Tally File
Tally File
Tally File
(Tally Prime)
Assignment 22 129-131
Creation of Company
Step 1
Open tally prime- Double click on Tally icon from your desktop.
Firstly when we open tally a pop up window appears questioning for the license. Here we have to go for
educational purpose , or we have to just press letter (T).
Then, afterwards list of masters appears. Here we have to go for create a company.
Then we have a proper format where we have to fill details of the company.
Firstly there is company data path – it will be auto selected in the c drive but if one have to change it, he
or she can.
Then there must be company name- here for example we have to write hemanggoel02361188203b
Then mailing address- mailing address is auto filled by tally as same as the name of the company . but
we can change it also. If needed.
Then the address of the company- here we have to write proper address of the company.
Then we have to select state – a dialogue box appears with the list of state and we have to select the
Then we have to write beginning and ending of the company so here we would write 1 april 21 to 31
march 22
Then every field is completed . a dialogue box appears which will ask for accept or not. Here we have to
press yes.
Here tally would ask for gst details and other stuff but for now we have to skip that.
Assignment 2
Company 1: Create a company in Tally with the following details:
Company 4: Company with a Tally vault Password and User Access Control.
Assignment 3
Alteration, Deletion And Shutting Down A Company
Alteration Of A Company: Alteration means modifying/ changing the details of the
Shutting Down Of A Company: It means close the present company opened on the
Gateway of tally.
Deletion Of A Company: Deletion means that the data of a company will no longer be
available in the hard drive.
Assignment - 4
Creation and Display of Groups
From gateway of tally of the company, click on the option charts of account or PRESS H.
In the charts of accounts, click on group under the heading account masters.
Here, list of the groups will appear which are already created in tally.
Here, list of the groups will appear which are already created in tally.
In the right side column, click on the multi-master or PRESS ALT+H.
STEP-4 In multi master, choose multi create to create multiple groups
Fill the following details of the group that needs to be created.
1) Name: name of the group or sub group.
2) Alias: nickname of the company (optional)
3) Under: under which heading the group lays.
4) Group behaves like a sub-ledger: NO. (Yes - for a certain group, the group behaves like
a controlling account for the ledgers under it. This also means that only the net balance and
not individual ledger balances will be displayed in the reports.)
5) Net debit/credit balances for reporting: if you set YES, the report shows only net
balance, which means that the ledger which are in credit balance automatically deduct from
the total debit balance and show net figure of the group. If you set NO, total debit balance
and total credit balance will be shown separately.
6) Used for calculation: NO. (YES - ledgers under this group have percentages for discounts
or taxes to be used in invoice entry. This is displayed while passing voucher in invoice
mode and for automatic calculations.)
7) Method to allocate when used to purchase invoice: not applicable
After filling all the information, PRESS ALT+A and ENTER to accept/save the group
Assignment 5
Ques.1) Create the following Accounting Groups:
Name of the Group Under
North India Debtors Sundry Debtors
South India Debtors Sundry Debtors
North Delhi Debtors North India Debtors
Bhopal Debtors North India Debtors
Mysore Debtors South India Debtors
Secunderabad Debtors South India Debtors
Paste Appropriate screenshots of all the groups.
Ques.2) Create the following groups under multiple groups creation option:
Name of the Group Under
Buildings Fixed Asset
Union Bank of India Bank Accounts
Machinery Fixed Asset
Employee expenses Indirect Expenses
Calcutta Office Branch and Divisions
Office Equipment Fixed Assets
Paste Appropriate screenshots.
Creating, Displaying and Altering Ledgers
Single Ledger
Creation of Ledgers
From gateway of tally of the company, click on the option create or PRESS C.
From the master creation page, click on ledger under the heading account master or PRESS L
Ledger creation page appears.
Fill the following details for the creation of ledger.
1) Name: name of the ledger
2) Alias: nickname if any
3) Mailing details: as required
4) Banking details: No
5) Tax registration details: as required (if any)
6) Opening balance: it can be written if there is any
7) Dr/Cr: balance can be either debit (dr) or credit (cr). Written according to accounting rules.
