Managment of Sporting Events - Xii
Managment of Sporting Events - Xii
Managment of Sporting Events - Xii
Management is the process of controlling or dealing with people to make any event
successful. Organizing a sporting event requires a lot of preparation, logistical planning, and
a key understanding of the sport itself. From sourcing a venue and enlisting a suitable
number of officials to arrange, weather preparations and appropriate budgeting, a lot goes
into putting together a successful event. The success of any organization, as business
systems, and public sectors, culture, sports, art, depends on the skills of managers.
Management is an art of creating, governing, managing, organizing, forecasting, planning,
designing an event. Sports management is a combination of sports skills relating to planning,
organising, controlling and directing a sports event. The appearance of a systematic,
scientific knowledge of sport management is linked to the growth of professionalization of
Management is important for an organized life and necessary to run all types of
organisations. Managing life means getting things done to achieve life's objective and
managing an organisation means getting things done with and through other people to
achieve its objectives. Sports event management is helpful in arranging and organising a
successful sports event. For the successful sporting event, it is very important to build a
strong management team who can work together and run a successful event by proper
planning. Effective management in sports organisations helps to raise a standard of sports
and provide development in sports field. There are basically five primary functions of sports
event management. These are:
(1) Planning
(2) Organising
(3) Staffing
(4) Directing
(5) Controlling
Definition of Planning:
According to A.K. Furn— “Planning is a process to achieve objectives by solving the
problems and to make it easier to complete the task.”
According to 'O’Donnell— “Planning is a process of making decision like why, when, how, by
According to Allen, “A plan is a trap to capture the future”.
Organising is the management function that follows after planning, it involves the handing
over of tasks, the grouping of tasks into committees and the assignment of authority with
adequate responsibility and allocation of resources across the organization to achieve
common goals. Organising a sporting event requires various committees which works
together as a management team to make the event successful. Functions of organising
authority are:
Identify the tasks that must be performed and bring them together.
Grouping the jobs and form various committees required for the sporting event.
Assigning the tasks and responsibilities to the various committees of the sporting
Establishing reporting relationship among work committees and the organizer, so
people who work in committees, must know to whom they have to take orders and to
whom they are accountable.
For the purpose of performing various activities of an organisation, various persons are
required. The success of an organisation depends on the activities of these persons.
Therefore, it is an important aspect that an organisation should engage qualified, competent
and experienced persons for performing various activities. Dealing with various aspects of
manpower (human resource) is called as staffing.
According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “The managerial function of staffing involves managing
the organisation structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development
of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure.”
Directing is a process of issuing instructions to subordinates, supervising their activities,
providing leadership to them and motivating them to work efficiently, so that organisational
goal might be achieved. Directing is being defined by experts as follows:
According to —Joseph L. Masside “Directing concerns the total manner in which a manager
influences the subordinates. It is the final action of a manager in getting others to act after all
preparations have been completed’’.
According to Koontz O’Donnel “Directing is a complex function that includes all those
activities, which are designed to encourage a subordinate to work effectively and efficiently.”
The leadership elements involve issuing instructions and guidelines to people to gain
a desired goal.
Communication is another important function to achieve a desired goal. It should be
opened from both ways so that information can be passed to each other and
feedback could be received.
Motivation is very important in progression of any work because highly motivated
people work more efficiently.
Supervising people would lead to continuous progress.
In any organisation, various persons are employed and assigned for various activities. It
is to be taken care of that all employees are working in certain defined manner so that
organisational goal may be achieved, in this situation, it is necessary on the part of
management to continuously monitor the activities of the employees and see whether they
are working properly. In case they are doing things in wrong manner, they should be
controlled immediately so that work may not suffer. Controlling is a process which measures
the results against objectives, plans, programmes and standards, decides if any deviation is
significant, takes action, desires to prevent future in favourable deviations and assures the
continuation of the above standard result.
Control is a managerial activity to ensure that all jobs are done in conformity with pre-
determined plan and procedure. Following are some important definitions of control, given by
some experts:
The managerial function of control is the measurement and correction of the performances
of subordinates in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plan devised to
attain them are accomplished”. —Koontz and O’Donnel
Control is exercised by means of media, such as ethics, politics, organisation structure,
supervision systems, orders, costs and discipline”. — Terry
Tournaments are conducted at various level such as Inter School, Zonal, Inter State,
National and International etc. The committees are framed according to the level of the
tournament. For organising a successful tournament there is a need of team of qualified and
talented persons and professional. These committees are to be formed as per the level of
competition. Like–at school level, the principal, physical education teachers and other
teachers would be enough to organise competitions. At zonal and state level, various
professionals from all zones and areas would constitute a committee.
arrangement to provide medical assistance to the injured athletes or we can say First
Aid Facility.
Meaning of Tournament
A planned series of matches schedule among teams and players within certain
framework of rules and regulations for supremacy is called tournament. In
tournaments there are various methods to organise in which teams and players
participate, to give their best performance
Importance of Tournaments
1. Development of Sports Skills: In any game, one has to require certain skills
which need to be polished. It also helps to develop tactical skills and improve
the game.
