1atomic Structure
1atomic Structure
1atomic Structure
The wavelengths of electron waves in two orbits is 3 :5. The ratio of kinetic energy of electron will be (E-2009) 1) 25 : 9 2) 5 : 3 3) 9 : 25 4) 3 : 5 Ans: 1 Sol: According to de-Broglie equation h But 1 : 2 = 3 : 5 = nv v1 : v 2 = 5 : 3 1 K.E = mv 2 KE1 : KE 2 2 = 52 : 32 = 25 : 9 2. With increases in principal quantum number n the energy difference between adjacent energy levels in hydrogen atom (M-2009) 1) increases 2) decreases 3) remain constant 4) decreases for lower values of n and increases for higher values of n Ans: 2 13.6 Sol: E n = ev n2 As value of n increases the energy difference between adjacent levels decreases. 3. An electronic transition in hydrogen atom results in the formation of H line of hydrogen in Lyman series, the energies associated with the electron in each of the orbits involved in the transition (in kcal mol1) are (E-2008) 3) 78.4, 34.83 4) 78.4, 19.6 1) 313.6. 34.84 2) 313.6 78.4 Ans: 2 Sol: H line in Lyman series mean electron transition is from n = 2 to n = 1 orbit. 313.6 E1 = = 313.6 k.cal mole 1 12 313.6 E2 = = 78.4 k.cal mole1 2 2 4. The velocities of two particles A and B are 0.05 and 0.02 ms1 respectively. The mass of B is five times the mass of A. The ratio of their de-Broglies wavelength is (E-2008) 1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 4 3) 1 : 1 4) 4 : 1 Ans: 1 h Sol: = mv h A = B = m 0.05 5m 0.02 A 5m 0.02 = = 2 :1 m 0.05 B 5. The wavelength (in A) of an emission line obtained for Li2+ during electronic transition from n2 = 2 to n1= 1 is (R = Rydberg constant) (M-2008) 1 1.
Atomic structure
3R 4 Ans: 4 1) 2) 27R 4 3) 4 3R 4) 4 27R
1 1 27R Sol: For Li 2+ v = 32 R 2 2 = 4 1 2 4 = 27R 6. Match the following List I nh A) mvr = 2 B) Infra-red n C) = p D)
List II i) Paschen series ii) Electron total energy iii) de-Broglie equation iv) Schrodinger equation v) Bohrs equation
e 2 2r
A 1) v 3) v Ans: 3
B ii i
C iii iii
D i ii
2) 4)
A iii iv
B ii i
C v ii
D iv iii
Sol: A) mvr =
nh Bohrs equation A (v) 2 B) Infrared - Paschen series B (i) n C) = - de-Broglie equation C = iii p
e 2 - total energy of electron D - ii 2r 7. What is the wave number of 4th line in Balmer series of Hydrogen spectrum ? ( R=1,09,677cm1) (M-2007) 1) 24,630 cm1 2) 24,360 cm 1 3) 24, 730 cm 1 4) 24,372 cm 1 Ans: 4 Sol: 4th line in Balmer series mean electron transition from 6th orbit to 2nd orbit. 1 1 = 109677 2 2 6 2 1 1 = 109677 4 36 9 1 = 109677 36 8 = 109677 = 24,372 cm 1 36 D)
Atomic structure
The atomic number of an element M is 26. How many electrons are present in the M-shell of the element in its M3+ state ? (M-2007) 1) 11 2) 15 3) 14 4) 13 Ans: 4 Sol: Z = 26 = Fe = 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 6 8.
