Income Taxation
Income Taxation
Income Taxation
reciprocal duties of protection and support between 16. Which of the following statements is not correct?
the government and its people
The power of taxation is shared by the legislative and
6. Statement 1: Taxes are the lifeblood of government executive departments of the government
and should be collected without unnecessary
17. Which is NOT a characteristic of the power of
Statement 2: Taxes are what we pay for a civilized
It is absolutely legislative in character
18. Which of the following statements is correct?
The power of taxation and police power maybe
7. Taxation is an inherent power being an attribute of
exercised simultaneously
sovereignty. The following are manifestations of
taxation being an inherent power, EXCEPT? 19. The purposes and objectives of taxation are as
follows, except
There should be no improper delegation of the power
of tax None of the above
BOTH STATEMENTS ARE CORRECT 20. Which of the following statements is not correct?
9. Statement 1: In the exercise of the power of The power to tax is unlimited, comprehensive, plenary
taxation, the State can tax anything, at any time and and supreme that it can reach over into any
at any amount jurisdiction to seize upon person or property
Statement 2: Taxes may be imposed not only to raise 21. The following are the basic features of the present
revenue, but also to provide incentives and regulate tax system, EXCEPT:
certain activities within the State
the tax exemption being construed strictissmi juris
BOTH STATEMENTS ARE CORRECT against the government is adhering to by the tax
10. It refers to the power inherent in the state to system
prescribe reasonable regulations necessary to 22. Police power as distinguished from eminent domain
preserve the public order, health, comfort, general
welfare, safety, and morals more superior
police power
23. Which of the following statements is most correct?
Statement 1. The power of taxation is inherent in 30. It means that tax must operate with the same force
sovereignty being essential to the existence of every and effect in every place where the subject of it is
government. Hence, even if not mentioned in the found. It does not require the same treatment; it
Constitution the state can still exercise the power simply requires reasonable basis for classification of
tax subjects
Statement 2. It is essentially a legislative function. Even
if the absence of any constitutional provision, taxation uniformity of taxation
power falls to Congress as part of the general power of
31. Which limitation of the power of taxation is
exemplified where those with different incomes are
both statements are correct made to pay different rates of tax because in this
case the incomes are considered as belonging to
24. The defense available to a taxpayer who is required
different classes?
to pay excessive taxes is:
Uniformity of taxation
due process of law
32. It means that individuals should be asked to pay
25. Which of the following is a constitutional limitation
taxes according to their ability to pay
to the power of taxation?
Equity of taxation
Observance of due process
33. Which of the following can be delegated outside the
26. It guarantees that the State must respect individual
legislative branch?
rights by setting limitations on laws and legal
proceedings Computation of the amount of tax to be paid by the
due process clause
34. Which of the following statements is true?
27. Statement 1: All government transactions are tax
exempt because of the inherent limitation of the All of the above
power of taxation
Statement 2: There is no constitutional prohibition 3. These are issuances signed by the Secretary of
against double taxation in the Philippines Finance, upon recommendation of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue that specify,
BOTH STATEMENTS ARE TRUE prescribe or define rules and regulations for the
effective enforcement of the provisions of the
46. After paying its local business tax liability to a
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) and related
certain city government, a cable television operator
was billed by said city for an adjustment. Dutifully,
the cable operator paid the amount. Upon inquiry revenue regulations
as to the nature of the adjustment, the taxpayer
learned that it represents local franchise tax. The
cable operator wrote a letter of protest to the office
of the city treasurer and requested for cancellation
of said adjustment and its corresponding refund.
Since the taxes were levied twice on the same gross
4. Statement 1: Supreme Court decisions form part of 15. One of the characteristics of our internal revenue
the law of the land laws is that they are:
11. How does GAAP differ with tax law in the matter of Real property tax
recognizing income?
22. All except one is an example of direct taxes
excise tax
12. The following are statements on the nature of our 24. Every person legally authorized to practice his
tax laws. Identify which statement is incorrect profession shall pay this appropriate tax
tax laws are both civil and penal in nature professional tax
13. One of the following is a characteristic of a tax 25. Which of the following cases falls within the
payable in money jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals?