2. Helpful in Selection of Players: On basis of performance in a tournament,
the selectors got a chance to choose good talented players.
3. Helpful in Developing Harmony and Leadership: Many countries and
states share friendship and harmony during competitions. This helps to build
person to person contact and sharing of cultural values
4. Helps in Developing Social Qualities: Participation in tournaments helps to
build up social traits like, group cohesion, discipline empathy, tolerance,
brotherhood etc. It promotes fair play, ethical values, honesty and respect for
5. Source of Health Recreation: Spectators have recreation and healthy fun
while watching tournaments. It helps to break boredom and reduce stress for
Types of Tournament
1. Knockout Tournament
In this type a tournament, the team which loses, will exit from tournament i.e. no
second chance is available for the losing team. It is also called elimination
tournament. For example, eight team participate in a tournament, this is the way to
decide the winner
There may be chances of strong teams or players who can eliminated in primary
rounds. Two best teams can get face off in easily rounds that may lose the interest of
As weaker teams could reach to finals which may affect the percentage of spectators
and viewership.
Players and teams have less chances to showcase their skills and performance.
Once defeated, the teams have no other option to make a comeback.
Due to pressure of elimination team always put their best players on held which
hanger new talent.
In this kind of tournament each player or team gets a chance to play against all other teams
at last once. However, in double league, the teams get chance to play twice against each
(a) Single League: In this league, the team is certainly going to play each team once.
The number of total matches is decided by this formula =N (N – 1)
2 2 2
(b) Double League: In this league, each team plays their opponent twice. The number of
matches is determined with help of this formula = N (N – 1)
In this kind of format, good and able teams have high probability to reach finals.
There are enough chances for playing and teams to showcase their skills and
Due to a greater number of matches, there is enough interest among spectators.
The selectors have better statistics to select the best talent available.
The broadcaster generates higher viewership
Due to longer format, these tournaments prove to be costly and high budgeted.
More time and expenses have to bear on players and teams by their respective
Moreover, due to longer format and high number of matches the spectators get
3. Combination Tournament
These tournaments should vital in a situation of larger scale where matches are played on
zonal basis. For example, in case of national level comparison, it is not easy for organisers
to play all state teams at one single venue. So, to simplify this, zones are created and winner
of each zone can participate in national level competition. Keeping the numbers of teams
and the available time, the format of competition can either knockout or league. The
following combinations can be implemented.
1. Knockout cum Knockout: In this format, all the teams are divided equally in four
zones. Then teams played each other at knockout basis. After that winner of each
zone player against each other at knockout basis to get the winner. This is as
2. League cum League: In this format, the teams will play on league basis in their
respective zones and then the winner of each zone will play each other on league
basis. For e.g., Staircase method
3. Knockout cum League: In this type of tournament, Firstly, all teams are divided into
four groups respectively. Then all teams play on knockout basis in their respective
zones. When each zone gets a winner team. Then all zonal winner teams play with
each other at league basis. For example,
4. League cum Knockout: In this format, all teams are divided into four zones in which
they play on league basis. After setting winners from each zone, they will play with
each other on knockout basis. For example,
While preparing fixture for knockout, certain points need to kept in mind:
3. Total Number of Round: That would be decided by power of 2 nearest and above to the
number of total teams. For e.g.
5. Method of Fixing Byes: If total number of team are 11 then the teams from 1 to 11
will be written on plain paper. After that slots are to be seed should mention team
names and put according to their slot. After that group is divided into two halves.
For example,
In knockout tournament, when the total number of teams are not a product of multiple of two,
then we have to allot byes. Bye is a provision when a team enters second round without
playing with another team in first round. Byes are allotted as per team ranking and their
previous performance. Keeping in mind the n total number of teams, we will have nearest
but above the multiple of power of two. e.g.
In knockout tournament, sometimes good teams can have matches in earlier rounds being in
the same group. To avoid that scenario, seeding is used. On basis of their performance a
ranking is given and the teams are placed as such that good teams do not compete in earlier
rounds among them. For example, Prepare the fixture of 11 teams including 5 seeding
Special Seeding:
Any player of team which gets direct entry into quarter or semi-final is known as special
Consolation Tournament: In knock out tournament, good teams exit at earlier stages which
does not give them a chance to showcase their skill. So, in this tournament, the teams who
got early exit get a chance to compete again and chance to win.
Yellow circle teams are those who lost there match early.
In this team who lost every single match find to get a chance to compete with
team which have lost at later stage.
1. Cyclic Method
1. Cyclic Method
2. Staircase Method
This is one easy way. There are no byes in it. It appears visually like as stair case. This is
not usually used in tournament.
Points are awarded for each team, on draw or loss. The team whoever credit maximum
points is declared winner. e.g.
Win = 2 Point,
Draw = 1 Point,
Loss = 0 Points.
Tie breaker. If two teams score equal points then they compete once cyclic and team which
won the match will be declared winner or in league earlier whoever have won will be
declared winner.