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Heather Vizzini-Popcycle Fall 2021

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.17
Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle
1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for

Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Heather Vizzini heathervizzini@gmail.com English 11
Mentor Email School/District Date
California Connections
bgregory@calca.connections 10/1/2
Brittney Gregory Academy/ Capistrano Unified
academy.org Lesson Taught on 10/12/21
School District
Content Standards Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title
Cite strong and thorough
textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text, including
determining where the text
leaves matters uncertain.
SWBAT display their
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.4 knowledge of Colonial
Produce clear and coherent Literature and prepare for
writing in which the the Unit 1 test. SWBAT to
development, organization, and identify the main Early American and Colonial
style are appropriate to task, characteristics of Literature Unit 1 Test Review and Unit 2 Intro
purpose, and audience. Romanticism. SWBAT
participate in a variety of
activities as a whole class
Initiate and participate
effectively in a range of and in groups.
collaborative discussions
(one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grades 11-12 topics,
texts, and issues, building on
others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly and
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating
NT pedagogical skills are newly formed and just Skills are developing as NT investigates Skills are applied as NT makes Skills are refined as NT combines elements Skills are polished as NT expands ability to
coming into prominence and examines pedagogical practices increased relevant and suitable use into a cohesive and unified pedagogical add new methods and strategies into
of pedagogical choices repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
I make adjustments to lessons by changing the pace, allowing more
1.6-Monitoring student learning and time for questions or discussions, and reviewing previously taught
1 adjusting instruction while teaching. 3-Applying material. I also will make adjustments for future lessons if I observe a
lack of understanding. Students are given opportunities to participate
in discussions and activities to keep them engaged.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 6
Students are given the opportunity to create a shared list of classroom
2.5-Developing, communicating, and expectations. Expectations and consequences are clearly written in the
2 maintaining high standards for 2-Exploring syllabus and class website. All major expectations are communicated
individual and group behavior on a regular basis to remind students. Students aim to have good
behavior and aren’t surprised by consequences.
Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/IEP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
This student has an A in English 11
and has As and Bs in his other
classes. He is a hard working
student that always tries his best.
This is clear based on his effort to
attend LiveLessons, contact his Alex (IEP)
teachers regularly for help, and This student has an A in English 11, Logan
take advantage of test corrections. but has Ds and Fs in his other This student has a C in English 11 ,
He calls me weekly to discuss classes. Alex has a processing and has an overall C average in his
questions about the material or weaknesses in the areas of other classes. He cares about
how to bring his grade up for phonological awareness and doing well in school, but doesn’t
English 11. He feels comfortable auditory processing. He comes to aim to get the highest grade. He
participating during class, and has the English 11 LiveLesson each regularly attends LiveLessons for
even unmuted to ask questions. week, but does not participate English, but isn’t an active
Focus Students
Hassan doesn’t have an IEP or 504 regularly. Alex will be supported participant. I will private chat with
● Summarize critical needs and how plan, but may have a weakness throughout the lesson by having Logan if he is not participating in
you will address them during this with speech or processing the text written on the slideshow, the Nearpod activities. There are
information. He is a slow talker and as well as being said aloud. He will multiple activities and ways to
can struggle to get his full thought also have the option to rewatch connect with the material to help
out at times. This doesn’t impact the lesson, since it will be recorded keep Logan engaged during the
his ability to be understood though. and posted on the class website. I lesson. I plan to call Logan the
Speaking over the phone doesn’t plan to private chat with Alex to following day to see if he has any
make it easy to have a back and check for understanding and questions. I will remind him that
forth conversation with clear, encourage him to participate if he he can rewatch the lesson to help
smooth transitions. Hassan will be is not. I will check Alex’s answers prepare for the test more.
given multiple ways to participate after the lesson, and then review
and share his thoughts. This any concepts he didn’t fully
includes sharing his answers in understand on a phone call.
written format on the Nearpod,
selecting multiple choice answers,
typing in the chat on Zoom, and
speaking aloud. I will check on
Hassan by calling him the following
Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback
Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson plan. Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
The focus of this lesson is to help prepare
I think this is the best way to approach this
students for the Unit 1 test by using features in
lesson as we only meet with students 1 time
Nearpod. Students will also be introduced to
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis per week. We want to maximize the full hour.
● What is your inquiry focus and/or special emphasis? Romanticism.
● How will you incorporate the inquiry focus and/or
You will have students buy in because you are
special emphasis into the lesson? preparing for something that will directly help
● What specific feedback do you want from your ME? What are your thoughts about doing a lesson
them with their grade and assessments.
that covers two different topics? We only teach
Previewing the upcoming lesson relaxes the
once a week, so this seemed like the best way to
intensity of the lesson as well and breaks it up.
divide up the lessons for Unit 1 and 2.
Should my third focus student have critical I think you should be flexible because we do
needs? I was planning on focusing on an A not require live lessons so there is no way of
Inquiry Focus/Students
● What specific feedback regarding your focus students
student that always attends LiveLessons. I could knowing who will for sure be present for this
do you want from your ME? focus on another student with an IEP or 504 lesson. I suggested the idea of providing a
plan or a C average student. sentence starter before the collaborative board
on the essay topic. We also discussed doing
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 6
Do you have any suggestions on how to breakout rooms and having students assign
differentiate my lessons for these students? roles in order to maximize student outcomes.
I like that you are adding a collaborative board
to discuss the essay prompt. I agree with
Should I add or remove anything from my
Specific Feedback including questions directly from the test. We
lesson? What are your thoughts on using
● What additional specific feedback do you want from provide the essay questions in advance and
your ME regarding lesson implementation? questions directly from the test in the review
students who show up for live lessons are
already going above and beyond the
requirements of our school.
1.Agenda, Objectives, Announcements
2. Celebrations!
● Time for self-reflection
3.Test Review
● Interactive collaborative boards
● Breakout rooms for small group work
● Fun Kahoot-style review game
4. Introduction to Unit 2
Instructional Planning
● How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and ● Video with checks for understanding
closing)? Maybe add the common core standards
built in
● What varied teaching strategies and differentiated addressed at the very bottom of the agenda or
instruction will help students meet lesson goals? ● Direct instruction
● What progress monitoring strategies will be used? How objectives slides.
will results inform instruction?
5. Questions
● Wrap up

