 NX Unit Error Status P. A-60
3809 Coupler Unit Current Errors P. A-63
380A Coupler Unit Event Log P. A-64
4010 + ((NX Unit No. - 01) × 20) NX Unit Current Errors P. A-70
4011 + ((NX Unit No. - 01) × 20) NX Unit Event Log P. A-71
4012 + ((NX Unit No. - 01) × 20) NX Unit Event Log Clear P. A-73

A-5-1 CoE Objects Used for Troubleshooting

A-5-2 Getting Information on Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler
Units and NX Units
The Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE objects can be read with SDO com-
munications to detect current errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and specified NX Units.

Subindex 00 hex (Number of entries) gives the number of current errors plus 1. You can determine the
number of current errors by getting the number of entries.
Information on current errors is stored in the order that the errors occurred starting from subindex 02
hex (Current Error 1).
For example, if there are two current errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, the object values are as
given below.

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name Value

3809 --- Coupler Unit Current Errors ---
00 Number of entries 02 hex
01 Update Count Undefined.
02 Current Error 1 Information on the first error
that occurred
03 Current Error 2 Information on the second
error that occurred
04 Current Error 3 Undefined.
: : :
21 Current Error 32 Undefined.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 15


Precautions for Correct Use

• Subindex 01 hex (Update Count) in the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current
Errors CoE objects has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of subindex
01 hex (Update Count) to determine when a new error has occurred.
• If there are more than 32 current errors, the value of subindex 00 hex (Number of entries) in
the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE objects will remain at 21 hex
(33 decimal) and will not be updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex (Update Count) to
determine if a new error has occurred.
• If there are less than 32 current errors, information on the current errors is stored in order
starting from subindex 02 hex (Current Error 1) in the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX
Unit Current Errors CoE objects. However, when there are more than 32 current errors, the
subindexes where the information on the new errors is stored is undefined. Therefore, when
there are more than 32 current errors, read the values of subindex 02 hex (Current Error 1) to
subindex 21 hex (Current Error 32) while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex (Update
Count). If the value of subindex 01 hex (Update Count) changes while you are reading the
information on current errors, read all of the values from subindex 02 hex (Current Error 1) to
21 hex (Current Error 32).

A-5-3 Clearing Current Errors in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units

You can write 01 hex to subindex 02 hex (Sysmac Error Status Clear) in the Sysmac Error CoE object
to clear the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE objects.
Clear the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE objects only after you have
removed the causes of the errors.

A-5-4 Getting Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units
The Coupler Unit Event Log and NX Unit Event Log CoE objects can be read with SDO communica-
tions to get the event logs from the EtherCAT Coupler Units or specified NX Units.

Subindex 00 hex (Number of entries) gives the number of events in the event log plus 1. You can deter-
mine the number of events in the event log by getting the number of entries.
The contents of the event log are stored in the order that the events occurred starting from subindex 02
hex (Event log 1).
For example, if there are two events in the event log in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, the object values
are as given below.

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name Value

380A --- Coupler Unit Event Log ---
00 Number of entries 02 hex
01 Newest record No. Undefined.
02 Event log 1 Information on the first event that
03 Event log 2 Information on the second event
that occurred
04 Event log 3 Undefined.
: : :
81 Event log 128 Undefined.

A - 16 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Precautions for Correct Use

• Subindex 01 hex (Newest record No.) in the Coupler Unit Event Log and NX Unit Event Log
CoE objects has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of subindex 01 hex
(Newest record No.) to determine when a new event has occurred.
• If there are more than 128 events, the value of subindex 00 hex (Number of entries) in the

A-5 Troubleshooting with a Master from Another Manufacturer

Coupler Unit Event Log and NX Unit Event Log CoE objects will remain at 81 hex (129 deci-
mal) and will not be updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex (Newest record No.) to deter-
mine if a new event has occurred.
• If there are less than 128 events, the contents of the event log is stored in order starting from
subindex 02 hex (Event log 1) in the Coupler Unit Event Log and NX Unit Event Log CoE
objects. However, when there are more than 128 events in the event log, the subindexes
where the information on the new events is stored is undefined. Therefore, when there are
more than 128 events in the event log, read the values of subindex 02 hex (Event log 1) to
subindex 81 hex (Event log 128) while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex (Newest
record No.). If the value of subindex 01 hex (Newest record No.) changes while you are read-
ing the information on events, read all of the values from subindex 02 hex (Event log 1) to 81
hex (Event log 128).

A-5-5 Clearing Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units
You can write 6C636C65 hex (“elcl”) to the Error History Clear CoE object to clear the contents of the
Coupler Unit Event Log CoE object.

You can write 6C636C65 hex (“elcl”) to the NX Unit Event Log Clear CoE object to clear the contents of A
the NX Unit Event Log CoE object.

A-5-5 Clearing Event Logs from EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units
A-5-6 Troubleshooting Procedure
Use the following procedure to troubleshoot EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units even if you use a
master from another manufacturer.

1 Monitor the NX Unit Error Status CoE object.

2 If an error is detected, read the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE
If subindex 01 hex (Update Count) changes while you are reading the data, read the subindex
data again from the beginning.

3 Use the event code and attached information stored in the obtained objects to determine the
cause of the error and correction in the manual.

4 Clear the Coupler Unit Current Errors and NX Unit Current Errors CoE objects.

If a power interruption occurs after the error or if you need to check the frequency and types of errors
that occurred in the past, check the event logs of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 17


Precautions for Correct Use

Some NX Unit errors require special procedures to clear the errors. These errors cannot be
cleared with the above method. Refer to the user’s manuals of the NX Units for details on clear-
ing errors.

A - 18 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings

A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master from Another Manufacturer
with a Master from Another Manufac-
You can use CoE objects to set the Unit operation settings for EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX Units
with a master from another manufacturer.

Version Information
The descriptions in this section are supported for NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later. Refer to
A-11 Version Information on page A-92 for information on versions.

A-6-1 Difference between Using CoE Objects for Saving Parameters

and Those for Initializing Parameters
When you set the Unit operation settings for NX Units with a master from another manufacturer, a sav-
ing of parameters that are set in the NX Units is required. An initialization of parameters may also be
The following table provides two CoE objects each for saving the parameters and initializing the param-
eters. Their features are different.

Application CoE Object Feature A

Saving parameters Index 1010 hex (Store Parameters) • It can be created by the user program in a rel-
atively simple way.

A-6-1 Difference between Using CoE Objects for Saving Parameters and Those for Initializing
• A timeout may occur.*1
Index 380F hex (Store Parameters • A timeout does not occur.*2
Initializing parame- Index 1011 hex (Restore Default • It can be created by the user program in a rel-
ters Parameters) atively simple way.
• A timeout may occur.*1
Index 3810 hex (Restore Default • A timeout does not occur.*2
Parameters Command)
*1. When you use this object, an SDO response is not returned to the EtherCAT master until the processing is
completed. Therefore, a timeout may occur depending on the timeout time set in the EtherCAT master.
*2. When you use this object, an SDO response is immediately returned to the EtherCAT master when the com-
mand is acknowledged. Therefore, a timeout does not occur. Refer to object values of the command status to
confirm whether the processing is completed.

When saving the parameters, for example, consider the feature and use the CoE objects separately as

1 Use index 1010 hex (Store Parameters) to confirm the operation.

2 If a timeout does not occur, use index 1010 hex (Store Parameters) for actual operation. If a tim-
eout occurs, use index 380F hex (Store Parameters Command) for actual operation.
Similarly, when initializing the parameters, use index 1011 hex (Restore Default Parameters) if a time-
out does not occur and use index 3810 hex (Restore Default Parameters Command) if a timeout occurs
by confirming the operation.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 19


A-6-2 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1010 Hex (Store
This section describes the Unit operation settings when using index 1010 hex (Store Parameters).

CoE Objects to Use

The following CoE objects are used to set Unit operation settings in NX Units.

Index (hex) Object name Reference

1010 Store Parameters P. A-31
3005 NX Unit Message Enabled Status P. A-58
3006 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status P. A-59
380B Switch Parameter Write Mode P. A-65
380E NX Unit Restart P. A-67
5000 + ((NX Unit No. - 01) × 20) The object name depends on the specifications of the P. A-73
NX Unit.

Unit Operation Setting Procedure

Use the following procedure to set NX Unit operation settings with a master from another manufacturer.

1 Use index 3005 hex (NX Unit Message Enabled Status) to confirm that message communica-
tions are enabled for the Unit for which to set the Unit operation settings.

2 Use index 380B hex (Switch Parameter Write Mode) to change the Unit to Parameter Write

3 Change the CoE object for the Unit operation settings to change in the Unit.

4 Use index 1010 hex (Store Parameters) to save the parameters of the Unit.

5 Use index 380E hex (NX Unit Restart) to restart the Unit.

6 Use index 3006 hex (NX Unit I/O Data Active Status) to confirm that the Unit is performing I/O
data communications.

Example for Unit Operation Settings

The following example shows setting Unit operation settings for an EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit
with a master from another manufacturer. The conditions are given in the following table.

Item Description
Unit NX-TS3201
Unit Number 4
Unit operation settings The Channel 1 Enable/Disable object (index 5000 hex and subindex 01 hex) is set
to disable (FALSE).

A - 20 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


The procedure is given in the following table.

A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master from Another Manufacturer
Accessed CoE object
Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
1 3005 --- NX Unit Message Enabled Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
Status TRUE because the unit number of
01 NX Unit Message Enabled Sta- the Unit is 4.
tus 15*1
2 380B --- Switch Parameter Write Mode Write a value of 50525752 hex.*2
04 Switch Parameter Write
Mode NX Unit 4
3 5060 *3 --- --- Write a value of FALSE.
01 Channel Enable/Disable *4

4 1010 --- Store Parameters Write a value of 73617665 hex.*5

07 Store NX Unit 4 Parameters
5 380E --- NX Unit Restart Write a value of 0000 hex.
04 NX Unit 4 Restart
6 3006 --- NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Write a value of 0000 hex.
01 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
15*6 TRUE because the unit number of
the Unit is 4.
*1. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.
*2. Indicates the ASCII code for “prwr.” The mode changes to Parameter Write Mode.
*3. This value is 5000 + ((Unit No. 4 - 1) × 20), or 5060 hex.
*4. This is an NX object of the NX-TS3201. A
*5. Indicates the ASCII code for “save.” The changed parameter setting is saved.
*6. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.

A-6-3 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 380F Hex (Store Parameters Command)
You must confirm just before you start the operation that the Unit can perform message communica-
tions. Refer to 9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments on page 9-39 for the
confirmation method.

A-6-3 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 380F Hex (Store
Parameters Command)
This section describes the Unit operation settings when using index 380F hex (Store Parameters Com-

CoE Objects to Use

You use the following CoE objects to change Unit operation settings in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX

Index (hex) Object name Reference

3005 NX Unit Message Enabled Status P. A-58
3006 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status P. A-59
380B Switch Parameter Write Mode P. A-65
380E NX Unit Restart P. A-67
380F Store Parameters Command P. A-67
5000 + ((NX Unit No. - 01) × 20) The object name depends on the specifications of the P. A-73
NX Unit.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 21


Unit Operation Setting Procedure

Use the following procedure to set NX Unit operation settings with a master from another manufacturer.

1 Use index 3005 hex (NX Unit Message Enabled Status) to confirm that message communica-
tions are enabled for the Unit for which to set the Unit operation settings.

2 Use index 380B hex (Switch Parameter Write Mode) to change the Unit to Parameter Write

3 Change the CoE object for the Unit operation settings to change in the Unit.

4 Use index 380F hex (Store Parameters Command) to save the parameters of the Unit.

5 Use index 380F hex (Store Parameters Command) to confirm that the parameters have been
saved successfully.
If saving was successful, go to step 6.
If saving failed, replace the Unit or take other corrective measures.
If the parameters are still being saved, return to step 4.

6 Use index 380E hex (NX Unit Restart) to restart the Unit.

7 Use index 3006 hex (NX Unit I/O Data Active Status) to confirm that the Unit is performing I/O
data communications.

Example for Unit Operation Settings

The following example shows setting Unit operation settings for an EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit
with a master from another manufacturer. The conditions are given in the following table.

Item Description
Unit NX-TS3201
Unit Number 4
Unit operation settings The Channel 1 Enable/Disable object (index 5000 hex and subindex 01 hex) is set
to disable (FALSE).

The procedure is given in the following table.

Accessed CoE object

Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
1 3005 --- NX Unit Message Enabled Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
Status TRUE because the unit number of
01 NX Unit Message Enabled Sta- the Unit is 4.
tus 15*1
2 380B --- Switch Parameter Write Mode Write a value of 50525752 hex.*2
04 Switch Parameter Write
Mode NX Unit 4
3 5060 *3 --- --- Write a value of FALSE.
01 Channel Enable/Disable *4

4 380F --- Store Parameters Command Write a value of 73613034.*5

01 Store Parameters Command
5 380F --- Store Parameters Command Confirm the value.*6
02 Store Parameters Status
6 380E --- NX Unit Restart Write a value of 0000 hex.
04 NX Unit 4 Restart

A - 22 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master from Another Manufacturer
Accessed CoE object
Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
7 3006 --- NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Write a value of 0000 hex.
01 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
15*7 TRUE because the unit number of
the Unit is 4.
*1. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.
*2. Indicates the ASCII code for “prwr.” The mode changes to Parameter Write Mode.
*3. This value is 5000 + ((Unit No. 4 - 1) × 20), or 5060 hex.
*4. This is an NX object of the NX-TS3201.
*5. The unit number of the Unit is 4, so the value of the lower four digits is 3034 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “0” and
*6. Successful: 00 hex, Failure: 02 hex, In progress: FF hex.
*7. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.

You must confirm just before you start the operation that the Unit can perform message communica-
tions. Refer to 9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments on page 9-39 for the
confirmation method.

A-6-4 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1011 Hex (Restore
Default Parameters)
This section describes the Unit operation settings when using index 1011 hex (Restore Default Param- A

A-6-4 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 1011 Hex (Restore Default Parameters)
CoE Objects to Use
The following CoE objects are used to set Unit operation settings in NX Units.

Index (hex) Object name Reference

1011 Restore Default Parameters P. A-32
3005 NX Unit Message Enabled Status P. A-58
3006 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status P. A-59
380B Switch Parameter Write Mode P. A-65
380E NX Unit Restart P. A-67

Unit Operation Setting Procedure

Use the following procedure to set NX Unit operation settings with a master from another manufacturer.

1 Use index 3005 hex (NX Unit Message Enabled Status) to confirm that message communica-
tions are enabled for the Unit for which to set the Unit operation settings.

2 Use index 380B hex (Switch Parameter Write Mode) to change the Unit to Parameter Write

3 Use index 1011 hex (Restore Default Parameters) to initialize the parameters of the Unit.

4 Use index 380E hex (NX Unit Restart) to restart the Unit.

5 Use index 3006 hex (NX Unit I/O Data Active Status) to confirm that the Unit is performing I/O
data communications.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 23


Example for Unit Operation Settings

The following example shows setting Unit operation settings for an EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit
with a master from another manufacturer. The conditions are given in the following table.

Item Description
Unit NX-TS3201
Unit Number 4
Unit operation settings Initialize the parameters.

The procedure is given in the following table.

Accessed CoE object

Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
1 3005 --- NX Unit Message Enabled Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
Status TRUE because the unit number of
01 NX Unit Message Enabled Sta- the Unit is 4.
tus 15*1
2 380B --- Switch Parameter Write Mode Write a value of 50525752 hex.*2
04 Switch Parameter Write
Mode NX Unit 4
3 1011 --- Restore Default Parameters Write a value of 6C6F6164 hex.*3
05 Restore NX Unit 4 Default
4 380E --- NX Unit Restart Write a value of 0000 hex.
04 NX Unit 4 Restart
5 3006 --- NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
01 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status TRUE because the unit number of
15*4 the Unit is 4.
*1. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.
*2. Indicates the ASCII code for “prwr.” The mode changes to Parameter Write Mode.
*3. Indicates the ASCII code for “load”. The parameters are initialized.
*4. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.

You must confirm just before you start the operation that the Unit can perform message communica-
tions. Refer to 9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments on page 9-39 for the
confirmation method.

A-6-5 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 3810 Hex (Restore
Default Parameters Command)
This section describes the Unit operation settings when using index 3810 hex (Restore Default Param-
eters Command).

CoE Objects to Use

You use the following CoE objects to change Unit operation settings in EtherCAT Coupler Units and NX

Index (hex) Object name Reference

3005 NX Unit Message Enabled Status P. A-58
3006 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status P. A-59

A - 24 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-6 Setting NX Unit Operation Settings with a Master from Another Manufacturer
Index (hex) Object name Reference
380B Switch Parameter Write Mode P. A-65
380E NX Unit Restart P. A-67
3810 Restore Default Parameters Command P. A-69

Unit Operation Setting Procedure

Use the following procedure to set NX Unit operation settings with a master from another manufacturer.

1 Use index 3005 hex (NX Unit Message Enabled Status) to confirm that message communica-
tions are enabled for the Unit for which to set the Unit operation settings.

2 Use index 380B hex (Switch Parameter Write Mode) to change the Unit to Parameter Write

3 Use index 3810 hex (Restore Default Parameters Command) to initialize the parameters of the

4 Use index 3810 hex (Restore Default Parameters Command) to confirm that the parameters
have been saved successfully.
If saving was successful, go to step 5.
If saving failed, replace the Unit or take other corrective measures.
If the parameters are still being saved, return to step 3.

5 Use index 380E hex (NX Unit Restart) to restart the Unit.

6 Use index 3006 hex (NX Unit I/O Data Active Status) to confirm that the Unit is performing I/O
data communications.
Example for Unit Operation Settings

A-6-5 Unit Operation Settings When Using Index 3810 Hex (Restore Default Parameters Com-
The following example shows setting Unit operation settings for an EtherCAT Coupler Unit and NX Unit
with a master from another manufacturer. The conditions are given in the following table.

Item Description
Unit NX-TS3201
Unit Number 4
Unit operation settings Initialize the parameters.

The procedure is given in the following table.

