Heather Vizzini-Popcycle Fall 2021
Heather Vizzini-Popcycle Fall 2021
Heather Vizzini-Popcycle Fall 2021
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 6
Teacher reviewed expectations for an
CSTP 3: Organizing Subject
Matter assessment due.
● What actions of the NT I organized and planned the lesson
contributed to student A student was confused about
assimilation of subject Teacher reviewed resources for well, so students would feel prepared
which assessment was due, which
matter? students such as a study guide and to take the test. I answered any
● How did students teacher clarified, acknowledged
construct knowledge of rubric. Teacher provided review questions that students had, and
subject matter? student confusion, and celebrated
● What misconceptions did
opportunities in the Time To Climb made them feel encouraged to
them looking ahead.
students have and how game and Collaboration board. continue to ask questions in my class.
were they addressed by
the teacher? Teacher allowed students to work in
small groups for the essay topic.
Students participated in a variety of
avenues that they felt most I felt that students enjoyed this
There were a variety of opportunities
comfortable with. lesson, because it was engaging.
for student participation. Writing in a
There were several different aspects
collaborative board, writing in the
CSTP 4: Learning to this lesson, so they wanted to
Experiences chat, speaking on the mic, playing the
● How were students Students who struggle and maybe participate by speaking aloud and
Kahoot style game, and student
supported through felt like they weren’t prepared for sharing written responses. Students
differentiated instruction? collaboration in breakout rooms to
● How did students this test could now be empowered really enjoyed the “Time to Climb”
participate? discuss the essay question.
● How did the NT contribute
because now they will walk away activity. It is similar to Kahoot!, but
to student learning? with a bank of resources including with a new format. I had a positive
Students shared what they all knew
the study guide and the essay attitude throughout the lesson, and
in the collaborative boards and the
outline. Students shared a lot of reminded them that they have the
breakout rooms.
ideas together, there were several ability to do well on the Unit 1 Test.
“aha” moments.
Teacher created a collaborate board I knew that students were meeting
CSTP 5: Assessing Student Students wrote 2 things they
on NearPod for students to write two the lessons objectives by their
Learning learned on the collaborate board.
● How did students things they learned - some students written and verbal responses. I
demonstrate achievement Seeing other responses help
asked questions which the teacher observed students participating in
of lesson objectives? expand the wealth of knowledge.
● In what ways did students answered on the spot. activities with the whole class and in
struggle or demonstrate
limited understanding? groups. Some students didn’t
● What teacher actions
Students participated in the Time
The Kahoot Style game - Time to respond to all the questions, but they
contributed to student To climb game reflecting on what
achievement? Climb - assessed student learning of were able to see their classmates'
they had learned.
authors and their works. responses.
Section 4: Post Observation Conference
To what degree did students My students were able to fully meet the lesson objectives by displaying their knowledge on Colonial Literature,
achieve lesson objectives? being introduced to Romanticism, and participating in activities with the class and groups.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Alex was able to partially achieve
the lesson objectives. He
To what degree did focus participated in the lesson and
Hassan was able to achieve the Logan was able to achieve the
students achieve lesson group activities. He struggled to
objectives? lesson objectives. He scored 28/30 lesson objectives. He scored 27/30
display his knowledge on the test
on the Unit 1 Test, which is an A. on the Unit 1 Test, which is an A.
and scored 20/30. I spoke with him
about completing test corrections
to improve his grade.
What would you do differently I would slightly adjust my timing. I would move through the agenda, objectives/ standards, and announcements
next time? quicker. This allows more time for breakout rooms and the Unit 2 Intro.
1. I created an engaging lesson with several opportunities for student participation.
2. I helped students recall information they learned during Unit 1, so they felt confident about taking the
What were three top Lesson
Strengths? test.
3. Students were given the opportunity to collaborate with their classmates which helps them create
meaningful relationships with each other.
1. I could have better time management, so the Unit 2 Intro wasn’t rushed.
What were three top areas for 2. I could have provided students with more examples for the essay question.
improvement? 3. I could have practiced the Time to Climb game ahead of time because the music ended up being too
loud. This prevented some students from hearing my explanation of the correct answer.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 5 of 6
What are next steps?
I will continue to reflect after each lesson to make any necessary adjustments. I plan to use Nearpod regularly
during my lessons because it is a great tool for student engagement.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 6 of 6