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:LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%



This estimate is prepared for the renovation peringassery GHSS in udumbannur
grama pancahayth and the work is proposed under IDUKKI DP WORK 2022-23
at present the school needs to renovate in order to provide better infrastructural
facilities for the students and teachers
this estimate contains providing CC retaining wall for the main side and toe wall
in ground side with CC 1:3:6 foundation and CC 1:2:4 super structure , the yard and
road from the main road to the school auditorium and compound is propose to paving by
means of 80 mm interlock paving tiles as the auditorium is used for external and internal
functions so as heavy load buses and other vehicles used to move over that, also an
internal concrete road proposed inside the compound, a sheet roofing yard space and
hand rails for the ground proposed in this estimate
the estimate prepared under DSR with CP and overhead charges, GST provisions and
having cost index of Kottayam the total project cost is 32,00,00 rupees

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.096 1

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%


Sl No Head Description Amount

Total Estimation PAC 2711861.79
Sl No Description Percentage/LS Amount
L Lumsum Heading
L.001 LS provision for part TS
@LS 3.09
Total Lumsum Amount 3.09
C Extra Charges
C.001 Provision for GST
2711861.79 18.00% 488135.12
Grand Total 0.00
Round off 0.00
Rounded Total(Rs) 3200000.00
Rupees Thirty Two Lakh

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.271 2

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%


Sl No Specification No Length Width Depth Cf Quantity

1.001 2.6.1
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means
over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan)
including disposal of excavated earth, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m, disposed
earth to be levelled and neatly dressed.All kinds of soil
TOE WALL 1 20.000 0.900 0.450 8.100
SIDE CUTTING 1 20.000 4.000 (1.9+2)/2 156.000
CC RETAINING 1 6.000 1.400 0.450 3.780
DR RETAINING 1 16.000 1.450 0.300 6.960
FOR INTERNAL 1 12.000 2.500 0.100 3.000
FOR INTERNAL 1 30.000 3.000 0.100 9.000
Total 186.840
Total Quantity in cum 186.840
1.002 4.1.6
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost
of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
TOE WALL 1 20.000 0.900 0.450 8.100
RETAINING 1 6.000 1.400 0.450 3.780
dr belt 1 16.000 0.500 0.100 1.0000 0.800
Total 12.680
Total Quantity in cum 12.680
1.003 4.1.3
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost
of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:2:4 (cement : 2 coarse sand
(zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)

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EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

Sl No Specification No Length Width Depth Cf Quantity

Toe wall 1 20.000 (.7+.5)/2 1.000 12.000
retaining wall 1 6.000 (1.2+.5)/2 3.000 15.300
interlock sides 2 40.000 0.500 0.150 6.000
interlock sides 2 30.000 0.500 0.150 4.500
interlock sides 2 20.000 0.500 0.150 3.000
interlock end 2 4.000 0.500 0.150 0.600
interlock end 2 15.000 0.500 0.150 2.250
interlock end 2 3.500 0.500 0.150 0.525
interlock end 2 5.000 0.500 0.150 0.750
Total 44.925
Total Quantity in cum 44.925
1.004 4.3.2
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work
for:Retaining walls, return walls, (any thickness) including attached pilasters,
buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.
TOE WALL 1 20.000 1.450 2.0000 58.000
TOE WALL 1 6.000 3.000 3.450 2.0000 124.200
Total 182.200
Total Quantity in sqm 182.200
1.005 60.7.1
DRY RUBBLE MASONRY _ Dry rubble without concrete levelling course masonry
with good quality blasted rubble including packing to compactness to lines and levels
cost and conveyance of all materials labour charges etc. complete as per direction of
Departmental officers at site
retaining wall
Foundation 1 16.000 1.450 0.300 6.960
super structure 1 16.000 (1.25+.5)/2 2.500 35.000
Total 41.960
Total Quantity in cum 41.960
1.006 51.2.3

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EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

