STR 1996 04 Findingtheeigenmodes
STR 1996 04 Findingtheeigenmodes
STR 1996 04 Findingtheeigenmodes
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N. Amir, R. Starobinski
Laboratoire d'Acoustique, URA 1101 CNRS, 8.P.535, Avenue Oliver Messiaen,72}l7 Le Mans Cedex. France
A method for calculating the modes of vibration of two-dimensional cavities is presented. This method can be used for
shapes that are simply connected, having two axes of symmetry. It is based on a method for computing wave propagation
in waveguides of arbitrarily changing cross section, originally proposed by Roure. The cavity undir coniideraiion is
approximated by a series of rectangles along one of its axes of symmetry, and treated as a waveguide. The input
impedance of this waveguide is used to calculate the resonant frequencies, and calculation of pressure along this
waveguide shows the coresponding vibrational modes. To demonstrate the validity ofthe proposed method, we an-alyze
a circular cavity, with good agreement to analytical results. We then treat a practical case of a semi-elliptical form used
in the cross section of a car mufflers. We also show how this method can be applied to calculate the vibrational modes
of an ideal membrane.
PACS no. 43.20.Ks. 43.20.Mv
Figure 1. Arbitrarily shaped waveguide, symmetrical along its lon- Figure 2. A discontinuity between two parallel waveguide sections.
gitudinal axis.
Considering an arbitrarily shaped waveguide, symmetric convenient, as described in (Starobinsky, 1980; Kergomard,
along its longitudinal (z) axis as in Figure 1, we now express 1991). Following a matricial terminology we will write the
the pressure and axial velocity uz using infinite series: above series as:
1- u.-5: 1t tbu
r'- - - \ ,''(g,z)u;(z)
h(z) ? where P, U, and ry' are column vectors, and the left super-
script t denotes matrix transpose.
where P1 and Ui are scalar coefficients, h is the half height
Consider now a discontinuity between two rectangular
along the z axis of the waveguide, andrf.;i xe the eigenfunc-
waveguide sections, as in Figure 2. Ifthe pressure and axial
tions obeying the transverse laplacian (41) eigen problem:
velocity on one side of the discontinuity are known, their
values on the other side are obtained by projection over the
ALtbt: -r?rbt (4)
transverse eigenfunctions (Kergomard, 1991) on either side
with the following hard wall boundary conditions: of the discontinuity; pr : p2 and u"1 : L)22 ott ^9r and
u"z : 0 on ^92- ,Sr, thus projections yield:
Pr : FPz (10 )
F',:- 1f
." 2hr I t"1;tlt2.1 dS (1 1)
where ,S is the (one dimensional) cross section, C is the cross Js,,
section boundary, and y is the transverse coordinate. It is
convenient to divide the eigenfunctions into two types: those
In the electrical circuit analogy, the discontinuity is anal-
that are symmetric with respect to the longitudinal axis, and ogous to a multipole transformer (Starobinsky, 1980). It is
those that are antisymmetric. The symmetric eigenfunctions interesting to note that there is no coupling between symmet-
tl,t'" and their eigenvalues afl, as a function of half-height h ric and antisymmetric modes: iooking at (11), it is obvious
afe: that if thu is symmetric and {2i is antisymmetric, or vice
versa, the integral is zero. It is therefore useful to treat the
1, atn:Q, if n -0 (7)
two cases separately. Thus we will have two f'matrices; one
1p; = t/2cosT/, o"*: ff, rf n >U for symmetric eigenfunctions and one for the antisymmetric
ones. For the symmetric case we have:
The antisymmetric eigenfuncttons tl,;fl and their eigenvalues
afl, as a function of half-height h are: 1m: n:0
2n,+1 2m -17
' 2ht 2hz
(- 1)' 2m*1
Ft-: rh1h2
( ) -ff#)
t"os(/2m+1.h,, \
Z hr"),orherwise
The DS model treats the waveguide as a series of rectan-
gularly shaped segments which approximate the true shape
of the waveguide. A full treatment of this model has been
presented in (Roure, 1976; Roure, 1911) and in (Kergomard Figure 3. P andU at a discontinuity.
et al.,1989); here we give only a short outline.
