MX 200 Fire Extinguishing Systems

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MX 200 fire extinguishing system

with the extinguishing agent HFC-227ea
fast and smooth

Lost data, the breakdown of machines and result of object-specific design calculations and
equipment, on which enterprise-critical business characterise a system optimised down to the
processes are proceeded, or a total breakdown smallest detail. The charging pressures of up to
of operations – those are risks, which represent 50 bar mean that multi-zone systems and longer
a concrete existential threat for every company. pipeworks can be designed. No separate space is
Companies with unique and high-value technical needed for the supply of extinguishing agent, it
equipment and central IT systems are depending can be located in the protected area itself.
on the high availability of these critical operating
resources. This is inevitably leading to growing Mode of operation
expectations concerning fire protection.
When a starting fire is detected by one of the
Here fire extinguishing systems are in demand, automatic fire detectors or when a push button
which detect a developing fire in its initial stage is activated, the fire detection control panel sets
and extinguish it in an exceptionally fast and off a fire alarm. After a object-related delay time
protective manner so that even sensitive com- the pressurised extinguishing agent cylinders are
ponents are not damaged e. g. by residues of opened either electrically or pneumatically. The
extinguishing agent. This is why Minimax has extinguishing agent, still liquid at this point,
developed the MX 200 fire extinguishing system flows to the extinguishing nozzles where it vapo-
with the fire extinguishing agent HFC-227ea. rises and rapidly and effectively floods the room.
It is characterised by its highly effective and
fast extinguishing action (< 10 seconds). The The extinguishing agent HFC-227ea
extinguishing agent itself is toxicologically
harmless; it extinguishes without leaving any The fire extinguishing agent treated in the ISO
residue and gets along with a small storage 14520-9 under the designation HFC-227ea is
volume. The extinguishing agent acts both widely used throughout the world. Thanks to its
physically and chemically. good price/performance ratio it has become
established in many countries as the extinguish-
A well thought-out system ing agent for manageable IT and electrical risks.
In Europe its use is regulated by the F-Gases
The MX 200 fire extinguishing system can be Directive (Regulation (EU) No. 842/2006 on cer-
individually adapted to suit nearly every area. tain fluorinated greenhouse gases).
Nozzle holes and container fill volumes are the

MX 200 fire extinguishing

systems –
efficient fire protection
for electrical and electronic

* Also known under the brand name FM-200®

(registered trade mark of the DuPont
corporation) and Solkaflam® 227 (registered
trademark of the Solvay Fluor GmbH)
extinguishes without leaving any residue

HFC-227ea is suitable for class A and class B Safety of persons

fire and is used as total flooding agent. The
gas pressure of 3.91 bar at 20 °C favours a Due to its worldwide use HFC-227ea has
rapid vaporisation at the nozzles and fast become one of the most studied synthetic
distribution throughout the room. HFC-227ea extinguishing agents. It has been assessed
is neither corrosive nor electrically conductive as safe for use in rooms where persons are
and therefore causes no damage through short present. The design concentration for IT rooms
circuits or through residues left on sensitive lies below the NOAEL value.
components. It is colourless and almost odour-
less and is in gaseous form at room temperature.
Its molecules consist of carbon, fluorine and
hydrogen. HFC-227ea deprives the flames of
heat, thus interrupting the combustion reaction.

Safety factor at the design


HFC-227ea NOAEL 9 % by volume (no observed

Chemical formula CF3-CHF-CF3 adverse effect level). The highest extinguis-
Chemical name Heptafluoropropane hing gas concentration in % by vol., at which
ISO designation HFC-227ea no detriments to health have been observed.
Specific weight (20 °C) 1.41 kg/l
State of aggregation gaseous LOAEL 10.5 % by volume (lowest obser-
(at 20 °C/1.013 bar) ved adverse effect level). The lowest extin-
Boiling point –16.5 ºC (at 1.013 bar) guishing gas concentration in % by vol.,
Environmental properties No ozone depletion at which detriments to health have been
potential (ODP 0) observed.
global warming potential
(GWP 3500)


HFC-227ea molecule
MX 200 fire extinguishing system

Excellent price/performance ratio

Robust design, so low maintenance costs
Rapid extinguishing effect
Safe for use in occupied areas
No extinguishing agent residues, neither
corrosive nor electrically conductive
Optimised system design by using professional
HFC-227ea calculation software
Higher operating pressure possible than
comparable systems, so
• longer pipeworks and
• multi-zone systems can be achieved
Compact and space-saving
Approved system, e.g. UL, FM, VdS, GL, ABS
Worldwide recognised and approved
extinguishing agent

Example of a multi-cylinder system

What you‘re looking for:

system types from A to Z Example of use

Available cylinder sizes: Design Minimum usage

22, 40, 52, 80, 100, 106, 140, 147, 180 litres concentration* quantity
Pressure stages available: 25, 42, 50 bar
8.5 % by volume 67.7 kg/100 m3
Single- or multi-cylinder systems
Single- or multi-zone systems * ISO 14520-9 / EN 15004-5

Extinguishing nozzles

Minimax GmbH &  Co. KG

Industriestrasse 10/12
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe
Phone: +49 (0) 45 31 8 03-0
Fax: +49 (0) 45 31 8 03-248
E-mail: [email protected]
Printed in Germany

Right reserved to make technical changes.

Detailed information can be found in the
appropriate technical data sheets.

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