Fe3+ =
The wavelength of a spectral line emitted by hydrogen atom in the Lyman Series is 4) 1
What is the value of n2 ? (R = Rydberg constant) 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 Ans: 3 Sol: Equation for Lyman series 1 1 1 v= =R 2 2 1 n 2
1 1 15R =R 2 2 16 1 n 2 1 15 1 = 1 = 2 n2 16 16 n2 = 4 10. The maximum number of sub levels, orbitals and electrons in N shell of an atoms respectively (E-2007) 1) 4, 12, 32 2) 4, 16, 30 3) 4, 16, 32 4) 4, 32, 64 Ans: 3 Sol: N shell has four (s, p, d, f) sub levels N shell has 16 orbitals (1s, 3p, 5d, 7f) N shell has 32 electron (16 x 2 = 32) 11. The energy of a photon is 3 x 10-12 ergs, Its wavelength in nm (E-2006) 1) 662 2) 1324 3) 66.2 4) 6.62 Ans: 1 hc hc Sol: E = = E 27 6.62 10 erg sec 3 1010 cms 1 = 3 1012 erg = 6.62 105 cm = 662 nm 12. What is the correct order of spin only magnetic moment (in BM) of Mn+2 and V+2 is (E - 2006) 1) Mn 2+ > V 2+ > Cr 2+ 2) V 2+ > Cr 2+ > Mn 2+ 4) Cr 2+ > V 2+ > Mn 2+ 3) Mn 2+ > Cr 2+ > V 2+ Ans: 3 Sol. Spin only magnetic moment = n ( n + 2 ) B.M
N = number of unpaired electron Magnetic moment is proportional to number of unpaired electron.
Atomic structure
Number of unpaired electron in Mn 2+ = 5 Number of unpaired electron in Cr 2+ = 4 Number of unpaired electron in V 2+ = 2 13. The angular momentum of an electron present in the excited state of Hydrogen is 3) Fourth orbit 4) Fifth orbit 1.5h
. The
electron present in 1) Third orbit 2) Second orbit Ans: 1 nh 1.5h Sol. Angular momentum = = 2 n=3 14.
What is the wavelength (in m) of a particle of mass 6.62 1029 g moving with a velocity of
3 5 5
1) 6.62 10 2) 6.62 10 3) 10 4) 10 Ans: 3 Sol. m = 6.62 1029 g = 6.62 1032 kg v = 103 ms 1 de-Broglie equation h 6.625 1034 = = = 105 m mv 6.62 1032 103 15. What is the lowest energy of the spectral line emitted by the hydrogen atom in the Lyman series? (h=Plank constant; C=Velocity of light; R=Rydberg constant). (M-2005) 5hcR 4hcR 3hcR 7hcR 1) 2) 3) 4) 36 3 4 144 Ans: 3
Sol. Lyman series equation = v = 1 1 1 =R 2 2 1 n 2 Lowest energy is emitted when electron moves from n= 2 to n = 1 1 1 3 v=R 2 2= R 1 2 4 3 3hcR E = h = hcv = hc R = 4 4 Assertion(A):The spin only magnetic moment of SC3+ is 1.73 BM. Reason(R): The spin only magnetic (in BM) of an ion is equal to
n ( n + 2 ) where n is the
number of unpaired electrons present in the ion. The correct answer is : 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) 2) Both (A) and (R) true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 3) (A) is true but (R) is not true 4) (A) is not true but (R) is not true 4
Atomic structure
Ans: 4 Sol. Sc3+ has zero unpaired electron. So its spin only magnetic moment in BM is zero Spin only magnetic moment s = n ( n + 2 ) Where n = no of unpaired electron An electron is moving in Bohrs orbit. Its deBrogile wavelength is . What is the circumference of the fourth orbit ? (E-2005) 1) 2 / 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 / Ans: 3 Sol. 2r = n n=4 2r = 4 18. The atomic numbers of elements X,Y and Z are 19, 21 and 25 respectively. The number of electrons present in the M shells of these elements follow the order. (E-2005) 1) Z>X>Y 2) X>Y>Z 3) Z>Y>X 4) Y>Z>X Ans: 3 Sol. X = 19 = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s1 17.