Dealing directly with the vectors P andU can often result
in numerical problems. It is therefore much more useful to
z(o\ z()
define a generalized impedance, the matrix Z fuIfilling:
P: ZU (14)
matrix with infinity on the diagonal, or a zero admittance (non-evanescent) eigenfunctions. the reflected wave (Pag-
matrix. It provides no energy dissipation, therefore implying nuex e/ al., 1995) rs
infinite peaks in the impedance along the cavity. This can
cause numerical problems, therefore it may be conducive to tf -: (2"+ Zi,)-l(2, - zin)u+ (26)
introduce a miniscule dissipation, for instance by using a
very narrow infinite pipe as a load. This works only for the and the energy reflection coefficient is then (see Pagneux
symmetric transverse eigenfunctions, where the plane wave et a1.,1995):
mode is never evanescent. For the antisymmetric transverse
eigenfunctions a load that is always dissipative is harder to D Ute{/u z,u -} (27)
create. One possibility suggested in (Pagneux et al.,1994) fte{t(J 1Z"U a}
is to treat a system as shown in Figure 6. Tubes #1 and we can perform a frequency sweep and search for local
#4 in this figure are wide enough over the frequency range minima. This method was originally suggested in (Pag-
in question so that there is always at least one propagating neux, 1994) for antisymmetrical transverse eigenfunc-
mode in each. On the other hand tubes #2 and #3 are very
tions, and should therefore work for both the symmetric
naffow; the "tunneling" effect at resonance, as described in
and antisymmetric cases, but only in cases in which there
(Pagneux, 1 994) enables energy to propagate from the source
is some form of energy loss.
to infinite tube #4 even though all transverse eigenfunctions
4. One more possible method we suggest here utilizes the
are evanescent in tubes #2 and #3.
second a,ris of symmetry, perpendicular to the flrst, and
Depending on the case, the lossless or lossy models have located at its center; It is only for this method that this
their advantages. In the lossless model all admittances and second axis of syrnmetry is necessary in this paper. The
impedances are purely imaginary, which makes numerical existance of such additional symmetry dictates that each
calculations faster. This model cannot be used in one of the eigenmode of the cavity will have either a minimum or
schemes proposed below, on the other hand, besides being maximum of pressure on this axis. These can be found
potentially diverging. It is important to determine whether by performing a frequency sweep of impedance and ad-
the resonance frequencies obtained in both models are the mittance at this axis, and using one of two methods: the
same; we will examine below both possibilities, showing in first entails searching for maxima tn Zin(0,0) (indicar
fact that the dissipation has very little effect on the accuracy ing pressure maxima) and dr(0,0) (indicating pressure
of the results. minima), following method 2; the second is to search for
Once the impedance has been propagated to the source, it minima in the absolute values of det{ Zin} and det{Yi-},
must be used to determine the resonance frequencies. In the following method 1. In general, as we show below this
simple plane wave case, where Z is a scalar, the resonance method is necessary only for calculation using the anti-
frequencies occur at the peaks of lZl when it is plotted vs. symmetrical eigenfunctions. Since in the circle all of the
frequency. Inott case Z is a matrix, which makes things more azimuthal modes can be considered as either syrnmetri-
complicated. Therefore a number of schemes is possible: cal or antisymmetrical, depending on the orientation of
the nodal lines, for this case we will be able to compare
1. Roure originally pointed out that at resonance the veloc-
the present method to the previous ones, in order to ex-
ity at the volume source is zero; since the pressure is not
amine its validity. For more complex shapes, such as the
thus constrained, the relationship 0 : :
U YP suggests semi-ellipse treated later, use of the symmetric and anti-
that at resonance the matrix Y is singular. In practice, we
symmetric eigenfunctions will give different sets of modes
would perform a frequency sweep, calculating the abso-
and conesponding modal frequencies.
lute value of the determinant of Y at the source for each
frequency, looking for local minima. We will compare these methods in a later section. Before
2. Since the source is placed in a very naffow tube, most if that, we will also discuss how to calculate the pressure in the
not all of the higher order eigenfunctions will be evanes- cavity for a given frequency, in order to flnd the nodal lines.
cent there. Therefore the dominant term in Z, when using
symmetric transverse eigenfunctions, will be the corner
term Zin(0,0), representing the "autoimpedance" of the
3.2. Calctiating the pressure and finding the nodal lines
plane wave mode, which is never evanescent. In this case it Once the resonance frequencies are known, we can excite the
might be sufficient to search for local maxima in this term cavity at each of these frequencies and calculate the pressure
alone. When using antisymmetric transverse eigenfunc- fleld inside. Plotting the pressure magnitude in shades of gray
tions. which are all evanescent there. this method fails. as over the surface of the circle (henceforth "pressure magnitude
shown below. plots") will show the nodal lines as "troughs" in this plot. This
3. Using a velocity source, the greatest pressure will be cre- process is relatively straightforward, though certain care must
ated at the load at resonance. This will create maxima be taken to obtain good results.
