RPP - Modul Ajar Fix
RPP - Modul Ajar Fix
RPP - Modul Ajar Fix
My favorite car is a city car with only one row of passenger seat. It is a small car but it is very comfortable. Let
me tell you about the interior of the car. The passenger seat is made of polyester, an inexpensive but durable
material. The color of the seat is black. I replace the driver's seat cover with genuine leather and the color is red.
The steering wheel is positioned on the left side of the dashboard. The color of the steering wheel is black. There is
an air bag in the steering wheel, it is located under the horn in the center of the steering wheel. I replace the gear
shift with a racing style one. There is a race flag symbol on it. The air ventilation on the front dashboard are
located on the left and the right side. In the middle of the dashboard there is a screen showing the picture from a
camera located on the back bumper. It will help me to check the condition at the back of my car especially during
the parking process.
The color of my car is blue with three black stripes on the roof and the hood. It has a small trunk on the back
part of the body, this is where I keep some of my stuff such as utility box, spare clothes, some food and water and
anything I need if I want to travel somewhere. I replace the original rims with sports rim. The color of the
new rims is black. There is an antenna on the roof which help me to get a better signal for radio and smartphone. I
also put a sticker of my favorite superhero on the left-front door
Class :
1. Social Function Analysis: Members of Group:
Analysis: 5.
3. Language Feature
Answer key
1. Analyze social function and generic structure Descriptive text“M y C a r ” in the provided table
Task 2
Instruction : Make a descriptive text using your own words based on the following pictures
Instrument penilaian
Instrument Sangat baik Baik Cukup Kurang
Instruction: Read this text carefully and identify the
generic structure, social function and language feature
of this text!
My Motorcycle
I have a favorite motorcycle. My father bought it for me when I was in Senior High School. This is the only
motorcycle that I have right now, but even if one day I buy another one, this one will always be my favorite, because
there are so many thing happened with me and this motorcycle. For me, it is irreplaceable.
The type of my favorite motorcycle is underbones. If you are familiar with various types of motorcycles, then I
believe you can imagine what my motorcycle looks like. The dominant color of my motorcycle is red. It has spoke
wheels type of rim and standard tire. The original rearview mirror was broken and I replace it with a smaller one.
Last year I replace the original shock absorber with the new one. The color of the new shock absorber is black. A
very distinctive part of my motorcycle is the seat. It is because I modified it a little bit from the original shape. The
seat of my motorcycle is so long so it can accommodate two person. I decided to add some foam rubber on it, start
from the middle part of the seat up to the back part. It makes the back part of the seat to be higher than the front
part and cause a border which separated the driver's seat and the passenger's seat.
Class :
1. Social Function Analysis:
Members of Group:
Analysis: 1
2. Generic
Analysis: 3.
3. Language 4.
Answer Key
Social Function
Teks ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan ciri-ciri kepada pembaca mengenai sesuatu secara
Generic Structure
Language Feature
Deskripsi adalah jenis tulisan yang menggambarkan atau menjelaskan tentang suatu hal, objek atau
keadaan tertentu. Deskripsi juga bisa diartikan sebagai kaidah pengolahan data menjadi sesuatu yang bisa
diutarakan dengan jelas dan tepat agar mudah untuk dipahami oleh orang lain.
Teks deskripsi adalah teks yang dimana ide utamanya merupakan penyampaian dengan
menggambarkan objek, tempat dan peristiwa tertentu dengan sangat rinci. Dengan begitu, pembaca
bisa seolah-olah merasakan baik secara fisik maupun emosi secara langsung dengan apa yang
dijelaskan di dalam teks.
1. Generic Structure
Descriptive Text
Identification: berisi tentang identifikasi mengenai suatu benda/orang yang akan dideskripsikan
secara keseluruhan di dalam text.
Description: berisikan gambaran tentang penjelasan atau penggambaran mengenai suatu hal
(orang, benda, hewan, tumbuhan) dengan menyebutkan beberapa sifat dan characteristic
2. Fungsi social
Descriptive Text
Teks ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai sesuatu secara detail. Dengan
demikian, salah satu fungsi sosial dari descriptive text adalah untuk menggambarkan orang tertentu
atau particular person.