Exam MCQ عين شمس + Answers
Exam MCQ عين شمس + Answers
Exam MCQ عين شمس + Answers
1- The following about the round ligament of the uterus is (are) correct EXCEPT:
b) Passes into the inguinal canal.
c) d) Is derived from the gubernaculum.
e) Is continuous with the ovarian ligament at the cornu of the uterus.
3- The lymphatic drainage of the cervix is to the following lymph nodes EXCEPT:
a) The femoral lymph nodes.
b) The internal iliac lymph nodes.
c) The para-cervical lymph nodes.
d) The pre-sacral lymph nodes.
e) The Obturator lymph nodes.
9- Pregnancy complications that can occur due to bicornuate uterus include the
following EXCEPT:
a) Abortion.
b) Malpresentation.
c) Operative delivery.
d) Twin pregnancy.
e) Premature labor.
a) Primary amenorrhea.
b) Cyclic menstrual molimina.
c) Acute retention of urine.
d) pelvi-abdominal mass.
e) Hypomenorrhea.
12-The clinical findings of imperforate hymen include the following EXCEPT:
a) Hirsutism.
b) Cryptomenorrhea.
c) Hematometra
d) Pelvi-abdominal swelling.
e) Retention of urine.
Directions (Questions 22 through 46) ach set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 5 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 22-26
For each of the following epithelium, select the organ that is lining it:
a) Stratified squamous
b) Pseudo-stratified
c) Transitional
d) Columnar
32-Ovarian ligament
33-Labia majora
34-Labia minora
Questions 37-41
Match the origin of the organ with the organ given
a) Mesonephric duct
b) Genital tubercle
c) Gubernaculum
d) Urogenital fold
e) Paramesonephric duct
f) Urogenital sinus
37-Fallopian tube
38-Ovarian ligament
39-Labium minus
Questions 42-46
48-The nerve supply of the vulva and perineum is derived from the following nerves:
1. Pudendal.
2. Genito-femoral.
3. Posterior cutaneous of thigh.
4. Obturator.
5. Anterior cutaneous of thigh.
49-The vulval blood supply is via the:
1. Internal pudendal artery.
2. Vaginal artery.
3. External pudendal artery.
4. Superior vesical artery.
5. Middle rectal artery.
51-The lymphatic drainage from the uterine cervix is through the following lymph
1. External iliac.
2. Obturator.
3. Pre-sacral.
4. Superficial femoral.
5. Superficial inguinal.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
55-The vagina:
a) Contains mucus secreting glands.
b) Relates posteriorly to the rectum in its middle third.
c) Relates anteriorly to the bladder base in its lowest third.
d) Is supplied in part by the uterine artery.
e) Is entirely derived from the MULLERIAN duct.
56-The ovary:
a) Is derived from THE GENITAL TUBERCLE
b) Is attached to the uterine cornu by the infundibulo-pelvic ligament.
c) Lies posteriorly to the board ligament.
e) Is attached to the distal portion of the fallopian tube.
58-The cervix:
c) Has columnar epithelium lining the canal.
d) Produces a thick scanty discharge at ovulation.
e) Has the same proportion of muscle in its wall as the corpus uteri.
59-Imperforate hymen:
a) May lead to hematocolpos.
c) Is frequently associated with renal abnormalities.
60-The Following statements about the lower part of the uterus are correct:
b) The uterine artery passes inferior to the ureter.
c) A parous external os is slit-shaped.
d) Peritoneum passes to cover the upper part of vagina posteriorly.
61-In the female pelvis, the peritoneum covers:
a) The whole of the anterior wall of the uterus.
b) The whole of the posterior wall of the uterus.
c) The fallopian tube partially.
d) The ovary fully.
e) The upper half of the posterior wall of the vagina.
63-The ovary:
a) Lies posterior to the broad ligament.
b) Is covered by peritoneum.
c) Receives blood supply from a branch from the internal iliac artery.
d) Right ovarian vein drains directly into inferior vena cava.
e) Has lymphatic drainage to the para-aortic lymph nodes.
64-The uterus:
a) The uterine index in adult uterus is 1.
b) Anteflexion is maintained mainly by the tone of the uterosacral ligament.
c) The round ligament is attached to the anterior surface just below the cornu.
d) The uterine artery passes below the ureter (in the ureteric canal) to reach the uterus.
e) The uterus receives blood supply from the ovarian artery.
Directions (Questions 98 through 110): Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 5 to 6 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 103-107
Link the following syndromes to their corresponding presentations
a) Laurence Moon Biedl.
b) Kallmann syndrome.
c) Sheehan syndrome.
d) Savage syndrome
e) Asherman syndrome.
f) Swyer syndrome
128- Hirsutism:
1) Adrenal enzyme deficiency can present in adult women.
2) The oral contraceptive pill can be used to treat hirsutism.
3) Cyproterone acetate should be given in a contraceptive regimen.
4) Dexamethasone is an alternative anti-androgen.
5) Circulating testosterone is always elevated in hirsute women.
133- In PCOD:
1) PCOD is the commonest cause of anovulatory infertility.
2) Pregnant women with PCOD have an increased risk of gestational diabetes.
3) Anovulatory women with PCOD are at increased risk of endometrial cancer.
4) Hyperlipidemia is a cause of PCOD.
5) The majority of anovulatory women with PCOD are estrogen deficient.
139- Bromocriptine:
1) Is a dopamine agonist.
2) Inhibits prolactin secretion.
3) Can be administered vaginally.
4) Is more potent than lisuride drug in treatment of hyperprolactinemia.
5) Can cause hypertension.
140- Prolactin:
b) Bromocriptine is the drug of choice in hyperprolactinemia.
c) Is secreted from the posterior pituitary gland.
d) Approximately one -third of patients with a micro-adenoma undergo spontaneous
e) Bromocriptine must be stopped when pregnant.
141- In luteinized unruptured follicle:
a) Progesterone is secreted normally.
b) Menstrual cycles are usually regular.
c) Antiprostaglandins are needed for rupture of ovarian follicles.
d) Induction of ovulation is a useful modality for treatment.
e) Patient can benefit from human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) injections given in
high doses at mid-luteal phase.
147- Factors important in the development of genital prolapse include the following
a) Poor tissue strength.
b) c) Chronic straining at bowel movements.
d) Menopause.
e) Childbirth trauma.
153- Second degree uterine descent in 32-year-old woman wants to preserve her
potential fertility
154- Second degree uterine descent in 75-year-old-woman
155- Stress (urodynamic) incontinence
156-Vault prolapse
157- Cystocele with midline defect
162- Structures which prevent prolapse of the uterus and vagina include:
1) Levator ani muscle.
2) Uterosacral ligaments.
3) Cardinal ligaments.
4) Round ligaments.
5) Broad ligaments.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
165- An enterocele:
a) Usually contains rectum.
b) In lined by peritoneum.
c) Frequently contains small bowel.
d) May be a long-term complication of vaginal hysterectomy.
166- A cystocele:
a) Is usually associated with stress incontinence.
b) Contains bladder.
c) May present as urinary retention.
d) Is treated by Fothergill’s operation.
e) Is best treated with a ring pessary.
169- The natural defense of the vagina to infection include all of the following
a) The vaginal pH.
b) The presence of Doderlein's bacilli.
c) The physical apposition of the pudendal cleft and the vaginal walls.
d) The bacteriostatic secretions of vaginal glands.
e) The vaginal stratified squamous epithelium.
170- As regards Gardnerella vaginalis vaginitis all of the following are correct
a) It is usually asymptomatic.
b) It may present with a foul smell discharge.
e) It may progress to acute pelvic inflammatory disease.
d) Its discharge may increase after intercourse.
e) It can be diagnosed by clue cells on Gram staining of vaginal discharge.
177- The following about Trichomonas vaginalis (T.V.) are correct EXCEPT:
a) T.V may be a sexually transmitted disease
b) Most patients having TV have symptoms.
c) The disease may cause itching.
d) Unlike bacterial vaginosis, metronidazole is ineffective therapy.
e) It may cause a flea-bitten appearance of the cervix
Directions (Questions 179 through 199): Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 2 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 179-183
Match each condition to the appropriate pH
a) Generally acidic
b) Generally alkaline
Questions 184-188
Match the effect of each secretion
a) Turns pH of the vagina more acidic
b) Turns pH of the vagina more alkaline
c) Keeps pH of the vagina constant
184- Menopause
185- Lactobacilli
186- Semen
187- Menstruation
188- Estrogen therapy
Questions 189-193
Match the genital organism with the most appropriate chemotherapeutic
a) Azithromycin
b) Spectinomycin
c) Itraconazole
d) Penicillin G
e) Tetracycline
f) Clindamycin
g) Metronidazole
Questions 194-199
Match the Genital infection with the diagnostic modality
a) Culture on Thayer Martin medium
b) Culture on Dorset egg medium
c) Culture on Sabouraud medium
d) Culture on aerobic blood agar
e) Micro-immunofluorescent test
f) Western blot
g) PCR and Southern blot.
h) Whiff test
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
211- All the following about genuine stress incontinence in the female are correct
a) It occurs transiently during pregnancy.
b) It is more common in parous women.
c) It can be corrected surgically.
d) It is associated with a high urethral pressure profile amplitude on urodynamic studies
e) It is usually associated with utero-vaginal prolapse.
