Theology Summary

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MATRIC NO: 08908








The theology one handout of ETSI is categorized into three major areas of Christian doctrines,

namely: Prolegomena, this is the introduction to theology that deals with the full meaning of

theology, branches if Theology and the necessity for doing or studying theology. Another

category is Bibliology which is the doctrines of the Bible, this area deals with the general and

special revelation of the Bible, Inspirations of the Bible, canonicity of the Bible, etc. The last

category discussed in this handout is Theology proper which deals with the doctrine of God, this

section deals with the existence of God, arguments of the existence of God, names of God, and

trinity. This three areas will be summarize below.

Introduction to Theology (prolegomena)

Prolegomena is a Greek term which has it’s root from prolegein in Greek grammar which

literally means what or things that are said beforehand. This term is used generally to introduce

theology definitions and what theology is all about.

What is Theology

The word “theology” comes from the Greek word theos, meaning God and logos meaning

study, words, or teaching. Thus, theology is the doctrine or teaching of God. Theology has been

defined by various scholars such as; Fitzwater, Strong, Charles Hodge, Wayne Grudem, Millard

J. Erickson and so on. In summary of the submission of the above listed scholars on theology is a

follows; Theology is the science of God and the relations between God and the universe, it is

the discipline which strives to give a coherent statement of the doctrine of Christian faith,

based primarily upon the scriptures.

Theology as science

Theology is a science because it accepts rules of logic, it is communicable to some extent it

employs methods used by other specific disciplines particularly history and philosophy, it shares

some subject matter and others disciplines. Though as a science, theology has it’s own

uniqueness. Method of theology as presented by Millard are: collection of biblical materials

(through exegesis, by knowing the original languages, the use of concordance, lexicons and so

on. Unification of Biblical materials (discovering a unity and coherence among several Biblical

witnesses). Analysis of the meaning of Biblical teachings ( not reading the contemporary

meanings into Biblical references. Identification of the essence o the Bible and so on. We must

discover the underlying message behind all it’s specific forms of expressions.

Branches of Theology

There are various branches of Theology namely:

 Natural theology

 Biblical Theology

 Historical theology

 Systematic Theology

 Practice (or pastoral) theology

 Dogmatic or Doctrinal theology

 Renewal Theology

 Contemporary theology

 Personal Theology, etc.

Necessity for doing Theology

There are various reasons for studying theology but the basic aim for studying theology is to

exhibit the grounds and principles, the connection and harmonies, the results and applications,

of the facts of revelation. In common with every science, it obeys the law of human mind,

which demands that text materials of it’s knowledge should be Inductively generalized and

systematically arranged; and, in common with every science, it arranges it’s materials for use

and practical application.

Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible)

This section discusses about the meaning of the Bible, God’s revelation, Inspiration of the Bible,

canonicity of the Bible, Authority of the Bible, illumination of the Bible, truthfulness, sufficiency,

clarity, Inerrancy, and the transmission of the Bible. The term Bibliology is from the Greek

words biblos (literally means Bible) and logos which means study. The term can simply be

defined as the study of the Bible. The Bible's witness of itself is that it is God’s word and thus,

our authority for beliefs and practice. One’s understanding of God, of man and of salvation He

offers mankind in Christ is all very much dependent on how much men believe and know the


The doctrine of Bibliology is so important, as a result of this , the reformers cries was Sola

scriptura, “scripture only.” What this meant for the reformers was that “the church should not

preach, teach, command or practice anything contrary to the written scriptures of the Biblical

canon.” The scriptures became the basis for the reformation.

Theology Proper (The Doctrine of God)

Theology is the study to know God and His relations with man. As Christians, our sole authority

for belief in the existence of God is based upon the presuppositions of the inspired and inerrant

word of God. The definition of theology had been given above.

The word theology comes from the Greek word theos which means God and logos which means

study, words or teaching. Thus, theology is the Doctrine or teaching of God. Theology as been

defined by various scholars and among them are; Fitzwater, Strong, Charles Hodge, Wayne

Grudem, Millard J. Erickson and so on. Theology in it’s etymological perspective is the science of

God’s essential being and His relations between God and the universe.

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