14. It refers to national internal revenue taxes imposed Criminal actions for violations of the NIRC
and collected by the national government through 26. Which of the following is an example of a
the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) progressive or graduated tax?
national tax Income tax on individual
27. Which of the following statements is not true? 41. Which of the following is not a scheme of shifting
the incidence of taxation?
A tax assessment is necessary to a criminal prosecution
for willfully attempt to defeat and evade payment of Changing the terms of the sale like FOB point in the
taxes Philippines to FOB destination abroad, so that the title
passes abroad instead of in the Philippines
28. The state has complete discretion on the amount to
be imposed, after distinguishing between a useful 42. It is a system of advance collection of a taxpayer’s
and a non-useful activity: tax liability
29. Which statement is NOT correct? A revenue bill: 43. Compensation income is subject to which kind of
withholding tax system?
may originate from the senate and on which same bill
the house of representatives may proposed Creditable withholding tax system
44. The Philippine tax system is mainly based on this
30. Tax laws, being imposition of burden, shall be approach wherein the taxpayer is responsible for
strictly construed against: determining his or her tax liability, filing his or her
tax return, paying the tax due and complying with
the government
reporting requirements.
31. Which of the following is NOT an example of an
Self-assessment method
excise tax?
45. It assures us that the tax system should be as simple
Real property tax
as possible, clear, concise and capable of
32. Value-added tax is an example of enforcement and convenient as to time and manner
of how taxes are assessed, collected and complied
proportional tax with
33. Which is NOT an essential characteristic of a tax? administrative feasibility
It is a regular payment 46. A sound tax system must be based on the taxpayers'
34. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? ability to pay
35. Estate tax is an example of a: 47. It is the enforcement and implementation of tax
Direct, excise and national tax
tax administration
36. Statement 1: A government entity may impose a toll
fee 48. Which of the following does NOT fall under tax
Statement 2: A private entity may impose a tax
Levy tax
only statement 1 is true
49. Promulgates needful rules and regulations for the
37. Which of the following tax system applies to both effective enforcement of the provisions of the Tax
individual and corporate taxpayers? Code-
Proportional tax system secretary of finance
38. Which of the following is a proportional tax? 50. The number of deputy commissioners of the BIR
All of the above (value added tax, corporate income tax, 4/four
estate tax)
51. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
39. Under this basic principle of a sound tax system, the
Government should not incur a deficit: A memorandum circular promulgated by the CIR that
imposes penalty for violations of certain rules need to
fiscal adequacy be published in a newspaper of general circulation of
40. Statement 1: The impact of a tax is said to be official Gazette because it has the force and effect of
resting on the person or firm who pays the amount law
of the tax and thus receives the initial burden 52. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
Statement 2: the incidence of the tax rests on the In pursuance of the data privacy of the Philippines the
person or firms who ultimately bears the money burden BIR commissioner shall have no authority to inquire
of the tax into bank deposit accounts and other related
both statements are true information held by financial institutions
53. Statement 1: The Commissioner may delegate the COST OF GOODS SOLD
powers vested in him under the pertinent provisions
9) Statement 1: In the case of taxpayers engaged in
of the NIRC to any or such subordinate officials with
the sale of service,” gross income” means gross
the rank equivalent to a division chief or higher
receipts less sales returns, allowances, discounts
Statement 2: The authority to compromise or abate tax and cost of services
may be delegated by the commissioner of the BIR to
Statement 2: “Cost of services” shall mean all direct
lower BIR officials
and indirect costs and expenses necessarily incurred
only statement 1 is true to provide the services required by the customers
and clients
54. When a company incurs “continuous heavy losses”,
which of the following remedies would most Statement 3: In the case of banks, “cost of services”
probably apply? shall include interest expense.