212- The following are treatment modalities for overactive bladder EXCEPT:
a) Parasympathomimetics
b) Smooth muscle relaxants
c) Anticholinergics.
d) Behavioral therapy
e) Tricyclic anti depressants
Directions (Questions 214 through 223): Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 6 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 214-218
Match the common presentation with the disease entity
a) True urinary incontinence
b) Menuria
c) Urge incontinence
d) Partial urinary incontinence
e) Overflow urinary incontinence
f) Urinary incontinence at sexual penetration
214- Vesicovaginal fistula
215- Uterovesical fistula
216- Left ureterovaginal fistula
217- Genuine stress incontinence
218- Overactive bladder
Questions 219-223
Match the operation with the disease entity
a) Urodynamic stress incontinence
b) Overactive bladder
c) Vesicovaginal fistula
d) Vault vesical fistula
219- Sims dedoublement operation
220- Burch colposuspension
221- Marshal Marchetti Krantz operation
222- Clam cystoplasty
223- Latzko operation (partial colpocleisis)
Directions: Each of the following numbered items or incomplete statements in this
section is followed by numbered items that in certain combination leads to the BEST
lettered combined answer or/and completion. According to the following directions,
choose the BEST lettered answer:
1,2,3 are correct, choose A
1,3 are correct, choose B
2,4 are correct, choose C
1,2,3,4 are correct, choose D
All are correct, choose E
224- In the treatment of genuine stress incontinence (GSI):
1) Preoperative urethral pressure profilometry can predict the success of surgical
2) Patients with co-existent detrusor instability could have surgical treatment.
3) Vaginal surgery for stress incontinence carries a high failure rate.
4) The standard operation is the suburethral sling
5) Physiotherapy will improve symptoms in about 20% of patients.
225- Urethral caruncle:
1) Usually covered by transitional epithelium.
2) Usually asymptomatic.
3) May resemble urethral carcinoma.
4) Usually originates from the anterior wall of the urethra.
5) Occurs in children.
228- Regarding cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), all the following are correct
a) Transformation zone is the most susceptible location for development.
b) It is usually unifocal.
c) Abnormal vascular pattern seen by colposcopy include punctuation, mosaicism and
acetowhite area.
d) Total hysterectomy is a line of management.
e) Cervical conization is best done by loop electrosurgical excision procedure
229- Regarding cervical polyps all the following are correct EXCEPT:
a) May cause post coital bleeding.
b) The most common type is mucous polyps.
c) Usually they arise from the cervical canal.
d) They are usually pre cancerous.
e) Cervical polyps should be subjected to histopathological examination.
233- The following are risk factors to developing uterine myomata EXCEPT;
a) Low parity
b) Late menarche
c) Negroid race
d) Positive family history of the disease
e) Associated endometriosis
234- Sarcomatous change in uterine fibroids occurs in:
a) 0.05%.
b) 0.5%
c) 1.5%
d) 5%
e) 15%
235- All the following about uterine fibroids are correct EXCEPT:
a) Occur in over 30% of women of reproductive age.
b) Can undergo sarcomatous change in 5% of cases.
c) Are associated with menorrhagia.
d) Can cause polycythemia.
e) Can cause pressure manifestations in the pelvis.
238- All the following about uterine fibroids are correct EXCEPT:
a) Are estrogen dependent.
b) Get smaller during treatment with progestogens.
c) Are usually asymptomatic.
d) Shrink in response to treatment with LHRH agonists.
e) May be treated conservatively
240- The following physical findings are consistent with a diagnosis of endometriosis
a) Fixed retroversion of the uterus.
b) Tender pelvic masses.
c) Adnexal enlargement.
d) Cul-de-sac nodules.
e) Omental nodules
249- In contrast to a malignant ovarian tumor, a benign tumor has which of the
following gross features?
a) Excrescences on the surface.
b) Peritoneal implants.
c) Intra-cystic papillae.
d) Free mobility.
e) Capsule rupture.
250- The most common benign mass of the cervix and endocervix is a:
a) polyp
b) leiomyoma
c) Nabothian cyst
d) Cervical hood
e) Gartner's duct cyst
251- A 37-year-old woman complains of postcoital bleeding. The LEAST likely cause of
her bleeding would be cervical
a) polyps
b) ectropion
c) carcinoma
d) Nabothian cyst
e) infection
252- All the following about uterine fibroids are correct EXCEPT:
a) They originate from smooth muscle.
b) They contain muscle and connective tissues.
c) They are usually multiple.
d) They are visually submucous.
e) They are uncommon in the cervix.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
268- CIN III lesions extending into the cervical canal are:
a) Often invasive.
b) Treated by radiotherapy.
c) Treated by hysterectomy.
d) Safely treated by cone biopsy.
e) Safely treated by large loop excision of the transformation zone.
269- The following statements are true of large loop excision of the cervical
transformation zone (LLETZ) EXCEPT;
a) It is used even when a CO2 laser is available.
b) It requires anesthesia.
c) It is a cheap and effective way of removing the cervical transformation zone.
d) Secondary hemorrhage is a rare complication.
e) Cervical stenosis may occur.
276- Microinvasion of carcinoma of the cervix involves a depth below the base of the
epithelium of no more than:
a) 1 mm.
b) 2 mm.
c) 3 mm.
d) 4 mm.
e) 5 mm.
278- All the following about microinvasive cancer of the cervix are correct EXCEPT:
a) It consists only of those showing early stromal invasion.
b) It may invade to a depth of 5 mm.
c) It should have a maximum width of 7 mm.
d) It may invade lymphatic channels.
e) It may metastasize
279- Elevated α fetoprotein is used for detection of:
a) Cancer vulva.
b) Cancer cervix.
c) Endodermal sinus tumor.
d) Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
e) Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.
280- The commonest vulval malignancy is:
a) Adenocarcinoma.
b) Squamous cell carcinoma.
c) Basal cell carcinoma.
d) Melanosarcoma.
e) Leiomyosarcoma.
283- The definite diagnosis of a Leiomyosarcoma requires how many mitotic cells per
a) 1.
b) 4.
c) 10.
d) 16.
e) 20.
285- The most common primary site for atypical secondaries metastasizing to the ovary
a) Stomach.
b) Lung. .
c) Colon.
d) Breast.
e) Esophagus.
286- As regards the spread of epithelial ovarian cancers, all the following are correct
a) Via the blood stream occurs early in the disease.
b) To para-aortic lymph nodes puts the case at stage III.
c) To the underside of the diaphragm is common.
d) Around the peritoneal cavity has usually occurred by the time of diagnosis.
e) To the omentum frequently occurs.
287- Important prognostic factors concerning ovarian epithelial carcinoma include the
following EXCEPT:
a) Volume of the tumor.
b) Affection of ovarian stroma
c) Extent of the tumor.
d) Histological differentiation of the tumor.
e) Presence of ascites.
288- The ovarian tumor that is best responds to radiotherapy is:
a) Serous cystadenocarcinoma
b) Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
c) Transitional adenocarcinoma
d) Dysgerminoma
e) Granulosa cell tumor
289- The following factor are associated with endometrial cancer EXCEPT:
a) Obesity.
b) Smoking.
c) Polycystic ovarian disease and amenorrhea.
d) Heredity.
e) Tamoxifen use.
290- The most active chemotherapeutic drug in endometrial cancer is:
a) Paclitaxel.
b) Cisplatin.
c) Carboplatin.
d) Doxorubicin.
e) Cyclophosphamide.
291- The following hormonal treatment may be used in treating endometrial cancer
a) Provera (medroxy progesterone acetate).
b) The patients are younger.
c) LHRH analogues.
d) Tamoxifen.
e) Diethyl stilbestrol (DES).
294- The common presentations of carcinoma of the cervix include the following
a) An asymptomatic abnormal smear.
b) Pelvic pain.
c) Vaginal discharge.
d) Postcoital bleeding.
e) Intermenstrual bleeding.
296- The following factors increase the risk of a woman developing endometrial cancer
a) Obesity.
b) Late menopause.
c) Combined (estrogen and progestin) hormone replacement therapy.
d) Diabetes mellitus.
e) A history of polycystic ovary disease.
298- Which of the following statements about ovarian tumors in premenarcheal girls is
a) The malignancy rate is low.
b) The majority are of celomic epithelial origin.
c) Ovarian neoplasia of any type are relatively common.
d) Most ovarian enlargement in the newborn are functional cysts.
e) Germ tumors are a frequent cause of precocious puberty.
299- The following are associated with a reduced prevalence of epithelial ovarian cancer
a) Unilateral oophorectomy.
b) Female sterilization.
c) IUCD usage.
d) Use of combined oral contraceptive pills
e) Previous hysterectomy.
300- The following factors make a diagnose of malignancy more likely in a woman with
an ovarian tumor EXCEPT:
a) Family history of ovarian cancer.
b) Previous use of the contraceptive pills.
c) Nulliparity.
d) Bilaterality of the tumor
e) Previous use of ovulation inducing drugs
301- Endometrial cancer with vaginal metastasis is staged:
a) IIb.
b) IIIa.
c) IIIb.
d) IIIc.
e) IVa.
302- Carcinoma in situ of the cervix precedes invasive for an average period of:
a) 1 year.
b) 2 years.
c) 5 years.
d) 10 years.
e) 15 years.
305- The following statements concerning endometrial cancer are correct EXCEPT:
a) Involvement of the cervix occurs in stage II disease.
b) Invasion of the myometrium to a depth of more than 50% puts the case into stage II.
c) Initial treatment of stage I disease is by total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral
d) Postoperative radiotherapy is rarely required in stage IA disease.
e) Five-year survival is 90% in stage I.
