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First Periodical Examination in Cookery 10

SY 2022-2023

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer

MELC #1: Develop and strengthen PECs needed in Cooker

1. Every entrepreneur has their own success story like Mr.Tony, the owner of Jollibee who
started his business here in the Philippines. You inspired and decided to start up a
business in own place. What important characteristics of a good entrepreneur that you
should possess in order to improve your performance to produce good products and/or
provide good services? (remember-factual)
A. Committed(U)
B. Hardworking (R)
C. Self-confidence(M)
D. Intelligent (P)

2. In TLE subject, you have to experience assessing your entrepreneurial skills through
various educational activities. As part of your performance task, you need to sell
products to your respective area, which statement best shows that you are innovating
your business? (evaluating-conceptual)
A. Be creative in order to have edge over other competitors. (R)
B. Generate profit for your family. (M)
C. Effective communication skills. (U)
D. Make a wise decision. (P)

MELC #2: Prepare and present egg dishes

3. Egg is cooked in many ways and can be eaten anywhere even served in many
restaurants like Tagaytay. Why do you think that egg dishes are very common and
convenient food? (understanding-metacognitive)
A. It has protein, vitamins and minerals. (M)
B. It requires a little preparation. (R)
C. It is available in the market. (P)
D. It is delicious and nutritious. (U)

4. Every year, the TLE department conducted a contest about egg cooking show. You
decided to join the contest and one of this criteria is presenting your dish attractively,
how will you present your disk? (Applying-Metacognitive)
A. I will put a garnish. (R)
B. I will follow the clock design. (U)
C. I will add side dish. (P)
D. I will use white plate. (M)
5. As part of performance task in Cookery 10, the students are tasked to prepare and cook
an omelet at home and send the picture of the finish dish on their TLE group chat. After
preparing the necessary equipment, what would be the right step-by-step procedure
in cooking omelet?(Application-Procedural)
I. Cook for a minute, then slide omelette onto plate.
II. Beat eggs and seasoned with salt and pepper.
III. Heat the pan and add the oil or butter.
IV. Pour the eggs and when eggs are almost set on surface, cover half omelette with
A. III, II, IV, I (M)
B. II, I, III, IV (U)
C. II, III, IV, I (R)
D. I, II, III IV. (P)

MELC #3: Prepare and present starch and cereal dishes

6.It is important to be familiar with cereal and starch.
different shapes of pasta so that cooking times can be adjusted. What will you consider
if you are going to cook pasta? (Remember-factual)
A. The larger and fuller the pasta shape, the longer cooking time.(R)
B. The larger and emptier the pasta shape, the longer cooking time(U)
C. The larger and fuller the pasta shape, the shorter cooking time.(M)
D. The colorful the pasta, the longer time cooking.(P)

7.Matthew wants to help his mother in preparing spaghetti dish. His mother told him to
cook 500g pasta. What would be Matthew’s first step in cooking pasta? (Create-
A. Boil the water rapidly and drop in the pasta.(U)
B. Put cooking oil in a pan and drop the pasta.(P)
C. Put 4 quarter water per 500 g of pasta in a kettle. Add 1 ½ teaspoon salt. (R)
D. Drain immediately in a colander as soon as it is al dente and rinse into cold running
water until pasta is completely cooled.(M)

8.Joan is a young entrepreneur, she serves different dishes in her barangay. One of her
dish in her menu board is spaghetti. For her customers to enjoy the pasta, what would
be the best technique in preparing pasta before plating?(Application-procedural)
A. Cook the pasta the night before serving.(M)
B. Cook pasta ahead of time and serve it up deliciously hot. (R)
C. Cook the pasta immediately, but rinse in cold water.(U)
D. Fry the pasta.(P)
MELC #4: Storing starch and cereal dishes
9. In every Christmas celebration, pasta is always present in our table and sometimes we
stored in refrigerator the remaining pasta. On the next two days, your mother told you
to pre-heat the stored pasta and served it immediately. What do you think is the
reason of your mother even you requested it to serve on New years day? (Analysis-
A. To avoid spoilage of pasta. (M)
B. To preserve its freshness. (R)
C. The pasta will be frozen. (P)
D. The pasta will preserve its flavors. (U)

10. Every All Saints Day, family are coming together to the cemetery to visit their lost family
members and bring their food like pasta. Which of the following is suggested if you will
hold pasta for a short time for later service? (remember-factual)
A. Cook pasta ahead of time and chill. (R)
B. Drain and add sauce. (U)
C. Drain, toss with a small amount of oil, cover and hold in warmer. (M)
D. Undercook slightly the pasta. (P)
First Periodical Examination in Cookery 10
SY 2022-2023

(for test items that apply SOLO Taxonomy)

Assigned Number of Points per Option

Item Number
1 1 3 2 0
2 0 2 1 3
3 2 3 1 0
4 3 1 0 2
5 0 1 2 3
6 3 1 2 0
7 1 0 3 2
8 2 3 1 0
9 2 3 0 1
10 3 1 2 0

Prepared by:

Teacher III



Principal II

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