Omar Khayyam, Mathematiand Conversazioni With Artisans

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Omar Khayyam, Mathematicians, and "Conversazioni" with Artisans

Author(s): Alpay Özdural

Source: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 54, No. 1 (Mar., 1995), pp. 54-71

Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Society of Architectural

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Accessed: 18-02-2016 15:52 UTC

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Omar Mathemati
and with
Conversazioni Artisans

was sharing the same concern

hereafter GeometricConstructions,
ALPAYOZDURAL,KingFaisal University
for the inadequacy of artisans of his time in geometry.2 He
intricate that decorate the monu- wrote:
Thements of thegeometric patterns
Islamic world have always intrigued contem- I know that artisans [sunntd]construct figures in round forms unmethodi-
porary architectural historians. These patterns, cleverly inter- cally. ... In order to create fine works, the artisan has to quit working by
locking with each other to create infinite compositions on wall the eye-measure. Instead, he must determine the dimensions of sides of
surfaces and highly sophisticated configurations of muqarnas the pentagon, hexagon, decagon, or other figures as we explain in this
(stalactites), are believed to have been created by architects or book.3
artisans who were not only masters in their own crafts but also
competent in geometry. The general expectation is that these To make his point clearer, he expanded on the same issue:
architect-artisans, like all practical people, were not in the habit What an artisan illustrates is an approximation of the geometric
of producing any sort of written material; therefore, their
construction, which he perceives to be correct through his senses and
exquisite works are regarded as the only evidence of their skill observations. He is not concerned with diagrammatic proofs. [On the
in geometry. other hand], when a geometer [muhandis] establishes the proof of a
The remarks of a young Ottoman geometer, however, cast a
problem by deduction, he never questions whether the correctness of the
shadow of doubt on this assumption. While reading from a construction is observable. However, it is not justified to distrust every-
book on geometry and explaining it to the mother-of-pearl
thing that an artisan sees as correct, since these are usually taken from
workers (specialized carpenters) at their workshop in the constructions which were previously proven by geometers. The artisan
gardens of Topkapi Palace, he said: and the surveyor [mnsah]take only the end product of a problem but pay

Regarding that which is called the science of geometry [handasa],in this no attention to how the correctness is determined; therefore they may

age [1570], if the science of geometry is discussed among architects commit fallacies and errors. The geometer believes in the correctness

[mi'mtr] and learned men ['dlim], each one will answer, "Yes, we have through required proofs if he can derive the meaning of the construction
heard of it, but in essence we have not heard how the science of geometry of the artisan and the surveyor.4

works and what it deals with." Now this noble book fully describes that
More than six centuries had passed between these comments of
fine science. As long as a person does not understand this rare and
the two mathematicians. During this period in the Islamic
agreeable science, he is not capable of the finest working in mother-of-
world, the field of mathematics enjoyed great advances, and
pearl, nor can he be expert and skilled in the art of architecture.'
numerous monuments were produced in the field of architec-
Considering the fact that the young geometer made this ture with increasingly exquisite applications of geometry. The
remark while Ottoman architecture was enjoying its golden words of both mathematicians indicate a close collaboration
period under the leadership of the great architect Sinan, the between geometers and architect-artisans, and, in so doing,
implication is outrageous. It can, of course, be dismissed suggest a relation between the developments in these two
conveniently as a gross exaggeration. Even the underlying fields. One can not help but wonder why, therefore, the
reason for such an exaggeration, one has to admit though, is Ottoman geometer was still claiming architect-artisans had no
enough to contradict the general assumption of attributing a notion of geometry. How could the achievements in mathemat-
genius for geometry to architect-artisans. ics, which were apparently reflected on architectural monu-
The famous mathematician-astronomer Abu 'l-Wafa' al- ments, have had no effect on the improvement of artisans'
Bfizajani (940-98), who wrote a book on geometry specifically knowledge?
yahtajuilayhial-sdni' min a'mdlal-handasa
for artisans, Kitdbhfjim Another common point between these two sources seems to
(The bookon what the artisan requiresof geometricconstructions), provide us with a plausible answer to this question. The

54 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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a b

' 1

FIG. I: a) Abu 'I-Waf~i'sfigure provingthe

Pythagoreantheorem;b) The ornamentalpat-
tern of Abu 'I-Wafi-'sproof, general;c) The
ornamentalpatternof Abu'I-Wafa's proof,the
ratioof 1:2.

Ottoman geometer mentioned that the science of geometry rated from each other by six centuries, it would be reasonable to
was discussed among architects and learned men. It seems think that this sort of gathering represented a widespread
logical to infer that, in sixteenth-century Istanbul, architects phenomenon in the Islamic world. It can thus be expected that
and mathematicians were in the habit of coming together at when architectural and scientific activities were being concen-
special gatherings in order to discuss the application of geom- trated in urban centers, there was a constant dialogue between
etry to architecture. Abu 'l-Wafa'was quite precise about this architect-artisans and mathematicians in the form of conversa-
sort of meeting (hereafter referred to as a conversazione).5He zioni that served as the vehicle to exchange knowledge between
stated: the two groups. Practitioners, who were deficient in theoretical
I was present at some conversazioni
[majilis]held among a group of
knowledge, had convenient access to advanced mathematics
artisansand geometers.6 by way of these meetings; scholars, who were not experienced
in practical applications, there found the opportunity to be
He then gave the account of a particular conversazioneat which involved in architecture, the visual results of which were pleas-
they discussed the problem of "composing a square from three antly rewarding. Though solving the immediate problems
squares," in other words, the construction of a square the side of by way of a dialogue was evidently a convenient means for
which is equal to V3. Evidently, in tenth-century Bagdad, it was artisans to learn, this probably explains why there was no real
customary for artisans to meet with mathematicians to seek improvement in their knowledge of geometry during those six
advice on certain problems concerning the application of centuries, as they would tend to implement only capsulized
geometry to architecture and related arts. solutions.
If conversazioniof this sort were common enough in two Unlike Greek mathematicians who developed mathematical
major cities with different cultural and political settings, sepa- sciences for the sake of rigorous thinking and the disciplinary


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value of the subject, Muslim mathematicians were always more Geometric Constructions, brought into realization by Omar
concerned with the practical and immediate consequences Khayyam in this treatise, and several practical constructions of
rather than the theoretical qualities of their work.7 It can be which are illustrated in InterlockingFigures. By studying this
easily be imagined that, throughout the centuries during which unique example we also gain insight into how mathematicians
mathematical sciences have flourished, some of the great and artisans collaborated and into the actual results of this
mathematicians, such as Abu 'l-Wafa',enjoyed being involved in collaboration. Our search starts with GeometricConstructions,in
architecture and related arts through conversazioni.Thus, some which Abu 'l-Wafa'gave the account of the conversazionethat he
of the aesthetic, structural, or spatial innovations that we attended in Bagdad.
observe in the products of the major architectural centers of the
Islamic world may be explained as the contributions of certain Abu 'l-Wafd"s book
mathematicians.8 GeometricConstructionsis a unique combination of practical
The proposition that the conversazioneacted as the mode of geometry and theoretical geometry. As a work on applied
exchange for architectural and geometrical knowledge in ma- geometry, it is comprehensive and highly didactic; as a work on
jor urban centers of the Islamic world can be supported by pure geometry, it is the best one ever written by a Muslim
further references to this phenomenon in several other sources. mathematician.14 It contains almost everything that an artisan
For instance, al-Din Jamshid al-KIshi (d. 1429), an would require of geometry and is organized in a very systematic manner. Abu 'l-Wafa"sobjective in writing this book was to lead
outstanding mathematician-astronomer, related in the letter to
his father a debate between him and the master mason, and artisans along the methodical path of theoretical geometry so
other mathematicians who sided with the mason, about the that they would achieve excellence in their works. At the
leveling instrument used at the site of the Samarqand Observa- beginning of the chapter in which he discussed the conversazi-
tory.9 What Al-KIshi described there can be considered as a one, he mentioned that dissecting the geometric figures was a
conversazioneat the construction site. This sort of conversazione technique widely used by artisans and adds:
seems to have been a common phenomenon, particularly in In this chapter we set the rules, all that are to be used by artisans,
fifteenth-century Khurasan. In the literary sources that give the because, according to the principles, they commit gross mistakes in
accounts of the laying out of buildings and the start of building
dissecting and composing [squares].15
operations, geometers (muhandisdn)were always mentioned as
being present together with architects, masons, and/or other In a book that was necessarily intended for artisans, Abu 'l-Wafa'
sorts of artisans.10In the gatherings that were held to start the singled out this chapter and devoted it exclusively to artisans;
construction works, apparently, the expertise of the geometers indeed, he treated it in a distinctive manner. When a geometer
was considered essential. proposed an algebraic solution to the problem of "composing
Another document of significance is an untitled treatise a square from three squares," none of the artisans were
about a geometric problem written by the celebrated poet- satisfied. They wanted to see the three squares being dissected
philosopher-mathematician-astronomer Omar Khayyam into parts and then reassembled into a single square. Realizing
(1048-131)." The solution of this very same problem later that the only way for artisans to accept a proof was to see it in
occured in the form of an ornamental pattern in an anonymous tangible shapes, Abu 'l-Wafa'thus offered an ingenious solution
Persian treatise written exclusively for artisans, Fi taddkhul to that effect. Evidently, the mission he assigned himself was
al-ashkdlal-mutashdbiha'dw mutawdfiqa(On interlockingsimilaror not to teach artisans the most advanced mathematical tech-
correspondingfigures),hereafter InterlockingFigures." At the end niques of his time, but to initiate a sound understanding of
of the untitled treatise, Omar Khayyam commented on what geometry.
gave him the incentive to write it: During the same conversazione,Abu 'l-Wafa' provided the
artisans with a novel proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Here,
Ifitwere not for the highness of this meeting... and for the obligation to
he neither multiplied the lines, as Al-Khwirizmi did in his
the proposer of the question ... I would have been far away from this
proof, nor described the squares on lines as Euclid had. Those
notions would have been too abstract for artisans to come to
The present article expands on Omar Khayyam's untitled terms with. Instead, he dissected the given square into four
treatise so as to establish that the meeting he attended was congruent right triangles rotating around a central square in
indeed a conversazionewith artisans, the proposer of the ques- such a way that these parts could be reassembled into two
tion was most probably an architect-artisan, and, therefore, squaresthatcorrespondedto the sidesof the triangles;so thatif
"wilderness" refers to the field of architecture. To prove its one of the sides was known, the other could be found [Figure

point, the present study follows the story of the special ornamen- la]. What Abu 'l-Wafa' displayed here reflects only his own
tal pattern that originated from a proof in Abu 'l-Wafa'"s resourcefulness in finding a way to demonstrate an abstract