Sl No Specification No Length Width Depth Cf Quantity

Filling with Quarry Muck <br> Filling up low lying and water logged areas with
local material/ quarry muck, spreading in layers, leveling the top at site and
consolidation by ramming, etc complete for improving the CBR value of subgrade
for interlock
road 1 30.000 4.000 0.050 6.000
road 1 40.000 15.000 0.050 30.000
YARD 1 15.000 3.500 0.050 2.625
AROUND 1 40.000 1.000 0.050 1.0000 2.000
YARD 1 5.000 5.000 0.050 1.250
YARD 1 25.000 6.000 0.050 7.500
Total 49.375
Total Quantity in cum 49.375
1.007 16.91.2
Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks
in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength,
thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in
required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting
proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer
through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and
cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping
extra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.80 mm thick C.C.
paver block of M-30 grade with approved color design and pattern.
road to auditorium
road 1 30.000 4.000 120.000
yard 1 40.000 15.000 600.000
yard 1 15.000 3.500 52.500
yard 1 5.000 5.000 25.000
yard 1 25.000 6.000 150.000
AROUND 1 40.000 1.000 40.000
Total 987.500
Total Quantity in sqm 987.500
1.008 16.42
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size ) in pavements, laid to required slope and camber in panels as required
including consolidation finishing and tamping complete
internal road
1 1 12.500 2.500 0.150 4.688
1 1 30.000 3.000 0.150 13.500
Total 18.188

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EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

Sl No Specification No Length Width Depth Cf Quantity

Total Quantity in cum 18.188
1.009 10.16.1
Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses
etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing position and applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc.
complete.Hot finished welded type tubes
10.000 1500.000
1 25.000 6.000 000
Total 1500.000
Total Quantity in kg 1500.000
Providing & fixing Poly carbonate multi wall plain sheet 6 mm thick as approved
by the Engineer in charge and should be supplied in a single length of 12m or as
decide by the Engineer in charge. The sheets shall be fixed using self drilling/self
tapping screw of size (5.5x55mm) with EPDM seal complete upto any pitch in
horizontal/vertical curved surfaces, but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses,
and including cutting to size and shapes where ever required.
yard 1 25.000 6.000 150.000
Total 150.000
Total Quantity in sqm 150.000
1.011 11.37
Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved
make, in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick
cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), including pointing the joints with white
cement and matching pigment etc., complete.
3 6.100 6.100 111.630
VARANDAH 1 18.100 1.600 28.960
Total 140.590
Total Quantity in sqm 140.590
1.012 OD276262/2022-2023
Providing and fixing good quality Granite Name board with lettering including all cost
of materials conveyance etc complete.
1 1.000
Total 1.000
Total Quantity in each 1.000

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EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%


Sl No Specification Quantity Rate Amount

1.001 2.6.1
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means
over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan)
including disposal of excavated earth, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m, disposed
earth to be levelled and neatly dressed.All kinds of soil
Net Total 186.840cum @223.41/cum 41741.92
1.002 4.1.6
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the
cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
Net Total 12.680cum @7527.05/cum 95442.99
1.003 4.1.3
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the
cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:1:2:4 (cement : 2 coarse
sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
Net Total 44.925cum @8340.91/cum 374715.38
1.004 4.3.2
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work
for:Retaining walls, return walls, (any thickness) including attached pilasters,
buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.
Net Total 182.200sqm @748.62/sqm 136398.56
1.005 60.7.1
DRY RUBBLE MASONRY _ Dry rubble without concrete levelling course masonry
with good quality blasted rubble including packing to compactness to lines and levels
cost and conveyance of all materials labour charges etc. complete as per direction of
Departmental officers at site
Net Total 41.960cum @3644.43/cum 152920.28
1.006 51.2.3
Filling with Quarry Muck <br> Filling up low lying and water logged areas
with local material/ quarry muck, spreading in layers, leveling the top at site and
consolidation by ramming, etc complete for improving the CBR value of subgrade
Net Total 49.375cum @903.71/cum 44620.68
1.007 16.91.2
Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks
in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength,