Accessed CoE object

Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
1 3005 --- NX Unit Message Enabled Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
Status TRUE because the unit number of
01 NX Unit Message Enabled Sta- the Unit is 4.
tus 15*1
2 380B --- Switch Parameter Write Mode Write a value of 50525752 hex.*2
04 Switch Parameter Write
Mode NX Unit 4
3 3810 --- Restore Default Parameters Write a value of 6C6F3034 hex.*3
01 Restore Default Parameters

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 25


Accessed CoE object

Step Subindex Processing
Index (hex) Object name
4 3810 --- Restore Default Parameters Confirm the value.*4
02 Restore Default Parameters Sta-
5 380E --- NX Unit Restart Write a value of 0000 hex.
04 NX Unit 4 Restart
6 3006 --- NX Unit I/O Data Active Status Confirm that the value of bit 4 is
01 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status TRUE because the unit number of
15*5 the Unit is 4.
*1. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.
*2. Indicates the ASCII code for “prwr.” The mode changes to Parameter Write Mode.
*3. The unit number of the Unit is 4, so the value of the lower four digits is 3034 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “0” and
*4. Successful: 00 hex, Failure: 02 hex, In progress: FF hex.
*5. Use the NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 object because the number of NX Units is up to 15 Units.

You must confirm just before you start the operation that the Unit can perform message communica-
tions. Refer to 9-3-3 I/O Ports for Status That Accept Device Variable Assignments on page 9-39 for the
confirmation method.

A - 26 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-7 CoE Objects

This section explains the CoE objects that are implemented by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Precautions for Safe Use

Always sufficiently check the safety at the connected devices before you change the settings of
a slave or Unit.

A-7-1 Object Dictionary Area

The CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) is based on the object dictionary for the CAN appli-
cation protocol.
All objects are assigned 4-digit hexadecimal indexes. The objects are structured in the following areas.

Indexes Area Description

A-7 CoE Objects

0000 to 0FFF hex Data Type Area This area contains the data type definitions.
1000 to 1FFF hex CoE Communications Area The objects in this area are defined for use by all servers
that perform specialized communications.
• PDO mapping objects
2000 to 2FFF hex Manufacturer-specific Area 1 The objects in this area are defined for all OMRON products.
3000 to 5FFF hex Manufacturer-specific Area 2 The objects in this area are defined for the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.
6000 to 9FFF hex Device Profile Area The objects in this area are defined by the CiA401 Generic
I/O Module Device Profile (a profile that specifies the CAN
application protocol interface for devices with digital I/O and

A-7-1 Object Dictionary Area

analog I/O).
A000 to EFFF hex Reserved area This area is reserved for future use.
F000 to FFFF hex Modular Device-specific Area The objects in this area are defined by modular devices.

A-7-2 Data Type

The following data types are used in this profile.

Data type Abbreviation Size Range of values

Boolean BOOL 1 bit 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE)
Unsigned8 U8 1 byte 0 to 255
Unsigned16 U16 2 bytes 0 to 65,535
Unsigned32 U32 4 bytes 0 to 4,294,967,295
Unsigned64 U64 8 bytes 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Visible string VS --- ---
ARRAY[0..Y] OF BYTE ARRAY[0..Y] OF BYTE Y+1 bytes ---

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 27


A-7-3 Assigning Objects

This section describes how objects are assigned in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Assignment of Objects in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal

The following figure and table show how index numbers for objects are assigned to the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit and NX Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units

End Cover
#1 #2 #125

EtherCAT Cou- NX Units*1

Object type
pler Unit #1 #2 --- #125
Input Data Mapping Objects 1BF4 hex 1A00 hex 1A04 hex 1BF0 hex
(PDO mapping objects for TxP- to to to --- to
DOs) 1BFF hex 1A03 hex 1A07 hex 1BF3 hex
Input Data Objects (application 3000 hex 6000 hex 6020 hex 6F80 hex
objects for TxPDOs) to to to --- to
5FFF hex 601F hex 603F hex 6F9F hex
Output Data Mapping Objects 17F4 hex 1600 hex 1604 hex 17F0 hex
(PDO mapping objects for RxP- to to to --- to
DOs) 17FF hex 1603 hex 1607 hex 17F3 hex
Output Data Objects (application 7000 hex 7020 hex 7F80 hex
objects for RxPDOs) to to --- to
701F hex 703F hex 7F9F hex
Configuration Objects*2 8000 hex 8020 hex 8F80 hex
to to --- to
801F hex 803F hex 8F9F hex
Information Objects*3 9000 hex 9020 hex 9F80 hex
to to --- to
901F hex 903F hex 9F9F hex
*1. #1 to #125 are the NX Unit numbers for the NX Units.
*2. This is an information object for the downloaded Unit configuration.
*3. This is an information object for the actual Unit configuration.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit Objects

PDO mapping objects (Input Data Mapping Objects and Output Data Mapping Objects) and application
objects (Input Data Objects and Output Data Objects) are assigned for the range of index numbers in
the table under Assignment of Objects in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal on page A-28.

A - 28 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


NX Unit Objects
Each type of objects is assigned to the NX Units for every NX Unit number.

 PDO Mapping Objects (Input Data Mapping Objects and Output Data Mapping
The PDO mapping objects for NX Units have four indexes assigned for every NX Unit number.
To access a PDO mapping object for an NX Unit with SDO communications, specify the index num-
ber that is assigned to the NX Unit number of the target NX Unit.

 Application Objects (Input Data Objects and Output Data Objects)

Application objects for the NX Units are assigned for every NX Unit number. Specifically, the Input
Data Objects and Output Data Objects each have 32 indexes assigned for every NX Unit number.
The application objects for NX Units are referenced by NX objects that are defined for each model
number. Definitions for NX objects start at unit number 1 (#1).
To access an application object for an NX Unit with SDO communications, specify the index number
as follows: shift the index number of the object by subtracting 1 hex from the NX Unit number of the

A-7 CoE Objects

target NX Unit in hex, and then multiply this by 20 hex.

Example: To access the NX object with an index number of 6000 hex and a subindex number of 01
hex on the NX Unit with an NX Unit number of 2:
(02 hex − 01 hex) × 20 hex = 20 hex
Shift the index number by 20 hex to get the index number 6020 hex, and specify a subin- A
dex number of 01 hex.

 Configuration Objects and Information Objects

A-7-3 Assigning Objects

The configuration objects and information objects for NX Units each have 32 indexes assigned for
every NX Unit number.
These objects contain information that describes the Unit configuration, and are defined for each NX
Unit model number and product.
Definitions for the configuration objects and information objects start at Unit number 1 (#1).
To access configuration objects and information objects for an NX Unit with SDO communications,
specify the index number as follows: shift the index number of the object by subtracting 1 from the
NX Unit number of the target NX Unit, and then multiply this by 20 hex.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 29


A-7-4 Format of Objects

This manual describes objects with the following format.

Index Data Data PDO map- Complete
dex Object name Default Unit Size Access
(hex) range attribute ping access
<Index> <Sub- <Object name> <Default <Data <Unit> <Data <Size> <Access> <Possi- <Possi-
index> setting> range> attribute> ble/Not ble/Not pos-
possible> sible>

Items within the <> brackets are replaced with data. Each item has the following meaning.

Item Description
Index This is the index of the object that is expressed as a four-digit hexadecimal number.
Subindex This is the subindex of the object that is expressed as a two-digit hexadecimal number.
Object name This is the name of the object. For a subindex, this is the name of the subindex.
Default This is the value that is set when the product is shipped from the factory.
Data range For a read-only (RO) object, this is the range of the data that you can read. For a read/write
(RW) object, this is the setting range of the data.
Unit The unit is the physical units.
Data attribute This is the timing when changes to writable objects are enabled.
A: Enabled at all times
B: When moving from Pre-Operational state to Safe-Operational state
C: When moving from Pre-Operational state to Init state
R: When the power supply is reset or the Unit is restarted
---: Write-prohibited
Size This is the size of the object in bytes.
Access This data tells if the object is read-only or read/write.
RO: Read only
RW: Read/write
PDO mapping This tells whether you can map the object to a PDO.
Complete access*1 This tells whether the object allows complete access.

*1. Complete access is used to read and write to a batch of objects. It allows you to read or write to all subindexes
of an object.

A - 30 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-7-5 Communication Objects

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1000 --- Device Type 00001389 hex 00001389 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not Not pos-
(U32) possi- sible.
• This object gives the CoE device profile number for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit (NX-ECC201,
NX-ECC202, or NX-ECC203).

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1008 --- Manufacturer Device --- --- --- --- 20 bytes RO Not Not pos-
Name (VS) possi- sible.
• This object gives the model of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data

A-7 CoE Objects

dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1009 --- Manufacturer Hard- “ ” (padded “ ” (padded --- --- 20 bytes RO Not Not pos-
ware Version with 20 with 20 spaces (VS) possi- sible.
spaces (char- (character 20 ble.
acter 20 hex)) hex))
• This object gives the hardware version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

PDO Com- A
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access

A-7-5 Communication Objects

100A --- Manufacturer Soft- --- --- --- --- 20 bytes RO Not Not pos-
ware Version (VS) possi- sible.
• This object gives the software version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1010 --- Store Parameters --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
00 Number of entries *1 *1 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Store Parameters 00000001 00000000 --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
03*2 Store Slave Termi- 00000001 00000000 to --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
nal Parameters hex 65766173 hex (U32) possi-
04*2 Store NX Unit 1 00000001 00000000 to --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
Parameters hex 65766173 hex (U32) possi-
…*2 … … … … … … … … …

42*2 Store NX Unit 63 00000001 00000000 to --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---

Parameters hex 65766173 hex (U32) possi-
*1. This value is 42 hex for NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later. Otherwise, it is 01 hex.
*2. These subindexes can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object is used to save parameters.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 31


• Subindex 01 hex is used to save parameters for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• Subindex 03 hex is used to save the parameters for all Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• You can also save the parameters for individual NX Units. For subindexes 04 hex to 42 hex, the num-
ber in the object name indicates the NX Unit number and each subindex corresponds to the Store
Parameters object for the relevant NX Unit.
• To prevent inadvertently saving parameters, the parameters are saved only when you write a specific
value to subindex 01 hex.
The designated value means “save.”
e v a s
65 hex 76 hex 61 hex 73 hex
If you write a value other than the designated value, the abort code is returned.
• When saving the parameters is completed, an SDO response is returned to the EtherCAT master.
• No response is returned until saving the parameters is completed.
• The saved parameter values are applied when you restart the Unit after you execute this object.
• During a read, the object gives 00000001 hex (command enabled).
• If you execute index 380F hex during execution of index 1010 hex, the abort code is returned.
• You cannot use this object to save parameters for Safety CPU Units and Safety I/O Units. If you
specify a Safety CPU Unit or Safety I/O Unit, the abort code is returned.
• If a Unit Configuration Verification Error occurs, the abort code is returned.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1011 --- Restore Default --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Parameters sible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Restore Default 00000001 00000000 --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
Parameters hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
02*1 Restore NX Unit 1 00000001 00000000 to --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
Default Parameters hex 64616F6C hex (U32) possi-
… … … … … … … … … …
40*1 Restore NX Unit 63 00000001 00000000 to --- R 4 bytes RW Not ---
Default Parameters hex 64616F6C hex (U32) possi-
*1. This subindex can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object returns the parameters to their default values.

• Subindex 01 hex initializes the parameters for all Units in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• You can also initialize the parameters for individual NX Units. For subindexes 02 hex to 40 hex, the
number in the object name indicates the NX Unit number and each subindex corresponds to the
Restore Default Parameters object for the relevant NX Unit.
• To prevent inadvertently restoring parameters, the parameters are restored only when you write a
specific value to subindex 01 hex.
The designated value means “load.”
d a o l
64 hex 61 hex 6F hex 6C hex
If you write a value other than the designated value, the abort code is returned.
• No response is returned until initializing the parameters is completed.

A - 32 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• The initialized parameter values are applied when you restart the Unit after you execute this object.
• During a read, the object gives 00000001 hex (command enabled).
• You cannot initialize Safety CPU Unit parameters. If you specify a Safety CPU Unit, the abort code is
• If a Unit Configuration Verification Error occurs, the abort code is returned.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1018 --- Identity Object --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Vendor ID 00000083 00000083 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex (U32) possi-
02 Product Code --- --- --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
(U32) possi-
03 Revision Number --- --- --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
(U32) possi-

A-7 CoE Objects

04 Serial Number --- 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
• This object gives information on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the vendor’s ID.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the value that is assigned to the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Model Default Data range
NX-ECC201 00000083 hex 00000083 hex

A-7-5 Communication Objects

NX-ECC202 000000A6 hex 000000A6 hex
NX-ECC203 000000AA hex 000000AA hex
• Subindex 03 hex gives the revision number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Bits 16 to 31: These bits give the major revision number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Bits 0 to 15: These bits give the minor revision number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the serial number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. This is a unique value for
each product.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 33


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
10E0 --- Node Address --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Reload sible.

00 Number of entries 03 hex 03 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---

(U8) possi-
01 Configured Station 0000 hex 0000 --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
Alias Register Value to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
03 ID-Selector valida- 0000 hex 0000 --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
tion to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the software setting of the node address.
When Writing:
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to 0, the value that you write to this object is the
software setting for the node address. (Set the value to write in the ESC register 0012 hex.)
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to a value other than 0, the hardware switches
are enabled. This causes an SDO communications error and returns abort code 08000021 hex.
When Reading:
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to 0, the software setting (the value written to
the ESC register 0012 hex) is given.
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to a value other than 0, the value set on the
hardware switches is given.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the node address that is set on the hardware switches.
When Writing:
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to 0, an SDO communications error occurs and
abort code 08000021 hex is returned, regardless of the write value.
If the hardware switches for the node address are set to a value other than 0 and the write value is
0000 hex, the value set on the hardware switches is written to the ESC register 0012 hex.
If the write value is any other value than 0000 hex, an SDO communications error occurs and abort
code 08000021 hex is returned.
When Reading:
This gives the value that is set on the hardware switches for the node address.

A - 34 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
10F3 --- Diagnosis History --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of entries 85 hex 85 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Maximum Mes- 80 hex 80 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
sages (U8) possi-
02 Newest Message 00 hex 00 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
or (U8) possi-
06 to 85 hex ble.
03*1 Newest Acknowl- 00 hex 00 or 06 to 85 --- --- 1 byte RW Not ---
edged Message hex (U8) possi-
04*1 New Messages FALSE FALSE, --- --- 1 bit RO Possi- ---
Available TRUE ble.
05 Flags 0000 hex 0000 --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
to (U16) possi-
0001 hex ble.
06 Diagnosis Message --- --- --- --- 23 bytes RO Not ---
1 (ARRAY[0 possi-

A-7 CoE Objects

..22] OF ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
85 Diagnosis Message --- --- --- --- 23 bytes RO Not ---
128 (ARRAY[0 possi-
..22] OF ble.
*1. These subindexes can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.
*2. The data type for NX-ECC203 version 1.4 or earlier and models other than the NX-ECC203 is 23 bytes (VS).

A-7-5 Communication Objects

• This object gives a maximum of 128 diagnosis messages. This object is used to enable or disable
emergency messages.
• Subindex 01 hex (Maximum Messages) gives the number of error messages.
• Subindex 02 (Newest Message) gives the subindex number of the most recent diagnosis message.
• Subindex 03 hex (Newest Acknowledged Message) gives the number of the newest acknowledged
message. The operations for reading and writing are different, as described in the following table.

Reading/writing Operation
Reading • The subindex of the most recent error log record is returned (06 hex to 85 hex).
• If there are no records in the error log, 00 hex is returned.
Writing • Write the number of the error log record between 06 and 85 hex.
• The value of subindex 04 hex (Newest Messages Available) changes to FALSE.
• If you write 00 hex, the entire error log is cleared.
• If you write values other than 00 hex and 06 to 85 hex, the abort code is returned.
• If you write a subindex that does not have an error log record, the abort code is
• Subindex 04 hex (New Messages Available) provides notification of new messages. It indicates if the
error log has been updated. When the error log is updated, the value changes to 1 (TRUE). The
value changes to 0 (FALSE) in the following cases.
a) Subindex 03 hex (Newest Acknowledged Message) gives the subindex number of the most
recent error log record.
b) The error log has not been updated.
• Subindex 05 hex (Flags) is the control flags for the error logs. Use this to specify whether to use
emergency messages to report error messages. Set this to 0001 hex to enable notification, or 0000

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 35


hex to disable notification. This is set to 0000 hex (no emergency notifications) when the power sup-
ply is turned ON. The error logs are saved for errors where the error log record to be given as saved
in 13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes on page 13-55 even if it is set to disable notification.
• Subindexes 06 to 85 hex give the diagnosis messages (from Diagnosis Message 1 to Diagnosis
Message 128).
Subindex 06 hex (Diagnosis Message 1) to subindex 85 hex (Diagnosis Message 128) store up to
128 errors as they occur. The 129th error causes the storage of errors to return to subindex 06 hex
(Diagnosis Message 1).
• The following table gives the format of a diagnosis message.

Item Data type Details

Dialog code UINT32 Bits 16 to 31: Emergency error code*1
Bits 0 to 15: E800 hex
Flags UINT16 0004 hex: Error message
Text ID UNIT16 0000 hex: No text ID
Time Stamp UINT64 The time that the error occurred.*2*3
Flag parameter 1 UINT16 Bits 12 to 15: 01 hex
Bits 0 to 11: 005 hex (size of parameter 1)
Parameter 1 ARRAY[0..4] OF BYTE Byte 4: NX Unit number
Bytes 0 to 3: Event code*4
*1. Refer to 13-7-3 Emergency Error Codes on page 13-55 for details on the emergency error codes.
*2. If you use a master from another manufacturer and if the event log time has not been set with subindex 10F9
hex (Present Time for Event Log), 0 is stored.
*3. For NX-ECC203 version 1.4 or earlier and models other than the NX-ECC203, 0 is stored.
*4. Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details on event
codes for errors.

• The following table provides the procedure to read the error log record. The error indicates one that
first occurred after the error log record was cleared. The error log record is written to subindex 06 hex
(Diagnosis Message 1).
User program processing in the EtherCAT
Step Processing in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
1 Monitor the value of subindex 04 hex (New ---
Messages Available).
2 --- • Write the error log record to subindex 06 hex (Diag-
nosis Message 1) when an error occurs.
• The value of subindex 04 hex (New Messages Avail-
able) changes from FALSE to TRUE.
3 • Detect that the value of subindex 04 hex ---
(New Messages Available) changed to
• Read the value of subindex 06 hex (Diag-
nosis Message 1).
• Write the number of the error log record 06
hex that was read to subindex 03 hex
(Newest Acknowledged Message).
4 --- • Detect that the value of subindex 03 hex (Newest
Acknowledged Message) was changed.
• The value of subindex 04 hex (New Messages Avail-
able) changes from TRUE to FALSE.