55. Which of the following is not a power vested in the 10) For taxation purposes, the following are elements of
Bureau of Internal Revenue? gross income except:
a. It is a return on capital
The granting of tax exemptions and other tax
b. It must be realized actually or constructively
incentives to taxpayers
c. It is not accepted by law or treaty
56. Which of the following is not a national internal d. NONE OF THE ABOVE
revenue tax? 11) Statement 1: Proceeds of life insurance received by
the beneficiary of the insured is a return on capital
Real estate tax Statement 2: The excess of proceeds over total
premiums paid which is received by the beneficiary
of the insured decedent is gross income and is
CHAPTER 3 - PART 1 taxable.
1) It means all income derived from whatever source Both statements are false
12) Which of the following indemnity or award is gross
a. Indemnity received from injuries sustained
2) The following constitutes “gross income”, except:
b. Money awarded by the court to the winning
A. Compensation for services
party for his claim of moral damages against the
B. Gross income derived from the conduct of trade
other party
or business or the exercise of profession
c. Indemnity for loss/unpaid salaries
C. Gains for dealing in properties
d. None of the above
13) Statement 1: Receipt of proceeds of loan is a
3) It refers to item of gross income less deductions
realized benefit or gross income
allowed under the law.
Statement 2: Gambling winnings are gross income
TAXABLE INCOME because there is a flow of wealth or increase in
one’s net worth
4) It refers to the wealth of money invested or
Only statement 2 is true
available to be invested.
14) In order for income or benefits to be considered as
CAPITAL realize, which of the following elements must be
5) It is the flow of wealth or money a. There must be an exchange with his bilateral
INCOME and or onerous
b. The exchange must be with another entity or
6) It is in payment or return received from an person
investment that is not considered a taxable event c. There must be an increase in the net worth of
and it’s not taxed as income the recipient
RETURN OF CAPITAL d. All of the above
15) One of the following is the bilateral and onerous
7) For the purpose of computing the taxable income in transfer, which one?
the income tax it shall mean gross sales less sales a. Donation
return discount and allowances and cost of goods b. Transfer of property through last will and
sold. testament
c. Barter
d. None of the above
8) For the purpose of computing that taxable income 16) Statement 1: When a transaction is partly onerous
and the income tax it shall include all business and partly gratuitous, it is a complex transaction
expenses directly incurred to produce the because it normally involves a transfer for less than
merchandise to bring them to their present location full and adequate consideration
and use
Statement 2: A transaction is said to be complex 24) Statement 1: It is the length of stay within or
because it is subject to both income tax and transfer outside the Philippines which determines the
tax (estate or donor’s tax) residency of a citizen or alien
Both statements are true
17) Which of the following is not a transaction with Statement 2: In the absence of proof as to the
another entity? intention of a taxpayer, the length of stay within or
outside the Philippines shall be considered in
Sales meet by principal (Home) Office to its branch
classifying the taxpayer either as resident or non-
18) Statement 1: Increase in the value of merchandise
Only statement 2 is true
held for sale is gross income
25) Statement 1: in the absence of proof as to
Statement 2: Cancellation of debt of employee by the
intention, aliens who stayed in the Philippines for
employer in consideration of the services rendered by
not more than 180 days are considered non-
former is gross income
resident aliens not engaged in trade or business
Only statement 2 is true
Statement 2: An alien who stayed in the country for
19) In the exercise of eminent domain power, the 45 days during the taxable year, and whose
Philippine Government expropriated the private intention cannot be determined, and conducted
property of Mr. Juan for public use with just business is classified as a resident alien engaged in
compensation trade or business
Argument 1: The Collector of Internal Revenue contends Only statement 1 is true
that the said expropriation is sale, and therefore the
income derived therefrom is subject to income tax
Argument 2: Mr. Juan argued that the expropriation 26) Identify which of the following is the correct rule in
of his property cannot be considered as sale classifying individual taxpayers:
because the transfer of such property was made by
An alien staying in the Philippines from more than 180
force, there being practically no meeting of minds
days but not more than one year is deep in and
between the parties
resident alien engaged in trade or business
Issue: Whether or not income from expropriation
should be deemed as income from sale for income 27) Who among the following is taxable on income
tax purposes earned within and without the Philippines?
