Agriculture and Fishery: Crop Production
Agriculture and Fishery: Crop Production
Agriculture and Fishery: Crop Production
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development and Quality
Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need to
keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning. Furthermore,
you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the
learning resource while being an active learner.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn
This module was prepared and written to help you achieve the required
competency in preparing crop production. This will be the source of information for
you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular craft, with minimum
supervision or help from your teacher. With the aid of this material you will acquire
the competency independently and at your own pace.
The module is divided into two learning outcomes, namely:
Learning Outcome 1 – Determine Areas Of Concerns For Safety Measures
Learning Outcome 2 - Apply Appropriate Safety Measures
Let’s Try
1m 5m 1m 1m
Let’s recall
Let’s Explore
Make reflection paper on the importance of following the proper distance of
planting. Send it in your Google classroom or messenger.
Let’s Elaborate
a. Temperature
b. Rain fall
c. Wind Velocity
d. Relative Humidity
1. Direct planting-seeds are planted directly in the field where they will
grow permanently until harvesting. Usually done the plants with big
seeds such as beans, corn, peanuts, okra, patola, upo and ampalaya.
A. Applying fertilizer
1. Organic fertilizer- all natural from vegetable and animal waste and
decomposed plants and animal remains.
Example: decomposed animal, manure, green manure, worm
2. Inorganic-man-made fertilizer.
Methods of fertilizer:
2. Side-dressing or Top-dressing-
fertilizer is applied to crop that is
already growing in the field.
B. Weeding
Weeds are enemies of plants. They lower crop yield and compete with
crops for light and carbon dioxide and water soil nutrients as well.
Kinds of weeds:
1. Grasses
2. Sedges
3. Broad leaf weeds
C. Crop Protection
1. Insect pests cause great damage to crops. They chew, suck and lap the
leaves, flowers and fruits hence decreasing the yield and quality of
produce. They also transmit disease to man and crops as well.
a. Beetles
b. Caterpillar and moth
c. Flies, bean fly, leaf miner
d. True bugs green soldier bug
e. Aphids, hopper and mealy bugs
f. Grasshopper and crickets
g. Ants
Control Methods:
a. Culture Method
Use of resistant varieties
Use of crop rotation
Use of intercropping
Use of hand picking
Use of botanical insecticides
b. Chemical Method
c. Biological Method
Use of plant attractants
Ex. Basil, sunflower, zinnia, cosmos
Use of trap plants
Ex. Amarillo
D. Harvesting
Production ends at harvest time. Harvest means the careful separation of
commodity from parent plant.
Types of Maturity
1. Physiological maturity- stage of development when the commodity has
attained full growth and development. External and internal characteristics
of fruit allow normal ripening after harvest.
Methods of irrigation
1. Surface irrigation – the water is applied on the surface of the soil either in
furrows or by flooding. This is the most economical method of irrigation.
1. Surface irrigation
1. Strip with
2. Strip slope
3. Construction of levees
4. Selection of advance stream
5. The length of the strip
2. Sprinkler Irrigation
3. Drip irrigation
Drainage – excess water in the field is removed. Excess water in the field
may damage the crops, cause run off and leaching of soil nutrients.
Methods of drainage:
1. Natural – the method that drains excess water from the field without the
intervention of man.
2. Artificial – this method may take the form of open ditches and tile drains
or under drains. This is the best method of removing excess water from
the field because water passes down quickly, avoiding the removal of
surface flow.
Let’s Dig In
Below are pictures of different crops. Write DP if the method of planting for the said
crop is direct and IP if it is indirect. Write your answer in separate sheet of paper.
Submit it in your Google classroom o messenger.
1.__________ 2.__________
3.__________ 4.__________
5.__________ 6._________
7.__________ 8.__________
9.__________ 10.________
Let’s Remember
Watch a video presentation showing the different cultural practices in crop
production. Make a web concept map on how well you understand what you have
seen. Be guided by the questions given below. You may use a similar web concept
map below.
