Orinoco Installation Manual

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Version B02
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Copyright © by TK Escalator Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China.

TK Escalator Co., Ltd. is the copyright holder. All rights are reserved.

This Installation manual is protected by copyright and contains confidential information about the
products of TK Escalator Co., Ltd.

According to copyright laws, this operating manual (the whole or partly) cannot be reproduced in any
form or by any means- translation into another language, electronic, photocopying, recording or
otherwise-without the express written consent of TKE except for the purpose of normal use or data

TK Escalator Co., Ltd., (subsequently referred to as TKE) reserves the right to make modifications in
its products in line with new technical developments. It is not necessary to inform others or
document each individual case of such modifications.

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Contents 1

REV. No.: B02

Prepared by: Engineering department

Roy Luo, Mark Zhou, James Zhou, Chengjian

Checked by:

Approved by: Wendong Tang, Guilin Yu

Issued by: DCC

Issue Date: May, 2022

Revision History

Rev. Chapter Revision description

5.3Install Glass Tape Add 19mm for Robust balustrade

Change the Lubricant of Handrail shaft/Tension
9.36 Lubrication
station bearings from No.2 Lithium grease to "B"
9.36.6 Lubricate Bearings
Grease (Castrol Molub Alloy 777-2ES)
Add “All jobsite operations on Moving Walk must
comply with the requirements specified in the
1.Safety Precautions
Safety Manual, which can be viewed in DDMS
B02 system.”
9.29 Inspect and Adjust Missing Add missing pallet monitoring for North America
Pallet Monitor market
3.1 Set Supporting
Change a picture of Rubber-Bonded Metal Support
Angle/Damping Block
9.16 Inspect Drive Chain Slack Add this section
6.4 Install Balustrade Decking
Update requirements
and Balustrade Support Profile
2 Contents

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Contents 3


1. Safety Precautions ................................................................................... 7

1.1 General .................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Personal Safety...................................................................................... 8
1.3 Danger of falling .................................................................................... 8
1.4 Gas welding and flame cutting........................................................... 9
1.6 Grinding ................................................................................................ 10
1.7 Degreasing and cleaning ................................................................... 10
1.8 Paints and solvents .............................................................................. 11
1.9 Test run on moving walks ...................................................................12
1.10 Manual handling of loads................................................................... 13
1.11 List of Signs.......................................................................................... 14
2. Installation Preparation ......................................................................... 16
2.1 Pre-Start Requirements..................................................................... 16
2.2 Required Tools ...................................................................................... 17
2.3 Inspection of Wellway/Recess .......................................................... 25
3. Hoisting of Unit........................................................................................ 32
3.1 Set Supporting Angle/Damping Block ........................................... 32
3.2 How to Hoist the unit (show photos of hoist ring) ....................... 37
3.2.1. Remove bundled materials from moving walk .................... 37
3.2.2. Hoisting ........................................................................................ 40
3.3 Hoist/Set Unit in Place .......................................................................45
3.4 Install Intermediate Support ............................................................. 47
4. Splice Truss Sections ............................................................................. 53
4.1 Splice Truss............................................................................................. 53
4.2 Connect Guide Rails and Pallet Chains ..........................................59
4.3 Check Truss Alignment ..................................................................... 64
5. Install Glass Balustrade..........................................................................66
5.1 Align Glass Holders ............................................................................ 66
5.2 Install Glass ........................................................................................... 71
4 Contents

5.3 Install Glass Tape ................................................................................. 75

5.4 Install Handrail Guide ......................................................................... 77
5.5 Install LED lighting under handrail .................................................. 79
5.6 Attach Handrail................................................................................... 80
5.7 Install Handrail Sanitization Device* ............................................... 82
5.8 Install Skirt............................................................................................86
5.9 Install Skirt brushes * .........................................................................89
5.10 Install Skirt Lighting Cover .......................................................... 94
5.11 Install Interior Decking .......................................................................95
5.12 Install Exterior Decking .................................................................. 97
5.13 Install Common Decking for Parallel Moving Walk*................ 99
5.14 Install Protective Deflectors ....................................................... 103
5.15 Install Metal Steel Exterior Cladding * ...................................... 107
5.16 Install Glass Exterior Cladding *.................................................. 116
5.17 Install Exterior Cladding Without Visible Bolts ......................... 118
6. Install Metal Balustrade ....................................................................... 122
Install Balustrade Stanchion ........................................................... 122
Install Skirt.......................................................................................... 124
Install Skirt Lighting Cover ............................................................. 126
Install Balustrade Decking and Balustrade Support Profile ..... 127
Install Handrail ................................................................................... 129
Install Interior Panels and Skirt Brushes ...................................... 132
Install Stainless Steel Exterior Cladding * .................................... 133
7. Install Electrical Elements ................................................................... 137
8. Install Handrail Inlet .............................................................................. 138
9. Start-Up and Final Adjustment .......................................................... 139
Place Barriers ..................................................................................... 139
Remove Controller Box .................................................................... 140
Double Check Truss Alignment ...................................................... 142
Pre-Start-Up Manual Test ............................................................... 144
Install Maintenance Control Unit ................................................... 145
Check Emergency Stop Button in Tension Station .................... 147
Check Maintenance/Pit Lighting* ................................................. 147
Inspect and Adjust Pallet Chain Tension ...................................... 148
Contents 5

Inspect Horizontal Comb Plate Safety switch ............................. 151

Check Vertical Comb Plate Contact* ........................................ 153
Inspect Handrail Inlet Switch.......................................................... 154
Inspect and Adjust Skirts ............................................................ 155
Inspect Skirt Switches *............................................................... 156
Inspect Pallet Inlet Guide ............................................................ 157
Inspect Down Holding Rail Above Pallet Chain Roller ........... 158
Inspect Drive Chain Monitoring Switch .................................... 159
Inspect Drive Chain Slack............................................................ 160
Inspect Drive Machine Displacement Sensor*........................ 162
Inspect Handrail Drive Chain ...................................................... 163
Inspect Handrail Guiding Device................................................ 164
Inspect Handrail Sag .................................................................... 165
Inspect handrail pressure device ............................................... 169
Inspect Brake Shoe Clearance.................................................... 170
Inspect Brake Wear Indicator * .................................................... 171
Inspect Auxiliary Brake * .............................................................. 172
Inspect Brake Monitoring Device................................................177
Check Brake Stopping Distance ................................................ 178
Inspect Pallet Monitoring Device ............................................... 180
Inspect and Adjust Missing Pallet Monitor .............................. 182
Inspect Handrail Anti-Static Roller............................................ 184
Inspect Handrail Speed Monitoring .......................................... 185
Inspect Handrail Break Monitoring * ......................................... 186
Inspect Motor Speed Monitoring Device ................................. 187
Inspect Floor Plate Contacts ...................................................... 192
Install Remaining Missing Pallets .............................................. 193
Lubrication ..................................................................................... 196
9.36.1 Inspect Gear Box Oil Level ...................................................... 197
9.36.2 Automatic Chain Lubrication * ............................................. 198
9.36.3Lubricate Handrail Drive Chain ............................................ 204
9.36.4Lubricate Drive Chain ............................................................. 205
9.36.5Lubricate Pallet Chain ............................................................ 205
9.36.6Lubricate Bearings .................................................................. 206
Install Cross Beam ....................................................................... 207
Install Floor Plate.......................................................................... 208
6 Contents

10. Cleaning and Final Inspection ........................................................... 209

10.1 Cleaning the Moving walk .............................................................. 209
10.2 Inspect Proper Operation of Moving walk ............................... 210
10.3 Test Emergency Stop Switch ...................................................... 211
10.4 Test the Key Switch *.................................................................... 212
10.5 Inspect function of Energy Saving Devices ............................. 212
10.6 Inspect Traffic Lights*.................................................................. 213
10.7 Inspect Moving walk Lighting * .................................................. 214
10.8 Inspect Glass Balustrade ............................................................. 216
10.9 Inspect Safety Signs ..................................................................... 217
10.10 Inspect Ceiling and Crossing Point Deflectors ....................... 218
10.11 Inspect Radar Sensor* ................................................................. 219
10.12 Inspect Floor plates ..................................................................... 220
10.13 Inspect Handrail Inlet ................................................................... 221
10.14 Inspect Combs for Damage ....................................................... 222
10.15 Inspect the Gap between Comb Plate and Pallet .................. 223
10.16 Inspect Comb Plate Gap ............................................................. 224
10.17 Inspect Decking ............................................................................ 225
10.18 Inspect Skirt Panels ..................................................................... 226
10.19 Inspect Skirt Brushes * ................................................................227
10.20 Remove Floor Plate ...................................................................... 228
10.21 Test the Floor Plate Burglar Alarm * ......................................... 229
10.22 Pre-Commissioning Checklist ................................................... 230

The contained information in this manual describes only the level of knowledge at compilation time.
We refer expressly that individual information in this documentation can be out of date due to
subsequent changes. If the customer desires individual features, the factory must confirm this
The images in this manual are simply for a better understanding and can differ in particular cases.

*=option Headlines, which are marked *are options. They are not belonging to the standard
delivery volume.
Safety precautions 7

1. Safety Precautions

All jobsite operations on Moving Walk must comply with the requirements specified in the Safety
Manual, which can be viewed in DDMS system.

1.1 General

⚫ The responsibility for safety in the workplace rests with each employee, who is obligated to
take care of his own safety and health as well as other colleagues who could be affected by
his actions or omissions during work. Responsibility also includes conscious execution of
work and handling of the working media and substances observing the relevant information

⚫ Each employee is entitled to submit suggestions to the employer regarding safety and health

⚫ Order and cleanliness at the workplace will help prevent accidents and injuries. Waste is to be
disposed of properly (trash, oil, dust and dirt). Ask the responsible person in your working area
for information on how to dispose of waste properly.

⚫ Refrain from willful actions that endanger yourself or others (e.g. throwing objects).

⚫ It is strictly prohibited to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while working.

⚫ In case of injuries due to accidents, report the incident to your supervisor immediately. In case
of emergency call, provide the following information: location, what happened, how many
persons are injured, what kind of injuries, etc.

⚫ When working with machinery, observe the operating instructions. Use or work on the
equipment only when you are familiar with its proper operation and take the necessary

⚫ Only electricians and appropriately trained personnel are allowed to repair defective electrical
components and equipment.

⚫ Pay attention to uneven areas on the site since they constitute a stumbling hazard. Electrical
connection cables, hoses, and the like are to be coiled up and removed immediately or as soon
as work is finished.

⚫ Get acquainted with first-aid personnel, safety inspectors, and all safety rules and regulations
on the job site.

⚫ In order to avoid mutual hazards, a coordinator should coordinate work with the appropriate
job site authorities. In the case of non-observance of regulations for the prevention of
accidents and hazards, work must be suspended.

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8 Safety precautions

1.2 Personal Safety

⚫ In general wear personal protection equipment such as safety shoes and gloves. Use
additional safety protection as required by the work performed and the surrounding

⚫ Wear safety shoes with leather uppers, steel toe, and oil resistant rubber soles. Shoes should
be laced properly at all times. Shoes should be of good quality and conform to local safety
codes in your area.

⚫ Wear gloves when removing or repairing internal parts of the moving walk. Many parts have
sharp edges which can cause a hand injury. Use gloves when handling large and heavy
components of the moving walk to improve your grip and to prevent a hand injury.

⚫ Wear appropriate clothing to prevent occupational accidents. Loose fitting clothing can
become caught in moving machinery, causing a serious accident and injury.

⚫ Jewelry, such as finger rings, necklaces, earrings, watches or similar objects may not be worn
during work.

⚫ For employees with long hair, the hair should be gathered and banded tightly while
performing maintenance work to avoid entangling in moving machinery parts or tools (such
as drills or lathes).

⚫ Wear appropriate eye protection (e.g. safety glasses, safety goggles, face shield, or welding
shield) during grinding or welding operations to avoid injury from flying debris or sparks. Also,
nearby colleagues must wear eye protection to avoid injuries caused by your work.

⚫ Wear hearing protection in areas where there is a high noise level.

1.3 Danger of falling

⚫ When working at high levels on scaffolding or ladders, pay attention that no material or tools
can accidentally fall on employees working beneath or next to them.

⚫ When working on roofs, provide protection equipment to prevent falling and protect openings.

⚫ Never leave tools and material on scaffoldings or ladders. Danger of accident.

⚫ Use only proper scaffolding and ladders, make sure they are stable and in perfect working

⚫ When performing work entailing danger of falling, a safety harness or equivalent safety
equipment is to be used.

⚫ Make sure that when stacking parts and containers that they are stable.

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Safety precautions 9

1.4 Gas welding and flame cutting

⚫ During gas welding and flame cutting, make sure no combustible substances are stored
within a radius of 5 meters (fire and explosion hazard).

⚫ During gas welding and flame cutting, make sure the acetylene bottle is at least 5 meters
away from oxygen bottle.

⚫ The operation of gas welding and flame cutting should end at least 1 hour before operators
getting off work

⚫ Do not suspend or store the burner in a haphazard manner. Store it in a safe position or in a
special suspension device.

⚫ Do not severely distort or bend gas hoses.

⚫ Make sure the valves of the gas bottles are closed at the end of the work.

⚫ Replace defective or damaged hoses, fittings, and burners immediately.

⚫ Never use oil to lubricate the thread on the oxygen bottle. Do not touch gaskets and valves
with oily fingers or rags (fire hazard).

⚫ When working with an open flame, keep a fire extinguisher at hand and protect the gas bottles.

⚫ At the end of work with an open flame, check the workplace for 24 hours for possible
smoldering fire.

⚫ Regularly check the gas valve with soap suds to see whether there is gas leakage

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10 Safety precautions

1.6 Grinding

⚫ When grinding, always wear safety goggles.

⚫ Make sure no other employees can be injured through flying sparks and that no combustible
solvents or paints are stored within a radius of 5 meters.

⚫ Use only grinding appliances (angular grinders with protective guard, floor standing grinders
with protective guard and rest).

⚫ With regard to floor standing grinders, make sure that the distance between the grinding
wheel and rest is correct. If the distance is too wide, re-adjust immediately.

⚫ When working with abrasive belts, wear gloves.

⚫ Grinding is prohibited while the motor is coasting.

⚫ When working with grinders, wear ear protection as the noise level is approximately 100 dB(A).

⚫ Hold the angular grinder properly, use both hands on the handles when performing roughing
or cutting work.

⚫ Make sure the grinder has the appropriate grinding and cutting wheel installed and that it is
rated for the speed of the grinder (risk of sudden catastrophic disk failure).

1.7 Degreasing and cleaning

⚫ When working with cleaning agents, use skin protection and wear protective clothing, e.g.
liquid-proof safety gloves, safety goggles, and apron, if required.

⚫ Rags contaminated by cleaning agents are to be disposed of in appropriate containers.

⚫ Provided sufficient ventilation in the working space.

⚫ In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with water (eye rinsing bottle or flowing tap water)
and seek appropriate medical attention immediately.

⚫ In case of skin contact, remove moistened clothing and rinse the affected skin regions with

⚫ Read the corresponding safety data sheets and operating instructions for hazardous
substances. Follow all instructions carefully when using these products.

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Safety precautions 11

1.8 Paints and solvents

⚫ When working with solvents and paint, use skin protection and wear protective clothing, e.g.
liquid-proof safety gloves, safety goggles, and apron, if required, as well as respiratory

⚫ Rags contaminated by solvents and paint as well as containers and/or residues are to be
disposed of in the appropriate containers.

⚫ Provided sufficient ventilation in the working space.

⚫ When working with paints and solvents; do not burn, weld, grind, or smoke within a radius of
5 meters (fire and explosion hazard).

⚫ In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with water (eye rinsing bottle or flowing tap water)
and seek appropriate medical attention immediately.

⚫ In case of skin contact, remove moistened clothing and rinse the affected skin regions with

⚫ Read the corresponding safety data sheets and operating instructions for hazardous
substances. Follow all instructions carefully when using these products.

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12 Safety precautions

1.9 Test run on moving walks

⚫ Only employees trained to undertake this job are allowed to conduct the test run.

⚫ It is absolutely necessary to set up the warning signs (Caution: Electric test and access to the
moving walk is prohibited for unauthorized persons).

⚫ Install maintenance barriers at both ends of the moving walk.

⚫ No unauthorized person is allowed to undertake any work on the moving walk during the test

⚫ Only specialists (electricians) are allowed to connect the moving walk.

⚫ When closing the electrical circuit, make absolutely certain the correct moving walk is

⚫ In case of any obvious defects with electrical equipment, inform the electrician immediately.

⚫ Prior to the test run, make sure no objects are lying on or in the moving walk.

⚫ If the test run is conducted by two employees, it is absolutely necessary to keep an eye on the
second employee prior to switching on the moving walk.

⚫ When switching on the moving walk, keep communication between the test run conductors.

⚫ If the moving walk is operated when a pallet is missing, provide a corresponding warning sign.
Use the moving walk only when the void is visible. Never walk backwards when using the
moving walk.

⚫ When entering or reaching into the void created by the removal of pallets, the electric current
has to be interrupted. It is not sufficient to use the emergency stop switch. Always withdraw
the plug or protect the mains switch using a padlock.

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Safety precautions 13

1.10 Manual handling of loads

⚫ Manual handling of loads means lifting, depositing, pushing, pulling, bearing and moving a
load with human force.

⚫ To avoid injury, especially a back injury, pay attention to the weight, shape, size, and access
point of the load. Also consider the frequency and duration of lifting effort.

⚫ The following general rules should be followed:

Always lift the load without straining your back.

Keep your head in a vertical position.
Do not distort your back while lifting.
Maximum lifting loads: men 35 kg, women 15 kg for occasional lifting
men 25 kg, women 10 kg for frequent lifting

Strain on the back

Safe lifting

Lift your head when lifting the load, grab firmly, stretch the legs and lift the load holding the arms
close to the body.