in the energy transfer, or minima in the energy reflection For the symmetric modes, the excitation can be a rigid
coefficient. To find the energy reflection coefficient, we piston in the cavity wall. As shown in Figure 5 discretization
assume that the excitation is a rightgoing velocity wave creates a very small height for the source segment, so that
U1, which has non-zero elements only for propagating the solution is not very sensitive to the deviation from a
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In the case described above, we are searching for pressure where C1 is the "staircase" contour (see Figure 7). The eigen-
antinodes at the boundary. If we make an analogy between functions $p are notmalized so that (Starobinsky 1980):
pressure for our case, and displacement for a membrane, then
we have to change the boundary condition. In this case it will
be a perfectly soft wall condition; flrst the transverse eigen- lro*öoo, - v6* (32)
functions ry' will have to be changed accordingly, then the where V is the primary area (with smooth contour).
termination should be changed from a positively reflecting
Multiplying (28) by yi and (29)by Sp,we find, by using
one to an acoustic short circuit (zero impedance). Finally,
Greens theorem:
schemes 1-4 above should be "inverted", i.e. we will be look-
ing for peaks in the admittance instead of impedance, and
minima in the absolute value of the impedance determinant - I"rrHot- (Ä; - "il l"sig1,dv:o (33)
onc (30)
where m : Vr lV,V1 is the sum of small areas between the
where C is the primary (smooth) contour, and n is the normal, primary and staircase contours, and
:0 onCr (31) B,i,*:
i I.r- oihd's (38)
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: -Bii 0t
P!t) (41)
cR- (45)
Resonance # 2 J 4 5 6 '7 8 9 l0
Frequency 0.5861 0.9122 1.2191 1.3373 1.6926 1.697 2.0421 2.1346 2.2331 2.3877
10 '" 10
x o 1
(! l
E (!
\ t
10 - q)
:\ i/ \
:5 o
10 '"
\ \, ,l \ I
l. \l\/ \
vl o
I 1il. .l
1o'22 0.0001
1 0000 1.02
\r-l ^:llD:r
c E 0.94
o c)
O c)
0.01 0.86
Figure 9. Results of applying schemes 1-3. (a) scheme I on the whole y matrix, (b) scheme 1 on the 3 by 3 cornermatrix (c) scheme 2 (d)
scheme 3.
very low values in Y for the higher order eigenfunctions. clearly visible. Taking a look at the logarithm ofthe pressure
Thus, limiting the determinant to the 3 by 3 corner matrix amplitude in Figure I I shows the nodal lines much better, as
in (b) shows much better defined dips in its absolute value. very low pressure regions. Observing these flgures, we see
Similarly, in (c) we see very prominent peaks in Zi"(0,0), that the low pressure regions are generally large; but the nodal
and in (d) rather smaller dips in Ä. lines do not always fall exactly at their expected locations.
In Table II we summarize the results for the eigenfre- For cases (a) and (d), the very good symmetry suggests that
quencies, showing the relative difference for each frequency. we have indeed found the correct eigenfrequencies, but that
Schemes 7 and 2 give identical results, which remain the for our discretized geometry they simply do not coincide
same when using either the lossy or lossless model. Scheme with those of a true circle. This is simply demonstrated by
3 can only be applied to the lossy model, on lhe other hand, using the exact 7'th eigenfrequency of a circle, as in Figure
in which it gives errors nearly the same as the above two 12. In this figure the symmetry is gone, and the ratio between
methods, yet missing one of the closely placed frequencies. highest and lowest pressure is lower. Thus, the true resonance
All the errors are on the order of 0.5Vo with respect to the ofthe circle is not in fact the resonance of our geometry.
theoretical values. Cases (b) and (c) in Figures 10 and 11 are slightly asym-
We now turn to calculating the pressure maps for a few of metric, which may indicate that they are not exact eigenfre-
these frequencies. Figure 10 shows the pressure magnitude quencies of our system. the two frequencies in this case are
plots for frequencies #1, #5, #6 and #7. Since the troughs very close, having a relative difference of only 0.237o , which
in this plot are wide and shallow the nodal lines are not makes it difficult to distinguish between them. An attempt to
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Thble II. First ten resonances in dimensionless frequency, computed using the three schemes, and compared to theory.