306- The following criteria are in favor of diagnosis of ovarian cancer during
laparotomy EXCEPT:
a) Huge ovarian cyst.
b) Extra cystic papillae.
c) Areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
d) Heterogeneous consistency.
e) Limited mobility
307- Which of the following germ cell tumors is associated with ambiguous genitalia?
a) Choriocarcinoma.
b) Gonadoblastoma.
c) Dermoid cyst.
d) Carcinoid tumor.
e) Endodermal sinus tumor.
308- True statements about mucinous carcinoma of the ovary include the following
a) It usually is diagnosed at a less advanced stage than serous carcinoma.
b) It tends to be unilateral.
c) It tends to be well differentiated.
d) It may be developed in 30-50% of benign forms.
e) Affected women have a 50 percent chance of surviving 5 years.
310- The following statements regarding endometrial carcinoma are true EXCEPT:
a) Age is a significant prognostic factor.
b) Transtubal dissemination explains metastatic intra-abdominal spread.
c) Spillage of cancer cells at the time of surgery is the cause of vaginal vault
d) One third of all cases of relapse will occur within 12 months of diagnosis.
e) Ten percent of cases of relapse occur at more than five years from surgery.
311- Women arc at high risk for endometrial carcinoma if they have one or more of the
following characteristics EXCEPT:
a) Hypertension.
b) Diabetes.
c) Smoking
d) Obesity.
e) Familial history of endometrial carcinoma.
Directions Questions 313 through 347: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 313-317
Match the mean age of occurrence and the genital malignancy
a) 4-5 years
b) 10-20 years
c) 45-50 years
d) 57-65 years
313- Endometrial cancer
314- Sarcoma botryoid
315- Cervical cancer
316- Vulval cancer
317- Dysgerminoma
Questions 318-323
Match the main type of spread of the following malignancies and its corresponding
a) Tumor is locally malignant
b) Lymphatic
c) Hematogenous
d) Transcelomic
Questions 324-332
Match the approximate malignant potential of the following benign condition
over a decade with the condition of concern
a) 0%
b) 0.5%
c) 1% - 1.5%
d) 3%
e) 5%
f) 8%
g) 30%
Questions 333-337
Match the tumor marker or byproduct with the appropriate tumor
a) Human chorionic gonadotrophin
b) Alpha-fetoprotein
c) CA 125
d) Estrogen
e) Progesterone
f) Testosterone
g) Non of the above
333- Dysgerminoma
334- Choriocarcinoma
335- Theca cell tumor
336- Endodermal sinus tumor
337- Serous cystadenocarcinoma
Questions 338-342
Match the chemotherapeutic agent with its characteristic side effect
a) Pulmonary fibrosis
b) Cardiotoxicity
c) Peripheral neuropathy
d) Renal failure
e) Hemorrhagic cystitis
338- Adriamycin
339- Vincristine
340- Cyclophosphamide
341- Cisplatinum
342- Bleomycin
Questions 343-347
Match the findings with the least stage of the tumor
a) Stage I A
b) Stage TB1
c) Stage I B2
d) Stage IIA
e) Stage IIB
f) Stage HI
g) Stage IVA h) Stage IVB
349- All the following about invasive cancer of the vulva are correct:
1) Is usually squamous in type.
2) Carries a poor prognosis.
3) Is associated with other genital malignancies.
4) Is best treated by local vulvectomy.
5) Is painful.
358- The following tumors of the ovary are commonly hormone secreting:
1) Serous cystadenomas.
2) Granulosa cell tumors.
3) Transitional cell tumors.
4) Leydig cell tumor.
5) Mature cystic teratomas.
364- Dysgerminomas:
1) Are commoner in younger than older women.
2) Frequently present with abdominal pain.
3) Are common in patients with testicular feminization syndrome.
4) Are treated initially by radiotherapy.
5) Are bilateral in 50% of cases.
375- A patient with stage Ib carcinoma of the cervix undergoes a radical hysterectomy
and pelvic lymphadenectomy:
a) Prophylactic heparin is mandatory.
b) Irradiation is an alternative comparable therapeutic modality
c) Ureteric fistulae are usually due to intra-operative surgical trauma.
d) Significant long-term bladder dysfunction is common.
e) Pelvic lymphocyst formation is characteristically a late complication.
376- A 28-year-old woman undergoes a radical hysterectomy including pelvic
lymphadenectomy for a 3 cm diameter stage Ib squamous cell carcinoma of the
a) Her prognosis will be better after surgery than following radiotherapy.
b) Pre-operative intracavitary cesium reduces recurrence.
c) Oophorectomy is unnecessary.
d) Post-operative radiotherapy would improve the prognosis if the pelvic nodes
contained tumor.
e) Para-aortic lymphadenectomy should be employed as a routine at the time of radical
379- Which of the following listings correctly ranks contraceptive methods in terms of
decreasing effectiveness:
a) Oral contraceptives, diaphragm, IUD, spermicides, rhythm.
b) IUD, oral contraceptives, diaphragm, spermicides, rhythm.
c) Rhythm, oral contraceptives, IUD, diaphragm, spermicides.
d) Oral contraceptives, IUD, spermicides, diaphragm, rhythm.
e) Oral contraceptives, IUD, diaphragm, spermicides, rhythm.
380- The use of combined oral contraceptives reduces the risk of:
a) Ectopic pregnancy.
b) Hepatic adenoma.
c) Salpingitis.
d) Ovarian cancer.
e) Endometrial cancer.
384- All the following are health benefits of combined oral contraceptive pills EXCEPT:
a) Endometrial carcinoma protection.
b) Protection against surface ovarian tumors.
c) Treatment of benign breast lesions.
d) Protection against cancer breast.
e) Decrease amount of menstrual flow.
385- The side effects of combined oral contraceptive pills include the following
a) Nausea.
b) Dizziness.
c) Vaginal discharge.
d) Menorrhagia.
e) Weight gain.
Directions Questions 386 through 394: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 6 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 386-390
Match the following contraceptive method with the most likely associated condition:
a) Combined oral contraceptives
b) Progestin-only pill
c) Condoms
d) Cervical cap
e) Intrauterine device (IUD)
f) Coitus interruptus
Questions 391-394
For each woman, select the LEAST appropriate contraceptive method
a) Combined oral contraceptives
b) Progestin-only pill
c) Levonorgestrel implant
d) Condoms
e) Diaphragm
f) Intrauterine device (IUD)
399- The following statements regarding progestin only injectables as contraceptives are
1) They have no effect on lactation and can be used by breastfeeding women.
2) The mechanism of their action is mainly by suppression of ovulation.
3) Return to fertility after discontinuation is usually delayed.
4) They can cause osteoporosis.
5) DMPA (Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate) is taken every month.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
401- Emergency contraception:
a) Is contraception used after intercourse but prior to implantation.
b) When used estrogens must be taken within 72 hours of intercourse.
c) When using estrogens, rarely they have side effects.
d) When using the IUCD, it must be inserted the "morning after".
e) Established contraindications to the oral contraceptive pill and the intrauterine
contraceptive device still apply.
403- Which of the following statements with regard to the copper IUCD are correct?
a) Modern copper IUCDs are clinically effective and safe for at least five years.
b) It reduces the number of sperm reaching the fallopian tube and their capacity to
fertilize the egg.
c) The risk of pelvic infection (PID) is low (<2 cases PID/1000 woman years of use)
and does not increase with long-term use.
d) Is contraindicated in women with Wilson's disease.
e) Levonorgestrel releasing devices are associated with a highly significant reduction in
blood loss in women with menorrhagia.
406- Fertilization:
a) Occurs in the uterine cavity.
b) If occurred by two spermatozoa, causes a trisomic conceptus.
c) Is associated with a surge of maternal luteinizing hormone.
d) Is associated with production of the first polar body.
e) Depends on hyaluronidase release by the sperm.
413- In the normal fetus and newborn, the following statements are correct EXCEPT:
a) Prostaglandins delay closure of the ductus arteriosus after birth
b) Glucose reaches his circulation by facilitated diffusion.
c) The central nervous system is fully mature at birth.
d) The ductus venosus conveys oxygenated blood before birth.
e) There is high pulmonary vascular resistance before birth.
414- The following vessels contain oxygenated blood in the fetus EXCEPT:
a) Umbilical artery.
b) Ductus venosus.
c) The inferior vena cava as it enters the right atrium.
d) Carotid artery.
e) Umbilical vein.
417- The following statements regarding human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) are
correct EXCEPT:
a) Is a glycoprotein.
b) Has an a subunit similar to FSH.
c) Reaches a peak level at about 20 weeks' gestation.
d) Is thought to stimulate fetal testosterone secretion.
e) Is produced by syncytiotrophoblast.
418- Softening of the cervical isthmus that occurs early in gestation is called:
a) Hegar's sign.
b) Chadwick's sign.
c) Braxton-Hick's contraction.
d) Palmer's sign.
e) Cullen's sign.
419- A pregnant uterus that is larger than the period of amenorrhea could be due to:
a) Generalized edema.
b) Obesity.
c) Intrauterine growth retardation.
d) Breech presentation.
e) Polyhydramnios.
420- Which of the following signs or symptoms are NOT present in a 12-week
a) Chadwick's sign.
b) Quickening.
c) Ultrasonographic fetal heart action.
d) Amenorrhea.
e) Hegar's sign.
422- Which of the following is NOT a basis in Naegele's rule for estimating a woman's
due date?
a) Regular monthly menstrual cycles.
b) A pregnancy of 280 days.
c) Ovulation about day 14.
d) Cycle regulation with birth control pills before conception.
e) Conception at midcycle.
