Rubric Oral Explanation
Rubric Oral Explanation
Rubric Oral Explanation
Name: Date:
Teacher: Mrs. Yuliana Zamudio Second Year:
Infers and Explains the topic and Explains the topic Rarely explains the Doesn’t explain the
interprets communicative and topic and topic or
informatio purpose perfectly communicative communicative communicative
n from oral distinguishing relevant purpose purpose trying to purpose. Doesn’t
texts. from complementary distinguishing distinguish relevant distinguish relevant
information and relevant from from complementary from complementary
remarkably relating it complementary information and information . Doesn’t
with own experience information and scarcely relating it relate it with own
by using verbal, non- relating it with own with own experience experience. Doesn’t
verbal and paraverbal experience by by using only verbal use verbal, non-
resources to perform using verbal, non- and non- verbal verbal and
the oral text. verbal and resources to perform paraverbal resources
paraverbal the oral text. . to perform the oral
resources to text.
perform the oral
Adequates, Exceptionally adapts Adapts the oral Sometimes adapts the Doesn’t adapt the
organizes the oral text to the text to the oral text to the oral text to the
and communicative communicative communicative communicative
develops situation consistently situation situation rarely situation. Doesn’t
ideas in a considering the considering the considering the consider the cultural
coherent cultural register and cultural register cultural register and register and the kind,
and considering the kind, and the kind, the kind, context and context and purpose
cohesive context and purpose context and purpose of the text. of the text.
way. of the text. purpose of the