Resonance # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Theor. Freq. 0.5861 o.9'722 1.2197 1.3373 1.6926 1.697 2.0421 2.1346 2.2331 2.3811
Scheme 1 0.5899 o.9773 t.2238 1.3441 1 701 I 1 .7051 2.0544 2.1420 2.2407 2.4032
Rel. Diff.[%] -0.648 -0.525 -0.336 -0.508 -0.502 -0.4'71 -0.602 -0.347 -0.340 -0.649
Scheme 2 0.5899 0.9773 1.2238 1.3441 1.701 1 1.705 I 2.0544 2.1420 2.2407 2.4032
Rel. Diff.[7o] -0.648 -0.525 -0.336 -0.508 -0.502 -0.477 -0.602 -0.347 -0.340 -0.649
Scheme 3 0.5902 o.9777 1.2241 1.3444 1.7035 missed 2.0565 2.r414 2.2407 2.4053
Rel. Diff.[7o] -0.700 -0.566 -0.361 -0.531 -0.644 -0.705 -0.319 -0.340 -0.'737
Figure 10. Pressure magnitude plots for four modes: (a) #1, (b) #5, Figure 1 1. Log pressure magnitude plots for four modes: (a) #'l, (b)
(c) #6, (d) #7. #5, (c) #6, (d) #7.
reflne the calculation of frequency #5 to six decimal places those having one nodal line perpendicular to the horizontal
(1.701 108) did not improve the symmetry of the pressure line (group l), and those which do not (group 2). The latter
graph, indicating that separating between two such closely will have a pressure maximum somewhere on the vertical
placed modes is at the limits of the accuracy of our method. diameter. Denoting the impedance and admittance matrices
We show below how to improve this result. at the center of the circle as Z^i4 ard Y^i6 respectively,
The perfectly rotationally symmetric modes, such as those we will search for: maxima in Y^ia(0,0) for resonances
at frequencies #3 and #9, shown in Figure 13, present no in group 1, maxima in Z^ia(0,0) for resonances in group
problem. - The nodal lines are perfectly circular. 2, minima in d,et{Z*ia} for resonances in group l, and
minima in d,et{Y^ia} for resonances in group 2. As above,
we will take determinants of 3 x 3 submatrices. The results
5.2. Asymmetrical modes
are summarized in Table IIL
If we observe Zi,(0,0) and det{Yi.} in Figure 14 as a We see that both variants give nearly identical results,
function offrequency forthis case, we see that the peaks are which are also very close to the results given by the sym-
very small, especially at lower frequencies. For this reason, metrical eigenfunctions. We have thus demonstrated that this
schemes I and 2 are unreliable in this case. We therefore method gives good results when using the antisyrnmetrical
try the variants suggested in scheme 4 above. Since there transversal eigenfunctions.
is no observable difference between the lossy and lossless The last method we examine is scheme 3, which neces-
case, we choose to use the lossless one, since the purely sitates an extension to the geometry as in Figure 14. Un-
imaginary Z andY matrices are easier to inverl. Taking note fortunately this method gave unreliable results, due to the
of the fact that using the antisymmetric eigenfunctions we fact that most of the eigenfunctions are very far below cutoff
will find only resonance frequencies for which there is a throughout most of the geometry. As a result the reflection
nodal diameter, we will not expect to find resonances #3 and coefficient is very "noisy" and with only very slight dips at
#9. We also divide the remaining resonances into two groups: the resonance frequencies.
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820 Amir and Starobinski: Eigenmodes of two-dimensional cavities Vol.82 (1996)
100 150 200 250 300 350
s 04
Figure 12. Linear (a) and log (b) pressure magnitude plots for the Figure 14. Corner value of the Z matrix (a) and absolute value of
theoretical resonance frequency #7. the Y matrix (b) for antisymmetric modes.
a b
150 :l
.: ..:: :,:
50 #."#*:,"","L=.*-* ,1.
100 100
50 50
, lll:talt
0 0
100 100
Figure 13. Linear (a,c) and log (b,d) pressure magnitude plots for Figure I 5. Log pressure magnitudepiots for four modes: (a) #1 (b) #5
two circular symmetric modes, #3 (a,b) and #9 (c,d). (c)#6, (d)#'T,calculated with asymmetric transversal eigenfunctions.
Note horizontal nodal line in all cases.
