fs2 - Episode 8

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SUBMITTED TO: Ma’am Arsenia M. Bayongan

SUBMITTED BY: Jamille Nympha C. Balasi


. Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and after
classes. List down the problems which you have encountered while implementing
these routines.

1. Aligning/fixing the chair

2. Prayer
3. Checking of attendance
4. Informing student about their homework/assignment
5. Answer the question when you are asked to
6. Raise your hand for clarification
7. One at a time when asking permission to go out
8. No chewing of momma
9. Work in silence
10. Pass activities in front quietly


After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what
you noticed by answering the following questions

 How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing
your procedures in the classroom/remote learning?

Since this is the first time I'm doing it, I'm first too shy to do or apply it. I was
anxious since I had no idea what the student might have thought of me. But
fortunately, they do so appropriately and politely.

 How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?

They didn't hesitate to do it, which made them really kind and nice. The
students all displayed excellent behavior and discipline.

 What was the feedback of your Resource teacher on your classroom

routines and procedures?

Simply try your best; don't allow a kid take over the classroom. Be strict and
enforce regulations that are widely accepted and effective, making sure that
they do not conflict with any of the students' beliefs. Your routine should serve
as their daily reminder of how to nurture them well and help them develop into
disciplined students.
 Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning
process after you have implemented your classroom routines and

Yes, because they were unfamiliar with it, they were able to comply with it
simply. We also noticed that because of the straightforward instructions given
to them, their classroom had some of the best discipline in the entire building.

 What was the feedback of your Resource teacher on your classroom

routines and procedures?

We observed that it results in a better classroom, therefore she smiled when

she greeted me and complimented me. This daily pattern is effective outside of
the campus as well, and they may use it to teach other kids how to conduct
themselves appropriately in educational settings.


1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines

and procedures?

These kinds of routines have been used in a number of schools, and I've
noticed that learning occurs when students cooperate appropriately. When the
teacher began the session, we could see and feel that the students were
interested in the subject since they were working quietly and participating in
various activities. These practices work wonders to make indoctrinating our
students less challenging.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing

your classroom routines?

Yes, following the guidelines is already an indication that the learner is cooperative
and willing to participate in the routines. I can therefore draw the conclusion that these
practices have improved the classroom environment.

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

Absolutely, since the students were managed by the constructive routines, which
helped them reach a new degree of discipline and a new way of learning.

What insight have you gained while doing this learning episode?

The best aspect—and the one I gave the most thought—is seeing as you pick up new
teaching techniques. Many teachers have unique approaches to nurturing their students
as well as highly effective teaching philosophies. While observing, it offers me an idea of
the Dos and Don'ts while doing demonstrations and the methods that work well to engage
students in the learning process.




1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines

My own fear believing that these won't function properly. The issue was entirely a
result of my emotions and way of thinking because, despite my skepticism, these
solutions actually worked extremely well. Additionally, the students are quite
cooperative, so I have no issues with them.


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

Since I get along with the student, seeing them again makes me feel less under
pressure because I know they will talk about things that are nice about me. I won't
have to worry about them while I go about my everyday business again. I will get
along with them again for sure.


3. Some strategies/ways I can employ to improve my classroom routines are

Show courage and perseverance, and utilize all of your abilities to educate our
students if you think this is one of the best methods to accomplish it. As aspiring
teachers, it is our life's work to properly educate students and free them from any form
of ignorance that can prevent them from achieving success.

4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this
episode is

Enhancing Students' Active Classroom Engagement in Teacher and Learner


To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures, whether

in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help
me in these activities. (Include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these
to your peers.)

These are some recommended books that will help us to overcome fear and shows
determination in life.

 Mindset by Carol Dweck

 The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
 A man search for meaning by victor
 Fearless by Max Lucado
Choose the best answer the options

1. Ms. Asuncion teaches English in Grade six. She finds difficulty in getting her class
settled and ready for daily lesson. Which of the following would be the best advice for
a. She should have a seating arrangement/plan.
b. She should assign a group leader to monitor students’ discipline.
c. She should not let them in until they are ready.
d. She should have an entry pass before they get in.

2. The students of Ms. Dionisio were instructed to use the washroom gate pass
whenever the need to attend to personal necessities. This is an example of which of
the following classroom management techniques?
a. The use of cards.
b. The use of gate pass.
c. The use of transition.
d. The use of clear schedule.

3. Mrs. Esplana assigned daily prayer leaders and attendance monitor checkers in her
class. What is the benefit of having this practice?
a. Ensure discipline and responsibility in class.
b. Make her students busy at all times.
c. Develop camaraderie in class.
d. Ease her of small stuff.
4. During inclement weather, one of the routines established by Ms. Returan is for her
class to fall in line along the corridors and not in the school yard. What must be the
reason why she implemented this?
a. To have another area for line formation.
b. To enable them to stay outside.
c. To protect them from harm.
d. To give more time for them to socialize outside the classroom.

5. Why is it best to establish routines at the beginning of the class?

a. To eliminate stress of teachers at the beginning of the class
b. To control unruly students
c. To know all the students in class
d. To ensure order and discipline at all times

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