56 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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theorem to practical-minded artisans, not the general level of hypotenuse, if it is a right triangle), the combined form is either
Muslim mathematics of his time.16 a parallelogram [Figures3a, 3b] or an almond [Figures3c, 3d].
This proof, which was offered in a conversazione,was the General properties of the parallelogram were well-known and
starting point of the creation process of the pattern under widely discussed, particularly in Greek geometry; but the
consideration; the realization of it was later achieved by the almond had not previously been a very popular topic in
efforts of Omar Khayyam, after another conversazione--the mathematical literature.'s On the other hand, artisans were
point that this study aims to demonstrate. In order to bridge familiar enough with the basic properties of the almond to
the gap, the process in between is reconstructed hypothetically, make extensive use of them in their designs. These properties
supported by some physical evidence and mathematical inter- can be summarized as follows: the line on which the congruent
pretations, in the remaining part of this section. triangles are joined becomes the primary diagonal and the
The inherently ornamental quality of Abu 'l-Wafa'"sfigure, symmetry axis of the almond; the two diagonals intersect each
which was originally conceived for didactic purposes, appar- other perpendicularly, and the bisecting lines of the opposite
ently caught the attention of artisans. The revolving symmetry angles meet each other on the axis; if the length of the shorter
of the figure, they realized, could easily be translated into a sides of the almond are marked on the longer sides, the
dynamic decorative pattern. By joining four more of the intersection point of the bisecting lines is equidistant from the
congruent triangles along their hypotenuses to the original marked points and the comer of the shorter sides; the almond
square, a larger square composed of four rhomboids could be can thus be subdivided into three smaller almonds, two of them
obtained [Figure ib]. After this transformation, Abu 'l-Wafa"s being congruent, by drawing lines from the intersection point
figure became one of the popular ornamental motifs that we to the three equidistant points [Figures3e, 3f]. Such subdivision
now observe on a number of architectural monuments, such as of the almond was one of the common tools of artisans to
the west iwan of the Masjid-iJami' of Isfahan [Figure2]. generate a variety of interlocking patterns of almonds, poly-
The rhomboid is one of the common components of the gons, and polygonal stars.
ornamental geometric patterns throughout the Muslim world, Abu 'l-Wafa"s figure represents a general theorem that can
and it plays an important role in the subsequent discussion. It be applied to any ratio between the two unequal sides of the
thus needs to be explained first. This kite-shaped figure was, almond. This ratio, at the same time, corresponds to the
and still is, generally known to artisans under the names in tangent of the angle of rotation. By definition, the following
different languages that correspond to almond (hence, hereaf- condition always exists: if the longer side of the almond is called
ter it is referred to as such).'7 When two non-isosceles congru- x and the shorter one y, then the side of the central square is
ent triangles are joined together along their longest sides (the equal to x - y, and the side of the outer square is equal to x + y
[Figure ib]. The neatness of this property apparently encour-

LIfi ?-
aged artisans to explore the possible variations ofAbu 'l-Wafa"'s
Z figure. It could simply be used as a single motif by choosing any
ratio that they liked. The property also allowed artisans to
generate compositions of various interlocking patterns, if the
appropriate ratios were selected. Note that the main consider-
ation for Muslim artisans in selecting a proportion was the
Z1I I flexibility it offered and the constraints of the geometric
Z33 a J
properties of the pattern, not the reputed superiority of certain
So far as can be observed in the published illustrations, most
of the existing examples of the pattern have a ratio of 1:2
between the sides of the almond; for example, see Figure 2.
These are all single motifs, but the reason why artisans favored
~j2~ J
this ratio was most likely the following consideration: when the
sides of the almonds are related to each other by a ratio of 1:2,
()Q the side of the central square corresponds to the full length of
shorter side, y, and the side of the outer square becomes 3y
[FigureIc]; in this arrangement the subdivision of the almonds
allowed artisans to generate a composition of interrelated
FIG. 2: Two variations of the motif of Abu 'I-Wafd's proof: the west iwan of
squares and almonds by repeating the main square unit in
Masjid-iJimi' of Isfahan(from Rassad, "Masjed-eJame " [see n. 43], 3). either direction of the rotation angle [Figure4].


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FIG.3: a, b) Generalpropertiesof the parallelo-
gram;c, d) Generalpropertiesof the almond;
e, f) Subdivisionof the almond into smaller

What the ratio of 1:2 rendered was fine; but for artisans, no quires little to imagine that the subdivision of the primary
achievement was final. Once a pattern was found, its variations almonds is performed by drawing a perpendicular through the
were exploited by generations of artisans, but, as far as we axis so that the longer sides of the secondary almonds are equal
know, the same composition was never repeated. Artisans were to the shorter sides of the primary ones, y, and the shorter sides
always in need of fresh patterns to add to their repertoire. Abu of the former to the side of the central square, x - y. The
'l-Wafa"s proofwas a rich source; they could explore it in depth realization of the pattern, one supposes though, is beyond the
to discover new versions. The majority of the examples that we reach of the artisan. To cope with that sort of a problem, he has
can observe on existing buildings are from Persia and Khurasan to be equipped with an advanced knowledge of mathematics.
and it appears that the pattern of Abu 'l-Wafa"'sproof was Given his limited knowledge in practical geometry, the only
particularly popular among the artisans of that area. Indeed, option open to him is to ask advice from mathematicians. Let
most of the extant copies of Abu 'l-Wafa"'sGeometricConstruc- us suppose that he does so in a conversazione,and Omar
tions are Persian translations.20 Khayyam responds in the following way [Figure6]:
Hypothetically, we can imagine a clever artisan in Isfahan
envisaging a potential special ratio between the sides of the [What the artisan wants is to construct a right triangle, ERT, with the
almond, which makes it possible to generate a more elaborate necessary condition that, if it is dissected into a right triangle and an

composition [Figure 5]. This in fact is another version of Abu almond, the following relations would exist: RI = BI; ER = EB = TI. Let
'l-Wafa"'sfigure. The visualization is not very difficult; it re- us suppose that the required triangle ERT is constructed. Erect the

58 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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perpendicular HR on the diagonal ET, then the triangle REH is the artisan can be formulated as a general problem of ratios:] to divide
congruent to the triangle TIB (since corresponding angles are equal and the one-fourth AB of the circle ABCD by a point R into two parts such
TI = ER). Hence RH = TB and EH = IB. But the triangle REK is similar that if RH is drawn perpendicular to the diameter BD, the ratio of AE to
to the triangle RIL (since corresponding angles are equal). Then RH is the same as EH to HB.21
ER: EK = RI : RL. But EK = HR and RL = HB and RI = EH. Then
ER : HR = EH : HB. Let the circle ADCBR be drawn having the point E With the final formulation of the problem, which Omar
as its center and AE as its radius. Consequently, the specific question of
Khayyam posed in the untitled treatise, the hypothetical recon-
struction ends. After attending the meeting, apparently, he
worked out the solution and wrote a treatise about it. In the
following section, so as to supply credence to the foregoing
reconstruction, the treatise is analyzed with the aim of demon-
strating that he addressed it to artisans as well as to his learned

Omar Khayyam's treatise

The untitled treatise by Omar Khayyam, which was discov-
ered around 1960, is available in various languages and so
far has only attracted the attention of historians of math-
ematics.22 The treatise is about a problem for which the
author offered a variety of solutions: a cubic equation, two
geometric constructions by means of conic sections, and a
numerical interpolation in trigonometric tables. This prob-
lem appeared to be of particular interest to Omar Khayyam
as he wrote a whole essay on it. It is of critical importance to
the history of mathematics as it motivated Omar Khayyam
to make major contributions to algebra and number
theory.23 It is also of great significance to the history of
Islamic art and architecture as it becomes the evidence of
Omar Khayyam's involvement in the ornamental arts, and

1 T





•I /

FIG.4 (Top): The compositiongeneratedby the ornamentalpatternof Abu \"
'I-Waf 's proofsubdividedinaccordancewiththe ratioof 1:2.
FIG.5 (Bottom):The compositiongeneratedby the ornamentalpatternof Abu FIG. 6: Hypothetical reconstruction of the artisan's problem
concerning the
'I-Waf 's proofsubdividedinaccordancewiththe specialratio.
special ratio.


