Iso 13937 2 2000
Iso 13937 2 2000
Iso 13937 2 2000
STANDARD 13937-2
First edition
Reference number
ISO 13937-2:2000(E)
© ISO 2000
ISO 13937-2:2000(E)
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 13937 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 13937-2 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in
collaboration with ISO Technical Committee TC 38, Textiles, Subcommittee SC 24, Conditioning atmospheres and
physical tests for textile fabrics, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN
(Vienna Agreement).
Throughout the text of this standard, read "...this European Standard..." to mean "...this International Standard...".
ISO 13937 consists of the following parts, under the general title Textiles — Tear properties of fabrics:
ISO 13937-2:2000
— Part 1: Determination of tear force using ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf)
— Part 2: Determination of tear force of trouser-shaped test specimens (Single tear method)
— Part 3: Determination of tear force of wing-shaped test specimens (Single tear method)
— Part 4: Determination of tear force of tongue-shaped test specimens (Double tear test)
Annex D forms a normative part of this part of ISO 13937. Annexes A, B and C are for information only.
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................ v
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1
4 Principle ............................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Sampling ........................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Apparatus.......................................................................................................................................... 3
9 Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Calculation and expression of results .............................................................................................. 6
Test report......................................................................................................................................... 7
ISO 13937-2:2000
Annex A (informative) Suggested procedure for sampling....................................................................... 8
Annex B (informative) Example of pattern for cutting out test specimens from the laboratory
sample............................................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography.................................................................................................................................................. 14
The text of EN ISO 13937-2:2000 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 248 "Textiles and
textile products", the secretariat of which is held by BSI, in collaboration with Technical Committee
ISO/TC 38 "Textiles".
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by Octobre 2000, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by Octobre 2000.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
EN ISO 13937 has been prepared as a part of several test methods for the determination of certain
mechanical properties of textiles using mainly tensile-testing machines, e.g. tensile properties, seam tensile
properties, tear properties, seam slippage. Test requirements for these standards agree where appropriate.
The results obtained by one of the methods should not be compared with those obtained by other methods.
Annex E lists test methods standardized in this context.
EN ISO 13937 specifies methods for the determination of tear force of fabrics. Part 1 describes a ballistic
pendulum method, parts 2 to 4 describe methods using tensile-testing machines.
1 Scope
This part of EN ISO 13937 describes a single-tear method to determine fabric tear force, known as the
trouser test, using a test specimen cut to form trouser-shaped legs. The tear force measured is the force
required to propagate a previously started single tear when the force is applied parallel to the cut and the
fabric tears in the direction of applied force.
The test is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics produced by other
techniques, e.g. to some nonwovens (with the same under-mentioned restrictions as for the woven fabrics).
In general the method is not applicable to knitted fabrics and woven elastic fabrics. It is not suitable for
highly anisotropic fabrics or loose fabrics where tear transfer from one direction to another direction of the
fabric during the tear test is likely to occur.
The method only allows the use of constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing machines.
NOTE 1: For other tear test methods using tensile-testing machines part 3 of EN ISO 13937 describes a
method known as the wing test and part 4 the tongue test method. Part 1 of EN ISO 13937 describes the
ballistic pendulum (Elmendorf) method.
NOTE 2: For the trapezoidal test method, see ISO 9073-4 for nonwovens or ISO 4674 for coated fabrics.
2 Normative references
ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1 -
Tensile testing machines
ISO 10012-1 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment - Part 1: Metrological
confirmation system for measuring equipment
For the purposes of this part of EN ISO 13937 the following terms and definitions apply:
3.1 constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing machine: Tensile-testing machine where one clamp is
stationary whilst the other is moving with a constant speed throughout the test and where the entire testing
system is virtually free from deflection.
3.2 gauge length: Distance between the two effective clamping points of a testing device.
NOTE: The effective clamping points (or lines) of jaws can be checked by clamping a test specimen under
defined pretension with carbon copy paper to produce a gripping pattern on the test specimen and/or jaw
3.3 tear force: Force required to propagate a tear initiated under the specified conditions.
NOTE: The tear force is qualified as "across warp" or "across weft" according to whether the tear is made
across the warp (warp threads are torn) or weft threads (weft threads are torn) respectively.
3.4 peak: Point on a force/extension curve where the gradient, relative to the force values recorded,
changes from positive to negative.
NOTE: For tear recordings, the peak to be used for calculation is defined by rising and falling of force of at
least 10 % of the last decreasing or increasing force values respectively.