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.528 7

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

Sl No Specification Quantity Rate Amount

thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in
required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting
proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer
through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and
cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping
extra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.80 mm thick C.C.
paver block of M-30 grade with approved color design and pattern.
Net Total 987.500sqm @1170.92/sqm 1156283.50
1.008 16.42
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size ) in pavements, laid to required slope and camber in panels as required
including consolidation finishing and tamping complete
Net Total 18.188cum @8405.10/cum 152871.96
1.009 10.16.1
Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses
etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing position and applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc.
complete.Hot finished welded type tubes
Net Total 1500.000kg @176.22/kg 264330.00
Providing & fixing Poly carbonate multi wall plain sheet 6 mm thick as
approved by the Engineer in charge and should be supplied in a single length of 12m
or as decide by the Engineer in charge. The sheets shall be fixed using self
drilling/self tapping screw of size (5.5x55mm) with EPDM seal complete upto any
pitch in horizontal/vertical curved surfaces, but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters,
trusses, and including cutting to size and shapes where ever required.
Net Total 150.000sqm @864.90/sqm 129735.00
1.011 11.37
Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved
make, in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick
cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), including pointing the joints with
white cement and matching pigment etc., complete.
Net Total 140.590sqm @1138.85/sqm 160110.92
1.012 OD276262/2022-2023
Providing and fixing good quality Granite Name board with lettering including all
cost of materials conveyance etc complete.
Net Total 1.000each @2690.60/each 2690.60
Heading Total(Rs) 2711861.79
Total Estimation PAC 2711861.79
Sl No Description Percentage/LS Amount
2 Lumsum Heading

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.528 8

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

Sl No Specification Quantity Rate Amount

LS provision for part TS
null null% 3.09
Total Lumsum Amount 3.09
3 Extra Charges
Provision for GST
2711861.79 18.00% 488135.12
Grand Total 0.00
Round off 0.00
Rounded Total(Rs) 3200000.00
Rupees Thirty Two Lakh

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.528 9

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%


SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
1.001-Specification code: 2.6.1
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas
(exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of
excavated earth, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly
All kinds of soil
Details of cost for 10 cum. Average output of Hydraulic Excavator per hour = 30cum
Labour L
Day 0.32000 617.00 197.44 L1
Day 1.20000 558.00 669.60 L2
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
0020 Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel
Day 0.04100 7000.00 287.00 T1
0018 Hire and running charges of loader
Day 0.04100 5000.00 205.00 T2
Total 10.000 cum 1359.04
Unit Total 1.000 cum 135.90
Add Water Charge 135.90 @1.00% 1.36
Total 137.26
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 137.26 @15.00% 20.59
Total 157.85
Add Cost Index 157.85 @41.53% 65.56
Total 223.41
GRAND TOTAL cum 223.41

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 10

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
1.002-Specification code: 4.1.6
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of
centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:
1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
Details of cost for 1 cum MATERIAL:
Material M
0293 Details of cost for 1 cum MATERIAL:
Stone Aggregate(single size): 40 mm nominal size
(0.70 cum - 7.5 % for voids i.e. 0.05 = 0.65 cum)
cum 0.65000 1300.00 845.00 M1
0295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size
cum 0.24000 1350.00 324.00 M2
0982 Coarse sand (zone III)
cum 0.47000 1350.00 634.50 M3
0367 Portland Cement
(0.15674 cum)
tonne 0.22000 4940.00 1086.80 M4
Carriage C
2206 Carriage of Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size and above
cum 0.65000 112.79 73.31 C1
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nominal size
cum 0.24000 103.77 24.90 C2
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand
cum 0.47000 103.77 48.77 C3
2209 Carriage of Cement
tonne 0.22000 92.24 20.29 C4
Labour L
Mason (average)
Day 0.10000 709.00 70.90 L1
Day 1.63000 558.00 909.54 L2