A - 36 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
10F9*1 --- Present Time for Event --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Present Time for Event 00000000000 000000000000 ns --- 8 bytes RW Not ---
Log 00000 hex 0000 to (U64) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object is used to set the present time for the event log.
• The time information is indicated in a relative time from 1970/1/1, 0:00:00. The unit is seconds.
• An addition of time is started from the set value.
• You do not need to use this object for the NJ/NX-series CPU Units and NY-series Industrial PCs. The
time information in the CPU Unit or Industrial PC is used to record times in the event log.
• If you use a master from another manufacturer and if this object was not used to set the event log

A-7 CoE Objects

time, the times recorded in the event log will all be 1970/1/1, 0:00:00.

A-7-5 Communication Objects

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 37


A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects

The PDO mapping objects for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal are listed in the following table.

Index (hex) Description

1600 to 17F3 Receive PDO mappings for NX Units
1A00 to 1BF3 Transmit PDO mappings for NX Units
17F4 to 17FF Receive PDO mappings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
1BF4 to 1BFF Transmit PDO mappings for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
Refer to A-7-3 Assigning Objects on page A-28 for the PDO mapping objects and application objects
that are mapped to the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Subindexes 01 hex and on give the mapped application object information.

31 16 15 8 7 0

Index Subindex Bit length


Bits 16 to 31: Index of the assigned object

Bits 8 to 15: Subindex of the assigned object
Bits 0 to 7: Bit length of the assigned object (i.e., a bit length of 32 bits is given as 20 hex)

A - 38 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Receive PDO Mapping Objects for NX Units

The indexes from 1600 to 17F3 hex are for receive PDO mapping objects for NX Units.

Sub- PDO Com-

Index Data
index Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1600 to --- 1st - 4th receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
1603 Mapping
00 Number of objects in Depends 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
this PDO on Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Output Depends 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be mapped on Unit. to on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
1604 to --- 5th - 8th receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
1607 Mapping
00 Number of objects in Depends 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
this PDO on Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Output Depends 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be mapped on Unit. to on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-

A-7 CoE Objects

FFFFFFFF hex ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
17F0 to --- 496th - 500th receive --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
17F3 PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in Depends 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
this PDO on Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Output Depends 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be mapped on Unit. to
on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-
• For every NX Unit, four indexes are assigned in order from NX Unit number 1, as shown in the follow-
ing table.

A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects

Index (hex) Object name Assignment
1600 to 1603 1st - 4th receive PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 1
1604 to 1607 5th - 8th receive PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 2
--- --- ---
17F0 to 17F3 496th - 500th receive PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 125

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 39


• The above table of receive PDO mapping objects for an NX Unit are intentionally described in a sim-
plified format.
The actual assignments for a single NX Unit are as follows:
Example: NX Unit Number 1

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name

1600 --- 1st receive PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Output Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be mapped
1601 --- 2nd receive PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Output Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be mapped
1602 --- 3rd receive PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Output Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be mapped
1603 --- 4th receive PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Output Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be mapped
• The application objects that are assigned to the PDO mapping objects are defined for each NX Unit
model. Application objects are linked to NX objects.
The following table gives an example of PDO mappings for an actual NX Unit.
Example: An NX-OD3121 Four-point Output Unit or NX-OD5121 Sixteen-point Output Unit is con-
nected to NX Unit number 1.

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name
NX-OD3121 NX-OD5121
1600 --- 1st receive PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO 04 hex 01 hex
01 1st Output Object to be 70000101 hex 70020110 hex
02 2nd Output Object to be 70000201 hex ---
03 3rd Output Object to be 70000301 hex ---
04 4th Output Object to be 70000401 hex ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be --- ---
1601 --- 2nd receive PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Output Object to be --- ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be --- ---

A - 40 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name
NX-OD3121 NX-OD5121
1602 --- 3rd receive PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Output Object to be --- ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be --- ---
1603 --- 4th receive PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Output Object to be --- ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Output Object to be --- ---
Refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units for details on NX objects which serve as application
objects for the NX Units.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access

A-7 CoE Objects

17F4 --- 501st receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Output Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the Coupler PDO group.

Subin- PDO Com-

A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
17F5 --- 502nd receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Output Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the word PDO group.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
17F6 --- 503rd receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Output Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the bit PDO group.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 41


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
17F7 --- 504th receive PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Output Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the safety PDO group.

Transmit PDO Mapping Objects for NX Units

The indexes from 1A00 to 1BF3 hex are for transmit PDO mapping objects for NX Units.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1A00 to --- 1st - 4th transmit --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
1A03 PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects Depends on 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
in this PDO Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Input Depends on 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be Unit. to on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-
mapped FFFFFFFF hex ble.
1A04 to --- 5th - 8th transmit --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
01A07 PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects Depends on 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
in this PDO Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Input Depends on 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be Unit. to on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-
mapped FFFFFFFF hex ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1BF0 --- 496th - 500th trans- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
to mit PDO Mapping
1BF3 00 Number of objects Depends on 00 to FF hex --- Depends 1 byte Depends Not ---
in this PDO Unit. on Unit. (U8) on Unit. possi-
01 to 1st - 255th Input Depends on 00000000 --- Depends 4 bytes Depends Not ---
FF Object to be Unit. to on Unit. (U32) on Unit. possi-
mapped FFFFFFFF hex ble.
• For every NX Unit, four indexes are assigned in order from NX Unit number 1, as shown in the follow-
ing table.
Index (hex) Object name Assignment
1A00 to 1A03 1st - 4th transmit PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 1
1A04 to 1A07 5th - 8th transmit PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 2
--- --- ---
1BF0 to 1BF3 496th - 500th transmit PDO Mapping For the NX Unit with NX Unit number 125

A - 42 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• The above table of transmit PDO mapping objects for an NX Unit are intentionally described in a sim-
plified format.
The actual assignments for a single NX Unit are as follows:
Example: NX Unit Number 1

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name

1A00 --- 1st transmit PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Input Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be mapped
1A01 --- 2nd transmit PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Input Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be mapped
1A02 --- 3rd transmit PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Input Object to be mapped
--- ---

A-7 CoE Objects

FF 255th Input Object to be mapped
1A03 --- 4th transmit PDO Mapping
00 Number of objects in this PDO
01 1st Input Object to be mapped
--- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be mapped
• The application objects that are assigned to the PDO mapping objects are defined for each NX Unit
model. Application objects are linked to NX objects. A
The following table gives an example of PDO mappings for an actual NX Unit.
Example: An NX-ID3317 Four-point Input Unit or NX-TS2101 Two-point Temperature Input Unit is

A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects

connected to NX Unit number 1.

Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name
NX-ID3317 NX-TS2101
1A00 --- 1st transmit PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO 04 hex 02 hex
01 1st Input Object to be mapped 60000101 hex 60010110 hex
02 2nd Input Object to be mapped 60000201 hex 60010210 hex
03 3rd Input Object to be mapped 60000301 hex ---
04 4th Input Object to be mapped 60000401 hex ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be --- ---
1A01 --- 2nd transmit PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Input Object to be mapped --- ---
02 2nd Input Object to be mapped --- ---
--- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be --- ---
1A02 --- 3rd transmit PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Input Object to be mapped --- ---
02 2nd Input Object to be mapped --- ---
--- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 43


Index (hex) Subindex (hex) Object name
NX-ID3317 NX-TS2101
1A03 --- 4th transmit PDO Mapping --- ---
00 Number of objects in this PDO --- ---
01 1st Input Object to be mapped --- ---
--- --- --- ---
FF 255th Input Object to be --- ---
Refer to the user’s manuals for the NX Units for details on NX objects which serve as application
objects for the NX Units.

PDO Mapping Objects for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit

The indexes from 1BF4 to 1BFF hex are for transmit PDO mapping objects for the EtherCAT Coupler

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BF4 --- 501st transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the Coupler PDO group.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BF5 --- 502nd transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects in 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the word PDO group.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BF6 --- 503rd transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
in this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the bit PDO group.

A - 44 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BF7 --- 504th transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
in this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 00000000 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex to (U32) possi-
00000010 hex ble.
• This object sets the padding data for the word PDO group.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BF8 --- 505th transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 02 hex 00 --- B 1 byte RW Not ---
in this PDO to (U8) possi-
06 hex ble.
01 1st Input Object to *1 *1 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---

A-7 CoE Objects

be mapped (U32) possi-
02 2nd Input Object to *1 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped (U32) possi-
03 3rd Input Object to 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
04 4th Input Object to 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not --- A
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
05 5th Input Object to 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---

A-7-6 PDO Mapping Objects

be mapped hex (U32) possi-
06 6th Input Object to 00000000 --- B 4 bytes RW Not ---
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
*1. The default for each model and the application objects that you can map are listed.

Data range Object name (application object) Remarks

30030110 hex NX Unit Registration Status 15 ---
30030220 hex NX Unit Registration Status 31 ---
30030340 hex NX Unit Registration Status 63 With the NX-ECC203, this is assigned to subindex 01
hex by default.
30030480 hex NX Unit Registration Status 125 With the NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202, this is assigned to
subindex 01 hex by default.
30050110 hex NX Unit Message Enabled Status 15 ---
30050220 hex NX Unit Message Enabled Status 31 ---
30050340 hex NX Unit Message Enabled Status 63 ---
30050480 hex NX Unit Message Enabled Status 125 ---
30060110 hex NX Unit I/O Data Active Status 15 ---
30060220 hex NX Unit I/O Data Active Status 31 ---
30060340 hex NX Unit I/O Data Active Status 63 With the NX-ECC203, this is assigned to subindex 02
hex by default.
30060480 hex NX Unit I/O Data Active Status 125 With the NX-ECC201 or NX-ECC202, this is assigned to
subindex 02 hex by default.
30070110 hex NX Unit Error Status 15 ---
30070220 hex NX Unit Error Status 31 ---
30070340 hex NX Unit Error Status 63 ---
30070480 hex NX Unit Error Status 125 ---
300A0140 hex Timestamp of synchronous input ---

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 45


Data range Object name (application object) Remarks

300A0240 hex Timestamp of synchronous output ---
• These objects are PDO mapping objects that allow the addition or deletion of application objects. You
can map application objects such as the status information for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, Ether-
CAT Coupler Unit, or NX Units.
Refer to A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2 on page A-56 for details on these application objects.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BFE*1 --- 511th transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 02 hex 00 to 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
in this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 10F30401 10F30401 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
02 2nd Input Object to 0000000F 0000000F hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object is a PDO mapping object that is used to report whether the error log is updated. You can-
not add or delete application objects.
• The new messages available of index 10F3 hex, subindex 04 hex is mapped to subindex 01 hex (1st
Input Object to be mapped).
• Refer to Diagnosis History on page A-35 for details on index 10F3 hex.
• Subindex 02 hex (2nd Input Object to be mapped) is the padding data.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1BFF --- 512th transmit PDO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not Possible.
in this PDO (U8) possi-
01 1st Input Object to 20020108 20020108 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not Possible.
be mapped hex (U32) possi-
• This object is a PDO mapping object that is used to report that the EtherCAT Slave Terminal detected
an error. You cannot add or delete application objects.
• The Sysmac error status is mapped to index 2002 hex, subindex 01 hex.
• If the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is connected to the built-in EtherCAT port on an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC, this object is assigned to the Sync Manager 3 PDO Assignment object
(1C13 hex). This object is assigned automatically in the default Sysmac Studio settings.

A - 46 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects

The EtherCAT communications memory is set with objects from 1C00 to 1C13 hex.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C00 --- Sync Manager Com- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
munication Type
00 Number of used SM 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
channels (U8) possi-
01 Communication 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
Type Sync Manager (U8) possi-
0 ble.
02 Communication 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
Type Sync Manager (U8) possi-
1 ble.
03 Communication 03 hex 03 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
Type Sync Manager (U8) possi-
2 ble.
04 Communication 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---

A-7 CoE Objects

Type Sync Manager (U8) possi-
3 ble.
• The Sync Managers are set as follows:
SM0: Mailbox receive (EtherCAT master to an EtherCAT Slave Terminal)
SM1: Mailbox send (EtherCAT Slave Terminal to EtherCAT master)
SM2: Process data output (EtherCAT master to EtherCAT Slave Terminal)
SM3: Process data input (EtherCAT Slave Terminal to EtherCAT master) A
Subin- PDO Com-
Index Data

A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects

dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C10 --- Sync Manager 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
PDO Assignment
00 Number of assigned 00 hex 00 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
PDOs (U8) possi-
• This object gives the number of PDO mappings that are used by Sync Manager 0.
• The number of PDO mappings that are used by Sync Manager 0 are always 00 hex. In other words,
the Mailbox Receive Sync Manager does not have any PDOs.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C11 --- Sync Manager 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
PDO Assignment
00 Number of assigned 00 hex 00 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
PDOs (U8) possi-
• This object gives the number of PDO mappings that are used by Sync Manager 1.
• The number of PDO mappings that are used by Sync Manager 1 are always 00 hex. In other words,
the Mailbox Transmit Sync Manager does not have any PDOs.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 47


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C12 --- Sync Manager 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
PDO Assignment
00 Number of assigned 00 hex 00 to FF hex --- B 1 byte RW*1 Not ---
RxPDOs (U8) possi-
01 to 1st - 255th PDO Depends on 0000 hex, --- B 2 bytes RW*1 Not ---
FF Mapping object configuration. 1600 to 17F7 (U16) possi-
index of assigned hex ble.
*1. This is set to RO if the object does not have a receive PDO.

• This object gives the receive PDO that is used by Sync Manager 2.
• There can be a maximum of 255 PDO mappings in the range of indexes from 1600 to 17F7 hex.
• The default value depends on the Unit configuration. The default value is 0000 hex for NX Units that
are not mounted.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C13 --- Sync Manager 3 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
PDO Assignment
00 Number of assigned 00 hex 00 to FF hex --- B 1 byte RW*1 Not ---
TxPDOs (U8) possi-
01 to 1st - 255th PDO Depends on 0000 hex, --- B 2 bytes RW*1 Not ---
FF Mapping object configuration. 1A00 to (U16) possi-
index of assigned 1BFF hex ble.
*1. This is set to RO if the object does not have a transmit PDO.

• This gives the transmit PDO that is used by the Sync Manager.
• There can be a maximum of 255 PDO mappings in the range of indexes from 1A00 to 1BFF hex.
• The default value depends on the Unit configuration. The default values are 1BF4, 1BF8, and 1BFF
hex for NX Units that are not mounted.

A - 48 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C32 --- Sync Manager 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of Synchro- *1 *1 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
nization Parameters (U8) possi-
01 Synchronization 0000 hex 0000 or 0002 --- B 2 bytes RW Not ---
Type hex (U16) possi-
02 Cycle Time 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
03 Shift Time Depends 00000000 ns B 4 bytes RW Not ---
on configu- to (U32) possi-
ration. FFFFFFFF hex ble.
04 Synchronization 0005 hex 0005 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Types supported (U16) possi-
05 Minimum Cycle 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Time hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.

A-7 CoE Objects

06 Calc and Copy Time 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
09 Delay Time 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
0B*2 Cycle Time Too 00000000 00000000 Num- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Small hex to
ber of
(U32) possi-
0C*2 Cycle Time Too 0000 hex 0000 Num- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Small to ber of (U16) possi-

A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects

FFFF hex times ble.
*1. The values vary depending on the Unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. See below.
Unit version 1.5 or earlier: 0B hex
Unit version 1.6 or later: 0C hex
*2. The subindex number of Cycle Time Too Small varies depending on the Unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. See
Unit version 1.5 or earlier: 0B hex
Unit version 1.6 or later: 0C hex

• This object gives the specifications of the EtherCAT communications mode for Sync Manager 2.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the EtherCAT communications mode that you can select for Sync Manager 2
of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
0000 hex: Free-Run Mode
0002 hex: DC Mode (Sync0)
This mode is synchronized with the Sync0 event.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the cycle time.
In Free-Run Mode, the time between two local timer events is given.
In DC Mode (Sync0), the synchronization cycle of Sync0 is given.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 49


• Subindex 03 hex gives the shift time of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. By setting the shift time, the
time from Sync0 until the NX Unit output synchronization timing can be increased by the result of the
following calculation.
Set value of the Shift Time − Delay Time (hardware delay time)
When you do not set the shift time, it is the same as the hardware delay time. The shift time is valid
only in DC Mode when the Unit configuration information is registered. When moving from Init state
to Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state, the shift time is initialized.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the type of synchronization that is supported by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Free-Run Mode and DC Mode (Sync0) are supported.
• Subindex 05 hex gives the minimum cycle time that is supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• Subindex 06 hex gives the amount of time it will take for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to process the
process data.
• Subindex 09 hex gives the hardware delay time of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• Subindexes 0B hex and 0C hex give the value of the error counter in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
This counter is incremented if processing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is not completed within the
synchronization cycle.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
1C33 --- Sync Manager 3 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of Synchro- *1 *1 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
nization Parameters (U8) possi-
01 Synchronization 0000 hex 0000 or 0002 --- B 2 bytes RW Not ---
Type hex (U16) possi-
02 Cycle Time 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
03 Shift Time Depends on 00000000 ns B 4 bytes RW Not ---
configura- to (U32) possi-
tion. FFFFFFFF hex ble.
04 Synchronization 0005 hex 0005 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Types supported (U16) possi-
05 Minimum Cycle 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Time hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
06 Calc and Copy Time 00000000 00000000 ns --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
0B*2 Cycle Time Too 00000000 00000000 Num- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Small hex to ber of (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex times ble.
0C*2 Cycle Time Too 0000 hex 0000 Num- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Small to ber of (U16) possi-
FFFF hex times ble.
*1. The values vary depending on the Unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. See below.
Unit version 1.5 or earlier: 0B hex
Unit version 1.6 or later: 0C hex
*2. The subindex number of Cycle Time Too Small varies depending on the Unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. See
Unit version 1.5 or earlier: 0B hex
Unit version 1.6 or later: 0C hex

A - 50 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• This object gives the specifications of the EtherCAT communications mode for Sync Manager 3.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the EtherCAT communications mode that you can select for Sync Manager 3
of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
0000 hex: Free-Run Mode
0002 hex: DC Mode (Sync0)
This mode is synchronized with the Sync0 event.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the cycle time.
In Free-Run Mode, the time between two local timer events is given.
In DC Mode (Sync0), the synchronization cycle of Sync0 is given.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the shift time of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. By setting the shift time, the
time from Sync0 until the NX Unit input synchronization timing can be increased. When you do not
set the shift time, it is the same as the Delay Time (09 hex) in Sync Manager 2 Synchronization
(1C32 hex).
The shift time is valid only in DC Mode when the Unit configuration information is registered. When
moving from Init state to Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state, the shift time is initialized.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the type of synchronization that is supported by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Free-Run Mode and DC Mode (Sync0) are supported.
• Subindex 05 hex gives the minimum cycle time that is supported by the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

A-7 CoE Objects

• Subindex 06 hex gives the amount of time it will take for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal to process the
process data.
• Subindexes 0B hex and 0C hex give the value of the error counter in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
This counter is incremented if processing in the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is not completed within the
synchronization cycle.

