LE Digital ArtBook
LE Digital ArtBook
LE Digital ArtBook
Edited By
Brandon Carbaugh
Cover Art By
Changhyun Lee 05 Foreword
Layout By 08 The World
Jordan Erb, Kyoung-Won Park
Foreword By
22 The Heroes
Jin Sang Kim
52 House Feniche
Dae Hong Lee
Min Young Lee 82 Monsters
Hyo Jeong Cho
Brandon Carbaugh 90 Allies, Enemies,
and Everyone
I’ve always dreamt of creating an enduring game that In Korea, there’s an old saying: a journey of a thousand Almost two years ago (?!) I took a gamble and accepted a
would be remembered for years, and that my children miles starts with a single step. I’m grateful and honored to role at a scrappy Korean start-up with a wildly ambitious
and grandchildren might enjoy someday. Lost Eidolons is take my first step on the journey into Artemesia with all of vision for a turn-based tactics RPG. Since then, I’ve
only the beginning of this story, and the first step toward you. With your love and support, I look forward to telling tumbled headfirst into the world of Artemesia, and tried to
realizing that dream project someday. I hope there will be more and greater stories there in the future. help translate that vision into reality.
many more to come.
Turning ideas into something you can hold (much less play)
My deepest gratitude to all of those who have built this Hyo Jeong Cho is a messy process at the best of times. But we did our best,
world of Artemesia with me. Scenario Writer and I’m grateful for every second. I hope you enjoy the
game, as well as this peek into its creation. Thank you for
It’s been a wonderful experience helping to create a new supporting Lost Eidolons.
Dae Hong Lee world, slowly refining our ideas and watching them come
Scenario Writer to life. The process has been long and difficult, but I’m so
happy we get to present this world of Artemesia to you.
Looking back, I’ve been wrestling with the feeling of “I It was a collaborative labor of love from all of us, and I
could be doing more” ever since we first started naming treasure the opportunity.
and fleshing out characters. But now that I can see the
completed work in front of me, it’s impossible not to feel I hope Lost Eidolons provides you a fun experience to
moved. I still wish I could do more to make the game escape into. My special thanks to those who have followed
perfect, but it’s time to let it out of my hands and into the its development from the start, and everyone else playing it
world. I hope wherever it lands, and whoever plays it, that for the first time.
it brings them a little joy.
5 6
Image Info
Image by Wonpyo Park. The world map of Lost Eidolons,
put together early in preproduction, helped the team nail
down the finicky geographical details needed to support a
gritty medieval war story.
The World
A land of myth and war, the continent of records destroyed, most notably the infamous
Artemesia is home to noble houses, mercenary burning of the great Cornelian Spire.
companies, and centuries of feudal conflict.
What is known is this: the great houses of
Once a land of independent neighboring
Artemesia are descended from the bloodlines of
kingdoms, today Artemesia is a single Empire,
ancient clans, who worshipped gods the world
ruled by Emperor Ludivictus of House Zerpial,
has since forgotten. They gained power largely
who conquered the continent roughly twenty
through military conquest and the acquisition of
years ago. Since this ‘Great Unification’,
soulstone, a magical ore in some way connected
kingdoms have become provinces, royal families
to the proliferation of mutated wildlife
have become sworn serfs, and commoners
throughout the land. The stories behind these
struggle under the yoke of an iron-fisted regime
facts have been lost to the mists of time and war.
rife with corruption.
The World 8
Image Info
Images by Wonpyo Park. Early concept art helped set the
mood for the various regions of Artemesia that act as the
game’s battlefields.
The Heroes
A hero is only as strong as their allies — and number of new allies on the road to the Imperial
Eden’s got a lot of them. capital.
Eden begins his journey on the streets of As the war grows more complicated, the line
Lonetta, leading a smalltown mercenary between friend and foe gets blurrier. But in any
company that mostly exists as an excuse to case, the characters in this section comprise
help people. When an unusual job puts them Eden’s closest allies, with him in one form or
in the path of a corrupt local lord, they soon another for the bulk of the game’s story.
find themselves forced to lead an uprising just
to keep their heads. And things only get more
complicated from there.
The Heroes 22
A smalltown orphan of war, Eden is a kind
and charming mercenary who’s built a
reputation for helping those in need, with
little thought for repayment, let alone
greater ambition.
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Images by Changhyun Lee and Uijoo Moon. Marchelle’s early designs played around with longer hairstyles, seeking to convey
her mature, sophisticated personality…while playing nicely with hair plug-ins, combat animations, and armor designs.
House Feniche
Though the story of Lost Eidolons carries players And Isoro’s secret weapon? His nephew,
across Artemesia, the majority takes place in Balastar: a fiery warrior and commander who
a small seaside land to the south: the Imperial becomes one of Eden’s closest allies in the fight
Province of Benerio. And no history of Benerio against the Empire…and a fearsome foe, in the
would be complete without a passage on House chaos that follows.