423- Which of the following is NOT a usual screening test in an early, uncomplicated
a) Repeat human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels.
b) Hemoglobin.
c) Serology.
d) Cervical cytology.
e) Blood type and Rh factor.
424- Which of the following dietary instructions NOT appropriate for a pregnant
a) Restrict salt intake.
b) Take 1200 mg calcium daily.
c) Take 800 mg folic acid daily.
d) Take supplemental iron.
e) Gain at least 15 Ibs during the pregnancy.
425- Which of the following complications does NOT occur in the second trimester of
a) Premature labor.
b) Cervical incompetence.
c) Premature rupture of membranes.
d) Abruptio placentae.
e) Round ligament pain.
426- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a 28-week pregnancy:
a) Viability
b) A fetal weight of 1000 g.
c) Lecithin to sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio of less than 2:1
d) The absence of type II fetal lung alveoli cells
e) The presence of phosphatidyl glycerol.
427- The INCORRECT statement about fetal scalp PH measurement:
a) It is a good indicator of chronic fetal hypoxia.
b) It is measured using an invasive test.
c) It can be repeated every hour if abnormal.
d) Normal value of fetal PH should be >7.25.
e) Maternal pH may affect the fetal pH
429- Management of intrapartum acute fetal distress includes the following EXCEPT:
a) Oxygen administration.
b) Change of maternal position.
c) Intraamniotic oxygen supplement
d) Correction of maternal hypotension.
e) C.S if the cervix is not fully dilated.
430- The following statements regarding obstetric ultrasound are correct EXCEPT:
a) It can be used with amniocentesis.
b) It carries a major risk to the fetus.
c) It can diagnose placental grading.
d) It is a useful tool in the assessment of amniotic fluid volume.
e) It could estimate the approximate intrauterine fetal weight
431- Ultrasound can be helpful in the diagnosis of all the following EXCEPT:
a) Incompetent cervix.
b) Fetal cardiac anomalies.
c) Type of twins.
d) Site of implantation
e) Placental location
Directions Questions 436 through 455: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 436-440
Match the drug used in pregnancy with its presumptive effect on the fetus
a) Ototoxicity
b) Bone affection
c) Kernicterus
d) Cardiotoxicity
e) Grey baby syndrome
f) Neural tube defect
436- Chloramphenicol
437- Sulphonamides
438- Carbamazepine
439- Tetracycline
440- Gentamicin
Questions 441-444
Match the fetal structure with the adult correspondence
a) Ligamentum venosum
b) Ligamentum teres
c) Ligamentum arteriosum
d) Median umbilical ligament
e) Lateral umbilical ligament
441- Umbilical artery
442- Ductus venosus
443- Ductus arteriosus
444- Urachus
Questions 445-450
Match the substance with its method of placental transfer
a) Active transport
b) Facilitated diffusion
c) Simple diffusion
d) pinocytosis
e) Not transferred
445- Glucose
446- Non fractionated heparin
447- Fractionated heparin
448- Amino-acids
449- Oxygen
450- Immunoglobulins
Questions 451-455
Match the physiologic condition in the non pregnant state below with its
change during pregnancy above
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
458- In human placentation, the following structures lie between maternal and fetal
1 - Trophoblast.
2- Capillary endothelium.
3- Mesenchyme.
4- Decidua.
5- Chorion laeve.
460- Regarding the normal umbilical cord, the following statements are correct:
1 - It contains two arteries.
2- It is covered by amnion and chorion.
3- It contains Wharton's jelly.
4- It usually pulsates at a rate equal to the maternal pulse rate.
5- It contains two veins.
463- The following statements regarding the placenta the following statements are
1 - It is formed of maternal and fetal parts.
2- The placental barrier get thinned by 5-6 months of pregnancy.
3- Placenta succenturiata may be a cause of post partum hemorrhage.
4- Its maternal surface is covered by an amniotic membrane.
5- Each cotyledon is composed of a few numbers of chorionic villi.
464- The following statements regarding the amniotic fluid are correct:
1 - It has a fetal contribution as well as maternal one.
2- It has functions during pregnancy as well as during labor.
3- Its marked diminution may lead to skeletal abnormalities in the fetus.
4- It is increased in anencephaly.
5- Its PH is acidic.
465- As regards the amniotic fluid, the following statements are correct:
1 - The water constitutes 99% of its composition.
2- It reaches its maximum volume at term.
3- It keeps the fetal temperature constant.
4- In the first trimester, it is mainly of fetal origin.
5- It is a stagnant fluid.
467- The following statements regarding human placental lactogen (HPL) are correct:
1 - It elevates free fatty acids.
2- It inhibits gluconeogenesis.
3- It induces lipolysis.
4- It decreases plasma insulin levels.
5- It stimulates glucose uptake in mother.
468- The following statements regarding the umbilical cord are correct:
1 - Contains two arteries and one vein.
2- Abnormal long cord can lead to cord prolapse.
3- Contains Wharton's Jelly.
4- It is covered with amniotic membrane.
5- Its umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from placenta to the fetus.
469- Warning symptoms that are given to a pregnant lady include:
1- Bleeding per vagina.
2- Sudden loss of fluid per vagina.
3- Abdominal pain.
4- Leg cramps.
5- Excessive salivation (ptyalism).
470- The following laboratory investigations are component of the routine antenatal
1 - Rh typing.
2- Hemoglobin.
3- Urine analysis for sugar and protein.
4- HCG
5- Urine culture.
471- Cardiac output during normal pregnancy:
1 - Increase in the first trimester.
2- Varies with physiological changes in heart rate.
3- Varies with stroke volume when the heart rate is constant.
4- Is reflexly reduced in a hot environment.
5- Is greater from the left ventricle than from the right.
472- The following statements regarding blood composition in normal pregnancy are
1- The packed cell volume falls.
2- There is a rise in the iron-binding capacity.
3- The blood cholesterol rises.
4- The total red cell mass falls by about 20%
5- The protein bound iodine level falls.
473- The following statements regarding non-stress test (NST) are correct:
1- Used with the aid of internal fetal Doppler.
2- Long term variability of the fetal heart beats is a good sign.
3- Late deceleration is a reassuring sign.
4- Short term variability of the fetal heart beats is a good sign.
5- Normal baseline fetal heart rate at term is 100.
474- The following statements regarding Manning biophysical profile of the fetus are
1 - Score ten is the maximum value.
2- Score zero is given for dead fetus.
3- Score 6 is non-reassuring
4- It includes four parameters.
5- It can be performed starting at 20 weeks gestational age.
475- Circulatory changes in a healthy woman during normal pregnancy include:
1 - A uterine blood flow at term of the order of 500 ml/minute.
2- A continuous increase in stroke volume.
3- A maximum increase in resting cardiac output is from 30% to 60%.
4- A rise in cardiac output only during the second and third trimesters.
5- The peripheral blood flow is reduced.
480- With regard to normal pregnancy, the following statements are correct:
1- In the middle trimester glomerular filtration rate is increased 50% above non-
pregnant values.
2- The median respiratory rate is increased in the third trimester.
3- A plasma creatinine of 0.6 mg/dL and a plasma urea of 15 mg/dL is within
normal limits in pregnancy.
4- Maternal weight gain is a good predictor of a small for gestation age (SGA)
5- Maximum maternal weight gain occurs between 20 and 24 weeks' gestation.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
482- The following statement(s) regarding fetal heart rate is (are) correct:
a) Normal baseline is between 110-150.
b) Acceleration means increase in fetal heart rate more than 10 beats/min lasting less
than 10 seconds.
c) Fetal Bradycardia means a rate less than 100 b/min for 15 min.
d) Loss of beat to beat variability is a poor sign.
e) may be increased in maternal thyrotoxicosis
484- Study of the blood flow velocity in the umbilical arteries by Doppler ultrasound
a) It increases with advancing gestational age.
b) It decreases in cases of intrauterine growth restriction.
c) It increases with maternal hypertension.
d) It increases with placental insufficiency.
e) Abnormal changes in twin-to-twin transfusion.
Directions: Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is
followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE lettered answer
or completion that is BEST in each case.
486- The cardinal movements of labor and delivery involve a sequence of events that
occurs in an orderly fashion. Which of the following sequences is correct?
a) Descent, internal rotation, flexion.
b) Engagement, flexion, descent.
c) Engagement, internal rotation, descent.
d) Engagement, descent, flexion.
e) Descent, flexion, engagement.
490- Engagement is said to have occurred when which of the following events takes
a) The infant's head is within the pelvis.
b) The biparietal diameter of the infant's head is through the plane of the inlet.
c) The presenting part is just above the level of the ischial spines.
d) The vertex is in the transverse position.
e) The infant's head is flexed.
491- A woman delivers a 4.5 kg infant with a midline episiotomy and suffers a third-
degree tear. Inspection shows that which of the following structures is intact?
a) Anal sphincter.
b) Perineal body.
c) Perineal muscles.
d) Fascia.
e) Rectal mucosa.
493- Primigravida, 24 years-old, in labor for 16 hours and the cervix is arrested at 9 cm
for 3 hours, position is ROP, station 0 and molded. There is fetal late decelerations
over the last 30 minutes. Delivery is BEST managed by:
a) Forceps rotation and then traction.
b) Ventouse (vacuum) extraction.
c) Craniotomy then forceps.
d) Lower segment cesarean section (LSCS).
e) Upper segment cesarean section (USCS).
494- Primigravida with a fully dilated cervix for 2 hours, head station = -1 with molding
and diffuse caput can be safely delivered by:
a) Cesarean section.
b) Forceps delivery.
c) Vacuum extraction.
d) Internal podalic version then breech extraction.
e) Fundal compression with deep episiotomy.
