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Finals FS 2 Reig Jast

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I.EXPOSURE: Examining the link between the principle teachings

with learning.
1. Self – reflection:
Direction: Write a reflection, what makes students learn

Students learn effectively by connecting new knowledge with

knowledge and concepts they already know, through their insights
and reflections, and most effectively in active social classrooms
where my critic teacher and students negotiate understanding
through interaction and diverse approaches, as I have observed, like
asking students to give constructive feedback on lessons and to tell
or clarify difficult ideas regarding the lesson. Students do not learn
much just sitting in classes, listening to teachers, memorizing
assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what
they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and
apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of
themselves. Next, we are providing feedback. Students need
appropriate feedback on their performance to benefit from courses.
In getting started, students need help assessing their existing
knowledge and competence. In classes, students need frequent
opportunities to perform and receive suggestions for improvement.
Teaching and learning become effective when a teacher is also
a good listener to students' past experiences, values, and attitudes.
Also, treat students as human beings with full, real lives and ask
them how they are doing. I observe that another important factor in
student motivation and involvement is the teachers' concern to help
students get through rough times and keep on working, such as in
grammar composition, understanding English and pronunciation, as
well as reading. Another factor is giving the students concrete, real-
life situations to analyze so that they can put themselves in that
Lastly, respecting students' diversity in talents and ways of learning,
provide extra material or exercises for students who lack essential
background knowledge or skills (slow learners) to identify students’
learning styles, just like Mr. Glory uses a variety of activities in class,
such as auditory, visual, videos, discussions, lectures, group activity,
and pair work. As well as various assignment methods such as
writing and projects. 

II. PARTICIPATION: Process Observation: Effective Teaching and

Direction: 1. Observe one teaching in any class level
2. Write what the teacher does at the beginning,
during, and
At the end of the lesson.

A. At the beginning of the lesson, the lesson….

1. Teacher begins with greetings.
2. Mr. Glory starts the lesson by posing his icebreaker
questions to the students. In order to find out the
students' key takeaways from the previous lesson,
3. Before proceeding with a new lesson or continuing the
previous topic, he provides the flow of discussion and
activity for the entire class discussion.
4. He intended for students to listen, focus, and close the
classroom door to avoid unnecessary noise.
5. _______________________________________________

B. During the lesson, the teacher….

1. He instructed that every significant detail be observed
and noted by the students. To get students' attention
during an audio-visual presentation, he employs the
"watch and reflect" technique.
2. Before explaining the poem line by line, he asked the
students for their thoughts, reflections on their own lives,
and experiences in relation to the poem.
3. He always explains things or the lesson in English, and if
he sees that the students are having trouble
understanding, he clarifies things in Tagalog or in simple
4. He relates the poem in a VUCA world and its unchanging
values, a world fraught with volatility, uncertainty,
complexity, and ambiguity.
5. _______________________________________________

C. At the end of the lesson, the teacher….

1. He gives an assessment with choices; it is a situational
assessment based on the unchanging values of the VUCA
2. He called on students to respond to the given situational
question and explain why they chose that answer. 
3. Then he gives the overview for the next topic and makes
some announcements about the due date and completion
of the student's performance tasks. 
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
III. IDENTIFICATION: Principles of teaching in action:
DIRECTION: 1.Using your record of observation in 1.2
PARTICIPATION, Identify the principles of teaching observed
by the teacher in the different phases of the lesson.
2. Check the appropriate column when observed.
A. observe at the Beginning C. End


1. Teaching provides for individual ✓
2. Teaching motivates learners to ✓
3. Teaching provides feedback ✓
4. Teaching rewards something ✓
desirable and takes away the
5. Teaching assists learners to set ✓
realistic goals
6. Teaching establishes meaningful
relationship between what is to
be learned and what is already
7. Teaching utilizes variety of ✓
settings, technologies and tools.
8. Teaching engages learners into ✓
varied and meaningful task.
9. teaching tasks help learners to ✓
discover relationship within
variety of tasks
10. teaching enables learners to ✓
construct new knowledge

IV. INTERNALIZATION: Putting Selected Learning Principles

to Work
Direction: 1. you are given situations which either
demonstrate positive or negative learning situations.
2. Analyze the situation carefully and apply the
appropriate learning principles and tactics.
3. Draw a happy face for positive situations
and sad face for negative situations.

SITUATION 1. Telling the students what they need to know.

 What learning principles to apply?
1. Teaching establishes meaningful relationship between
what is to be learned and what is already known.
2. Teaching assists learners to set realistic goals
3. Teaching provides feedback
SITUATION 2. Requiring the students too many contents
learned in isolation.
 What learning principles to apply?
1. Teaching rewards something desirable and takes
away the undesirable.
2. teaching enables learners to construct new
SITUATION 3. Students work by dyads or by groups
 What learning principles to apply?
1. Teaching engages learners into varied and
meaningful task.
2. teaching tasks help learners to discover relationship
within variety of tasks

SITUATION 4. There are students who learn faster in

 What learning principles to apply?
1. Teaching provides for individual differences

SITUATION 5. There are students who just cannot learn.

 What learning principles to apply?

1. Teaching provides for individual differences
2. Teaching motivates learners to learn.
3. Teaching utilizes variety of settings, technologies
and tools.

5. DISSEMINATION: Learning what it means to Teach.

DIRECTION: Write how to link effective teaching with effective learning
in a one – liner slogan/ tag line. Give five.
Exam: Effective Teaching Result to Effective Learning
1. A better education leads to a better nation.

2. Effective teaching is the key to unlocking the golden door of

effective learning.

3. Effective teaching and learning opens a school door and closes

a prison

4. Effective teaching doesn’t impact learners' lives for a year, but

for a lifetime.

5. Effective teaching is the pillar of effective learning.

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