The collector of Internal Revenue is correct
Domestic corporation and resident citizen
because there is income derived from the transfer
of property 28) It comprises all the property rights and publication
20) Which of the following is considered a constructive of deceased:
receipt of gross income?
a. The partnership shared in the income of the Estate
general professional partnership is credited to 29) Identify the incorrect statement
his capital account
b. Payment for the seal is deposited by buyer to An estate which is under extra judicial settlement is
the seller bank account considered an individual taxpayer
c. A and B only 30) A fiduciary relationship in which one party gives
d. All of the above another party the rise to hold title to property or
21) The following items are exempted from taxation asset from the benefit of a third party
a. Income of duly registered barangay micro TRUST
business enterprise.
31) It is it type of trust where its term cannot be
b. Minimum wage
modified amended or terminated without the
c. Income from smuggling
permission of the grantor’s name beneficiary or
d. None of the above
22) The following are classification of taxpayers except
one. Identify the exception? Irrevocable trust
a. Nonresident citizen
32) A foreign corporation which operates and conducts
b. Resident alien engaged in business in the
business in the Philippines through a permanent
c. Domestic partnership
d. Non-resident foreign corporation Resident FOREIGN corporation
23) Identify from the following who is the resident
33) Madumi, Inc., is a corporation duly organized and
registered in the Philippines. Out of the total of 15
A citizen staying abroad from 180 days during the board members, 12 are foreigners. The controlling
taxable year. stockholders are also foreigners. The corporation
conducts its business both within and without the
Philippines. For taxation purposes, the corporation income is earned within and without the
shall be considered as: Philippines:
Domestic corporation
Irrevocable trust
Statement 2: Gains, profits and income from the sale of Dividend income earned from a domestic corporation
personal property produced (in whole or in part) by the regardless of the residence of the recipient
taxpayer within and sold without the Philippines, or 44) This is the test to apply in determining whether
produced (in whole or in part) by the taxpayer without dividend income from a resident foreign corporation
and sold within the Philippines, shall be treated as (doing business within and without) is income
derived partly from sources within and partly from earned that early without a partly within and
sources without the Philippines without the Philippines
Statement 3: Gains, profits and income derived from Pre-dominance test
the purchase of personal property within and its sale
without the Philippines, or from the purchase of 45) Dividend income of P500,000 is earned by X from a
personal property without and its sale within the resident foreign corporation doing business within
Philippines shall be treated as derived entirely from and without the Philippines. For the three-year
sources within the country in which sold. period preceding the year of declaration of the
dividend, the ratio of the Philippine gross income of
All statements are true the foreign corporation to its world income is 55%.
40) Delta Corporation, a domestic corporation doing The dividend income of X is-
business in and out the country (Philippines), Partially earned within and without the Philippines
presented to you the following for evaluation. The
corporation wants to know how much of its gross CHAPTER 3 – PART 2
1.) Ventura was on his way to deliver merchandise
ordered by his customer when another driver lost
control over his truck and rammed it against the
truck of Mr. Ventura. As a result, Ventura sustained
injuries, his truck was severely damaged, and all the
merchandise were destroyed. Negotiations with the
other party went smoothly and Mr. Ventura was
paid the total amount of P3,150,000 for the
How much is the return of capital? P 6,000
P 180,000
How much is the total return of capital? P2,450,000 8. Arturo is in a quandary and approached you to help
him identify which of the following is considered as
3. Ponce is an employee of XYZ Trading. For the month
gross income for taxation purposes: P 320,000
of June, Ponce received the following from XYZ:
For the taxable year, how much should Minda declare as How much is the gross income within and without the
gross income for tax purposes? P2,300,000 Philippines? WITHIN – P3,500,000 WITHOUT P
11. Madumi, Inc., is a corporation duly organized and
registered in the Philippines. Out of the total of 15 15. Gentrix Corporation, a domestic manufacturing
board members, 12 are foreigners. The controlling corporation, manufactures goods and sells them
stockholders are also foreigners. The corporation through its home and branch. The home is located in
conducts its business both within and without the the Philippines and the branch is located outside the
Philippines. The following data pertaining the country. The home office reported a gross income of
corporation’s operations is presented to you for P3,500,000 while the branch reported a gross income of
evaluation: P5,300,000.