497- The following statements regarding true labor pains are correct EXCEPT:
a) They are regular.
b) They are relieved by sedation or enema.
c) They are associated with cervical dilatation.
d) They may be associated with ROM.
e) They increase in intensity by time.
498- A 16-year-old primigravida presents with severe preeclampsia. She has meconium-
stained amniotic fluid. Contractions occur every 3 minutes, and there is a late
deceleration with each contraction. Fetal changes would include which of the
a) Decreased lactic acid.
b) Increased pH.
c) Increased PCO2.
d) Decreased bicarbonate.
e) Increased PO2-
499- A woman arrives at the hospital in active labor stating that her membranes
ruptured 2 hours earlier. The fetal heart rate (FHR) monitor shows decelerations
that do not seem related to any point in the contraction and quickly return to
baseline with good variability. Which of the following is characteristic of these
a) They are associated with fetal head compression.
b) They are caused by uteroplacental insufficiency.
c) They are indications of fetal metabolic acidosis.
d) They are associated with a rise in fetal pH.
e) They are influenced by the ruptured-membrane status.
500- A patient in the active phase of labor is 5-cm dilated, and the fetal heart monitor
shows decreased variability. The monitor shows a baseline fetal rate of 125 beats
per minute (bpm), with occasional late decelerations. A fetal scalp pH of 7.22 is
obtained. This situation indicates which of the following conditions or actions?
a) Significant fetal metabolic acidosis.
b) The need to repeat the fetal scalp pH test in 20 minutes.
c) The need for immediate cesarean section
d) Chorioamnionitis with maternal fever.
e) The need for an intrauterine pressure catheter.
501- A 31-year-old woman has been pushing in the second stage of labor for 2 hours.
The vertex is at the +2 station. Each contraction is associated with a fetal
bradycardia as low as 100 beats per minute (bpm) that lasts for 30 seconds. This
clinical scenario suggests which of the following situations?
a) Systemic fetal hypoxia.
b) Poor fetal outcome.
c) An association with oligohydramnios.
d) Fetal head compression.
e) A depressed fetal pH.
502- Which of the following fetal mechanisms does NOT compensate for the normal
low fetal arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)?
a) Increased fetal cardiac output.
b) Increased fetal systemic blood flow rates.
c) Increased fetal pulmonary blood flow.
d) Increased affinity of fetal blood for oxygen.
e) Increased fetal oxygen-carrying capacity.
504- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic or associated finding with late
a) They are seen in patients with preeclampsia.
b) They may be associated with respiratory alkalosis.
c) They are associated with a decreased uteroplacental blood flow.
d) They usually are accompanied by a decrease in partial pressure of oxygen
e) They usually are accompanied by an increase in partial pressure of carbon dioxide
505- A woman with ruptured membranes is in the active phase of labor and is 5-cm
dilated with sustained, deep variable decelerations. The decision is made to
perform a cesarean section. Which of the following would NOT be an
appropriate intrauterine resuscitative measure done before the cesarean section?
a) Increase the intravenous fluids.
b) Place the patient in the supine position.
c) Start nasal oxygen.
d) Start amnio-infusion.
e) Administer subcutaneous terbutaline.
506- A 25-year-old pregnant woman presents to the labor floor reporting extreme
abdominal pain and heavy vaginal bleeding. The fetal heart monitor shows a
fetal bradycardia with late decelerations. Which of the following acid-base
characteristics would NOT be present in the fetus?
a) Respiratory alkalosis.
b) An increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2).
c) A drop in fetal pH.
d) Accumulation of lactic acid.
e) Metabolic acidosis.
507- Epidural anesthesia:
a) Does not affect uterine activity.
b) Is contraindicated in patients with heart valve lesions.
c) Should be routinely administered during the first stage of labor.
d) Increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
e) Should be offered to highly selected cases in labor.
508- The following statements regarding ischial spines are correct EXCEPT:
a) They make the beginning of the forward curve of the pelvis.
b) They are landmarks for pudendal nerve block procedure.
c) They indicate a normal pelvis when particularly prominent.
d) They help to assess station of the presenting part.
e) They lie at the level of the plane of least pelvic dimensions.
Directions Questions 509 through 524: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 509-519
Match the diameter given with the corresponding description
a) 9 cm
b) 9.5 cm
c) 10.5cm
d) 11 cm
e) 11.5 cm
f) 12cm
g) 12.5 cm
h) 13.5 - 13.75 cm
509- Right oblique diameter of the pelvic inlet
510- Left oblique diameter of the pelvic inlet
511- True conjugate of pelvic inlet
512- Obstetric conjugate
513- Sacrocotyloid diameter
514- Bispinous diameter
515- Bituberous diameter
516- Biparietal diameter
517- Mentovertical diameter
518- Suboccipito bregmatic diameter
519- Occipitofrontal diameter
Questions 519-524
Match the appropriate terra with the description given:
a) Lie
b) Station
c) Denominator
d) Position
e) Presentation
528- The following statements regarding occipito anterior presentations are correct:
1 - The back of the fetus is parallel to the back of the mother.
2- Left occipito anterior presentation the head descends in the left oblique diameter.
3- The head of the fetus is fully flexed.
4- The back of the fetus is directed posteriorly.
5- They are less common than occipitoposterior.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
534- The following statements regarding maternal mortality are correct EXCEPT:
a) It is defined as "the death of any woman due to any cause whilst pregnant or within
42 days of the TOP, irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy; from
any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from
accidental or incidental causes.
b) In Egypt it is 10 per 100.000 live births.
c) Pulmonary Embolism is the most important cause in developed countries
d) Maternal mortality rate is affected by maternal age, parity & mode of delivery.
e) It can be reduced by proper antenatal care.
535- Maternal mortality refers to the number of maternal deaths that occur as the
result of the reproductive process per:
a) 1000 births.
b) 10.000 births.
c) 100.000 births.
d) 10.000 live births.
e) 100.000 live births.
537- The following statement about birth control after delivery is correct:
a) It is not important until after the first menses.
b) It is not necessary in a woman who is nursing.
c) It should begin immediately in a non-lactating woman.
d) It is not necessary for 3 months after a cesarean section
e) The best method is intrauterine device in > 90% of cases.
Directions: Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is
followed by answers or by completions of the statement. Select the ONE lettered answer
or completion that is BEST in each case.
543- The risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy include the following EXCEPT:
a) History of pelvic inflammatory disease.
b) Previous ectopic pregnancy.
c) Use of combined oral contraceptives.
d) Assisted reproductive techniques.
e) 1UD use.
544- The following statements regarding ectopic pregnancy are correct EXCEPT:
a) Accounts for 10% of all maternal mortality.
b) There has been a four fold increase over the past 20 years.
c) The majority of cases (over 95%) occur in the tube.
d) The incidence of ectopic is directly related to the prevalence of salpingitis.
e) The effect of ectopic pregnancy on the future fertility is insignificant.
545- Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be ruled out in almost all clinically significant
cases if:
a) Transvaginal sonography showed no abnormalities in the adnexal region.
b) Serum β-hCG was negative.
c) Patient did not miss her period.
d) Patient is using the IUCD for contraception.
e) There is no pelvic fluid by transvaginal uterine ultrasound.
547- The following statements regarding hydatidiform moles are correct EXCEPT:
a) Usually have female karyotype.
b) may be complicated by thyrotoxicosis.
c) may be complicated by ovarian cysts.
d) a feto-protein is a good marker of disease post-evacuation.
e) Is more prevalent in the advanced age group.
548- The following statements regarding vesicular mole are correct EXCEPT:
a) A fetus may coexist in utero.
b) Invasive mole penetrates the myometrium and has identifiable chorionic villi.
c) Commonly comprises cells with 46XX chromosomes of paternal origin.
d) Has a greater than 20-fold increase in incidence in mothers over 45 years old.
e) After evacuation of a hydatidiform mole, the patient is monitored using β-hPL
549- The following statements regarding gestational trophoblastic disease are true
a) Hydatidiform moles arise from paternal genetic material.
b) Choriocarcinoma is characterized by an absence of chorionic villi.
c) There is a high incidence in South- East Asia.
d) Choriocarcinoma is highly chemosensitive with methotrexate as the agent most
frequently used.
e) Over 80% of patients with hydatidiform mole have β-hCG levels that return to
normal by 2 weeks after suction evacuation.
550- Risk factors for persistent trophoblastic disease following molar evacuation
include the following EXCEPT:
a) Young age (<20 years old).
b) Old age (> 40 years old).
c) Increased uterine size.
d) Presence of theca lutein cysts.
e) β-hCG level > 100,000 mlU/ml.
551- The best contraceptive method for patients with gestational trophoblastic diseases:
a) Tubal ligation.
b) Hysterectomy.
c) Combined oral contraceptive pills.
d) Intra-uterine contraceptive device.
e) Subcutaneous implants.
553- The following is the main difference between complete and partial vesicular mole:
a) Propensity of metastases.
b) Triploidy & diploidy.
c) Need for chemotherapy.
d) Trophoblastic hyperplasia.
e) Androgenesis.
556- The following are risk factors for the development of placental abruption
a) Smoking.
b) Folic acid deficiency.
c) Pre-eclampsia.
d) History of threatened abortion.
e) Previous placental abruption.
557- The percentage of patients with a history of prematurity who will have another
premature infant is:
a) 0% to 10%.
b) 20% to 30%.
c) 40% to 50%.
d) 60% to 70%.
e) 80% to 90%.