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14 Safety precautions

1.11 List of Signs

Order Symbol Meaning

1 Moving walk Stop

Moving walk
2 Start/Change running

Special observation

4 Measure

5 Check visually

6 Check aurally

Cleaning with brush and


8 Cleaning with cloth

Check oil level use

9 dipstick and top up if

10 Top up with oil

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Safety precautions 15

Order Symbol Meaning

Lubricate using oil type:

"D" or "E"

Grease using grease

type: "B"

13 Wear helmet

14 Wear ear protection

15 Wear gloves

16 Wear safety boots

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16 Installation preparation

2. Installation Preparation

2.1 Pre-Start Requirements

The following list of work shall be completed prior to starting the moving walk installation:


» Overall wellway dimensions follow General Arrangement Drawing (GAD)

» Pit clean and dry

» Finished floor elevations and horizontal distance provided between top and bottom landing

» Centerlines provided for both top and bottom landings

» Bearing plates for both top and bottom floor should follow drawings

» Place safety barrier prior to truss hoisting


» Ensure access to job (road closures, etc.)

» Provided enough space for loading/unloading, transportation, hoisting and assembly.


» Clear access to wellway

» All shoring required to support load and equipment pathway to wellway


» Clear and dry area adjacent to wellway for material


» Hoisting provisions by contractor (i.e., crane, roof access, hoisting beam, etc.)


» Permanent 3 phase and 110 V lockable service (varies in different countries)

» Smokes (if required)

» Shunts (if required)

» Pit lights and receptacles

» Barricades removed

» Finished floor to unit

IMPORTANT! Once units have been set in place, ensure that a Temporary Acceptance Form is
signed prior to de-mobilizing. This will protect TKE from any losses.

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Installation preparation 17

2.2 Required Tools

Qty Tool Illustration

Metric Combination Wrench

Assorted Sizes
(7mm, 12~19mm, 24mm,

Drive Ratchet Wrench


Drive Metric Sockets

Assorted Sizes
(13mm, 15mm, 17mm,

1 Metric Thickness Gauges

1 Metric Tapered Gauge

1 Assorted Hand Files

1 Round File

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18 Installation preparation

Qty Tool Illustration

1 Half-round File

1 Level (610mm)

1 Level (1219mm)

1 Leveler (0.3mm/m)

Cordless Drill
1 (w/ full set of drill bits)

Angle Grinder
(114mm )

1 50m Electrical Extension Cord

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Installation preparation 19

Qty Tool Illustration

1 Handrail Installation Tool

(Assorted Sizes)

Metric Allen Wrenches

(1 set)

1 Chalk Line Reel

1 Plumb Bob

Chisel and Pointed-End Pry Bar

(16mm Diameter)

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20 Installation preparation

Qty Tool Illustration


Framing Square
(Approx . 406mm x610mm)

Beam & Blade Square

(Approx. 152mm Beam &229mm Blade)

Dead Blow Hammer

(Hard UHMW Polyethylene)

1 Rubber Hammer

Sledge Hammer

1 Ball Peen Hammer

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Installation preparation 21

Qty Tool Illustration

800Nm or 1200Nm Torque Wrench


36mm Wrench
Torque (40Nm-200Nm),

1 C-Clamp (300mm)

1 Tape Measure

Channel Lock Pliers

(1 set, 30mm and 46mm)

Vise Grip Pliers

(1set, 24mm and 40mm)

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22 Installation preparation

Qty Tool Illustration

1 Snap Ring Pliers

1 Flash Light

4 Armored Roller

Tie-Down Strap
(203mm long)


Thimble Loop Wire Sling

(19mm Rope, 914mm Length, 5 Ton)

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Installation preparation 23

Qty Tool Illustration

Vacuum Lifter

1 Steel Ruler


1 Tool for Lifting Floor plate


1 Safety Barrier

1 Gauge

1 Voltage Sensor

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24 Installation preparation

Qty Tool Illustration

1 Sliding Calipers

1 Scissors

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Installation preparation 25

2.3 Inspection of Wellway/Recess

Using the contract specific layout, verify that the key wellway/Recess measurements shown below
are correct at the site. Refer to the illustrations on the following page for a representation of each
dimension listed below. The tolerance should follow GAD requirements, otherwise specified.

Bottom Landing:

A - Pit Length

B - Pit Width

C - Pit Depth

D - Recess Width

E - Recess Depth

Top Landing:

F - Recess Width

G - Recess Length

H - Recess Depth

Overall Wellway:

I - Distance from bearing face of top & bottom supports (0~15mm)

J - Height from lower level finished floor to top landing finished floor

K - Squareness of pit with respect to upper Recess (±25mm)

IMPORTANT! If there are any questions or concerns with the measurements of the building or
on the layout, contact your superintendent immediately before moving to the next step.

IMPORTANT! The finished floor elevations and upper/lower landing centerlines are to be
provided by the contractor.

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26 Installation preparation

Side View - Wellway

Upper Landing





Top – Down View End View

Looking from Lower Landing Up to Upper Landing

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Installation preparation 27

For the moving walk wellway and Recess, can refer to the following drawings:

Moving walk with incline (12°):

0° Moving walk drawing

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28 Installation preparation

Pit length A (Lower support face to pit wall) Pit Width B

Pit Depth C (measured to finished floor) Finished Floor Elevation (from contractor)

Lower Recess Width Lower Recess Depth E (measured to finished floor)

At the lower landing, verify the pit width, length and depth measurements. Ensure that the finished
floor height is added to the depth measurement. Then verify the measurements of the Recess length
and depth.

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Installation preparation 29

Upper Recess Depth H (measured to finished floor) Upper Recess Width F

Upper Recess Length G

At the upper landing, verify the measurements of the Recess width, length, and depth. Ensure that
the finished floor height is added to the depth measurement.

CAUTION! Ensure your body stays behind the barricade to prevent a failing hazard. If measures
cannot be taken accurately from behind the barricade, then the proper fall protection must be worn.

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30 Installation preparation

Distance J between Upper & Lower Face of Support

From the upper landing, drop a plumb bob from each end of the upper bearing face and place a mark
on the lower level floor. Using a chalk line, draw a line between the two points to establish the location
of the upper bearing face onto the lower level floor. Then measure from this line back to the lower
bearing face and verifies the result with the contract specific layout.

Verify the measurement for the rise. Measure from the height of the top landing finished floor to the
bottom level finished floor.

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Installation preparation 31

Contractor Provided
Upper Landing
Upper Landing Centerline Mark
Dearing Face Line
(Transferred to Lower Level)

+/- (25mm)



Contractor Provided
Lower Landing

Squareness of Wellway

Verify the squareness of the wellway. From the upper landing, drop a plumb bob from the bearing
face at the contractor provided centerline down to the lower level floor. Mark the centerline on the
previously transferred line representing the upper landing bearing face. Using a framing square and
a chalk box, mark a centerline back towards the lower landing bearing face. From the centerline of
the lower landing bearing face, mark a line overlapping the upper landing bearing face mark. The
difference between the two lines, if any, should be less than ±25mm.

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32 H oi s t i n g of un i t

3. Hoisting of Unit

3.1 Set Supporting Angle/Damping Block



If the unit is in a non-seismic zone, use the illustration above to set the damping block and supporting
angle in the upper and lower recess.

1. The standard requirement for clearance (L) between supporting angle and construction site
is 20mm.
2. The allowable clearance (L) is within range of 8≤L≤40mm.It is recommended to set the
clearance L to an average value for upper and lower landings.
3. If the clearance (L) is ≤30mm, the distance between damping block and construction site is
10mm; if the clearance (L) is >30mm, the edge of damping block should be aligned with
construction site.

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Hoisting of unit 33

Seismic—Lower Support

For the unit in a seismic zone, there are sliding end support and fixed end support, refer to following
introductions for detailed installation.

Weld end support together with embedded steel plate before hoisting.

1) Fixed end support

Hexagon screw stud


For the fixed end support at the middle (B-B section): Weld steel plate 12X175X500(Pos.7) together
with embedded steel plate before hoisting→ weld steel plate 25x160x220(Pos.3) with 55x70 Pin
→truss hoisting into pit and ensure the welded pin goes through the hole on truss →weld steel plate
12x175x500 together with the steel plate 25x160x220;

For the fixed end support at the left/right side (A-A section): from the bottom-to-top sequence, install
hardwood→steel plate 12x100x350→tighten hexagon screw stud.

Now the fixed end support is ready for hoisting.

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34 H oi s t i n g of un i t

2) Sliding end support

Limit angle

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Hoisting of unit 35

Step 1. The clearance between supporting angle and construction site is 70mm, allowable
tolerance is ±20mm.

Step 1: Check the width/length/depth of recess, ensure all dimensions meet drawing
requirements, otherwise contact Responsible Person in charge of the construction to correct.

Step 2: Place limit angle correctly and weld it together with embedded steel plate per above
drawing requirements;
Step 3: From the bottom-to-top sequence, install steel plate 20x215xL(provided by the owner
and L varies according to truss width)→ steel plate 2x210x364→Nylon block 17.5x5→ Steel
plate 10x100x350→ Rubber 15x100x350→ Steel plate 12x100x350→tighten hexagon screw

Hexagon screw M20x50 Steel plate 12x100x350

Rubber 15x100x350

Steel plate 10x100x350

Steel plate 20x215xL

Steel plate 2x210x364 Nylon block 17.5x5

Now the sliding end support is ready for hoisting.

At this point, the unit is ready to be hoisted in place. The site conditions and location of where the
moving walk was built will dictate the hoisting process and sequence.

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36 H oi s t i n g of un i t

Rubber-Bonded Metal Support

For rubber-bonded metal support, follow below instruction for installation:

Step 1 Prepare the upper and lower end supports in accordance with the General Arrangement
Drawing (GAD).
Step 2 Place rubber-bonded metal supports at the left and right (marked at 2-M20 area in below
drawing) of truss.
Step 3 Hoist the unit into pit, use two M20x50 bolts to tighten rubber-bonded metal support
from top to bottom through thread hole on angle of truss.


1. The standard requirement for clearance (L) between supporting angle and construction site
is 20mm.
2. The allowable clearance (L) is within range of 8≤L≤40mm.It is recommended to set the
clearance L to an average value for upper and lower landings.
3. If the clearance (L) is ≤30mm, the distance between damping block and construction site is
10mm; if the clearance (L) is >30mm, the edge of damping block should be aligned with
construction site.

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Hoisting of unit 37

3.2 How to Hoist the unit (show photos of hoist ring)

3.2.1. Remove bundled materials from moving walk

Overall angle when hoisting

1. For moving walk overall angle <45° when hoisting, hoist the unit into pit directly and it is not
necessary to remove heat shrink film.

2. For moving walk overall angle ≥45° when hoisting, remove the heat shrink film and take out
all bundled material first, then begin to hoist the unit.

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38 H oi s t i n g of un i t

Proceed as below to remove all bundled materials:

» Remove heat shrink film from the moving walk.

Remove shrink film

» Dismantle bundled materials (including handrail guide rails, interior deckings, exterior
deckings, floor plates, etc.) from the side/ top & bottom returning station/at split joint of the
moving walk to the ground.

Remove bundled material Remove bundled material

Remove bundled material

Remove bundled material

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Hoisting of unit 39

» Check all materials in packing list attached to floor plate to ensure all materials are present

Packing list on floor plate

» Place all bundled materials to safe area and ensure they will not hinder installation work and
they are not exposed to rain.

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40 H oi s t i n g of un i t

3.2.2. Hoisting
There are various requirements for the correct hoisting of a moving walk on the hoisting eyes, such
as angle, length and load demand. Refer to the below illustrations.

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Hoisting of unit 41

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42 Hoisting of unit

The divided Moving walk can be lifted using a mobile crane by using the provided hoisting points
designed to the moving walk.

WARNING! When the divided moving walk sections are connected together with the locking
device, they should not be hoisted as the hoisting points. There is a risk that the truss can slide inside
of the locking device and the assembly can come apart.

Crane 2

Locking device

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Hoisting of unit 43

CAUTION: during hoisting, the wire rope must hoist the hoisting eyes instead of other locations;
or it may cause severe damage to the truss.

If only one crane is to lift the moving walk, the angle of lifting should not greater than 15°.


CAUTION: make sure there are no personnel standing or sitting under the moving walk during

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44 Hoisting of unit

For transport with roller dollies,

wood shall always be used as a base
between the moving walk and the
roller dollies.

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Hoisting of unit 45

3.3 Hoist/Set Unit in Place

If the unit was assembled in an offsite location, transport the unit to the site on a flatbed. The unit
will then either be hoisted directly off the truck, through the roof and into the recess or will have to
be moved through the building next to the wellway and then hoisted into place. All hoisting should
be done using four 25mm shackles and four 19mm wire rope slings through the hoisting eyes at each
end of the unit.

CAUTION: The left side of the unit at the upper landing will has additional weight due to the
motor. Using only one sling between the hoisting eyes will result in an offset load causing the unit to

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46 Hoisting of unit

CAUTION: during hoisting, the wire rope must hoist the hoisting eyes instead of other locations;
otherwise, it may cause severe damage to the truss.

If the unit cannot be hoisted into place through the roof, position the unit next to the well way. Use a
fork truck at the lower end and a hoist/crane at the upper end to set the unit in place. All hoisting
should be done using four 25mm shackles and four 19mm wire rope slings through the hoisting eyes
at each end of the unit.

ATTENTION: Before final positioning of the unit, the exact location of the supporting
angle/damping block may require minor adjustments to ensure that the leveling bolts are sat at the
central area.

For parallel units, check position requirements of supporting bracket for floor plate after hoisting:

➢ For 0mm distance between two units:

1. The before-after-tolerance for supporting brackets of two units should be within 3mm, height
difference should be ≤3mm and the tolerance of gap between supporting brackets at joint-side
should be ≤2mm.
2. The before-after-tolerance for fixed comb plates of two units should be within 2mm and height
difference should be within 2mm.

➢ For 1~1000mm distance between two units:

The before-after-tolerance for supporting brackets of two units should be within 5mm, height
difference should be ≤5mm and the tolerance of gap between supporting brackets at parallel-unit-
side should be ≤5mm.

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Hoisting of unit 47

3.4 Install Intermediate Support

Moving walk equipped with the intermediate support, ensure that the straightness of the moving
walk is between 0~5mm by applying lining up the moving walk from one end to the other to meet the

Once the moving walk is positioning to the proper position, make sure the level of both side trusses
is ≤0.3mm/m. Option 1 Intermediate support design for Moving Walk with incline


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48 Hoisting of unit

Type1 Intermediate support design for Moving Walk with incline

a. fixed support

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b. sliding support

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Hoisting of unit 51

Type 2 For Horizontal Moving Walk with 150mm high intermediate support

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52 Hoisting of unit

Type 3 For Horizontal Moving Walk with 30mm high intermediate support

1. Loosen the counter nuts M36 on the set screws and spin them all the way up.

2. For sinking the supports, loosen the nuts M10 with the threaded rod step-by-step (anti-
clockwise), while fastening the set-screws M36 simultaneously (clockwise). The supports must
not fall down; they can't be recovered!

3. The supports are fully sunken, when the moving walk begins to rise by turning the set screws
M36 .The fixing-screws have to be lose now.

4. By turning the set screws M36, the moving walk must be adjusted horizontally.

5. With more than one intermediate support, adjustments have repercussions on each other.
Therefore, step by step, always converge the intermediate support furthest away from its set value
to it and keep adapting the other intermediate supports. Tighten the left hand and right hand
adjustment screws alternatively in small steps by means of a torque wrench till the required torque
values, as stated on the installation drawing, are reached for each screw.

6. Afterwards the counter nuts M36 must be fastened and the threaded rod be removed.

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Splice truss sections 53

4. Splice Truss Sections

The goal is to splice the truss sections together and re-connect all related rails, chain, and electrical
connections at the splice point.

4.1 Splice Truss

The following tools and material handling equipment will be required to splice the truss sections

• 800 Nm Torque Wrench / 32 mm socket or 32 mm Wrench

Or 1200Nm Torque Wrench / 41mm socket or 41 mm Wrench
• 17.8N Sledge Hammer
• Roller Dollies (2)
• 1 Ton Cable Puller
• C-clamp (300mm)
• Sleever Bar
• Ratchet w/ 19mm socket

ATTENTION: Apply the proper bolts for the connection of truss.

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54 Splice truss sections

In case of a butt joint within the truss, the screw connections have to be tightened with the following

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In case of a reinforced butt joint within the truss, the screw connections have to be tightened with
the following torques:


• Make sure the linking blocks are flat and there is no interleaving.
• Insert the bolts (M20*130-10.9) or (M24*135-10.9) into the holes of the linking blocks and fasten
with a spanner. To tighten apply torque of 600Nm or 1100Nm respectively.
• The bolts cannot be worn out and ensure that there is at least one circular screw out of the nut; the
bolts should be inserted into the holes from upper side to the lower in a vertical direction.

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56 Splice truss sections

Before truss hoisting, remove all of the nuts and washers from bottom splice plate on truss of lower
landing section.

First, hoist the truss of lower landing,

ensure centerline marked on the truss is
Axial bearing aligned with centerline of pit provided by
Axial bearing support Contractor. Second, begin to install
intermediate supports, place axial bearing,
Nylon washer axial bearing support, Nylon washer, flat
Flat steel steel, hardwood on concrete supports at
Hard wood both sides, then install two hexagonal bolts,
adjust the level of supporting rods, ensure
the inclination meets requirements. Refer
to Chapter 3.4 Install Intermediate Support
for details.

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Splice truss sections 57

Hoist middle or upper truss section though hoisting eyes by 25mm shackles and four 19mm wire rope
slings. Adjust connection bolt holes at both split ends, ensure the connection bolt holes are in
alignment, then tighten M20x130 or M24x135 bolts, make sure the tightening torque is 600Nm for
M20 bolts or 1100Nm for M24 bolts, the gap between two adjacent truss sections is within 0.5mm.