After filling all the information, PRESS ALT+A and ENTER to accept/save the ledger.
Multiple Ledger
From gateway of tally of the company, click on the option charts of account or PRESS H.
In the charts of accounts, click on ledger under the heading account masters.
Here, list of the ledger will appear which are already created in tally.
In the right side column, click on the multi-master or PRESS ALT+H.
In multi master, choose multi create to create multiple ledgers.
Then click on the ledger that you want to delete.
Ledger alteration page appears. PRESS ALT+D and ENTER to delete the particular ledger.
Multi Alter:
Assignment 8
The following question needs to be done in National Traders Company. Following Screenshots
are required
1. Trial Balance (Detailed and Condensed)
2. Balance Sheet (Detailed and Condensed)
Balance Sheet
Trial Balance
Ques. Explain in detail all the pre-existing accounting vouchers in Tally. Write about:
1. Their Shortcut key
2. Entry Modes i.e., single entry and double entry
3. Explain all the elements inside the voucher
Also paste appropriate screenshot of the same
3). Receipt Voucher - A receipt voucher is a manually written receipt for services or goods sold.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Fn+F6 to open Receipt voucher
The Receipt Voucher can be recorded using Single entry mode or Double Entry mode.
Press CTRL+H for changing the mode of recording the entry.
a). Now enter Single Entry Mode
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Account - Here in Account write the account which need to be Debited.
• Particulars – Here in Particulars write the accounts which need to be credited.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
Note: - There are some chances of entering wrong entry because in the accounts there
we can only entre account which we need to debit.
b). Now enter Double Entry Mode
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Particulars – Under particulars we write account’s name which we need to debit TO the
account which we need to credit.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
4). Journal Voucher - A journal voucher is a written authorization to make a transaction entry,
and so is a key document that is examined by auditors as part of their audit procedures.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Fn+F7 to open Journal voucher
The Journal Voucher is recorded using Double Entry mode only.
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Particulars – Under particulars we write account’s name which we need to debit TO the
account which we need to credit.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
5). Sales Voucher - A sales voucher is a form of a receipt or documentation commonly given to
a buyer of supplies or goods.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Fn+F8 to open Sales voucher
The Receipt Voucher can be recorded using Item Invoice and Accounting Invoice mode.
Press CTRL+H for changing the mode of recording the entry.
a). Now enter Item Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Sales Leger- In the sales ledger enter the ledger of the items which are being sold like
for example we are selling milk products to a party.
• Name of Items- In this we write all the item which we are selling to a party with their
Quantity, Rate and Amount like for example we are selling milk product so we can
include milk, paneer etc.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
b). Now enter Accounting Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Particulars- Enter the goods to be sold to the party with the Rate.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
6). Purchase Voucher - When a company buys goods on credit or cash, Purchase voucher is
used to record all the Purchase transactions of the company.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Fn+F9 to open Purchase voucher
The Purchase Voucher can be recorded using Item Invoice and Accounting Invoice mode.
Click CTRL+H for changing the mode of recording the entry.
a). Now enter Item Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date – Enter the date.
• Suppliers Invoice No. – Enter the invoice no. of the bill.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Purchase Ledger- In the purchase ledger enter the ledger of the items which has
being purchased like for example we purchased milk products from a party.
• Name of Items- In this we write all the item which we purchased from a party with
their Quantity, Rate and Amount like for example we purchased milk product so we
can include milk, paneer etc.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
b). Now enter Accounting Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date – Enter the date.
• Suppliers Invoice No. – Enter the invoice no. of the bill.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Particulars- Enter the goods purchased from the party with the Rate.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
7). Debit Note Voucher - Debit Note is a document/voucher given by a party to other party
stating that such other party’s account is debited in the books of sender.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Alt+F5 to open Debit Note voucher
The Debit Not Voucher can be recorded using Item Invoice and Accounting Invoice mode.
