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St i SERN repeSg) eelio| 5I)« 6 pill y TELE y us! lll Cali ot oT. sty Ady oe acta Las os glial y «Ay v= Cp pall Sil bigs 98 lng Ue ISy ay ba ISI Atal 6 sua pp + dilesll( Lil sits ) ay oo sorhndlly + call UsBAN Nt} i slpey Saba g . Ula Oe il fh aly (ee) ot ote 7 Os gel AS pm yay laa is. ois «Sasha gad ay cell DUAN Jy «tinal GUS sal je85 Suit gh spit) ec Say Bape gh GUS cae calsleall cl ginal Sagas « i shee Call gb. Algae dane Ae a) iA qadly kat Am «simak sgh os hll co) aah sills Abba! abd Gial cil piece) 3 A cist cue iT AA fetky Why yan lait dy. lull Qeaya sie. plat a day ct 5 ys od oil «Spill pb bile I} culilly p adllag. Goalall s of yy Sov) Bou) ots ¢ Dually dos le. 2 gpg Sts Haabdall pital ej) plc A po) Gib al aiid Su) pik gh i. ically ip ta ile ody ald «wile «Aad 5 5 Riga od Ape Uleeny «Bada + plas!) Ugie i 5 pi nat sie ap) distal Uy aatl, A + ea Saal cabtad yal dag - 2 SEs « Ula Aud y Lagl chy Mag ND ash ado gt Rp A le dy Galdy Lal eh a) gay! Y= wild de. ON as «Ap AMLy « buganal hee oogel UE Ball Ui. 2a epnelladl cglblill te alas pe + Ae Ggtay DEB IS Al) penis ale Yd gis Als Laat cals o- Badly 1G bs 8 « 5 al o Naw Nis og Minas — (lua Leaal Sd gl 6 Oe og Ge i «lta ae Goal Saal ly Caalypl ele caittt * Gade ssa OY tl} «Blac ob Adal Uys gine Sls le Spat 3 Goll ¢ pte TGitatiall dye. (4) tball ul _ say (ae) ta) Se tt cella. (dae) (aw) ti wedally : Bg S Lag ye dllia oy. ALi) eekly Lge jaf tia cally A el ce Aled od ce Lys Sylll cian spel Ul galt coat | Codegih pal gl He @-4 isi glad .. v dill asi aly < asi te alg Alls Upadd Seea o s 3 i Oe fh os Al) Ceciely « dlield Paddle ab at i alerekerd oak ea bl chatty dah) 4b dle Gite Ge ofS gle layy 6 dk hg) tele of Ul oth pg SM capi be Gall! Ge Ul pa US Aaa 6 Lt ht a 2 hy gy A gue ibd 9 ASI ala! WSpdy Siet das (gi — 2 al pe 8 cll Pia Aang sill Lay - 2 tl glial (8 Uae aye | cal dij Ubi oli Lucey. + chy hall Gly « Lado 8 Gaul cl) ole Late «LAG cis id 3) 2 ie A al of cles As) oily « usaly ale a jal cud - en ROG As Siytns dale, Cine Mee 6 eal od dl all ls ol 9 ks Mah ool) whe yc ahuall aal ol sl espall any siyy 6 AislaS |p pede » agall A) + gyi (ot) «aa Copalllal eles! Syl ont A a se aa ya gall \gelagy esa ok Ud Seay at) Ube) Paley gag Gaal ple ally « lias) Ardley: (se) bs Oia July «Un gy dk al gi dds dad gl Jay Ones) qetll 6 SU pale aly patel ee Sle Upet Ja Fpl Fy Aalto pay Gla! « agit) Ae Aut) ya ait,she oi. dled Gay Lon isl! dda 2 Bae od Chee A2s lb AG sty ly) .. Is - A Mp hay ll. cus gl! alae! + Sy ot} Bagall ab. silauall Ate e| yag feat oo) gllatl ly Gilby « oped le 2 ole hoe Ae og) glia i gi le + dal 2 fie ALU gals © ad Wa 1 Agata (copa ) ola Ade (i585 cS Ai) Looky (piliall < el ped Glad opty. ds 4 il Gi Ua od) ce is sila Lie (au) Baa Ud cle 3 dali Ny ~ 2 Bt ot ( pile ) Gila « pluwall VA Say Le Ade 5 pail = fled appalaae) 5 jlall ole Gybl i (ail) Tela! laa pl Jc py Ja Aa M Jigs I cdily ase (peda (GLE) (ap) Ae TT) lle Sully (eee) 5 Al lly: Gall ed oles ( ailb) + Ra jhe Ay gotal Ag! $ LAIN pf ple (gis — 2 oueg Ag CL! Wily st gest YG a ves ge Up IE ny 1 Aa) ya pt inth $ adi Lin 1) dilayl Jay — 1 daly gays ale od Geld oa ede i) Mala ela QS pl. Ss - cyl) Gee Y oslll Ge i al gpl). otay dal abe! ate ing» Ail pet! Se Sail) TA Ge aa glh - aedl . s - dla of) ality . by ce Lele sitll 1G cody! Sot duos A Job phy + (dgame) Sar