A-7-7 Sync Manager Communications Objects

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 51


A-7-8 Manufacturer-specific Object 1

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2002 --- Sysmac Error --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
00 Number of entries 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Sysmac Error Status 02 hex 00 to FF hex --- --- 1 byte RO Possi- ---
(U8) ble.
02 Sysmac Error Status 00 hex 00 to FF hex --- A 1 byte RW Not ---
Clear (U8) possi-
• This object gives the Sysmac error status for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• The assignments of bits in the Sysmac error status at subindex 01 hex are listed below. The applica-
ble bit is 0 (FALSE) if no error exists, or 1 (TRUE) if an error exists. Bit 1 is always 1 (TRUE). Bit 1
does not indicate an error.
Bits 6 to 7: Reserved
Bit 5: Minor Fault
Bit 4: Observation
Bits 2 to 3: Reserved
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Reserved
Refer to Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-17 for details on the Sysmac
error status.
• Subindex 02 hex is used to clear the Sysmac Error Status.
Write 01 hex to clear the Sysmac Error Status. If you write a value other than 01 hex, the command is
invalid and the abort code is returned.
When a read is performed, 00 hex is given.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2003 --- Sysmac Observation --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of Observa- 00 hex 00 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
tion to (U8) possi-
80 hex ble.
01 Observation 1 --- --- --- --- 12 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..11] OF ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
80 Observation 128 --- --- --- --- 12 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..11] OF ble.
*1. The data type for NX-ECC203 version 1.4 or earlier is 12 bytes (VS).

• This object gives observation-level Controller events that are detected by the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of observations that are detected by the EtherCAT Slave Termi-

A - 52 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• Subindexes 01 to 80 hex give the error logs for up to 128 observations that currently exist. The com-
bined total number of logs for observations and minor faults (2004 hex) that are detected by the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal is 128. If a minor fault is detected when there are a total of 128 observations
and minor faults combined, the log for the most recent observation is deleted and the new minor fault
is added. If an observation is detected when there are 128 logs for observations, the record for the
most recent observation is deleted.
• Observations are stored in the order that they occur from subindexes 01 to 80 hex.
• The logs are cleared when TRUE is written to the Sysmac Error Status Clear (02 hex) in the Sysmac
Error (2002 hex).
• The following table gives the format of each log.

Item Data type Details

Error code UINT32 Event code (stored in little endian)
Type of error detail UINT32 Bytes 2 to 3: 0007 hex (an unsigned 32-bit integer that gives
the data type)
Byte 1: 0004 hex (size of detail data)
Byte 0: 10 hex (detail data exists)
Error detail UINT32 Detail data (NX Unit number where the observation occurred)

Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for the
event codes.

A-7 CoE Objects

Subin- PDO Com-
Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2004 --- Sysmac Minor Fault --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of Minor 00 hex 00 --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
Fault to (U8) possi-
80 hex ble.
01 Minor Fault 1 --- --- --- --- 12 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..11] OF ble.

A-7-8 Manufacturer-specific Object 1

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
80 Minor Fault 128 --- --- --- --- 12 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..11] OF ble.
*1. The data type for NX-ECC203 version 1.4 or earlier is 12 bytes (VS).

• This object gives minor fault-level Controller events that are detected by the EtherCAT Slave Termi-
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of minor fault-level Controller events that are detected by the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal.
• Subindexes 01 to 80 hex give the error logs for up to 128 minor faults that currently exist. The com-
bined total number of logs for minor faults and observations (2003 hex) that are detected by the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal is 128. If a minor fault is detected when there are a total of 128 minor faults
and observations combined, the log for the most recent observation is deleted and the new minor
fault is added. If a minor fault is detected when there are a total of 128 events for minor faults, the
129th event is not recorded.
• Minor faults are stored in the order that they occur from subindexes 01 to 80 hex.
• The logs are cleared when TRUE is written to the Sysmac Error Status Clear (02 hex) in the Sysmac
Error (2002 hex).

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 53


• The following table gives the format of each log.

Item Data type Details

Error code UINT32 Event code (stored in little endian)
Type of error detail UINT32 Bytes 2 to 3: 0007 hex (an unsigned 32-bit integer that gives
the data type)
Byte 1: 0004 hex (size of detail data)
Byte 0: 10 hex (detail data exists)
Error detail UINT32 Detail data (NX Unit number where the minor fault occurred)

Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for the
event codes.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2100 --- Error History Clear 00000000 00000000 to --- A 4 bytes RW Not Not pos-
hex FFFFFFFF hex (U32) possi- sible.
• This object is used to clear the diagnosis messages in the Diagnosis History (10F3 hex).
The diagnosis messages are cleared only when you write a specific value. The designated value
means “elcl.”
l c l e
6C hex 63 hex 6C hex 65 hex

If you write a value other than the ones given, the result is invalid and the abort code is returned.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2200 --- Communications 01 hex 00 to 0F hex Num- B 1 byte RW Not Not pos-
Error Setting ber of (U8) possi- sible.
times ble.
• This object is implemented only for slaves that operate in DC Mode.
• Set this object to the number of consecutive errors to use to detect a communications error.
• The data range is from 00 to 0F hex, and the consecutive error count is equal to the set value + 1.
• Although the value can be changed during operation in DC Mode, operation is performed with the
value that was set when Pre-Operational state changes to Safe-Operation state. If you read the
value, the value that was last written is read.
• With the default value of 01 hex, a communications error will occur if two errors are detected consec-

Precautions for Safe Use

When you use an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit with the cable redundancy function in DC Mode, set
the Communications Error Setting set value for EtherCAT slaves in DC Mode to the following
value. If the communications cable is disconnected or the power supply of the EtherCAT slaves
is turned OFF with the Communications Error Setting set value set to any other value, commu-
nications may discontinue due to a Communications Synchronization Error.
Project unit version 1.42 or later: 2 or higher
Project unit version earlier than 1.42: 1 (default value) or higher

A - 54 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
2201 --- Sync Not Received 0000 hex 0000 s B 2 bytes RW Not Not pos-
Timeout Setting to (U16) possi- sible.
0258 hex ble.
• This object is implemented only for slaves that operate in DC Mode.
• This object sets the standby time to wait for the first synchronization interrupt signal (Sync0) to enter
after moving to Safe-Operational state (when DC mode operation is confirmed).
• If the first interrupt signal (Sync0) is not received within the time set here, a Synchronization Error will
• The data range is from 0000 to 0258 hex (600 s). A set value of 0000 hex allows a wait time of 120 s.
• Although the value can be changed during operation in DC Mode, operation is performed with the
value that was set when Pre-Operational state changes to Safe-Operation state. If you read the
value, the value that was last written is read.

A-7 CoE Objects


A-7-8 Manufacturer-specific Object 1

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 55


A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3001 --- Coupler Unit Sys- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
mac Error Status sible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Coupler Unit Sys- 0002 hex 0002 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
mac Error Status to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
• This object gives the Sysmac error status for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• The assignments of bits in the Sysmac error status for the Coupler Unit at subindex 01 hex are listed
below. The applicable bit is 0 (FALSE) if no error exists, or 1 (TRUE) if an error exists. Bit 1 is always
1 (TRUE). Bit 1 does not indicate an error.
Bits 6 to 15: Reserved
Bit 5: Minor Fault
Bit 4: Observation
Bits 0 to 3: Reserved
• Each bit is updated at the following times.
0 (FALSE) to 1 (TRUE): When an error occurs.
1 (TRUE) to 0 (FALSE): When error is reset. Even if the cause of the error has been removed, you
must reset the error for the status to change to 0 (FALSE).

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3002 --- NX Unit Sysmac --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
Error Status
00 Number of entries 7D hex 7D hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 NX Unit Sysmac 0000 hex 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Error Status 1 to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
7D NX Unit Sysmac 0000 hex 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Error Status 125 to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
• This object gives the Sysmac error status for the NX Units.
• Subindexes 01 to 7D hex give the Sysmac error status of each NX Unit from NX Unit number 1 to
125. The bit assignments are listed below. The applicable bit is 0 (FALSE) if no error exists, or 1
(TRUE) if an error exists.
Bits 6 to 15: Reserved
Bit 5: Minor Fault
Bit 4: Observation
Bits 0 to 3: Reserved
• Each bit is updated at the following times.
0 (FALSE) to 1 (TRUE): When an error occurs.
1 (TRUE) to 0 (FALSE): When error is reset. Even if the cause of the error has been removed, you
must reset the error for the status to change to 0 (FALSE).

A - 56 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3003 --- NX Unit Registration --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Status sible.
00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 NX Unit Registration 0000 hex 0000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Status 15 to .1] OF ble.
02 NX Unit Registration 00000000 00000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Status 31 hex to .3] OF ble.
03 NX Unit Registration 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Status 63 00000 hex 0000 .7] OF ble.
04 NX Unit Registration 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Status 125 00000000000 000000000000 .15] OF ble.
0000000000 00000000 BYTE
hex to

A-7 CoE Objects

• This object tells whether NX Units are registered in the Unit configuration information.
• The number shown at the end of each object name for subindexes 01 to 04 hex gives the number of
NX Units for which the status is acquired. The data assignments are given in the following table. The
number in each cell is the NX Unit number of the corresponding NX Unit. NX Unit number 0 rep- A
resents the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The applicable bit is 0 (FALSE) if the Unit is not registered, or 1 (TRUE) if it is registered. NX Units

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

that are set to Disable are given as being registered.

Word Bit position

offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
+2 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
+3 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
+4 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64
+5 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
+6 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96
+7 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112

Refer to NX Unit Registration Status under Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page
9-17 for details on this status.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 57


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3005 --- NX Unit Message --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Enabled Status sible.

00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---

(U8) possi-

01 NX Unit Message 0000 hex 0000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 15 to .1] OF ble.

02 NX Unit Message 00000000 00000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---

Enabled Status 31 hex to .3] OF ble.

03 NX Unit Message 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---

Enabled Status 63 00000 hex 0000 .7] OF ble.
04 NX Unit Message 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 125 00000000000 000000000000 .15] OF ble.
0000000000 00000000 BYTE
hex to
• This object tells whether message communications are enabled for the NX Units
• The number shown at the end of each object name for subindexes 01 to 04 hex gives the number of
NX Units for which the status is acquired. The data assignments are given in the following table. The
number in each cell is the NX Unit number of the corresponding NX Unit. NX Unit number 0 rep-
resents the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The applicable bit is 0 (FALSE) if message communications are disabled, or 1 (TRUE) if message
communications are enabled.
Message communications are disabled for NX Units that are set to Disable.

Word Bit position

offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
+2 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
+3 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
+4 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64
+5 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
+6 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96
+7 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112

Refer to NX Unit Message Enabled Status under Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on
page 9-17 for details on this status.

A - 58 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3006 --- NX Unit I/O Data --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Active Status sible.

00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---

(U8) possi-

01 NX Unit I/O Data 0000 hex 0000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Active Status 15 to .1] OF ble.

02 NX Unit I/O Data 00000000 00000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Active Status 31 hex to .3] OF ble.

03 NX Unit I/O Data 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Active Status 63 00000 hex 00000 .7] OF ble.

A-7 CoE Objects

04 NX Unit I/O Data 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
Active Status 125 00000000000 000000000000 .15] OF ble.
0000000000 000000000 BYTE
hex to
• This object tells whether I/O data can be used for data communications of NX Units.

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

• The number shown at the end of each object name for subindexes 01 to 04 hex gives the number of
NX Units for which the status is acquired. The data assignments are given in the following table. The
number in each cell is the NX Unit number of the corresponding NX Unit. NX Unit number 0 rep-
resents the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The bit is FALSE if the I/O data of the applicable NX Unit cannot be used for control, and TRUE if it
can be used. I/O data from NX Units that are set to Disable cannot be used for control.

Word Bit position

offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
+2 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
+3 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
+4 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64
+5 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
+6 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96
+7 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112

Refer to NX Unit I/O Data Active Status on page 9-18 under Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit on page 9-17 for details on this status.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 59


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3007 --- NX Unit Error Status --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-

00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---

(U8) possi-

01 NX Unit Error Sta- 0000 hex 0000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
tus 15 to .1] OF ble.

02 NX Unit Error Sta- 00000000 00000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
tus 31 hex to .3] OF ble.

03 NX Unit Error Sta- 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
tus 63 00000 hex 0000 .7] OF ble.
04 NX Unit Error Sta- 00000000000 000000000000 --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Possi- ---
tus 125 00000000000 000000000000 .15] OF ble.
0000000000 00000000 BYTE
hex to
• This object tells whether errors exist in the NX Units.
• The number shown at the end of each object name for subindexes 01 to 04 hex gives the number of
NX Units for which the status is acquired. The data assignments are given in the following table. The
number in each cell is the NX Unit number of the corresponding NX Unit. NX Unit number 0 rep-
resents the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
The applicable bit is 0 (FALSE) if no error exists, or 1 (TRUE) if an error exists.

Word Bit position

offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
+2 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
+3 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
+4 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64
+5 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
+6 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96
+7 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112

Refer to NX Unit Error Status under Details of I/O Data in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-17
for details on this status.

A - 60 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
300A --- Timestamp of Syn- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
chronous IO Refresh sible.
00 Number of entries 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Timestamp of syn- 00000000000 000000000000 ns --- 8 bytes RO Possi- ---
chronous input 00000 hex 0000 (U64) ble.
02 Timestamp of syn- 00000000000 000000000000 ns --- 8 bytes RO Possi- ---
chronous output 00000 hex 0000 (U64) ble.
• This object gives the time stamps for when synchronous I/O refreshing was processed.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the time stamp for when the NX Unit performed synchronous inputs.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the time stamp for when the NX Unit performed synchronous outputs.

A-7 CoE Objects

Subin- PDO Com-
Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3802 --- NX Unit Configura- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
tion sible.
00 Number of entries 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 NX Unit Configura- 0000 hex 0000 --- R 2 bytes RW Not ---
tion set to (U16) possi-
0001 hex ble.

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

04 NX Unit Serial Num- 0000 hex 0000 --- R 2 bytes RW Not ---
ber Verification Set- to (U16) possi-
ting 0001 hex ble.
• This object gives the management function of the configuration information for the EtherCAT Slave
• Subindex 01 hex tells whether the configuration information is set as confirmed or cancelled. The
configuration information consists of the Unit configuration information and I/O allocation information.
If the subindex is set to cancel, all of memory is cleared, a restart is executed, and the Unit configura-
tion information is created automatically. This means the physical Unit configuration information is
used, and no Unit configuration information is registered separately.
If the subindex is set to confirm, a restart is executed and the Unit configuration information is regis-
tered automatically.
0000 hex: Cancel configuration information
0001 hex: Confirm configuration information
• Subindex 04 hex gives the setting of the serial number check method for NX Units. If this subindex is
set to Setting = Actual device, the serial numbers of the NX Units are verified at these times: when
the power is turned ON and after the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is restarted. The serial numbers of the
NX Units saved in the Unit configuration information are compared with the actual device numbers of
the NX Units.
0000 hex: No check
0001 hex: Setting = Actual device

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 61


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3804 --- Error Detection Set- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
ting of NX Unit sible.
00 Number of entries 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
02 NX Unit Connection 0003 hex 0003 to 00C8 s R 2 bytes RW Not ---
Wait Time hex (U16) possi-
• This object implements the function with which the EtherCAT Coupler Unit monitors the NX Units.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the time for which the EtherCAT Coupler Unit will wait for the NX Units to be
connected. The setting range for the wait time to monitor for a connection is from 3 (default) to 200 s.

Subin- Data PDO Com-

Index Acces
dex Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size map- plete
(hex) s
(hex) bute ping access
3805 --- Fail-soft Operation Set- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
ting sible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Fail-soft Operation Set- 01 hex 00 or 01 hex --- R 1 byte RW Not ---
ting (U8) possi-
• This object gives the fail-soft operation setting for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• Fail-soft operation is enabled when 00 hex is written to subindex 01 hex. Write 01 hex to disable
fail-soft operation.

Subin- Data PDO Com-

Index Acces
dex Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size map- plete
(hex) s
(hex) bute ping access
3806 --- Preventing Incorrect --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Operation Setting sible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 USB Connection Prohi- 00 hex 00 or 01 hex --- A 1 byte RW Not ---
bition Setting (U8) possi-
• This object gives the setting for preventing incorrect operation for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
• Subindex 01 hex allows you to prohibit Sysmac Studio online connections through the peripheral
USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Refer to 11-12 Prohibiting USB Connections on page 11-44
for details on prohibiting a USB connection.
• Write 00 hex to subindex 01 hex to disable prohibiting USB connections and enable the Sysmac Stu-
dio to go online. Write 01 hex to enable prohibiting USB connections and prevent the Sysmac Studio
from going online.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
3807 --- Restart --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
00 Number of entries 01 hex --- --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Unit Restart 0000 hex 0000 hex --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
(U16) possi-
• This object implements a restart of the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

A - 62 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• Write 0000 hex to subindex 01 hex to restart the entire EtherCAT Slave Terminal. If you write a value
other than 0000 hex, the abort code is returned.
• To use this object to restart the EtherCAT Slave Terminal, change the EtherCAT communications
state to the Pre-Operational state (Pre-Op) before execution.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
3809 --- Coupler Unit Current --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Errors sible.
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 to 21 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Update Count --- --- --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
(U16) possi-
02 Current Error 1 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
… … … … … … … … … …
21 Current Error 32 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-

A-7 CoE Objects

..49] OF ble.
• This object gives the current errors in the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of current errors plus 1. If there are no current errors, the value of
subindex 00 hex is 01 hex.
• Subindex 01 hex is the update count. The update count works as a counter that is updated when an
error occurs. You can check for changes in the update count to detect when a new error occurs. A
• The format of subindexes 02 hex to 21 hex is given below.

