TDS Polyvest MA 75
TDS Polyvest MA 75
TDS Polyvest MA 75
POLYVEST MA 75 is a maleic anhydride adduct of a low molecular weight 1,4-cis polybutadiene which
has succinic anhydride groups randomly distributed along the polymer chains. This makes the originally
apolar polybutadiene more polar and accessible for various chemical reactions.
Viscous liquid
POLYVEST MA 75 is stable for at least 1 year with exclusion from air, light and moisture at storage
temperatures below 25°C.
The polar, hydrophobic hydrocarbon resin POLYVEST MA 75 is a highly reactive binder featuring the
following characteristics:
POLYVEST MA 75 reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form peroxides and cross-linking and is therefore
packed and delivered under a blanket of inert gas (nitrogen). During handling care has to be taken to
exclude atmospheric oxygen as much as possible from the product. Opened containers should be
blanketed with inert gas again and closed tightly.
This information and all further technical advice are based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no liability or other legal
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whether express or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any changes
according to technological progress or further developments. The customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and
testing of incoming goods. Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified
experts in the sole responsibility of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply
that similar products could not be used.