559- The most common cause of vaginal bleeding complicating premature labor is:
a) A vaginal laceration.
b) An endocervical polyp.
c) Cervical dilation.
d) Placenta previa.
e) Placental abruption.
560- A 39-year-old former Olympic athlete (gravida 5, para 0311) comes for her first
prenatal visit at 8 weeks' gestation. After undergoing a prenatal genetic counseling
session, she asks her physician about current recommendations concerning her
risk of having a premature infant. The physician should explain that:
a) She is at no risk for premature delivery.
b) She can continue her plans for running a marathon in 1 month.
c) Her age has no bearing on this pregnancy.
d) He would like to see her more often to perform cervical, examinations.
e) He would like to see her more often only if any symptoms of premature labor
561- Which of the following is a sign of late premature labor?
a) Increased vaginal discharge.
b) Increased uterine contractions.
c) Low back pain.
d) Cervical dilation, to 4 cm.
e) Worsening pelvic pressure.
562- Which of the following is NOT a predisposing factor for premature labor?
a) Maternal age older than 30 years.
b) Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day.
c) Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero with a documented uterine structural
d) Multiparity with more than four previous deliveries.
e) Twin gestation.
563- Which of the following drugs is NOT used to inhibit premature labor?
a) Ethanol.
b) Magnesium sulfate.
c) Phenobarbital.
d) Ritodrine.
e) Terbutaline.
564- The first step in the assessment of the postterm gestation is:
a) Ultrasound examination.
b) Determination of the true length of gestation.
c) Measurement of fetal heart rate (FHR).
d) Determination of amniotic fluid volume.
e) Contraction stress test.
566- After having identified a fetus at risk in prolonged pregnancy, management should
consist of:
a) Amniocentesis for maturity studies.
b) Delivery regardless of the status of the cervix.
c) Fetal sampling of scalp pH.
d) Measurement of human chorionic somatomammotropin.
e) Repeat antepartum studies in 1 week.
567- Which of the following is NOT included in the biophysical profile for the risk
assessment of a postterm fetus?
a) Fetal breathing.
b) Amniotic fluid volume.
c) Fetal tone.
d) Contraction stress test (CST).
e) Fetal motion.
568- A woman who is 16 weeks pregnant has a maternal serum a-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
level of 2.8 multiple of the mean (MOM). Which of the following conditions is
NOT an explanation of this abnormal finding?
a) Anencephaly.
b) Down syndrome.
c) Duodenal atresia.
d) Omphalocele.
e) Twins.
569- A 24-year-old woman is in a car accident and is taken to an emergency room where
she receives a chest x-ray and film of her lower spine. It is later discovered that
she is 10 weeks pregnant. She should be counseled that:
a) The fetus has received 50 rads.
b) Either chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis is advisable to check for
fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
c) At 10 weeks the fetus particularly susceptible to derangements of the central nervous
d) The fetus has received rads below the assumed threshold for radiation damage.
e) The accident may cause placental abruption
570- The following statements regarding biochemical screening for Down's Syndrome
are correct EXCEPT:
a) Has been shown to improve detection rates compared to maternal age alone.
b) Diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is one component of the triple test.
c) Is most strongly dependent on maternal serum a feto-protein (MSAFP).
d) A booking ultrasound examination is required prior to biochemical screening.
e) Parental karyotype analysis is indicated if there is a family history of Down's
571- A pregnant woman is routinely screened for which of the following disease
a) Parvovirus.
b) Toxoplasmosis.
c) Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
d) Syphilis.
e) Herpes simplex virus (HSV).
574- Which of the following factors is NOT associated with an increased risk of
perinatal morbidity?
a) Low socioeconomic status.
b) Low maternal age (less than 20 years old).
c) Heavy cigarette smoking.
d) Alcohol abuse.
e) Exercise.
575- Maternal age younger than 20 years does NOT increase the risk for which of the
following conditions?
a) Low birth weight.
b) Fetal death.
c) Uterine dysfunction.
d) A genetically abnormal conceptus.
e) Premature delivery.
576- The following complications could frequently affect the elderly primigravida
a) Gestational diabetes mellitus.
b) Pre-eclampsia.
c) Precipitate labor.
d) Vesicular mole.
e) Placental abruption.
Directions Questions 577 through 581: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
a) Conservative treatment
b) Allowance or trial of vaginal delivery
c) Elective cesarean section
d) Emergency cesarean section
e) Cesarean hysterectomy
577- Patients with placenta previa with severe bleeding & immature fetus
578- Patient with placenta previa centralis accidentally discovered at 37 weeks plus 4
days gestation.
579- Patient with mild placental abruption, no fetal distress at 33 weeks gestation
580- Patient with severe accidental hemorrhage, intrauterine fetal death, cervix is 8 cm
581- Patient with placental edge at 3 cm from the cervical internal os, presenting in
active labor
583- The following statements regarding recurrent (habitual) abortion are true:
1 - The most common hormonal cause in habitual abortion is progesterone
2- No etiological factor is identified in approximately 50%.
3- The incidence is 1% of abortions.
4- It is defined as 3 consecutive induced abortions.
5- The most common genetic abnormality in habitual abortion is polyploidy.
586- The following statements regarding the diagnosis of early ectopic pregnancy are
1- Transvaginal ultrasound is helpful in conjunction with hCG in diagnosis of early
2- Clinical examination is almost diagnostic of ectopic.
3- Laparoscopy is the golden standard for diagnosis in doubtful cases.
4- β-subunit hCG is doubled every 48 hours.
5- Culdocentesis is a current method for early diagnosis.
587- As regards the management of ectopic pregnancy, the following are true:
1 - The majority of undisturbed cases can be treated laparoscopically.
2- Cervical pregnancy may need hysterectomy.
3- Few ectopic pregnancies can resolve spontaneously.
4- Salpingectomy is the only option for surgical management.
5- Laparoscopy is preferred in shocked patients.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
595- Which of the following is NOT an independent risk factor for pregnancy-induced
hypertension (PIH)?
a) Multiple gestation.
b) Chronic hypertension.
c) African-American race.
d) Age younger than 20 years.
e) Diabetes.
596- Which of the following is NOT a sign of severe pregnancy-induced hypertension?
a) Oligohydramnios.
b) Proteinuria in excess of 1 g/24 hours.
c) Thrombocytopenia.
d) Elevated serum creatinine.
e) Elevated transaminases.
597- In eclampsia:
a) Peripheral edema is common.
b) The circulating blood volume is increased.
c) Immediate delivery under general anesthesia is the management of choice.
d) Beta blockers would be the best antihypertensive therapy.
e) Delivery is contraindicated before 34 weeks.
608- During pregnancy a woman needs additional iron to satisfy demands of fetus,
placenta, and her own increasing hemoglobin mass total ante partum iron extra
needs is approximately:
a) 60 mg
b) 250 mg.
c) 600 mg.
d) 1350mg
e) 1900mg
611- Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to an acute urinary tract
infection during pregnancy, delivery, and the puerperium?
a) Compression of the ureter by the large uterus at the pelvic brim.
b) Increased ureteral tone and peristalsis.
c) Asymptomatic bacteriuria.
d) Decreased bladder sensitivity after epidural anesthesia.
e) Bladder catheterization following delivery.
612- Which of the following is NOT a true statement about urinary tract infections
during pregnancy?
a) Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy needs to be treated.
b) Pregnancy increases the risk for development of asymptomatic bacteriuria.
c) Acute systemic pyelonephritis resulting from asymptomatic bacteriuria is associated
with premature labor and delivery.
d) Few women who are not bacteriuric at their first prenatal visit develop asymptomatic
e) The incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria is higher in pregnant women with a low
socioeconomic status and increased parity and age.
613- During pregnancy, the renal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) can increase by as
much as:
a) 10 percent.
b) 25 percent.
c) 50 percent.
d) 75 percent.
e) 100 percent.
614- The followings are known to cause acute renal failure EXCEPT:
a) HELLP syndrome.
b) Sickle cell trait.
c) Septicemia.
d) Concealed antepartum hemorrhage.
e) Incompatible blood transfusion.
615- Obstetrical causes of acute renal failure include the following EXCEPT:
a) Septic abortion.
b) Eclampsia.
c) HELLP syndrome.
d) Placenta circumvallate.
e) Abruptio placentae.
620- A 1-hour glucose tolerance test in a woman with a previous stillborn infant re-
suited in the following value: 1-hour blood sugar = 140. Follow-up for this patient
should include which of the following?
a) Nothing further.
b) A 2000-calorie diet.
c) Standard glucose tolerance test.
d) Home glucose urine testing.
e) A 2-hour postprandial blood sugar.
621- The infant of a diabetic mother is NOT at risk for which of the following?
a) Increased perinatal death rate.
b) Hypocalcemia.
c) Hyperglycemia.
d) Neural tube defects.
e) Macrosomia.
622- The following statements regarding congenital malformations in babies of diabetic
mothers are correct EXCEPT:
a) Cause half the perinatal deaths.
b) Are most often skeletal abnormalities.
c) Are common if control is poor in the first trimester.
d) Have fallen significantly in the last 30 years.
e) Are commoner in insulin-dependent than non-insulin-dependent mothers.
623- Smoking during pregnancy may lead to all the following EXCEPT:
a) Spontaneous abortion.
b) Preterm labor.
c) Placenta previa.
d) Fetal macrosomia.
e) Placental abruption.