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 11

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Day 0.70000 617.00 431.90 L3
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
0002 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with Hopper
Day 0.07000 800.00 56.00 T1
0012 Vibrator (Needle type 40 mm)
Day 0.07000 370.00 25.90 T2
9999 Sundries
L.S 13.52000 2.00 27.04 T3
Total 1.000 cum 4578.85
Unit Total 1.000 cum 4578.85
Add Water Charge 4578.85 @1.00% 45.79
Total 4624.64
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 4624.64 @15.00% 693.70
Total 5318.34
Add Cost Index 5318.34 @41.53% 2208.71
Total 7527.05
GRAND TOTAL cum 7527.05
1.003-Specification code: 4.1.3
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of
centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level:
1:2:4 (cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
Details of cost for 1 cum
Material M
0295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size
cum 0.67000 1350.00 904.50 M1
0297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size
cum 0.22000 1350.00 297.00 M2
0982 Coarse sand (zone III)
cum 0.44500 1350.00 600.75 M3
0367 Portland Cement
(0.2225 cum)
tonne 0.32000 4940.00 1580.80 M4

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 12

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Carriage C
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nominal size
cum 0.89000 103.77 92.36 C1
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand
cum 0.44500 103.77 46.18 C2
2209 Carriage of Cement
tonne 0.32000 92.24 29.52 C3
Labour L
Mason (average)
Day 0.10000 709.00 70.90 L1
Day 1.63000 558.00 909.54 L2
Day 0.70000 617.00 431.90 L3
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
0002 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with Hopper
Day 0.07000 800.00 56.00 T1
0012 Vibrator (Needle type 40 mm)
Day 0.07000 370.00 25.90 T2
9999 Sundries
L.S 14.30000 2.00 28.60 T3
Total 1.000 cum 5073.95
Unit Total 1.000 cum 5073.95
Add Water Charge 5073.95 @1.00% 50.74
Total 5124.69
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 5124.69 @15.00% 768.70
Total 5893.39
Add Cost Index 5893.39 @41.53% 2447.52
Total 8340.91
GRAND TOTAL cum 8340.91

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 13

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
1.004-Specification code: 4.3.2
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for:
Retaining walls, return walls, (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and
string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.
Details of cost for 7.9 m long and 1.00m high wall Area of contact 2x7.9x1.0 = 15.8 sqm.
MATERIAL: Assuming shuttering material will be unserviceable after use of 40 times Adding
for maintenance @ 10% of cost Taking salvage value after full use of material @ 25% of cost
Material M
7319 wall form panel 1250x500 mm
each 0.51000 860.00 438.60 M1
7327 100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long
each 0.17000 910.00 154.70 M2
7328 Double clip (bridge clip)
each 0.51000 76.00 38.76 M3
7329 Single clip
each 0.25500 59.00 15.05 M4
7330 M.S. Tube 40 mm dia
metre 0.68000 215.00 146.20 M5
Carriage C
9977 Carriage
L.S 78.00000 2.00 156.00 C1
Labour L
Day 3.50000 738.00 2583.00 L1
Day 6.00000 558.00 3348.00 L2
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
9999 Sundries
L.S 27.62000 2.00 55.24 T1
9999 Sundries
L.S 78.00000 2.00 156.00 T2

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 14

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
9999 Sundries
L.S 52.00000 2.00 104.00 T3
Total 15.800 sqm 7195.55
Unit Total 1.000 sqm 455.41
Add Water Charge 455.41 @1.00% 4.55
Total 459.96
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 459.96 @15.00% 68.99
Total 528.95
Add Cost Index 528.95 @41.53% 219.67
Total 748.62
GRAND TOTAL sqm 748.62
1.005-Specification code: 60.7.1

DRY RUBBLE MASONRY _ Dry rubble without concrete levelling course masonry with good
quality blasted rubble including packing to compactness to lines and levels cost and conveyance
of all materials labour charges etc. complete as per direction of Departmental officers at site
Details of cost for 1 cum.
Material M
1157 Stone for masonry work
cum 1.05000 1100.00 1155.00 M1
Carriage C
2215 Carriage of Soling stone & masonry stone
cum 1.05000 122.08 128.18 C1
Labour L
Mason (for plain stone work) 2nd class
Day 0.80000 679.00 543.20 L1
Day 0.70000 558.00 390.60 L2
Total 1.000 cum 2216.98
Unit Total 1.000 cum 2216.98
Add Water Charge 2216.98 @1.00% 22.17

