Principles and Methods of Teaching Module 2.2
Principles and Methods of Teaching Module 2.2
Principles and Methods of Teaching Module 2.2
Module 2.2 | 1
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
Copyright 2020
Module 2.2 | 2
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
Module 2.2 | 3
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
Module 2.2 | 4
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
3. Project Method
4. Cooperative Method
Module 2.2 | 5
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
Deductive Method
Inductive Method
Module 2.2 | 6
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
and the frog also have backbones. Dog, fish and frog are
vertebrates. Then she defines vertebrates.
6. Partner Learning
Module 2.2 | 7
Module in Principles and Methods of Teaching
1. Partner Learning
*formation of a learning unit between two students who
purposefully assist each other to acquire the skills, knowledge,
and attributes necessary to attain one's learning goals. Learning
Partners actively, yet voluntarily, seek each other to facilitate
many aspects of their learning.
Module 2.2 | 8