M shell
Y = 21 = 1s 2s 2p 3s 2 3p 6 3d1 4s 2
2 2 6 M shell
Z = 25 = 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p6 3d 5 4s 2
2 2 6 2 M shell
Z>Y>X Which of the following pair of ions have same paramagnetic moment ? (E-2004) +2 +3 +2 +2 +4 +2 +3 +2 1) Cu , Ti 2) Mn , Cu 3) Ti , Cu 4) Ti , Ni Ans:1 Sol. Cu 2+ ( 3d 9 ) and Ti3+ ( 3d1 ) have one unpaired electron each. So they have same para magnetic moment.
Which of the following elements has least number of electrons in its M shell 1) K 2) Mn 3) Ni 4) Sc Ans: 1 Sol. K = 19 = 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p 6 4s1 k has only 8 electron in M shell
The values of four quantum numbers of valence electrons an element X n = 4,1 = 0, m = 0 , 1 s = . The element is 2 (M-2004) 1) K 2) Ti 3) Na 4) Sc Ans: 1 Sol. The given quantam numbers indicate the valence electron is in 4s orbital. Valance electron of K is in 4s orbital 22. An element has 2 electrons in K shell, 8 electrons in L shell, 13 electrons in M shell and one electron in N shell. The element is (M-2004) 1) Cr 2) Fe 3) V 4) Ti Ans: 1 5
Atomic structure
Sol. Electronic configuration of given element 2, 8, 13, 1. This indicate the element is chromium 23. If the wave length of an electromagnetic radiation is 2000 A. What is the energy in ergs ? (E-2003) 1) 9.94 1012 2) 9.94 1010 3) 4.97 1012 4) 4.97 1019 Ans: 1 hc Sol. E = 6.63 1027 erg sec 3 1010 cm sec 1 = 2000 108 cm = 9.94 1012 erg 24. If the electron of a hydrogen atom is present in the first orbit, the total energy of the electron is (E-2003) 1) e2 / r Ans: 3 2) e 2 / r 2 3) e2 / 2r 4) e 2 / 2r 2
e 2 2r 25. Which one of the following expressions represent the electron probability function (D) (M-2003) 1) 4r dr 2 2) 4r 2 dr 3) 4r 2 dr 2 4) 4r dr Ans: 3 Sol. D function is = 4r 2 .dr.2 = probability function Sol. Total energy of electron in 1st orbit = 26. The total number of electrons present in all the S orbitals, all the P orbitals and all the d orbitals of caesium ion are respectively. (M-2003) 1) 6, 26, 10 2) 10,24,20 3) 8, 22, 24 4) 12, 20, 23 Ans: 2
+ Sol. Cs = 55 1 = 54
= 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p6 3d10 4s 2 4p6 4d10 5s 2 5p6 Total s electron = 10 Total p electron = 24 Total d electron = 20 27. The atomic number of an element is 35. What is the total number of electrons present in all the P(M-2003) orbitals of the ground state atom of the element 1) 6 2) 11 3) 17 4) 23 Ans: 3 Sol. ( Z = 35 )1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d10 4s 2 4p5 P electron = 17 The calculated magnetic moment (in Bohr magneton) of Cu2+ ion is 1) 1.73 2) 0 3) 2.6 4) 3.4 Ans: 1 Sol. Cu 2+ = [ Ar ] 3d 9 28. (E-2002)
Atomic structure
s = n ( n + 2 ) = 3 = 1.732B.M n = number of unpaired electrons 29. Which one of the following statement is not correct ? 1) Rydberg's constant and wave number have same units 2) Lyman series of hydrogen spectrum occur in the ultraviolet region 3) The angular momentum of the electron in the ground state hydrogen atom is equal to 4) The radius of first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom is 2.116 x 10-8 cm. Ans: 4 Sol. Radius of 1st orbit = 0.529 108 cm Therefore 4 is wrong answer 30. How many 'd' electrons are present in Cr2+ ion ? 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 3 Ans: 1 Sol. Cr = [ Ar ] 4s1 3d 5 Cr 2 + = [ Ar ] 3d 4 the number of d electrons = 4 Which one of the following statements is correct? (M-2002) 1) 2's' orbital is spherical with two nodal planes 2) The de Broglie wavelength ( ) of a particle of mass 'm' and velocity 'V' is equal to mV/h 3) The principal quantum number (n) indicates the shape of the orbital 4) The electronic configuration of phosphorous is given by [Ne] 3s2 3p1x 3p1y 3p1z Ans: 4 Sol. Electronic configuration of p is [ Ne] 3s 2 3p1x 3p1y 3p1z 31. Alternate 4 is correct All other are wrong 32. Which one of the following ions exhibit highest magnetic moment? 1) Cu2+ 2) Ti3+ 3) Ni2+ 4) Mn2+ Ans: 4 Sol. Cu 2+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 9 1 unpaired electron Ti3+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d1
Ni 2 + = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d8
h 2
Mn 2 + = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 5
Magnetic moment increases with increase in number of unpaired electron. Mn 2+ has more number of unpaired electron it has highest magnetic moment.