16. Statement 1: An individual taxpayer, with the 22. Which of the following methods of determining
approval of the Commissioner, may change its income are recognized except:
accounting period from calendar to fiscal or vice a. Deferred payment method
versa b. Crop method
Statement 2: A short accounting period of less c. Percentage of completion method
than 12 months may occur in case of change in d. None of the above
accounting period by a corporate taxpayer 23. This method of accounting is generally used by
taxpayers who do not keep regular books of
Only statement 2 is true
17. Mang Juan, a sole proprietor, died on July 31, 2020.
Cash basis
The following summarizes the taxable income of
the business left by Mang Juan: 24. Under this method net income is being measured
by the excess of income earned during the period
over the expense incurred
Accrual basis
21. Statement 1: While taxable income is based on the Identify which entry (row) in the foregoing table is
method of accounting used by the taxpayer, it will correct CASH RECEIPT ROW ONLY
almost always differ from accounting income
27. The following is presented to you for analysis:
and produce which were raised during the taxable
year or prior years
b. The profit from the sale of any livestock or other
items which were purchased
c. Gross income from all over the sources
d. All of the above
35. Farming gross profits are a certain by adding to the
inventory value of livestock and products on hand
at the end of the year the amount received from
the sale of livestock products, and miscellaneous
receipt from the hierarchy teams, machinery, and
the like, during the year, and deducting from the
sum of the inventory value of livestock and
products on hand at the beginning of the year and
Identify which entry (row) in the foregoing table is the costs of livestock and products purchased
correct ENTRIES ONE IN THREE during the year-
28. He method considered appropriate when Accrual basis of recognizing farming income
collection extends over relatively long period of
36. This farming method that recognizing gross income
time and there is a strong possibility that full
is applicable only from farmers engage in the
collection will not be made
production of crops which take more than a year
Installment method from the time of planting to the process of
gathering and disposal. Expenses paid or incurred
29. Income is computed based on the present value are deducted ball in the period of growth income
(discounted value) of a note receivable from the from the seal of the crops are realized.
Crop basis of recognizing farming income
deferred method
37. Under the installment method of recognizing
income, the installment collection is multiplied to
the region that grows in cambers to the-
Chapter 4 – Part 2
How much final tax must have been withheld from the
above items of income?256,500
How much is the final tax on the dividend earned by 22. How much of the following prizes and awards is
DEF? 25,000 subject to income tax? 1,559,000
3. Statement 1: Capital gains tax applies only if the The gain on sale is subject to capital gains tax
gain is derived from sale of a capital asset located in 10. On the gain on sale, exchange, and other disposition
the Philippines of shares of stock in a domestic corporation,
Statement 2: Capital gains tax does not apply if the classified as capital assets, not traded through the
sale is conditional or one which is in the nature of a local stock exchange, which of the following is
pacto de retro sale or sale with right of repurchase incorrect?
4. Statement 1: Every gain on sale of an asset 11. On the sale, exchange, and other disposition of real
classified as capital asset and which is located in the property considered as capital asset and located in
Philippines is subject to capital gains tax the Philippines, which of the following is correct?
Statement 2: Financial assets and intangibles, Seller - individual ; tax rate 6% ; basis - selling price
though related to the business, are considered as or FV whichever is higher
capital assets
14. What is the rate of stock transaction tax on sale of Only statement 1 is true
domestic stocks classified as capital assets through
25. Which one of the following may be exempted from
the Philippine Stock Exchange?
the payment of capital gains tax on sale of
60% of 1% of selling price immovable property considered as principal
residence and located in the Philippines?