Adjust the crane, re-install M12 nuts and washers on bottom plates, and secure the bottom truss
plate splice by tightening to a torque of 40Nm, which requires a 19mm socket to use together with
the wrench.

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58 Splice truss sections

Above installation procedures can also be referenced for moving walks with more than one
intermediate supports.

To ensure the straightness of truss, place a laser instrument on upper flange (which is close to lower
system point) of middle straight section and set a target on upper flange (which is close to upper
system point) of middle straight section. Adjust the laser point emitted onto target and set laser
emitter the same height as the target. Set target each 5 meters away as measurement point and
adjust intermediate supports to ensure the straightness at the middle section is 0~5mm and the level
of truss at intermediate supports is within 0.3mm/m.


Ensure the torque wrench is set back to 0 before storing. Leaving the wrench at a high torque setting
for an extended period can cause damage to the wrench.

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Splice truss sections 59

4.2 Connect Guide Rails and Pallet Chains

Pallet chain guide rail

Pallet chain return guide rail

The following sequence must be followed to properly reconnect the guide rails and pallet chain. Both
sides of the unit should be done together.

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60 Splice truss sections

Step 1

1) Reconnect the missing sections of the guide rail for returning pallet chain roller. The connection
pieces of rail are shipped attached to the fixed portions of the guide rail. Ensure all joints are
flush. Requires a 17mm socket/wrench.

2) Prepare to reconnect the lower pallet chains by removing the shipment banding and placing the
loose ends in the guide rails together as close as possible.

3) Remove the bottom two (2) pallet chain holders on each side from the upper truss section. DO

4) Then, manually open the brake and rotate the flywheel in the up direction until the links/rollers
are aligned.

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Splice truss sections 61

5) Reconnect the pallet chain by inserting the pallet bolt through the end link and roller. Use a screw
driver to line-up the holes between the links and rollers. Then use a c-clamp with an oversized
washer/spacer on the lead screw cap to seat the pallet bolt. Once through, attach the securing

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62 Splice truss sections

Step 2

1) Reconnect the missing sections of the guide rail for pallet chain roller and set the upper pallet
chain in the tack. The connection pieces of rail are shipped attached to the fixed portions of the
guide rail. Ensure all joints are flush. Requires a 17 mm socket/wrench.


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Splice truss sections 63

2) Prepare to reconnect the upper pallet chains by removing the shipment banding and placing the
loose ends in the guide rails. Bring both ends together as much as possible.

3) Remove the top two (2) pallet chain holders on each side from the upper truss section. DO NOT

4) Then, manually open the brake and rotate the flywheel in the down direction until the links/rollers
are aligned.

5) Reconnect the pallet chain by inserting the pallet bolt through the end link and roller. Use a screw
driver to line-up the holes between the links and rollers. Then use a c-clamp with an oversized
washer/spacer on the lead screw cap to seat the pallet bolt. Once through, attach the securing

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64 Splice truss sections

6) Remove the last set of pallet chain holders from both sides of the lower section of truss at the

Pallet chain holder

Double Check the Guiding Rails Dimension


• The working surface of the rail joints should be smooth and flat, there are no interlace (bulge)

or burrs.

• Joint clearance between diagonal ends ≤ 1.5mm;

• Do not allow any damage, chipping, wrapping or deforming at the joint;

• Bolts should be new and cannot be worn out; there is at least one circular screw showing out

of nut.

After all installation and safety check, remove the pallet chain holders and hand wind the flywheel to
have the moving walk running till missing moving walk position moves to the lower tension station,
install the missing pallets per requirements.

4.3 Check Truss Alignment

Once the unit is placed in the recess, make sure to check the unit straightness using the set screws
at upper/lower station.

Put a 0.3mm/m water level on middle of the pallet which is next to comb at upper/lower landing,
keep water lever is parallel to comb/ pallet edge. Adjust the set screws on angle steel to ensure the
water bubble is in the middle of water level.

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Splice truss sections 65

The distance between

pallet edges and comb <100mm

Adjust set screws according to the arrow mark above and ensure the water bubble is in the middle.
Put the water level on the middle of pallet which is above intermediate support and keep water level
is parallel to pallet edges. Adjust the adjustment screw of intermediate support to ensure the water
bubble is in the middle.

Once the truss is level, install the floor plate based on the centerlines provided by contractor, ensure
the floor plate and the finished floor are level.

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66 Install glass balustrade

5. Install Glass Balustrade

The goals are to align all glass holders and install the interior skirt, to complete the balustrade
installation by adding the glass and handrails along with completing the pre-adjustment of the
handrail which doesn’t require the unit to be set in place.

5.1 Align Glass Holders

Glass Panel
Glass Supporting Profile

Pressure Piece

Adjusting Clamp Piece


Apply Torque 42Nm
Apply Torque 57Nm

Glass Holder Illustration

Loosely install the remaining glass profile brackets to the lower section of truss. Using a T-bolt, first
attach the 2 part shim (radius piece on top) and then add the bracket. If necessary, a longer length
profile bracket will need to be installed along with two sets of shims.

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IMPORTANT! Ensure there is only one unbroken paper gasket (factory installed) on the profile.
If more than one, remove extras.

System line refers to 2 unmarked reference lines that meet to form the Working Point on the truss.

(1) On the incline, it is a line down the nose of the pallets.

(2) On the horizontal, it is a line from the finished floor height towards the incline

Edge of Pallet to Face of Glass Profile=119mm

The dimensions of the glass supporting profile (horizontal and incline)


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68 Install glass balustrade

Adjust the glass holder

(1) The height of the bracket can be adjusted by (2) The plumbness of the holder can be adjusted
moving the shims apart from each other or closer by moving the shims as one towards or away from
together along the length of the truss. the pallets due to the upper piece of shim having
a concave (rounded) top surface.

IMPORTANT! When adjusting the holder, ensure that only a soft mallet is used on the outer
decking side, and only hit the holder on the top portion. Striking the holder lower may damage the lip
which holds the outer decking in place.

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Install glass balustrade 69



Each glass holder on the incline portion of the truss should be adjusted until the surface that supports
the glass is plumb and the face of the holder is 116.5mm from the edge of the truss and the top of the
holder is 35mm from the truss. The two-piece shim allows for multiple adjustments.

IMPORTANT! The following page illustrates the process for aligning glass profile brackets on
the horizontal portion of the truss. The dimensions shown for the vertical/horizontal distance of the
bracket off the truss were derived from setting previous units to the key dimensions shown above.
The process and dimensions on the following page are intended to simplify the alignment of the
brackets. If necessary, the brackets can be verified using the key dimensions shown above.


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70 Install glass balustrade


The horizontal profile brackets (last bracket at upper and lower end) should first be adjusted until
the surface that supports the glass is plumb and the face of the bracket is 116.5mm from the edge of
the truss and the top of the bracket is 245mm from the comb plate.

The transition bracket (between the incline and end) does not need to be adjusted at this time. This
bracket will be adjusted once the glass is set in place.

Install the glass clamping piece to each glass holder. Ensure to back off the locked nut prior to
installing to allow sufficient clearance for the glass.

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5.2 Install Glass

ATTENTION: Gloves is a must during installation to avoid scuffing.

Paper gasket Paper gasket for

for single unit parallel units
1mm 3mm

Inspect all paper gaskets on the glass profile brackets to ensure they are intact and have no tears.
Replace any papers as needed. Also ensure there is only one paper gasket is in each bracket position.

Open the crate containing the glass and ensure all nails and other sharp objects left from the
packaging are cleared from the glass.

The installation location is marked on each glass. The markings indicate the unit number, which side
(right or left) and the sequence from the bottom end of the unit to the top. The orientation/sequence
markings are based on standing at the bottom landing looking up, the side of left hand is the left of
the moving walk and side of right hand is the right of moving walk.
→ Left : AAAAA - BBB – CCC – LX Right: AAAAA – BBB – CCC - RX

Project No. Project No. Unit No.

Unit No.
L is Left and X is series No. R is Right and X is series No.

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72 Install glass balustrade

For example: From the bottom to top, AAAAA - BBB – CCC – L1, AAAAA - BBB – CCC – L2……

IMPORTANT! Tempered glass is very sensitive to breakage if bumped or hit on or around its
edges. Ensure to take extra care and always wear safety glasses and Kevlar gloves when handling.

Using the recommended vacuum lifter, install the 1st piece of middle straight section, align it to the
working point marked on truss and set it in place in the glass holder.

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The edge of the glass should be aligned with the working point (‘Glass Start’) marked on the truss.
- From bottom-to-up direction, align the edge of the 1st middle straight glass with “Glass Start”
line marked on top flange of truss, and then install the middle straight glass upwards or lower
transition glass downwards.

- For moving walk with length beyond 40m, from bottom-to-up direction, align the edge of the
1st and the last middle straight glass with “Glass Start” lines marked on top flange of truss, and
then install the upper transition glass upwards and lower middle straight glass & lower transition
glass downwards.

Once set in position, secure the glass in place by adding the pressure piece between the glass and
the clamping piece and tighten up by applying 57Nm torque.

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74 Install glass balustrade

Working point

Begin to install the middle straight glass sections or upper/lower curve glass. Ensure an approx.
2mm gap is kept between adjacent glasses. A folded paper gasket with 2mm thick works well to set
this clearance.

The glass should be plumb and flush with the adjoining

glass section. To plumb, simply tap the shim pack under the
profile bracket in the direction opposite to the way the glass
needs to move.

All glass joints must be flush (plumb) and have consistent

glass separation gaps of 2-3 mm along the whole unit; two
adjacent glass edge misalignment should be within 1mm
and glass vertical misalignment is within 2mm.

Note: Each piece of glass should be marked and the

designation appears at the top corner. Marking at the
bottom will cause it to be covered by the decking.

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Install glass balustrade 75

5.3 Install Glass Tape

❖ For Slim Balustrade

Install foam tape with single layer to all glass top edges where are connected to handrail guide rail.
There are two tapes: one is 22mm in width and the other is 38mm; 22mm tape is used for glass edges
at the balustrade newel and 38mm tape is used for the rest glass edges.

Pull open the foam tape to approximately 100~150mm in length and paste the middle of beginning
end to glass top edges (Figure 1), press down the middle of tape down to glass edges each short
distance away (Figure 2); cut the tape with scissors after completion.
Check whether the middle of tape is aligned to glass edges and appropriate adjustment is required
if necessary, then press down the tape to glass top edges firmly. For the balustrade newel, press
down both middle and sides of tape to glass (Figure 3); for the rest glass sections, install handrail
guide rail directly and no need to press down the sides of tape to glass (Figure 4).

Figure 1 Figure 2

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76 Install glass balustrade

Figure 3 Figure 4

1) Don’t remove protective film from foam tape, or the handrail guide rail cannot be installed.
2) During installation, align the middle of the tape to glass top edges, if the deviation is beyond 4mm,
need to adjust the tape accordingly.

❖ For Robust balustrade

At the middle straight and curved section of moving walk, paste vertically the 19mm foam tape with
single layer to glass top edges and no need to paste the tape to balustrade newel.
Pull open the foam tape to approximately 60mm in length and cut, paste the center of tape vertically
to glass top edge for each about 300mm distance away, paste two tapes to jointed glass sections at
the joints.


Try best to stick the center of tape to glass top edges, ensure no tape is visible from handrail

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5.4 Install Handrail Guide

Glass holder

M12x55 bolt
Tightening torque 57Nm

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Install the newel handrail guide and connection piece of handrail guide rail based on the markings.
Begin by connecting the lower end to the horizontal glass profile bracket with a T-bolt.

Inspect the glass side of all the handrail guide sections to ensure there are no burrs present. Any burrs
must be removed prior to installation to eliminate the risk of glass breakage.

Continue to install the remainder of the handrail guide rails, checking for burrs on the glass side.
Screw each joint together securely and ensure all joints are smooth. If necessary, use a file.

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5.5 Install LED lighting under handrail

Handrail guide rail

Plastic block

Aluminum profile LED lighting strip

Lighting cover

1. Install aluminum profile to handrail guide rail following bottom-to-up sequence by

tightening cross recess pan-headed screw with plastic block, make sure the aluminum
profile joint smooth and the gap is less than 0.5mm ;
2. Open LED lighting strip from package and press the 7mm LED lighting strip into aluminum
profile smoothly;
3. Connect LED power supply;

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80 Install glass balustrade

5.6 Attach Handrail

Remove the handrail from its package. Check for any damage.

IMPORTANT! Never use screwdrivers to install the handrail.

Handrail installation tool


1. Install lower handrail

Step 1. Stretch out the handrail and ensure the lower handrail is installed in between handrail
guiding blocks/rollers and supporting rollers correctly.
Step 2. Ensure handrail guiding block is in the middle of handrail, ensure the distance between
edge of handrail and handrail guiding block is ≥1mm and the handrail should not rub against
handrail guiding block. Finally tighten the bolts for handrail guiding block.

Ensure handrail
guiding block is
in middle of

Ensure handrail guiding

block is in middle of handrail

Step 3. Adjust handrail guiding rollers and supporting rollers, ensure the guiding rollers are in
middle of handrail, the distance between left/right edge of handrail and handrail guiding
block should be even, the handrail should not rub against handrail guiding rollers.
Meanwhile, ensure the guiding rollers and supporting rollers can roll together with running
handrail; when the handrail stops running, guiding rollers and supporting rollers can be
rotated by hand easily.

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Adjust guiding
block and
supporting roller,
ensure running
handrail should
not rub against
guiding block

2. Install upper handrail

Step 1. Using the handrail installation tool, start to install the handrail from the upper newel and
working your way down to the lower transition. Stop the installation before reaching the lower
Step 2. Change direction, install handrail from lower newel until the lower transition; Push the
handrail at the lower transition into handrail guide rail and install the remaining handrail, ensure
the handrail is centered in the handrail inlet.

For parallel units, following requirements should be met:

➢ For two units with 0mm distance inbetween:

The height difference of handrails between two units should be ≤ 10mm.

➢ For two units with 1~1000mm distance inbetween:

The height difference of handrails between two units should be ≤ 15mm.

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5.7 Install Handrail Sanitization Device*

1. Safety Notice
Risk of injury to persons from electric voltage!
• Before the installation or work on the device, it must be
ensured that the escalator or the moving walk is switched off
at the main switch according to the applicable guidelines.
This switch has to be secured in its position with a lock.
• Verify that no voltage is present.
• The electrical installation of machinery parts may only be
performed by an electrician and according to the circuit
• Leave the danger zone immediately. If arcing from exposed
electrical lines due to defect components or cable occurs.
• Power supply lines have to be laid in a way which makes
mechanical destruction impossible.
Risk of injury to persons from UVC-radiation!
• Avoid direct contact with the UVC-light.
• Never look into the UVC-light, never hold a hand or other
body parts into the UVC-light.
Risk of injury to persons from sharp edges!
• Ensure sufficient free space for hands and sufficient visual
contact to prevent severe bruising and crushing and/or cuts.
• Wear provided cotton gloves or protection gloves when
working with the lamps.
• Ensure sufficient free space for hand s and sufficient visual
contact to prevent severe bruising and crushing and/or cuts.
• Wear provided cotton gloves or protection gloves when
working with the lamps.

The UV handrail lamp shall be switched off during installation and adjustment.

In case work needs to be carried out closer than 30 mm to the device while the UVC-
lamp is switched on, gloves and long sleeves must be worn as well as safety glasses.

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2. Installation

Step 1. Turn the main switch OFF and secure with padlock.
Step 2. Assemble UVC-lamp and mounting bracket together with M3X8 screw and flat washer.

UVC lamp

M3x8 screw
Flat washer
Spring washer

Step 3. Remove the inner decking and step (for Premium only) of the upper straight section first.
There are two possible structures: for Plus one, only one device installed at the upper straight
section; for Premium one, there are one device at upper and the other one at lower straight
The handrail sanitization device is installed on balustrade stanchion without rollers at the lower
straight section.

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Step 4. Pull handrail outside to make room to insert handrail sanitization device below handrail.
Step 5. Install mounting bracket to guide rail of pallet chain and tighten with T-headed M10x30
bolt with spring washer and M10 nut.

Step 6. Ensure the vertical distance between handrail UVC-lamp and handrail is 12mm.

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Step 7. Connect the power supply for the handrail sanitization device.
Step 8. Re-install the inner decking and the pallet.
Step 9. Paste handrail sanitation stickers (above indication light) onto the middle of glass at both
upper/lower landings (one sticker on bottom right glass and one on top left glass).

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5.8 Install Skirt

Remove the skirt panels from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. The installation location
for each panel is marked on the back side. The markings indicate the unit number, which side (right
or left) and the sequence from the bottom end of the unit. The orientation/sequence markings are
based on standing at the bottom landing(tension station) , facing the unit and looking up, the side of
left hand is the left of moving walk and side of right hand is the right of moving walk. In the picture
shown above, “R1” would be right side first piece at bottom landing.

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Install skirt panel from bottom-to-top sequence using the skirt welded brackets. The end skirt should
be set so that the below clearances are met: : ① The height between end skirt and comb segment is
1~3mm; ② The clearance between end skirt and front of comb plate is 2~3.5mm; ③The clearance
between end skirt and back of comb plate( about 200mm long) is 1~3.5mm.


The height between The clearance between The clearance between

end skirt and comb end skirt and arc of comb end skirt and comb
segment is 1~3mm segment is 2~3.5mm plate is 1~3.5mm

IMPORTANT! Ensure sufficient clearance

is kept between the skirt and the pallet chain roller.
≥0.5mm Once the unit is set in place and the shim is
removed from the panel chain, a final gap of ≥0.5
mm should be ensured.

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Install the remainder of the skirt panels in

sequence from the tension side. A temporary
shim of 3mm should be used between the bottom
of the skirt panel and the top of the pallet chain
roller until the skirt is secured. This will allow for
proper alignment throughout the unit. Ensure the
seams are smooth and the height of the decking
is consistent with the previously installed piece. A
bracket, not supported by the truss, must be
added to each splice point of skirting sections.