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 15

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Total 2239.15
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 2239.15 @15.00% 335.87
Total 2575.02
Add Cost Index 2575.02 @41.53% 1069.41
Total 3644.43
GRAND TOTAL cum 3644.43
1.006-Specification code: 51.2.3

Filling with Quarry Muck <br> Filling up low lying and water logged areas with local
material/ quarry muck, spreading in layers, leveling the top at site and consolidation by
ramming, etc complete for improving the CBR value of subgrade
Details of cost for 300 cum
Material M
Cost of quarry muck
cum 300.00000 750.00 225000.00 M1
Labour L
Day 0.40000 617.00 246.80 L1
Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.)
Day 2.00000 617.00 1234.00 L2
Day 8.00000 558.00 4464.00 L3
Total 300.000 cum 230944.80
Unit Total 1.000 cum 769.82
Add Water Charge 769.82 @1.00% 7.70
Total 777.52
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 777.52 @15.00% 116.63
Total 894.15
Add Cost Index 23.02 @41.53% 9.56
Total 903.71
cum 903.71

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 16

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
1.007-Specification code: 16.91.2
Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks
in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength,
thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in
required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting and
proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer
through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and
cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping
extra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
80 mm thick C.C. paver block of M-30 grade with approved color design and pattern.
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm.
Material M
8785 Interlocking C.C. paver block (80 mm thick, M-30)
sqm 10.00000 470.00 4700.00 M1
0982 Coarse sand (zone III)
(10 x 0.050 = 0.50 cum )
cum 0.50000 1350.00 675.00 M2
0983 Fine sand (zone IV)
cum 0.15000 900.00 135.00 M3
Carriage C
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand
cum 0.50000 103.77 51.89 C1
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur sand : 2 parts jamuna sand
cum 0.15000 103.77 15.57 C2
Labour L
0123 Labour for Laying
Mason (brick layer) Ist class
Day 0.50000 738.00 369.00 L1
Mason (brick layer )2nd class
Day 0.50000 679.00 339.50 L2
Day 1.00000 558.00 558.00 L3

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EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Day 0.50000 558.00 279.00 L4
Total 10.000 sqm 7122.96
Unit Total 1.000 sqm 712.30
Add Water Charge 712.30 @1.00% 7.12
Total 719.42
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 719.42 @15.00% 107.91
Total 827.33
Add Cost Index 827.33 @41.53% 343.59
Total 1170.92
GRAND TOTAL sqm 1170.92
1.008-Specification code: 16.42

Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size
) in pavements, laid to required slope and camber in panels as required including consolidation
finishing and tamping complete
Details of cost for 1 cum
Material M
0293 Stone Aggregate(single size): 40 mm nominal size
cum 0.52000 1300.00 676.00 M1
0295 Stone Aggregate(single size):20 mm nominal size
cum 0.22000 1350.00 297.00 M2
0297 Stone Aggregate(single size): 10 mm nominal size
cum 0.11000 1350.00 148.50 M3
0982 Coarse sand (zone III)
cum 0.44500 1350.00 600.75 M4
0367 Portland Cement
(OPC-43 grade)
tonne 0.32000 4940.00 1580.80 M5
Carriage C
2206 Carriage of Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size and above
cum 0.52000 112.79 58.65 C1
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nominal size

