Chapter 1

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Sub: Psychology Topic: Ch.1 Grade: 12 Total M: 20 Obt. M:

Name: Roll No. Code: JT/Test/01 Time: 30 Min. Date:

I. Objective Type Questions: (1M each)

1. Ability to use past experiences creatively to solve novel problems is known as:
(a) Musical intelligence (b) Interpersonal intelligence
(c) Experiential intelligence (d) Contextual intelligence
2. __________ and performance tests helps reduce the cultural bias usually associated with intelligence
(a) Non- Verbal (b) Group (c) Individual (d) Verbal
3. _____________involve seeking information from a person on a one to one basis.
(a) Case study (b) Self -Report (c) Interview (d) Psychological test
4. Giftedness from the teacher’s point of view depends on a combination of ________
(a) high ability, high creativity, high commitment (b) high ability, high creativity, high cooperation
(c) high ability, high commitment, high talent (d) high ability, high creativity, high dependence
5. Howard Gardner has proposed many types of intelligence except _______________
(a) Musical (b) Interpersonal (c) linguistic (d) Creative
6. The correlation between intelligence test scores of identical twins is _____________
(i) Higher when they are raised together than when they are raised apart
(ii) Greater than that for fraternal twins raised together
(iii) Lower than that for any other blood relatives
(iv) The same whether they are reared together or apart.
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (ii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iv)
7. If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviour of other people, he/she
is said to have __________
(a) Interpersonal intelligence (b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c ) Linguistic intelligence (d) Social intelligence
8. Sternberg’s experiential intelligence includes
(a) The ability to learn from past events (b) The ability to manipulate people’s opinions
(c) Creative problem solving (d) Basic academic skills
9. Intelligence Quotients (IQ) refers to
(a) Chronological age divided by mental age and multiplied by 100
(b) Chronological age multiplied by mental age and divided by 100
(c) Mental age divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100
(d) Mental age multiplied by chronological age and divided by 100
10. __________refers to the measurement of psychological attributes of individuals and their
evaluation, often using multiple methods in terms of certain standards of comparison.
(a) Actualisation (b) Assessment (c) Attribute achievement (d) Analysis
11. Vikas lags behind his peers in language and motor skills. He is trained in self-care as well as in
simple social and communication skills. He also needs little supervision in everyday tasks. He is
likely to be at the ____ level of intellectual disability.
(a) Mild (IQs 55 to approximately 70) (b) Moderate (IQs 35-40 to approximately 50-55)
(c) Severe (IQs 20-25 to approximately 35-40) (d) Profound (IQs below 20-25)
12. Abdul realises that intelligence tests are of several types. Which of the following is/are CORRECT
explanation/explanations of the types of tests that he can use to assess intelligence?
i) On the basis of their administration procedure, they can be categorised as either culture-fair or
cultural – biased
ii) They can also be classified as either verbal or performance tests on the basis of the nature of
items used
iii) Depending upon the extent to which an intelligence test favours one culture over another, it can
be judged as either individual or group tests.
iv) Abdul can choose a test depending on the purpose. This can be an individual group, verbal, non-
verbal or performance test.
(a) i, ii and iii (b) iii (c) iii and iv (d) ii and iv
13. Angel is high on the ability to think analytically and critically. Therefore, she performs well in
academics. She is most likely to possess the following:
(i) Contextual intelligence i.e. the analysis of information to solve problems.
(ii) Componential intelligence which has three components, each serving a different function.
(iii) Experimental intelligence, which is the knowledge acquisition component.
(iv) Meta or a higher-order component, which involves planning about what to do and how to do it.
(v) Performance component which involves actually doing things.
(a) ii, ii, iv and v (b) i, iii, iv and v (c) ii, iii and v (d) ii, iv and v
II. Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option. (1M each)
1. Assertion (A) : Pass model explains that state of arousal is basic to any behaviour as it helps in
attending to stimuli. Arousal and attention enable a person to process information.
Reason(R) : An optimal level of arousal focuses our attention to the relevant aspects of a problem.
Too much or too little arousal would interfere with attention.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is false
2. Assertion (A) : Alfred Binet was the first psychologist who tried to formalise the concept of
intelligence in term of mental operations and has gave the concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Reason(R) : Binet’s one-factor theory of intelligence was rather simple as it arose from his interest
in differentiating more intelligent from less intelligent individuals.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
III. Fill in the blanks: (1M each)
1. Individual’s underlying potential for acquiring skills is known as ___________________.
2. _______________is a method in which a person provides factual information about herself/himself.
3. The _______________approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.
4. A person, who is generally aggressive, may behave in a submissive manner in the presence of
her/his top boss. This is known as ___________________.
5. According to teachers, students who have a combination of high ability, high creativity and high
commitment are said to be __________________.
Sub: Psychology Topic: Ch.1 Grade: 12 Total M: 15 Obt. M:
Name: Roll No. Code: JT/Test/02 Time: 30 Min. Date:

I. Very Short Answer type Questions: (1M Each)

1. Define Intelligence.
2. Explain linguistic intelligence.
3. Explain contextual intelligence.
4. What is simultaneous and successive processing in intellectual functioning?
5. Classify people on the basis of IQ.
6. What is Intellectual Giftedness?
7. What is Psychological test?
8. Define emotional intelligence.
9. Differentiate between psychometric and information processing approaches to intelligence.
10. What is Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)?
II. Short Answer Type Questions: (2M each)
1. State Gardner’s eight types of intelligence. Describe any one with the help of example.


Sub: Psychology Topic: Ch.1 Grade: 12 Total M: 15 Obt. M:
Name: Roll No. Code: JT/Test/02 Time: 30Min. Date:

I. Very Short Answer type Questions: (1M Each)

1. Define Intelligence.
2. Explain linguistic intelligence.
3. Explain contextual intelligence.
4. What is simultaneous and successive processing in intellectual functioning?
5. Classify people on the basis of IQ.
6. What is Intellectual Giftedness?
7. What is Psychological test?
8. Define emotional intelligence.
9. Differentiate between psychometric and information processing approaches to intelligence.
10. What is Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)?
II. Short Answer Type Questions: (2M)
1. State Gardner’s eight types of intelligence. Describe any one with the help of example.
III. Read the case given below and answer the questions (3M)
This is a story of three students Ruby, Radhika and Shankar who were enrolled in an Undergraduate
Psychology Program in a University. Ruby was the admission officer’s dream. She was selected for
the program as she had perfect entrance test scores, outstanding grades and excellent letters of
recommendation. But when it was time for Ruby to start coming up with ideas of her own, she
disappointed her professors.
On the other hand, Radhika did not meet the admission officer’s expectations. She had good
grades but low entrance exam scores. However, her letters of recommendation described her as a
creative young woman. She could design and implement research work with minimal guidance at
Shankar ranked somewhere in between the two students. He was satisfactory on almost every
traditional measure of success. But rather than falling somewhere in the middle of his class at college,
Shankar proved to be an outstanding student. His strength lay in the ability to not only adapt well to
the demands of his new environment but also to modify the environment to suit his needs.
1. Identify the theory of intelligence which best explains the intelligence of all the three students in the
2. Out of the three students mentioned in the story, who are/is more likely to be a successful

IV. Read the case given below and answer the questions (3M)
This is a story of three students Ruby, Radhika and Shankar who were enrolled in an Undergraduate
Psychology Program in a University. Ruby was the admission officer’s dream. She was selected for
the program as she had perfect entrance test scores, outstanding grades and excellent letters of
recommendation. But when it was time for Ruby to start coming up with ideas of her own, she
disappointed her professors.
On the other hand, Radhika did not meet the admission officer’s expectations. She had good
grades but low entrance exam scores. However, her letters of recommendation described her as a
creative young woman. She could design and implement research work with minimal guidance at
Shankar ranked somewhere in between the two students. He was satisfactory on almost every
traditional measure of success. But rather than falling somewhere in the middle of his class at college,
Shankar proved to be an outstanding student. His strength lay in the ability to not only adapt well to
the demands of his new environment but also to modify the environment to suit his needs.
1. Identify the theory of intelligence which best explains the intelligence of all the three students in the
2. Out of the three students mentioned in the story, who are/is more likely to be a successful

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