» Arrange and align skirt panels in sequence along the truss.

» Based on the installed lower-end skirt panels, install middle skirt panels from bottom-to-up
sequence and make sure all skirt panels are aligned.

» The joint clearance between adjacent skirt panels is ≤0.4mm with tolerance ≤0.2mm, height
difference of upper curves of skirt and R angle should be ≤0.5 mm and height difference for
mating skirt panel surface should be within the range of ≤0.3 mm.

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5.9 Install Skirt brushes *

Two kinds of material - PVC strip or skirt brush can be used underneath skirt brush holder, depending
on customer’s option.

For EN115-2017 code:

a: In the inclined area.

b: In the transition and horizontal areas

For North America market:

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For Hong Kong market:

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3. PVC strip in one piece

Remove PVC strip from its package, then dismount PVC strip head at upper landing, insert PVC strip
from top-end skirt brush holder, and push it forward to bottom end until it reaches lower PVC strip
head. Cut the PVC strip at adjustable end to required length to fit skirt brush holder. Cut both PVC
strip ends into 50x30° and install PVC strip head finally.

Insert PVC strip from top-end skirt brush holder, Cut the PVC strip at adjustable end into required
and push it forward to bottom end until it reaches length to fit skirt brush holder
lower PVC strip head

Cut both PVC strip ends into 50x30°and install

PVC strip head

4. Skirt brush in sections

Step 1: Remove skirt brush from the package, check two ends of each skirt brush section, file rough
end if necessary to ensure skirt brush can go smoothly through skirt brush holder.

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Step 2: Remove aluminium head and skirt brush holder and from both upper-curve and upper-end
skirt panel;

Step 3: Insert skirt brush first from adjustable skirt brush holder following lower curve to middle
sequence till it reaches lower end aluminimun head(The lengths of lower curve and lower end skirt
brush should match their brush holders, for middle sections they can be in any sequence as they are
in a same length).

Step 4: Re-install skirt brush holder to upper-curve and upper-end skirt panel (Skirt brush lengths
should match brush holders);

Step 5: Install skirt brush to upper-curve and upper-end skirt brush holder, ensure gap between
adjacent two sections should be within 2mm:

⚫ Install skirt brush to upper-curve and upper-end skirt brush holder, make a mark on adjustable
skirt brush based on skirt brush holder length;

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⚫ Pull out the skirt brush and cut it into suitable length;

⚫ After cutting skirt brush end, use vise grip pliers to press skirt brush end flat and tight, then
insert to holder;

Step 6: Cut both skirt brush ends into 50x30° at both upper and lower landings and install aluminum

Cut both skirt brush ends into 50x30°

at both upper and lower landings and
install aluminum head.

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94 Install glass balustrade

5.10 Install Skirt Lighting Cover

Needed tools:

Rubber File Scissors

Step 1 Take out all lighting cover sections and place them in sequence along the entire moving
walk, install lighting covers to lighting channels and leave adjustable cover sections not
installed at the moment. Ensure the butts of lighting cover are aligned with end skirts and the
gap between adjacent cover sections should be within 0.5mm.
Step 2 Use rolling ruler to measure the length LL/LR of adjustable area on the unit and make
Step 3 Check whether the butts of adjustable lighting cover are straight, measure out the
LL/LR+1mm on covers from straight butt end and mark with lines;
Step 4 Cut the covers straight at the marked lines with scissors;
Step 5 Place the butt of adjsutable cover next to the middle sections and check whether the other
end is smooth or not, File the end till the cover is aligned with butt of upper curved sections.
Step 6 Install the filed adjustable covers to the channel with rubber hammer, ensure the gap
between adjacent sections should be within 0.5mm.

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5.11 Install Interior Decking

Remove the interior decking panels from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. The
installation location for each panel is marked on the back side. The markings indicate the installation
number, which is based on the direction that standing at the bottom landing(tension station) and
looking up.

Decking connection profile

Polyethylene strip
Spring for butt joint (only inside)

Exterior decking profile Interior decking profile

Spring for butt joint

(without exterior

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Decking connection profile

Cross-recessed head screw

M4x12 GB/T819.1-2000

Aluminum decking connection profile

Decking connection

Install the interior decking starting at the lower

end by clipping the “S” shaped decking
connection profile into the pressure piece of the
glass bracket assembly. Ensure the polyethylene
strip is positioned in the curved section of the
profile that is against the glass, not in the section
that attaches to the pressure piece.

The decking sections should be inserted into

the profile so that they are up against the
polyethylene strip. Secure the decking to the
skirt panels with countersunk screws.
PVC decking connection profile

Ensure all joints are smooth,the clearance between two adjacent deckings are within 0.2~0.5mm
with ≤0.5mm height difference.

For those moving walks with interior decking/exterior decking inserted into handrail inlet, the end
interior decking is 3~5mm longer than skirt panel.

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5.12 Install Exterior Decking

Exterior decking profile

Butt joint spring

Install the exterior decking starting at the lower end by clipping the edge with the polyethylene strip
into the glass profile bracket. Install a spring clip at each splice point to allow the panels to properly

Attention! Before tightening exterior deckings of lower transition, ensure the mounting holes
of anti-climbing deflector are aligned (holes on exterior deckings aligned to holes on upper flange of
truss), then install exterior deckings of lower transition to ensure anti-climbing deflector can be
installed smoothly later.

The end exterior decking should be in alignment with end interior decking.
The decking (interior and exterior) should be adjusted as necessary to produce a smooth transition
at each joint.

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Ensure the clearance between two adjacent deckings are within 0.2~0.5mm with ≤0.5mm height

For the moving walk with emergency stop button at the middle:

Step 1. Install supporting rod for emergency stop button and connect the wirings.

Step 2. Paste emergency stop label on emergency stop button.

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5.13 Install Common Decking for Parallel Moving Walk*

Decking connection profile Decking connection profile

(U-shape) (S-shape)

Step 1: Paste double-side adhesive tape(3x30) on each glass holder with length same as length of
glass holder;

Step 2: Install decking connection profile (S-shape) to glass holder at the right side;

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Step 3: Install decking connection profile (U-shape) to left side of common decking, then insert the
whole common decking to the decking connection profile (S-shape) at the right. Remember to
install Poly strip between common decking and connection profile.

Install common decking from lower transition → middle section → adjustable section → upper
transition, each decking is marked with numbers ①, ②, ③……Ensure the joint between two
adjacent deckings is <5mm.
Poly strip

Step 4: Drill ø3.5mm hole on deckings at the joint, after countersinking and reaming, then install
M4x10 countersink screw.

Step 5: At the entrance, drill mounting holes (ø8mm hole on decking and M6 threaded hole on glass
holder) for access restriction deflector.

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Step 6: Drill a hole on the fixed comb plate and tap in M8 threads, ensure the distance from center
of M8 threaded hole to outer side of supporting bracket of floor plate is about 40mm. Recommend
to drill hole on one moving walk first, then drill a second hole on the other moving walk based on
the round hole on supporting bracket of common decking.

Supporting bracket
of common decking

Step 7: Cut a 40X25mm gap at the position where supporting bracket of common decking
connected with outer cladding to avoid inference.

Outer cladding

Gap made at field


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Step 8: Tighten the supporting bracket to fixed comb plate by M8x20 hexagon bolt and spring
washer 8, ensure the supporting bracket is closely in touch with common decking.

Supporting bracket
of common decking

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5.14 Install Protective Deflectors

1) Install anti-climbing deflector

Step 1. Take anti-climbing deflector parts (including glass deflector, mounting bracket, M8x39
bolt, and plastic washer Φ 25x1) from accessory box and remove packages, assemble
together as below drawing:

Glass deflector
M8x39 bolt
Φ25x1 Plastic washer

Step 2. Insert bolt sleeve from mounting holes on exterior decking down to holes on upper


Exterior decking

Upper flange of truss

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Step 3. Align mounting holes on the assembled anti-climbing deflector to holes on exterior

Step 4. Insert hexagon bolt M10x80 with flat washer 10 through sleeve hole on exterior decking,
install spring washer 10 and hexagon nut, and then tighten the hexagon nut.

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2) Install Access Restriction Deflector

Step 1. Take access restriction deflector parts (including glass deflector, mounting bracket,
M8x39 bolt, and plastic washer Φ25x1) from accessory box and remove packages, assemble
together as below drawing:

Glass deflector


M8x39 bolt
Φ25x1 Plastic washer

Step 2. Align mounting holes on the assembled anti-climbing deflector to holes on exterior

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Step 3. Insert hexagon bolt M10x80 with flat washer 10 through mounting hole on exterior
decking, install spring washer 10 and hexagon nut, and then tighten the hexagon nut.

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5.15 Install Metal Steel Exterior Cladding *

ATTENTION: Gloves must be worn during the installation to avoid scuffing

ATTENTION: Exterior Cladding can be installed as early as possible on the jobsite.


» Assembly and Tools

Cladding “Z” Profile & angle


Vacuum lifter

» Double check the part list and the specification
» Double check the markings on the outer cladding package, left and right position and bottom

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1) Remove Z profiles from packages and align them in sequence per their markings on the

2) Align Z profile holes to lower flange holes, insert and tighten M6 bolts.

Note: Washers are used to adjust horizontal level of profiles so that all profiles are in a same

Hexagon head screw DIN 933-M6x20 Washer

Z profile

3) Remove outer claddings from packages and align them in sequence per their markings on
the packages:

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4) Assembly order
Assemble the claddings from the front plate of lower part to the upper. The adjustable part is
the last to install .See the below figure:

5) Use vacuum lifter to grip cladding number 1 and insert into the gap between Aluminum
profile and outer decking:

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Aluminum profile

M4x12 bolt

Outer cladding

6) Align the lower edge of claddings with Z profile holes, insert and tighten M4 screws:

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Aluminum profile

M4x12 Bolt

Hexagon head screw DIN 933-M6x20 Washer

Z profile

Phillips bolt

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7) Insert the shoulder screw from one cladding into the slot holes of its adjacent claddings and
align the lower part with Z profile holes by a M4 screw, use Phillips screwdriver to tighten

Hole Shoulder screw DIN 927-M4x10

Shoulder Hexagon nut DIN 934-M4
screw Serrated lock washer DIN 6798-A4,3

8) Remove angle-shaped steels from packages and align them in sequence by their markings
on the packages:

9) Align angel-shaped steel upper holes with outer cladding and Z profile holes, insert M4x10
screw and use Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screw following the sequence showed in
Figure 1 while leaving the angle steel lower holes blank:

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10) Remove bottom plate from packages and align them in sequence by their markings on the

11) Insert No. 3 to No. 6 bottom plates through the adjustable part, connect the shoulder screw
to the slot hole of two adjacent bottom plates, push plates to places (the holes for angle steel,
bottom plate and Z profile are in alignment) and apply M4x10 screw to fix bottom plate, angle
steel and Z profile hole.
Note: the clearances between two adjacent surfaces should be ≤1mm.

For No. 3-6 bottom plate

12) Slip upper bottom plate through upper curve area and use screw to fix and slip lower bottom
plate through lower part with M4x10 screw to lock angle steel, bottom plate and Z profile
Note: the clearances between two adjacent surfaces should be ≤1mm.

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13) Lift the adjustable plate and align it with Z profile, lock them with a countersink screw.

14) The front and back plates for lower and upper truss are the last to assemble.

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Aluminum profile

M4x12 Bolt

Hexagon head screw DIN 933-M6x20


Z profile

Angle steel

Countersink screw DIN 965-M4x10

The clearance between joint surfaces should be less than 1mm.
The claddings on both truss side can be installed simultaneously.


1) Check all outer claddings and ensure there are no bulges, dents or any deformation.
2) Check all joint area and ensure all the joints are smooth, especially joints at the upper.
3) Lower curve area, joint clearance is less than 1mm.

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5.16 Install Glass Exterior Cladding *

ATTENTION: Gloves must be worn during the installation to avoid scuffing.

ATTENTION: Exterior Cladding can be installed as early as possible on the jobsite.


» M8epa bolts for glass cladding

» Plastic washer Φ25×1

» Plastic ring,Φ25 (exterior), Φ10×12 (8) (interior)

» Work pieces: upper, intermediate, lower glass cladding

Plastic washer Yellow Plastic ring


» First place the upper curved glass cladding to the matched position on the truss and align the

holes in the glass with those in the truss.

Each glass cladding has a series number, this number consists of: project number + lower /upper

/intermediate part of moving walk +left/right (number).

» In the case of no reinforcement plate, use a complete set of yellow plastic ring, washers and

bolt to rivet the glass cladding through the holes.

On the jobsite all the yellow plastic rings, washers and bolts must be placed in their original

mounting holes on the truss and not in a haphazard fashion.

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Plastic ring,plastic washer; bolt

Yellow plastic ring,plastic washer; bolt

In the lower flange without a reinforcement plate use a complete set of yellow plastic ring,

washers and bolt to rivet the intermediate glass cladding.

» In the case of a reinforcement plate in the upper flange and upper/lower curve, use a complete

set of washers and bolt to rivet the glass cladding through the holes (one plastic washer on each

side). The yellow plastic ring is not used in such cases.

Washer and bolt Reinforcement plate


» Make sure the clearance between adjacent glass claddings is less than 1mm, if the clearance is

not correct, then use washers with appropriate thickness to adjust the gap.

» During installation, it is prohibited to press glass claddings too much as it will cause severe


» Ensure the mating area between glass cladding bottom and balustrade decking is at least 80%.

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5.17 Install Exterior Cladding Without Visible Bolts

Needed tools:

Rubber Hammer
Vacuum Lifter Triangel support
M4 screw
Metric Combination Wrench
Cordless Drill
Screwdriver Side cladding
Bottom cladding

Decorative strip

ATTENTION: Gloves must be worn during the installation to avoid scuffing.

1. Remove the triangel support from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. Check that
their series numbers matching up with the part list and remove all the packing.

2. According to the seires numbers, install triangle support for claddings.

3. Paste foam blocks on the upper flange of truss and at least 3 pieces for one side cladding.

Foam block

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4. Remove exterior claddings from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. Check that
their series numbers to match with the part list and remove all the packing. Install the
bottom claddings (DL/DR) first, and then the side claddings(L/R).

→ Left : AAAAA - BBB – CCC – LX

Project No.
Unit No.
L is Left and X is series No.

→ Right: AAAAA – BBB – CCC - RX

Project No.
Unit No.
R is Right and X is series No.

DL represents for bottom claddings on the left unit, DR represents for bottom claddings on the right

When installing side claddings, ensure the strengthened rib on side claddings are installed on the
Alumium hanger which is fixed on the truss.

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Alumium hanger

strengthened rib Alumium hanger

5. Tighten the overlayed edges of side claddings and bottom claddings with M4 countersink screw.

M4 countersink screw

6. Squeeze some glass glue to two sides of the groove every 200mm away.
To ensure the decorative strip can firmly installed in the groove, there is steel wire connected to
decorative strip. Tighten round-headed screw on the end of steel wire to the groove and its round
head is served to hold the magnetic strip.

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Glass glue

Steel wire



7. Install the decorative strip to the groove and ensure the gap between adjacent strips aligned
with gap between adjacent claddings.

The height difference between adjacent claddings is within 1mm and clearance within 1mm; height
difference/clearance of 2mm is allowable for some partial area.

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122 Install metal balustrade

6. Install Metal Balustrade

Install Balustrade Stanchion

• Remove the balustrade stanchions from the shipping crates and arrange in proper order. Check
that their series numbers match up with the part list and remove all the packing.

• install balustrade stanchion


» All the bolts that connect the upper flange of middle straight truss with the intermediate stanchion
should be inserted into the bolt holes.

Position marks

» Mushroom-head square-neck bolts are used for the intermediate stanchions, while hexagon head
bolts are employed at the torsional brackets of the upper and lower part of the truss.

» Install one stanchion at both upper and lower curve sides(4 stanchions in total), ensure the left

stanchions are symmetrical to the right stanchions along the center line of the truss and height

differences are within 0.4mm.

Level the stanchion Adjust the level of the angle

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» Draw a φ0.8mm Nylon thread or φ1.5mm cotton thread through support angles, tighten the

threads and ensure the thread deflection is ≤0.2mm/m and 3mm is the maximum. All the other

stanchions in between upper stanchion and lower stanchion are installed, adjusted and fixed along

the thread.

» Tighten all bolts, ensure all bolts are not worn out and at least one circular screw out of the nut.

Set up thread to angle stanchion of one end

Draw the thread from one end to the other Tie the thread to the angle stanchion of
the other end

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Install Skirt

• Remove the skirts from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. Check that their series
numbers match up with the part list and remove all the packing.

• Make sure the skirts are not damaged in any way.

• Install the skirts


» Arrange and align skirt in sequence along the truss.

» Install upper and lower end skirt panels first, ensure these skirts are vertically inosculate to both
movable comb plate and fixed comb plate, the acceptable clearance between skirt panel and comb
plate is 1~3mm, clearance between skirt panel and arc area of comb segment is 2~3.5mm and
horizontal distance between end skirt and comb segment is 1~3.5mm.

The horizontal distance between end

skirt and comb segment is 1~3mm.

The clearance between end skirt and The clearance between end skirt
arc of comb segment is 2~3.5mm. and comb plate is 1~3.5mm.

» Based on the installed lower-end skirt, install middle skirt from bottom-to-up sequence and
make sure all skirt are aligned.

»The joint clearance between adjacent skirt panels is ≤0.4mm with tolerance ≤0.2mm, height

difference of upper curves of skirt and R angle should be ≤0.5 mm and height difference for mating

skirt panel surface should be within the range of ≤0.3 mm.

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Gap Left + Gap Right ≤ 7 mm

0mm < Gap Left ≤ 4 mm
0mm < Gap Right ≤ 4 mm

» Then install the adjustable skirt, this panel’s length can be adjusted to fit with the other installed
skirt panels.

