Circuits - Lab - Handbook RA ZJSU

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Autumn term 2021

Electronic Circuit and Systems design

Dr. R. Aviles
[email protected]



• To become familiar with the characteristics of a single transistor, to extract its performance
parameters, and to compare the measured values with the values given in the data sheet.
• To gain an understanding of transistors in simple single stage switching and amplifier
• To acquire a basic knowledge of circuit simulation and virtual instrumentation techniques
(using Multisim) by comparing these with experiment


The curve tracer displays device characteristics in essentially the same way as we can display
diode characteristics using an oscilloscope. It is however somewhat more sophisticated and has
predetermined scales as well as the ability to display simultaneously a family of curves, each one
corresponding to a different transistor base current (or gate voltage in the case of an FET).

The curve tracer will be set up and operating in the lab.

• You should compare the measured characteristics for a BC107/8/9 with those in the
manufacturer’s data sheet and record the results.

• For the report you will need to supply screen shots of the traces adding annotations as well
as explaining what was investigated. All design calculations, including choice of nearest
preferred value of the selected components.

• In particular you should estimate the gain of the transistor from the curve tracer graph and
see if this fits within the quoted range for the β parameter for this device.

• Comments relating to the circuit design, Multisim simulations, production, testing and of the
results taken from your circuit. Comment on any difference between practical results and

For the next parts of this experiment, you must simulate your circuits using Multisim before
attending your lab session during the practical sessions to ensure you make the most of the
time you have to complete the practical work. You will also loose marks if a full range of
simulations are not included in your final report.

You should note that while circuit simulation is a useful and powerful tool it is not a design
procedure. You will still be required to calculate and justify the component values you have
chosen. However, the ability to rapidly evaluate your design by simulation and if necessary, modify
it to achieve the required results is increasingly the procedure used professionally. Note that the
transistor chosen for this experiment is one of the devices in the Multisim library, and this should be
selected for any simulations.

Dr. R. Aviles 9


1. Download the datasheet and familiarize yourself with the transistor.

2. Simulate the output characteristic of the transistor, use appropriate bias currents and
voltages, and at least 3 different base currents.
3. Connect the BC107/BC109 (please check which one is assigned to your team) to the ELVIS
board and measure the transistor output characteristic, use the same currents and voltages
as in your simulation.
4. Compare the measured and simulated characteristic with the manufacturer’s data sheet.
5. Provide screenshots of the transistor characteristics, annotated in the graph and from this
graph extract the output resistance of the device.
6. Estimate the β ratio of the transistor using the measured characteristic and compare all
values to the datasheet.


The purpose of this circuit is to switch the transistor between the extremes of cut-off and
saturation. Based on the characteristic curves for the BC107/9 (please check which one is
assigned to your team), choose suitable component values for the following circuit and construct it
on the NI-ELVIS-II provided.

When Vin = 5 V the transistor should be fully ON and when Vin = 0 V the transistor will be fully OFF.

Of course consideration must be given to the maximum ratings for the LED and the transistor in
your design.


1) When the transistor is ‘ON’, use the digital voltmeter (DVM) to measure
a. the voltage across the transistor
b. the voltage across the collector resistor (and hence calculate the current)
c. the voltage across the base resistor (calculate the current).

2) Repeat 1) when the transistor is ‘OFF’

3) From these values calculate the power dissipated by the transistor in both the ‘ON’ and
‘OFF’ states

Dr. R. Aviles 10
Compare the power dissipated in the LED, collector resistor and transistor when in the ‘ON’ state,
and when in the ‘OFF’ state. Compare the previous points with your other team


The common emitter amplifier should be designed to operate at midpoint bias (as taken from the
data sheet) and this should be achieved with a voltage divider bias network. Construct the
following circuit on the NI ELVIS II with appropriate component values to provide a voltage gain of -
100x using the assigned bipolar transistor.

Choose appropriate input and output coupling capacitors to allow the circuit to function properly
down to ~10 Hz. (It may be best to use small electrolytic capacitors, consider this option).



1. Show calculations for all components

2. Estimate the input and output impedances of the amplifier you have designed

3. Check and record the collector-emitter voltage (VCE). Does this agree with your design (for
both calculations and simulations)? If not, explain why.

4. Measure the collector current (IC = VC/RC) for the quiescent state before you apply a signal.
Does this agree with your design (for both calculations and simulations)? If not, explain

5. Simulate and measure the gain of the amplifier, by comparing Vout with Vin using the two
channels of the oscilloscope, over the full range of frequencies available on the signal
source. Record the measurement in your logbook (about ten frequency measurements
should be sufficient). Plot the results (Gain vs Frequency) in a spreadsheet software.

6. Add a suitable value bypass capacitor in parallel with the emitter resistor and repeat the
gain measurements
• Explain your choice of capacitor value clearly showing your
• Plot the results on the same graph
• Explain any differences.

