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Module 1 Community Development

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Module 1 - Community Development

Accountancy (Quezon City University)

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Module 1

Lesson: Community Development

Topic: Preparation for Community Development

A. Types of Community
B. Community Identification
C. Classifying the Community
D. Development for Sustainable Community

This module will come up with the general objectives that will hook the attention of students or
learners for a better understanding of each discussion. In this part, the objectives will guide the learners
to accomplish the goals of the lesson. At the end of this module, the students were able to;

∙ Identify the needs of communities.

∙ Discuss the classifications of communities and;
∙ Develop programs for the sustainability of the communities.

(The students will set their minds about the lesson. On this part, the objectives will
guide the learners to accomplish the goals of the lesson)


∙ Explain the principles, ideas, and strategies of community development.
∙ Show the methods and features for Community Growth.

People are made to live, work, and enjoy with others in a community where we can
thrive together. We are humans that have developed to exist within society.
Our communities are often dictated by the degree of engagement and happiness of
every individual that can be involved from community interactions. However, on the other part
or our emotions, some people in the communities stimulate and tolerate the feelings of
self-doubt and isolation.
In positive communities, people inspire their members in ways that promote a sense of
self-discovery and group collaboration, encourage members to express their faith and beliefs,
and the importance of good values and build relationships with others.

This Module has 4 component

1. Encouragement: (To condition and motivate the learners for the lesson.
On this part, learners will prepare themselves to absorb new knowledge, and information.)

2. Understanding and Analyzing. (The proper discussion of new

knowledge and information. To deliver the lesson, the utilization
of techniques and instructional references will be given such as
videos, text and pictures.)
3. Planning and Application. (The students will plan action and performed
the activities to assimilate new learnings. In this part the students will respond

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to the problems and issues to their newly acquired information, knowledge,

skills, and behavior.)

4. Nurturing. (In order to enhance knowledge, retention of the

newly acquired information and knowledge must be
synthesized. The learners
will further elaborate the knowledge they learned, in writing
to summarize
all the ideas, the student will write their reflection in ONE
EVALUATION (OPE) in order to self-actualize the acquired knowledge
and information.) (Look for the copy of OPE at the end of this module)


Watch the videos and answer the following questions below:



What is a community?

- A community is a group of people who come together in that area because there’s a common
desire or passion and the goals that they want to achieve. It’s also a group of organisms that
interact with the environment and have common ideas, opinions and thoughts.
- Example of this is Online Community, it is about a group of people from different places but
they have the same desire to convey so they had a community and its through the internet
that’s why its called Online Community.

What is development?
- Development can be described as the process of promoting good governance that

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encourages people to reach their ultimate goals. For me, it’s about resources to stimulate
economic growth and improve people’s standard of living.

What is community development?

- Community Development explains what we’re doing as an individual, it can be defined in a
different way like interacting with other people, groups, organization, and programs. It is about
reaching out to one another, building strengths, and working with people to achieve their
goals. In addition, it’s developing relationships and sometimes empowerment or advocacy.

What is sustainable for the community?

- First let’s find out what is Sustainable Development and based on what I watched,
Sustainable Development is development that meets the present needs without
compromising future generations ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. It helps improve
the lives of everyone else, anywhere, and it all together. For example, they want economies
to grow, companies to thrive and people to have decent work, to create new innovative
technologies, but not by harming the environment, to have access to nutritious food
regardless of where they live, affordable and quality education for everybody, and freedom of
speech for everyone or individuals.


A. Types of Community


Instruction: List all the names of communities you know according to their types.
Interest Action Place Practice Circumstance

- National - Gen. Z Learners - Sangguniang - Team KYT - Rahma

Commission on - Feeding Change Kabataan Quezon City Community
Muslim Filipinos Philippines Barangay Culiat Outreach
- Greenpeace - Kabataang May - Hands From Program
Philippines Magagawa God Ministry - QCPU NSTP
Outreach Outreach
Program Program
- Office of

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Extension and

B. Community Identification
We can identify communities according to their needs.


Instruction: List the needs of your community area according to their identification and justify
why it is needed.

Name of your community (Address): Salam Compound, Barangay Culiat, Quezon City


(Problem, Issues, etc.)

Perceived Needs UNITY OR HAVE SOMEONE TO LEAD - Because there’s a lot of

FOR GUIDING US reprehensible or nasty
people living here and not
following the protocols,
especially this pandemic.