Atomic structure
33. The energy of an electron present in Bohrs second orbit of hydrogen atom is_ ______
-1 -1 -1 -1
1) -1312J atom 2) -328kJ mol 3) -328 J mol 4) -164kJ mol Ans: 2 1312 kJ mole 1 Sol. E n = 2 n 1312 E2 = = 328 kJ mole 1 4 34. In the ground state, an element has 13 electrons in its "M-shell". The element is________ (E-2001) 1) Copper 2) Chromium 3) Nickel 4) Iron Ans: 2 Sol. Cr = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 4s1
M shell
Cr has 13 electron in M shell Which one of the following is a diamagnetic ion? 1) Co2+ 2) Cu2+ 3) Mn2+ Ans:4 Sol. Co 2+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 7 35.
Mn 2+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 5
4) Sc3+
Sc3+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 0 Cu 2+ = [ Ar ] 4s 0 3d 9 Diamagnetic ion should have no unpaired electrons only Sc3+ in has all the electron paired. So it in diamagnetic. 36. Which one of the following pairs of ions have the same electronic configuration? (M-2001) 2) Fe+3,Mn+2 3) Fe+3,CO+3 4) Sc+3,Cr+3 1) Cr+3, Fe+3 Ans: 2 Sol. Fe3+ = [ Ar ] 3d 5
Mn 2 + = [ Ar ] 3d 5
The atomic number (Z) on an element is 25. In its ground state how many electrons are present in (M-2001) the "N" shell? 1) 13 2) 2 3) 15 4) 3 Ans: 2 Sol. Z = 25 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p6 4s 2 3d 5 N = 4th orbit In 4th orbit 2 electrons are present 38. What are the values of n1 and n2 respectively for H line in the Lyman series of hydrogen atomic spectrum? 1) 3 and 5 Ans: 3
2) 2 and 3
3) 1 and 3 8
4) 2 and 4
Atomic structure
Sol. H line is formed when e jumps from 3rd orbit to 1st orbit in lyman series n1 = 1 n 2 = 3 39. How many electrons are present in the M-shell of an atom of the element with atomic number (E-2000) Z=24? 1) 5 2) 6 3) 12 4) 13 Ans: 4 Sol. Z = 24 = 1s 2 2s 2 2p6 3s 2 3p6 4s1 3d 5 M shell = 3rd orbit In M shell 13 electron are present 40. The probability of finding an electron in an orbital is approximately? (M-2000) 1) 95% 2) 50% 3) 60% 4) 25% Ans: 1 Sol. The probability of finding an electron in an orbital is approximately 95%. 41. What is the wavelength of H line the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum? (R = Rydberg constant) 1) 36/5R 2) 5R/36 Ans: 4 Sol. n1= 2 n2 = 4 1 1 1 = =R 2 2 n1 n 2 1 1 1 1 =R 2 2 =R 2 4 4 16 3R 3 =R = 16 16 1 16 = = 3R
3) 3R/16
4) 16/3R