Envi Sci M Answers
Envi Sci M Answers
Envi Sci M Answers
_____B______the cumulative total of living things on Earth and the areas living things
A. Population
B. Biosphere
C. Niche
D. Habitat
2. _____A_____It is the field of study that comprises both applied and theoretical facets of
human influence in the world.
A. Environmental science
B. Environmental interrelationships
C. Environmental issues
D. Environmental problems
6. _______B___The process by which water moves from lakes or ponds to the atmosphere.
Refer to your answer from number 5.
A. Competition
B. Adaptation
C. Addition
D. Participation
9. ____A____ ‘Biodiversity’ is described as:
A. Fishchipspeas
B. Mancowgrass
C. Cowfarmsupermarket
D. Grasscowman
A. A plant
B. The farmer
C. The Sun
D. An electric socket
13. ____D____In the 1960’s myxomatosis was ‘accidentally’ released killing approximately
90% of rabbits in the UK. What happened in the food chain below?
14. ____D____ Rabbits are important grazers, maintaining some important grassland
habitats. If another catastrophe were to reduce rabbit populations what would happen?
A. Is made by a spider
B. Shows how feeding relationships are interlinked
C. Shows the number of organisms in a habitat
D. Only shows important animals
16. _____B__Which of these are not competed for by plants?
A. Light
B. Minerals
C. Warmth
D. Water
17. _____C__ Weeds compete with crops for resources. Farmers can get rid of weeds by
A. Insecticide
B. Fungicide
C. Herbicide
D. Rodenticide
19. _____A___Many pesticides are stored in an animal’s body fat. If a pesticide got into a
lake, which organism would have the highest level?
A. Pesticides
B. Fertilizers
C. Pesticides and fertilizers
D. Large machinery
21. _____B___ Fertilizers can be washed into rivers by the rain. This can cause:
A. Bioaccumulation
B. Eutrophication
C. Biodegradation
D. Spontaneous combustion
A. Biosphere
B. Ecosystem
C. Biomes
D. Population
27. ___C_____ The study of the interaction of living organisms with each other and with
their physical environment is called
A. health
B. economy
C. ecology
D. geology
28. _____B___A group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place
is called a
A. Community
B. Population
C. Biome
D. Habitat
A. community of organisms
B. energy
C. the soil, water, and weather
D. All of the above
30. ___A____The specific physical location in which a given species lives is called its
A. Habitat
B. Abiotic factor
C. Community
D. Climate
32. ____A__Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called
A. Producers
B. Consumers
C. Decomposers
D. Predators
A. Insects
B. Bacteria
C. Grasses
D. Algae
36.___D___A natural resource is any material or element from the environment that humans
A. renewable
B. unlimited
C. non-renewable
D. potentially renewable
38.____A__ The resource base varies in different parts of the world because resources are not
39.____B__ The mineral particles in soil come from bits of rocks called
A. plant food
B. parent material
C. topsoil
D. subsoil
40._D___ When heavy rains drain off nutrients from the soil, the soil is said to have become
A. barren
B. fertile
C. sandy
D. leached
A. manufacturing
B. croplands
C. wildlands
D. living things
A. wood
B. fish
C. corn
D. all of them
44.____B__ Identify if the following metal/minerals is used to make electrical wires, hardware,
and pipes?
A. bauxite
B. copper
C. gold
D. tin
45.___B___ Describe the stage of wastewater treatment that makes use of microorganisms?
A. primary treatment
B. secondary treatment
C. tertiary treatment
D. all of the above
A. use of fertilizer
B. green manufacturing
C. extensive agriculture
D. use of compost matter
50.____D__ A resource that is destroyed when used, but can be replaced is said to be:
A. recyclable C. renewable
B. nonrenewable D. potentially renewable