Imaging - Lecture 3 (Fractures)
Imaging - Lecture 3 (Fractures)
Imaging - Lecture 3 (Fractures)
Fractures :
A damage in the continuity of the bone due to an impact , stress or
minimal trauma ( abbreviated FRX, Fx, or #).
these occurs due to Osteopororsis, bone cancer or osteogenesis
imperficta (Same as osteoporosis but occurs in children due to
genetic disorder ) these are called pathologic fractures.
Mechanism of fracture :
Traumatic fracture ; due to sustained trauma as fall or road
Pathologic fracture ; fracture due to disease such as metastasis
or osteopororsis wich is the most common cause of fractures
Periprosthetic fracture ; fracture at the point of mechanical
weakness at the end of implant.
يعني الكسر بيحصل عند الجزء اللي فيه تغغير في المفصل بمسمار مثال زي الصورة كدا
Incomplete fracture (
greenstick fracture that
occurs in children)
Angulated comminuted
Displacement :
Displaced :
Translated يعني العضمة اتكسرت و اتحركت من مكانها بس لسا الجزئين المسين من
غير اي حركة تانية
Rotated العضمة اتكسرت و لفت حوالين نفسها
Shortened العضمة اتكسرت و طلعت فوق التانية فبانت انها قصرت
Angulated العضمة اتكسرت و عملت زاوية مع التانية
Anatomical location :
Spinal fracture :
1- Teardrop fracture : fracture of the anterior inferior part of the
vertebral body of cervical vertebrae
2- Clay-shoveler fracture : fracture of the spinous process of the
lower cervical vertebrae or upper thoracic .
3- Burst fracture : fracture due to high-energy axial load on
vertebrae بالظبط بس في الcomminuted زي ال
4- Compression fracture : collapse of the vertebrae in form of
wedge fracture .
او ايclavicle بعد ما تتكسر سواء، بتاعهاX-ray ارجع للصور فوق عشان تشوف ال
proper union to fractured كسر تاني بيحتاج ارجعه مكانه طبعا عشان يحصل
يعني ارجع العضم المكسور مكانهclosed reduction ف عندي حاجة اسمهاbone
و ممكن اعمله.من غير جراحة و ده بيبقا الزمه راحة عشان ما يتحركش من مكانه تاني
و هو اني ارجعه مكانه بعملية و هركب مسامير و شرايح و ده مشopen reduction
طبعا بحدد ده علي اساس طبيعة الكسر و شكله و طبيعة، بيحتاج راحة كبيرة زي االوالني
.شغل المريض و حاجات تاني كتير
Neer's classification :
Displaced ; needs operative reduction
Non-displaced ; Doesn't need operative reduction
Rib fracture :
Commonly due to trauma
Superior rib fractures : 1st to 3rd commonly associated with
brachial plexus injury.
Middle rib fractures : 4th to 9th
Inferior rib fracture : 10th to 12th commonly associated with
visceral injury
X-ray of scapular
Vertebral fracture :
Flexion fracture : Compression fracture. While the front of the
vertebra breaks and loses height,it is usually stable and is rarely
associated with neurologic problems and commonly occur in
patients with osteoporosis.
بالظبطteardrop fracture زيه زي
Extension fracture : Flexion/distraction (Chance) fracture. The
vertebra is pulled apart (distraction). This type of fracture can
occur in a head-on car collision when the upper body is thrown
forward while the pelvis is stabilized by a lap seat belt.
ده بيحصل لما الواحد يبقا راكب عربية و حاطط حزام االمان و فجأة يفرمل ف جسمه
هيروح لقدام بنفس سرعة العربية و الجزء اللي تحت عنده متثبت في الكرسي ف هيروح
من فوق و من تحت و بروح شاققها زي الصورة كداvertebrae ضاغط علي
Mechanism of the Chance fracture
chance fracture
By :
Adham Moham