3.5 length of tear: Measured distance propagated by a tearing force from the initiation of the force until its
termination. (
3.6 Trouser shaped test specimen: Rectangular test ISOspecimen having a single cut of defined length made
in the centre of the shorter edge to form two trouser legs for clamping (see figures 1 and 2).
4 Principle
A rectangular test specimen is cut in the centre of the shorter edge to form a trouser shape. The legs of the
trouser are gripped in the clamps of a recording tensile testing machine to form a straight line and pulled in
the direction of the cut to tear the fabric. The force to continue the tear over a specified distance is
recorded. The tear force is calculated from the force peaks of the autographic trace, or on-line by electronic
5 Sampling
Select samples either in accordance with the procedure laid down in the material specification for the fabric,
or as agreed between the interested parties.
An example of a pattern for cutting test specimens from the laboratory sample is given in annex B. Avoid
test areas with folded or creased places, selvedges and areas not representative of the fabric.
6 Apparatus
6.1 General
The system for metrological confirmation of the tensile-testing machine shall be in accordance with ISO
c) provided with means for recording the force applied to the test specimen during the tear test;
d) under conditions of use, the accuracy of the apparatus shall be class 1 of ISO 7500-1 The error of the
indicated or recorded maximum force at any point in the range in which the machine is used shall not
exceed ± 1 %, and the error of the indicated or recorded jaw separation shall not exceed ± 1 mm;
e) if recording of force and extension is obtained by means of data acquisition boards and software, the
frequency of data collection shall be at least 8 per second.
If a class 2 tensile testing machine has to be used, this shall be stated in the test report.
The jaws shall be capable of holding the test specimen without allowing it to slip and designed so that they
ISO 13937-2:2000
do not cut or otherwise weaken the test specimen.
The width of the jaws shall preferably be 75 mm, but shall not be less than the width of the test specimen.
6.4 Equipment for cutting out test specimens, preferably a hollow punch or template to give test
specimens of the dimensions shown in figure 1.
The atmospheres for preconditioning, conditioning and testing shall be as specified in ISO 139.
8.1 General
From each laboratory sample two sets of test specimens shall be cut, one set in the warp direction and the
other in the weft direction.
For other than woven fabrics, use the relevant designation for direction, e.g. length and transverse.
Each set shall consist of at least five test specimens, or more if agreed. In accordance with clause 5 and
annex B, no two test specimens shall contain the same longitudinal or transverse threads, and no specimen
shall be cut within 150 mm of the edge of the fabric.
8.2 Dimensions
The test specimen (see figure 1) shall be a rectangular strip 200 mm ± 2 mm long by 50 mm ± 1 mm wide;
in it shall be made, a longitudinal slit 100 mm ± 1 mm in length beginning from the centre of the width. Mark
the end of tear (25 ± 1) mm from the uncut end of the strip to indicate the position of the tear at the
completion of the test.
Dimensions in millimetres
Test specimens having a width of 200 mm may be tested if agreed by the interested parties. This is
recommended for samples where the narrow-width test specimens are considered unsuitable (see 9.4) or
for special tear-resistant fabrics. The method for use of wide-width test specimens is described in annex D.
For woven fabrics, each test specimen shall be cut out with its length parallel to the warp or the weft of the
fabric. For test specimens where the longer side is parallel to the warp, the direction of the tear is qualified
as "across weft" and for test specimens where the longer side of the test specimen is parallel to the
direction of the weft, the tear is qualified "across warp" (see 3.3 and annex B).
9 Procedure
Clamp the test specimen in the jaws, with one leg in each of the jaws and the cut aligned along the
centrelines of the jaws. The uncut end of the test specimen remains free. The clamping arrangement is
shown in figure 2. Take care to ensure that each leg is positioned in a jaw so that the beginning of the tear
is parallel to the cut and in the direction in which the tear force is applied. Avoid pretension when the test is
1 Jaw
9.4 Operation
Engage any device for recording of the tear force. Put the moving clamp in motion at 100 mm/min and
continue the tear to the point marked near the end of the strip.
Record the tear force in newtons, and if a tear trace is wanted record the accompanying jaw separation
(tear length) for each of the test specimens in each fabric direction, using recording or electronic devices
If the evaluation of the peaks derived from dense fabrics with large numbers of threads per centimetre are
to be taken from the chart recording manually (see 10.1), the speed of the chart paper has to be set to 2:1
in relation to the rate of extension.
Observe whether the tear proceeds along the direction of force and whether any threads slip out from the
fabric rather than being torn. The test is correct if there is a) no slippage of threads out of the fabric, b) no
slippage in the jaws, c) the tear is completed and proceeded along the direction of application of the force.
Other results shall be discarded.