Expressed Needs DISPOSING OF GARBAGE/TRASH - I noticed that in our area

PROPERLY there is no proper garbage
dump, people just throw
their waste everywhere or
outside in the compound
every night and that place is
in front of the building so it
can be a bother to other

Absolute Needs DOESN’T HAVE FOOD FOR ALL - Because there are more
people living here or the
population is increasing

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than a community can

produce. For example,
when there's relief goods to
be distributed, not everyone
can receive.

Relative Needs GOOD (POSITIVE) IMAGE AND - There’s an issue that many
RESPECT people when they hear
Salam Compound receive a
lot of judgment, like they’re
afraid to enter our
compound because they
might not be able to get out

C. Classifying the Community

Instruction: Give the name or an example of all classified communities and recognized
communities in our country and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Classification Name of Communities STRENGTH WEAKNESSES

Formal ● National Commission They help fellow I think their

on Muslim Filipinos Muslims based on weakness is the
what their needs lack of
are and they have implementation
many programs and
and projects communication,

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implemented. For they don’t conduct

example, this an online
Ramadan they webinars or live
distribute in every stream about in
Muslim area to give religion Islam and
an Iftar (foods) for seminar especially
those people who this pandemic, it is
have nothing to eat. the fellow Muslim
needs because
they cannot go out
and attend a

Informal ● Office of Extension These community Their weakness is

and Community outreach programs that UE volunteers
Outreach cover livelihood, are not enhanced
literacy, in teamwork and
environmental proficiency with
protection and the relation in
enhancement, OECO that’s why
proper nutrition, OECO organized
medical-dental seminars, training
care, cleanliness to develop and
and beautification, team-building to
solid-waste improve their
segregation teamwork.
scheme and
management and
development. They
adopted a number
of poor local
neighborhoods and

Urban ● Community Pillar The community For their

pillar seeks to community
prevent occurrence programs there’s
of abuse and no weaknesses
neglect among but before you join
children through or to become a
building stronger member of that
families and community there’s
sustainable a lot of criteria.

Rural ● Community Farms This community Their weakness, if

Program programs offers to a nonprofit
farmers who want community groups
to practice are responsible for

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sustainable the overall

agriculture and to management of
communities who what happens on
want fresh, healthy, land.
locally produced

Global ● GIDA Community This Gida they The GIDA

improve access community is not
and provision totally familiar for
health services. fellow Filipinos,
Also strengthen they don’t have an
multi-sectoral online platform
linkages through that everyone is
convergence and busy on social
efficient use of media and their
resources. objectives are one
of the real needs
of our community
and that’s our

Sectoral ● Ulila Bayani This orphanage is Ulila Bayani is not

not only to support familiar to
the childrens but to everyone, I think
have a loving they need to make
family. The a way to know
orphanage lives their community
with them until they and more people
are grown, being donate and help
self-supportive and them for their
able to break the need for the
cycle of poverty orphaned childs.
and hopelessness.

Social Space ● Rahma Community This community is The weakness of

a group of muslims this community
in the Salam since Salam
Compound, they Compound have a
have physical and different muslim
virtual gatherings. tribes and every
Giving ideas and tribes has a
suggestions for the presidents that’s
better of our place. why inconsistent
They also give with those ideas
news or details if or what
there’s a problem in implemented in
our community. our place.

D. Development for Sustainable Community

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Instruction: Using the Sustainable Goals of the United Nation. Give some actions or programs
that you will know and you can share to our community for development.

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1. Global 2. Feeding 3. Project 4. Edicate 5. Official 6. Manila

Call to Action Change Happiness Inc. Development Water
Against Philippines PH Assistance - Foundation
Poverty Gender and
Philippines Development

7. 8. Kapatid 9. Go Lokal! 10. Pantawid 11. NEDA 12. SWITCH -

Greenpeace Mentor Me Pamilyang Philippines Asia
Philippines Program Pilipino Action Plan Programme

13. Project 14. 15. Protect 16. 17. United

NOAH SMARTSeas Wildlife Bangsamoro Nations
PH Project Project Organic Law Development


Activity 1: Student Profile

Instruction: Please answer the student Profiling Sheet.

Activity 2: Community Outlining

Instruction: Please sketch your community area about 1 square kilometer. Including your
home, landmarks and establishments in your community.

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Activity 3: Program Designing

Instruction: Design a community you dream off.


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Name: ALMIRAH TUANO H. ALI Section: SBAC-1C Date: April 20, 2021

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