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thus indicates his familiarity with the problems related to the desired division is performed, that is, AE : RH = EH : HB,
architecture. he stated that the construction is possible if a hyperbola is
According to the historian Daoud S. Kasir, "Omar Khayyam drawn so that it passes through the points E and L and its
followed the tradition of Muslim writers by pursuing mathemati- asymptotes are the lines TM and TK [Figure 7a]. But the
cal investigations only so far as they were needed to express and positions of the point L and the asymptote TK are not known.
interpret problems arising from investigations in such sciences He realized that completion of the construction would be
as astronomy and surveying and from commercial transactions difficult because it "needs a few introductions from Conic
and inheritance law."24This recently-discovered treatise allows Sections."Instead of carrying out the process to the end, he cut it
us to add architecture and related arts to the fields of investiga- short: "Those who know conics can, if they wish, finish it
tion that Omar Khayyam was involved in. later."28Apparently, Omar Khayyam was not much interested
The story of the pattern under consideration proceeds with in accommodating mathematicians who already knew about
the passage towards the end of the treatise in which Omar conic sections.
Khayyam remarked on that particular meeting: After the first unsuccessful attempt, Omar Khayyam
tried an alternative approach to the problem. As he
This is what passed through my mind considering my dissipated
introduced it, he made a point of being more concerned
thought, disturbed mind, and being occupied with facts which prevent
with practical people:
me from paying attention to these simple ideas. If it were not for the

highness of this meeting whose highness be lost forever and for the This method also needs some elements of conic sections but in many

obligation to the proposer of the question whom God will bless, I would ways is much easier than the first method, and its ideas are more useful.29
have been far away from this wilderness. My efforts are solely concen-
Here he tried to find a method that involves as few conic
trated upon facts which are to me more important than those simple
sections as possible, so that it would be less difficult for people
ideas. My efforts are spent on those.25
other than mathematicians to grasp. "Useful" seems to be the
Omar Khayyam'swords give us some clues about what sort of a operative word. As long as both methods produce the correct
meeting it was. His praises of the meeting may suggest that result, under which condition is "its ideas.. .more useful"? If
somebody from the court was present.26 The impression we get "ideas" are interpreted as "practical properties," then being
is that the proposer of the question was a respected person; but, "useful"applies to a practical field.
to our disappointment, Omar Khayyam did not mention his Omar Khayyam started the analysisof this alternative method
rank or his profession. He did say, however, that his feeling of by supposing again that the desired division has been made,
obligation towards that person prompted him to write this that is, AE : RH = EH : HB [Figure 7b]. He then proved ET =
work. It would be difficult to imagine that such a technical ER + RH, or in his own words:
question leading to the problem under consideration could This analysis leads to a right triangle with the condition that the
have been raised by royalty, unless, as seen in very rare cases, he
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of one of the sides of the right angle and
himself was a scientist or belonged to a craft.27Omar Khayyam the perpendicular to the hypotenuse.30
noted with some regret that, prior to the meeting, he was
occupied only with "facts" and paid no attention to "simple His intentions become more evident in the following passage:
ideas." For a philosopher-scientist like him, "facts"were the This idea, that is, a triangle with mentioned properties, is very useful in
truths reached through philosophical or theoretical studies,
problems similar to this one. This triangle has other properties. We shall
and "simple ideas" were the mere practicalities of ordinary mention some of them so that whoever studies this paper can benefit
works. We can infer therefore that at this meeting Omar from it in similar problems ... Another property of such a triangle is that
Khayyam was introduced to a practical field that he felt of the two sides of the right angle the longer one is equal to the sum
enthusiastic about. As the word "wilderness" suggests, he of the shorter one and the segment that the perpendicular separates
considered that what has been opened to him is a new field to from the hypotenuse is toward the shorter side [that is, RT = ER +
explore. He seemed to enjoy acquainting himself with those EH].31
"simple ideas," but again to our disappointment, he did not
specifically mention that these were the practicalities of architec- The solution of a geometrical problem can be "useful" only to
ture. As we examine the remarks he inserted along the course "similar cases of applications," not to "similar [geometrical]
of his analysis, however, it becomes increasingly clear that problems." What Omar Khayyam meant, therefore, was "cases"
Omar Khayyam's main concern in writing the treatise was to similar to the one he was dwelling upon. We can hence infer
make it useful for artisans. that Omar Khayyam was dealing with this triangle with the aim
Omar Khayyam started the treatise by posing the problem of making it "useful"to a field in which potential "similarcases"
in the form of the aforementioned definition. After supposing were waiting to be applied. Architecture, with its related arts,

60 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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C E _ KA

a D

FIG.7: a) OmarKhayyam's
of the problem by means of conic sections
(adaptedfrom Amir-Mo6z,"A Paper"[see n.
II], 324, fig. 2); b) OmarKhayyam's alternative
approach to the a
problemby using righttriangle
b D (adaptedfrom Amir-Moez,"A Paper," 325,

suggests itself as the field which would make the most use of algebraic terms, brought forward an outlined classification of
such a variety of geometric properties. various types of algebraic equations, gave a brief account on the
Omar Khayyam started the algebraic analysis of the prob- works of previous mathematicians concerning cubic equations,
lem with a note of apology, apparently directed to his nonmath- and added:
ematician readers:
But whenever cubes (x3) come in, ...we need solid geometry, and
As the intelligent mathematicians of the past have used notations of especially conics and conic sections because a cube is a solid... .For
algebraists in order to simplify the intuitive solutions, we shall also follow people who do not know conics, certain instruments are used.35
them. But the notations of algebraists are not necessary. We can dojust
The last remark concerning the use of certain instruments for
as well without them. However, with these notations, multiplications and
divisions will become easier.32 executing conic sections is of crucial significance. In the context
of his previous remarks it leaves no room for doubt that the
In his major work on algebra, which he wrote exclusively for his practical people whom Omar Khayyam was addressing were
learned colleagues, he did not explain himself for using actually artisans. This remark serves as the link between what
algebraic notations. Abu 'l-Wafa' proposed for constructions that involve conic
Omar Khayyam drew the triangle ABC and supposed that sections and the instrument used for the construction of Omar
AC = AB + BD as the basis for the algebraic analysis of the Khayyam's triangle in InterlockingFigures.
problem [Figure 8].33 He assigned the "unknown," x, for BD In GeometricConstructions,Abu 'l-Wafa' offered mechanical
and a rational length, 10, for AD and thus reduced the problem solutions for the special problems, "the duplication of the cube"
to the solution of a cubic equation: and "the trisection of the angle."36 Those were the problems
x3 + 200x = 20x2 + 2,000.34 that occupied quite a number of Greek mathematicians and, as
After achieving the equation of the triangle (hereafter referred the solutions required cubic equations, motivated the discovery
to as Omar Khayyam's triangle), Omar Khayyam commented of conic sections. The solutions they proposed either made use
on the general issues of algebra. He defined and explained of conic sections or were reduced to mechanical procedures


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FIG.8: The righttrianglethatservesas the basis
for the algebraicequationof Omar Khayyam
(adaptedfrom Amir-Mo6z,"A Paper"[see n.
C T . A
I1], 327, fig.4).

that they called neusis(verging). In a verging procedure, a given meeting, it would be logical to assume that the question was
segment--or two equal segments-is inserted between two sincehe wasa respectedperson,
askedby one of the artisans;
given straight or circular lines in such a way that the segment mostprobably hewasanarchitect. Themeeting,therefore, can
verges to a point. In a few cases certain devices were used, but be definedasa conversazione.
mostly it was performed by trial and error using rulers. Verging OmarKhayyam
Thereafter, workedout the solutionof the
procedures were also known to Muslim mathematicians under cubicequationbymeansof conicsections[Figure 9a]:intersec-
the name "moving geometry." Abu 'l-WafP"s treatment of tion of the hyperbola NDK, which has AC and EC as the
special problems was very suggestive. While borrowing from asymptotes,and the semicircleDKB at the point K. Conic
Greek verging solutions, he was careful in selecting the ones sections were used by mathematiciansto reach theoretical
that were most convenient for artisans.37 The message he proofs,but never to obtainactualmeasurements.He promptly
apparently wanted to convey was that in dealing with cubic advised artisans to that effect:
equations, verging procedures are the most suitable means for isknown
BysayingitisknowninvalueI donotmeanthatitsmagnitude
artisans because they are both accurate and easy to operate. It are
becausethesetwoideas different. known in valueI mean
can thus be inferred from Omar Khayyam's remark that he what Euclid meant in the book of Constructions. That is, we can construct
shared Abu 'l-Wafa"sopinion and was advising artisans to use a magnitude equal to it.38
verging instruments. From InterlockingFigures,which was writ-
ten for artisans, we also learn that the cubic equation of Omar To facilitate a practical construction of the problem, Omar
Khayyam's triangle was actually solved by the aid of a moving Khayyam offered an interpolated solution of the cubic
instrument called the "ruler-triangle." Considering Omar equation. He apparently assumed some artisans, like sur-
Khayyam's previous remarks as well, it now seems safe to veyors, were familiar with trigonometric tables and angular
conclude that the "people" who he is concerned with and "who measurements:
do not know conics" were in fact artisans. As he wrote the Whoever wants to know this in arithmetic, if he looks carefully, he will not

treatise in response to a question raised in the aforementioned find a way to it because whatever is obtained by conic sections cannot be

