Criterion ABCD For MYP4 5

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MYP5 Summative Assessment Task

End of Topic Test

Subject Mathematics
Name of student

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Strand 1: Select Select Select Select
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
Knowing and Understanding. Maximum 8

Is able to: mathematics when mathematics when mathematics when mathematics when
solving simple solving more solving challenging solving challenging
problems in complex problems problems in problems in both
familiar situations in familiar familiar situations familiar and
Criterion A5

situations unfamiliar
Strand 2: Apply Apply Apply Apply
the selected the selected the selected the selected
Is able to: mathematics mathematics mathematics mathematics
successfully when successfully when successfully when successfully when
solving these solving these solving these solving these
problems  problems problems problems
Strand 3: Generally Solve Generally Solve Generally Solve Generally Solve
these problems these problems these problems these problems
Is able to: correctly in a correctly in a correctly in a correctly in a
variety of contexts variety of contexts variety of contexts variety of contexts

Command term What it means

Apply Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in relation to a given problem or
Select Choose from a list or group
Solve Obtain the answer(s) using appropriate methods
Strand One – Selecting Select

Level 1  4 Select

Question One

Question Two

Level 5  8 Select

Question Three

Question Four

Strand Two – Applying Apply

Level 1  4 Apply

Question Five

Question Six

Level 5  8 Apply

Question Seven

Question Eight

Strand Three – Solving Solve

Level 1  4 Solve

Question Nine

Question Ten

Level 5  8 Solve

Question Eleven

Question Twelve
MYP5 Summative Assessment Task

Subject Mathematics
Name of student

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Strand 1: Apply Apply Select and Apply Select and Apply
Select & Apply
with teacher mathematical mathematical mathematical
Is able to: support, problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving
mathematical techniques to techniques to techniques to
problem-solving discover simple discover complex discover correct
Investigating Patterns. Maximum 8

techniques to patterns patterns patterns

discover simple
Criterion B5

Strand 2: State Suggest Describe Describe

predictions relationships or patterns as patterns as
Is able to: consistent with general rules relationships relationships
patterns consistent with and/or general and/or general
findings rules consistent rules consistent
with findings with correct
Strand 3: Verify Prove, or verify
Prove or verify & and justify
Justify these relationships
and/or general these relationships
Is able to: rules and/or general

Command term What it means

Apply Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in relation to a given problem or
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern, or process
Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support and answer or conclusion
Outline Give a brief summary
Prove Use a sequence of logical steps to obtain the required result in a formal way
Select Choose from a list or group
State Give a specific name or very brief answer with no explanation
Suggest Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer
Verify Provide evidence that validates the result
MYP5 Summative Assessment Task

Subject Mathematics
Name of student

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Strand 1: Use Use Usually use Consistently use
terms & symbols limited mathematical some appropriate appropriate appropriate
language mathematical mathematical mathematical
Is able to: language  language language
Strand 2: Use Use  Usually use Consistently use
Tables graphs & limited forms of appropriate forms appropriate forms appropriate forms
diagrams mathematical of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical
representation to representation to representation to representation to
Communicating. Maximum 8

Is able to: present information  present present present

information information information
Criterion C5

adequately  correctly  correctly 

Strand 3: Move Move
Move between between multiple effectively
representations forms of between multiple
mathematical forms of
Is able to: representation mathematical
with some success representation
Strand 4: Communicate Communicate Communicate Communicate
Coherent through lines of through lines of through lines of through lines of
reasoning reasoning that are reasoning that are reasoning that are reasoning that are
difficult to interpret complete complete and complete,
Is able to: coherent coherent and
Strand 5: Adequately Present Present
Organization organize work that is work that is
information using usually organized consistently
Is able to: a logical structure using a logical organized using a
structure logical structure

Command term What it means

Communicate Express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood. Convey
information about the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through,
for example, speech, signals, writing or behaviour
Organize Put ideas and information into a proper or systematic order
Present Offer for display, observation, examination or consideration
Use Apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice.
MYP5 Summative Assessment Task

Subject Mathematics
Name of student

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Strand 1:  Identify Identify Identify Identify
Identifying useful some of the the relevant the relevant the relevant
data elements of the elements of the elements of the elements of the
authentic real-life authentic real-life authentic real-life authentic real-life
Is able to: situation  situation  situation  situation
Strand 2: Select Select Select
Applying Mathematics in Real-Life Contexts. Maximum 8

Selecting a with some success, adequate appropriate

strategy adequate mathematical mathematical
mathematical strategies to model strategies to model
Is able to: strategies to model the authentic real- the authentic real-
the authentic real- life situation life situation 
life situation 
Criterion D5

Strand 3: Apply Apply Apply Apply

Applying and mathematical mathematical the selected the selected
solving strategies to find a strategies to reach mathematical mathematical
solution to the a solution to the strategies to reach strategies to reach
Is able to: authentic real-life authentic real- life a valid solution to a correct
situation, with situation  the authentic real- solution to the
limited success. life situation  authentic real-life
Strand 4: Explain Justify
Accuracy the degree of the degree of
accuracy of the accuracy of the
Is able to: solution solution 
Strand 5: Outline* Discuss Explain Justify
Reasonableness although not whether the whether the whether the
always correctly, solution makes solution makes solution makes
Is able to: the ways in which sense in the sense in the sense in the
the solution makes context of the context of the context of the
sense authentic real-life authentic real-life authentic real-life
situation. situation. situation.

Command term What it means

Apply Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in relation to a given problem or issue
Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments. Opinions
or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence
Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes
Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a
distinguishing fact or feature
Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion (backed by theory*)
Outline* Briefly list any reasons (using bullet points)*
Select Choose from a list or group

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