Bird in Hand Theory by Gordon
Bird in Hand Theory by Gordon
Bird in Hand Theory by Gordon
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They then asked what would happen if the corporation, say, raised
its dividend but kept its investment for the period constant by
selling the additional number of shares needed to offset the funds
* This paper and the following papers by Ezra Solomon, James E. Walter, and John
Lintner, with discussions by Herbert Dougall, Merton Miller, and Robert F. Vandell,
were presented at a meeting of the American Finance Association in Pittsburgh, Pa.,
on December 29, 1962. The program was under the chairmanship of J. Fred Weston.
t Professor of business economics, University of Rochester.
1. "Dividends, Earnings and Stock Prices," Review of Economics and Statistics, May,
1959, pp. 99-105; "The Savings, Investment and Valuation of the Corporation," ibid.,
February, 1962, pp. 37-51.
2. The Investment Financing and Valuation of the Corporation (Homewood, Ill.:
R. D. Irwin, 1962).
3. "Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares," Journal of Business,
October, 1961, pp. 411-33.
OptimalInvestment and Financing Policy 265
lost by the dividend increase. They demonstrated that the ex-divi-
dend price of the stock at the end of the period would go down by
exactly the same amount as the increase in the dividend. Since the
sum D1 + Pi remains the same, Po is unchanged by the change in
the dividend.
I will not review their proof of the theorem in detail because I
find nothing wrong with it under the assumption they made that the
future is certain. However, after proving the theorem a number of
times under different conditions, they withdrew the assumption of
certainty and made the dramatic announcement,"our first step, alas,
must be to jettison the fundamental valuation equation."4 Under
uncertainty, they continued, it is not "at all clear what meaning can
be attached to the discount factor... ."5 The implication which they
made explicit in discussing my work is that under uncertainty we
cannot represent investors as using discount rates to arrive at the
present value of an expectation of future receipts.
It would seem that all is lost. But no! On the very next page we
are told that their "fundamental conclusion need not be modified
merely because of the presence of uncertainty about the future
course of profits, investment, or dividends. ...6 By virtue of the
postulates of "imputedrationality" and "symmetricmarket rational-
ity," it remains true that "dividend policy is irrelevant for the de-
termination of market prices."
Their paper continued with a discussion of market imperfections,
in which they note that the most important one, the capital gains
tax, should create a preference for low payout rates. They concede
that it may nevertheless be true that high payout rates sell at a
premium, but they found ". . . only one way to account for it, namely
as a result of systematic irrationality on the part of the investing
public." They concluded with the hope that ". . . investors, however
naive they may be when they enter the market, do sometimes learn
from experience; and perhaps, occasionally even from reading arti-
cles such as this."8
It would seem that under uncertainty they might have been less
sure of their conclusion for two reasons. First, under uncertainty
an invester need not be indifferentas to the distribution of the one-
period gain on a share between the dividend and price appreciation.
Since price appreciation is highly uncertain, an investor may prefer
4. Miller and Modigliani, op. cit., p. 426.
5. Ibid., p. 427. 7. Ibid., p. 429.
6. Ibid., p. 428. 8. Ibid., p. 432.
266 The Journal of Finance
the expectation of a $5 dividend and a $50 price to a zero dividend
and a $55 price without being irrational. Second, the expectation
of a stock issue at t - 1 may have a depressing influence on the
price at t- 0. What MM did was both change the dividend and
change the number of new shares issued. Can we be so sure that
the price of a share will not change when these two events take
Let us turn now to the proof of the MM position on the dividend
rate that I presented in my RES paper and book. The reasons for
presenting this proof will be evident shortly. Consider a corporation
that earned Yo in the period ending at t 0 and paid it all out in
dividends. Further, assume that the corporation is expected to con-
tinue paying all earnings in dividends and to engage in no outside
financing. Under these assumptions the company is expected to
earn and pay Yo in every future period. If the rate of return on
investment that investors require on the share is k, we may repre-
sent the valuation of the share as follows:
P + .
YO+=i -'F +YO
( + k)l (+ k)2 ( + k)3 (+ k)t
We may also say that k is the discount rate that equates the divi-
dend expectation of Yo in perpetuity with the Price Po.
Next, let the corporationannounce at t 0 that it will retain and
invest Y1 Y
Yo during t 1 and that it expects to earn a rate of
return of k - Yo/Po on the investment. In each subsequent period
it will pay all earnings out in dividends. Share price is now given by
the expression
P 0 Yo+ kYo Yo+ kyo+ + Yo+ kYo
(1 + k)' (1 + k)2 (1 + k)3 (1 + k)t(3
Notice that the numeratorof the first term on the right side is zero.
It is the dividend and not the earnings in the period, since the in-
vestor is correctly represented as using the dividend expectation in
arriving at Po. If he were represented as looking at the earnings
expectation, then as Bodenhorn9noted, he would be double-counting
the first period's earnings.
It is evident that, as a result of the corporation's decision, the
investor gives up Yoat the end of t 1 and receives, in its place, kYo
9. Diran Bodenhorn, "On the Problem of Capital Budgeting," Journal of Finance,
December, 1959, pp. 473-92.
OptimalInvestment and Financing Policy 267
in perpetuity. The distribution of dividends over time has been
changed. It is also evident that k Yo in perpetuity discounted at k
is exactly equal to Yo. Hence Po is unchanged, and the change in
the distribution over time of the dividends had no influence on share
price. In general, the corporation can be expected to retain and in-
vest any fractionof the income in any periodwithout share price being
changed as a consequence, so long as r, the return on investment, is
equal to k. If r > k for any investment, Po will be increased, but the
reason is the profitability of investment and not the change in the
time distribution of dividends.
Assume now that when the corporation makes the announcement
which changes the dividend expectation from the one given by equa-
tion (2) to the one given by equation (3), investors raise the dis-
count rate from k to k'. For the moment let us not wonder why the
discount rate is raised from k to k', i.e., why the rate of return in-
vestors require on the share is raised as a consequence of the above
change in the dividend expectation. If this takes place, equation (3)
P= __
( 01+ k)+ (I + kt 2 ) +( *
We now look on the k of equation (2) as an average of the kt of
equation (4) such that if the entire dividend expectation is dis-
counted at this single rate, it results in the same share price. The
discount rate k is an average of the kt with Yo, the weight assigned
to each item.
Once again let the corporation retain YV= Yo and invest it to
earn kYo per period in perpetuity. Using the sequence of discount
rates kt, the same as that appearingin equation (4), the valuation of
the new dividend expectation becomes