» Tighten all bolts between clamps, skirts and brackets; ensure all bolts should not be worn out.
» Ensure no uneven surface is showed at the visible side between skirt joints.

Visual surface

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126 Install metal balustrade

Install Skirt Lighting Cover

Needed tools:

Rubber File Scissors


Step 7 Take out all lighting cover sections and place them in sequence along the entire moving
walk, install lighting covers to lighting channels and leave adjustable cover sections not
installed at the moment. Ensure the butts of lighting cover are aligned with end skirts and the
gap between adjacent cover sections should be within 0.5mm.
Step 8 Use rolling ruler to measure the length LL/LR of adjustable area on the unit and make
Step 9 Check whether the butts of adjustable lighting cover are straight, measure out the
LL/LR+1mm on covers from straight butt end and mark with lines;
Step 10 Cut the covers straight at the marked lines with scissors;
Step 11 Place the butt of adjsutable cover next to the middle sections and check whether the other
end is smooth or not, File the end till the cover is aligned with butt of upper curved sections.
Step 12 Install the filed adjustable covers to the channel with rubber hammer, ensure the gap
between adjacent sections should be within 0.5mm.

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Install metal balustrade 127

Install Balustrade Decking and Balustrade Support Profile

• Remove the balustrade decking from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. Check that
their series numbers match with the part list and remove all the packing stuff.


» Make sure all elements are flat, smooth, and no scuffing, no damage or deformed, no burr etc.

• Install balustrade decking and balustrade support profile


» Firstly assemble the curved balustrade decking of the upper and lower parts (the newel and

curve balustrade is an intact unit),

» Ensure that there are no obvious uneven interfaces between newel decking and end skirt and

the height difference is within 1mm;

» Make sure that the clearance between newel decking and handrail inlet is within 1mm and

smoothly connected, no uneven interface between newel decking and handrail inlet; the left

and right newel balustrade deckings are symmetric along the center line of the truss;

» When assembling the newel decking based on the handrail inlet, make sure the handrail inlet

can work smoothly and efficiently;

» Make sure that bolts are not damaged and at least one circular screw out of nut;

» Install intermediate balustrade decking, make sure the surface and joints are even, the

clearance is within 0.2~0.5mm;

» Make sure the height difference between adjacent balustrade deckings is ≤0.15mm;

» Install the upper and lower balustrade decking, measure the distance between the upper

handrail guide rail and the tread surface of pallets using a plumb, and the distance should be

1000±1mm or 1090±1mm, specific dimensions should be confirmed with the drawings;

» Level and adjust flatness of balustrade decking, make sure that there are no dents on the visual


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128 Install metal balustrade

Assembling newel decking1 Assembling newel decking 2

After erecting the post of balustrade

decking,Install handrail inlet

Handrail inlet assembling Interface of balustrade decking

Assemble interface of balustrade decking

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Install metal balustrade 129

For parallel units, following requirements should be met:

➢ For two units with 0mm distance in-between:

The height difference of balustrade deckings between two units should be ≤ 5mm, joint gap should
be ≤ 3mm.

➢ For two units with 1~1000mm distance in-between:

The height difference of balustrade deckings for two units should be ≤ 10mm.

Install Handrail

Remove the handrail from its package. Check for any damage.

IMPORTANT! Never use screwdrivers to install the handrail.

Handrail installation tool


1. Install lower handrail

Step 1. Stretch out the handrail and ensure the lower handrail is installed in between handrail
guiding blocks/rollers and supporting rollers correctly.
Step 2. Adjust handrail guiding block to the middle of handrail, ensure the distance between
edge of handrail and handrail guiding block is ≥1mm and the handrail should not rub against
handrail guiding block. Finally tighten the bolts for handrail guiding block.

guiding block
is in middle of

Ensure handrail guiding

block is in middle of handrail

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130 Install metal balustrade

Step 3. Adjust handrail guiding rollers and supporting rollers, ensure the guiding rollers are in
middle of handrail, the distance between left/right edge of handrail and handrail guiding
block should be even, the handrail should not rub against handrail guiding rollers.
Meanwhile, ensure the guiding rollers and supporting rollers can roll together with running
handrail; when the handrail stops running, guiding rollers and supporting rollers can be
rotated by hand easily.

Adjust guiding
block and
supporting roller,
ensure running
handrail should
not rub against
guiding block


2. Install upper handrail

Step 1. Using the handrail installation tool, start to install the handrail from the upper newel and
working your way down to the lower transition. Stop the installation before reaching the lower
Step 2. Change direction, install handrail from lower newel until the lower transition; Push the
handrail at the lower transition into handrail guide rail and install the remaining handrail, ensure
the handrail is centered in the handrail inlet.

Requirements for the handrail compression:

» Make sure handrail V-belt sag is within 25~45mm

» The clearance between handrail drive wheel and outer edge of handrail belt should be ≥1mm;
» The gap between handrail guide block and outer edge of handrail belt should be ≥1mm;
» All bearings in roller assembly should be without rust and can rotate smoothly;
» There are no scratches or deformities inside handrail.

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Install metal balustrade 131

Assembling handrail 1 Assembling handrail 2

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132 Install metal balustrade

Install Interior Panels and Skirt Brushes

• Remove the interior panels from the shipping crate and arrange in proper order. Check that their
series numbers matched with the part list and remove all the packing.

• Check the reference lines marked on truss: L1 and L2 line are referenced for the 1 st and the end
interior panels of middle straight section; L3 and L4 are used for balustrade assembly.


» Make sure there are no obvious scratches, damage, deformed, burr etc. on the interior panels and
skirt brushes.

» Install upper and lower interior panels first, then middle interior panels; adjustable part is the last
to install.

» Do following test to check whether there is enough panel strength and rigidness: When a force of
500 N is applied to the interior panel at any point of the paneling at right angles on an area of 25 cm²,
there shall be no gap greater than 4 mm and no permanent deformation.

Assemble return balustrade Install balustrade with vacuum lifter

Assemble skirt brushes Assemble ends of skirt brush

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Install metal balustrade 133

Install Stainless Steel Exterior Cladding *

ATTENTION: Gloves must be worn during the installation to avoid scuffing.


» Assembly and Tools

Exterior cladding “Z” profile and angle Accessories

Vacuum lifter


» Double check the part list and the specification

» Double check the series number of the exterior cladding, left and right position and bottom


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134 Install metal balustrade


» Assemble “Z” profile

1. Remove Z profiles from packages and align them in sequence per their markings on the

2. Align Z profile holes to lower flange holes, insert and tighten M6 bolts.

Note: Washers are used to adjust horizontal level of profiles so that all profiles are level.

Hexagon head screw DIN 933-M6x20 Washer

Z profile

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Install metal balustrade 135

» Assemble outer claddings

Remove outer claddings from packages and align them in sequence per their markings on
the packages:

» Assemble order

Assemble the cladding from the front plate of lower part to the upper. The adjustable part is the

last to install .See the below figure:

Adjustable cladding

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136 Install metal balustrade

» Assemble closing angles

Assemble the closing angle in order and set aside the adjust part. Use countersunk head screws

to fix up the closing angle. See the below figure:

Exterior cladding

Z profile

Closing angle

Countersunk head screw

» Assemble the bottom plates

Insert bottom plates through the adjust part and then push accordingly to the matched positions.

Use countersunk head screws to fix up the plates.


The clearance between the adjacent bottom plates must be less than 1mm.

» Assemble the adjust angle

Place the adjust angle in the correct position and use countersunk screws to fix up the adjusted

closing angle.


Both the left and right assembly can be assembled in a synchronized manner.

» Assemble the front plates

Place the front plates in the correct position and use countersunk screws to fix up the front



Check the exterior cladding and ensure there are no bulges, dents and deformation.

Check the splice area and ensure the splice clearance is less than 1mm.

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Install electrical elements 137

7. Install Electrical Elements

• Remove the electrical elements from crates and remove the bubble wrap (packing) and make
sure there are no damaged parts.

Note: Ensure all the protective wrap (packing) of motors and frequency inverters are completely

removed before power supply!

• Connect wiring for all electrical components, like key switches, stop buttons, traffic lights,
handrail monitoring switches, speed monitoring devices etc., ensure all wiring is firmly connected.
• Assemble electrical components to the proper positions
• All cables should be enlaced with proper brackets or iron wire.


Recheck and retighten all wirings for control box and wire terminals before power on to test.

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138 Install handrail inlet

8. Install Handrail Inlet

Install the handrail inlets at each landing by clipping them to the fastening plate attached to the comb
plate and fitting them into the interior/exterior decking. Tighten the bolt using a 13 mm wrench.

Ensure the handrail is centered

within the handrail inlet and is not
touching any part of the
switching flaps, the maximum
gap is less than 8mm.

modify the inlet flaps to fit the
handrail. If interference exists,
the newel roller must be
adjusted to fit the flaps.

For those moving walks with interior decking/exterior decking inserted into handrail inlet, the end
interior decking/exterior decking should be inserted into handrail inlet by 3~5mm.

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Start-up and final adjustment 139

9. Start-Up and Final Adjustment

Place Barriers

Before all work on the unit, place barriers and warning signs at the entrance and exit.

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140 Start-up and final adjustment

Remove Controller Box

There are two kinds of control box: fixed control box and removable control box.

During maintenance, switch off the main switch on control box first, then remove the removable
control box from the drive station for enough maintenance space; if it is fixed control box, then no
need to remove the fixed control box.

There are below three designs:

1. Removable control box

At this case, main switch is installed in a separate power box or switch box. During maintenance,
the removable control box needs to be removed from drive station.

Power box

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2. Fixed control box

At this case, main switch and inspection socket together with other switches are installed at the
top of control box. During maintenance, no need to remove the control box from the drive station.

3. Removable control box + fixed control box

At this case, both removable control box and fixed control box are installed in the drive station.

Main switch and inspection socket are installed at the top of fixed control box and Service/Normal
switch and Reset switch are installed at the top of removable box. During maintenance, only needs
to remove the removable control box from drive station.

Fixed control box

Removable control box

Removable control box

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142 Start-up and final adjustment

Double Check Truss Alignment

The level of main shafts at upper and lower station have already been checked and adjusted before
delivery, red mark on shafts indicate the position of water level and the water level used is 0.3mm/m.

Level mark before delivery

Step 1: Check the level of main shaft at upper station to align truss
Switch on the unit and run the pallet missing gap to above main shaft, re-check the level of main
shaft and adjust set screws on angle steel slightly to ensure the water bubble is in the middle.

Main shaft
Water level

Step 2: Check pallet level at lower station to align truss

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Start-up and final adjustment 143

When all adjustments are done and the moving walk is ready to start, put water level to the middle of
a pallet which is next to the comb and keep water level is parallel to comb/pallet edges. Slightly adjust
the adjustment screws on angle steel to ensure the water bubble is in the middle.

The distance between

pallet edges and comb <100mm

1) Run the moving walk downwards and check pallet level every 5 steps at a same position, if
the measured level for two pallets are within 0.9mm, then the adjustment is completed.
Otherwise, if the measured value is beyond 0.9mm, re-choose a pallet as a basis and
check the level of two pallets as above mentioned to align truss.

Step 3: Check pallet level at intermediate supports to align truss

1) Put the water level on the middle of a pallet at intermediate support and keep water level is
parallel to pallet edges. Slightly adjust the adjustment screw of intermediate supports to
ensure the water bubble is in the middle.

2) Run the moving walk downwards and check pallet level every 5 steps at a same position, if
the measured level for two pallets are within 0.9mm, then the adjustment is completed.
Otherwise, if the measured value is beyond 0.9mm, re-choose a pallet as a basis and
check the level of two pallets as above mentioned to align truss.

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144 Start-up and final adjustment

Pre-Start-Up Manual Test

Prior to rotating or starting-up the unit, visually inspect the unit to ensure all tools, parts, or any other
material has not been left on or in the unit. Check the comb segments to ensure they do not get
damaged by any hidden/missed foreign material.

Manually open the brake and run the unit (using your hands) a minimum of 10 pallets in each direction
to ensure nothing is bound up.

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Start-up and final adjustment 145

Install Maintenance Control Unit

The Maintenance Control Unit is used to operate the moving walk at a low speed during maintenance.
The maintenance control unit will enable safe operation of the moving walk during the inspection

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

CAUTION! Please ensure that yourself and all other persons near the moving walk are not in a
dangerous position before attempting to start the moving walk.

At the both landing, remove the cover from the maintenance control socket and plug in the
maintenance control unit. This connection point can be found on the service panel in the pit at the
upper and lower landings. Once the maintenance control unit is installed, the moving walk goes into
inspection mode and can only be operated using the maintenance control unit.

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146 Start-up and final adjustment

WARNING! Ensure the SERVICE/NORMAL button is turned to SERVICE position and

secured with padlock.

Fully test the operation of the maintenance control unit.

1) Plug the inspection controller into the inspection socket.

2) Press the start button and up button at the same time.

» The unit moves upwards (direction of drive unit).

3) Release the button.

» The unit must stop immediately.

4) Press the start button and the down button at the same
» The unit moves downwards (direction of tensioning station).

5) Release the button.

» The unit must stop immediately.

Use the maintenance control unit to run the moving walk in both directions at least one full revolution
of the step band. Once the unit is operating correctly, begin the final adjustment of all springs,
switches and sensors.

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Start-up and final adjustment 147

Check Emergency Stop Button in Tension Station

Using the maintenance control unit run the moving walk in any direction and then push the
emergency stop button to verify it is functioning properly. Then reset the button (pulled out) .

Check Maintenance/Pit Lighting*

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148 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect and Adjust Pallet Chain Tension

The pallet chain tensioning switch is located on each side of the unit at the bottom landing and is
designed to interrupt power if the tension carriage is moved more than 6 mm forward or backward.
There are 2 switches per moving walk in the approximate position indicated by the arrows.

Return curve for pallet chain

Pallet chain

Compression Spring

Chain tension safety switches

Compressed spring length:

Horizontal Spring type/disk Compressed spring length/Disk spring

MW type
length spring thickness length after tension

Inclined All 6.7×32.3×254 200mm

4EK L=560-(FH/1000-4)*0.51

5EK L=560-(FH/1000-4)*0.68
FH <=60m 14×60×560
6EK L=560-(FH/1000-4)*0.83
Horizontal 7EK L=560-(FH/1000-4)*1.02
10×50×335 230mm
FH >60m
spring 80mm

Note: the compressed spring length should not be shorter than 10mm; when L>550mm, use
L=550mm as spring length.

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Start-up and final adjustment 149

To adjust the switch, first set the tensioning switch spring length to 200 mm (take inclined moving
walk as an example) by turning the hexagon cotter nut ① on the threaded rod using a 24 mm wrench.
Then ensure the switch roller ③ is positioned in the middle of the cavity ④. If it is not, release the
locking screws ⑥ and adjust the rail horizontally until the roller is correctly positioned. Finally, release
the two fastening screws ⑧ and move the switch ⑦ vertically until there is 0.5±0.5 mm clearance
between the roller and the cavity. Be sure to adjust both the right-hand and left-hand side switches.

The compressed spring

length should be 200
mm for the proper
tensioning of the pallet

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

To ensure the 0.5±0.5mm clearance, detach the two fastening screws ⑧and move safety switch ⑦
vertically if necessary, adjust switch roller ③ to have a slight touch of switch clamping and the switch
roller ③ can move freely without any resistance.

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150 Start-up and final adjustment

Use the small metal lever to activate the

safety switch.

To test each switch, push down on the small metal lever at the top of the switch just below the small
roller. Then, after moving to a safe position, use the maintenance control unit to attempt to start the
moving walk. The moving walk should not be able to start. Next, return the same switch to the original
position and test that the moving walk can start properly. Repeat the procedure for the safety switch
on the other side of the moving walk.

CAUTION! Please ensure that you and all other persons near the moving walk are not in a
dangerous position before attempting to start the moving walk.

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Start-up and final adjustment 151

Inspect Horizontal Comb Plate Safety switch

The horizontal comb impact switch is located on both sides of the unit at each end and is designed
to interrupt power if there is a tripping force (left and right )of ﹥500N applied to the comb plate or
up thrust force of ﹥680N at the center of the front edge. The safety switches protect the moving
walk in case there is a collision between the pallets and the comb plate. Test the comb plate
mechanism to verify that both safety switches are functioning properly.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

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152 Start-up and final adjustment

Comb plate switches

To test the switches operate the moving walk using the maintenance controller. Then using a
standard tip screwdriver move the comb plate mechanism to test each safety switch. Activation of
each safety switch should stop the moving walk operation.

Use screwdriver
to pry washer.

The left is an enlarged view of how to

position the screwdriver tip to activate
the comb plate safety switch.

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Start-up and final adjustment 153

Check Vertical Comb Plate Contact*

The vertical comb plate contact is fastened laterally above the comb segments. The probe of safety
switch is naturally in contact with connection bolt. If the comb segment is raised, e.g. as a result
of an object being inserted into the combs, the unit immediately stops.

To check the comb plate contact, proceed as follows:

1. Remove a hexagon screw from an outer comb segment.

2. Screw the eye bolt into the comb segment.

3. Use a lever / screwdriver in the eye bolt to lift the movable comb plate.
➢ The safety contact releases.

4. Try to start the unit with the inspection controller.

➢ The unit must not start.

5. Position the movable comb plate into the starting position.

6. Try to start the unit with the inspection controller.

➢ The unit must start.

7. Remove the eye bolt.

8. Screw the hexagon screw into the comb segment.

9. Repeat the check on the other side.

10. Screw the eye bolt into the comb segment.

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154 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Handrail Inlet Switch

Natural contact

The handrail inlet switch is located on both sides of the unit at each end and is designed to interrupt
power if enough pressure is put against the handrail inlet flap causing it to open. To adjust, move the
switch until the switch probe is in natural contact with the retaining plate. Using the maintenance
controller test each handrail inlet switch to ensure the moving walk cannot operate with the flap in
the open position.

