ZJC Tax Rates Tables - Tax Year 2023
ZJC Tax Rates Tables - Tax Year 2023
ZJC Tax Rates Tables - Tax Year 2023
Tax Rates for Non-Salaried Individuals / AOPs Minimum Tax Section 113
[Division I, Part I of the First Schedule] [Division IX, Part I of the First Schedule]
1 Upto Rs. 600,000 0% Individual & AOP’s (having annual turnover Rs.
1 1.25%
2 Rs. 600,000 to Rs. 800,000 5% 100 Million or more)
3 Rs. 800,000 to Rs. 1,200,000 Rs. 10,000 + 12.5% 2 For Companies 1.25%
4 Rs. 1,200,000 to Rs. 2,400,000 Rs. 60,000 + 17.5%
5 Rs. 2,400,000 to Rs. 3,000,000 Rs. 270,000 + 22.5% (a) Sui Southern Gas Company Limited and Sui
6 Rs. 3,000,000 to Rs.4,000,000 Rs. 405,000 + 27.5% Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (for the cases
where annual turnover exceeds rupees one
7 Rs. 4,000,000 to Rs. 6,000,000 Rs. 680,000 + 32.5% billion.)
8 Exceeding Rs. 6,000,000 Rs. 1,330,000 + 35% 3 (b) Pakistani International Airlines Corporation; 0.75%
(c) Poultry industry including poultry breeding,
Tax Rates for Salaried Persons broiler production, egg production and poultry
feed production;
“salary” exceeds seventy-five per cent of his taxable income
[Division I, Part I of the First Schedule] (a) Oil refineries
(b) Motorcycle dealers registered under the Sales
4 0.50%
1 up to Rs. 600,000 0% Tax Act, 1990
(c) Oil marketing companies
(a) Distributors of pharmaceutical products, fast
2 Rs. 600,000 to Rs. 1,200,000 2.5% moving consumer goods and cigarettes;
(b) Petroleum agents and distributors who are
registered under the Sales Tax Act, 1990;
3 Rs. 1,200,000 to Rs. 2,400,000 Rs. 15,000 + 12.5%
(c) Rice mills and dealers;
(d) Tier-1 retailers of fast moving consumer
4 Rs. 2,400,000 to Rs. 3,600,000 Rs. 165,000 + 20% goods who are integrated with Board or its
5 computerized system for real time reporting of 0.25%
sales and receipts;
5 Rs. 3,600,000 to Rs. 6,000,000 Rs. 405,000 + 25%
(e) Person’s turnover from supplies through
6 Rs. 6,000,000 to Rs.12,000,000 Rs. 1,005,000 + 32.5%
ecommerce including from running an online
marketplace as defined in clause (38B) of section
(f) Persons engaged in the sale and purchase of
7 Exceeding Rs. 12,000,000 Rs. 2,955,000 + 35% used vehicles; and
(g) Flour mills
[Division II, Part I of the First Schedule] [Division III, Part I of the First Schedule]
Type Rate Person
No. Nature of Payment Section Rate
Small Company 20% Appear in
Public / Private Companies 29% a IPP, (CPPA-G) 150 7.50% 15%
Mutual fund, (REIT) and other
Banking Companies 39% b 150 15% 30%
than a, c & d
No. Nature of Payment Section Rate [Division IIIA, Part I of the First Schedule]
1 Banking Company 4B 4% Nature of Payment Section Rate
2 Other Companies 4B 0%
Profit on debt imposed under section 7B 151 15%
2 Where the holding period exceeds one year but does not exceed two years 12.5%
3 Where the holding period exceeds two years but does not exceed three years 10%
4 Where the holding period exceeds three years but does not exceed four years 7.5%
5 Where the holding period exceeds four years but does not exceed five years 5%
6 Where the holding period exceeds five years but does not exceed six years 2.5%
7 Where the holding period exceeds six years 0%
8 Future commodity contracts entered into by members of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange 5%
The rate of tax on value of import of mobile phone by any person shall be as set out in the following table: - Tax (in Rs.)