62 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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obtained by arithmetic. If the seeker is satisfied with an estimate, it is up one prompted Omar Khayyam to write a treatise, which moti-
to him to look into the table of chords of Almagest, or the table of sines vated him to make a major contribution to the science of
and versed sines [that is, I - cosine] of MotamedObservatory. He should
algebra.41 He outlined his subsequent work, The Algebra, so
find an arc in the table that is the ratio of sixty, which is supposed to be
accurately that it appears to have been almost ready in his
half of the diameter of the circle, to the sine of that arc is the same as its mind; therefore, it should not have taken too long to write. The
cosine to its versed sine. We shall find this arc about fifty-seven degrees,
Algebra is dated to ca. 1074, and he was invited to Isfahan by
ofwhich the circle is three hundred and sixty, its sine about fifty pieces,its
Saljukid Sultan Malikshah in 1073 and was put in charge of the
versed sine about twenty-seven pieces and one-third piece, and its cosine new observatory.42 Thanks to the construction work taking
about thirty[-two] pieces and two-thirds piece. It is possible to compute
place in Masjid-i Jami'-possibly in the south dome--during
more carefully to the extent that the error would not be felt.39 that period, Isfahan was the hub of architectural activity and
certainly an ideal place for conversazioni.It is only natural to
Normally, Omar Khayyam should have ended the treatise expect that Omar Khayyam, the brilliant mathematician who
with the aforementioned closing remark; but afterwards he had recently come to Isfahan, was invited to attend one of these
offered an alternative solution by means of conic sections. He meetings. It seems likely therefore that he wrote the untitled
apparently realized that the cubic equation he previously treatise shortly after 1073, that is, ca. 1074.43 It is thus not
proposed was rather a clumsy one, and offered a neater version farfetched to suppose that the question was asked by the
[Figure 9b]. Here the solution was more direct and reached by architect who was at the time in charge of the construction-
intersecting the hyperbola AR with the semicircle EARC at the possibly, the architect of the south dome, Abu 'l-Fath the son of
point R. In this construction all the coefficients of the supposed Muhammad the treasurer.
third-degree equation, which he did not cite, are taken as the After publishing the untitled treatise, it can be presumed,
unit, 1. It corresponds to: Omar Khayyam explained his findings to artisans in another
x3 + x1 + x = 1.40 conversazioneand there he offered the practical solution of the
In light of the present study, it can be maintained that a cubic equation by means of verging procedures. This appar-
problem asked probably by an architect-artisan in a conversazi- ently is the solution reported by the anonymous author of

FIG.9: a) OmarKhayyam's
solutionof the cubic
T E C equationby meansof conic sections (adapted
fromAmir-Mo6z,"A Paper,"332, [see n. I I],
fig.7);b) Thealternativesolutionof the problem
by means of conicsections(adaptedfromAmir-
Moez,"APaper,"336, fig. 10).


B L _D A

a N


b E B H


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InterlockingFigures; but he recorded four more constructions "Khayyam"for "Haytham" had he seen it in writing; but these
concerning the same problem. Those are all approximate names do sound alike. It can thus be inferred that he probably
solutions with varying degrees of accuracy yielding all but the heard about this problem during a conversazionebut recalled it
pattern under consideration. As the correct solution was avail- mistakenly.5o While Omar Khayyam's treatise was discussed
able, why did artisans still produce the incorrect ones? The during this gathering, it would be reasonable to assume that he
following analysis seeks to answer this question. was a mathematician who explained the solution of the prob-
lem and its construction.
The anonymous Persian treatise The anonymous author gave more information, in his
InterlockingFigures, as a work on geometry, has been totally disorderly and unknowing way, about the construction of the
ignored by historians of mathematics. For instance, Woepcke, pattern based on Omar Khayyam's triangle:
who published a comprehensive analysis of the Persian transla-
Here, the objective can be achieved by the aid of a "ruler-triangle."
tion of GeometricConstructionsbased on the Paris manuscript, As mentioned above, the objective of our drawing is four conical
made no mention of InterlockingFigures which followed Abu
figures [that is, almonds, which he calls turunj (orange) at other
'l-WafPa"swork in the same manuscript.44 Some historians of
places] with two right angles that surround an equilateral right-
architecture, on the other hand, attribute a high value to its
angled quadrilateral [that is, a square]. Such conical quadrilaterals
discussions of ornamental geometry.45 The treatise can be
[that is, almonds] AIHK, CHMN, DMLX, and BLKO describe the
described as a collection of geometric constructions concerning four-cornered [that is, square] KHML [Figure 10]. Since the corner
various procedures and ornamental patterns and a few instru- H of the quadrilateral [that is, square] consists of two perpendicular
ments used by artisans. A critical assessment of its mathematical lines, then KH and [H]D are necessarily straight, but the triangle
content, particularlywhen compared to GeometricConstructions, AKC is right-angled and equal to the triangle CHD. This triangle is
indicates that itwas the work of an artisan who had but a shallow
right-angled too, because it is inscribed in the semicircle. Therefore,
acquaintance with geometry, rather than of a geometer who the point H should be found on the arc [C]E. If the corner F on our
had been occupied with the ornamental arts.46 Its anonymous ruler is perpendicular, then the side AB is both perpendicular and
author, to put matters succinctly, was deficient in the essential corresponds to the side AB [that is, AC, a mistake of carelessness] of
knowledge and skills of geometry; his presentation lacked the the square. And Allah knows best.51
necessary organization, coherence, and clarity that are the
qualities normally expected from a geometer. In spite of all What he set as the objective was to construct a pattern
these, his work, being the only known surviving authentic composed of four of Omar Khayyam's triangles that sur-
written material on the subject of artisans' practice in geometry, round a central square, that is, the pattern under consider-
is a very valuable source of information for the history of Islamic ation. What he described, however, amounted only to an
art and architecture.47 incomplete proof of its properties. Apparently, his recollec-
The recordings in InterlockingFiguresillustrate with certainty tion failed him in achieving the objective. When his quasi-
that the triangle discovered by Omar Khayyam was actually proof was compared with the proofs given by Omar
used by artisans as an ornamental pattern. The most direct Khayyam, it becomes painfully transparent that our author
reference to this triangle, albeit mistaken in authorship, is was only pretending to be a mathematician.52 Omar
found in the following passage: Khayyam followed a logical sequence of theorems accord-
Correlations involved in this drawing concern conic [sections]. The
ing to a predetermined plan in order to reach the required
conclusion; whereas the anonymous author did not seem to
objective of it consists in constructing a right triangle in such a way
have a plan to follow or, for that matter, a conclusion to
the sum of the perpendicular and the shorter side is equal to the
reach. By using complicated terms instead of the ordinary
hypotenuse. Ibn Haytham wrote a treatise on the construction of such a
ones, he only exhibited his vanity.
triangle, and there he described the conic sections, which turned out to
It is not difficult to understand why the anonymous author
be a hyperbola and a parabola.48
was so confused. Conic sections was too advanced a topic for
As we have seen earlier, it was "a hyperbola and a circle," not "a artisans of the time to fully comprehend. Despite the ambigu-
hyperbola and a parabola," the intersection of which solved the ity, however, his description provides us with sufficient informa-
tion to reconstruct what he failed to achieve. "If the comrnerF on
cubic equation; it was Omar Khayyam, not Ibn al-Haytham
(965-1040), who wrote a treatise on the problem that the our ruler is perpendicular," he said, then, the ruler must be the
anonymous author defined.49 These misquotations would al- scale on the perpendicular leg of the triangle that he is
most certainly not have occurred had the anonymous author referring to [Figure10]. When the triangle is slid along the side
read Omar Khayyam's treatise. His source of information was AB, it cuts the semicircle at a point, H, and FH + HG = AC =
apparently an oral one. He should not have mistaken AB = CD. Since this condition is true for every position of H,

64 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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B < > F A


/ \

D N G C FIG. 10: The constructionof the pattern of

Omar Khayyam'striangle by means of the
vergingprocedureinInterlocking (adapted
from Bulatov,Geometricheskaiagarmonizatsiia
[see n. 12],342, fig.36).

the anonymous author was unable to realize the construction of The anonymous author was apparently unfamiliar with
the pattern. He apparently failed to remember the following verging procedures which, as Abu 'l-Wafa' indicated earlier,
step: in order to fix the position of the point H on the were the most convenient means for artisans in coping with
semicircle, FH is required to be equal to HC; only then the problems that involved conic sections. However, it can be said
condition of the problem would be satisfied, that is, HC + that his ignorance of this matter was not shared by all artisans.
HG = CD. The problem can thus be reduced to a verging The fact that Omar Khayyam's solution occurred in Interlocking
procedure so as to determine the position of the point H at Figures,probably around 150 years later, points to the existence
which HC = HF. of at least a small number of scrupulous artisans who were
Omar Khayyam said, "For people who do not know conics, willing to follow the advice of mathematicians.
certain instruments are used." Indeed, the "ruler-triangle" The anonymous author described four more methods to
turns out to be precisely the verging instrument to perform the construct the pattern in question. Three of these were pre-
construction of the pattern of Omar Khayyam's triangle. The sented on the same drawing, but he did not mention elsewhere
following is the reconstruction of the verging procedure that that these drawings, and Omar Khayyam's solution as well,
was presumably proposed by Omar Khayyam in Isfahan and were meant to produce the very same pattern. His silence
transferred from one conversazioneto another until it reached strongly suggests that he was not the author of any of these
the one that the anonymous author attended, probably in methods but was simply recording the solutions worked out by
thirteenth-century Diyarbakir: other artisans.54
He started the first construction by assigning an arbitrary
[Drawa semicircleon the given line AB and place a straightedgealong length, AD, to the diagonal of a square [Figure 11].55 He
the line.Slidea right-angledtriangle,whichhasa scaleon itsperpendicu- marked the point C on a horizontal line at a distance of 2AD
larleg, alongthe straightedgeso thatit alwaysintersectsthe semicircleat and extended the line CD until it met the perpendicular at the
a point H. With an additional ruler measure and simultaneously point E. He then marked the point H on the perpendicular at a
comparethe distancesHF and HC. Repeatthisprocessuntilyou reacha distance of 2AC from the point E and drew the line CH. From
position at which HF = HC. Mark this position of the point H and the given point K, he drew a line parallel to CH to determine
completethe pattern.]53 the position of the point L, which concluded the construction.