I will monitor the Zoom chat for questions. I will

use student responses in the Nearpod activities
as a data point for progress monitoring. I will
change the pace if students need more time to
review a specific topic.

Students will have the opportunity to participate

in different activities, which will allow them to
show their knowledge and areas they still need
support in. Students will answer open-ended
You are focusing on both short term and long
Student Engagement/Learning questions, play the test review game, watch a
● How will you make the lesson relevant to all the term assessments. You are preparing them for
YouTube video, and have the option to talk
students? the short term goal: Unit 1 test which makes
● How will students show progress towards master of aloud in groups and to the whole class. Students
lesson objectives? the lesson relevant. And you are previewing
have been given time to process and connect
the upcoming unit in an interactive way.
with the material (in previous lessons), so they
can share how it is relevant to them. I will also
share my opinions, and encourage them to
share their own viewpoints.
I will start class ten minutes early for Social
Time, which includes “conversation starter”
questions on a Padlet and music. Students will
review the LiveLesson expectations at the start
of class, which they helped create at the
Classroom Management beginning of the year. Students will participate
● How will you maintain a positive learning environment
with a welcoming climate of caring, respect, and in the Celebration! activity to share something Student responses in Nearpod will also keep
● Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies
positive with class. Students no longer have the students engaged and on task.
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors. option to chat with other students, which helps
them focus. They can still send questions/
comments in the chat to the teacher. I will also
remind students that focusing and participating
throughout the lesson will help prepare them
for the test.
Closure I will mention the authors’ names and texts that Since you are wrapping up a unit, I think this is
● How will you close your lesson?
● How will you assess student learning and prepare them students will read in Unit 2. l will close the an appropriate way to end the lesson. Maybe
for the next lesson? lesson by asking if students have any questions when you list the author’s names for the next
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 6
and wishing them good luck on their test (that unit, make it a “Draw It!” slide and they can
they should take the following day.) highlight any authors they are already familiar
I will reflect on my lesson and review the with?
student results in Nearpod and test results. I
will make adjustments to the following lesson if
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
Student groups answered worksheet questions that included all
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional questions of Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask questions.
levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving strategies; pick two
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students analysis and evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy do you Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
strategies and identify at least one similarity and one difference
● In what ways were students prefer? How could you create a math problem that could be solved comparison/contrast was the most common analysis question. I
between them”). Groups then selected a strategy and created
engaged? with this strategy?”) need to give them a Bloom’s question stems handout next time.
two math problems to exchange tomorrow.

