HPC106 Fundamentals in Food Service Operations
HPC106 Fundamentals in Food Service Operations
HPC106 Fundamentals in Food Service Operations
WPU: the leading knowledge center for sustainable development of West Philippines and beyond.
WPU commits to develop quality human resource and green technologies for a dynamic economy and sustainable development through relevant instruction, research and
extension services.
1. To provide quality education in the fields of business and management that is responsive to regional, national and international development.
2. To pursue relevant research and extension activities through linkages with business organization, government and non-government agencies.
1. To prepare students to undertake task, functions, duties and activities in the operation of hotels, restaurants, travel, government and non-government agencies in
accordance with the competency standards.
2. To produce skilled and manpower needs of tourism industry providers including government and non-government agencies in the local, national and international
3. To equip students with knowledge and skills who aimed to seek employment and assume entry level jobs in the areas of Food and Beverage, Front Office and
Housekeeping Operations.
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
2. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
3. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
4. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.
5. Select the proper decision-making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
6. Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the workplace.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
9. Demonstrate knowledge on the tourism industry, local tourism products and services.
10. Manage and market a service-oriented business organization.
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WPU-QSF-ACAD-10A Rev. 01 (01.10.22)
Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
Program Curriculum Map (if given in the CMO include in the syllabus, add columns if necessary)
A. Course Information
Course Code HPC 101
Course Title Kitchen Essentials and Basic Food Preparation
Course Description This course is designed to equip the students with the fundamentals of the different techniques and methods, dealing with both the
theoretical & practical kitchen applications of the subject. Principles and theories behind the varied cookery methods and their
applications to varied ingredients, and the techniques or preparation and execution would be enhanced through the daily lectures and
kitchen exercises.
Pre-requisite Course Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation
Co-requisite Course None
Term and Year Level
Offering First Semester, Second Year
Credit Unit/s 1-2-3
Contact Hours/Week 2 hours lecture & 5 hours laboratory
B. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, the students can:
1. Recognize the application of the University’s mission and objectives in the work place and exhibit the core values of the University.
2. Determine the different positions and function of kitchen production.
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
3. Identify and properly operate equipment & common culinary hand tools.
4. Productively apply appropriate cooking skills
5. Identify various cooking techniques.
6. Comply with and practice safe work habits, identify safety hazards, employ preventative safety measures.
7. Maintain positive relations with others, cooperate through teamwork and group participation.
8. Exhibit appropriate work habits and attitudes; demonstrate a willingness to compromise.
9. Identify behaviors for establishing successful working relationships
10. Demonstrate a positive attitude, conversation skills, & personal hygiene
11. Prepare, clarify and utilize basic stocks, sauces, soups & thickeners.
12. Identify & properly select grains, cereals, pastas & rice then cook dishes utilizing these.
13. Utilize portion control, work flow, plating and garnishing principals.
C. Learning Plan
students can: 1.1 History ● Faculty-facilitated ● LCD Projector with Written Works
● Develop general knowledge on 1.2 Development of the new equipment group discussion & PowerPoint No. 1
the origins and development of 1.3 Organization of the modern Kitchen presentation Presentation ● Summative
food service in hotels, 1.4 Kitchen Organizational Chart ● Group performance ● Laboratory Performance Task
restaurants, and institutions. 1.5 Kitchen Layout Task No. 1 – Kitchen No. 1
● Explain the kitchen 1.6 Kitchen Brigade Layout
organization, and the job 1.7 Function and Responsibilities by the ● Advance Research on
requirements, the principles of kitchen/ food production unit Food Sanitation, Types
basic cuisine production of Bacteria, Food Borne
information. The kitchen Illness/ diseases
design and physical features, ● Bring materials for
classify the kitchen cleaning sanitizing
equipment’s, and the equipment
precautions for kitchen
● Describes the operating units
in the kitchen and the various
responsibilities of the kitchen
● At the end of the topic, the II - Sanitation and Safety ● PowerPoint lecture ● Laptop ● Summative
students can: Presentation ● LCD Projector with Written Works
● Describe steps to prevent food 2.1 Food Safety and ● Faculty-facilitated PowerPoint No. 2
poisoning and food-borne Sanitation group discussion & ● Summative
3 diseases. 2.2 Personal Hygiene presentation Performance Task
2.3 Food Storage ● Laboratory
● Describe and explain the most ● Group Performance No. 2 (rubrics)
2.4 Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment Material
important components of food Task No. 2 - Cleaning
and what happen to them sanitizing equipment
when they are cooked.
4 ● At the end of the topic, the III - Tools and Equipment ● PowerPoint lecture ● Laptop ● Summative
students can: Presentation ● LCD Projector with Written Works
● Identify the dos’s and don’ts 3.1 Standard for Tools and Equipment ● Faculty-facilitated PowerPoint No. 3
associated with the safe and 3.2 Cooking Equipment group discussion & ● Summative
efficient use of standard 3.3 Anatomy of Knife presentation Performance Task
3.4 The Professional Kitchen ● Laboratory
cooking equipment, processing No. 3 (rubrics)
equipment, holding and
storage equipment, measuring
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Western Philippines University
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Western Philippines University
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
● At the end of the topic, the VIII - Stocks, Sauces, and Soup ● PowerPoint lecture ● Laptop ● Summative
students can: 8.1 Stocks Presentation ● LCD Projector with Written Works
● Prepare 8.2 Sauces ● Faculty-facilitated PowerPoint No. 7
various stocks and sauce ingre 8.3 Soups group discussion & Presentation ● Rubrics on
dients and apply presentation r ● Laboratory Kitchen
to stock and sauce production. ● Group Laboratory No. 3 Laboratory No. 3
– preparation for white Material
● Evaluate flavor profiles evaluation form.