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What he failed to mention is that all the steps of this construc- which is not acceptable even for an artisan if he is meticulous
tion are in fact relevant for the execution of the pattern. The [Figure12c]. Here, the length LX was found by intersecting the
angle of rotation corresponds to CG, to which the diagonal LR quartercircle AMK and the semicircle KML at the point M,
of the primary almond is parallel; half of the angle of rotation erecting the perpendicular MN to the side KL, and making
corresponds to CE, to which the diagonal LP of the secondary LX = 2LN. The whole process amounts to 3LX = 2KX.
almond is parallel. This construction turns out to be quite a Whoever was the author of this last method seems to have had a
successful approximation of Omar Khayyam's triangle. The unique talent in complicating simple matters. Had this method
angle of rotation it yields deviates only 0.2 per cent from the been used, Omar Khayyam's triangle would hardly be recogniz-
theoretical value. able, and to generate a composition out of it would have been
One of the methods in the second drawing was virtually an impossible task.
identical to the construction described above. Here, he started The existence of these approximate methods suggests that
the construction by assigning an arbitrary length, BC, to the the verging construction of the pattern in question was either
side of a square [Figure 12a]; the rest of the process depends unknown to, or not accepted by, most of the artisans. It might
precisely on the same geometrical procedure as the previous be that they did not have access to Omar Khayyam's solution,
one [Figure 11].56 Such a slight variation was enough for our had not comprehended it fully as indicated by the anonymous
author to be confused and regard these two as different author, or were showing their preference for the traditional
methods of construction. methods instead of trying an unusual technique, however
In the third method, the position of the point Q was simple and correct it was. Moving geometry was considered
determined as the arithmetic mean between LP, half of the side inadmissible by the majority of Muslim mathematicians, let
of the square, and LZ, half of the diagonal of the square [Figure alone the conservative-minded artisans. Whatever the reason
12b]. The deviation between the result of this and the real value, might be, it can be inferred that a conversazione,as a verbal
1.4 per cent, is rather large for a geometer to tolerate. The mode of transmitting knowledge, was a convenient means for
fourth method produced yet a larger deviation, 2.9 per cent, artisans but it was not always effective and productive in

FIG. I 1: One of the approximatemethodsof

constructingthe patternof Omar Khayyam's
7 I/
trianglein Interlocking 100
Bulatov,Geometricheskaia [see n.
garmonizatsiia ,
12],340, fig.33).




/ B

66 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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\ I\ I
\ \
\I /
\\F \ \ /I
•\ t?• NI
IN / t b

\ \
-\ i1 /
\ N

\ \ /
' •,

\ \
\ \

/ ~z \

\\ \
FIG. 12: Three of the approximate methods of

constructing the pattern of Omar Khayyam's

\ I
triangle in Interlocking Figures (adapted from

B C E G 0 Bulatov, Geometricheskaiagarmonizatsiia[see n.
12], 338, fig. 28).

promoting new ideas. Not all artisans were receptive to advice artisans; in the particular case of cubic equations, their advice to
coming from mathematicians (say, intellectuals of today; appar- artisans was to utilize verging procedures;
ently not much has changed since then). This may also explain b) InterlockingFigures, an anonymous work on ornamental
why the young Ottoman geometer seemed so displeased with geometry that was presumably written by an artisan, does not,
the artisans of his time. as a technical work, deserve the high praise it receives from
some scholars;
Conclusion c) The information provided by the anonymous author
The history and interpretation of Islamic architecture is full of suggests that a verbal mode of transmitting knowledge through
geometrical issues, and some of these are still unresolved. The conversazioniprevailed among artisans, but they were not always
present study illustrates a case that proves to be informative to informed about, or receptive to, mathematicians' advice.
both the history of architecture and the history of mathematics.
As the number of studies in depth on mathematical works of a Appendix
similar nature increases, one hopes, more of these issues will be A list of publications and commentaries on Abu 'l-Wafa"sbook,
resolved.57 On WhattheArtisanRequiresof GeometricConstructions:
Primarily, this study aims at providing evidence for the 1. Mashhad, Rida 37 (Persian), end of the tenth or the early
existence of conversazioni, at which mathematicians and eleventh century. The earliest extant manuscript that was
artisans collaborated to find solutions to the problems prepared at the request of Abu Mansir Baha' al-Dawla, the
concerning the application of geometry to architecture and Bujid ruler of Persia from 998 to 1013, by a translator whose
its related arts. The untitled treatise of Omar Khayyam name would perhaps have been ascertainable if the manuscript
proves to be a convincing document in this respect. Other had not been defective at the end; C. A. Storey, Persian
points that the study draws attention to can be summarized Literature, 2 vols. (London, 1972), 2:2-3. As the date can
as follows: be fixed to 998-1013, this manuscript is possibly one of the
a) Some mathematicians, such as Abu 'l-Wafa' and Omar two original Persian translations of Abu 'l-Wafa"s work,
weremorethanwillingto offertheirexpertiseto
Khayyam, either prepared by Najmaddin Mahmfid Shah or Abu


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Ishaq ibn 'Abdallah Kitibdni; see the Paris manuscript, appen- Baqir Zain al-'Abidin (active in 1637-38), the seventeenth
dix no. 6. century.
2. Tahran, Danishgdh 2876 (Persian), the eleventh or twelfth 8. Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, arab. 68 (Arabic).
century; Fuad Sezgin, GeschichtedesarabischenSchrifttums,7 vols. 9. Uppsala, Tornberg 324 (Arabic), 933-34 [?]. This manu-
(Leiden, 1974), 5:324. script, although virtually identical to Abu 'l-Wafa"swork, has a
3. Mashhad, Rida 5357/139 (Arabic commentary), by Ka- very unusual title, Kitdbal-hiyalal-rahdniyawa-l-asrdral-tabf-'fyafi
mdladdin Mfisa ibn Muhammad ibn Man'a (1175-1242), the daqd'iq al-ashkdl al-handasiya (The book of pneumatics and the
early thirteenth century. According to Ibn Khallikdn, Ibn Man'a natural mysteryin subtletiesof thegeometricfigures ), and is wrongly
highly extolled Abu 'l-Wafa' and possessed a number of his attributed to Al-Fdrdbi (d. 950). The mistake is corrected by
books; Ibn Khallik•n, BiographicalDictionary,trans. Mac Guckin Toomer and by Hogendijk; G. J. Toomer, Diocleson Burning
de Slane, 4 vols. (London, 1868), 3:320. Mirrors (Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1976), 23; J. P.
4. Cairo, Dar, riyada 260 (Arabic), the thirteenth century; Hogendijk, Ibn al-Haytham's'Completionof Conics'(New York,
Sezgin, Geschichte(Leiden, 1978), 7:408. Berlin, Heidelberg, and Tokyo, 1985), 62.
5. Istanbul,Ayasofya2753 (Arabic),the early fifteenth cen- 10. Woepcke, "Analyse et extrait d'un recueil de
tury (Sileymaniye Kiitfiphanesi, microfilm archive no. 375). constructions g0omrtriques par Aboul Wafa',"JournalAsiatique 5,
Thismanuscript As
waspresentedto UlughBeginSamarqand. no. 5 (1855): 218-56, 309-59; the Paris manuscript. Mainly due
mentioned on the title page, Abu 'l-Wafa"sbook was dedicated to the fact that Abu 'l-Wafa"s name and title, professor,was cited
to Mawlana al-Malik Shahinshdh al-Ajall al-Man-sfir Baha' several times in the text of the Paris manuscript, Woepcke
al-Dawla. He could have assumed the title of ShhdmnshMh only assumes that GeometricConstructions was actually composed by a
after Persia fell under his reign in 998. Abu 'l-Wafa'died either student of Abu 'l-Wafa'.Since the Paris manuscript was copied
in 997 according to Ibn Khallikan, or in June 998 according to from an earlier Persian translation, this fact can be traced back
Ibn al-Qifti; Ibn Khallikdin,Biographical Dictionary, 321; Ibn to the earliest one, possibly the manuscript Mashhad, Ridd 37
al-Qifti, Ta'rih al-hukama',ed. J. Lippert (Lepzig, 1903), 288. (appendix no. 1), and Najmaddin Mahmfid might indeed be a
Thus, it seems more likely that the manuscript was not copied student of Abu 'l-Wafa'.While translating the book, it seems, he
from the original work but translated back into Arabic from one felt entitled to insert the name and title of Abu 'l-Wafa'in the
of the earlier Persian translations, possibly the manuscript text.
Mashhad, Ridd 37 (appendix no. 1). 11. Heinrich Suter, "Das Buch der geometrischen Konstruk-
Ayasofya 2753 includes annotations apparently added by the tionen des Abu '1Wefa',"Abhandlungenzur Geschichteder Natur-
copyist himselfwho, in all probability, was one of the mathema- wissenschaftenund Medizin 4 (1922): 94-100; the Milan manu-
ticians gathered in Samarqand during Ulugh Beg's reign. script.
Those annotations, which particularly deal with theoretical 12. S. A. Krasnova, "Abu-l-Vafaal-Buzjani, 'Kniga o tom chto
proofs of Abu 'l-Waf'i"sconstructions, give us a better insight neobkhodimo remeslenniku iz geometricheskikh postroeniy',"
into the practical approach of Abu 'l-Wafi'. As a plausible nauki v stranakhVostokal (1966): 42-140;
possibility, it can be suggested that 'Ali Kushchu, who was the the Istanbul manuscript.
last one in charge of the observatory, took the manuscript with 13. S. A. Krasnova and A. Kubesov, Al-Farabi, matematichekie
him to Istanbul after the death of his friend Ulugh Beg and traktati(Alma-Ata, 1972); the Uppsala manuscript. The authors
placed it in the library of Ayasofya Madrasa, where he served as acknowledge the close resemblance between the Uppsala manu-
professor for the rest of his life. script and Abu 'l-Wafa"swork but, instead of questioning the
6. Paris, Bibliothbque Nationale, ancien fonds persan 169 authorship of the manuscript, they suggest the latter was
(Persian), the early seventeenth century; Storey, Persian Litera- perhaps based on the former.
ture, 2:2. According to the information given by the translator,
Abu ibn 'Abdallah Kitibani, he made use of an earlier
Ish.q prepared by his contemporary Najmaddin Mahmfid,
translation For the transliteration of the Arabic, Turkish, and Russian words that appear
a talented mathematician. Bulatov dates this manuscript to the in the present text, the system adopted by The Encyclopediaof Islam (2d ed.) is
followed. For the sake of convenience, subscript bars are omitted and 'j" is
early eleventh century by arguing that Najmaddin Mahmiid
substituted for "dj"and "i," "q"for "k,"and "ch" for "'." I would like to express
had lived during that time; Midhat Bulatov, Geometricheskaia of the Arabic
my gratitude to Taner Avci for his assistance in the translations
garmonizatsiiaarkhitektureSredneiAziiIX-XVvv (Moscow, 1978), passages.
I Ca'fer Efendi, Risdle-iMi'mdriyye,an Early-Seventeenth-CenturyOttomanTrea-
51-52. Bulatov's argument is very convincing; but it applies to
tise on Architecture,trans. Howard Crane (Leiden, New York, Copenhagen, and
the original translation, possibly the manuscript Mashhad,
Cologne, 1987), 28; see also Orhan Serif G6kyay, "Risale-i Mimariyye-Mimar
Rida37, certainly not to this late copy. Mehmed Aga-Eserleri" (Treatise on architecture, the architect Mehmed Agha
7. Mashhad, Rida 144 (Persian commentary), by Muhammad and his works), in Ismail HakkzUzuncarsdzyaArmagan (Ankara, 1976), 113-215.