15. The gain on sale by a dealer of domestic stocks A. Resident citizen
classified as ordinary assets through the Philippine B. Non-resident citizen
Stock Exchange is subject to- C. resident alien
Regular income tax D. Any of the above
26. To be exempt from the capital gains tax on sale of
16. In the case of domestic stocks classified as capital real property, certain requirements must be
assets sold directly to buyer and where such stocks complied with by the seller.
were previously inherited by seller, what shall be
deducted from the selling price in computing the Which one of the following requirements is incorrect?
capital gain? The reacquisition of new principal residence must be
The fair value at the time of death of decedent within 12 months in the date of sale
17. Every capital gain or loss on the sale, exchange, and 27. The capital gains tax return on the sale of real
other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic property must be filed and the tax paid-
corporation, classified as capital assets, not traded Within thirty (30) days following the sale, exchange or
through the local stock exchange shall be reported disposition of real property
through BIR Form-
Chapter 6 - Part 2
18. The deadline of filing the capital gains tax return on
every capital gain or loss on the sale, exchange, and 1. Garcia, a resident citizen, is a stockholder of ABX
other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic Corporation, a domestic corporation. He sold 3,000
corporation, classified as capital assets, not traded of his shares to his best friend for a P150,000 mark-
through the local stock exchange and the payment up on cost. The mark-up is 20% of cost. He paid
of the corresponding tax shall be P2,000 broker’s commission and P4,000
documentary stamp tax on the sale.
With in thirty (30) days after each sale, barter,
exchange or other disposition Compute the capital gains tax: 21,600
19. Requirements for installment payment of the capital 2. Garcia, a resident citizen, is a stockholder of ABX
gains tax, except: Corporation, a domestic corporation. He sold 3,000
of his shares to his best friend for a P150,000 mark-
Taxpayer is a resident individual or corporation up on cost. The mark-up is 20% of cost. He paid
20. Identify a false statement: P2,000 broker’s commission and P4,000
documentary stamp tax on the sale.
Capital losses on wash sales by dealers or non-dealers
in securities are not deductible against capital gains Assuming that Garcia is a non-resident alien, compute
the capital gains tax: 21,600
21. The following persons (sellers) are liable to pay the
capital gains tax on the sale of domestic stocks 3. Juan, a non-resident Filipino, sold his stocks in San
directly to buyer, except: Gabriel, Inc., a domestic corporation, directly to
buyer and received P200,000 cash plus a car with
None of the above fair value of P100,000. The car has a depreciated
22. The following persons (sellers) are liable to pay the value of 90,000 and was previously bought by the
capital gains tax on the sale of immovable property owner for P500,000. The shares sold by Juan were
in the Philippines considered as capital asset, inherited by him. The fair value of the stocks at the
except: time of inheritance was P50,000. The fair value of
the stocks at the time of sale was P90,000.
Foreign corporations
Compute the capital gains tax: 37,500
23. Fair value of real property is whichever is higher of
the –
4. Manny bought 500 shares of stocks of a domestic 10. Patricio made the following capital transactions
corporation for P20,000. He paid the broker’s regarding his domestic stocks
commission of P1,000. He later sold the shares
directly to buyer for P45,000. The buyer shouldered
the P5,000 selling expenses.
16. In pursuance of the merger of Agrix Corporation and 2. It is a kind of withholding tax which is prescribed on
Beta Corporation, stockholder Carlo of the Agrix certain income payments and is creditable against
Corporation surrendered his shares for shares in the income tax due of the payee for the taxable
Beta Corporation. Carlo does not gain control over quarter/year in which the particular income was
Beta. The following are the details of the exchange: earned.
Chapter 7-Part 1
10. In computing the taxable gross income of a taxpayer 22. It pertains to the collections for sale of goods or
engaged in business and/or profession, what is services-
deducted from his total sales or revenue?
Cost of goods sold or services rendered
23. Which of the following forms part of “total
11. In computing the net taxable income of a taxpayer sales/revenues/receipts/fees”?
engaged in business and/or profession, what is
A and B (income from primary operations, other income
deducted from his gross income?
from operations)
Allowable deductions
24. Which of the following is not considered in
12. Globalization rule in determining the taxable computing the gross income from business or
income of the taxpayer means that profession?
