Organism and Population Class 12 Notes Biology Chapter 13 (PDF) M
Organism and Population Class 12 Notes Biology Chapter 13 (PDF) M
Organism and Population Class 12 Notes Biology Chapter 13 (PDF) M
Revision Notes
Class - 12 Biology
Chapter 13 - Organisms And Populations
The branch of science that studied the relationship between the organism and the
environment is called ecology. Various levels of the organization are:
1) The most important biotic factor that affects the environment, as well as
organisms, is the temperature. The temperature around the poles is lesser than the
temperature found around the equator. The temperature of the polar region ranges
from subzero and increases up to >500C in tropical deserts in summer. The
temperature will affect the metabolism rate and physiology of the body as it
affects enzyme kinetics. Those organisms that can tolerate a high range of
temperature are called eurythermal. E.g., dog, cat, red algae, etc while a large
number of organisms tolerate only a narrow range of temperature called
stenothermal. E.g., python, crocodile, penguin. The temperature tolerance of
organisms depends upon the type of geographical area they are found.
Class XII Biology 1 Class XII Biology 2
2) The other important abiotic factor is water on which life depends. The area where 1) Regulators: They are those organisms that are capable of maintaining
the amount of water is less are called deserts where only organisms that have homeostasis and regulation resulting in constant body temperature, osmotic
special adaptations will be able to survive. In the aquatic organism, the concentration, etc. This property can be observed in the case of the birds and
composition and pH of the water are very important. The range of salinity for mammals along with few vertebrates and invertebrate species. In the case of
some organisms is quite high called euryhaline, e.g., green crab and molly fish humans, the body temperature is maintained at 370C resulting in homeostasis. In
while in some organisms the salinity level tolerance is very low called stenohaline the summer season when the temperature is very high then the body sweats
e.g., haddock, goldfish, etc. The organisms of seawater are found to be less profusely in order to maintain the body temperature which is similar to the process
adaptive to the marine water and vice versa due to their different osmotic of evaporation resulting in cooling. In the winter season, the outer temperature is
environment. very low so the body saves continuously to maintain the inner body temperature
making it warm. In the case of plants, this mechanism of maintaining the internal
body temperature is absent.
3) The other important abiotic factor is light which is useful for the process of
photosynthesis and can be observed in the case of autotrophs. The main source of
light, well known, is the sun. The requirement of light intensity varies from
organism to organism as some organisms require high light intensity while some
organisms require low light intensity. There are various types of plants
categorized on the basis of the light intensity required, the short-day plants and
long-day plants. In animals, the small fluctuation of light will affect the various
plant activities that include migration, reproduction, and foraging. The quality of
the spectrum of solar radiation is quite important for life. The spectrum consists
of ultraviolet radiation which is very harmful to the organisms while the different
colors of the visible spectrums are not available for marine organisms found at
various depths of the oceans.
4) The other important abiotic factor affecting organisms and their population is soil.
The soil nature and features vary depending upon the type of climate, and the
2) Conformers: They are those organisms that are unable to regulate their body
process of weathering, the development of soil, transportation of soil, or whether
temperature. Their body releases or absorbs heat that results in an increase or
it is sedimentary. There are various parameters that affect the type of soil that are
decrease in body temperature resulting in the process of thermoregulation which
pH, minerals present in the soil, and the topography. Apart from this, other
is an energetic process. In the case of small animals, the surface-to-volume ratio
parameters such as pH, mineral composition, and topography depend upon the
is larger so the heat of the body can be released quickly, thus, the animals are
type of vegetation and animals present.
absent in the polar region. The process of evolution will result in various benefits.
5) Spores: There are certain microorganisms that include bacteria, fungi, etc to stop
their growth during the unfavorable conditions of the environment. As in the
winter season, the animals undergo winter sleep called hibernation while in
summer they undergo summer sleep called aestivation.
The feature that helps the organism to survive or to reproduce in their habitats is
called adaptation. It is observed that the organisms usually adapt themselves Population growth
according to the environment they live in. For example, in the case of the desert
plants like Opuntia, they have thick cuticles, leaves modified into spines, and sunken The population size of any species in a particular region can never be static, it
stomata so as to reduce the rate of transpiration and undergo photosynthesis with the changes over time depending upon the availability of the food resources, weather
help of the CAM pathway. while in the case of the higher altitudes like mountains conditions, and pressure of the predators. There are four main reasons that result in
and hills, humans have shown altitude sickness resulting in nausea, short breaths, the changes in the population density, they are:
fatigue, heart palpitations, etc. But after some time they acclimatize themselves
according to the environment and results in the higher production of red blood cells (i) Natality: It is defined as the number of births in a given time.
so that more oxygen can bind to them and increases the rate of respiration. There are
(ii) Mortality: It is defined as the number of deaths in a given time.
certain behavioral responses that can be observed in various animals based on the
environmental conditions. (iii) Immigration: It is defined as the number of species of a population coming to
a different habitat for a particular time.
Populations (iv) Emigration: It is the defined as the number of species of a population moving
out to N represents the population density which is given as:
Population attributes
N t +1 = N t + [(B + I) − (D + E)]
The group of individuals that include those species that have the ability to interbreed
among themselves and results in the formation of the fertile offspring is called Where the population density is represented by N at time t, the birth rate is
population. There are various attributes of the population that include the birth rate represented by B+I while the death rate is represented by D+E.
and the death rate. The increase in a population is called the birth rate while the death
rate is the decrease in population. The other population attribute is the sex ratio, age
distribution that can be represented as age pyramid which shows the status of the
population. The population in the age pyramid can be seen to be expanding, stable,
and declining. The expanding population is the feature of the population that is
N t = N 0e r t
Let (b - d) = r , then
dN / dt = rN
The curve of logistic growth will be S-shaped or sigmoid in shape. The equation
below shows Verhulst-Pearl Logistic Growth:
dN / dt = rNk − N / K
The interaction between different organisms can be divided into two categories that ii. Competition: The interaction between the organism where both the organism
are, interspecific interactions and intraspecific interactions. When the interaction compete for various resources that include food, water, shelter, etc. the organism
occurs between the same species then it is called Intraspecific interaction while the may be of the same species or may be of different species. This interaction occurs
interaction occurring between different organisms then it is called interspecific when the resources are limited. According to the Gause’s principle of Competitive
interaction. Exclusion. The two species that are closely related will compete for the same
resources and cannot co-exist so the one which is inferior will be eliminated
during competition.
Type of interaction Response
Species A Species B iii. Parasitism: It is an interaction where one species depends upon the other species
resulting in benefitting the one species and harming the other species. Those
parasites that feed on the outer surface of the host organism are called
Neutralism 0 0 ectoparasites.
For example, marine fishes consist of ectoparasitic copepods. In the case of birds,
Mutualism + + there is Brood parasitism in which the birds lay eggs in the nest of the host while
the host incubates them.
Commensalism + 0
iv. Commensalism: It is an interaction between species where it is observed that
Competition - - one of the species is benefitted while the other species neither get any benefit nor
any harm. For example, an orchid growing as an epiphyte on the branch of mango.
Amensalism - 0
v. Mutualism: It is the interaction where both the species will benefit each other.
Predation + - Examples are lichens (mutual and symbiotic relationship between algae and
fungi), and mycorrhiza (symbiotic relationship between fungi and the roots of the
higher plants).
Parasitism + -
vi. Amensalism: It is the interaction between the organism in which one species is
Parasitoidism + -
harmed while the other species is neither benefited nor harmed.