68 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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The only manuscript of Risale-iMi 'mdriyyeexists in the Topkapi Sarayi Museum thus seems logical to take muhandisin its original usage, geometer,in this context
Library, YY339. too; see n. 8.
1 Ali R. Amir-Moez, "A
2 Al-Nadim, who gives full information about Abu 'l-Wafa"'s life and all his paper of Omar Khayyam," Scripta Mathematica 26
works, does not cite GeometricConstructionsin Fihrist, which was completed in (1963): 323-37. See also G. H. Musahib, Hakim OmareKhayyamas an Algebraist,
988-89; Al-Nadim, The Fihrist, trans. Bayard Dodge, 2 vols. (New York and Persian translation, Arabic edition, facsimile of the manuscript (Teheran, 1960);
London, 1970), 1:xxi. It can thus be concluded that GeometricConstructionswas S. A. Krasnova and B. A. Rosenfeld, "Omar Khayyam pervy algebraicheskiy
written sometime between 988-89 and 997 or 998, the two alternative dates traktat,"Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniya(1963), fascicle 15.
given for Abu 'l-Wafa 's death. The original work in Arabic, which was composed 12The only manuscript of this treatise exists in Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale,
of thirteen chapters, is not extant today. All the existing copies are in one way or ancien fonds persan manuscript 169, following the Persian translation of Abu
another incomplete. The fact that most of the copies are Persian translations 'l-Wafa"'s GeometricConstructions(see appendix, no. 6). It is published in Midhat
indicates that it was popular in Persia. For the list of all the available publications S. Bulatov, Geometricheskaiagarmonizatsiia v arkhitektureSrednei Azii IX-XV vv
and commentaries, see appendix. In the present text, the references are made (Moscow, 1978), appendix 2, 325-54. The second word of the title, which
to the Istanbul manuscript, Ayasofya 2753, which includes fifteenth-century Bulatov reads as maddkhil(introduction), can also be read as taddkhul(interlock-
annotations; see appendix, no. 5. ing). I adopted the latter since it answers the content of the treatise better;
3" )A'lamu 'inna al-sunna( ya malfna al-'ashkali fil mudawwaraat wa 'alayha hereafter the treatise is cited as InterlockingFigures, and references concerning
bil qismah ... fa' inna al-sina al-jayidd 'indahum an yabtadi al-sina' bid&rbmin the text and figures are made to Bulatov's publication.
al-nadhir al-qarniya yasilu ila miqdar dil' al-mukhammas aw al-musaddas 'aw 13Amir-Moez, "APaper," 336.
al-mu'ashshar 'aw ghayruha min al-'ashkil fi h~dha al-kitdb '14M. Soussi, "'Ilm al-handasa," Encyclopediaoflslam 3 (1982): 414.
."Ayasofya 2753, 21. krim bayann•hffi 15 "Wa naj'al laha qawanin narja ilayha fa'anna jami mi yastdmiluhu al-
4 "Fainna al-sana' 'aridshhumi yuqrab 'ilayhi al-'amalfi wa yazhar lahu sihhlt sunna' fi hadha al-bab bima 'usfil ya'mal a'layhi wa li'ajil dhalika tZq'a al-ghalt
ma narahu fi al-his wa 'l-mushahada wala yubili bil barshin al-khutuitiya wa al-kathir fama yuqassimfinahu wa yurrattibunahu..." Ayasofya 2753 (see appen-
'l-muhandis idhi qami lahu al-burhin ' la al-shay bil tawissum lam yas' al sihhit dix, no. 5), 47.
dhalikai bil mushdhada 'aw lam yassuhhu 'ala anna lashakka inna jami' m~ 16Some scholars are of the opinion that Abu
'l-Wafa' borrowed this figure
yarhifi al-sana innama huwa makhifdh mimmdiya'mIlahu al-muhandis 'wwdila from Indian mathematics; Moritz Cantor, VorlesungenuberGeschichte derMathema-
al-burhin 'hla sihhatahu fainna al-sana wa 'l-masah innamd ya khidu min tik, 4 vols. (reprint, New York and Stuttgart, 1965), 1:744-45; Adolf P.
qnma' zibtadahu
al shay wala yufakkiru fi al-wujfih allati tathbitu dhalika bihi Youschkevitch, Les mathematiquesarabes, trans. M. Cazenave and K. Jauishe
waliajil dhilika qit ydqi al-ghdl~t wa 'l-khiti fa' amma al-muhandissihh.t faqad (Paris, 1976), 110. It seems more reasonable to consider it as a prompt response
'ulima sihhat mi nuridhu bil barahin idha kdna huwd al-mustdkhrij lilma'ani to artisans' requirements. He might, however, have been influenced by Thabit
al-lati 'mala 'alayhi al-sana wa 'l-masah .. ." Ayasofya 2753, 52-53. ibn Qurra's (836-901) method of dissection; see Thomas L. Heath, Euclid's
5"Conversazione: a meeting for conversation, esp. about art, literature, Elements,3 vols. (New York, 1956), 1:365.
science, etc." Longman Dictionaryof Contemporary English (Bath, 1978), 241. 17According to the information given by Al-Kdshi in the chapter on architec-
6"Laqqd hadqrtu fi bq•'d al-majilis wafihi jama'a min al-sunna' wa '1 ture in his book, this figure was called ldwza (almond) in fifteenth-century Persia
muhandisin .. ." Ayasofya 2753, 53. and Khurasan; Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid al-Kashi, MiAfhal-hisdb (Keyfor arith-
7 This point is discussed in more detail by Daoud S. Kasir in The Algebra of metic), ed. Nabulsi Nader (Damascus, 1977), 220, 382. As Al-Jazari informs us,
OmarKhayyam(New York, 1931), 18-19. the same Arabic name was used by Artukid artisans in the thirteenth century; Ibn
8 Renata Holod argues that traditional modes of
transmitting architectural al-Razziz al-Jazari, The Book of Knowledgeof Ingenious Mechanical Devices, trans.
knowledge through example and through verbal or visual notation do not allow Donald R. Hill (Dordrecht and Boston, 1974), passim. Its current Turkish name
for the explanation of those innovations, and suggests that a more thorough among stonemasons of Anatolia, based on my own observations, is badem
awareness of the history of engineering may be necessary; Renata Holod, "Text, (almond). In another part of the Muslim world, Morocco, traditional artisans of
Plan and Building: On the Transmission of Architectural Knowledge," in today continue to call it lawza; Andre Paccard, Le Maroc et l'artisananttradionnel
Theoriesand Principles of Design in the Architectureof Islamic Societies,ed. M. B. islamiquedans l'architecture(Annecy, 1983), passim. It has to be noted, however,
Sevtenko (Cambridge, Mass., 1988), 1-2, 11, n. 4. She cites the works of that the anonymous author of InterlockingFigures used two different names for
Miisa ibn Shakir as the examples to be studied. Although one of the three this figure, turunj (orange) and conical quadrilateral;Bulatov, Geometricheskaia
brothers was a technologist as well, all were prominent mathematicians, and, like garmonizatsiia(see n. 12), 339, 341-42, 344.
all others, they were referred to as muhandis(geometer; see nn. 4, 6). The word i8 Al-Kashi briefly explained how to calculate the area of the almond and
muhandis, which originally meant "one who does geometry," in the modern treated it separately as one of the key elements of muqarnas;Al-KIshi, Miftih al-
usage corresponds to engineer with a narrower meaning, "one who applies hisdb, 222-25, 381-90. For the English translation of Al-Kashi's section on
geometry." It seems more reasonable to think of muhandis in its original muqarnas,see Ozdural, "El-Kashi and Stalactites" (see n. 9), 37-43.
meaning rather than engineer,unless it is used in late sources. Therefore, Holod's 19For further discussion of this point, see Lisa Golombek and Donald Wilber,
suggestion and my proposition actually amount to the same point, that is, a The TimuridArchitecture oflran and Turan (Princeton, 1988), 137-38.
thorough awareness of the history of mathematics may prove to be useful in 20See n. 2 and
explaining some of the innovations that we observe in major monuments of the 21 Amir-Moez, "A
Paper" (see n. 11), 323.
Islamic world. For a probable illustration of this point, see n. 43. 22See n. 11.
Aydm Saylh, Giydth al-D-n al-Kdshrs Letter on Ulugh Beg and the Scientific 23Amir-Modz, "APaper," 323.
Activity Patronized by Him (Ankara, 1960), 101-2; see also E. S. Kennedy, "A 24Kasir, TheAlgebra(see n. 7), 2.
Letter ofJamshid al-Kishi to his Father," Orientalia 29 (1960): 191-213. The 25Amir-Modz, "A Paper," 336.
debate took place in the presence of Timurid Prince Ulugh Beg, the founder 26As the debate that Al-Kashi related indicates, it was not unusual for royalty
of the observatory, and other high-ranking people, but they did not take part in to show interest in such meetings, particularly when the discussions concerned
it. Various aspects of this highly interesting debate is discussed in Alpay Ozdural, architectural problems of the buildings they sponsored; see n. 9. Itwould not be
"Giyaseddin Jemshid el-Kashi and Stalactites," Middle East Technical University, surprising, therefore, if Saljukid Sultan Malikshih or his vizier, Nizim al-Mulk
Journal ofthe FacultyofArchitecture10 (1990): 34-35. (who, according to an unconfirmed story, was an old friend ofOmar Khayyam),
'o Bernard O'Kane, Timurid Architecturein Khurasan (Costa Mesa, 1987), was present at that meeting given that they were the sponsors of the south dome
37-38. O'Kane expresses difficulty in interpreting the prominence given to of the Masjid-iJami' of Isfahan.
muhandisin these accounts (he gathers a list of twelve citations), and suggests that 27For instance, Ulugh Beg was a well-known astronomer, and Ottoman
it would more closely approximate surveyorrather than architect.When Al-KIshi Sultan Abdulhamid II was an accomplished carpenter. We do not have any such
referred to mathematicians, he used the title muhandis.There appears no reason information, however, concerning contemporary Seljukid royalty.
why the very same word should assume a different meaning when it occurred in 28Amir-Modz, "A Paper" (see n. 11), 325.
other contemporary sources that include the accounts of building operations. It 29Amir-Modz, "A Paper," 325.