Depreciation of laptop used by front desk personnel non-stock, non-profit educational institution
35. This BIR Form (Annual Income Tax Return) shall be
filed by individuals who are engaged in
4. Bernabe reports the following transactions
trade/business or the practice of profession
including those with mixed income 1701
36. This BIR Form (Annual Income Tax Return) shall be
filed by individuals earning income purely from
trade/business or from the practice of profession,
with OSD as a mode of deduction or who availed of
the 8% optional tax: 1701A
37. The annual income tax return is due for filing on-
Compute the taxable income of Bernabe: 385,000
15th day of the 4th month following the taxable
year of the taxpayer 5. Bernabe reports the following business transactions
38. Who are not required to file quarterly income tax
A. Corporate taxpayers
B. Individuals’ earnings compensation and
business income
C. Income earning business/ professional income
D. None of the above Bernabe also earned a total compensation of P410,000
39. The deadline of filing the 2nd quarterly income tax from a part-time employment of which, P105,000 is
return for individuals: August 15 of the same excluded from taxation.
taxable year
Compute the taxable income of Bernabe which is
40. Statement 1: Pure income earners who have other
subject to regular income tax: 680,000
income subject to regular income tax are qualified
to avail of the substituted filing system 6. Carding earns income from both employment and
Statement 2: Once qualified under the substituted business. He earned P350,000 taxable
filing system, employees are no longer required to compensation, excluding P90,000 exempt
file BIR Form 1700 compensation, and a net loss in his business in the
amount of P125,000.
Only statement 2 is true
Compute the taxable income of Carding: 350,000
Chapter 8- Part 1
Compute the taxable income subject to regular income 4. Statement 1: If an insured outlived his policy and
tax: 700,000 receives from the insurance company an amount
equivalent to the total premiums paid, such amount
is taxable
Statement 2: If the insured dies and the beneficiary
receives payment from the insurance company, the
amount received in excess of the total premiums
paid shall be taxable
6. It refers to the amount subtracted from the gross Separation payment as a consequence of termination
income in determining the net taxable income. because of the pandemic
25. Kanlungan, Inc., is a registered non-stock, non-profit How much is excluded from gross income? 555,000
entity with the purpose of helping the poor mainly
6. Garcia was injured in a vehicular accident. He
by gathering donations from benevolent donors and
incurred and paid medical expenses of P10,000 and
distributing the same to the needy. On one
legal fees of P5,000 during the year. He recovered
occasion, Kanlungan, Inc., used a certain amount of
P35,000 as settlement from the insurance company
donation to purchase a commercial stall. Kanlungan
which insured the car owned by the other party
designated some of its staff to operate the
involved in the accident. From the above payments
commercial stall to generate income to boost the
and transactions, the amount taxable to Garcia is:
funds of the organization.
Is the income from the stall taxable? 7. Fernando was hit by a wayward bus while on his
way to work. He survived but had to pay P400,000
Yes, the income is from an unrelated source hence, for his hospitalization. He was unable to work for six
taxable (6) months which meant that he did not receive his
usual salary of P10,000 a month or a total of
P60,000. He sued the bus company and was able to
Chapter 8-Part 2 obtain a final judgment awarding him the following:
1. Mr. X was injured in a vehicular accident in 2018. P400,000 as reimbursement for his
He incurred and paid medical expenses of P20,000 hospitalization:
and legal fees of P10,000 during the taxable year. In P60,000 for the salaries he failed to receive
2020, he received P70,000 as settlement from the while hospitalized;
P200,000 as moral damages for his pain and 13. Your friend shows you a summary of her
suffering, and compensation for the year as follows:
P100,000 as exemplary damages. He was able
to collect in full from the judgment.
