Lecture 02
Lecture 02
Lecture 02
vary with time the state kets are fixed frozen at initial time to
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Hit Utt to Its H ult to Hamiltonian in Heisenberg picture
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q p obey noncommutative algebra
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Interaction picture on Dirac picture
The Dirac picture is sort of intermediary between the Schrodinger picture and
the Heisenberg picture as both the quantum states and the operators carry
time dependence
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where Ito does not contain time explicitly Ito's is called unperturbed or free Itamitonian
In absence of kin the energy eigenkets my with energy eigenvalues En can be defined
are completely known
We may be interested in situations where initially only one of the energy eigenstates of It
for example lip is populated As time goes on however the states otherthan lip are
populated because with Vit 0 hence we are no longer dealingwith stationary problems
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Since the expectation values of operators are independent of pictures
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Ilm't the probability of finding the rentem in the state imy at time t if we
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E E dtn VIIt Eltz Veffn
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Which gives the probability of finding the nyntem in state imy at given time t given that
11 m t i to 1 Kmlift 8mi
Ic Mit i to KMS Ct dt lit I fÉdt miveltilitt
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Tie ftp Twmi
The factory 4bintwhf.it is a strongly peaked function of Wmi At wmi to
its amplitude inereases as It tot and decreases to zero when Wmi 2M t to The
thus very nmall unless energy is conserved between the initial and final states