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

Field name Size (bytes) Description
Record Number 4 Instance of an error occurrence
Unit Number 1 The unit number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit where the error
Event Level 1 Event Level
01 hex: Major fault level
02 hex: Partial fault level
03 hex: Minor fault level
04 hex: Observation
05 hex: Information
Time of Occur- 4 The time the error occurred.*1
Product Code 4 The product code of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit where the error
00610201 hex: NX-ECC201
00610202 hex: NX-ECC202
00610203 hex: NX-ECC203
Event Code 4 The event code.*2
System Informa- 32 System information.
*1. You can set the time by writing the time data to index 10F9 hex. Set the time data in seconds as the
relative value from 1970/1/1, 0:00:00. If you do not set the time, the value of the time of occurrence will
be 0 (1970/1/1, 0:00:00).
*2. Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 63


Precautions for Correct Use

• The value of subindex 01 hex has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of
subindex 01 hex to determine when a new error has occurred.
• If there are more than 32 current errors, the value of subindex 00 hex remains at 21 hex (33
decimal) and is not updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex to determine if a new error has
• If there are less than 32 current errors, information on the current errors is stored in order
starting from subindex 02 hex. However, when there are more than 32 current errors, the
subindexes where the information on the new errors is stored is undefined. Therefore, when
there are more than 32 current errors, read the values of subindex 02 hex to subindex 21 hex
while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex. If the value of subindex 01 hex changes while
you are reading the information on current errors, read all of the values from subindex 02 hex
to 21 hex.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
380A --- Coupler Unit Event Log --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 to 81 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Newest record No. --- --- --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
(U32) possi-
02 Event log 1 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
… … … … … … … … … …
81 Event log 128 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
• This object gives the event log from the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of event log records plus 1. If there are no event log records, the
value of subindex 00 hex is 01 hex.
• Subindex 01 hex is the newest record number. The newest record number works as a counter that is
updated when an event occurs. You can check for changes in the newest record number to detect
when a new event occurs.
• The format of subindexes 02 hex to 81 hex is given below.

Field name Size (bytes) Description

Record Number 4 Instance of an event occurrence
Unit Number 1 The unit number of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit where the event
Event Level 1 Event Level
01 hex: Major fault level
02 hex: Partial fault level
03 hex: Minor fault level
04 hex: Observation
05 hex: Information
Time of Occur- 4 The time the event occurred.*1

A - 64 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Field name Size (bytes) Description

Product Code 4 The product code of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit where the event
00610201 hex: NX-ECC201
00610202 hex: NX-ECC202
00610203 hex: NX-ECC203
Event Code 4 The event code.*2
System Information 32 System information.
*1. You can set the time by writing the time data to index 10F9 hex. Set the time data in seconds as the
relative value from 1970/1/1, 0:00:00. If you do not set the time, the value of the time of occurrence will
be 0 (1970/1/1, 0:00:00).
*2. Refer to 13-3-2 Event Codes for Errors and Troubleshooting Procedures on page 13-15 for details.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The value of subindex 01 hex has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of
subindex 01 hex to determine when a new event has occurred.
• If there are more than 128 events, the value of subindex 00 hex remains at 81 hex (129 dec-
imal) and is not updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex to determine if a new event has

A-7 CoE Objects

• If there are less than 128 events, the event log contents are stored in order starting from sbin-
dex 02 hex. However, when there are more than 128 events in the event log, the subindexes
where the information on the new events is stored is undefined. Therefore, when there are
more than 128 events in the event log, read the values of subindex 02 hex to subindex 81
hex while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex. If the value of subindex 01 hex changes
while you are reading the information on events, read all of the values from subindex 02 hex
to 81 hex.

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

Sub Data PDO Com-
index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
380B*1 --- Switch Parameter Write --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Mode sible.
00 Number of entries 3F hex 3F hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Switch Parameter Write 00000000 00000000 to --- --- 4 bytes RW Not ---
Mode NX Unit 1 hex 52575250 hex (U32) possi-
… … … … … … … … … …
3F Switch Parameter Write 00000000 00000000 to --- --- 4 bytes RW Not ---
Mode NX Unit 63 hex 52575250 hex (U32) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object indicates the functions to change NX Units to Parameter Write Mode. You can change the
parameters that are held for power interruptions only in an NX Unit that has been changed to Param-
eter Write Mode.
• Specify the NX Units to change to Parameter Write Mode with subindexes 01 hex to 3F hex. The
number in the object name indicates the NX Unit number.
• The I/O data in the specified NX Units will be undefined during the mode change and the bits in NX
Unit I/O Data Active Status will be 0 (FALSE). After you restart an NX Unit, do not use I/O data in con-
trols until the relevant bits in NX Unit I/O Data Active Status change to 1 (TRUE).
• To prevent inadvertent changes in the mode, the NX Units will be changed to Parameter Write Mode
only when a specific value is written to subindexes 01 hex to 3F hex. The specific value means

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 65


r w r p
52 hex 57 hex 52 hex 50 hex
If you write a value other than the specific value, the abort code is returned.
• During a read, the object gives 00000001 hex (command enabled).
• You cannot use this object to change Safety CPU Units and Safety I/O Units to Parameter Write
Mode. If you specify a Safety CPU Unit or Safety I/O Unit, the abort code is returned.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
380C*1 --- Coupler Unit Total --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Power-On Time sible.
00 Number of entries 40 hex 40 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Coupler Unit Total 00000000000 000000000000 Min- --- 8 bytes RO Not ---
Power-On Time 00000 hex 0000 to utes (U64) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object gives the total power-ON time of the Communications Coupler Unit. The unit is minutes.
• If there are illegal values in EEPROM (i.e., if a Non-volatile Memory Hardware Error occurs) that pre-
vents reading the total power-ON time, a value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF hex will be returned.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
380D*1 --- NX Unit Total Power-On --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
Time sible.
00 Number of entries 40 hex 40 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 NX Unit 1 Total 00000000000 000000000000 Min- --- 8 bytes RO Not ---
Power-On Time 00000 hex 0000 to utes (U64) possi-
… … … … … … … … … …
3F NX Unit 63 Total 00000000000 000000000000 Min- --- 8 bytes RO Not ---
Power-On Time 00000 hex 0000 to utes (U64) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object gives the total power-ON times of NX Units. The unit is minutes.
• Use subindexes 01 hex to 3F hex to specify the NX Units. The number in the object name indicates
the NX Unit number.
• If there are illegal values in EEPROM (i.e., if a Non-volatile Memory Hardware Error occurs) that pre-
vents reading the total power-ON time, a value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF hex will be returned.

A - 66 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
380E*1 --- NX Unit Restart --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
00 Number of entries 40 hex 40 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 NX Unit 1 Restart 0000 hex 0000 hex --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
(U16) possi-
… … … … … … … … … …
3F NX Unit 63 Restart 0000 hex 0000 hex --- A 2 bytes RW Not ---
(U16) possi-
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object restarts NX Units.

• Use subindexes 01 hex to 3F hex to specify the NX Units. The number in the object name indicates
the NX Unit number.

A-7 CoE Objects

• The specified NX Units are restarted when 0000 hex is written to subindexes 01 hex to 3F hex. If you
write a value other than 0000 hex, the abort code is returned.
• The I/O data for restarted NX Units is undefined.
• Do not use the I/O data in controls while the relevant bits in NX Unit I/O Data Active Status (index
3006 hex) are FALSE. After you restart an NX Unit, use the I/O data in controls only after you confirm
that the relevant bits in NX Unit I/O Data Active Status (index 3006 hex) are TRUE.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

380F*1 --- Store Parameters Com- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
mand sible.
00 Number of entries 03 hex 03 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Store Parameters Com- 01 hex, Read --- A ARRAY[0. RW Not ---
mand 00 hex, Byte 0: 01 hex .3] OF possi-
BYTE ble.
00 hex, Byte 1: 00 hex
00 hex Byte 2: 00 hex
Byte 3: 00 hex

Byte 0: 73 hex
Byte 1: 61 hex
Byte 2: 30 to 33
hex or 76 hex
Byte 3: 30 to 39
hex or 61 to 66
02 Store Parameters Sta- 00 hex 00 to FF hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
tus (U8) possi-
03 Store Parameters 00 hex, Byte 0: 00 to FF --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Not ---
Response 00 hex hex .1] OF possi-
Byte 1: 00 hex BYTE ble.

*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• This object is used to store parameters.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 67


• Use subindex 01 hex to specify the Store Parameters Command. Specify the value of the Store
Parameters Command as given below according to the Unit for which to save the parameters.

Unit Byte 0 (hex) Byte 1 (hex) Byte 2 (hex) Byte 3 (hex)

Entire Slave Terminal 73 *1
61 *2
76*3 65*4
NX Unit ASCII code for upper ASCII code for lower
digit of unit number in digit of unit number in
2-digit hexadecimal*5 2-digit hexadecimal*5
*1. This indicates the ASCII code for “s.”
*2. This indicates the ASCII code for “a.”
*3. This indicates the ASCII code for “v.”
*4. This indicates the ASCII code for “e.”
*5. For example, if the unit number is 1, the value of byte 2 is 30 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “0”) and the value
of byte 3 is 31 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “1”)
If the unit number is 63, the value of byte 2 is 33 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “3”) and the value of byte 3 is
66 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “f”)

• The abort code is returned in the following cases.

a) If you write any value other than the above values to subindex 01 hex
b) If you execute the Store Parameters Command again while saving the parameters is still in prog-
c) If an NX Unit with the specified unit number is not in the Slave Terminal
• If you read subindex 01 hex, 00000001 hex (command enabled) is returned.
• The status of saving the parameters is stored in subindex 02 hex. The meanings of the values of the
Store Parameters Status are given in the following table.

Store Parameters Status (hex) Meaning

00 Store Parameters Command executed successfully,
no response.
01 Reserved.
02 Store Parameters Command execution failed, no
03 to FE Reserved.
FF Store Parameters Command execution in progress.
• When the Store Parameters Command is acknowledged, an SDO response is immediately returned
to the EtherCAT master. However, the parameters are not yet saved at that point. The results of the
execution of the Store Parameters Command are stored in the Store Parameters Response in subin-
dex 03 hex. The meanings of the values of the Store Parameters Response are the same as for the
Store Parameters Status.
• If you execute index 1010 hex during execution of index 380F hex, the abort code is returned.
• The status of the NX Unit will not change when this object is executed.
• To save the parameters for the entire Slave Terminal, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit must be in
Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state. If it is not in Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state, the abort code is
• A message to save the parameters for an NX Unit will be acknowledged only if the NX Unit is in
Parameter Write Mode. If it is not in Parameter Write Mode, the abort code is returned. If that occurs,
use index 380B hex to change the NX Unit to Parameter Write Mode.
• You cannot use this object to save parameters for Safety CPU Units and Safety I/O Units. If you
specify a Safety CPU Unit or Safety I/O Unit, the abort code is returned.
• If a Unit Configuration Verification Error occurs, the abort code is returned.

A - 68 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
3810*1 --- Restore Default Param- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
eters Command sible.
00 Number of entries 03 hex 03 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Restore Default Param- 01 hex, Read --- A ARRAY[0. RW Not ---
eters Command 00 hex, Byte 0: 01 hex .3] OF possi-
BYTE ble.
00 hex, Byte 1: 00 hex
00 hex Byte 2: 00 hex
Byte 3: 00 hex

Byte 0: 6C hex
Byte 1: 6F hex
Byte 2: 30 to 33
hex or 61 hex
Byte 3: 30 to 39
hex or 61 to 66

A-7 CoE Objects

02 Restore Default Param- 00 hex 00 to FF hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
eters Status (U8) possi-
03 Restore Default Param- 00 hex, Byte 0: 00 to FF --- --- ARRAY[0. RO Not ---
eters Response 00 hex hex .1] OF possi-
Byte 1: 00 hex BYTE ble.

*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later. A
• This object initializes parameters.

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

• Use subindex 01 hex to specify the Restore Default Parameters Command. Specify the value of the
Restore Default Parameters Command as given below according to the Unit for which to initialize the

Unit Byte 0 (hex) Byte 1 (hex) Byte 2 (hex) Byte 3 (hex)

Entire Slave Terminal 6C *1
6F *2
64 *4

NX Unit ASCII code for upper ASCII code for lower

digit of unit number in digit of unit number in
2-digit hexadecimal*5 2-digit hexadecimal*5
*1. This indicates the ASCII code for “l.”
*2. This indicates the ASCII code for “o.”
*3. This indicates the ASCII code for “a.”
*4. This indicates the ASCII code for “d.”
*5. For example, if the unit number is 1, the value of byte 2 is 30 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “0”) and the value
of byte 3 is 31 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “1”)
If the unit number is 63, the value of byte 2 is 33 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “3”) and the value of byte 3 is
66 hex (i.e., the ASCII code for “f”)

• The abort code is returned in the following cases.

a) If you write any value other than the above values to subindex 01 hex
b) If you execute the Restore Default Parameters Command again while initializing the parameters
is still in progress
c) If an NX Unit with the specified unit number is not in the Slave Terminal
• If you read subindex 01 hex, 00000001 hex (command enabled) is returned.
• The status of initializing the parameters is stored in subindex 02 hex. The meanings of the values of
the Restore Default Parameters Status are given in the following table.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 69


Restore Default Parameters Sta-

tus (hex)
00 Restore Default Parameters Command executed suc-
cessfully, no response.
01 Reserved.
02 Restore Default Parameters Command execution
failed, no response.
03 to FE Reserved.
FF Restore Default Parameters Command execution in
• When the Restore Default Parameters Command is acknowledged, an SDO response is immediately
returned to the EtherCAT master. However, the parameters are not yet initialized at that point. The
results of the execution of the Restore Default Parameters Command are stored in the Restore
Default Parameters Response in subindex 03 hex. The meanings of the values of the Restore
Default Parameters Response are the same as for the Restore Default Parameters Status.
• If you execute index 1011 hex during execution of index 3810 hex, the abort code is returned.
• The status of the NX Unit will not change when this object is executed.
• To initialize the parameters for the entire Slave Terminal, the EtherCAT Coupler Unit must be in
Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state. If it is not in Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) state, the abort code is
• A message to initialize the parameters for an NX Unit will be acknowledged only if the NX Unit is in
Parameter Write Mode. If it is not in Parameter Write Mode, the abort code is returned. If that occurs,
use index 380B hex to change the NX Unit to Parameter Write Mode.
• You cannot use this object to initialize parameters for Safety CPU Units and Safety I/O Units. If you
specify a Safety CPU Unit or Safety I/O Unit, the abort code is returned.
• If a Unit Configuration Verification Error occurs, the abort code is returned.

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
4010 + --- NX Unit Current Errors --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
((NX sible.
Unit 00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 to 21 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
No. - (U8) possi-
01) × ble.
01 Update Count --- --- --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
(U16) possi-
02 Current Error 1 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
… … … … … … … … … …
21 Current Error 32 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
• This object gives the current errors in the NX Unit.
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of current errors plus 1. If there are no current errors, the value of
subindex 00 hex is 01 hex.
• Subindex 01 hex is the update count. The update count works as a counter that is updated when an
error occurs. You can check for changes in the update count to detect when a new error occurs.
• The format of subindexes 02 hex to 21 hex is given below.

Field name Size (bytes) Description

Record Number 4 Instance of an error occurrence
Unit Number 1 The unit number of the NX Unit where the event

A - 70 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Field name Size (bytes) Description

Event Level 1 Event Level
01 hex: Major fault level
02 hex: Partial fault level
03 hex: Minor fault level
04 hex: Observation
05 hex: Information
Time of Occur- 4 The time the error occurred.*1
Product Code 4 The unique product code of the NX Unit where the error
Event Code 4 The event code.*2
System Informa- 32 System information.
*1. You can set the time by writing the time data to index 10F9 hex. Set the time data in seconds
as the relative value from 1970/1/1, 0:00:00. If you do not set the time, the value of the time of
occurrence will be 0 (1970/1/1, 0:00:00).
*2. Refer to the manuals for the NX Units for details.

A-7 CoE Objects

Precautions for Correct Use
• The value of subindex 01 hex has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of
subindex 01 hex to determine when a new error has occurred.
• If there are more than 32 current errors, the value of subindex 00 hex remains at 21 hex (33
decimal) and is not updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex to determine if a new error has
occurred. A
• If there are less than 32 current errors, information on the current errors is stored in order
starting from subindex 02 hex. However, when there are more than 32 current errors, the

A-7-9 Manufacturer-specific Object 2

subindexes where the information on the new errors is stored is undefined. Therefore, when
there are more than 32 current errors, read the values of subindex 02 hex to subindex 21 hex
while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex. If the value of subindex 01 hex (Newest
record No.) changes while you are reading the information on current errors, read all of the
values from subindex 02 hex (Event log 1) to 128 hex (Event log 128).

Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
4011 + --- NX Unit Event Log --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Not pos-
((NX sible.
Unit 00 Number of entries 01 hex 01 to 81 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
No. - (U8) possi-
01) × ble.
20) 01 Newest record No. --- --- --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
(U32) possi-
02 Event log 1 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
… … … … … … … … … …
81 Event log 128 --- --- --- --- 50 bytes RO Not ---
(ARRAY[0 possi-
..49] OF ble.
• This object gives the event log from the NX Unit.
• Subindex 00 hex gives the number of event log records plus 1. If there are no event log records, the
value of subindex 00 hex is 01 hex.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 71


• Subindex 01 hex is the newest record number. The newest record number works as a counter that is
updated when an event occurs. You can check for changes in the newest record number to detect
when a new event occurs.
• The format of subindexes 02 hex to 81 hex is given below.

