2020-02 Report On Blu Room Heart Patients
2020-02 Report On Blu Room Heart Patients
2020-02 Report On Blu Room Heart Patients
Finding the Blu Room as an adjunct to medical treatment and seeing those
patients in despair be uplifted, those in pain be relieved, those depressed
and stressed be transformed into a tranquil peaceful state of being has
renewed my hope in our profession.
What is the value of adding the Blu Room to our patients’ healing journey for
a clinician? The idea that a technology can produce an atmosphere that
addresses physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing and thereby allows for
the healing transformation of the patient. That is closest to the idealistic
calling of healing that medicine is all about.
In the pages that follow, you will find an overview of outcomes followed by
two individual case studies.
Seeing the effects of the Blu Room for my patients leaves me inspired about
the work I do every day.
CHF EF17%, MI, HTN, cardiac arrest, stroke,
Defib, Dysarthria EF 20‐25% Improved, no symptoms of CHF, dysarthria improved
No symptoms, exercises, back to work, off multiple
CHF EF 21%, MI, cardiac arrest, HTN EF 56% meds
no more SOB, energy much better, QoL much better,
CHF EF 27%, CKD 4, HTN EF 47% less meds
EF 65% left‐ still had
CHF EF 19%, cardiac arrest, LVAD, CKD 3, RHF no longer in program, heart transplant for RHF
Excellent, BP meds of 20 years decreased from 200mg
CHF EF 40% MI, HTN, Afib EF 63% to 12.5mg
CHF EF 50%, Afib, s/p valve replacement,
pacemaker stable excellent, no symptoms, QoL amazing
Conclusions So
• Combination therapy
improved Quality of Life and
• Symptoms improved: Less
fatigue, less Shortness of
• EF improved/ normalized: 6/8
who had Echo – 75%
response rate
• Improvement in Quality of
Life and Symptoms: 9/9 –
Mercy Blu Program News
Healing heart failure and PTSD after cardiac arrest
Peter is 71 years old. In July 2018, he developed bilateral arm pain and
sweats, then became unconscious. His wife started CPR and resuscitated
him. At the hospital, three stents were placed into his left major artery
which was completely occluded. The front and left part of his heart muscle
were not moving at all. He had congestive heart failure with an ejection
fraction of 30 percent (normal is more than 55).
Within a couple weeks, Peter was able to participate in the Mercy Blu
program and he went 3-4 times a week. He improved significantly but the
level of emotional trauma from the sudden death was still present. The
shadow would come to him during the night and he had to fight to focus it
away. It left a sense of uncertainty and fear in both him and his wife.
Peter describes going to the Blu Room several times a week as a peaceful,
serene, powerful support that is difficult to describe. It was the Blu Room
that eventually dissolved the awareness and fear of the Shadow of Death,
along with all of the associated post traumatic anxiety. Peter no longer has
those attacks.
Peter says the Blu Room — through its profound atmosphere of healing —
helped him reach a level of Peace that has become a lasting companion in
his life. He describes seeing his life now through clean glasses, when he
never knew before that his lenses were dirty.
Peter was able to lower some of his blood pressure and antiarrhythmic
medications and his energy was coming back. He was able to be more
active in his Cardiac rehabilitation program. He can undergo strenuous
exercise without problems. His life has a level of serene appreciation and
gratitude that emanates from his Being.
Peter attributes his fast recovery and profound life change to the help in the
Mercy Blu Boom program. Peter continues to improve in his health. Other
areas like his knee pain and shoulder pain are also improving with physical
therapy and Blu room. He is enjoying a new Life with his lovely wife.
After she was stabilized and treated, Diana was discharged on higher
doses of medications but she continued to feel the irregular heart rate from
her atrial fibrillation, the shortness of breath with exertion, and the severe
fatigue that made it difficult to do anything.
Diana had struggled with depression for much of her life. Prior to this
episode, she was quite low with her mood and outlook on life. She started
the Mercy Blu Room program in March 2018. Slowly but steadily her
energy improved.
Her mood got better and Diana was able to mend relationships in her life
that caused her much pain before. She noticed that coming to the Blu
Room lifted the cloud of depression and changed her outlook towards her
life. She was able to do more things, and feel less short of breath and less
Over time Diana has been able to lower her blood pressure medications.
She does not feel her atrial fibrillation any more when before there was this
annoying presence of feeling the highly irregular heartbeat. Diana had a
repeat echocardiogram in September 2018 which showed that her ejection
fraction had increased to normal function of 63 percent. She still has a
dilated left atrium and atrial fibrillation, but her heart rate is under very good
control with a quarter of the medication dose that she needed in March.