It remains to be seen ifthe pressure can be reliably calcu- 6. Practical example semi elliptical shapes
lated with the antisymmetric eigenfunctions. We look once
more at the log pressure magnitude plots of resonances #1, In this section we study a semi elliptical shape taken from a
#5,#6 and#1, in Figure 15, this time calculated using the an- car muffler cross section. The original purpose in analyzing
tisymmetric eigenfrequencies. We observe that all the nodal this shape was to find areas of low pressure in a number of
lines are rotated 90 degrees with respect to the previous calcu- lower order modes, in order to insert a perforated cylindrical
lation, so that the previous vertical nodal line now coincides tube along the muffler, which would excite these modes to
with the horizontal axis. Interestingly, the results are better a minimal degree. There is no analytical description of the
than those obtained with the symmetric eigenfunctions. This cross section - the boundary is given as a series of (X, Y)
is probably due to the fact that the antisymmetric eigenfunc- values along the circumference.
tions "Find" one nodal line (the horizontal) automatically, The study in this section provides a further verification
by virtue of being uniformly zero on the horizontal axis. of our method. We analyze the cavity twice: once along its
It is therefore probably advisable to use the antisymmetric longer axis, and once along the shorter one. We expect to
eigenfunctions wherever applicable. find the same eigenmodes, within a reasonably small enor.
The frequency band considered was between 500 and
4500H2. Using scheme 2 for the symmetric eigenfunctions
and scheme 4 for the antisymmetric eigenfunctions, we de-
tected 11 symmetric modes, and 9 antisymmetric ones. Out
of the latter, 5 are antisymmetric in one orientation and sym-
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Table III. Eight resonances found using antisymmetric eigenfunctions, and compared to theory.
Resonance# 2 5 8 l0 4 6 '7
Theoretical Frequency 0.9722 t.6926 2.1346 2.3877 0.5861 I .JJ /.J 1.6970 2.0421
Max in Y-;4(0,0), Z*.;a(0,0) 0.9758 1.70t9 2.142 2.4007 0.5869 1.3435 1.7005 2.0528
Rel. Diff.[7ol -0.370 -0.549 -0.347 -0.544 -0.1 36 -0.464 -0.206 -0.524
Mtn tn det{Z *a}, det {Y^ro} 0.9758 1.7018 2.142 2.4006 0.s869 1.3435 1.7005 2.0528
Rel. Ditr.[7o] -0.370 -0.544 -0.341 -0.540 -0. r 36 -0.464 -0.206 -0.524
50 100 150 50 100 150 200 50 100 '150 50 100 150 200
Figure 16. Log pressure magnitude plots for two resonance frequen- Figure I 7. Log pressure magnitude plots for two resonance frequen-
cies of the semi-ellipse, for two orientations. Modes are symmetrical cies of the semi-ellipse, for two orientations. Modes are symmetrical
in both orientations. in one orientation, antisymme trical in another.
metric in the latter, and four are antisymmetric with respect tations. In Figure 16 we show two log pressure magnitude
to both axes. This means that 16 eigenmodes could be de- plots in both orientations, observing that the nodal lines in
tected in one orientation or another simply with the symmet- the two agree very we11., Figure 17 shows two modes that
ric transversal eigenfunctions, but 4 eigenmodes could be are symmetric in one orientation and antisymmetric in the
detected only with the scheme for antysymmetric transverse other: note that in the symmetric case the method can have
eigenfrequencies. The eigenfrequencies of both analyses are a slight difficulty in finding the precise vertical nodal line,
surnmarized in Table IV, along with the relative difference. whereas in the antisymmetric case it is found automatically.
We observe that the relative difference between the reso- This strengthens the point raised above, that wherever possi-
nance frequencies in both orientations is very small, as ex- ble the antisymmetric case should be used to find the nodal
pected. Further, we observe that some of the frequencies in lines.
the above table are quite close: for example 3510H2 and
3580H2 in orientation #2. As we saw before for the circular
cavity, this can create problems in computing the nodal lines. 7. Conclusion
On the other hand, using orientation #l one of these remains
attributed to the symmetric modes, and the other to the an- We have presented here a method for flnding the eigenmodes
tisymmetric ones; in this orientation they do not "interfere" of a two-dimensional cavity, based on a method suggested
with one another, facilitating the computation of the nodal previously (Roure, 1977), involving the use of a transverse
lines. Thus it can be beneficial to analyse any given shape mode decomposition of the pressure and axial velocity. We
using both orientations. have limited the discussion to shapes having two axes of
We also examine a number of modes more closely, show- syfimetry. The longitudinal axis of syrnmetry enables us
ing how the nodal lines are nearly identical for both orien- to separate the problem into antisymmetric and symmetric
ACUSTICA . acta acusttca
822 Amir and Starobinski: Eigenmodes of two-dimensional cavities Vol.82 (1996)
Table IV. Comparison of resonances of the semi-ellipse in two different orientations. s-symmetrical, a-antisymmetrical along longitudinal axis
only, aa-antisymmetrical along both axes. A1l frequencies are in Hertz.
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