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According to Euclid's Elements3.16, the tangent RT is drawn at the point R, authorship of the design of the north dome appears now more likely than when
and the line EB is extended until it intersects the tangent at the point T. Draw Grabar suggested it as an "unverifiable but attractive" possibility. It can also be
the line RE. Since the angle ERT is a right angle, the line RH is perpendicular to noted with interest that the proportion of the north dome is almost precisely
the hypotenuse ET and, according to Elements6.8, EH: HR = HR: HT. Hence, equal to the ratio of Omar Khayyam's triangle: the diameter at the springing
HR2 = EH. HT. Similarly, HR2 = DH. HB. Therefore, DH . HB = EH. HT. level/the height from the springing level to the apex = 1028 cm/666 cm = tan
According to Elements6.16, DH : EH = HT : HB. By decomposition of ratios, 570 03' 45"; the measurements are obtained from the photogrammetric survey
ED: EH = BT: BH. But, AE : RH = EH: HB is the given condition. By two of the monument in Rassad Survey Company, "Masjed-e Jame' Esfahan,"
exchanges, AE : EH = RH: HB. But, AE = DE. Thus, RH : HB = BT: HB. published paper presented to Symposiumon the PhotogrammetricSurveyofAncient
Therefore, according to Elements5.9, RH = BT. But, RE = EB. Consequently, Monuments (Athens, 1974), 13. With its superbly arranged proportions, finely
ER + RH = ET; Amir-Moez, "A Paper" (see n. 11), 325-26. articulated hierarchy of structure, and richly outlined muqarnas, the space
3' Since ED : EH = BT: BH, by composition of ratios DH : EH = TH : HB. underneath the astounding north dome is certainly one of the greatest
By exchange of ratios, DH : HT = EH : HB. But, EH : HB = ER: RH. Since the achievements of the architecture of the Islamic world. If the foregoing argument
triangles ERH and RHT are similar, RE : RH = RT: HT. Thus, RT: HT = DH : is indeed true, then what we observe here is the inspiring contribution of Omar
HT. Therefore, RT = HD. But, HD = ER + EH. Consequently, RT = ER + Khayyam, a very talented mathematician and a brilliant poet, to architecture.
EH; Amir-Moez, "A Paper," 326. 44See appendix, no. 10.
32Amir-Moez, "A Paper," 327. 45 For example Bulatov regards it as a textbook that explains the basic
3 Dotted lines are added to facilitate the comparision with Fig. 6. principles of geometric decorations and which reflects the progress of applied
34IfBD = x and AD = 10, then AB2 = x 2 + 100, according to Euclid, Elements geometry of its time; Midhad S. Bulatov, "U istikov arkhitekturnoy nauki
1.47. Since the triangles ABC and ABD are similar, AC : AB = AB : AD and srednego vostoka," NarodyAzii iAfriki 1 (1973): 99, 252; Bulatov, Geometricheskaia
AB2 = AC AD. Then, AC = AB2/AD = 10 + x2/10. But AC = AB + BD. Then, garmonizatsiia (see n. 12), 52. Chorbachi goes even further and claims, "in
AB + BD = 10 + x2/ 10. If BD is subtracted, then AB = 10 + x2/ 10 - x. If this contrast to the simple shapes and polygons of Abu 'l-Wafa"•smanuscript, the
equation is multiplied by itself, then 100 + 3x2 + x4/100 - 20x + x3/5 = 100 + complex geometric shapes in Interlocking... Figures indicate a much higher and
x2. When algebraic procedures are applied, the equation becomes 2x2 + later stage of development ..."; 1 Wasma'a K. Chorbachi, "In the Tower of
x4/ 100 = 20x + x3/5. When every term is divided by x, it becomes x3/ 100 + 2x = Babel: Beyond Symmetry in Islamic Design," An InternationalJournal:Computers
x2/5 + 20. When it is multiplied by 100, we obtain the equation x3 + 200x = and MathematicswithApplications17 (1989): 755.
46 Most
20x 2 + 2,000; Amir-Mo&z,"A Paper," 327-28. significantly, the anonymous author exhibits a total ignorance of
35Amir-Moez, "A Paper," 329. Several mathematicians attempted to devise GeometricConstructions.This point clearly indicates that InterlockingFigures was
an instrument, which they called a perfectcompass,to perform drawings of conic not intended as the appendix to Abu 'l-Wafa"•swork, as Bulatov wrongly
sections; see F. Woepcke, "Trois trait6s arabes sur le compas perfait," Noticeset assumes; Bulatov, "U istikov," 99; Bulatov, Geometricheskaiagarmonizatsiia,
extraits 22 (1874): 1-176. Those instruments, which hardly had any practical 51-52, 325. He dates the Persian translation of GeometricConstructions(the Paris
value, were actually intented for mathematicians, not "for people who do not manuscript) to the early eleventh century and applies this date automatically to
know conics"; therefore, what Omar Khayyam was referring to could not be a Interlocking Figures; see appendix, no. 6. According to internal evidence,
perfect compass. however, it seems likely that the anonymous treatise was written sometime in the
Omar Khayyam concluded his comments on algebra by providing a brief early thirteenth century, after 1206, probably in Diyarbakir (a major city in
outline of his subsequent work, TheAlgebra: southeastern Anatolia); Alpay Ozdural, "An Ornamental Pattern of Cubic
If the opportunity arises and I can succeed, I shall bring all of these fourteen Equations," Muqarnas (publication pending).
forms with all branches and cases, and how to distinguish whatever is possible Generally the constructions in Interlocking Figures are of a stenographic
or impossible so that a paper, containing elements which are greatly useful in nature. It should, therefore, be considered as a sample of the repertoire of the
this art will be prepared; Amir-Moez, "A Paper," 331. artisans working probably in the thirteenth-century Diyarbakilrarea. It would be
36Ayasofya 2753 (see appendix, no. 5), 13-14, 2.19, 20, and 22. misleading, however, to assume that all the patterns and methods in this treatise
37The Greek solutions that Abu 'l-Wafa'borrowed are: Heron of Alexandria, were the peculiarity of this period and area. As architectural knowledge was
Mechanics,2.11; Archimedes, Book ofLemmata, 18; Pappus, Collections,4.36-42. transmitted mainly through examples, it is expected that some of these were
For more information on verging solutions in Greek mathematics, see T. L. introduced earlier, and some continued to be employed by artisans of later
Heath, A Historyof GreekMathematics,2 vols. (Oxford, 1965), 1:235-70; T. L. generations in several other locations.
Heath, The WorksofArchimedes(New York, 1921), c-cxxii. 47InterlockingFigures appears to be not the only work of this sort. Ca'fer
38Amir-Moez, "A Paper" (see n. 11), 333. Efendi, the author of Risdle-i Mi'mriyye, informs us that he had published a
3 Amir-Mo&z, "A Paper," 336. In accordance with Omar Khayyam's advice, treatise on geometry prior to Risdle-i Mi mariyye(see n. 1); but this can not be
the angle BAC (Fig. 8) can be determined by more precise calculation as: traced:
570 03i 53ii 34ii. Because we have been connected with him [Mehmed Aga] for many years
The trigonometric relation that he describes corresponds to: until the present time [1614], for the most part closely, when certain subjects
1: sin BAC = cos BAC : 1 - cos BAC. concerning the science of geometry were being discussed, this humble servant
40 If the shorter side of the
triangle, AB, is taken again as 1 but the took and wrote down everything. In accordance with this, he set down and
perpendicular BD is designated as x, then the equation becomes: composed a treatise concerning the science of geometry. However, previous
x3 + 2x2 = 2. to this, books of deeds were written and composed about some of the
41 See n. 35. chief-architects. As books of deeds were written down for them, it was
42Youschkevitch, Mathematiquesarabes(see n. 16), 94. necessary for us to write, in addition to that treatise on geometry, a book of
deeds about our generous Aga. Efendi, Risdle-iMimnriyye,22-23.
43Oleg Grabar, following the late Eric Schroeder, suggests that possibly
Omar Khayyam was behind the conceptual thinking that created the north 48 "Sootnosheniya etogo cherteja zaklyuchayutsya v konicheskikh [secheni-
dome of the Masjid-i Jami' of Isfahan (1088, the first known example of yakh]. Tsel sostoit v tom, chtobi postroit takoy pryamougolniy treugolnik, visota i
geometric decorations on dome surfaces); Oleg Grabar, The Great Mosque of samaya korotkaya storona kotorogo vmeste bili bi ravni gipotenuze. Ibn
Khaysam napisal traktat o postroenii takogo treugolnika, i tam govoritsya o
lsfahan (New York and London, 1990), 85, n. 5. Since the application of the
pentagram on the surface of the dome required the knowledge of spherical konicheskikh secheniyakh, yavlyayushchikhsya giperbolami i parabolami." Bula-
tov, Geometricheskaia garmonizatsiia(see n. 12), 341.
trigonometry in order to transform the straight lines of the two-dimensional
schema into curves, it is plausible to think that Omar Khayyam, who was well 49Ibn al-Haytham, a prominent physicist-mathematician, wrote more than
versed in mathematics and astronomy, and who had a delightful imagination, 180 treatises. The titles of all are listed and around seventy are extant today.
was possibly the one who conceived of such an idea. It can reasonably be Although he made extensive use of conic sections, none of his works concerns
assumed that, between ca. 1074 and 1088, Omar Khayyam had attended several this particular problem. One of the treatises is about the perpendiculars of the
conversazioni and had acquired a familiarity with architecture. To claim his triangles, but there he investigates the sum of the perpendicular distances from a