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 18

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
cum 0.33000 103.77 34.24 C2
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nominal size
cum 0.44500 103.77 46.18 C3
2209 Carriage of Cement
tonne 0.32000 92.24 29.52 C4
Labour L
Mason (average)
Day 0.10000 709.00 70.90 L1
Day 1.63000 558.00 909.54 L2
Day 0.70000 617.00 431.90 L3
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
0002 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to 0.40 cum with Hopper
Day 0.07700 800.00 61.60 T1
0012 Vibrator (Needle type 40 mm)
Day 0.07000 370.00 25.90 T2
9999 Sundries
L.S 26.00000 2.00 52.00 T3
9999 Sundries
L.S 1.43000 2.00 2.86 T4
Sub Data S
5.9.1 Side shuttering Taking the slab to be 5cm thick and width to be 6
metre, length of road 27 metre = 9.90/24.30 = 0.407 sqm
Reinforced Cement Concrete : Foundations, footings, bases of
columns, etc for mass concrete
Rate as per item no 5.9.1 of SH : Reinforced cement concrete work
sqm 0.40700 212.91 86.65 S1
Total 1.000 cum 5112.99
Unit Total 1.000 cum 5112.99
Add Water Charge 5112.99 @1.00% 51.13

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 19

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Total 5164.12
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 5164.12 @15.00% 774.62
Total 5938.74
Add Cost Index 5938.74 @41.53% 2466.36
Total 8405.10
GRAND TOTAL cum 8405.10
1.009-Specification code: 10.16.1
Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc.,
including cutting, hoisting, fixing position and applying a priming coat of approved steel
primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete.
Hot finished welded type tubes
Details of cost for a truss of span 8 metre Weight = 119 kg
Material M
4009 50mm dia. tube Tie beam-1x8.0m = 8.00m+ Principal rafter 2x4.30m =
8.60m Total = 16.60m 16.60m @ 5.10kg./m = 84.66kg. 40mm dia. tube
Members = 2(0.45+1.25+0.90+2.15) Total = 2x4.75=9.50m 9.50m @
3.61kg/m = 34.60Kg. Total = 118.96kg. Add wastage @ 5% = 5.94Kg.
Total = 124.90Kg. Say 125 kg
Mild steel tubes hot finished welded type
kilogram 125.00000 57.00 7125.00 M1
1215 Welding charges:Rafter:- 4x22/7x6.03 = 75.80cm.+ Ties:-
2x22/7x6.03=37.90cm.+ Members:- 2x4x2x22/7x4.83=242.87cm
Total= 356.57cm say 357cm
Welding by electric plant
cm 357.00000 2.00 714.00 M2
Carriage C
2205 Carriage of Steel
tonne 0.12500 92.24 11.53 C1
Labour L
Blacksmith 1st class
Day 1.50000 738.00 1107.00 L1
Day 0.75000 617.00 462.75 L2
Day 5.50000 558.00 3069.00 L3

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 20

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label

Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
9999 Sundries
L.S 80.73000 2.00 161.46 T1
Sub Data S
13.50.3 Priming coat 50mm dia. tube 16.60x0.157m = 1.61sqm. 40mm dia.
tube 9.50x0.125m = 1.91 sqm. Total = 2.80 sqm. Rate as per item no
13.50.3 of SH :
Finishing : With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate primer of
approved brand and manufacture on steel galvanised iron /steel works
sqm 2.80000 37.89 106.09 S1
Total 119.000 kg 12756.83
Unit Total 1.000 kg 107.20
Add Water Charge 107.20 @1.00% 1.07
Total 108.27
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 108.27 @15.00% 16.24
Total 124.51
Add Cost Index 124.51 @41.53% 51.71
Total 176.22
GRAND TOTAL kg 176.22
1.010-Specification code:

Providing & fixing Poly carbonate multi wall plain sheet 6 mm thick as approved by the
Engineer in charge and should be supplied in a single length of 12m or as decide by the
Engineer in charge. The sheets shall be fixed using self drilling/self tapping screw of size
(5.5x55mm) with EPDM seal complete upto any pitch in horizontal/vertical curved surfaces,
but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses, and including cutting to size and shapes where
ever required.
Details of cost for area of roof. 2x18.09x5.1=184.518 sqm
Material M
Poly carbonate multi wall plain sheet 6mm
sqm 193.75000 550.00 106562.50 M1
2611 EPDM Gasket in kg(Above 60 g / m)
kg 8.40000 150.00 1260.00 M2
Labour L

