CTB Specification MORTH V Rev

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Section 400 Sub-Bases,Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders

402.5 Strength

When lime is used for improving the subgrade, the soil-lime mix shall be tested for its CBR
value. When lime stabilized soil is used in a sub-base, it shall be tested for unconfined
compressive strength (UCS) at 7 days. In case of variation from the design CBR/UCS, in
situ value being lower, the pavement design shall be reviewed based on the actual CBR/
UCS values. The extra pavement thickness needed on account of lower CBR/UCS value
shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own cost.

402.6 Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be provided and maintained
in accordance with Clause 112.

402.7 Measurements for Payment

Stabilised soil sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres.

402.8 Rate

The Contract unit rate for lime stabilised soil sub-base shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause
401.8 (i) to (v).


403.1 Scope

This work shall consist of laying and compacting a sub-base/base course of soil treated
with cement on prepared subgrade/sub-base, in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

403.2 Materials

403.2.1 Material to be stabilised : The material used for cement treatment shall be
soil including sand and gravel, laterite, kankar, brick aggregate, crushed rock or slag or
any combination of these. For use in a sub-base course, the material shall have a grading
shown in Table 400-3(a). It shall have a uniformity coefficient not less than 5, capable of
producing a well-closed surface finish. For use in a base course, the material shall be
sufficiently well graded to ensure a well-closed surface finish and have a grading within the
range given in Table 400-3. If the material passing 425 micron sieve is plastic, it shall
have a liquid limit not greater than 45 percent and a plasticity index not greater than
20 percent determined in accordance with IS:2720 (Part 5). The physical requirements
Sub-Bases,Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400

for the material to be treated with cement for use in a base course shall be same as for
Grading I Granular Sub-base, Clause 401.2.2.

403.2.2 Cement : Cement for stabilization shall either be ordinary portland cement,
portland slag cement or portland puzzolana cement and shall comply with the requirements
of IS:269, 455 or 1489 respectively.

Table 400-3 Grading Limits of Material for Stabilisation with Cement

IS sieve size Percentage by mass passing

Within the range
53.00 mm 100
37.5 mm 95 – 100
19.0 mm 45 – 100
9.5 mm 35 – 100
4.75 mm 25 – 100
600 micron 8 – 65
300 micron 5 – 40
75 micron 0 – 10

403.2.3 Lime : If needed for pre-treatment of highly clayey soils, Clause 402.2.2
shall apply.

403.2.4 Quantity of cement in stabilised mix : The quantity of cement to be added

as percent by weight of the dry soil shall be specified in the Contract. Also if lime is used
as pretreatment for highly clayey soils, the quantity as percent by weight of dry soil shall be
specified in the Contract. The mix design shall be done on the basis of 7 day unconfined
compressive strength (UCS) and/or durability test under 12 cycles of wet-dry conditions.
The laboratory strength values shall be at least 1.5 times the minimum field UCS value
stipulated in the Contract.

403.2.5 Water : The water to be used for cement stabilization shall be clean and free
from injurious substances. Potable water shall be preferred.

403.3 Construction Operations

403.3.1 Weather limitations : Stabilisation shall not be done when the air
temperature in the shade is less than 10°C.

403.3.2 Degree of pulverisation : For stabilisation, the soil before addition of

stabilizer, shall be pulverised, where necessary, to the extent that it passes the requirements

Section 400 Sub-Bases,Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders

as set out in Table 400-4 when tested in accordance with the method described in
Appendix 3.

Table 400-4 Soil Pulverisation Requirements for Cement Stabilisation

IS sieve Designation Minimum per cent by weight passing the IS sieve

26.5 mm 100
5.6 mm 80

403.3.3 Clauses 402.3.3 to 402.3.5 shall apply as regards spreading and mixing
the stabilizer except that cement or lime plus cement as the case may be, shall be used as
the stabilizing material.

403.3.4 Moisture content for compaction : The moisture content at compaction

checked vide IS:2720 (Part 2) shall not be less than the optimum moisture content
corresponding to IS:2720 (Part 8) nor more than 2 per cent above it.

403.3.5 Rolling : Clause 402.3.8 shall apply except that care shall be taken to see
that the compaction of cement stabilised material is completed within two hours of its
mixing or such shorter period as may be found necessary in dry weather.

403.3.6 Curing : The sub-base/base course shall be suitably cured for 7 days.
Subsequent pavement course shall be laid soon after to prevent the surface from drying
out and becoming friable. No traffic of any kind shall ply over the completed sub-base
unless permitted by the Engineer.

403.4 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Works

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902.

403.5 Strength

Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.

Cement treated soil sub-base/base shall be tested for the unconfined compressive strength
(UCS) value at 7 days, actually obtained in-situ. In case of variation from the design UCS,
in-situ value being on lower side, prior to proceeding with laying of base/surface course on
it, the pavement design shall be reviewed for actual UCS value. The extra pavement
thickness needed on account of lower UCS shall be constructed by the Contractor at his
own cost.

Sub-Bases,Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400

403.6 Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be provided and maintained
in accordance with Clause 112.

403.7 Measurements for Payment

Stabilised soil sub-base/base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic


403.8 Rate

The Contract unit rate for cement treated soil sub-base/base with pretreatment with lime if
required shall be payment in full for carrying out required operations including full
compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.8 (i ) to (v).


404.1 Scope

This work shall consist of clean crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling
and bonding together with screening, binding material where necessary and water laid on
a properly prepared subgrade/sub-base/base or existing pavement, as the case may be
and finished in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in close
conformity with the lines, grades, cross-sections and thickness as per approved plans or
as directed by the Engineer. This specification is meant for repairs and minor works of
widening nature, and also at locations where it is not feasible to lay WMM.

404.2 Materials

404.2.1 Coarse aggregates : Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken

stone, crushed slag, overburnt (Jhama) brick aggregates or any other naturally occurring
aggregates such as kankar and laterite of suitable quality. Materials other than crushed or
broken stone and crushed slag shall be used in sub-base courses only. If crushed gravel
/shingle is used, not less than 90 percent by weight of the gravel/shingle pieces retained
on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. The aggregates shall conform to
the physical requirements set forth in Table 400-5. The type and size range of the aggregate
shall be specified in the Contract or shall be as specified by the Engineer. If the water
absorption value of the coarse aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness test
shall be carried out on the material delivered to site as per IS:2386 (Part 5).


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