624- Treatment of bronchial asthma during pregnancy include all the following
a) Betamethazone.
b) Ipratropium.
c) Beta blocking agents.
d) Theophylline.
e) Disodium cromoglycate.
625- Heparin therapy in thromboembolic diseases:
a) Osteoporosis are more common with unfractionated heparin (UFH) treatment.
b) Thrombocytopenia does not occur except after 1 week of heparin treatment.
c) Over dose is the major risk of heparin treatment.
d) Long term heparin treatment often results in thrombocytopenia.
e) Unfractionated heparin (UFH) do not cross the placenta while low molecular weight
heparin do cross.
626- As regard warfarin therapy in thromboembolic diseases:
a) It crosses the placenta & results in effects on the fetus.
b) Breast feeding is a contraindication for this treatment.
c) It is usually started after complete stoppage of heparin treatment to avoid cumulative
anticoagulant doses of both drugs.
d) Its dose is controlled by measurements of partial thromboplastin time (PTT).
e) It is the best treatment during labor
627- In management of thromboembolic diseases, the following is true:
a) Thrombolytic therapy has a role in treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE).
b) Pulmonary embolectomy is contraindicated in critically ill pregnant lady with PTE.
c) Heparin SC is the 1st line of treatment for PTE.
d) Heparin in a dose of 10.000 unit IV dissolve already formed thrombus from
pulmonary vasculature in a patient with PTE.
e) Platelets must be evaluated with heparin therapy that may increase their count.
628- Which of the following is NOT likely in a patient with acute pulmonary embolism?
a) Tachycardia.
b) Tachypnea.
c) Increased alveolar-arterial gradient.
d) PaO2 >80 mm Hg.
e) Pleuritic chest pain.
629- Rh negative mother married to Rh positive father, the following is the
INCORRECT statement:
a) First baby usually passed unaffected.
b) Anti D immunoglobulin must be taken after abortion, ectopic vesicular mole,
chorionic villus sampling.
c) Anti D immunoglobulin is best given within the first week after delivery.
d) She may get Rh negative baby.
e) She may be sensitized during her first pregnancy due to weak placental barrier.
630- Which of the following maternal antibodies does NOT cause erythroblastosis
fetalis in the fetus?
a) Anti-C.
b) Anti-E.
c) Anti-D.
d) Anti-Lewis.
632- Which of the following characteristics and complications of pregnancy does NOT
in crease the risk of Rh sensitization?
a) Type of delivery.
b) Vaginal bleeding.
c) Preeclampsia.
d) Maternal age.
633- Possible episodes causing sensitization of Rh negative mother include all the
following EXCEPT:
a) Spontaneous or elective abortion.
b) Previous transfusion with Rh negative blood.
c) Previous delivery of Rh positive fetus.
d) Amniocentesis.
e) Ectopic pregnancy.
635- In RH sensitized mother the percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS)
used to detect all the following EXCEPT:
a) Level of antibodies using indirect comb test.
b) Fetal blood group and RH.
c) Fetal HB and HCT level.
d) Bilirubin level.
e) Reticulocytic count.
Directions Questions 637 through 650: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Questions 637-643
Match the antihypertensive drug with the best effect or the side effect mentioned
a) Nifedipine
b) Methyldopa
c) Atenolol
d) Hydralazine
e) Captopril
a) Class A
b) Class B
c) Class C
d) Class D
e) Class R
f) Non of the above
644- Pregnant woman who is 21 years old and had known diabetes for 12 years
645- Pregnant woman who is 35 years old and had known diabetes for 5 years
646- Pregnant woman who is 21 years old and had developed diabetes at 29 weeks
647- Pregnant woman who is 18 years old and had known diabetes for 3 years
648- Pregnant woman who is 21 years old and had renal transplantation
649- Pregnant woman who is 23 years old and had proliferative retinopathy
650- Pregnant woman who is 27 years old and had nephropathy
653- Eclampsia:
1- Causes respiratory failure.
2- Causes hyperpyrexia.
3- Causes oliguria.
4- treated by intravenous diuretics.
5- Occurs more commonly at high altitude.
654- Tn the presence of bacterial endocarditis or its sequelae which of the following
statements are correct?
1- Antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary for all women in labor who have had
previous bacterial endocarditis.
2- Antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary for all women in labor who have undergone
previous reconstructive cardiac surgery.
3- Antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary for all women in labor with prosthetic heart
4- In obstetric practice bacterial endocarditis is usually caused by fecal streptococci.
5- A single intramuscular injection of 80 mg gentamicin at the onset of labor would
provide adequate antibacterial cover.
656- Management of iron deficiency anemia with pregnancy include the following:
1 - The recommended oral dose of elemental iron is 150 •- 300 mg/day.
2- Oral therapy raises the Hb level 1 g/week.
3- Reticulocytic count begins to rise on starting iron therapy.
4- Main complication of parenteral iron therapy is its teratogenic effect.
5- Adding calcium preparation to iron formula is better than iron formula alone.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
675- As normal pregnancy progresses the following hematological changes may occur:
a) Plasma volume increases and red cell volume remains constant.
b) Plasma volume increase proportionately more than the increase in red cell volume.
c) Red cell volume decreases and plasma volume remains constant.
d) Neither plasma volume nor red cell volume change.
e) This hematological changes ordinarily occurring during normal pregnancy may
result in anemia (physiological anemia).
690- The following statements regarding breech presentation are correct EXCEPT:
a) Uterine septum can cause breech presentation.
b) The commonest cause is hydrocephalus.
c) The commonest cause of neonatal death after vaginal delivery is intracranial
d) A safe method of delivery of the after-coming head is by forceps.
e) Prolapse of the cord has good prognosis with breech presentation compared to
cephalic presentation.
693- The following statements regarding face presentation are correct EXCEPT:
a) It occurs once in 300 cases.
b) The dominator is the chin.
c) The engaging diameter equals the Suboccipito bregmatic diameter in length.
d) Diagnosis is difficult by abdominal palpation.
e) The commonest cause is hydrocephalus.
697- The following statements regarding twin pregnancy are correct EXCEPT:
a) Cephalic-cephalic twin presentation is the most common presentation.
b) Incidence of twinning as diagnosed by early US is similar to its incidence at birth.
c) Multifetal pregnancy could be suspected if a pregnant lady had an early threatened
d) Extra antenatal care is needed for a pregnant lady with multifetal pregnancy.
e) Examination of the placenta is important determination of fetal zygosity.
704- Fetal complications of contracted pelvis during labor include the following
a) Caput succedaneum.
b) Over molding.
c) Intra cranial hemorrhage.
d) Fetal malformation.
e) Fetal death.
705- Contra indication of trial of labor in patient with contracted pelvis include the
following EXCEPT:
a) Non vertex presentation.
b) Mild degree of cephalopelvic disproportion.
c) Previous C.S.
d) Elderly primigravida.
e) Heart disease with pregnancy.
706- The following finding are suggestive of contracted pelvis during examination
a) Kyphosis.
b) Non-engagement of the head.
c) Limping gait.
d) Height 170cm.
e) Pendulous abdomen in primigravida.
707- Precipitate labor & delivery may lead to the following complications EXCEPT:
a) Uterine rupture.
b) Amniotic fluid embolism.
c) Vagina & perineal tears.
d) Constriction ring in the uterus.
e) Uterine atony.
708- Uterine atony after cesarean section is treated by the following EXCEPT:
a) Uterine massage.
b) Intramyometrial syntocinon injection.
c) Intravenous infusion of methergine.
d) Intramyometrial injection of prostaglandin F2α.
e) Bilateral hypogastric artery ligation.
709- Management of shoulder dystocia may include the following procedures EXCEPT:
a) Vigorous fundal pressure.
b) Corkscrew rotation of the shoulders.
c) Generous episiotomy.
d) Shoulder girdle rotation into one of the oblique diameters of the pelvis.
e) Attendance of expert neonatologist.
710- The following statements regarding rupture of the uterus are correct EXCEPT:
a) More common in multiparous than primiparous women.
b) Its complete type is more common in the upper uterine segment.
c) In its incomplete type, the uterine cavity is continuous with the peritoneal cavity.
d) Can occur in primiparous women due to inappropriate use of oxytocin during labor.
e) Its incidence varies according to the standard of antenatal care.
711- The following statements regarding cesarean section (CS) scar rupture are correct
a) Upper segment CS scar rupture 2-4%.
b) This is due to improper coaptation of the edges in USCS scar.
c) Upper segment scar is overstretched by subsequent pregnancies.
d) Upper segment of the uterus is passive during labor.
e) Infection is more common in the upper segment CS.
712- The following statements regarding rupture of the uterus are correct EXCEPT:
a) It may occur during manual separation of the placenta.
b) During labor, may occur due to extension of old cervical tear.
c) During pregnancy, is almost always due to a traumatic cause.
d) During pregnancy, presents with antepartum hemorrhage.
e) It can occur due to Couvelaire uterus.
713- Uterine rupture is more common in multiparous women due to increased incidence
of all the following EXCEPT:
a) malpresentation.
b) intra-uterine growth restricted fetus.
c) pendulous abdomen.
d) osteomalacia.
e) uterine wall weakness.
714- Incomplete uterine rupture is characterized by:
a) Massive hemorrhage.
b) All layers of the uterus are involved.
c) The fetus is extruded outside the uterus.
d) The visceral peritoneum is intact.
e) The fetus is almost always dead.
715- Which of the following is NOT a complication of uterine rupture:
a) Maternal shock.
b) Renal failure.
c) Acute uterine inversion.
d) Paralytic ileus.
e) Fetal loss.