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 21

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Day 1.30000 738.00 959.40 L1
Carpenter 2nd class
Day 15.50000 679.00 10524.50 L2
Day 15.50000 558.00 8649.00 L3
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
9999 Sundries
Carriage of sheet
L.S 104.00000 2.00 208.00 T1
9999 Sundries
Self drilling/self tapping screw
L.S 40.00000 2.00 80.00 T2
9999 Sundries
L.S 53.82000 2.00 107.64 T3
Total 184.518 sqm 128351.04
Unit Total 1.000 sqm 695.60
Add Water Charge 695.60 @1.00% 6.96
Total 702.56
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 702.56 @15.00% 105.38
Total 807.94
Add Cost Index 137.15 @41.53% 56.96
Total 864.90
GRAND TOTAL sqm 864.90
1.011-Specification code: 11.37

Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified
by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in colours
such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 Coarse sand), including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment
etc., complete.
Details of cost for 1 sqm
Material M

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 22

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
7801 Glazed Ceramic floor tiles 300x300 mm size = 1.000 sqm Add for
wastage & breakage @ 2.5 % = 0.025 sqm Total = 1.025 sqm
Ceramic Glazed Tiles Ist quality 300 x 300 mm in all shades and
designs of White, Ivory, grey, Fume Red brown etc.
sqm 1.02500 209.10 214.33 M1
0367 Cement for slurry over bed @ 3.3 kg per sqm
Portland Cement
tonne 0.00330 4940.00 16.30 M2
Carriage C
9977 Carriage
of tiles
L.S 6.24000 2.00 12.48 C1
9988 Carriage and sundries
including carriage of cement etc.
L.S 26.91000 2.00 53.82 C2
Labour L
Mason (brick layer) Ist class
Day 0.20000 738.00 147.60 L1
Day 0.20000 558.00 111.60 L2
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
9999 Sundries
Mortar for pointing in white cement
L.S 20.20000 2.00 40.40 T1
Sub Data S
3.9 20 mm thick Cement
Mortars : Cement mortar 1.4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand).
Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of SH: Mortars
cum 0.02400 4010.33 96.25 S1
Total 1.000 sqm 692.78
Unit Total 1.000 sqm 692.78
Add Water Charge 692.78 @1.00% 6.93
Total 699.71
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 699.71 @15.00% 104.96

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 23

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Total 804.67
Add Cost Index 804.67 @41.53% 334.18
Total 1138.85
GRAND TOTAL sqm 1138.85
1.012-Specification code: OD276262/2022-2023

Providing and fixing good quality Granite Name board with lettering including all cost of
materials conveyance etc complete.
Providing and fixing good quality Granite Name board with lettering including all cost of
materials conveyance etc complete.
Material M
7245 Table rubbed polished stone 18 mm thick (75x50cm) Granite stone -
18mm thick
sqm 0.45000 1620.00 729.00 M1
Labour L
Mason (for Ornamental stone work) Ist class
Day 1.00000 738.00 738.00 L1
Mason (brick layer) Ist class
Day 0.15000 738.00 110.70 L2
Tools&Plants(Hire charges) T
9999 Sundries
L.S 21.58000 2.00 43.16 T1
Sub Data S
3.4 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand).
cum 0.00450 3528.83 15.88 S1
Total 1.000 each 1636.74
Unit Total 1.000 each 1636.74
Add Water Charge 1636.74 @1.00% 16.37
Total 1653.11
Add Contractors Profit & Overhead 1653.11 @15.00% 247.97
Total 1901.08
Add Cost Index 1901.08 @41.53% 789.52

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 24

EST No. :LSGD/CELSGD/EST/88023/2022_5_1_1 (Edit Id : 1)
(Dsor year : 2018,Cost Index (Place : Idukki,Value : 141.53),GST : 18%

SOR/Spec MR code Description/Remarks

Code Unit Quantity Rate Amount Label
Total 2690.60
GRAND TOTAL each 2690.60

Printed On 2022-11-15 15:47:55.753 25

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