Overall, my lesson went well. I was

able to achieve my goal of helping
NT was unsure about the structure of
students prepare for the test. I was
this lesson but I think it flowed really
able to introduce students to the
well. It is a review lesson preparing
NT asked about ways to Unit 2 Topic: Romanticism. I was able
Specific Feedback for the unit exam, but also preparing
● What information can you
differentiate lessons for students. I to gain more experience with CSTP
students for the next unit. There was
provide the NT regarding suggested breakout rooms which 1.6. I had to make adjustments to the
requested special a good balance of going over content,
feedback? give students the opportunity to lesson to meet the needs of my
giving students work time, an
work in small groups. students. I gave students ten minutes
engaging review game, and providing
instead of five minutes in the
resources for students who need
breakout rooms. This meant I didn't
more support on the exam.
have time to show students the
YouTube video on Romanticism.
Students seemed engaged
throughout my lesson. This was clear
by their responses on the Nearpod,
At the very beginning of the lesson,
comments in the chat, and responses
the teacher offered an opportunity to
Students clearly feel comfortable shared aloud. I explained to students
post celebrations and have students
sharing about their personal lives. that the more they participated, then
share on the mic.
CSTP 1: Engaging All Because of the safe space you have the more they would be preparing
● In what ways were created in your classroom, a for the test. This encouraged them to
students engaged? How student felt comfortable sharing contribute to their learning.
were students not Teacher provided engaging activities
engaged? about their LGBTQ short story they
● How did students throughout the lesson including
are writing.
contribute to their collaborative boards, mic
learning? The three focus students were
● How did teacher and/or opportunities, Time To Climb Review
Students participated in all of the engaged throughout the lesson as
students monitor learning? game, and breakout rooms.
● How were the focus activities by providing answers for well. They were supported by having
students engaged and
supported throughout the review, asking questions about new access to look at the slides while
Teacher asked students if they had
lesson? content, and participating in hearing me talk. They were provided
any questions after every direct
breakout rooms to brainstorm their with sentence frames for the
instruction piece. Teacher clarified
essay topic. collaborative board responses. These
student confusion and answered
students also had the support of
questions as they arose.
their classmates during the breakout
rooms. They were able to ask
questions throughout the lesson.
My students and I were able to
create an effective learning
Teacher provided ample environment by being respectful to
CSTP 2: Effective Learning opportunities for student each other. Students waited to be
● How did students and participation both written and Students participated in the written called on, so they didn’t interrupt my
teacher contribute to an
effective learning
verbally. Teacher used wait time to and verbal opportunities. teaching. Students respected each
environment? give students the opportunity to other’s comments and opinions.
reflect. They also worked together and
supported each other during the
breakout rooms.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 6
Teacher reviewed expectations for an
CSTP 3: Organizing Subject
Matter assessment due.
● What actions of the NT I organized and planned the lesson
contributed to student A student was confused about
assimilation of subject Teacher reviewed resources for well, so students would feel prepared
which assessment was due, which
matter? students such as a study guide and to take the test. I answered any
● How did students teacher clarified, acknowledged
construct knowledge of rubric. Teacher provided review questions that students had, and
subject matter? student confusion, and celebrated
● What misconceptions did
opportunities in the Time To Climb made them feel encouraged to
them looking ahead.
students have and how game and Collaboration board. continue to ask questions in my class.
were they addressed by
the teacher? Teacher allowed students to work in
small groups for the essay topic.
Students participated in a variety of