9. Pedro, an official of Corporation X, asked for an She wants to know, how much is the total exclusions
“earlier retirement because he was migrating to from her gross income? 171,000
Australia. He was paid P2,000,000.00 as separation
14. Your friend shows you a summary of her
pay in recognition of his valuable services to the
compensation for the year as follows:
How much is excluded from gross income? 4,500,000 How much is the taxable income of Carmela? 1,500,000
12. X, an employee of ABC Corporation, died. ABC 18. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) of Baguio City
Corporation gave X’s widow an amount equivalent reported the following revenues:
to X’s salary for one year or a total of P900,000. The
company also paid X’s widow the amount of
P145,000 representing unpaid bonuses and
allowances of the deceased.
Chapter 9-part 2
2. The following are NOT compensations but may be THE ALLOWANCES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE BIR
treated as income from profession, except:
11. How should the excess amount of de minimis over
COMMISSIONS TO SALES PERSONNEL the limit set by law be treated for a rank and file
3. Statement 1: To compute the taxable
compensation, compensations which are exempted ADDED TO 13TH MONTH PAY AND OTHER BENEFITS
from income taxation must be excluded from the 12. How should the excess amount of de minimis over
gross compensation the limit set by law be treated for a managerial
Statement 2: The gross compensation technically employee?
includes taxable and non-taxable compensation
4. The following comprise non-taxable or exempt 13. Which of the following is an important requirement
compensation, except: in order that an achievement award granted to an
SUPPLEMENTARY COMPENSATION employee is tax exempt?
5. Case 1: Nora made a total of P5,000 contributions THE AWARD MUST BE IN THE FORM OF A TANGIBLE
for SSS, Philhealth, Pag-ibig, and union dues. The PERSONAL PROPERTY AND DOES NOT EXCEED P 10,000
P5,000 contributions form part of Nora’s gross 14. Statement 1: CBA or productivity incentive scheme
compensation. However, in computing her taxable benefits shall only be exempt as “de minimis”
compensation, such amount must be excluded benefits if the total amount thereof does not exceed
Case 2: Nora suddenly got sick and was hospitalized for P10,000 per taxable year
1 month. She received a certain amount of benefit from Statement 2: CBA incentive in the amount of P15,000
SSS. Her hospital bills were also reduced by her shall be de minimis and tax-exempt up to P10,000 only
philhealth benefit. The amount received by Nora from
SSS and the reduction in her hospital bills constitute ONLY STATEMENT 1 IS TRUE
taxable compensation to Nora.
15. What is 13th month pay for a government
18. Statement 1: Foreign government embassies,
8. The following are de minimis benefits, except: diplomatic missions and international organizations
are tax-exempt in their function as such in the
Statement 2: Generally, Filipino employees of foreign 25. It refers to the rate fixed by the Regional Tripartite
governments, international missions, and organizations Wage and Productivity Board (RTWPB)
in the Philippines are taxable
Statement 3: Employees working in Philippine
26. For a minimum wage earner, which of the following
embassies or Philippine consulate offices are considered
is tax-exempt compensation? ALL OF THE ABOVE
as “resident citizens”, hence their salaries as such are
Chapter 10 Part 2
20. This rule mandates that any employee expenses 1. Pedro works as salesman of ZZZ Trading. The
paid for by the employer or granted by the agreement between Pedro and ZZZ provides the
employer as allowance or compensation must be following terms:
solely for the expediency of the employer, and must
be incurred on the employer's premises if
SUPPLEMENTARY COMPENSATION Pedro made a total sale of P250,000 for the month.
Incidentally, during the month, Pedro received a
24. Which of the following is not a supplementary P50,000 commission from selling his friend’s vacant lot.
How much is the regular compensation income of
NONE OF THE ABOVE Pedro? 25,000
8. Miranda is an employee of XYZ Corporation, a How much should be subject to the fringe benefit tax
private enterprise. The following summarizes the for managers? 25,400
benefits of Miranda for the current year: 14. Sarah, manager of ZBC Corporation, receives
P120,000 13th month pay, P60,000 14th month pay,
P25,000 monthly residential rental allowance, and
P5,000 monthly grocery allowance.
Compute the compensation income of Mando. 25,000 Compute the taxable income of Mang Carding. 125,000