But a noble house consists of more than just its
Founded from the city watch of capital city heads. While designing the various counselors
Castyllian, House Feniche served as the sword and warriors that fill House Feniche’s ranks,
of House Orsio, the former kingdom’s late royal the creative team strove to make them feel as
family. Following the Imperial conquest (and colorful and richly defined as Eden and his allies.
House Orsio’s brutal massacre) House Feniche
At all times, the creative mandate was simple,
fell into disgrace.
but ambitious: that the villains of one story are
Twenty years later, house patriarch Isoro the heroes of another, and only history gets to
Feniche is ready to take back his homeland and decide.
restore his family’s honor, launching a rebellion
aimed at toppling the Emperor himself.
House Feniche 52
The last son of House Feniche, Balastar was
born to a life of privilege and wealth, cut
short by the Imperial conquest — and the
ignominious murder of his father.
Image Info
Images by Jangsik Choi and Uijoo Moon. Concept art
for Balastar tried to find a Viking-like balance between
dignified noble and imposing warlord.
While the world of Lost Eidolons generally airs on the low-
fantasy end of the spectrum, there are still a few myths and
legends lurking in the margins of the map, in particular the
fearsome monsters that prowl the wilderness between cities
and towns.
Monsters 82
83 Monsters Monsters 84
85 Monsters Monsters 86
Image Info Image Info
Image by Changhyun Lee. Image by Changhyun Lee. The
The lovably cuddly Vermilith basilisk-like Anaspida harries
prowls the abandoned player with poison, and litters
province of Faunacht, the battlefield with eggs that
burrowing underground to must be exterminated before
strike from below. they hatch.
87 Monsters Monsters 88
Image Info
Image by Jangsik Choi and
Yoohan Kwon. An illustrated
still from the game’s opening
cutscenes depicts armies
clashing during the War of
107 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 108
Chucal Lady
Originally designed for a
character who was to be the
Emperor’s son, Chucal’s role A spellcasting Imperial
in the story was rewritten, aristocrat who rules over the
and he never actually town of Mora, where Eden
appears. This model would and his allies take part in
later be repurposed for a their first battle under the
minor lord Eden encounters flag of House Feniche.
en route to the Imperial
113 114
Lord of Pomelde Lord of Linbre
A minor lord, part of a trio A minor lord, part of a trio
Eden negotiates with on the Eden negotiates with on the
way to the Imperial capital. way to the Imperial capital.
Has questionable taste in
fashion, but powers through
on sheer confidence.
117 118
Danilo Lady Katerina
A dour spellcaster who acts The self-assured matriarch
as personal retainer and of House Sobek, one of
spymaster to Lady Katerina Artemesia’s great houses,
of House Sobek. which presides over the
Imperial province of
119 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 120
Lord Karel Lord Alexandre
The brash, hot-blooded A pampered son of House
leader of House Vulisica, Bayardine, which once ruled
which oversees the mines the Province of Floriant,
of Niebosa, in Artemesia’s before its largest city,
frigid northern reaches. Leroyaure, was claimed as
the Imperial capital.
121 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 122
Rafael Borislav
A highborn bastard scorned Another of Karel’s personal
by his peers, but treated guard. A stoic, spiritual
fairly by Lord Karel, earning knight who has sworn to
his undying loyalty and protect Lord Karel with
lifelong service. his life, as repayment for
salvation from persecution.
123 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 124
Lord Matteus Faustina
The vain and self-important Matteus’s catty retainer and
leader of House Svala, which personal sorceress. Will not
presides over the lakeland hesitate to mock her patron
clans of Yaruvir Province. behind his back.
125 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 126
Lord Pau Emile
A minor noble renowned for Leader of Artemesia’s
his strength in battle, who largest and most ruthless
allies with Eden’s forces in mercenary company. Utterly
the game’s back half. unconcerned with abstract
notions of pride, Emile
peddles his bloody services
to the highest bidder, and
is always willing to change
allegiances for a better price
– a fact he reminds clients of
loudly and often.
127 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 128
Laura Sullivan
A cocky spellcaster who An acerbic healer who
serves in Emile’s mercenary serves in Emile’s mercenary
company. company.
129 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 130
Johanna Omar
A quiet strategist who A warrior who serves in
arrives in Eden’s camp as Klara’s troops.
Klara’s business partner, but
eventually parts ways with
her. Plays a small but crucial
role in the game’s back half.
131 Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between Allies, Enemies, and Everyone In-Between 132
Image Info
Image by Sara Im. An
illustrated still from the
game’s opening cutscene
depicts the crest of House
Zerpial, the Emperor’s royal
The story of Lost Eidolons spans hundreds of of events happening elsewhere in the world,
miles and entails multiple armies on the move delivering key exposition in the most exciting
at any given time. To keep players oriented in way possible.
the midst of a chaotic and fast-changing war,
Many of these images would later be repurposed
the game relies on multiple pseudo-animated
for things like loading screens, website banners,
cutscenes between chapters, with narration by
social media posts, and other marketing
voice actor Rick Zieff.
materials — including the section headings
Consisting of high-res illustrations with dozens throughout this book.
of layers moving in parallax, the goal of these
sequences was to capture the exciting highlights