70 JSAH / 54:1, MARCH 1995

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point inside a triangleto the sides. For more informationon Ibn al-Haytham's mode of learning,then Abu'l-Wafa"'s book, in spiteof all his effortsin makingit
works, see Fuad Sezgin, Geschichtedes arabischen Schrifttums,7 vols. (Leiden, comprehensibleto artisans,was apparentlya futile exercise. Perhaps Abu
1974), 5:365-74; H. M. Said, ed., Imnal-Haytham,Proceedingsof the Celebrationsof 'l-Wafa'concievedof his book as an effectivereplacementforconversazioni, but if
the l000th Anniversary (Hamdard, 1971); Jan P. Hogendijk, Ibn al-Haytham's so, then it failed to compete with the conveniencethat that sort of meeting
'Completionof the Conics'(New York, Berlin,Heidelbergand Tokyo, 1985); R. providedfor artisans.The same fate, it seems,was sharedby OmarKhayyam's
Rashed,"Laconstructionde l'heptagonregulierpar Ibn al-Haytham,"Journal untitledtreatise.He addressedit to artisansas wellas his learnedcolleagues,but
for HistoryofArabic Science3 (1979): 309-87; R. Rashed,"Ibnal-Haythamet le it had not been readeven by the anonymousauthor,whowascertainlyone of the
theorme de Wilson," Archivefor History of Exact Sciences 22 (1980): 305-21; R. highlyliterateartisans.
Rashed, "Ibnal-Haythamet la mesure du paraboloide," Journalfor Historyof 5' "Zdes tsel mojno dostignut 'lineykoy-treugolnikom'. Kak bilo skazano
ArabicScience5 (1981): 191-262; A. I. Sabra,"Ibnal-Haytham'sLemmasfor vishe, tsel nashego cherteja-chetire konichesie figuri s dvumya pryamimi
Solving 'Alhazen's Problem'," Archive for History of Exact Sciences 26 (1982): uglami, okrujayushchieravnostoronniypryamougol'niychetirekhugolnik.Ta-
299-324. kovikonicheskiechetirekhugolniki AIHK,CHMN,PMLXi BLKO,opisivayush-
50The anonymous author's inaccuraciessuggest that a verbal mode of chie chetirekhugolnikKHML.Poskolkuugol H chetirekhugolnikaobrazavan
transmittingknowledge through conversazioni was prevalentamong artisans. dvumya perpendikulyamimiliniyami,to neizbejno KH i [H]D--pryamie, a
They seemed to have the tendencyof obtaininginformationthroughdialogue, treugol'nikAKC-pryamougolniy raven treugolnikuCHD. A etot treugolnik
not byreading,even if theywereliterate.Holod arguesthatthe existenceof Abu pryamougolniyposkolkuvpisanv polovinuokrujnosti.Itak,nujnonaytitochky
'l-Wafa's book indicatesa modicumof literacyamong artisans;Holod, "'Trans- H na duge [C]E. Esli na nashey lineykougol F-pryamoy, to storonaAB-
mission of ArchitecturalKnowledge"(see n. 8), 3. The anonymous author pryamayai sovpadaetso storonoyAB kvadrata.A Allakhznaetlusche."Bulatov,
himself is the most convincingcase for her point; but even then, he did not Geometricheskaia (see n. 12), 341-42, fig. 36. Fig. 10 of the present
manifestany knowledgeof Abu 'l-Wafa"swork;see n. 46. As Bloom rightly text is adapted from the figure given by Bulatov,except for the ruler,which I
pointsout, learningsomethingbyreadinga book is a distinctlymodernpractice, addedin orderto makethe vergingconstructionpossible.
and it is not likelyto imagine artisansborrowingAbu 'l-Wafa'sbook from a 52Forcomparision,see nn. 30 and 31.
libraryto read his instructions;Jonathan M. Bloom, "On the Transmissionof 53 Forthe date and placeof InterlockingFigures,see n. 46.
Designsin EarlyIslamicArchitecture," Muqarnas10 (1993):21. Accordingto the 54See n. 46.
aforementionedaccountof the Ottoman geometer, it appears that the same garmonizatsiia,339-41, fig. 33.
55Bulatov, Geometricheskaia
type of learning also prevailedamong the artisansof the imperial court in 56 Bulatov, Geometricheskaia
garmonizatsiia,337-38, fig. 28. In both cases, the
sixteenth-centuryIstanbul.As the geometer was reading from a book on tangentof the angleof rotationis determinedas 4/(4 - 2).
geometry,he wasnarratingand explainingeach sectionto the artisans;Efendi, 7 Forinstance,Al-Kishi'sKeyforArithmetic(see n. 17) providesus with some
Risdle-iMi'mtriyye (seen. 1),28 (accordingto the referencesgivenin the text, the crucial informationto resolve the seeming complexity of the geometry of
book thathe wasreadingfrommusthavebeen writtensometimebetween1540 muqarnas;see Ozdural, "El-Kashiand Stalactites"(see n. 9), 31-47; Alpay
and 1570). Listeningto oral explanationscan not be the most effectiveway of Ozdural,"Analysisof the Geometryof Stalactites:BuruciyeMedresein Sivas,"
acquiringa real familiaritywith geometry.If the Ottomangeometer'saccount Middle East Technical University,Journal of the Faculty of Architecture11 (1991):
and Interlocking Figuresare consideredas sufficientevidencefor artisans'verbal 57-71.


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