condition PCT
No. C & F Value of mobile phone (in US Dollar) under PCT
1 Up to 30 except smart phones 70 0
2 Exceeding 30 and up to 100 and smart phones up to 100 100 0
3 Exceeding 100 and up to 200 930 0
4 Exceeding 200 and up to 350 970 0
5 Exceeding 350 and up to 500 5,000 3,000
6 Exceeding 500 11,500 5,200
Payments to Non-Residents
(1AAA) Payment for advertisement services from non-resident person relaying from outside Pakistan 10% 10%
(c) For execution of contracts, other than a contract for sale of goods for providing/ rendering of services
On realization of proceeds under inland back-to-back 1801 cc – 2000 cc Rs. 200,000 Rs. 600,000
(3) 1%
LC 2001 cc – 2500 cc Rs. 300,000 Rs. 900,000
(3A) Industrial undertaking in EPZ 1% 2501 cc – 3000 cc Rs. 400,000 Rs. 1,200,000
[Division VIA, Part I of the First Schedule] Transfer of registration or ownership of motor vehicle
In the case of Individual & AOP (Section 155) Up to 850 cc - -
1 up to Rs. 300,000 Nil 851 cc – 1000 cc Rs. 5,000 Rs. 15,000
2 Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 600,000 5% 1001 cc – 1300 cc Rs. 7,500 Rs. 22,500
3 Rs. 600,000 to Rs. 2,000,000 Rs. 15,000 + 10% 1301 cc – 1600 cc Rs. 12,500 Rs. 37,500
4 Exceeding Rs. 2,000,000 Rs. 155,000 + 25% 1601 cc – 1800 cc Rs. 18,750 Rs. 56,250
[Division VI, Part IV of the First Schedule] 2501 cc – 3000 cc Rs. 50,000 Rs. 150,000
above 3000 cc Rs. 62,500 Rs. 187,500
Person Section 231B (3)
156 Nature of Payment Rate
Up to 850 cc Rs. 10,000 Rs. 30,000
in ATL 851 cc – 1000 cc Rs. 20,000 Rs. 60,000
1001 cc – 1300 cc Rs. 25,000 Rs. 75,000
Prizes on prize bonds or cross-word puzzle 15% 30% 1301 cc – 1600 cc Rs. 50,000 Rs. 150,000
Winning from a raffle, lottery, quiz, prize offered by 1601 cc – 1800 cc Rs. 150,000 Rs. 450,000
20% 40%
Companies for sale promotion 1801 cc – 2000 cc Rs. 200,000 Rs. 600,000
[Division VIA, Part IV of the First Schedule] 2501 cc – 3000 cc Rs. 400,000 Rs. 1,200,000
Person above 3000 cc Rs. 500,000 Rs. 1,500,000
156A Nature of Payment Rate Section 231B (2A)
in ATL Up to 1000 cc Rs. 100,000 Rs. 300,000
1000 cc – 2000 cc Rs. 200,000 Rs. 600,000
Sale of petroleum products to petrol pump operators 12% 24%
above 2000 cc Rs. 400,000 Rs. 1,200,000
(3) Other Motor vehicles, including car, jeep, van, sport utility vehicle, pick- Telephone and internet, 10% of the exceeding
up trucks for private use, caravan automobile, limousine, wagon or any where the monthly bill amount of bill
other automobile used for private purpose: - exceeds Rs. 1,000
Annual collection of tax: (Rs. p.a.) (Rs. p.a.) In the case of subscriber of 15% of amount of bill
internet, mobile telephone or price of internet
up to 1000 cc 800 1600 and pre-paid internet or prepaid card or
telephone card prepaid telephone
1001cc to 1199cc 1,500 3,000 card or sale of units
1200cc to 1299cc 1,750 4,500 through any electronic
1300cc to 1499cc 2,500 5,000 medium or whatever
1500cc to 1599cc 3,750 7,500