Click CTRL+H for changing the mode of recording the entry.
a). Now enter Item Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Ledger Account- Enter the name of the goods which has been purchased and need to
be returned.
• Name Of Items – Enter the items which need to be returned with Quantity, Rate and
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
b). Now enter Accounting Invoice
Explanation of Elements: -
• No. - Here No. represents the number of vouchers we have created in this head.
• Date - We can change the date by clicking Fn+F2.
• Party A/C name- Enter the party’s name.
• Current Balance – Current Balance represents the balances of the particular ledger.
• Particulars- Enter the goods which need to be returned with the Rate and amount.
• Narration - A narration is a description of the entry.
• Then Accept the entry and click Yes.
7). Credit Note Voucher - Credit Note is a document issued to a party stating that you are
crediting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vice versa. It is
commonly used in case of Sales Returns, Escalation/De-escalation in price etc.
Step-1 Now after opening vouchers click Alt+F6 to open Credit Note voucher
The Credit Not Voucher can be recorded using Item Invoice and Accounting Invoice mode.
Click CTRL+H for changing the mode of recording the entry
Now click to Stock Group Under the head Inventory Masters.
Now create a Group.
Now click to Stock Category Under the head Inventory Masters.
Now create a Category.
Now create an Item.
Open Create on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “C”.
Now click on units under head inventory masters.
Enter yes to create a Unit
• Type- Type indicates the type of unit we are creating Single or Compound.
• Symbol- It denotes which Unit which we creating.
• Formal Name- It denotes the proper name of the unit.
• Unit Quantity Code (UQC)- There are already many Codes created in the tally.
• Number of decimal places- It denotes the no. of decimals required.
Step-3 Now enter yes to create compound Unit.
Now click on location under head inventory masters.
Now click on alter existing.
Change main location to On Site.
Open Chart of Account on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “H”.
Now click to Stock Group Under the head Inventory Masters.
Now Multi create Groups by Clicking Multi-Masters “Alt+H”.
Now enter the details and click yes to create the Multiple Groups.
Open Chart of Account on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “H”.
Now click to Stock Category Under the head Inventory Masters.
Now Multi Create Items by Clicking Multi-Masters “Alt+H”.
Now enter details and click yes to create the Multiple Categories.
Open Chart of Account on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “H”.
Now click to Stock Items Under the head Inventory Masters
Now Multi Create Items by Clicking Multi-Masters “Alt+H”
Now enter details and click yes to create the Multiple Items.
Now click on location under head inventory masters.
Now create multiple locations by clicking on multi masters “ALT+H”
Now under all items enter the different locations you want.
Stock Categories:
Stock Category Name Under
29 inches TV Primary
25 inches TV Primary
Unit of Measurement:
Type Symbol Formal name No. of Decimal places
Simple Nos Numbers 0
Now open other Vouchers by clicking “F 10” and activate all the 8 vouchers under Inventory
Now open Delivery Note Voucher by clicking “Alt+F8”. And enter all the details about the
Now click yes to enter.
STOCK JOURNAL: - Stock journal is a journal in which all types of stock adjustments are
entered. In such cases, you have to enter a stock journal to account for the increase or decrease in
the Stock Item.
Open Vouchers on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “V”.
Now open Stock Journal Voucher by clicking “Alt+F7”. And enter all the details.
Now click yes to enter.
PHYSICAL STOCK: - A physical stock voucher is used to record the actual stock of a
particular stock item. In the inventory books, the actual balance of stock in hand as on the date of
voucher entry is shown and the difference in stock is automatically added as inwards or outwards
as the case may be.
Open Vouchers on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “V”.
Now open Physical Stock Voucher by clicking “Ctrl+F7”. And enter all the details.
RECEIPT NOTE: - A Receipt Note voucher is used to record receipt of goods/items at stores.
Open Vouchers on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “V”.
Now open Receipt Note Voucher by clicking “Alt+F9”. And enter all the details.
Now open Rejection In Voucher by clicking “Ctrl+F6”. And enter all the details.
Now click yes to enter.
