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G8 U1 Inv 2 ACE Answers

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1. a. Accept any line that approximates the 4. a. Lines will vary. Here is one possibility:
data. Here is one possibility:

b. y = 8.5x – 2.5. Students might

come up with a simpler model with
a y-intercept of 0, such as y = 8 x b. y = 2x + 4. The value of m indicates
(because 0 thickness should suggest 0 that, on average, a Chihuahua grows
breaking weight). 2 ounces per week. To find this value,
students may notice that as the age
c. Answers depend on the equation. changes by 2 weeks, the weight usually
Using the preceding equation, the changes by about 4 ounces. The value
breaking weights are 23, 40, and of b indicates that the weight of a
57 pennies. Chihuahua at birth is 4 ounces.
2. Student 1’s line is a better fit. Overall, the c. The model y = 2x + 4 gives the
data points are closer to Student 1’s line. following estimates:
Also, the slope of Student 1’s line seems
to better match the rate of change in the Age (wk) Weight (oz)
data points.
1 6
3. Lines and strategies will vary. Any
reasonable fit to the data trend will be 3 10
acceptable. 5 14
7 18
9 22
11 26
13 30
15 34

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

d. Answers depend on the model from 7. a. (4, 7) b. (2, 2)

part (b). The model y = 2x + 4 predicts
8. Note: Many students find parts (c) and
a weight of 148 oz or 9 lb 4 oz for an
(d) challenging. You may want to discuss
18-month old Chihuahua. In reality, a
Chihuahua of this age is full grown and
typically weighs only 4 lb. This error a. slope: 0.5, y-intercept: 3; y = 0.5x + 3
of prediction illustrates the danger of b. slope: –3, y-intercept: 24;
using a data-based model to make y = –3x + 24
predictions far beyond the data on
which the model was based. c. slope: 0, y-intercept: 9; y = 9

5. a. Lines will vary. Here is one possibility: d. slope: undefined, y-intercept: none;
9. v = 20 – 0.15t
10. w = 8 + 1.5a
11. d = 1,500 – 60t
12. d = 28g
13. a. y = 2x + 2
b. y = –4x + 20
c. y = 1.5x + 2
d. y = –3x + 20
14. y = 4.2x + 3.4
15. y= x +5
b. Possible equation: y = 100 – 4x. 16. y = 2x + 4
The 100 means that if the car wash 12
were free, there would be about 100 17. y =– x +15 or y = –2.4x + 15
customers per day. The –4 means
6 2
that for each $1 increase in price, 18. y =– x+
there would be a decrease of about 7 7
4 customers per day. 19. y = –2x + 6
b. 90; 70; 50 20. Line 1: y = x + 2; Line 2: y = 0.5x – 1;
6. a. (See Figure 1.) Line 3: y = –1.5x + 3
b. equation D, line B; equation E, line C;
equation F, line A

Figure 1

Constant Rate
Line y-intercept x-intercept
of Change
A –1 3 3
B 1 2 –2
C 2 –4 2

Thinking With Mathematical Models 2 Investigation 2

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

21. a. The graph that has y-intercept (0, 0) 23. x = –3

shows Anchee’s earnings because her
father does not pay her any money
at the beginning of the summer. The
graph that has y-intercept (0, 20) shows
Jonah’s earnings because he gets $20
at the beginning of the summer. On
the graph, we can see that Anchee’s
earnings increase by $5 per week and
Jonah’s by $3 per week.
b. Anchee: y = 5x
Jonah: y = 20 + 3x
c. The value of m in each case tells the 24. x = 15
rate at which earnings increase per
week. The value of b is the amount of
money each student received at the
beginning of the summer.
d. The value of b is the y-coordinate of
the point where the graph crosses the
y-axis. That is, it is the y-intercept. The
value of m is the slope of the line.
22. x ≈ 4.54

25. x = –3

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

26. a. About 1,000 visitors; c. Yes; about 140 mi and $33;

2,000 = 2.5v – 500, so v = 1,000 0.15d + 12 = 5 + 0.20d, so d = 140.
b. About $0; p = 2.50(200) – 500 = 0
c. v ≥ 400; on the graph, the profit
is greater than $500 for all points
on or above the dashed line; solve
2.5v – 500 ≥ 500.

Students can use a table or a graphing

calculator to help them solve the
equations in Exercises 28–30. We show
possible steps in formal reasoning.
28. x = –6
5x + 7 = 3x – 5
5x = 3x – 12
2x = –12
27. a. About 590 miles; 100 = 0.15d + 12,
so d = 587 miles. x = –6
b. Estimates will vary. On the graph, 29. x = 6
all the points on the Intercity line 7 + 3x = 5x – 5
on or below y = 100 represent fares
less than $100. This includes all 12 + 3x = 5x
distances less than or equal to 475 mi; 12 = 2x
5 + 0.2d ≤ 100, so d ≤ 475 mi.
30. x = –8
2.5x – 8 = 5x + 12
2.5x – 20 = 5x
–20 = 2.5x
–8 = x

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

In Exercises 31–34, students should list three c. d = 260 – 60p is an acceptable fit to
values in the given interval. the data.
31. x ≤ 3 d. s = 90p – 50 is an acceptable fit to
the data.
32. x < 6
e. The graph follows. The supply and
33. x ≤ 2 demand are equal at the point
34. x ≤ 9 of intersection. This happens
at a price of about $2. To find
35. a. d = 15g is an acceptable fit to the answer symbolically, solve
the data. 260 – 60p = 90p – 50.
b. 150 miles
c. about 16.7 gallons
d. The value of m is the number of miles
a bus travels on 1 gallon of gasoline.
The value of b is the number of miles
covered on 0 gallons of gas, which
should be 0 miles.
36. a. As price goes up, some customers will
decide it is too expensive and will not
buy corn.
b. As price goes up, farmers will be
encouraged to provide a larger supply
of corn.