Diana feels that the Blu Room helped her reconnect spiritually. Old patterns
of emotional problems seem to not have a hold of her life and this has
improved her wellbeing throughout. Her family has noticed marked
improvement and she is able to enjoy her life with them.
Diana is not a woman of many words but she said of the Blu Room, “I have
a greatly heightened gratitude for the Mercy Blu Room program and for Life
itself.” Where before she was contemplating death due to her illness and
depression, she now is looking forward to Life.
Before the heart attack, Joseph never went to the doctor and did not take
any type of medications. After the heart attack he experienced fatigue
along with shortness of breath when he exerted himself. Adhering to his
regimen was a challenge but he supported himself diligently with nutritional
supplements. He took his medications for many months but some of them
made him feel ill, so he gradually discontinued all of them except the blood
In January 2019, Joseph started the Mercy Blu Room program twice a
week. His fatigue was lifted and his energy level continued to increase. He
was able to walk up the hill on his property without being exhausted. Since
then, Joseph has remained very active – chopping wood, taking care of his
house and property. He no longer has leg swelling, shortness of breath,
chest discomfort, or any other heart symptoms.
Through this journey with using the Blu Room, Joseph has become more
aware of his thoughts and is able to correct his self-judgments easier. He is
more detached. He experiences a deeper level of focus. This has been
important to him. Before every Blu Room session, he pauses and says: “I
accept all healing for my body.” He is not sure if he falls asleep but he loses
time in the Blu Room and it seems to him that he is only in there for a
minute, so deep is his ability to relax into his healing intention.
Joseph is grateful that the Blu Room helped his healing journey and aided
his improvement in quality of life.
Peter is 71 years old. In July 2018, he developed bilateral arm pain and
sweats, then became unconscious. His wife started CPR and resuscitated
him. At the hospital, three stents were placed into his left major artery
which was completely occluded. The front and left part of his heart muscle
were not moving at all. He had congestive heart failure with an ejection
fraction of 30 percent (normal is more than 55).
Within a couple weeks, Peter was able to participate in the Mercy Blu
program and he went 3-4 times a week. He improved significantly but the
level of emotional trauma from the sudden death was still present. The
shadow would come to him during the night and he had to fight to focus it
away. It left a sense of uncertainty and fear in both him and his wife.
Peter describes going to the Blu Room several times a week as a peaceful,
serene, powerful support that is difficult to describe. It was the Blu Room
that eventually dissolved the awareness and fear of the Shadow of Death,
along with all of the associated post traumatic anxiety. Peter no longer has
those attacks.
Peter says the Blu Room — through its profound atmosphere of healing —
helped him reach a level of Peace that has become a lasting companion in
his life. He describes seeing his life now through clean glasses, when he
never knew before that his lenses were dirty.
Peter was able to lower some of his blood pressure and antiarrhythmic
medications and his energy was coming back. He was able to be more
active in his Cardiac rehabilitation program. He can undergo strenuous
exercise without problems. His life has a level of serene appreciation and
gratitude that emanates from his Being.
Peter attributes his fast recovery and profound life change to the help in the
Mercy Blu Boom program. Peter continues to improve in his health. Other
areas like his knee pain and shoulder pain are also improving with physical
therapy and Blu room. He is enjoying a new Life with his lovely wife.
In January 2019 Alejandro joined the Mercy Blu Room Program. His
doctors previously told him that stress was a major contributor to his
condition, and he understood that he needed to improve his ability to
detach from strong emotions. He stated, “I have been like a kite of
emotions flying intensely in stormy winds. The Blu Room and RSE’s
disciplines of the mind helped me to become free of those stressors.“
The Blu Room sessions uplifted him, brought him intense lucid dreams, a
clarity of ideas, and a newfound creativity that beneficially affected his work
and teaching abilities. Alejandro described it as the lifting of a fog that had
been blocking his creativity. Symptoms of blurry vision that had been
occurring for a couple years resolved completely after a Blu Room session
in October.
Blu Room sessions were like a nutrient to Alejandro. Deep changes were
occurring in subtle ways. He felt a pathway of healing grow like the effects
of a homeopathic remedy and he needed to develop the patience to allow
its gentle nuances to unfold within him.
In small steps, little by little, Alejandro now has the patience and the trust to
allow the healing journey to happen.