Life 2e Elem End-Of-Year TestB AnswerKey
Life 2e Elem End-Of-Year TestB AnswerKey
Life 2e Elem End-Of-Year TestB AnswerKey
Paper 1: Part 7
Reading and Writing 41 with 42 any 43 writing 44 the
45 ’ll / will 46 to 47 and
Questions 1–55 carry one mark.
48 because 49 There 50 had
Part 1
Part 8
1F 2B 3H 4D 5A
For numbers 51–55, spelling and
Part 2 capitalization must be correct.
6B 7A 8B 9A 10 B 51 [email protected]
52 VW Golf
Part 3 53 1–14 June / June 1st – 14th (allow
11 B 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 C 15 June also – ‘two weeks’)
Questions 1–25 carry one mark. This paper carries a total of 25 marks.
Part 1 Part 1
1C 2A 3A 4A 5B Part 1 carries a total of 10 marks for
each student.
Part 2
Part 2 carries a total of 15 marks for
each student.
This part assesses the students’ ability
to exchange simple, non-personal
information, and to ask questions.
Take into account the following points:
Interactive communication
• Is the student able to maintain the
exchange with ease?
• Does the student respond with
relevant information to the questions
• Is the student able to use simple
strategies such as asking for
clarification or rephrasing when
• Is the student’s pronunciation and
intonation clear enough to
understand his/her answers without
• Is the student’s word and sentence
stress accurate?
• Does the student pronounce
individual sounds correctly?