avenues that they felt most I felt that students enjoyed this
There were a variety of opportunities
comfortable with. lesson, because it was engaging.
for student participation. Writing in a
There were several different aspects
collaborative board, writing in the
CSTP 4: Learning to this lesson, so they wanted to
Experiences chat, speaking on the mic, playing the
● How were students Students who struggle and maybe participate by speaking aloud and
Kahoot style game, and student
supported through felt like they weren’t prepared for sharing written responses. Students
differentiated instruction? collaboration in breakout rooms to
● How did students this test could now be empowered really enjoyed the “Time to Climb”
participate? discuss the essay question.
● How did the NT contribute
because now they will walk away activity. It is similar to Kahoot!, but
to student learning? with a bank of resources including with a new format. I had a positive
Students shared what they all knew
the study guide and the essay attitude throughout the lesson, and
in the collaborative boards and the
outline. Students shared a lot of reminded them that they have the
breakout rooms.
ideas together, there were several ability to do well on the Unit 1 Test.
“aha” moments.
Teacher created a collaborate board I knew that students were meeting
CSTP 5: Assessing Student Students wrote 2 things they
on NearPod for students to write two the lessons objectives by their
Learning learned on the collaborate board.
● How did students things they learned - some students written and verbal responses. I
demonstrate achievement Seeing other responses help
asked questions which the teacher observed students participating in
of lesson objectives? expand the wealth of knowledge.
● In what ways did students answered on the spot. activities with the whole class and in
struggle or demonstrate
limited understanding? groups. Some students didn’t
● What teacher actions
Students participated in the Time
The Kahoot Style game - Time to respond to all the questions, but they
contributed to student To climb game reflecting on what
achievement? Climb - assessed student learning of were able to see their classmates'
they had learned.
authors and their works. responses.
Section 4: Post Observation Conference
To what degree did students My students were able to fully meet the lesson objectives by displaying their knowledge on Colonial Literature,
achieve lesson objectives? being introduced to Romanticism, and participating in activities with the class and groups.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Alex was able to partially achieve
the lesson objectives. He
To what degree did focus participated in the lesson and
Hassan was able to achieve the Logan was able to achieve the
students achieve lesson group activities. He struggled to
objectives? lesson objectives. He scored 28/30 lesson objectives. He scored 27/30
display his knowledge on the test
on the Unit 1 Test, which is an A. on the Unit 1 Test, which is an A.
and scored 20/30. I spoke with him
about completing test corrections
to improve his grade.
What would you do differently I would slightly adjust my timing. I would move through the agenda, objectives/ standards, and announcements
next time? quicker. This allows more time for breakout rooms and the Unit 2 Intro.
1. I created an engaging lesson with several opportunities for student participation.
2. I helped students recall information they learned during Unit 1, so they felt confident about taking the
What were three top Lesson
Strengths? test.
3. Students were given the opportunity to collaborate with their classmates which helps them create
meaningful relationships with each other.
1. I could have better time management, so the Unit 2 Intro wasn’t rushed.
What were three top areas for 2. I could have provided students with more examples for the essay question.
improvement? 3. I could have practiced the Time to Climb game ahead of time because the music ended up being too
loud. This prevented some students from hearing my explanation of the correct answer.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 5 of 6
What are next steps?
I will continue to reflect after each lesson to make any necessary adjustments. I plan to use Nearpod regularly
during my lessons because it is a great tool for student engagement.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 6 of 6

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