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Start-up and final adjustment 155

Inspect and Adjust Skirts

Although the skirt/pallet gap was set while the unit was in the factory, some adjustment may be
required after the unit is hoisted into position. Until the unit is at 30 degrees, there will be some slack
in the pallet chain which will allow the pallets to be to one side or the other (this will be minimal).
Once the unit is set at 30 degrees the tension carriage will remove this slack. Using a tapered gauge,
inspect the gap between the pallets and the skirt to verify it meets the factory requirement for
moving walks. The clearance (gap) between the pallet and skirt shall be between 0mm< gap≤4 mm
at either side, or 7 mm for the sum of clearances measured at both sides at two directly opposite
points. If necessary, adjust the skirt to comply with the requirement.

Gap Left + Gap Right ≤ 7 mm

0mm < Gap Left ≤ 4 mm
0mm < Gap Right ≤4 mm

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156 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Skirt Switches *

Skirt switches shut down the moving walk as soon as an object enters the gap between the pallets
and the skirt. Depending on requirements, they can be located in the transition curve areas (4
switches per moving walk) or in the transition curve areas and in the middle of the moving walk
(quantity of switches according to the length of moving walk).

Pre-travel 1.5mm
Pre-travel 1.5mm

The Skirt Switch is located on both sides of the unit at each end and is designed to interrupt power
if the gap between the pallet and skirt is increased due to the skirt being deflected. To adjust, first
ensure the washers in illustration A are properly oriented to achieve a “spring”. They should be
oriented concave to concave and convex to convex. Once verified set the width of the washer stack
to 9 mm and set the pre-travel distance between the switch and the set screw to 1.5mm. Also check
the location of the switch to ensure it is no less than the full load stopping distance from the comb.
This should be the location at which the pallet assumes the flat position.


1. Use Multimeter to check wire diagram to ensure all wirings are in correct connection;
2. Remove interior decking, insert 0.5mm taperd gauge between skirt switch and skirt to
activate skirt switch and simulate a fault.
3. Check whether the fault message and fault code (if there is diagnostic function) is detected
in control system. Before reset, use the maintenance control unit to start the moving walk
and the moving walk must not be started.
4. Reset the safety switch and ensure the safety switch is pre-travelled by 1.5mm, the fault
message is disappeared in control system.
5. Use the maintenance control unit and start the moving walk, the moving walk can be

CAUTION! If a foreign object including human body is caught in the gap between pallets and
skirt panels and the moving walk cannot brake in time, it may cause casualties or damage to

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Start-up and final adjustment 157

Inspect Pallet Inlet Guide

CAUTION! Following this procedure may place you in a dangerous position while working on
the moving walk. Please ensure that the proper precautions are taken to prevent the moving walk
from being accidentally started.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop switch is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

The pallet inlet guide is located on both sides of the unit at each end and is designed to prevent the
pallet from running against the combs. The gap between the pallet inlet guide and the pallet should
be ≤0.5 mm. Verify the gap by removing the comb segment and measuring the distance between
the pallet and the inlet guide. If an adjustment is required, turn the adjusting nuts until the gap is
properly set.

0.5mm Gap

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158 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Down Holding Rail Above Pallet Chain Roller

CAUTION! Following this procedure may place you in a dangerous position while working on
the moving walk. Please ensure that the proper precautions are taken to prevent the moving walk
from being accidentally started.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop switch is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

Inspect the clearance between the down holding rail and the pallet chain roller which should be
0.5mm and the tightening torque is 45Nm for the fastening bolt.

Torque 45Nm

0.5mm Gap

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Start-up and final adjustment 159

Inspect Drive Chain Monitoring Switch


Proximity switch

The drive chain monitoring switch is installed in the upper landing, 4 ~ 5mm away from the main drive


Remove the proximity switch from the drive chain, then run the moving walk with maintenance
control unit and the unit should not be started.

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160 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Drive Chain Slack

WARNING! Ensure the stop button is pressed down before entering the maintenance room.

Preparation: Move the flywheel in DOWN direction and run the moving walk downwards (or towards
the tension station end) for a short moment to ensure all the drive chain slack is in the top section of
the chain.

Inspection: Inspect the amount of slack in the drive chain. The amount of slack should be between
10 mm and 20 mm measured at the middle of the slack section of the chain.

Adjustment: If there is too much slack in the chain, reduce the amount of slack in the chain by
repositioning the drive unit further from the moving walk main shaft.

WARNING! This adjustment must be carried out under the supervision of authorized TKE
Elevator maintenance personnel.

Step 1: Loosen the nuts “A” first, then loosen the fasteners “B” securing the drive unit assembly
to the truss. Note that there may be 3 or 4 bolts securing the drive unit to the truss depending
on which model drive unit is used on the moving walk and tightening torque is 315Nm.

Step 2: Use the adjustment screw “C” at the front of the drive unit base to reposition the gearbox
rearward and remove the excess slack from the chain. Be certain that the drive unit remains
seated against the 2 adjustable stops “A” on the base opposite the drive chain. DO NOT
LOOSEN OR RE-ADJUST THE STOPS! The stops have been set to assure that output shaft of
the gearbox and the main shaft are parallel.

Step 3: Retighten the bolts and nuts which secure the drive unit to the truss frame. Ensure that
the gearbox housing is properly seated against the stops “A”.

Loosen the bolts

securing the drive unit
to the truss.

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Use the adjustment

screw “C” at the front
of the base to
reposition the drive
unit and reduce the
amount slack in the
drive chain.



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162 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Drive Machine Displacement Sensor*

If there is drive machine displacement sensor, check the distance between displacement sensor and
the drive machine and ensure it is with 4±0.5mm.


1) Use multimeter to check whether all wirings are in good connection;

2) The clearance between displacement senor and drive machine is 4±0.5mm;
3) Ensure displacement sensor works effectively and reliably.

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Start-up and final adjustment 163

Inspect Handrail Drive Chain

Driving chain

Tightening screws for bearing support


Pressure screw

Tightening torque of tightening screws for bearing Leveler<0.3mm/m

support is 71Nm

The handrail drive chain is located at the upper landing and is designed to power the handrail. Run
3~4 pallets upwards, check the sag at the lower chain strand and it should be between 10 mm and
20 mm; otherwise, adjust the tension accordingly. To adjust the chain tension, first release the
pressure screw. Then loosen the nuts of the plummer blocks along with the locknuts on the pressure
screw. Adjust the pressure screw uniformly until the sag is set between 10 mm and 20 mm. Retighten
all hardware.

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164 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Handrail Guiding Device

➢ Inspect handrail guiding block

Inspect and ensure handrail guiding block to the middle of handrail, ensure the distance
between edge of handrail and handrail guiding block is ≥1mm and the handrail should not rub
against handrail guiding block.

guiding block
is in middle of

Ensure handrail guiding block

is in middle of handrail

➢ Inspect handrail guiding roller and supporting roller

Inspect and adjust handrail guiding rollers and supporting rollers, ensure the guiding rollers are
in middle of handrail, the distance between left/right edge of handrail and handrail guiding
block should be even, the handrail should not rub against handrail guiding rollers.
Meanwhile, ensure the guiding rollers and supporting rollers can roll together with running
handrail; when the handrail stops running, guiding rollers and supporting rollers can be rotated
by hand easily.

roller Adjust guiding
block and
roller, ensure
handrail should
Supporting not rub against
roller guiding block

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Start-up and final adjustment 165

Inspect Handrail Sag

There are two structures, choose correct method before handrail sag inspection.


Structure 1:

Structure 2: 25 mm < Sag < 45 mm


Support bracket for guide rail

Handrail guide block

For Structure 2, remove the handrail from the middle handrail guide block first, then check
handrail sag.

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166 Start-up and final adjustment

Preparation: Use the maintenance control unit to position the 4 pallet gap in the pallet band to a
position just above the lower transition curve (or in the case of a horizontal moving walk, position the
gap in the pallet band about 2 meters from the combs at the tension station end). Run the moving
walk in upward and downward directions (or towards the drive station end) when positioning open
gap in the pallet band. This will ensure the maximum amount of sag is in the bottom part of the
handrail before making necessary measurements.

Inspection: For Structure 1, inspect the handrail sag at the middle straight section between 2 of the
guide rollers supporting the handrail; for Structure 2, remove the handrail from the middle handrail
guide block first and the handrail sags naturally. Then, measure the distance from the bracket on
truss to the handrail at position 1 and also at position 2 or 3 shown in the illustration. Subtract the
measurement at position 1 from the measurement at position 2 or 3. The result is the amount of sag
in the handrail and it should be between 25mm and 45 mm. If the sag is much more or less than this
amount, the handrail sag should be adjusted.

Adjustment: If the amount of sag in the handrail needs adjustment, following procedures should be
used to make proper adjustments.

Step 1: Move the gap in the pallet band to the upper transition curve just behind the handrail drive
shaft. The position the handrail slack adjuster relative to the handrail drive wheel is shown in the
below photo.

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Start-up and final adjustment 167

Step 2: Loosen the fasteners securing handrail slack adjustment device to the brackets. Move the
slack adjuster towards the handrail drive shaft to reduce the amount of sag in the handrail.

Displacing upward > sag decreases

Clamping screws

Angular guide sections

Roller bracket
Displacing downward > sag increases

Step 3: Re-tighten the bolts of the slack adjuster and re-install the middle handrail guide block (if it
is Structure 2) and repeat the procedure for the other handrail.

NOTE! If there is an additional handrail slack adjustment, device at the middle of the
moving walk (see photo below), then additional adjustment can be made at this location.

To gain access to this slack adjuster the some inner decking profiles must be removed at the
middle of moving walk. If the moving walk is equipped with this additional adjuster, all of the
adjustment for the handrail slack can be made using it alone. To make adjustment using this

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168 Start-up and final adjustment

Step 1: Loosen the fasteners securing guide rollers bracket to the fixed bracket mounted to the

Step 2: Push down on the guide roller bracket to remove excess slack from the handrail.

Step 3: Re-tighten the bolts securing the slack adjuster and repeat the procedure for the other

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Start-up and final adjustment 169

Inspect handrail pressure device

Inspection: Check the compressed spring length and listen for any unusual noise from the pressure
roller when the moving walk is running.

1) Compression spring DIN 2098-10x50x165

2) Compression spring DIN 2098-9x50x100

Compressed length 86
Length under tension

Compressed length 80
Compression spring DIN 2098-9x50x100
Length under tension

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170 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Brake Shoe Clearance

Inspect brake clearance at actuator. To view this clearance you must first push the lock nut towards
brake coil, there is a light spring to keep the lock nut seated against the brake shoe.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed before entering the maintenance


1. Push lock nut toward the brake coil to expose the clearance, check and ensure the clearance
between lock nut of brake coil and screw head of brake shoe is 1~1.5mm;
2. The brake lining should be fully and uniformly fitted to the brake drum when the operation brake
3. There is no relative sliding between brake lining and brake drum;
4. Check and ensure brake shoe at both sides can open or close synchronously, close or open signal
of brake monitoring device can be detected at the same time.

1~1.5mm 1~1.5mm

As shown above, push lock nut

on brake coil inward to expose
the clearance.

Adjust the clearance as necessary

to be within this size range


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Start-up and final adjustment 171

Inspect Brake Wear Indicator *

The brake wear monitoring uses an initiator to check the wear of the brake lining. If the brake lining
gets too thin, the initiator interrupts the control circuit and stops the moving walk.


4) Use multimeter to check whether all wirings are in good connection;

5) The clearance between brake wear indicator and brake shoe is 0.5mm;
6) Ensure brake wear indicator works effectively and reliably.

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172 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Auxiliary Brake *

There are two different types of auxiliary brake used on the moving walk. The first type is mechanical
and actuated directly by drive chain breakage.

The second type is electro-mechanical and actuated indirectly by the drive chain switch detecting
chain breakage. Which type is used depends on regulations within the country of use and the
technical requirements of the customer. Both emergency brakes are located at the top landing of the
unit and are designed to interrupt power and set the emergency brake in the event the drive chain

1) Inspect Mechanical Auxiliary Brake

Pallet chain wheel Ratchet wheel

Release lever

Brake lining

Brake lining


Pallet chain wheel

Weight Disc spring
Slider Pawl

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Start-up and final adjustment 173

Test the mechanical auxiliary brake (shown above) by using the maintenance control unit to operate
the moving walk and then push down on the linkage indicated by the arrow at the above illustration.
The moving walk drive should shut down immediately, by actuation of the safety switch, followed by
the mechanical engagement of the emergency brake.

CAUTION! If there is failure of main brakes and the moving walk cannot brake effectively in
case of emergency, it will result in reversing the running direction which may cause a large quantity
of casualties.

2) Inspect Electro-mechanical Auxiliary Brake

Test the electro-mechanical auxiliary brake (shown below) by using the maintenance control unit to
operate the moving walk and then move the position of the drive chain safety switch away from the

r Remove the safety switch

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174 Start-up and final adjustment

3) Check braking distance

Needed Tools
1 Spanner
1 Torque wrench (300Nm)

To check the braking distance of the auxiliary brake, proceed as follows:

Step 1: Open the operation and, if necessary, the auxiliary brake on the motor shaft.

These brakes must remain open for the duration of the brake test and setting procedure.

Step 2: Use the inspection controller to move the unit downwards.

The unit must be accelerated to nominal speed.

Step 3: Stop the unit after approx. 3 seconds at nominal speed.

Step 4: Measure the braking distance manually or read it from the control panel.

300 - 800 mm

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Step 5: If the braking distance differs, readjust it.

Step 6: Loosen or tighten the hexagon countersink screws on the disc spring package.

Tighten = shorter braking distance

Loosen = longer braking distance

Hexagon countersink screw

Step 7: Measure the braking distance manually or read it from the control panel.
Step 8: If the braking distance deviates after loosen /tighten of the disc spring packages
repeat the setting with a smaller rotation angle.

± 30°

Step 9: Repeat the steps till the braking distance is set.

◼ If the braking distance still deviates after repeated settings, check

and adjust the torque of hexagon countersink screws according to
below table.

◼ If the torque of hexagon countersink screw are within requirements,

contact TKE Customer Service Center for technical help.

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176 Start-up and final adjustment

Pallet Nominal
Type Torque equation
Width Speed(m/s) Rise/Length(m)
Inclined moving walk 5EK 0.5 H T=50+(H-2)x7.6
Horizontal moving
walk 5EK 0.5 L 30N.m

For 4EK moving walk, the tightening torque should be 0.75 times the torque of unit with 5EK.

For 3EK moving walk, the tightening torque should be 0.5 times the torque of unit with 5EK.
For moving walk with nominal speed of 0.65m/s, the tightening torque should be 1.1 times the
torque of unit with 5EK.


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Start-up and final adjustment 177

Inspect Brake Monitoring Device

Inspect that the contactor of limit switch is pre-tensioned by 4.2±0.3 mm, open the brake and the
unit is running, normally open contacts of limit switch is open, while close the brake and the unit is
stopped, the normally open contacts of limit switch is closed.

Pre-tensioned by 4.2±0.3 mm

Pre-tensioned Pre-tensioned
by 4.2±0.3 mm by 4.2±0.3 mm


Step 1: Inspect whether all wirings are in good connection;

Step 2: When the moving walk is stopped, remove all the wiring of micro switch of brake monitoring
device to simulate abnormal circumstance;
Step 3: Check whether fault code is read in control box, at this time start the moving walk with
maintenance control box, the moving walk cannot be started;
Step 4: Reconnect all the wirings, ensure the contactor of micro switch is pre-tensioned by 4.2±0.3
Step 5: Check brake monitoring micro-switch and use multimeter to measure whether the output
voltage is DC24V. Open the brake (when the moving walk is running), normally open contacts of
micro switch is open with output voltage 0V, while close the brake (when the moving walk is stopped),
the normally open contacts of micro switch is closed with output voltage DC24V.

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178 Start-up and final adjustment

Check Brake Stopping Distance

CAUTION! Perform this test with the maintenance control unit disconnected from the moving
walk. Operate the moving walk the normal way using the key switch and stop button.

Check that the brake stopping distance of the moving walk is in compliance with EN115-117. Follow
the procedure:

Step 1: Using the key switch, start the moving walk with unloaded in the downward running
Step 2: Let the moving walk run until it has reached its nominal speed.
Step 3: Push the emergency stop button, stop the moving walk when one of the gaps between
the pallets is aligned with the comb.
Step 4: Check the stopping distance by measuring the distance the pallet gap has travelled from
the combs after the moving walk was stopped. Verify that the stopping distance meets
the requirements listed in the table below.

Normal Speed 0.5 m/s 0.65 m/s

Stopping Distance
0.20m~0.30m 0.30m~0.40m

However, as long as brake stopping distance is within below maximum value for each gear box, then
no need to adjust the brake stopping distance.

Maximum brake stopping distance(Unloaded) (m)

Speed Motor power

Gear box RPM
(m/s) 7,5kw 9kw 10,5kw 12kw 13,5kw 15kw 16,5kw 19kw 23.5kw
FJ125 1500 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 \ \ \
FJ160 1000 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 \ \ \
ECT2-15 1000 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 \
1000 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 \ \

1500 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
1000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 \ \ \
FT1Z3300 1500 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
1500 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
1000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 \

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If loading test done on the unit, MUST re-check following items to ensure the unit can work
correctly after loading test:

1) Brake Stopping Distance & Brake Shoe Clearance for operational brake
2) Whether all switches and sensors are installed/work correctly
3) Re-check auxiliary brake if there is.

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180 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Pallet Monitoring Device

CAUTION! Please ensure all persons near the moving walk are not in a dangerous position
before attempting to start the moving walk.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

Step 1: Use the maintenance control unit to reposition the pallet band so the pallet monitoring device
at the lower landing is visible.