REJECTION OUT: - This voucher is used to record goods returned back that were rejected by
the company.
Open Vouchers on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “V”.
Now open Rejection Out Voucher by clicking “Ctrl+F5”. And enter all the details.
Open Vouchers on the Gateway of Tally by Clicking “V”.
Now open sales order Voucher by clicking “Ctrl+F8”. And enter all the details.
Assignment 15
Record the following entries in National Traders Company
1. Delivered 2 Nos of HCL PIV from Warehouse to Spectrum Computers
2. Received 5 Nos of CDROM Disks 100s from Silver Plus Computers.
Assignment 17
ii. Address: Your Address, Your Phone & Mobile No., Your Email ID
iii. Currency Symbol: Rs.
Enter the following transactions of the Company in Tally and show various reports ⮚ All
purchase and sales transactions of goods, Payment to creditors, and receipt from debtors
are done through State Bank of India
⮚ Any other payment and receipt is done through Punjab National Bank or cash
526960 526960
Total 172980
⮚ The list of company debtors and creditors is as follows:
Debtors Balance Due Creditors Balance payable
Record the following transactions that took place during the April to September 2017.
S.No. Transaction Item Quantity Amount
9 Sale to Pranika (Trade discount 10% on Pilot Pen 100 Pens. List
list price) Price Rs. 150/-
12 Purchased Land and Building from XY Ltd for Rs. 1,00,000. to pay this the
company borrowed from bank a loan of Rs. 40,000 and issued fully paid debenture of
Rs. 60,000 to XY Ltd.
14 Paid 2000
1. Outstanding Salaries 1000
2. Electricity 500
3. Telephone 5000
4. Current Salaries 7000
5. Rent (including outstanding) =1000+6000 23000
6. Tax of last year
15 Outstanding 5000
1. Total Salaries 24000
2. Total Provision for Tax 5000
3. Total rent outstanding
1. Charge Depreciation for the period 1/4/2017 to 30/9/2017 on furniture @20% p.a. and
Machinery @ 10% p.a.
You are required to:-
1. Create a company as per details given above
2. Create appropriate groups and Ledger Accounts.
3. Enter the transactions as given selecting appropriate voucher type.
4. Display the following statements
a. Trial Balance as on 30/9/2017
b. Profit and Loss Account as on 30/9/2017
c. Balance Sheet as on 30/9/2017
d. Cash Book
e. Ratio Analysis
Balance sheet
p/l account
Trial balance
Ratio analysis
Stock summary
Day book
Firstly, change setting of your email id from which you want to send the data.
Open your email id and go to manage your accounts.
Then click on security and OFF two-step verification and allow local apps to send email.
Now, open tally, from gateway of tally of your company, chose what you want to email.
Here I am choosing, balance sheet (detailed view).
Open balance sheet and click on email or press ALT+M and select current file.
Enter your email id or crate, enter necessary details.
Then, go to configure and choose in which format you want to send this file. You can also
configure according to you.
Now, click on email or press M, and enter your password.
From gateway of tally, go to charts of account.
Open on groups and then click on exports and then current.
Now, export dialogue box appears.
We can change the folder path and file format from the configuration option.
After the configurations of data format and path select the option to export for exporting the data
in the selected format. The tally prime will automatically open the folder file saved.
From gateway of tally, go to charts of account.
Open on groups and then click on imports and then masters.
Enter the details according to the need.
The file will be imported.
Open Banking on the Gateway of Tally by clicking (N)
Now enter Banking by clicking (B).
Now select any bank
Now we can see Bank Reconciliation screen.
Now enter the dates under the bank date and click yes to accept.
Now again open the Bank account and check whether the Balance as per Company Books is equal to
Balance as per Bank.
Open tally, from gateway of tally of your company, chose what you want to Print.
Here I am choosing, balance sheet (detailed view).
Now click on Print. By clicking Alt+P.
Now click Current by clicking R.
Now enter C for Configure.
Now here you can change the details, if needed
Now I to Preview your print.