37. a. Linear; as x increases by 2 units, c. Not linear; the rate of change is not
y increases by 1 unit. constant.
b. Not linear; as x increases in 1-unit
steps, y increases by increasing x –3 0 3 6
amounts. y 21 0 33 120
c. Linear; for every 1-unit increase in x,
y decreases by 1. d. Linear; the rate of change is constant.
38. a. Linear; the rate of change is constant.
x –3 0 3 10
x –5 –2 1 4 y 13 4 –5 –26
y 7 –2 –11 –20
39. –5 < 3
b. Linear; the rate of change is constant. 2 1
40. >
3 2
x –3 0 3 6 9 3
41. =
12 4
y –34 –22 –10 2
42. 3.009 < 3.1
–2 –1
43. <
3 2
44. –4.25 < –2.45
45. a = 1.5 b

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

46. –22 Story 2 goes with Graph D. The graph

shows the account balance increasing,
47. –22
slowly at first, and then more rapidly
48. 8 as time passes. The last section of the
49. –8 graph shows the balance dropping
to half the amount, without any time
50. –4 passing, as half the money is removed.
51. 4 The x-axis label could be “Time,” and
the y-axis label could be “Account
52. –5 Balance.”
53. 8 Story 3 goes with Graph B. The graph
54. 50 shows the volume of the pile of gravel
decreasing rapidly at first, and then
55. a. = 200% and 1.5 = 150%. less rapidly. Gerry removes half of the
–2 pile each day but, because the pile
–4 is smaller every day, the amount he
b. = 200% is the greatest. removes is less and less every day.
The x-axis label could be “Day,” and
c. 60% is the least.
the y-axis label could be “Volume of
56. a. 2 in. Gravel.”
b. 2 b. Possible story: Graph C shows how a
1 student travels during an afternoon.
c. First he runs from his home at a
constant speed to a friend’s house, until
d. They are reciprocals. he gets tired and walks. He meets his
57. a. Story 1 goes with Graph A. The friend, and they travel in a car back to
first part of the graph shows height his home, gradually accelerating.
increasing rapidly as the plane ascends.
The middle section shows height
remaining constant as the plane
holds its altitude. The last part shows
height decreasing, rapidly at first and
then more slowly, as the parachutist
descends. The graph stops at a point
just above the x-axis, where the
parachutist got caught in the tree. The
x-axis label could be “Time,” and the
y-axis label could be “Height.”

58. a. r = 4(L – 1) + 3, and r = 4L – 1 r = 4L – 1: Look at each 1-foot
segment, except the last, as a triangle
b. Possible explanations:
with a rod extending from the top like
r = L + (L – 1) + 2L: There are L rods the one below. The last foot does not
along the bottom, L – 1 rods along the require the top segment, so we need to
top, and 2 additional diagonal rods for subtract one.
every foot.
r = 4(L – 1) + 3: We start with 3 rods
and then add 4 for each additional

Thinking With Mathematical Models 6 Investigation 2

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A C E Answers | Investigation 2

59. A, B, and D; r = n + 3 n, r = n (n + 3), distance in miles and f is the fare.
and r = (n + 3)n
66. The parking charge rule needs two
60. 6 parts—one for times of 30 min or less
and one for times greater than 30 min
61. D
(or 0.5 hr). Furthermore, the way these
62. H charge schemes usually work, the charge
63. a. $24,000; $42,000; $78,000 for any time between 0.5 hr and 1.5 hr
will be $2. Then the charge for any time
b. B = (5,000 + 150L) + between 1.5 hr and 2.5 hr will be $4,
0.20 (5,000 + 150L) or and so on. This is hard to express as a
B = 6,000 + 180L simple algebraic rule, but one could use
c. $33,000; $60,000; $87,000 p = 2(t – 0.5) and then round the result
up to the nearest $2. For example, if
d. B = (5,000 + 150L) + t = 4.7, p = 2(4.7 – 0.5) = 2(4.2) = 8.4,
0.15 (5,000 + 150L) or which would round up to $10.
B = 5,750 + 172.5L
67. p = 6.50n – 750, where p is the profit in
64. a. Sid’s formula will not work because it dollars and n is the number of tickets sold.
does not account for the fact that the
cost for the first 10 min is fixed at $5. 68. c = 50 + 50t, where t is the repair time
required and c is the cost for the repair.
b. Tina’s formula works for any time
beyond 10 min, but it does not work
for times under 10 min.
c. Yes, except when t < 10.
65. The Bluebird Taxi rule has two parts.
For distances less than 2 miles,
f = 3.00; for distances of 2 miles or more,
f = 2.4(d – 2) + 3.00, because d is the

Thinking With Mathematical Models 7 Investigation 2

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