Step 2: Visually inspect that the clearance between the actuators on the device and the pallet and
pallet chain are correct. The safety device is designed to avoid a hazardous condition at the comb
plate by switching off the moving walk if the pallet or pallet chain is running lower than 3+2mm or

Gap between middle safety

detector and pallet: 3+2mm;
Gap between safety detector
and pallet chain roller at two
sides: 3+1mm

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Step 3: Test the operation of the safety switches by rotating the shaft in one direction. Then attempt
to start the moving walk using the maintenance control unit. If the moving walk does not start, the
switch is functioning properly. Test the mechanism with the shaft rotated in both directions. Then
return the shaft to the original position and reset the safety switches manually, use the maintenance
control unit test that the moving walk can start properly.

CAUTION! Please ensure all persons near the moving walks are not in a dangerous position
before attempting to start the moving walks.

(Above left) The Shaft is not rotated and (Above right) The shaft is rotated and the
the safety switch is not activated. safety switch is activated.

Step 4: Repeat the test for the pallet monitoring device located at the upper part of the moving walk.

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182 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect and Adjust Missing Pallet Monitor

The missing pallet monitoring device shuts down the moving walk as soon as a gap in the pallet band
is recognized. A pallet band gap is evident when the sensor reports no pallet.

Test the function of the safety device, run the moving walk in either direction at full speed with at
least one missing pallet. The moving walk should stop in both directions before the gap in the pallet
band is visible at the comb plate.

➢ For ECT controller (installed at the middle of pallet band):


➢ For GEC controller (installed at the upper/lower newel):

At the lower newel: 1 Transmitter 2 Receiver

2 1

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At the upper newel: 1 Transmitter 2 Receiver

Transmitter: Receiver:

➢ Structure 3: For North America Market only


CAUTION! If there is pallet disassembly or a missing pallet, and the moving walk cannot brake
in time, it may result in severe casualties.

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184 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Handrail Anti-Static Roller

Verify that the handrail anti-static roller is present. The black rubber roller is located on each side of
the unit at the bottom, just inside the handrail inlet. This roller dissipates the static build up in the
handrail by taking it to ground. Notify your supervisor if it is not present.

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Start-up and final adjustment 185

Inspect Handrail Speed Monitoring

Each handrail has a separate unit that monitors the speed of the handrail.

The handrail speed monitoring device shall be provided and shall initiate the stopping of the moving
walk in the event of a hand rail speed deviation of more than + 15 %/-15 % to the step/pallet speed
within a time frame of 5 seconds to 15 seconds.

To test the device, remove the proximity sensor from the bracket and attempt to operate the moving
walk by using the key switch, check whether moving walk can stop within 15 seconds after starting
and fault information displayed in control system. Return the proximity sensor to the bracket and
reset the fault manually. Check the control box again to see whether the fault information
disappeared and normal information displayed. Repeat the procedure for the other side of the
moving walk.

To adjust the switch, set the gap between the sensor and the roller to 2~3 mm.

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186 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Handrail Break Monitoring *


Each handrail has a separate unit that monitors the length/slack of the handrail. The moving walk is
halted when the handrail is pulled off of the handrail guide or the handrail is broken or the slack in the
handrail exceeds a maximum. Inspect that the distance between the handrail and an actuator is
properly set.

To check the handrail break switch:

- Stop the escalator.
- Use multimeter to check and ensure all wirings are in correct connection.
- Press down the roller of handrail break switch and fix with cable tie.
- Fault message can be detected in controller system and the escalator should not be started while
switching on.
- Switch off the escalator and put the roller back to original position, check whether the fault
message is disappeared.
- Switch on the escalator and the escalator can run smoothly, which indicates the handrail break
switch can work correctly.
- Repeat same inspection of handrail break switch on the other side.

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Start-up and final adjustment 187

Inspect Motor Speed Monitoring Device

When the moving walk slips or runs reversely, if the speed monitoring device is broken and
cannot brake in time, which will cause injuries/casualties to passengers.

Structure 1: Speed senor for flywheel

The upper holes (more holes) on the flywheel are
used for simulating over-speed operation and the
lower holes (fewer holes) are used for used for
normal operation; the removal of all monitoring
sensors can simulate under-speed operation.

1. To test the operation of the speed monitoring sensor, we must artificially create a fault. This
can be easily done by removing one of the proximity sensors from the mounting bracket. Do
this by loosening the nut on the end opposite the flywheel and remove the sensor from the
bracket. Then attempt to start the moving walk and witness if the monitoring sensor can detect
the fault and switch off the moving walk after starting.
2. Re-install the removed proximity sensor back to its original position, ensure the distance
between proximity sensor and flywheel is 1+0
−0.5 mm and verify that the moving walk can start
and run properly.

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188 Start-up and final adjustment

Structure 2: Speed sensor for main shaft

Speed monitoring by main board display panel

Read the displayed information to identify whether the moving walk is over speed or unintentional
reversal running before it stops.

Test the speed monitoring sensor

Check the gap between speed monitoring sensors and sprocket of main shaft, ensure it is within
3±0.5mm; start the moving walk and the moving walk can work smoothly, which indicates that the
sensors are in good condition.



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Start-up and final adjustment 189

Structure 3: Speed monitoring sensor for magnetic strip


Step 1: Install round disc for magnetic strip, ensure its surface is dry and no dirt, grease or other
contaminations left.

Step 2: Apply a thin layer of glue evenly on magnetic strip surface (surface without middle grooved
line) with glue gun.

Step 3: Paste magnetic strip naturally along the edge of round disc on the main shaft, ensure the
joint clearance between the two connected ends is ≤0.5mm and the two ends cannot overlap.

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190 Start-up and final adjustment

Attention: if the joint clearance is >0.5mm, please do not stretch the magnetic strip; if the two
connected ends overlap each other, please do not cut the strip, contact TKE Customer Service Center
for technical support.

Joint clearance
between two
ends ≤0.5mm

Step 4: Remove the excessive glue from round disc and keep magnetic strip dry and clean.

Step 5: Use adhesive tape to fix beginning and bottom ends tightly to ensure the clearance
(≤0.5mm) unchanged and the ends will not warp.

Step 6: Install speed sensor, ensure the vertical distance (X) between sensor induction surface and
magnetic strip surface is 1 ±0.5mm; the installation surface of speed sensor and its lead-out
cables should be parallel to magnetic strip, the distance (Y) between middle line of sensor
induction surface and the middle line of magnetic strip is less than 3mm.

Sensor induction surface

The installation surface of the sensor and its lead-
out cables should be parallel to magnetic strip.

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Main shaft

The distance (Y) between middle line

of speed sensor induction surface
and middle line of magnetic strip≤
The vertical distance (X) between
sensor induction surface and
magnetic strip surface is 1±0.5mm.

Speed sensor

Step 7: The cables of magnetic strip sensor are connected to the terminals on control box, and
shielding cable of the sensor should be connected to the PE terminal.

Step 8: Before commission, remove the adhesive tape gently from magnetic strip and ensure the
magnetic strip is not off from the round disc.

Note: The main switch should be turned to OFF before any operations on moving walk.


1. Magnetic strip is installed before step band installation.

2. Glue and glue gun can be used repeatedly.
3. The adhesive tape on the magnetic strip should be kept on until the glue is hardened. As the
glue takes at least 4 hours for hardening, so it is recommended to remove the adhesive tape
4 hours after installation at room temperature.
4. Replace magnetic strip if it is flattened or damaged during installation.

If the magenetic strip is installed at facotry:

1. Clean the magnetic strip at jobsite after the whole unit is installed. Use soft brush to clean
magnetic strip to remove dust, sand or iron scraps. Don’t use hard or iron tool to scrape magnetic
strip to avoid strip damage.
2. Check above installation requirements after cleaning.

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192 Start-up and final adjustment

Inspect Floor Plate Contacts

Floor plate contacts prevent unit operation when the reversing station covers are open. Test if the
moving walk can be operated when the floor plate is removed. The switch will need to be overridden
to operate the moving walk normally during maintenance steps.

1) For ECT controller:

The minimum clearance required between safety switch and pressure plate is 1mm after floor plate
covered. When removing the floor plate, the pressure plate should press the probe of safety switch

2) For GEC controller:

To check the floor plate contact, proceed as follows:

1. Remove the floor plate at lower landing.
2. Start the unit in one direction in normal mode using the key switch.
➢ The unit must not start.

CAUTION! If the floor plate is not replaced properly but the moving walk is put into operation,
it may cause severe injury to passengers.

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Start-up and final adjustment 193

Install Remaining Missing Pallets

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194 Start-up and final adjustment

Fit the missing pallets to the unit. Ensure the anti-rotation device is properly oriented in the “locked”
position on the pallet/axle attachment point.

Step 1: Re-install the pallet to the moving walk. Repeat the procedure to install the other 3 pallets.
Use the reverse of this procedure to re-install the pallets to the moving walk. The tightening torque
of the M24 x 1.5 hexagon nut is 130 Nm.

Step 2: Insert the pallet chain shaft into pallet chain white plastic connecting link, then push back the
anti-rotation device and spring washer to the position shown in the below photo. Rotate the hollow
axle 90 degrees to firmly fix the pallet to the axle. Be careful when rotating the hollow axle! When the
flats on the hollow axle align with slot on the pallet, the pallet will be easily attached to the axle.

Push back the anti-

rotation device and
spring washer.

Rotate the hollow

axle and attach the
moving walk.

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CAUTION! You must support the pallet once it is fixed to both axles or it may drop and cause
an injury to yourself or damage the white plastic connecting links retaining the pallet at the opposite

Assembly in inverted order

Torque of hexagonal nut is 130nm!

The anti-rotation device must be re-fixed back to the hollow axle.
The anti-rotation device must be firmly clasped to the pallet.

Inserting an oil collection cap

Put the cap at one side into groove of the hollow axle. Then push in the cap by your thumb.

Removing an oil collection cap

Pull at the tongue of the cap with flat pliers.

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196 Start-up and final adjustment


Prior to cleaning the upper and lower machine spaces, freely lubricate the entire length of each chain
and following components using the recommended chain lubricant. Refill gear oil if necessary.

Lubricant manufacturer
Lubricating Lubrican
parts t
Shell Esso BP Aral Mobil Texaco Castrol

Main shaft Castrol

bearings “B” Beacon Energrea Mobilux Multifa Molub
HL 3
Grease 3 se LS 2 3 k 30 Alloy
Handrail Castrol
shaft/Tensi Molub
on station “B” Alloy
bearings Grease 777-2ES
EC2-25 Synlub
“D” Omala Enersyn Degol Glygoyl
FTIZ1500 Glycolu e
synthetic S4WE22 SG-XP GS22 e
QCJF140 b 220 CLP22
gear oil 0 220 0 HE220
QCJF180A 0
Gearbox Synlub
“D” Omala Enersyn Degol Glygoyl
FJ100 Glycolu e
synthetic S4WE46 SG-XP GS46 e
FJ125 b 460 CLP46
gear oil 0 460 0 HE460
FJ160 0
Gearbox Omala
FT125 S4WE46
gear oil
FT160 0
“E” chain
Chains Castrol optimal non fluid 150 or Klüber moving walk chain oil 150

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9.36.1 Inspect Gear Box Oil Level

Inspect that the gear box oil level is up to the correct level. The oil level should not decline during the
lifetime of the moving walk. If the gearbox oil level is too low, you should inspect the gearbox for
leaking seals or some other type of problem. If topping up of the gearbox oil is necessary, be certain
to use the correct type.

WARNING! Ensure the emergency stop button is pressed down before entering the
maintenance room.

First oil change

Gearbox interval After oil change interval Quantity(liter)
(operating hours) (operating hours) /gearbox
Fuma worm gearbox FJ100 1800 15000 4
Fuma worm gearbox FJ125 3600 20000 7
Fuma worm gearbox FJ160 3600 20000 12
QC bevel gearbox FT1Z1500 15000 20000 8
QC bevel gearbox FT1Y(Z)3300-
15 15000 20000 12
QC bevel gearbox QCJF140 15000 20000 8
QC bevel gearbox QCJF180A 15000 20000 10
OMS bevel gearbox 30000 40000 9
ETA bevel gearbox 30000 40000 9
TORIN gearbox FT125 3600 20000 6
TORIN gearbox FT160 3600 20000 12

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198 Start-up and final adjustment

9.36.2 Automatic Chain Lubrication *

If the moving walk is equipped with an automatic chain lubrication device, top up the reservoir with
oil (use oil type “E”). Inspect that the drive chain, handrail drive chain, and pallet chains are properly

IMPORTANT! Do not swap the installed lubricating brushes with each other, because the oil
output of each brush is different.

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Start-up and final adjustment 199

Typical automatic oil lubrication device*

Lubricating time and interval can be manually set according to the tables located on the following
pages. These times are already preset by the factory, but can be adjusted to meet special needs.

There are two types of automatic oil lubricator: lubricator with controller panel and lubricator without
controller panel.

1. For unit with ECT controller

First, select correct oil control modes according to different lubricators.

⚫ Lubricator with controller panel:

Base parameter 55

Oil control mode


Set lubricating time and interval by using the control pad and display panel.

⚫ Lubricator without controller panel:

Base parameter 55 Base parameter 55

Oil control mode Oil control mode

Single channel Dual channel

Set lubricating time and interval by modifying parameters in ECT display board or contact factory
for help.

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200 Start-up and final adjustment

Second, set lubricator control parameter.

Menu08—Para set

1) Base para Base parameter 55

Oil control mode

Single channel

Base parameter 55

Oil control mode Base parameter 55

Control Oil control mode
Dual channel

Base parameter 56

Oil CH1 interval

Single/Dual channel


Base parameter 57

CH1 Oil on time


1. Oil pump always stop when in inspection mode
Base parameter 58 2. Oil pump control on/off time recorded when power
3. Oil pump off interval: 1~200, unit: hour
When Dual channel

Oil CH2 interval

xxh 4. Oil pump on time :1~600, unit: second

Base parameter 59

CH2 Oil on time


Menu08—Para set MB output Qa MB output Qb MB output Qb

3) MB output Oil OUT (CH1) When CH1 & CH2 When CH1 & CH2
Oil OUT (CH2) Oil pump motor

Note: Qa / Qb / Qc, ECT-01-A mainboard configurable relay output

2. For unit with GEC controller

If manual adjustment is required for lubricating time and parameters, please modify GEC DU
parameters for adjustment or contact factory for help.

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Start-up and final adjustment 201

3. Refer to below tables for oil time and oil interval settings.

Lubrication table for inclined indoor moving walk

Schedule of Automatic Lubricator for Indoor Moving Walk

Speed V=0.5m/s Speed V=0.65m/s

Lubricating Lubricating
Item Time Interval Time Interval
(second) (hour) (second) (hour)
6º 10º 12º 6º 10º 12º
1 ≤1500 91 61 55 36 71 49 44 26
2 ≤2000 112 73 65 36 87 58 52 26
3 ≤2500 132 86 75 36 102 68 60 26
4 ≤3000 153 98 86 36 118 77 68 26
5 ≤3500 173 110 96 36 133 86 76 26
6 ≤4000 194 123 106 36 149 96 83 26
7 ≤4500 214 135 117 36 164 105 91 26
8 ≤5000 235 147 127 36 179 114 99 26
9 ≤5500 255 160 137 36 195 123 107 26
10 ≤6000 276 172 147 36 210 133 114 26
11 ≤6500 296 184 158 36 226 142 122 26
12 ≤7000 317 197 168 36 241 151 130 26
13 ≤7500 337 209 178 36 257 161 138 26
14 ≤8000 358 221 189 36 272 170 145 26
15 ≤8500 378 234 199 36 287 179 153 26
16 ≤9000 399 246 209 36 303 188 161 26
17 ≤9500 419 258 220 36 318 198 169 26
18 ≤10000 440 271 230 36 334 207 176 26
19 ≤10500 460 283 240 36 349 216 184 26
20 ≤11000 481 295 250 36 365 226 192 26
21 ≤11500 501 308 261 36 380 235 200 26
22 ≤12000 522 320 271 36 395 244 207 26
23 ≤12500 542 332 281 36 411 253 215 26
24 ≤13000 563 345 292 36 426 263 223 26

1. This lubrication schedule table is suitable for indoor moving walk.
2. It is applied in single oil way of automatic lubricator.
3. In case of double ways of automatic lubricator, the parameters in this table are
applicable for the pallet chain lubrication setting. In terms of setting the lubrication for
the drive chain and handrail drive chain, the lubricating time will be 30s with the interval
of 36 hours.

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202 Start-up and final adjustment

Lubrication table for inclined outdoor moving walk

Schedule of Automatic Lubricator for Outdoor Moving Walk
Speed Speed
Interval time(hour)
V=0.5m/s V=0.65m/s
Ite Rise Lubricating Lubricating
m (mm) Time Time Outdoor temperature (ºC)
(second) (second)
6º 10º 12º 6º 10º 12º ≥20ºC ≥10ºC ≥0ºC <0ºC
1 ≤1500 91 61 55 71 49 44 12 8 4 2
2 ≤2000 112 73 65 87 58 52 12 8 4 2
3 ≤2500 132 86 75 102 68 60 12 8 4 2
4 ≤3000 153 98 86 118 77 68 12 8 4 2
5 ≤3500 173 110 96 133 86 76 12 8 4 2
6 ≤4000 194 123 106 149 96 83 12 8 4 2
7 ≤4500 214 135 117 164 105 91 12 8 4 2
8 ≤5000 235 147 127 179 114 99 12 8 4 2
9 ≤5500 255 160 137 195 123 107 12 8 4 2
10 ≤6000 276 172 147 210 133 114 12 8 4 2
11 ≤6500 296 184 158 226 142 122 12 8 4 2
12 ≤7000 317 197 168 241 151 130 12 8 4 2
13 ≤7500 337 209 178 257 161 138 12 8 4 2
14 ≤8000 358 221 189 272 170 145 12 8 4 2
15 ≤8500 378 234 199 287 179 153 12 8 4 2
16 ≤9000 399 246 209 303 188 161 12 8 4 2
17 ≤9500 419 258 220 318 198 169 12 8 4 2
18 ≤10000 440 271 230 334 207 176 12 8 4 2
19 ≤10500 460 283 240 349 216 184 12 8 4 2
20 ≤11000 481 295 250 365 226 192 12 8 4 2
21 ≤11500 501 308 261 380 235 200 12 8 4 2
22 ≤12000 522 320 271 395 244 207 12 8 4 2
23 ≤12500 542 332 281 411 253 215 12 8 4 2
24 ≤13000 563 345 292 426 263 223 12 8 4 2
1> This lubrication schedule table is suitable for outdoor moving walk.
2> It is applied in single oil way of automatic lubricator.
3> In case of double ways of automatic lubricator, the parameters indicated in this table are
applicable for the pallet chain lubrication setting. In terms of setting the lubrication for
the drive chain and handrail drive chain, the lubricating time will be 30s with the interval
of 24 hours.