Field name Size (bytes) Description

Record Number 4 Instance of an event occurrence
Unit Number 1 The unit number of the NX Unit where the event occurred.
Event Level 1 Event Level
01 hex: Major fault level
02 hex: Partial fault level
03 hex: Minor fault level
04 hex: Observation
05 hex: Information
Time of Occur- 4 The time the event occurred.*1
Product Code 4 The unique product code of the NX Unit where the event
Event Code 4 The event code.*2
System Informa- 32 System information.
*1. You can set the time by writing the time data to index 10F9 hex. Set the time data in seconds as the
relative value from 1970/1/1, 0:00:00. If you do not set the time, the value of the time of occurrence
will be 0 (1970/1/1, 0:00:00).
*2. Refer to the manuals for the NX Units for details.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The value of subindex 01 hex has no specific meaning. You can use changes in the value of
subindex 01 hex to determine when a new event has occurred.
• If there are more than 128 events, the value of subindex 00 hex remains at 81 hex (129 dec-
imal) and is not updated. Therefore, use subindex 01 hex to determine if a new event has
• If there are less than 128 events, the event log contents are stored in order starting from sbin-
dex 02 hex. However, when there are more than 128 events in the event log, the subindexes
where the information on the new events is stored is undefined. Therefore, when there are
more than 128 events in the event log, read the values of subindex 02 hex to subindex 81
hex while monitoring the value of subindex 01 hex. If the value of subindex 01 hex changes
while you are reading the information on events, read all of the values from subindex 02 hex
to 81 hex.

A - 72 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Sub Data PDO Com-

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
4012 + --- NX Unit Event Log 00000000 00000000 to --- A 4 bytes RW --- Not pos-
((NX Clear hex FFFFFFFF hex (U32) sible.
No. -
01) ×
• This object clears the event log from an NX Unit.
• To prevent inadvertent clearing of the event log, the event log is cleared only when a specific value is
The specific value means “elcl.”
l c l e
6c hex 63 hex 6c hex 65 hex
If you write a value other than the specific value, the abort code is returned.
• During a read, the object gives 00000001 hex (command enabled).

Sub Data PDO Com-

A-7 CoE Objects

index Object name Default Data range Unit attri- Size Access map- plete
(hex) bute ping access
5000 + *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2
No. -
01) ×
*1. These subindexes can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.
*2. The contents depends on the specifications of the NX Unit.

A-7-10 Device Profile Area

• This object is used to read and edit the Unit operation settings of an NX Unit.
• Index numbers from index 5000 + (NX Unit number - 01) × 20 hex to 501F + (NX Unit number - 01) ×
20 hex correspond to NX objects 5000 hex to 501F hex in the NX Unit. The following table shows a
corresponding example of index numbers and NX object index numbers for NX Unit number 1 and 4.
NX Unit number Index (hex) NX object index (hex)
1 5000 5000
… …
501F 501F
4 5060 5000
… …
507F 501F
• Refer to the manuals for the NX Units for specifications of the NX objects for each NX Unit.
• You cannot use this object for the NX-PG0 Pulse Output Unit.

A-7-10 Device Profile Area

The device profile area for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal is listed below.

Index (hex) Description

6000 to 6FFF Input Data Object Area
7000 to 7FFF Output Data Object Area
8000 to 801F Configuration Area
9000 to 901F Information Area

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 73


Input Data Object Area

The following figure and table show how index numbers for input data objects are assigned to the NX
Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units

End Cover
#1 #2 #125

NX Units*1
Object type
#1 #2 --- #125
Input Data Objects (application 6000 6020 --- 6F80
objects for TxPDOs) to to to
601F hex 603F hex 6F9F hex
*1. #1 to #125 are the NX Unit numbers for the NX Units.

This object does not allow complete access.

The reading and writing specifications for this object are listed below.
• If the Object Is Mapped to a PDO:
Reading and writing are not allowed.
• If the Object Is Not Mapped to a PDO:
Reading and writing depend on the communications control status. The specifications are given in
the following table.

Status Specification
Pre-Operational Reading and writing are not allowed.
Safe-Operational Reading is allowed and writing is not allowed.
Operational Reading is allowed and writing is not allowed.

A - 74 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Output Data Object Area

The following figure and table show how index numbers for output data objects are assigned to the NX
Units in an EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units

End Cover
#1 #2 #125

NX Units*1
Object type
#1 #2 --- #125

A-7 CoE Objects

Output Data Objects (applica- 7000 7020 --- 7F80
tion objects for RxPDOs) to to to
701F hex 703F hex 7F9F hex
*1. #1 to #125 are the NX Unit numbers for the NX Units.

This object does not allow complete access.

The reading and writing specifications for this object are listed below.
• If the Object Is Mapped to a PDO:

A-7-10 Device Profile Area

Reading and writing are not allowed.
• If the Object Is Not Mapped to a PDO:
Reading and writing depend on the communications control status. The specifications are given in
the following table.

Status Specification
Pre-Operational Reading and writing are not allowed.
Safe-Operational Reading is allowed and writing is not allowed.
Operational Reading and writing are allowed.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 75


Configuration Object Area

The following figure and table show how index numbers for configuration objects are assigned to the
EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units

End Cover
#1 #2 #125

NX Units*1
Object type
#1 #2 --- #125
Configuration Objects 8000 8020 --- 8F80
to to to
801F hex 803F hex 8F9F hex
*1. #1 to #125 are the NX Unit numbers for the NX Units.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
8000 + --- Configuration Area --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
((NX 1
Unit 00 Number of entries 0A hex 0A hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
No. − (U8) possi-
01) × ble.
20) 01 Unit No NX Unit num- 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
ber to (U16) possi-
007D hex ble.
04 Device Type Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
05 Vendor Code Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
06 Product Code Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
07 Unit Version Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
08 Serial Number Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
09 Module PDO group Depends on 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
0A Module Ident Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U32) possi-
FFFFFFFF hex ble.
• This object gives information that describes the Unit configuration that was downloaded for the NX
• Subindex 01 hex gives the NX Unit number of the NX Unit.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the unique device type for the NX Unit.

A - 76 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


• Subindex 05 hex gives the unique vendor code for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 06 hex gives the unique product code for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 07 hex gives the unique Unit revision of the NX Unit.
• Subindex 08 hex gives the unique serial number for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 09 hex gives the PDO group number where the NX Unit is assigned.
0004 hex: Safety PDO group
0003 hex: Bit PDO group
0002 hex: Word PDO group
0001 hex: Coupler PDO group
• Subindex 0A hex gives the module identification number of the NX Unit.

Information Object Area

The following figure and table show how index numbers for information objects are assigned to the Eth-
erCAT Slave Terminal.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit NX Units

End Cover

A-7 CoE Objects

#1 #2 #125

A-7-10 Device Profile Area

NX Units*1
Object type
#1 #2 --- #125
Information Object 9000 9020 --- 9F80
to to to
901F hex 903F hex 9F9F hex
*1. #1 to #125 are the NX Unit numbers for the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 77


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
9000 + --- Information Area 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
((NX 00 Number of entries 0A hex 0A hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
Unit (U8) possi-
No. − ble.
01) ×
01 Unit No NX Unit num- 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
20) ber to (U16) possi-
007D hex ble.
04 Device Type Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
05 Vendor Code Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
06 Product Code Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
07 Unit Version Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
08 Serial Number Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
09 Module PDO group Depends on 0000 --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to (U16) possi-
FFFF hex ble.
0A Module Ident Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
hex ble.
• This object gives information that describes the actual Unit configuration of the NX Units.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the NX Unit number of the NX Unit.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the unique device type for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 05 hex gives the unique vendor code for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 06 hex gives the unique product code for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 07 hex gives the unique Unit revision of the NX Unit.
• Subindex 08 hex gives the unique serial number for the NX Unit.
• Subindex 09 hex gives the PDO group number where the NX Unit is assigned.
0004 hex: Safety PDO group
0003 hex: Bit PDO group
0002 hex: Word PDO group
0001 hex: Coupler PDO group
• Subindex 0A hex gives the module identification number of the NX Unit.

A - 78 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-7-11 Modular Device-specific Area

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
F000 --- Modular Device --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 05 hex 05 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Index distance 0020 hex 0020 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
(U16) possi-
02 Maximum number 007D hex 007D hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
of modules (U16) possi-
03 General configura- 000003F9 000003F9 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
tion hex (U32) possi-
04 General Information 000003F9 000003F9 hex --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
hex (U32) possi-

A-7 CoE Objects

05 Module PDO Group 0004 hex 0004 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
of device (U16) possi-
• This object gives the profile information.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the interval between indexes.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the number of NX Units that you can connect.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the valid subindexes in the object dictionary from 8000 to 8F9F hex. Each bit
position gives a supported subindex.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the valid subindexes in the object dictionary from 9000 to 9F9F hex. Each bit

A-7-11 Modular Device-specific Area

position gives a supported subindex.
• Subindex 05 hex gives the number of PDO groups in the module.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 79


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
F00E --- Module PDO Group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
Alignment PDO
00 Number of objects 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 PDO Number of 01F4 hex 01F4 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Module Group 0 (U16) possi-
02 PDO Number of 01F5 hex 01F5 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Module Group 1 (U16) possi-
03 PDO Number of 01F6 hex 01F6 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Module Group 2 (U16) possi-
04 PDO Number of 01F7 hex 01F7 hex --- --- 2 bytes RO Not ---
Module Group 3 (U16) possi-
• This object gives the alignment PDO number for the module PDO group.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the PDO numbers 17F4 and 1BF4 hex for module group 0.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the PDO numbers 17F5 and 1BF5 hex for module group 1.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the PDO numbers 17F6 and 1BF6 hex for module group 2.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the PDO numbers 17F7 and 1BF7 hex for module group 3.

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
F00F --- Module PDO Group --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
00 Number of objects 04 hex 04 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Alignment in bytes 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
of Module Group 0 (U8) possi-
02 Alignment in bytes 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
of Module Group 1 (U8) possi-
03 Alignment in bytes 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
of Module Group 2 (U8) possi-
04 Alignment in bytes 02 hex 02 hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
of Module Group 3 (U8) possi-
• This object gives the alignment size for the module PDO group.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the alignment size for module group 0.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the alignment size for module group 1.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the alignment size for module group 2.
• Subindex 04 hex gives the alignment size for module group 3.

A - 80 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access
F030 --- Configured Module --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
Ident List 1
00 Number of objects 7D hex 7D hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Module Ident of the Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
module configured Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
on position 1 hex ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
7D Module Ident of the Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
module configured Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
on position 125 hex ble.
• This object gives the module ID information in the settings information.
• Subindexes 01 to 7D hex give the module ID information for each NX Unit from NX Unit number 1 to

Subin- PDO Com-

Index Data
dex Object name Default Data range Unit Size Access map- plete
(hex) attribute
(hex) ping access

A-7 CoE Objects

F050 --- Detected Module --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Possible.
Ident List 1
00 Number of objects 7D hex 7D hex --- --- 1 byte RO Not ---
(U8) possi-
01 Module Ident of the Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
module detected on Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-
position 1 hex ble.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
7D Module Ident of the Depends on 00000000 --- --- 4 bytes RO Not ---
module detected on Unit. to FFFFFFFF (U32) possi-

A-7-11 Modular Device-specific Area

position 125 hex ble.
• This object gives the module ID information in the actual configuration information.
• Subindexes 01 to 7D hex give the module ID information for each NX Unit from NX Unit number 1 to

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 81


A-8 NX Objects
This section explains the NX objects that are implemented by the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.

A-8-1 NX Objects
NX objects are exclusively for EtherCAT Slave Terminals.
Access those NX objects if you want to access data which is not allocated to I/O or data for unit opera-
tion settings on the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.
You can read or write these objects with special instructions that are supported by the NJ/NX-series
CPU Units and NY-series Industrial PCs. The Read NX Unit Object (NX_ReadObj) instruction reads NX
objects, and the Write NX Unit Object (NX_WriteObj) writes NX objects. Refer to the instructions refer-
ence manual for the connected CPU Unit or Industrial PC for information on the instructions.
Refer to the manuals for the individual NX Units for details on the NX objects that are implemented by
each NX Unit.

A-8-2 Format of Object Descriptions

This manual describes NX objects with the following format.

Index Subindex I/O alloca- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) tion attribute
<Index> <Subin- <Object <Default> <Data range> <Unit> <Data <Access> <I/O allo- <Data
dex> name> type> cation> attribute>

Items within the <> brackets are replaced with data. Each item has the following meaning.

Item Description
Index This is the index of the object that is expressed as a four-digit hexadecimal number.
Subindex This is the subindex of the object that is expressed as a two-digit hexadecimal number.
Object name This is the name of the object. For a subindex, this is the name of the subindex.
Default This is the value that is set by default.
Data range For a read-only (RO) object, this is the range of the data that you can read. For a read/write
(RW) object, this is the setting range of the data.
Unit The unit is the physical units.
Data type This is the data type of the object.
Access This data tells if the object is read-only or read/write.
RO: Read only
RW: Read/write
I/O allocation This tells whether I/O allocation is allowed.
Data attribute This is the timing when changes to writable objects are enabled.
Y: Enabled by restarting
N: Enabled at all times
---: Write-prohibited

A - 82 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-8-3 Unit Information Object

This object gives the product information.

Index Subindex Acce allo-
Object name Default Data range Unit Data type attri-
(hex) (hex) ss cat-
1000 --- NX Bus Identity --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 7 7 --- USINT RO Not ---
02 Model --- --- --- ARRAY RO Not ---
[0..11] OF possi-
BYTE ble.
04 Product Code --- --- --- UDINT RO Not ---
05 Vendor Code 00000001 --- --- UDINT RO Not ---
hex possi-
06 Unit version --- --- --- UDINT RO Not ---

A-8 NX Objects
07 Serial Number --- 00000000 to --- UDINT RO Not ---
FFFFFFFF hex possi-
• Subindex 02 hex returns the Unit model number in ASCII. If all 12 bytes are not required, the remain-
ing bytes are filled with spaces ($20).
• Subindex 04 hex returns 00610201 hex for the NX-ECC201 and 00610202 hex for the NX-ECC202. A
The NX-ECC203 returns 00610203 hex.
• Subindex 06 hex gives the Unit version of the product.

A-8-3 Unit Information Object

Bits 24 to 31: Integer part of the Unit version.
Bits 16 to 23: Fractional part of the Unit version.
Bits 0 to 15: Reserved
• Subindex 07 hex gives the serial number of the product.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
1001 --- Production Info --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 Lot Number --- 00000000 to --- UDINT RO Not pos- ---
FFFFFFFF hex sible.
02 Hardware Version “V1.00 ” --- --- ARRAY[0.. RO Not pos- ---
(padded 19] OF sible.
with 15 BYTE
20 hex))
03 Software Version --- --- --- ARRAY[0.. RO Not pos- ---
19] OF sible.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the lot number of the product.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the hardware version as a text string.
• Subindex 03 hex gives the software version as a text string.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 83


A-8-4 Objects That Accept I/O Allocations

These objects accept I/O allocations.
Refer to Allocatable I/O Data in an EtherCAT Coupler Unit on page 9-15 under 9-2-4 I/O Allocation
Information on page 9-13 for details on the data for objects that allow I/O allocations.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2001 --- Sysmac Error Status --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 1 1 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 Sysmac Error Status 02 hex --- --- BYTE RO Possi- ---
Observation FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Possi- ---
FALSE ble.
Minor Fault FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Possi- ---
FALSE ble.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the Sysmac error status for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2003 --- NX Unit Registration --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 NX Unit Registration FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Status 15 FALSE 15] OF ble.
02 NX Unit Registration FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Status 31 FALSE 31] OF ble.
03 NX Unit Registration FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Status 63 FALSE 63] OF ble.
04 NX Unit Registration FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Status 125 FALSE 125] OF ble.
• Subindexes 01 to 04 hex tell whether the NX Unit is registered in the Unit configuration information.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2004 --- NX Unit Message --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Enabled Status
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 NX Unit Message FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 15 FALSE 15] OF ble.
02 NX Unit Message FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 31 FALSE 31] OF ble.
03 NX Unit Message FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 63 FALSE 63] OF ble.
04 NX Unit Message FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
Enabled Status 125 FALSE 125] OF ble.
• Subindexes 01 to 04 tell whether the message communications are enabled in the NX Units.

A - 84 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2005 --- NX Unit I/O Data --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Active Status
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 NX Unit I/O Data FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possible. ---
Active Status 15 FALSE 15] OF
02 NX Unit I/O Data FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possible. ---
Active Status 31 FALSE 31] OF
03 NX Unit I/O Data FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possible. ---
Active Status 63 FALSE 63] OF
04 NX Unit I/O Data FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possible. ---
Active Status 125 FALSE 125] OF
• Subindexes 01 to 04 tell whether the NX Units can perform I/O data communications.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2006 --- NX Unit Error Status --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A-8 NX Objects
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 NX Unit Error Status FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
15 FALSE 15] OF ble.
02 NX Unit Error Status FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
31 FALSE 31] OF ble.
03 NX Unit Error Status FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
63 FALSE 63] OF ble.