1. What are the cultural practices in the presentation?
2. Why do you think it is important to know and understand the different
cultural practices in crop production?
Description Importance
Let’s Apply
1. Mang Ruben is a beginner farmer preparing his farm for crop production.
Help him explain the steps in preparing the land by filling up the ladder from
step 1 to step 5 and explain clearly.
You answer shall be assessed using the rubric below:
Gives accurate information and very relevant concepts on how to
properly prepare the land
Gives accurate information and relevant concepts on how to properly
prepare the land
3 Gives less accurate information and concepts on how to prepare the land
Gives inaccurate information and irrelevant concepts on how to prepare
the land
Was not able to explain clearly and comprehensively any of the steps in
preparing the land
Let’s Extend
Between row =1 m
Between hill=.5 m
1. Accuracy 70%
2. Presentation 20%
3. Neatness 10%
Let’s Evaluate
1. _______ is a fertilized and ripened ovule which may develop into by germination.
2. _______ Seeds are planted directly into the field where they grow permanently.
3. _______ Removal of excess seedlings.
4. _______ planting apart to give seedling greater space.
5. _______ done when seedlings have attained 12-15 cm in height and 4 leaves
6. _______ sown first in seed boxes or seedbeds.
7. _______ is an organic or inorganic material that added to soil to supply nutrients
8. _______ Fertilizer applied before and during planting.
9. _______ fertilizer may be sprayed on seedlings on transplanting time for rapid
growth of new transplants
10. _______ enemies of plants
Many hazards are present in the farm. If the farmers are not aware of these
hazards they may cause injury to their body or may cause diseases and even death.
Farmer should always apply appropriate safety measures while working in the farm.
Learning Outcome 1 – Determine Areas of Concerns for Safety Measures
Learning Objectives:
Let’s Try
Directions: Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper and send in messenger
or Google classroom.
Let’s Recall
Let’s Explore
Directions: Visit the link below and then answer the following questions. Write your
answer in your notebook.
Information 1:1
Farm Work that Involves Using Chemicals and Hazardous Tools and
1. Spraying chemicals
Remember, you should never store oxidizing agents with fuels. That is never
store substances labelled yellow diamond with a red diamond.
Safe transport of farm chemicals depends on what the substances is, how
much there qualities[less than 250 liters] can be transported on which provided
that the container is properly secured and safe from spillage.
Technique in storing chemicals
Chemicals are used on farms for a variety of purposes. The safe management
of chemicals requires access to information and responsible action. Manufacturers,
suppliers and users of farm chemicals all have an important role to play. Chemical
substances present different types of risks to people’s health, safely and the
environment. For this reason there are different laws controlling them. The purpose
of this law is to ensure that chemicals are used to safely and efficiently so that
risks to human health, the environment and damage to property are minimized
Protect Tools for the elements
Blades such as electric hedge trimmer blades, hoes and other metal surfaces
can be sprayed with lubricant oil. Spray the blades, and then turn them on to
make sure oil works into all areas. All electrical and petrol gardening equipment
will need to be covered with a blanket or sheet if keep in the shed. These present
dust and dirt to them shall prevent.
Let’s Dig In
Quantity Description
2 sheets Bond paper
1 pc Pentel pen/Marker
1. Relevance 60%
2. Rhyme 20%
3. Presentation 10%
4. Neatness 10%
Let’s Remember
1. What are the different farm works that involves chemicals and
hazardous tools and equipment?
2. What are the techniques in storing chemicals?
Let’s Apply
Using the chart below, Identify the safe uses of chemicals and self management of
Let’s Extend
Directions: Get a garbage can in your house and follow procedures on how to clean
Let’s Evaluate
Write T if the statement is correct and F If the statement is incorrect. Write your
answer in separate sheet of paper.
_____1. Chemicals are use to fertilize and control pests such as insects, weeds etc.
_____2 . Do not use personal protective equipment during spraying.
_____3 . Spray chemicals at night when there is high wind.
_____4 . Stored chemicals safely in cabinets
_____5 .If possible substitutes less hazardous chemicals.
_____6 . Do not record farm chemicals.
______7 . Do not use seatbelts when driving tractors.
______8 . Discuss with the family members and farm workers the potential of risks
in driving tractor.