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Start-up and final adjustment 203

Lubrication table for horizontal moving walk

Schedule of Automatic Lubricator for 0º Moving Walk

Speed Speed
V=0.5m/s V=0.65m/s
Lubricating Lubricating
Time Interval time(hour) Time
(second) (second)
T=L/234+5 36 T=L/310+5 26

1> This lubrication schedule table is suitable for indoor moving walk.
2> It is applied in oil way of automatic lubricator.
3> In case of double ways of automatic lubricator, the parameters indicated in this table are
applicable for the pallet chain lubrication setting. In terms of setting the lubrication for
the drive chain and handrail drive chain, the lubricating time will be 30s with the interval
of 36 hours.


Lubricating Interval time(hour)

(second) Outdoor temperature (ºC)
Speed Speed
≥20ºC ≥10ºC ≥0ºC <0ºC
V=0.5m/s V=0.65m/s
T=L/234+5 T=L/310+5 12 8 4 2

1> This lubrication schedule table is suitable for outdoor 0°moving walk.
2> It is applied in oil way of automatic lubricator.
3> In case of double ways of automatic lubricator, the parameters indicated in this table are
applicable for the pallet chain lubrication setting. In terms of setting the lubrication for
the drive chain and handrail drive chain, the lubricating time will be 30s with the interval
of 24 hours.

L: level span, Unit: mm

For example:
L=55000mm, V=0.65m/s, Indoor
Lubricating time: T=55000/310+5=182s
Interval time: 26hour

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204 Start-up and final adjustment

9.36.3Lubricate Handrail Drive Chain

ATTENTION: This step is not required if the moving walk is equipped with an automatic chain

Lubricate the handrail drive chain by refilling oil to the lubrication tank. Add oil while the moving walk
is running so it will be evenly distributed on the chain.

Use Oil Type “E”

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Start-up and final adjustment 205

9.36.4Lubricate Drive Chain

ATTENTION: This step is not required if the moving walk is equipped with an automatic chain

Lubricate the drive chain using oil type “E”. Apply oil evenly to chain. Use the maintenance control
unit to move the chain so that all surfaces can be oiled.

Use Oil Type “E”

9.36.5Lubricate Pallet Chain

ATTENTION: This step is not required if the moving walk is equipped with an automatic chain

Lubricate each pallet chain using oil type “E”. Apply oil evenly to chain. Use the maintenance control
unit to move the chain so that all surfaces can be oiled. The pallet chain can be more easily lubricated
from the lower landing area.

Use Oil Type “E”

This symbol indicates

this is the correct end
to enter the moving

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206 Start-up and final adjustment

9.36.6Lubricate Bearings

Inject grease from lubrication nipple of bearings to lubricate the handrail drive bearings, main drive
bearings and tension station bearings.

Use Grease “B”

Use Grease “B”

Use Grease “B”

Lubrication nipple on the main drive bearing

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Start-up and final adjustment 207

Install Cross Beam

Install the removable cross beam by tightening the hexagonal bolts and cover the floor plate finally.

Installation requirements:

Adjust the hexagon bolts to adjust the height of floor plate, thus to ensure the bottom of floor plate
is naturally in contact with cross beam. After adjustments, if there is still gap between floor plate and
cross beam, paste adhesive tape to fill the gap.

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208 Start-up and final adjustment

Install Floor Plate

Before building floor finished, install floor plate on floor plate frame, then use special tool for lifting
floor plate to lift the floor plate to check whether it can be lifted smoothly. If not, adjust the horizontal
and vertical clearances between floor plate and floor plate frame with bolts on floor plate frame,
ensure the floor plate can be lifted smoothly.

Bolt adjustment:

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Cleaning and final inspection 209

10. Cleaning and Final Inspection

10.1 Cleaning the Moving walk

WARNING! Ensure the accumulated grease is cleared in the maintenance room, or it will cause
fire hazard.

WARNING! Do apply vacuum to remove dust from machine room. It’s prohibited to use air
blower, or it will cause severe damage to electrical components.

Remove the wrapping

IMPORTANT! Do not leave the protective foil on the decking for more than 6 months or
expose any part protected by foil to the sun for a prolonged period.

Remove all of the protective foil from the decking and landing floor plates.

• Clean all pallets, comb plates and landing floor plates with a multipurpose cleaner.

• Clean all sheet metal skirts and decking with a multipurpose cleaner.

• Clean handrail with a damp cloth.

• Clean the glass with a standard glass cleaner.

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210 Cleaning and final inspection

10.2 Inspect Proper Operation of Moving walk

✓ Check that the moving walk operates properly in the upward direction. Listen for unusual noises
from the pallets, handrail, and drive machine.

✓ Check that the moving walk operates properly in the downward direction. Listen for unusual
noises from the pallets, handrail, and drive machine.

✓ Ride the moving walk in at least one direction to ensure the moving walk is functioning smoothly
without unusual vibrations. Observe that the pallets are riding smoothly along the guide rails.

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Cleaning and final inspection 211

10.3 Test Emergency Stop Switch

Test the proper operation of the emergency stop button and key switch located at the upper and
lower landing. A key switch at the lower landing is optional equipment and may not be present on all
moving walks.

If emergency stop button

is beneath ½ of metal
balustrade height, there is
STOP label above the
button; if above ½
balustrade height, then no

If the moving walk cannot brake in time in case of emergency, it may cause severe casualties or
damage to equipment.

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212 Cleaning and final inspection

10.4 Test the Key Switch *

Test the proper operation of key switch equipped at upper and lower landings to see whether it works
correctly, while key switch at lower landing is optional per customer required.

A qualified moving walk operator
must have been properly trained
by a TK Elevator authorized
department and have attained
the operating certificate.

CAUTION! A qualified moving walk operator must have been properly trained by TKE Elevator
authorized department and have attained the operating certificate.

10.5 Inspect function of Energy Saving Devices

If the moving walk is equipped with an energy saving device, ensure that it is working properly. For
units equipped with intermittent operation, verify that the moving walk will switch off after an
appropriate period of time without loads. For units equipped with Thyssen Energy Control (TEC),
verify that the moving walk will reduce speed after an appropriate period of time without loads. Refer
to your moving walk’s operating manual for more information about energy saving devices.

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Cleaning and final inspection 213

10.6 Inspect Traffic Lights*

If the moving walk is equipped with traffic lights, check that they are operating properly and
displaying the correct symbol at both ends of the moving walk. Inspect the moving walk for both
operational directions. Ensure that the symbols are brightly illuminated so that they can be easily

ATTENTION: Moving walks with intermittent operation energy saving device are normally equipped
with traffic lights.

ATTENTION: As an alternative, traffic lights may be placed on a column mounted in front of the
moving walk.

This symbol indicates this is the wrong This symbol indicates this is the correct
entrance to enter the moving walk. entrance to enter the moving walk.

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214 Cleaning and final inspection

10.7 Inspect Moving walk Lighting *

If the moving walk is equipped will optional lighting features, ensure that they are fully operational.
The moving walk may be equipped with the following lighting options:

Skirt Lighting *

Inspect that all lighting segments are fully illuminated on the moving walk.

Comb Plate Lighting *

Inspect that the lighting is working properly at both ends of the moving walk.

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Cleaning and final inspection 215

Pallet Gap Lighting *

Inspect that the lighting is working properly at both ends of the moving walk.

Balustrade Lighting *

Inspect that all lighting segments are fully illuminated.

There are two structures:

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216 Cleaning and final inspection

10.8 Inspect Glass Balustrade

Visually inspect balustrade glass for cracked, chipped, or broken panels. In particular, inspect the
edges of the glass panels because they are more prone to damage. If any of the damaged glass
presents a hazard, it should be replaced.

Inspect for loose balustrade glass panels. While standing on the moving walk pallets, grasp the
handrail with both hands, push and pull it fore and aft to ensure that it is securely attached to the
truss. Loose glass panels are a hazard and must be fitted again.

Inspect balustrade glass

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Cleaning and final inspection 217

10.9 Inspect Safety Signs

Visually inspect that all safety signs are present, have complete information, and are clearly readable.
Replace immediately if any of the safety signs are not clear for reading. Individual local statutory
requirements may mean more signs are attached onto or near the moving walk.

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218 Cleaning and final inspection

10.10 Inspect Ceiling and Crossing Point Deflectors

Inspect that all intended barriers and deflectors are present and securely attached to the structures.

Ceiling deflector

Anti-climbing deflector

Crossing point deflector

CAUTION! Paying no attention to the deflectors could cause severe injuries to passengers.

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Cleaning and final inspection 219

10.11 Inspect Radar Sensor*

There are radar sensors installed inside handrail inlets both at upper landing and at lower landing.

Radar sensor inside

handrail inlet


1. Check radar sensors at both upper landing and lower landing, ensure they can detect
passenger entrance and work correctly.
2. When the unit goes into slow speed or intermittent stop mode, ensure the unit can detect
passenger approaching and work correctly.
3. When no passenger approaching the unit for while, ensure the unit can switch into slow
speed or intermittent stop mode and check whether radar sensor can detect running

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220 Cleaning and final inspection

10.12 Inspect Floor plates

Inspect floor plates to ensure they are lying flat and are flush with the adjacent comb plates and
surrounding flooring. If the floor plates are equipped with locks, ensure they are present and

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Cleaning and final inspection 221

10.13 Inspect Handrail Inlet

Inspect the handrail inlet for proper function and plastic covers for any damage and ensure they are
securely attached to the moving walk.

CAUTION! In case of a foreign object( including human body) caught in the gap between the
handrail inlet and the handrail, and the moving walk cannot brake in time, it may cause casualties
and/or damage to equipment.

✓ Test the function of the safety switch by attempting to start the moving walk using the
maintenance control unit. The moving walk should not start with the flaps open.

✓ Test the function of the safety switch by pushing the handrail inlet flaps, attempting to start the
moving walk by using the key switch. The moving walk should not start.

✓ Close the handrail inlet by using the 2 levers on each flap. Both flaps must be closed
simultaneously as shown in the graphical illustration below.

To close the flaps, press the levers

located on the hinge sides with your
thumbs until you hear them click into
the locked position. The left-hand flaps
snap in a little before the right-hand

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222 Cleaning and final inspection

10.14 Inspect Combs for Damage

Inspect combs for broken teeth. Replace comb segments as required.

Comb teethes

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Cleaning and final inspection 223

10.15 Inspect the Gap between Comb Plate and Pallet

The teeth of the comb should be properly positioned in the middle of the step tread grooves, and
the teeth should be accurately meshed with the running steps.
Apply a gauge to check two clearances. The clearance h6 roof of the comb teeth and the pallet treads
shall be between 3mm and 4mm, and the mesh depth h8 of the combs into the grooves of the pallet
treads shall be at least 4mm.

Comb intersection line Root of the comb teeth

3mm≤ h6 ≤4mm

h8  4mm

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224 Cleaning and final inspection

10.16 Inspect Comb Plate Gap

Inspect the gap between the movable and fixed parts of the comb plate. Clean the gap if it is filled
with dirt and debris. The gap should be a consistent size across the width of the comb plate.

The clearance between fixed comb plate and movable comb plate is 4~6mm and the interface
between comb plates is straight.



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Cleaning and final inspection 225

10.17 Inspect Decking

Inspect interior decking for damage and ensure that each panel is securely attached to the moving
walk. Check that joints between adjacent panels are flush and that no gaps or unevenness exists
that will create a hazard. Check that there are no protruding screws at the attachment with the
skirt. Check that display panels and traffic lights are securely attached. Apply pressure to these
areas to be sure that you cannot create a gap between the device and the decking (due to faulty or
damaged mounting).

Inspect exterior decking for damage. Ensure that exterior decking are securely attached to the
moving walk

Apply pressure to ensure that traffic

light and display panel are securely

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226 Cleaning and final inspection

10.18 Inspect Skirt Panels

Inspect skirt panels for damage and ensure that each panel is securely attached to the moving
walk. Check that joints between adjacent panels are flush and that no gaps or unevenness exists
that will create a hazard. If the moving walk is equipped with skirt lighting, check that the plastic
lens are not cracked or damaged and that they are securely attached. If the moving walk is
equipped with comb plate lighting, check that the plastic cover is securely attached without

Inspect that plastic cover

are securely attached and
without damage.

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Cleaning and final inspection 227

10.19 Inspect Skirt Brushes *

If the moving walk is equipped with skirt brushes, inspect that they are securely attached and
without damage. Inspect whether skirt brushes are securely attached and without damage.

CAUTION! In case of a foreign object (including human body) caught in the gap between
pallet and skirt panels, it may cause casualties and/or severe damage to equipment.

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228 Cleaning and final inspection

10.20 Remove Floor Plate

CAUTION! Be certain that the maintenance barriers are properly in position before removing
the floor plates.

Please use special tool for lifting the floor plate, which tool provided is per actual floor plate structure.

Carefully remove the floor plate and place it in a safe location while working on the moving walk.

Structure 1:

Structure 2:

CAUTION! For structure 2, lift the floor plate vertically upward to remove the floor plate, or
will damage the lifting tool.

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Cleaning and final inspection 229

10.21 Test the Floor Plate Burglar Alarm *

The floor plate burglar alarm switch is used to detect whether or not the floor plate is being
unauthorized entry.

Open the floor plate in a normal way, firstly unlock the floor plate and then open the floor plate so
that the burglar alarm could not be activated.

Open the floor plate in an abnormal way by creating an artificial fault. That is, firstly attempt to open
the floor plate without unlocking the floor plate, and then the burglar alarm should be activated

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230 Cleaning and final inspection

10.22 Pre-Commissioning Checklist

The following items need to be verified prior to commissioning/turnover to the customer.

SN Inspection content Left Right
1 Inspect maintenance Control Unit Operation Left or Right

2 Inspect Tension Station Stop Switch Operation

3 Inspect Emergency Stop Button

4 Inspect User Stop/Key Switch

5 Inspect Pit Lighting

6 Inspect Pallet Chain Tensioning Switch Left and Right

7 Inspect Horizontal Comb Switch Left and Right

8 Inspect Handrail Inlet Switch Left and Right

9 Inspect Skirt Micro Switches Left and Right

10 Inspect Pallet Monitoring Switches

11 Inspect Missing Pallet Monitoring Switches

12 Inspect Anti-Static Rollers

13 Inspect Pallet Inlet Guide

14 Inspect Floor plate Contacts

SN Inspection content Left Right
1 Inspect Handrail Guide rail connection

2 Inspect Handrail Sag

3 Inspect Handrail Speed Sensor

4 Inspect the Gap/Clearance

5 Inspect Skirt Brushes

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Cleaning and final inspection 231

SN Inspection content Left Right
1 Inspect maintenance Control Unit Operation Left or Right

2 Inspect Tension Station Stop Switch Operation

3 Inspect Emergency Stop Button

4 Inspect User Stop/Key Switch

5 Inspect Pit Lighting

6 Inspect Horizontal Comb Plate Safety Switches Left and Right

7 Inspect Handrail Inlet Switch Left and Right

8 Inspect Skirt Micro Switches Left and Right

9 Inspect Pallet Monitoring Switches

10 Inspect Missing Pallet Monitoring Switches

11 Inspect Pallet Inlet Guide

12 Inspect Brake Monitoring Device

13 Inspect Drive Chain and Drive Chain Switch

14 Inspect Speed Monitoring Device

15 Inspect Handrail Drive Chain Tensioning

16 Inspect Floor plate Contacts


SN Inspection content Left Right
1 Inspect Drive Chain

2 Inspect Handrail Drive Chain

3 Inspect Tensioning Springs

4 Inspect Handrail Tensioning Springs

5 Inspect Brake Springs

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232 Cleaning and final inspection

Upper Lower
SN Inspection content
Part Part
1 Inspect Decking Joints Flush

2 Inspect Glass Trim to Glass

3 Inspect Information Signs

Upper and
4 Inspect Combs for Damage
Lower Part
Upper and
5 Inspect Comb Plate Gap
Lower Part
6 Inspect Balustrade Joints

7 Cleaning the Moving Walk (All Construction Debris Removed)

Upper and
8 Inspect the Proper Function of the Handrail Inlet
Lower Part
9 Inspect the Ceiling and Crossing Point Deflectors
Upper and
10 Inspect Decking Panels
Lower Part

SN Inspection content Left Right
1 No Broken Conduits

2 All Wire Laced and Covered

3 Contractor Supplied Wire Must Be Stranded

4 All the connections of the terminals have been tightened again

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Cleaning and final inspection 233

SN Inspection content Left Right
1 Pallet Chain

2 Drive Chain

3 Handrail/Main Drive Chain

4 Gear Box

5 Any Bearing Blocks That Apply


Each unit should be cleaned, properly lubricated and allowed to run for approximately 24 hours prior
to inspection/turnover.

TK Escalator Co.,Ltd.
Installation manual, Orinoco | 05.2022 | Rev. B02
TK Escalator Co., Ltd.
No.30, First Century Road, Torch High-Tech Industrial Dev. Zone,
Zhongshan , Guangdong, P.R. China
[email protected]

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