A-8-4 Objects That Accept I/O Allocations

04 NX Unit Error Status FALSE TRUE or --- ARRAY[0.. RO Possi- ---
125 FALSE 125] OF ble.
• Subindexes 01 to 04 tell whether errors exist in the NX Units.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
200A --- Time Stamp of Syn- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
chronous I/O Refresh
00 Number of Entries 2 2 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 Time Stamp of Syn- 0 0 to ns ULINT RO Possi- ---
chronous Input 184467440737 ble.
02 Time Stamp of Syn- 0 0 to ns ULINT RO Possi- ---
chronous Output 184467440737 ble.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the time stamp for when the NX Unit performed synchronous input refreshing.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the time stamp for when the NX Unit performed synchronous output refresh-

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 85


A-8-5 Other Objects

This section lists other objects.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
2002 --- Coupler Unit Sysmac --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Error Status
00 Number of Entries 1 1 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
01 Coupler Unit Sysmac 0002 hex --- --- WORD RO Not pos- ---
Error Status sible.
Coupler Unit Obser- FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not pos- ---
vation FALSE sible.
Coupler Unit Minor FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not pos- ---
Fault FALSE sible.
• Subindex 01 hex gives the Sysmac error status for the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
• The assignments of bits for subindex 01 hex are listed below. A bit is FALSE if no error exists or
TRUE if an error exists. Bit 1 is always 1 (TRUE). Bit 1 does not indicate an error.
Bits 6 to 15: Reserved
Bit 5: Minor Fault
Bit 4: Observation
Bits 0 to 3: Reserved
• Each bit is updated at the following times.
The status changes to TRUE when an error occurs.
The status changes to FALSE when the error is reset. Even if the cause of the error has been
removed, you must reset the error for the status to change to FALSE.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data attri-

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation bute
2007 --- NX Unit Sysmac --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Error Status
00 Number of Entries 125 125 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 NX Unit 1 Sysmac 0000 hex --- --- WORD RO Not ---
Error Status possi-
NX Unit 1 Observa- FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
tion FALSE possi-
NX Unit 1 Minor FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
Fault FALSE possi-
02 NX Unit 2 Sysmac 0000 hex --- --- WORD RO Not ---
Error Status possi-
NX Unit 2 Observa- FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
tion FALSE possi-
NX Unit 2 Minor FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
Fault FALSE possi-
--- ---*1 ---*1 ---*1 ---*1 ---*1 ---*1 ---*1 ---*1

A - 86 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Index Subindex I/O allo- Data attri-

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation bute
2007 7D NX Unit 125 Sys- 0000 hex --- --- WORD RO Not ---
mac Error Status possi-
NX Unit 125 Obser- FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
vation FALSE possi-
NX Unit 125 Minor FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Not ---
Fault FALSE possi-

• Subindexes 01 to 7D hex give the Sysmac error status of each NX Unit from NX Unit number 1 to
125. The number in the object name gives the NX Unit number for the NX Unit for which the status is
• The assignments of bits for subindexes 01 to 7D hex are listed below. A bit is FALSE if no error exists
or TRUE if an error exists.
Bits 6 to 15: Reserved
Bit 5: Minor Fault
Bit 4: Observation
Bits 0 to 3: Reserved

A-8 NX Objects
• Each bit is updated at the following times.
The status changes to TRUE when an error occurs.
The status changes to FALSE when the error is reset. Even if the cause of the error has been
removed, you must reset the error for the status to change to FALSE.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data attri-

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation bute
200B*1 --- New Messages --- --- --- --- --- --- --- A
00 Number of Entries 1 1 --- USINT RO Not ---

A-8-5 Other Objects

01 New Messages 0000 hex 0000 hex or --- WORD RO Possi- ---
Available 0001 hex ble.
New Messages FALSE TRUE or --- BOOL RO Possi- ---
Available Flag FALSE ble.
Padding 0 0 --- 15 bits RO Possi- ---
*1. This object can be used with NX-ECC203 version 1.5 or later.

• Subindex 01 hex indicates whether the error log is updated.

• Subindex 01 hex is updated at the following times.
The status changes to TRUE when the error log is updated.
The status changes to FALSE when the subindex number of the most recent error log record is writ-
ten to index 10F3 hex (Diagnosis History), subindex 04 hex (New Messages Available) of the CoE
objects depends on the EtherCAT master.
• Refer to Diagnosis History on page A-35 for details on index 10F3 hex (Diagnosis History) of the CoE

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 87


Index Subindex I/O allo- Data attri-

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation bute
4000 --- NX Unit Configura- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 4 4 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
04 NX Unit Serial Num- 0 0 to 1 --- USINT RW Not pos- Y
ber Verification Set- sible.
• Subindex 04 tells whether the serial number verification is enabled.
0: Not selected.
1: Setting = Actual device
Serial numbers are verified only for NX Units (not for EtherCAT Coupler Units).

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
4007 --- Error Detection Set- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
ting of NX Unit
00 Number of Entries 2 2 --- USINT RO Not pos- ---
02 NX Unit Connection 3 3 to 200 s UINT RW Not pos- Y
Wait Time sible.
• Subindex 02 hex gives the wait time to monitor for connection of the NX Units.

Index Subindex Acce allo-
Object name Default Data range Unit Data type attri-
(hex) (hex) ss cat-
400A --- Preventing Incorrect Opera- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
tion Setting
00 Number of Entries 2 2 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 USB Connection Prohibi- 0 0 or 1 --- USINT RW Not N
tion Setting possi-
• Subobject 01 hex specifies whether to prohibit Sysmac Studio online connections through the periph-
eral USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Set subindex 01 to Enable to prohibit the connection.
0: Disable
1: Enable
Refer to 11-12 Prohibiting USB Connections on page 11-44 for details on prohibiting USB connec-

Index Subindex Acce allo-
Object name Default Data range Unit Data type attri-
(hex) (hex) ss cat-
400D --- Fail-soft Operation Setting --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 2 2 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 Fail-soft Operation Setting 1 0 or 1 --- USINT RW Not Y
• Subindex 01 hex specifies whether to use fail-soft operation for the EtherCAT Slave Terminal. Set
subindex 01 to Fail-soft operation to use fail-soft operation.
0: Fail-soft operation

A - 88 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


1: Stop
Refer to 11-11 Fail-soft Operation on page 11-40 for details on fail-soft operation.

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
5000 --- Communications Error --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
00 Number of Entries 1 1 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 Consecutive Commu- 1 0 to 15 --- USINT RW Not Y
nications Error Detec- possi-
tion Count ble.
• Subindex 01 hex sets the number of consecutive communications errors to detect before generating
a communications data error. A Communications Synchronization Error occurs when the number of
consecutive communications errors exceeds this setting.

Precautions for Safe Use

When you use an NJ/NX-series CPU Unit with the cable redundancy function in DC Mode, set
the Communications Error Setting set value for EtherCAT slaves in DC Mode to the following

A-8 NX Objects
value. If the communications cable is disconnected or the power supply of the EtherCAT slaves
is turned OFF with the Communications Error Setting set value set to any other value, commu-
nications may discontinue due to a Communications Synchronization Error.
Project unit version 1.42 or later: 2 or higher
Project unit version earlier than 1.42: 1 (default value) or higher

Index Subindex I/O allo- Data

A-8-5 Other Objects

Object name Default Data range Unit Data type Access
(hex) (hex) cation attribute
5001 --- Sync Not Received --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Timeout Setting
00 Number of Entries 1 1 --- USINT RO Not ---
01 Sync Error Monitoring 0 0 to 600 s UINT RW Not Y
Time possi-
• Subindex 01 sets the time until a synchronization error is generated. A Synchronization Error occurs
if the first SYNC0 signal input does not turn ON within this set time after the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
enters the Safe-Operational state.
A value of 0 implies 120 s.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 89


A-9 Terminal Block Model Numbers

This section describes the models of screwless clamping terminal blocks for the EtherCAT Coupler
Units and NX Units.

A-9-1 Model Number Notation

The terminal block model numbers are assigned based on the following rules.

Product Type
TB: Terminal block

Terminal Specification
A: Column number indications A and B, no functional ground terminals
B: Column number indications C and D, no functional ground terminals
C: Column number indications A and B, functional ground terminals

Number of Terminals
08: 8 terminals
12: 12 terminals
16: 16 terminals

Other Specification
1: Terminal current capacity of 4 A
2: Terminal current capacity of 10 A

A-9-2 Models
The following table lists the terminal blocks.
Refer to 4-5 Terminal Blocks on page 4-14 for the terminal blocks that are applicable to the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit.

Terminal block Number of Ground termi- Terminal cur-

model number terminals nal mark rent capacity
NX-TBA081 8 None 4A
NX-TBA121 12 None 4A
NX-TBA161 16 None 4A
NX-TBB121 12 None 4A
NX-TBB161 16 None 4A
NX-TBA082 8 None 10 A
NX-TBA122 12 None 10 A
NX-TBA162 16 None 10 A
NX-TBB082 8 None 10 A
NX-TBB122 12 None 10 A
NX-TBB162 16 None 10 A
NX-TBC082 8 Provided 10 A
NX-TBC162 16 Provided 10 A
Note When you purchase a terminal block, purchase an NX-TB2.

A - 90 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model

The functions supported by EtherCAT Coupler Units depend on the model number of the EtherCAT
Coupler Unit. There are also functional restrictions depending on the unit version.
Functional restrictions and support are given for each model in the following table.

Function NX-ECC201 NX-ECC202 NX-ECC203

Setting Slave Terminals Supported.
Cyclic I/O Refresh- Free-Run Refreshing Supported.
ing Synchronous I/O Refreshing Supported.
Task Period Prioritized Not supported. Supported.

A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model

Time Stamp Refreshing Restricted. Supported.
NX Unit Mounting Settings Supported.
Sysmac Device Troubleshooting with Error Supported.
Functionality Notification through Sysmac
Unique to Ether- Error Status
CAT Slaves Saving Node Address Settings Supported.
Verifying the EtherCAT Net- Supported.
work Configuration Using
Serial Numbers
SII Data Checking Supported.
Security Operation Authority Verifica- Supported.
Event Logs Supported. A
Clearing All Memory Restricted. Supported.
Restarting Restricted. Supported.
Changing Event Levels Supported.
Resetting Errors Supported.
I/O Checking Restricted. Supported.
Fail-soft Operation Restricted. Supported.
Prohibiting USB Connections Restricted. Supported.
Monitoring Total Power-ON Time Restricted. Supported.

Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for details
on the restrictions on functionality for different unit versions of the EtherCAT Coupler Units.

Some support functions of the EtherCAT Coupler Units are restricted depending on the models of the
NX Units and unit versions. Refer to Support Functions of the Communications Coupler Units and
Restrictions on the NX Units of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525) for support func-
tions of the EtherCAT Coupler Units and restrictions on the NX Units.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 91


A-11 Version Information

This section describes the relationship between the unit versions of the EtherCAT Coupler Units, the
unit versions of the NJ/NX-series CPU Units, the unit versions of the NY-series Industrial PCs, and the
versions of the Sysmac Studio.

A-11-1 Relationship between Unit Versions

The following table shows the relationship between the unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, the
unit version of the CPU Unit, the unit version of the Industrial PC, and the version of the Sysmac Studio.
If you use any of the combinations of versions/unit versions that are the same or that are later or higher
than the corresponding versions given in the following table, you can use all of the functions that are
supported by that unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit. Refer to A-11-2 Functions That Were
Added or Changed for Each Unit Version on page A-93 for the functions that are supported for each
unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit.
Depending on the type and model of the Unit, some Units do not have all of the versions given in the
corresponding versions. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldest
available version after the specified version. Refer to Version Information in the user’s manuals for the
specific Units for the relation between models and versions.
Refer to version-related information on the CPU Unit or Industrial PC for corresponding versions when
using CPU Unit versions, Industrial PC unit versions, and Sysmac Studio versions that are the same or
that are later or higher than the corresponding versions given in the following table.

EtherCAT Coupler Unit Corresponding unit version/version

Using an NX-series CPU Using an NJ-series CPU Using an NY-series Indus-
Unit Unit trial PC
Unit ver- Unit ver-
Model Unit ver- Sysmac Unit ver- Sysmac Sysmac
sion sion of
sion of CPU Studio ver- sion of CPU Studio ver- Studio ver-
Unit sion Unit sion sion
NX-ECC201 1.2 Ver. 1.10 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.07 Ver. 1.08 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.17
1.1 Ver. 1.06 Ver. 1.07
1.0 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.06
NX-ECC202 1.2 *1 Ver. 1.07 Ver. 1.08
NX-ECC203 1.7 Ver. 1.41 Ver. 1.41 Ver. 1.41
1.6 Ver. 1.25 Ver. 1.25 Ver. 1.25
1.5 Ver. 1.19 Ver. 1.19 Ver. 1.19
1.4 Ver. 1.16 Ver. 1.16 Ver. 1.17
1.3*2 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.12

*1. For the NX-ECC202, there is no unit version of 1.1 or earlier.

*2. For the NX-ECC203, there is no unit version of 1.2 or earlier.

Precautions for Correct Use

On the Select Device Area of the Project Properties Dialog Box on the Sysmac Studio, select
version 1.05 or later for the NJ-series CPU Unit version. You cannot use the EtherCAT Coupler
Unit if you select version 1.04 or earlier for the unit version.

A - 92 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version
This section gives the functions that were added or changed for each unit version of the EtherCAT Cou-
pler Unit.

Changes in and Additions to Functions

The following table shows the unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit, the unit version of the CPU
Unit, the unit version of the Industrial PC, and the version of the Sysmac Studio for changes in or addi-
tions to the functions.
You can also use the added or changed functions with the versions/unit versions given in the table or
with later/higher versions.
Refer to version-related information on the CPU Unit or Industrial PC for corresponding versions when
using CPU Unit versions, Industrial PC unit versions, and Sysmac Studio versions that are the same or
that are later or higher than the corresponding versions given in the following table.

A-11 Version Information

Depending on the type and model of the Unit, some Units do not have all of the versions given in the
corresponding versions. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldest
available version after the specified version. Refer to Version Information in the user’s manuals for the
specific Units for the relation between models and versions.

A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 93


 NX-ECC201
The following table shows the relationship when the CPU Unit is connected.

Corresponding unit version/version

Using an
Using an NJ-series
Change Ether- NX-series CPU NX Unit
CPU Unit
Function or addi- CAT Cou- Unit restric-
tion pler Unit Sys- Sysmac tions
mac CPU Unit Studio
Changing the model of an EtherCAT Cou- Addition Ver. 1.0 Ver. Ver. Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.09 None
pler Unit 1.10 1.13
Restarting Restarting a specified NX Addition Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.07 Ver. 1.08 Yes
Unit *1

I/O checking Addition Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 Yes

Fail-soft operation Addition Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 None

Prohibiting USB connections Addition Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 None

Monitoring total power-ON time*2 Addition Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 Yes

Restarting Restarting only the speci- Change Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 Yes
after Clear All fied NX Unit after perform-
Memory oper- ing the Clear All Memory
ation operation for a specified
NX Unit
Restarting Restarting the NX Unit to Change Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 Yes
after transfer- which the Unit operation
ring Unit oper- settings were transferred
ation settings when you transfer the set-
tings to a specified NX
Unit *3
Uploading Slave Terminal settings through Addition Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.05 Ver. 1.08 None
the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
I/O refreshing Time stamp refreshing Addition Ver. 1.1 Ver. 1.06 Ver. 1.07 Yes
methods • Input refreshing with *4

input changed times

• Output refreshing with
specified time stamps
*1. An NJ-series CPU Unit with unit version 1.07 or later is required to specify an NX Unit for the restart instruction. If you do
not specify an NX Unit with the restart instruction, you can use version 1.05. Refer to the NJ/NX-series Instructions Ref-
erence Manual (Cat. No. W502) for information on specifying an NX Unit for the restart instruction.
*2. The instruction to read the total power ON time is supported by an NJ-series CPU Unit with version 1.10 or later, or an
NX-series CPU Unit.
*3. This applies when there are changes to the Unit operation settings that require restarting the Unit.
*4. The instructions for time stamp refreshing are supported by NJ-series CPU Units with unit version 1.06 or later. If you do
not use instructions for time stamp refreshing, you can use version 1.05. Refer to the NJ/NX-series Instructions Reference
Manual (Cat. No. W502) for information on the instructions for time stamp refreshing.

A - 94 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


The following table shows the relationship when the Industrial PC is connected.

Change Ether- Corresponding unit version/version NX Unit

Function or addi- CAT Cou- Using an NY-series Industrial PC restric-
tion pler Unit Industrial PC Sysmac Studio tions
Changing the model of an EtherCAT Cou- Addition Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.16 None
pler Unit
Restarting Restarting a specified NX Addition Ver. 1.2 Yes
I/O checking Addition Ver. 1.2 Yes

Fail-soft operation Addition Ver. 1.2 None

Prohibiting USB connections Addition Ver. 1.2 None

Monitoring total power-ON time Addition Ver. 1.2 Yes

Restarting Restarting only the speci- Change Ver. 1.2 Yes

after Clear All fied NX Unit after perform-

A-11 Version Information

Memory oper- ing the Clear All Memory
ation operation for a specified
NX Unit
Restarting Restarting the NX Unit to Change Ver. 1.2 Yes
after transfer- which the Unit operation
ring Unit oper- settings were transferred
ation settings when you transfer the set-
tings to a specified NX
Unit *1
Uploading Slave Terminal settings through Addition Ver. 1.0 None
the USB port on the EtherCAT Coupler Unit
I/O refreshing Time stamp refreshing Addition Ver. 1.1 Yes
methods • Input refreshing with

A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version
input changed times
• Output refreshing with
specified time stamps
*1. This applies when there are changes to the Unit operation settings that require restarting the Unit.

Refer to Support Functions of the Communications Coupler Units and Restrictions on the NX Units
of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525) for the restrictions on NX Units. Refer to
A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model on page A-91 for the functions supported by this model.

 NX-ECC202
There are no unit version updates. Therefore, functionality is not added or changed. Refer to A-10
Functional Restrictions by Model on page A-91 for the functions supported by this model.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 95


 NX-ECC203
The following table shows the relationship when the CPU Unit is connected.