within stocks, sauces and and brown stocks,
soups and demonstrate proper preparation and
10 adjustment techniques. application of cooking
● Identify and prepare various (velouté, espagnole, and
types of sauces including bechamel sauce)
mother sauces and ● Preparation and
small sauces. application of cooking,
clear, creamy and
● Research the different
type of Salads and
11 ● At the end of the topic, the IX - Salads and Salad Dressing ● PowerPoint ● Laptop ● Summative
students can: 9.1 Salad Presentation ● LCD Projector with Written Works
● Identify the classifications of 9.2 Dessert Salad ● Faculty-facilitated PowerPoint No. 8
salad dressings - mayonnaise 9.3 Vegetables Salad group discussion & Presentation ● Rubrics on
based and vinaigrette based. 9.4 Salad Dressing presentation ● Laboratory Kitchen
Students will be able to apply ● Group Laboratory No. 4 Laboratory No. 4
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
their knife skills when – Preparation for leafy Material evaluation form.
preparing the salads. and non-leafy
vegetables salads
● Preparation for fruits
and vegetables salads
with at least 2 different
types of dressing
(mayonnaise and
● Research about
different types of egg
cookery, different type
of sandwiches and hors
12 ● At the end of the topic, the X - Egg Cookery, Sandwiches and Hors ● PowerPoint ● LCD Projector with ● Rubrics on
students can: d’oeuvres Presentation PowerPoint Kitchen
● Identify and prepare 10.1 All about eggs ● Faculty-facilitated Presentation Laboratory No. 5
ingredients according to 10.2 Sandwiches group discussion & ● Laboratory evaluation form.
standard recipes and the 10.3 Hors d’oeuvres presentation Material
market forms of eggs; ● Group Laboratory No. 5
● Explain the uses of eggs in - preparation and
culinary; and cook egg dishes application of egg
with appropriate taste and cookery, types of
seasoned in accordance with sandwiches (hot and
the prescribed standard. cold sandwiches) and
hors d’oeuvres (canape,
● Identify sandwiches, wraps, bruschetta, and caviar)
equipment, tools and ● Research on types of
materials. Milanese
● Describe the distinction
between amuse-bouchées,
appetizers and hors d’oeuvres.
● Distinguish between the
various international
appetizers and their service
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
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Western Philippines University
1. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals (6th Edition), Without Access Code (What's New in Culinary & Hospitality)
Part of: What's New in Culinary & Hospitality (8 Books) | by Sarah Labensky, Alan Hause, et al. | Jan 18, 2018
2. The Professional Chef & Creating Your Culinary Career & Garde Manger & In the Hands of a Chef Set
The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) ISBN: 978-1-119-52036-8 March 2018
3. Professional Cooking, 9th Edition
by Wayne Gisslen | Sold by: JOHN WILEY AND SONS INC | Apr 19, 2018
4. Study Guide to accompany Professional Cooking, 9th Edition
by Wayne Gisslen | Sold by: JOHN WILEY AND SONS INC | May 8, 2018
5. Essentials of Professional Cooking, 2nd Edition
by Wayne Gisslen | Sold by: JOHN WILEY AND SONS INC | Mar 23, 2015
E. Grading System
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
F. Course Requirements
G. Course Policies
ATTENDANCE: A student at WPU is expected to attend classes in order to progress satisfactorily toward completion of course objectives. In this intense, hands-on course,
attendance is mandatory for all classes. The reason for the absence does not matter. Even if you are ill or have a good reason for being absent, the information below applies.
In other words, your participation is very important! Failure to have the proper uniform and equipment will result in forfeiture of 50% of the lab grade
for the day. Every lab that you miss means 50 points are lost.
Arriving late will count against you. Leaving after the lecture means you will earn no credit for the day- if you are not in the kitchen you cannot participate. “Cutting out”
before the class is released from the kitchen by the instructor or kitchen manager will result in a loss of 50% of your earned grade for that day.
EXCESS ABSENCES: No matter how many classes you miss, you are always welcome to attend a class. Students accumulating more than more three (3) absences may
jeopardize their grade, fail or be withdrawn from the course. If you are not in class, you cannot earn evaluation points, so this will have a tendency to pull down your total
points earned for the course. Remember, a perfect daily grade is 50 points. Two absences are nearly the difference between an “A” and a “B” or “D” and “F”. You may also
miss opportunities to complete skill competency projects.
TARDINESS: Tardiness is inconsiderate and affects all students. Be professional an on time. Excessive tardiness may be reflected in your grade.
MAKE-UP WORK: In the event of missing a quiz you are free to make it up WITHIN ONE WEEK of the original dates. Please come to my office during office hours. The
daily lab grade, mid-term, and final exams may not be made up after the class has been held or the exam given. Any arrangements for special scheduling of an exam must be
made at least ten days prior to the scheduled exam date unless you have a medical excuse from a doctor.
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Republic of the Philippines
Western Philippines University
HANDOUTS, NOTES: If you miss a class it is your responsibility to get the class notes from your fellow classmates. Hand-outs from previous classes are not usually brought
to the next class. You can pick up a handout during chef’s hours if available.
H. Consultation Hours
You are encouraged to inquire about your course grade to date at any time. No giving of extra credit work to individual students because it is inherently unfair to those
students who consistently work hard to achieve a high grade every day. Incomplete are not normally given unless you have a situation such as a serious, long term medical
problem that prevents you from attending class.
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