7. Compare the previous points with your other team

Dr. R. Aviles 11



• To learn about the practical limitations of operational amplifiers and compare the differences
between different technologies

• To compare the results of Multisim simulations with practical measurements

• To compare the manufacturer parameters (datasheets) with practical measurements


1) Simulate a virtual earth amplifier with a voltage gain of -100x using a bipolar LM741CN /
JFET based LF356N operational amplifier (please check which one is assigned to your team),
choosing appropriate values for the resistors.

2) Check the voltage gain for your design by connecting the function generator, set to sine
wave, to the input and the Bode analyzer to the output of your circuit. Be careful not to overload
the amplifier by using too large an input signal (ideally a few tens of millivolts). Record the
Bode plotter output and note the -3 dB high frequency limit.

3) Replace the Bode plotter with an oscilloscope and adjust the function generator level, with
the sine wave set to 30 Hz, until the signal is as large as possible without clipping. Now
increase the frequency of the function generator until the output starts to reduce in amplitude.
Then increase the amplitude further to just below the clipping limit. Repeat this process until
the output signal becomes distorted. Record the output and note the frequency and amplitude.

4) Connect the input of your amplifier to 0 volts or ground and record the DC offset present at
the output using the DVM.

5) Repeat the steps 1-4 for an amplifier gain of –1000x.


Construct the following virtual earth amplifier using a LM741CN op amp / JFET based LF356N
operational amplifier (please check which one is assigned to your team) on the NI-ELVIS II /
MyDAQ provided. Remember to connect the dual 15 V power supplies to the + and - rails of the
op-amp, and the 0 V rail to the signal earth (ground). Begin by choosing values you see as
appropriate for a voltage gain of 10x.

Dr. R. Aviles 12

1) Measure the gain of your amplifier at 30 Hz using the generator and oscilloscope.
• What is the maximum peak to peak voltage you can apply at the input while still seeing
an undistorted sine wave at the output?
• What is the maximum peak to peak output voltage?

2) Increase the frequency, and take measurements (~10) until the -3 dB point is reached
• Record this corner frequency
• Plot the results (Gain vs Frequency) in your logbook.

3) Adjust the function generator level, with the sine wave set to 30 Hz, until the signal
amplitude is as large as possible without clipping. Now increase the frequency of the
function generator until the output starts to reduce in amplitude. Then increase the
amplitude further to just below the clipping limit. Repeat this process until the output signal
becomes distorted. Record the frequency and amplitude of the output signal.

4) Short the input of the amplifier to ground and use the DVM to record the DC offset at the

5) Estimate the input impedance of the amplifier circuit

6) Repeat this procedure with resistors chosen to give voltage gains of -100x
• Record which resistors you chose for both Rin and Rf
• Why did you choose these resistors?
• All frequency responses should be graphed in using the virtual
instruments and screen captures of these should be presented.

7) Compare the results from the LM741CN op amp / JFET based LF356N operational
amplifier with your other team (please check which one is assigned to your team).


Construct a low pass filter with a corner frequency

of 1kHz by modifying your previous design (considering
the operational amplifier assigned to your team) using
the following circuit and set the voltage gain to be 10x.

1) Check the gain with the oscilloscope and with the generator at 30 Hz

2) Increase the frequency, and take measurements (~10) until the corner frequency is reached
• Record this corner frequency
• Record the values, plot the results (Gain vs Frequency) and provide a
screen capture of these measurements.

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So far we have only considered circuits involving negative feedback. We will now design and
construct an oscillator involving both positive and negative feedback networks. Use the following
circuit and choose appropriate values for R, Rf and C to give stable oscillation at a frequency of
3 kHz. Remember to use the operational amplifier assigned to your team LM741CN op amp / JFET
based LF356N operational amplifier.

1) Observe the output waveform on the oscilloscope. What characteristic shape does this

2) What is the amplitude of the stable oscillation?

Hint - if you experience problems getting your circuit to oscillate try increasing the gain
slightly by putting a high value potentiometer (~Rx10) across the gain setting resistor (R)

3) Measure the frequency of oscillation using the oscilloscope

4) Try warming one of the resistors by holding it between your fingers and observe any
change in the oscillation frequency

5) Include comments relating to the design, EWB simulations, production, testing and of the
results taken of your circuit and comment on any differences.

6) Compare the results from the LM741CN op amp / JFET based LF356N operational
amplifier with your other team (please check which one is assigned to your team).


Remember to include:

• All design calculations, including choice of nearest preferred value (NPV) components.

• Detailed comments relating to the circuit design, Multisim simulations, production, testing
and of the results taken from your circuit.

• Comment on any difference between practical results and Multisim

Include comments on your frequency response graphs. Report presentation

Dr. R. Aviles 14
• Use a clear font of at least 11 point;
• number all pages;
• number all equations;
• number all figures and tables and include figure and table captions;
• refer to all equations, figures and tables in the text;
• Only include images which are essential to understand the information you are providing;
• make sure that all images, figures and diagrams are clear and easy to view;
• write in accurate, grammatical, technical language as explained in lectures;
• use the Numerical referencing system;
• save your document in one of the supported file formats for e-submission;
• name the document file “H7076 Report your candidate number”.

Dr. R. Aviles 15

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