Corresponding unit version/version

Change EtherCAT Using an NX-series Using an NJ-series NX Unit
Function or addi- Coupler CPU Unit CPU Unit restric-
tion Unit Sysmac Sysmac tions
CPU Unit CPU Unit
Studio Studio
• Added the attached information to the Change Ver.1.7 Ver.1.10 Ver.1.41 Ver.1.07 Ver.1.41 None
synchronization error event
• The following events are no longer
registered in the event log*1
NX Unit Minor Fault
NX Unit Observation
Support for the cable redundancy func- Change Ver.1.6 Ver.1.40 Ver.1.29 Ver.1.40 Ver.1.29 None
tion *2 *4 *5 *4 *5

(Minimum value of the communications

cycle: 125 μs) *3
CoE objects Change Ver.1.6 Ver.1.10 Ver.1.25 Ver.1.07 Ver.1.25 None
• Sync Manager 2 Synchronization
(index 1C32 hex)
• Sync Manager 3 Synchronization
(index 1C33 hex)
Default and data range of Number of
Synchronization Parameters
Subindex number of Cycle Time Too

A - 96 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Corresponding unit version/version

Change EtherCAT Using an NX-series Using an NJ-series NX Unit
Function or addi- Coupler CPU Unit CPU Unit restric-
tion Unit Sysmac Sysmac tions
CPU Unit CPU Unit
Studio Studio
CoE objects Addition Ver. 1.5 Ver. 1.10 Ver. 1.19 Ver. 1.07 Ver. 1.19 Yes
• Store Parameters (index 1010 hex)
• Restore Default Parameters (index
1011 hex)
• Diagnosis History (index 10F3 hex)
• Present Time for Event Log (index
10F9 hex)
• Coupler Unit Current Errors (index
3809 hex)
• Coupler Unit Event Log (index 380A
• Switch Parameter Write Mode (index

A-11 Version Information

380B hex)
• Coupler Unit Total Power-On Time
(index 380C hex)
• NX Unit Total Power-On Time (index
380D hex)
• NX Unit Restart (index 380E hex)
• Store Parameters Command (index
380F hex)
• Restore Default Parameters Com- A
mand (index 3810 hex)
• NX Unit Current Errors (index 4010 +
(NX Unit number - 01) x 20))

A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version
• NX Unit Event Log (index 4011 + (NX
Unit number - 01) x 20))
• NX Unit Event Log Clear (index 4012
+ (NX Unit number - 01) x 20))
• Editing Unit operation settings for NX
Units (index 5000 + (NX Unit number
- 01) x 20))
Support for the cable redundancy func- Addition Ver. 1.5 Ver.1.40 Ver.1.29 Ver.1.40 Ver.1.29 None
tion *2 *4 *5 *4 *5

(Minimum value of the communications

cycle: 250 μs) *3
*1. The following events are reported as current errors, but are not registered in the event log.
NX Unit Minor Fault
NX Unit Observation
Therefore, check and troubleshoot the errors for the NX Unit that caused these events.
*2. The cable redundancy function can be realized by configuring a ring topology. The support of ring topology depends on
the specifications of the connected EtherCAT master. Confirm the specifications of the connected EtherCAT master.
*3. If the slave device is operated at a cycle shorter than the minimum value of the communications cycle, the EtherCAT
frame may be lost or the communications may be disabled.
*4. Ring topology cannot be configured with CPU Unit models that do not have the specified versions or later. For unit ver-
sions of CPU Units, refer to Version Information in the user’s manual of the connected CPU Unit.
*5. The cable redundancy function of the built-in EtherCAT port on a CPU Unit can be used with project unit version 1.40 or
later in the Sysmac Studio project. It cannot be used with project unit version earlier than 1.40.

The following table shows the relationship when the Industrial PC is connected.

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 97


Change EtherCAT Corresponding unit version/version

NX Unit
Function or addi- Coupler Using an NY-series Industrial PC
tion Unit Industrial PC Sysmac Studio
• Added the attached information to Change Ver.1.7 Ver.1.12 Ver.1.41 None
the synchronization error event
• The following events are no longer
registered in the event log*1
NX Unit Minor Fault
NX Unit Observation
Support for the cable redundancy func- Change Ver.1.6 Not possible. Not possible. None.
tion *2
(Minimum value of the communications
cycle: 125 μs) *3
CoE objects Change Ver.1.6 Ver.1.12 Ver.1.25 None.
• Sync Manager 2 Synchronization
(index 1C32 hex)
• Sync Manager 3 Synchronization
(index 1C33 hex)
Default and data range of Number of
Synchronization Parameters
Subindex number of Cycle Time Too
CoE objects Addition Ver. 1.5 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.19 Yes
• Store Parameters (index 1010 hex)
• Restore Default Parameters (index
1011 hex)
• Diagnosis History (index 10F3 hex)
• Present Time for Event Log (index
10F9 hex)
• Coupler Unit Current Errors (index
3809 hex)
• Coupler Unit Event Log (index 380A
• Switch Parameter Write Mode (index
380B hex)
• Coupler Unit Total Power-On Time
(index 380C hex)
• NX Unit Total Power-On Time (index
380D hex)
• NX Unit Restart (index 380E hex)
• Store Parameters Command (index
380F hex)
• Restore Default Parameters Com-
mand (index 3810 hex)
• NX Unit Current Errors (index 4010 +
(NX Unit number - 01) x 20))
• NX Unit Event Log (index 4011 + (NX
Unit number - 01) x 20))
• NX Unit Event Log Clear (index 4012
+ (NX Unit number - 01) x 20))
• Editing Unit operation settings for NX
Units (index 5000 + (NX Unit number
- 01) x 20))

A - 98 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


Change EtherCAT Corresponding unit version/version

NX Unit
Function or addi- Coupler Using an NY-series Industrial PC
tion Unit Industrial PC Sysmac Studio
Cable redundancy function *2 Addition Ver. 1.5 Not possible. Not possible. None
(Minimum value of the communications
cycle: 250 μs) *3
Communications support in DC Mode Addition Ver. 1.4 Ver. 1.12 Ver. 1.16 None
for the following EtherCAT masters*4
• CK3E-
• NY512-A600-1XX13910
*1. The following events are reported as current errors, but are not registered in the event log.
NX Unit Minor Fault
NX Unit Observation
Therefore, check and troubleshoot the errors for the NX Unit that caused these events.
*2. The cable redundancy function can be realized by configuring a ring topology. The support of ring topology depends on
the specifications of the connected EtherCAT master. Confirm the specifications of the connected EtherCAT master.

A-11 Version Information

*3. If the slave device is operated at a cycle shorter than the minimum value of the communications cycle, the EtherCAT frame
may be lost or the communications may be disabled.
*4. Refer to the connection guide for the appropriate EtherCAT master for details on how to use EtherCAT Slave Terminals
with these EtherCAT masters.

Refer to Support Functions of the Communications Coupler Units and Restrictions on the NX Units
of the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525) for the restrictions on NX Units. Refer to
A-10 Functional Restrictions by Model on page A-91 for the functions supported by this model.

A-11-2 Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) A - 99


Addition of Connectable NX Units

Additions are sometimes made to the NX Units that you can connect to an EtherCAT Coupler Unit
when the unit version of the EtherCAT Coupler Unit is upgraded.
For the NX Units that you can connect to an EtherCAT Coupler Unit, refer to Version Information
with Communications Coupler Units in the NX-series Data Reference Manual (Cat. No. W525).

A - 100 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) I-1


Numerics comparing and merging with
actual Unit configuration of the Slave Terminal ......... 9-28
12-terminal type ............................................................ 4-14 comparing settings ....................................................... 9-44
16-terminal type ............................................................ 4-14 complete access .......................................................... A-30
35-mm DIN Track ........................................................... 6-6 configuration width of an EtherCAT Slave Terminal ..... 6-24
8-terminal type .............................................................. 4-14 connecting/removing wires ........................................... 7-18
crimping tool ................................................................. 7-16
A current errors .............................................................. 13-13

access ................................................................ A-30, A-82

accessory ....................................................................... 3-5
active configuration ......................................................A-12 data attribute ...................................................... A-30, A-82
Additional I/O Power Supply Unit ................................... 5-4 data type ............................................................ A-27, A-82
Additional NX Unit Power Supply Unit ............................ 5-3 DC ................................................................................ 8-10
AL status .................................................................... 13-58 DC Mode ............................................................. 8-10, 10-6
AL status codes .......................................................... 13-58 DC time ........................................................................ 10-6
allocatable I/O data points ............................................ 9-13 default ................................................................ A-30, A-82
Analog I/O Units ............................................................. 2-7 Device name ......................................................... 9-6, 9-10
applicable wires ............................................................ 7-15 Digital I/O Units .............................................................. 2-7
application objects .......................................................... 8-6 DIN Track contact plate ......................................... 4-2, 4-16
assignable tasks ......................................................... 10-23 DIN Track insulation spacers ....................................... 7-13
assigning axis variables ...............................9-3, 9-36, 9-40 DIN Track mounting hooks ...................................... 4-2, 4-3
assigning device variables .................................... 9-3, 9-36 DIN Tracks ..................................................................... 6-7
attaching a terminal block ............................................. 7-25 DIP switch ............................................................. 4-2, 4-11
displaying the transmission delay times of
B the EtherCAT master ................................................. 9-34

backing up .................................................................... 9-47

backing up settings ....................................................... 9-45
blocks ........................................................................... 5-17 Edit Slave Terminal Configuration Tab Page ................ 9-11
built-in EtherCAT port ...................................................... 14 emergency error codes .............................................. 13-55
emergency messages ................................................ 13-54
C Enable Distributed Clock ................................................ 9-7
Enable/Disable Settings ................................................. 9-6
End Plate ........................................................................ 6-6
cable redundancy ............................................................ 37
ENI ............................................................................... A-12
calculating the effective value ...................................... 5-15
error descriptions ....................................................... 13-20
CAN application protocol over EtherCAT ....................... 8-2
error logs .................................................................... 13-54
changing event levels ................................................. 11-27
error table ................................................................... 13-15
changing the model of an EtherCAT Coupler Unit or
ESI (EtherCAT Slave Information) file ............................ 2-6
NX Unit ............................................................. 9-13, 9-32
EtherCAT Configuration Edit Tab Page .......................... 9-7
changing the Unit configuration .................................... 9-49
EtherCAT Coupler Unit ................................................... 2-6
checking the wiring ....................................................... 3-12
EtherCAT master ............................................................ 2-6
CiA ................................................................................... 37
EtherCAT slave information ............................................ 8-3
clearing all memory .................................................... 11-21
EtherCAT Slave Terminals ............................................. 1-6
clock information ........................................................ 11-16
event codes ................................................................ 11-16
Coding Pins .................................................................. 7-26
event levels ................................................................ 11-16
CoE objects ..................................................................A-27
event logs ................................................................... 11-13
commercially available markers ................................... 6-20
event sources ............................................................. 11-15
communications cable .................................................... 2-6
exporting the EtherCAT network configuration
communications connectors .................................. 4-2, 4-13
information ................................................................... 9-8
Communications Coupler Unit ........................................ 1-6
exporting the EtherCAT Slave Terminal configuration
communications cycle .................................................. 8-10
information ................................................................. 9-12
Communications Interface Unit ...................................... 2-7
exporting/importing Slave Terminal settings and
NX Unit settings ......................................................... 9-29

I-2 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


external power supplies ................................................5-16 L

F Load Cell Input Unit ........................................................2-7
log of the errors ...........................................................13-13
fail-soft operation ........................................................11-40
ferrules ..........................................................................7-15 M
Free-Run Mode ................................................... 8-10, 10-7
Free-Run refreshing ......................................................10-8 mailbox communications ................................................1-4
functional ground terminal .............................................4-16 marker attachment locations ....................................4-2, 4-3
functional ground terminals ...........................................7-10 maximum I/O power supply current ..............................5-12
message response time ..............................................12-37
G minor fault ...................................................................11-16
model number .................................................................4-5
getting NX Unit serial numbers .....................................9-29 monitoring total power-ON time ..................................11-46
going online .....................................................................2-9 mounting the EtherCAT Slave Terminal on DIN Track ....6-3
ground resistance of 100 W or less ..............................7-12
ground terminal mark ....................................................4-14 N
ground terminals ...........................................................7-10
New messages available ..............................................9-20
H node address .........................................................4-12, 9-6
_node5UnitErr ...............................................................9-39
hardware switch ............................................................4-10 _node5UnitMsg .............................................................9-39
_node5UnitRun .............................................................9-39
I number of connectable NX Units ....................................3-2
number of I/O entry mappings ......................................9-13
I/O allocation ................................................................ A-82 number of tasks to assign ...........................................10-23
I/O allocation information ..............................................9-13 NX bus connector ....................................................4-2, 4-3
I/O allocation settings .............................................. 8-7, 9-9 NX objects ................................................................... A-82
I/O Allocation Status ......................................................9-22 NX Unit Connection Time .............................................9-10
I/O checking ................................................................11-33 NX Unit Error Status .....................................................9-19
I/O data .........................................................................9-15 NX Unit I/O Data Active Status .....................................9-18
I/O data size ..................................................................9-13 NX Unit Message Enabled Status ................................9-18 I
I/O entries ............................................................. 8-7, 9-14 NX Unit Mounting Setting .............................................9-10
I/O Entry Mapping List ..................................................9-23 NX Unit mounting settings ............................................11-5
I/O entry mappings ................................................ 8-7, 9-14 NX Unit Number ............................................................9-10
I/O power supply ................................................... 5-3, 5-18 NX Unit power .................................................................5-2
I/O Power Supply Connection Unit .................................5-5 NX Unit power supply capacity .......................................5-7
I/O power supply terminals .............................................7-9 NX Unit power supply capacity and restrictions ..............5-7
I/O refreshing ................................................................10-2 NX Unit Registration Status ..........................................9-17
I/O Refreshing Mode .....................................................10-6 NX Units ..........................................................................2-6
I/O response times ........................................................12-2
index ........................................................... 8-6, A-30, A-82 O
indicators ................................................................. 4-2, 4-3
Industrial PC ....................................................................14 object dictionary ..............................................................8-2
Init ...................................................................................8-4 object dictionary area ................................................... A-27
input port .........................................................................7-7 object name ........................................................A-30, A-82
input prioritized refreshing .............................................10-8 observation .................................................................11-16
input refreshing with input changed times .....................10-8 operation authority verification ....................................11-11
inrush current ................................................................5-18 operation for task period prioritized refreshing ...........10-13
installation dimensions ..................................................6-23 operation of Free-Run refreshing ................................10-18
installation height ..........................................................6-25 operation of input refreshing with input changed
installation in cabinets or control panels .........................6-2 times ........................................................................10-15
installation locations for protective devices ...................5-21 operation of output refreshing with specified time
installation method in control panels ...............................6-3 stamps .....................................................................10-15
installation orientation .....................................................6-8 operation of synchronous I/O refreshing .....................10-10
IO-Link Master Unit .........................................................2-7 operation of time stamp refreshing .............................10-15
operation with input prioritized refreshing ...................10-13
operation with output prioritized refreshing .................10-13
Operational .....................................................................8-4

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) I-3


output port ...................................................................... 7-7 SDO ............................................................................... 8-2

output prioritized refreshing .......................................... 10-8 SDO communications .................................................... 1-4
output refreshing with specified time stamps ............... 10-8 security ....................................................................... 11-11
overcurrent ................................................................... 5-19 selecting protective devices ......................................... 5-20
send/receive PDO data sizes ......................................... 3-3
P Serial Number Check Method ...................................... 9-10
service data objects ....................................................... 8-2
PDO ................................................................................ 8-2 setting parameter ........................................................... 9-7
PDO communications ..................................................... 1-4 Setting Parameters ........................................................ 9-7
PDO groups ..................................................................A-12 setting the task periods of periodic tasks ................... 10-19
PDO mapping ...............................................................A-30 SII ............................................................................... 11-10
PDO mapping objects ............................................. 8-5, 8-6 size ............................................................................... A-30
PDO mappings ............................................................... 8-6 solid wires .................................................................... 7-17
periodic inspection points ............................................. 14-2 special instructions ..............................................12-37, A-9
peripheral USB port ............................................... 4-2, 4-13 special marker printer ................................................... 6-20
Position Interface Units .................................................. 2-7 subindex ............................................................. A-30, A-82
power supply-related Units ............................................. 5-3 supply from external source ........................................... 5-9
Pre-Operational .............................................................. 8-4 supply from the NX bus .................................................. 5-9
preventing incorrect attachment of terminal blocks ...... 7-26 Sync0 .................................................................. 8-10, 10-6
primary period .............................................................. 10-3 synchronous I/O refreshing .......................................... 10-8
primary periodic task ........................................... 10-3, 10-4 Sysmac device functionality ......................................... 11-9
priority-5 periodic task .................................................. 10-3 Sysmac error status .......................................... 9-20, 13-53
process data communications ........................................ 1-4 Sysmac Studio ............................................................... 2-6
process data communications cycle ............................. 10-2 Sysmac Studio Controller backup function .................. 9-46
process data communications cycle 1 .......................... 10-3 System Units .................................................................. 2-7
process data communications cycle 2 .......................... 10-3
process data objects ...................................................... 8-2 T
programming sample .................................................... 9-39
prohibiting USB connections ...................................... 11-44 task period of the periodic task .................................... 10-2
protective devices ......................................................... 5-19 task period prioritized refreshing .................................. 10-8
protrusions for removing the Unit .....................4-2, 4-3, 4-4 task period warning ......................................... 10-20, 10-21
Temperature Control Unit ............................................... 2-7
R terminal block ................................................. 4-2, 4-3, 4-14
terminal holes ............................................................... 4-14
recommended power supplies ............................ 5-16, 5-18 terminal number indications ......................................... 4-14
recommended screwdriver ........................................... 7-18 through-wiring ................................................................ 7-9
refresh cycle of each NX Unit ....................................... 10-2 time stamp refreshing ................................................... 10-8
refresh cycle of the NX bus .......................................... 10-2 Time Stamps of Synchronous I/O Refresh ................... 9-19
release holes ................................................................ 4-14 total power-ON time ................................................... 11-46
removing a terminal block ............................................ 7-25 transferring settings ...................................................... 9-41
resetting errors ........................................................... 11-30 troubleshooting ........................................................... 13-12
restarting .................................................................... 11-24 twisted wires ................................................................. 7-17
restarting individual NX Units ..................................... 11-24 twisted-pair cable ........................................................... 7-3
restarting Slave Terminal ............................................ 11-24 TxPDO ........................................................................... 8-5
restricted region ..................................................... 6-9, 6-12
restrictions on inrush current ........................................ 5-14 U
Revision .......................................................................... 9-6
RJ45 connectors ............................................................ 7-3 Unit ..................................................................... A-30, A-82
rotary switches ...................................................... 4-2, 4-10 Unit application data ..................................................... 9-27
RxPDO ........................................................................... 8-5 Unit configuration information ........................................ 9-9
Unit hookup guides .......................................... 4-2, 4-3, 4-4
S Unit operation settings .......................................... 9-9, 9-25
Unit power supply .................................................. 5-2, 5-16
Safe-Operational ............................................................ 8-4 Unit power supply terminals ........................................... 7-9
safety control system ...................................................... 2-8 unit specifications .................................................... 4-2, 4-3
Safety Control Units ....................................................... 2-7 unit versions ........................................................... 30, A-92
Safety CPU Unit ............................................................. 2-7 unmounted Units .......................................................... 11-7
Safety I/O Units .............................................................. 2-7 unwired terminals ........................................................... 7-9
SD Memory Card backup function ............................... 9-45 uploading Slave Terminal settings ................................ 9-31

I-4 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)


version of the Sysmac Studio ...................................... A-92

voltage drop in the I/O power supply .................. 5-10, 5-13

wiring ducts .....................................................................6-4

NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519) I-5


I-6 NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit User’s Manual (W519)

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