BMM3113 Academic Skills and Studying With Confidence Assessment Brief PDF
BMM3113 Academic Skills and Studying With Confidence Assessment Brief PDF
BMM3113 Academic Skills and Studying With Confidence Assessment Brief PDF
Semester Component Magnitude Weighting Timing / Deadline Learning
(word count and/or Outcomes
or duration) Pass/Fail assessed
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Assignment Cover Sheet
This assignment should be typed in 12-point font, lines spaced at 1½ or
double spacing. Please see the word limits for discursive type questions under
each part of the questions.
To keep the anonymity of your assignment marking, please only use your
Student ID number and not your name on all your assignment submissions.
Student ID No.
Module Leader
Course BA (Hons) in Business & Management
with Foundation Year in Business
Academic Year 2019-20 (Foundation
Word Count:
Your word count must include your appendices and footnotes, but not your
references. Students should aim to submit their coursework in line with the
specific word count limit and must not exceed by ±10% of the required word count
either way.
Student Declaration:
By submitting this assignment, I certify this to be my own work. I understand that
if this is untrue, I will have committed an assessment offence (plagiarism*) within
the University regulations and that disciplinary proceedings may be brought
against me. I also understand that it is an offence to allow another student to
have access to my work for the purposes of copying it.
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Semester 1 - Assessment 1
The first assessment is the submission of a 1000 word portfolio based on course
activities and workshops.
Assessment – Portfolio: You are required to create and submit a portfolio based on
your lectures, activities and workshops. The portfolio must have been assessed by your
Lecturer/ Assessor prior to submitting on the correct Turnitin link. The portfolio, literature
review and presentation must be submitted to the correct Turnitin link. You must
successfully complete all three elements to pass the module.
Semester 2 - Assessment 2
Assessment - Presentation: You will give a group presentation with your fellow
colleagues. Each group member is required to deliver equal amount of presentation.
The presentation will be assessed and may also include peer evaluation as well.
Semester 2 - Assessment 3
Assessment – Literature Review: For this assessment you are required to carry out a
shot literature review of 1500 words. You work must demonstrate effective search
techniques to find relevant & reliable information and must be referenced in the required
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Plagiarism is a form of cheating which involves presenting another person’s ideas or
expressions without acknowledging the source. The penalties for this are severe.
Extensive and repeated instances can result in your removal from the degree
programme. It is therefore very important that you understand how to avoid being
accused of plagiarism. Any work submitted for assessment must, unless
collaborative work has been specifically permitted in the assignment guidelines, be
your own work. Any material used, from whatever source, must be clearly
acknowledged. Any words that are not your own should be shown as quotes and
their author and publication details given. Where you paraphrase the words of
another you should make this clear and give details of where you found this material.
You should make use of the referencing guidelines on the Library website and
complete the online plagiarism tutorial to ensure that you are providing such details
correctly Doing
so will gain you marks for showing evidence of research and ability to reference. Not
doing so could lead to accusations of plagiarism. You can also use Turnitin in
advance of the deadline to enable you to check for elements of plagiarism in your
work and then correct these.
Students will be made aware of how to avoid plagiarism as part of the induction
process and within the initial stages of the programme of study, as well as how to
incorporate correct referencing into their written work. The library provides
Referencing Guides, online tutorials and one-to-one support. Students can also
obtain advice on appropriate academic conventions from the Learning Hub and
advice on a specific piece of assessment is available from the module tutor.
This is not an exhaustive list. There are clearly degrees of plagiarism, particularly
where published work is concerned. At one extreme there may be a very short
section of a coursework which is copied without being properly referenced; at the
other extreme a coursework may consist almost entirely of copied work.
Students who are found to have colluded in making their work available to be copied
by others will not themselves be deemed to have committed plagiarism but will be
dealt with under the student disciplinary procedures described in the Students’
Handbook of Regulations. Similarly, disciplinary action will be taken against any
student who is found to have undertaken a coursework on behalf of another.
Submission Formats
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Marking Scheme / Criteria
Internal examiners, within a programme team, are responsible for the setting,
internal marking and internal moderation of assessments – they may standardise,
first mark, sample and double mark assessments. First markers must provide, for
each piece of work presented for assessment, comments outlining the reasons for
the mark awarded. Internal examiners submit marks to the Assessment Panel
responsible for the module concerned.
We will assess your achievement of the learning outcomes for the programme in
each year. Programme schemes will set out the assessment framework. This will
take one of the following forms:
The relevant Assessment Panel will consider your results and the marks to be
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Assessment / Marking Criteria Grid:
Foundation Year (non-practical)
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