716- Uterine rupture is more common after upper segment cesarean section (USCS)
than lower segment one (LSCS) due to the following EXCEPT:
a) Improper coaptation of the edges.
b) The upper segment is much thicker than the lower.
c) Active upper segment during labor.
d) Infection is more common in the lower segment.
e) Placental implantation is more common at the upper segment.
717- All of the following are lines of management of uterine rupture in a patient 38
years old EXCEPT:
a) Total abdominal hysterectomy plus bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH & BSO)
b) Antishock measures.
c) Repair of the ruptured site.
d) Internal iliac artery ligation.
e) Angiographic directed arterial embolization.
718- In rupture of the uterus, the following may occur EXCEPT:
a) Hypotension.
b) Increased uterine contractions.
c) Hematuria.
d) Vaginal bleeding.
e) Fetal distress.
719- Manual removal of the placenta:
a) Is performed using a pudendal block as analgesia.
a) Has been superseded by the use of the suction curette.
b) Usually done by piece-meal extraction of placenta.
c) Should be performed if placenta failed to separate within 10 minutes.
d) Is an indication for giving prophylactic antibiotics.
720- The following statements regarding secondary postpartum hemorrhage are correct
a) It is defined as loss of more than 500 ml blood from the genital tract between 24
hours & 6 weeks after delivery.
b) It is usually due to retained products of the placenta.
c) It is frequently associated with uterine infection.
d) It commonly requires blood transfusion.
e) Choriocarcinoma is suspected if bleeding is recurrent.
Directions Questions 721 through 725: Each set of matching questions in this section
consists of a list of 4 to 8 lettered options followed by several numbered items. For each
item, select the ONE best lettered option that is most closely associated with it. Each
lettered heading may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Match the position or the presentation below with its approximate incidence:
a) 0.003%
b) 0.03%
c) 0.3%
d) 3.5%.
e) 20%
728- For twin infants to be monozygotic, which of the following characteristics must be
1- Identical sex.
2- A single amniotic sac.
3- Identical major blood groups.
4- A single placenta
5- Absence of chorion between the two amnions.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
744- Immediate therapy for a completely inverted uterus after delivery includes:
a) Maintaining sufficient intravenous lines.
b) Infusing oxytocin.
c) Administering nitroglycerine.
d) Emergency laparotomy.
e) Emergency vaginal hysterectomy.
753- The following statements regarding physiological neonatal jaundice are correct:
1- Almost 50% of all newborns have visible jaundice in the first week of life.
2- Appears in the first day after delivery.
3- Neonatal hypothyroidism may prolong the disappearance of jaundice.
4- Conjugated bilirubin increases more than unconjugated.
5- Total bilirubin usually exceeds 20mg/dl.
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
756- Cephalhematoma
a) Is hemorrhage under the periosteum of skull bone.
b) Instrumental delivery is the main predisposing factor.
c) The swelling disappeared within 24H after delivery.
d) Skull fractures are seen in approximately 60% of cases.
e) Anemia and hyperbilirubinemia are common sequelae in large cephalhematoma.
761- The following are associated with a successful external cephalic version EXCEPT:
a) Frank breech.
b) Large amniotic volume.
c) Unengaged fetus.
d) High parity.
e) Use of tocolytics.
762- The following statements regarding instrumental vaginal delivery are correct
a) It is common in laboring women with epidural anesthesia.
b) With the vacuum extractor, it is too slow to be useful when rapid delivery is
c) It may be avoided by the appropriate use of syntocinon in the second stage of labor.
d) It leads to third degree perineal tears more frequently with forceps than with the
vacuum extractor.
e) The vacuum extractor is associated with more maternal trauma than the obstetric
764- Regarding preoperative preparations for CS, the following statements are true
a) The bladder must be full to identify its edge during the operation.
b) Adequate counseling and consent is essential.
c) The wound site is prepared with antibacterial wash.
d) Blood is prepared for high risk pregnancies.
e) Anesthetic evaluation is ordered.
765- Regarding anesthesia for CS, the following statements are true EXCEPT:
a) Local anesthesia is used in certain conditions.
b) Maternal position during the procedure is very important.
c) Anesthetic complications are important causes for maternal mortality.
d) Postoperative aspiration is a common cause of maternal mortality.
e) Epidural anesthesia is associated with postoperative aspiration.
766- The following statements regarding cesarean section are true EXCEPT:
a) It is safer than vaginal delivery for the preterm breech.
b) Associated infection is markedly reduced by the use of prophylactic antibiotics.
c) Performed electively under regional anesthesia is as safe for the mother as normal
vaginal delivery.
d) It is commonly performed for prolonged labor (dystocia).
e) The lower segment one is safer than the upper segment one.
768- Criteria to allow vaginal birth after cesarean section (C.S.) include the following:
a) The previous C.S was because of contracted pelvis.
b) The previous C.S was a classic one (upper segment).
c) Oversized fetus in the current pregnancy.
d) Breech presentation in the current pregnancy.
e) The post partum period following the C.S was uneventful.
769- Advantages of lower segment C.S over upper segment C.S. include the following
a) Less bleeding unless extended.
b) Less paralytic ileus.
c) Used if there are pelvic adhesions.
d) Less incidence of subsequent uterine rupture.
e) Less infection.
781- Oxytocin:
Directions: In the following questions, each item has 5 lettered options each of which
could be a true or a false statement. Tick each of these options according to whether
they are false or true
784- Oxytocin:
a) Has 50 amino acids.
b) Is synthesized in the posterior pituitary.
c) Is formed as larger precursor molecule.
d) Is released by the fetus during labor.
e) Is found in the corpus luteum.
Is a peptide hormone.
2. The uterine sensitivity to it increases towards the end of pregnancy.
3. Has some anti-diuretic action.
4. Is synthesized in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
5. Secretion is stimulated by alcohol.
1 C 10 B 19 D 28 A 37 E 46 E
2 D 11 E 20 B 29 E 38 C 47 A
3 A 12 A 21 B 30 D 39 D 48 A
4 E 13 C 22 C 31 C 40 B 49 B
5 D 14 C 23 A 32 E 41 E 50 A
6 A 15 B 24 D 33 D 42 G 51 A
7 E 16 A 25 A 34 B 43 F 52 B
8 A 17 C 26 D 35 C 44 H 53 C
9 D 18 C 27 B 36 A 45 A 54 A
a b c d e a b c d e
55 F T F T F 60 F F T T F
56 F F T T F 61 F T T F F
57 F T F F T 62 T T F F F
58 T F T F F 63 T F F T T
59 T F F F T 64 T F T F T
a b c d e a b c d e
140 T T F T F 142 F T F F T
141 T T F T F 143 F F T T F
a b c d e a b c d e
165 F T T T F 167 F F T T T
166 T T T F F
168 C 175 B 182 B 189 B 196 A 203 D
169 D 176 B 183 A 190 A 197 H 204 C
170 C 177 D 184 B 191 G 198 G
171 C 178 C 185 C 192 C 199 F
172 A 179 B 186 B 193 G 200 B
173 C 180 B 187 B 194 E 201 E
174 B 181 A 188 A 195 C 202 D
a b c d e a b c d e
205 F F T T F 207 T F T T F
206 F T T T F
a b c d e a b c d e
263 F T T F F 265 T F T F T
264 T F T F F 266 T T T T F
a b c d e a b c d e
401 T T F F T 404 T F F T T
402 T F T T T 405 T F T T F
403 T T T T T
406 E 419 E 432 B 445 B 458 A 471 A
407 B 420 B 433 B 446 E 459 C 472 A
408 C 421 E 434 D 447 E 460 B 473 C
409 B 422 D 435 A 448 B 461 A 474 B
410 C 423 A 436 E 449 C 462 D 475 B
411 E 424 A 437 C 450 D 463 A 476 A
412 E 425 D 438 F 451 B 464 D 477 B
413 C 426 E 439 B 452 C 465 B 478 A
414 A 427 A 440 A 453 A 466 A 479 A
415 C 428 C 441 E 454 C 467 A 480 B
416 B 429 C 442 A 455 A 468 E
417 C 430 B 443 C 456 B 469 A
418 A 431 D 444 D 457 A 470 A
a b c d e a b c d e
481 T F T F F 483 F F T T T
482 F F T T T 484 T T F F T
a b c d e a b c d e
530 F F F F F 532 F F T T T
531 T T T F F 533 F F T F T
534 B 543 C 552 A 561 D 570 B 579 A
535 E 544 E 553 B 562 D 571 D 580 B
536 D 545 B 554 D 563 C 572 D 581 B
537 C 546 A 555 B 564 B 573 C 582 B
538 E 547 D 556 D 565 E 574 E 583 A
539 A 548 E 557 B 566 B 575 D 584 D
540 E 549 E 558 B 567 D 576 C 585 B
541 C 550 A 559 C 568 B 577 D 586 B
542 C 551 C 560 D 569 D 578 C 587 A
a b c d e a b c d e
588 T T F F F 590 T T F F F
589 F F T T F 591 F T F F T
a b c d e a b c d e
675 F T F F T 683 T F F T T
676 F T T F T 684 F T F T T
677 F T T F T 685 T F F T T
678 F T T T F 686 T F T F T
679 T T T T F 687 T F F T F
680 F F F T T 688 T F T T T
681 T F F F T 689 T T T T F
682 T F F F T
a b c d e a b c d e
756 T T F F T 758 F T T T F
757 T T F F T
a b c d e a b c d e
782 F T F F T 784 F F T T F
783 T' T F T T