Boxwood Blight Fact Sheet
Boxwood Blight Fact Sheet
Boxwood Blight Fact Sheet
fact sheet
boxwood blight
magine this scene: You are outside of Your home admiring a healthY and vibrant planting of
boxwood that is a central part of your landscape. You notice a few leaves with brown spots, but nothing that
appears overly abnormal. Over the next few weeks, the weather turns cool and rainy. When you look at the
plants again you see that the few brown leaves have exploded into a rapidly moving blight that has consumed
much of the plant. By the end of the summer your boxwood plants are dead. What has happened? And, more
importantly, why has this happened?
Boxwood plantings have increasingly tion, rain, and even dew plays an impor-
shown such symptoms, which are caused tant part of the severity of the disease.
by a fungal pathogen that was recently Pathogen spores are easily spread by rain,
detected in North America, Cylindrocladium irrigation water, and even contaminated
buxicola (also known as Calonectria pseudo- tools and equipment. The pathogen can
naviculata), the cause of boxwood blight. also survive in fallen, infected leaves and
be easily moved by human activity as well
Boxwood blight, rst found in the United as wind and water. This ease of movement
Kingdom in 1994, had spread throughout and the pathogen’s ability to spread is a
the country in just six years. It was sub- major concern to the nursery industry.
sequently found in continental Europe.
Boxwood blight image courtesy of NCSU
In 2011, boxwood blight was detected in Boxwoods are a popular landscape plants
Connecticut and North Carolina. Since that that are often used as hedges or even
time, it has been reported in several other topiaries. Boxwoods are low maintenance in 2011 illustrates the need to monitor
states as well as in British Columbia. It is shrubs that tolerate a wide range of plant materials coming into the United
likely that the pathogen was accidentally environmental conditions and the plant’s States for pests and diseases. This also
introduced, but we don’t know where it popularity reects its economic value to clearly shows that this nation must have
came from. Boxwood is widely planted and the nursery industry as well as for home the necessary diagnostics and scouting in
the American nursery industry has a sub- owners who use boxwood to increase the place to ensure that any new discoveries
stantial investment in the plant species. aesthetic value of their landscape. Accord- of this or any other plant disease or pest
ing to the 2009 Hort Specialties Census, can be stopped before it becomes econom-
Although some variation in susceptibility more than 13 million boxwood plants were ically important.
exists, boxwood blight occurs on all spe- sold in the United States in 2009 with total
cies of Buxus (including commonly planted sales o $103 million, ranking the plant sec- The diagnostic capacity of the National
species, Buxus sempervirens) and Japanese ond among woody ornamentals. It is grown Plant Diagnostic Network is critical to
Spurge (Pachysandra terminalis). Symptoms by nearly 2,000 operations, ranking it frst. the rapid diagnostics of this disease. Early
of blight are found on all above ground About 22 million boxwood plants are in detection is crucial to the rapid response
parts and appear as light or dark brown leaf production, more than any other species, needed to mitigate the economic impact
spots and black stem cankers. Defoliation with an estimated value o $170 million. this disease has and will continue to have
may occur rapidly with this disease. on the green industry in the United States.
While boxwood is not a food or feed crop,
The pathogen may complete a life cycle it is an important part of the agricultural
in less than a week under favorable envi- productivity of the United States. The dis-
ronmental conditions. Water from irriga- covery of Boxwood blight for the rst time
The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) provides a cohesive, distributed system to quickly detect and identify pests and pathogens of concern. To learn more
about NPDN, visit | NIFA invests in and advances agricultural research, education, and extension and seeks to make transformative discoveries that solve
societal challenges. Learn more by visiting or ollowing @USDA_NIFA on Twitter. | USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer • May 2016