Lamaran Pekerjaan - Erika
Lamaran Pekerjaan - Erika
Lamaran Pekerjaan - Erika
Education Level
Soegijapranata Catholic University - Semarang Aug 2015 - Mar 2019
Bachelor Degree in Management. Human Resouces, 3.54/4.00
Achievement Improvement Scholarship (Kementerian Ristek Dikti ) 2017-2018
Sandjojo Foundation Scholarship 2016-2017
Sandjojo Foundation Scholarship (PKM) 2018-2019
Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL), Thailand 2018 (Learning the HRM function and work culture in Bangkok)
Work Experiences
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Yogyakarta Sep 2019 - Mar 2021
Teller, Customer Service Digital Experience (CXO)
Organizing administration such as input and daily data recap and recording of archive administration.
Created a document for all slips, forms and other documents in an organized manner so as to provide assistance during audit
Verify the completeness of customer data that is conducting transactions.
Complete transactions on the system, 20+ transactions per hour and serve 50+ customers daily.
Identify customer needs through cross selling so that referral targets can be met, such as opening 20+ customer accounts per day.
Successfully supported the achievement of new branch offices exceeding 2-3x performance targets.
Contribute to building a positive customer experience in relationships and transaction settlement using machines or applications.
Achievement successfully accredited as a branch of Digital Xperience 2020.
Receive, handle and resolve as well as follow up on needs, complaints and input from customers Achievement of the best Service
Quality (BSQ) achieve the highest national level rating 2020-2021.
Organisational Experience
Wadah Seni Mahasiswa (WSM) - Universitas Katolik Soegijapranta Jun 2017 - May 2018
Coordinator Staff
Led a team of ten people to direct the division of tasks as well as regular communication.
Create and manage product development strategy in Division and achieve 150% of the target.
Transparent administration in every strategy.
Projects (2017): Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA) Staff pengembangan Dana Usaha dan Sponsorship
Soft Skills (2022): HR Fundamental (Akademi pelatihan HR) SVB Academy by Stevland Bridge
Soft Skills (2022): Dabu BPJS Kesehatan : Panduan dan Simulasi | SIPP Online : Cara Lapor BPJS Ketenagakerjaan,
Comprehensive HR Administration By Mekary University
CEO & Founder of Seratus Ilmu