______9 . Safe storage is needed to protect the elements.
______10 . Cleaning equipment must be take place in designated area.
Let’s Try
Multiple choices: Choose the best answer. Write your answer in separate
sheet of paper and send in your Google classroom o messenger.
Let’s Recall
Let’s Explore
Directions: Browse the link below and answer the given question.
1. What are the different outfits in the farm?
Let’s Elaborate
Personal protective equipment [PPE] can reduce the number and severity of
farm injuries and illnesses. Personal protective equipment helps protect people but
also improves productivity and profits. Farmers can share these benefits using
appropriate protective equipment for themselves, family and employees where the
job and its potential hazard call for it.
3. Make sure that the correct equipment is available to contain and handle
any chemical and other dangerous materials.
6. Everyone should know the location of the fire alarms, fire extinguishers
and first aid kit.
Hazards are present always in the farm. Farmers are not aware of these that
may cause injury to their body or may cause diseases and even deaths. Farmers
may always identify appropriate safety measures while working in farm. In this
lesson we should identify farm works that involves the use of chemicals and
hazardous tools and equipment, determines also the Personnel Protective
Equipment [PPE] and determine farm emergency procedures regarding safety
working environment.
Types of Hazard
1. Physical- includes floors, platforms, steps, falling objects, fire and slippery
surfaces, manual lifting, loud noise, heat, poor lighting and ventilation.
2. Mechanical/Electrical-includes electricity, pressure vessels, cranes,
forklifts, machinery and dangerous goods.
3. Chemical- chemical substances includes such as acids or poisons that lead
to fire or explosion, herbicides, pesticides, cleaning agent various processing
like welding.
4. Biological-includes viruses, mold, bacteria, insects and animals.
5. Psychological environment-workplace stressors arising from a variety
1. Age- injury rates are highest among children age of 15 and under and adults
over 65.
2. Protective Equipment-using protective equipment such as seatbelts on
tractors, and personal protective equipment such as gloves, hats, googles,
and face shields significally reduce farming injuries.
3. Medical Care- hospitals and emergency medical care are typically not
readily accessible in rural areas near farms.
4. Equipment and Machinery- most farm accidents and fatalities involve
machinery. Doing proper equipment maintenance according to
manufacturer’s recommendations can help prevent accidents.
Let’s Dig In
Quantity Description
2 sheets Bond paper short
1 pc Pencil/Ballpen
1. Observe the surroundings.
2. List all the possible hazards observed
3. Classify these hazards
4. Identify persons who are risks with hazards
5. Report your findings to your teacher.
1. Potential hazards are properly identified
2. Report is properly made
3. Potential victims are properly identified
Let’s Remember
Directions: Fill-in the correct word that makes the sentence complete. Write
your answer in your notebook.
1. ______ can reduce the number of severity of farm works related injuries and
1 - 4 protect your head with a hard hat when performing
Let’s Apply
Demonstrate Proper Wearing of PPE. Send picture that are you wearing your PPE
and a short reflection in your Google classroom or messenger.
20 15 10 5
Identification and selection of correct
Demonstrate on how to wear
A written Reports/reflection
16-20 excellent output
11-15 Very Good
6 -10 Fair
5 - below Poor
Let’s Extend
Make a scrap book containing Hazard and Risk in the farm.
Surf the pictures and descriptions.
Let’s Evaluate
Directions: Identify the correct answer provided on the box .Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper and send on the Google classroom or messenger.
Occupational safety exposure hazard googles gasmasks
Mechanical/electrical Risk
Aniceta Kong. Delia San Diego, et al Agriculture and Fishery Arts
Aniceta Kong, Delia San Diego, et al [Agriculture and Fishery]
Management Team:
Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City
Telefax: 8838-42-51
Email Address: [email protected]