ys gw dale ol Ga 3 a =anki (GLb) 4B Adal Lee ES Ai ay + Gall ab gS) alae * dy sty ( Gb) a5) ANN pe Fela as 4) = Had (8 ( apeae) otal - Bbles pa J sub 2A) we od cee psa] gs Ge gel. Goll bpd is — OS) col) GlayaY) Aaa 5 cP basi all- dpa ollie! oa a bs Se ol LE Badd | all 3 lal suse CS AGED g sal pet 4) - ce le ol Ulaaiay! Gal A pie gl) 65 gall J + Saaly yal shy c haly baa Ad yyiligll aca) ud ole + ish yay. Udall 9 Tals FES es pe alt «latte shine toa. plasll ob od ganar elt bane f pba longa oo 5 pS Spay ot 2a GAN ge Ut A cy) facial ya gall — Tbe + dish pay «ld aul Se pial) Gives OF Sle a oy A Ee ge al ela. ds Sta) | Bal aa ga < os git Alaile, Sass Y yay. Sylall ga. Bak Gd gliale wie) by BM + Bp) Ca fy 5 atl 55) * late 9a Gye de cls ahs aU sa jal ls cl) « BjpyS Mine pie qale Big yes © ( Gab) oo) 0) cist, Guy dye¢ dada gal — Alay gay ie J bas a ale 8 dais ol dls eeu + ible Ui. i Uf cul dsa5Yy » ergy Joi) Tits - + yee SS LS aM. Asay! 2 cus gags aglll ple ht) Up poe (gh) che ease td Sa ah aid. Bt pall + At) gl _plisty ghiNy Hilal cl (an) ss ce tol Wd oll ddl Go psig ol ds Bu Ga lth agi 2h « epi slell AY a pte dys A eine Eric ea meee 250% heal Sala 1s laud! aL ge Lhe gis 6 pad Gal) Alla p56 lye tame se Th Bg pill el gil moe cLpe 5a jo! lay rel! Goll) We le US cine Vl AS Gl) AGU ye cenllsty placa Uj alle od ag gill pall Aula gt Lala oN wt engl Ly earl Cadell s « pgill plac} -. gh Gfuolil Gye Je lsuit ee eit gl) pet JS SHB Bla aay: sally aa Nie gy cid Gisly Eyl va Wyial) gi) class 2 Sigh city » agSlatly goal Gly Raa yd gaan ot alk Pie Ngae Milage id Sealy « pad ol) id ial) (fied) Jalal Gand iad Gigs cli) cb dated Uaanay « pci] ath Gh (5M) glad | BU acl $e tpt le aie Je © Kaglacall Jlal Gly «he jy la EOpig) SG. ces sll Salat ple aGyLaa} = Cal lll as st"Aig! to hab Bs Aaa deel ope Gaal % + ( aula) # Abita ge laley — wh Se sll + ll ool) SBE Pally. Bla eA AS) Gat os, eb 4) Lata dab cel y Ls oii le ic Ely tas o eo Sagi dla Uys ale A Salat a of ale tn ae + ie eed cyl Yd ipaye Cale jan ee a cay fy na yo Aly lp cua gl Bye a wha Guilsy co Hyp 4 fal Rese) ome [ail san cus ] + dyad hy 6 a pd ald col Ly lls ala Laas tam A (coe) al 2 Aa Aiea poll lage 2 UE. let al 6 Aglaia Qos ge Qe NaS Ag + ASI gr lll el gag pgs gag gta ghg «Gale yp) se! ail spall sets Coola Coby s ALD JS oh LSS sis | pee pele ataal ol pf Le tly: le Bgl Ul auld ute going ale a 19 plyey WG AS (po Ste i ies hee + Sy dae Gls 2 pga ol ld Ve Agi GAN Ld. aly al als Lay — Cans Lally. patel coo Ug Ett) gl” + ght Se (Seah) ae Sng ial oh days alin. alias Aya age Gls La)y wel meay phys + pakiy Ala gl pall Slay Mel pla a Nai pe pba! Glaue cdl Be pkgs Gall pla iN agp adi fs salad Bit 2 Bye Ad 2 Mayle 6 petal pay aad ob Wee aN celal ood yk leySb) gall auc Bic Gama US Gls ely gf Ajay aidy . 43) Lael) Sa TROON RY EM aye ree Spall ages pie oe abil ws My Sayed gill Y) AT daly Apt cA pill ys a det Gell ol te 2 CA pe poll sin « Glealy alia! of pt wi Mla f ail. dled je bl oc, abel Nie gle 1S Ly cya Gedy onal it So al sah oY i Gulia coll Day + piles AY 4005 « p ppl Ay pad cos6 a. Saal dads als 3 Saagll Aecaad IS ots rol y GLE oot ob wo ls op gia ald Geel cllaweall gh A. at ae - E pal GI cylay + Styles. Gigla ys cyl BE bl A ss a angi Lin dash A oa Spall oe” + Seam ba JS oe Gadly 2ygiodl Uap cay dh GY) owsgle Va ae) te oalll « cl) eign calslpcig « Apes!) a Hiya i spall ola (A cigncas Ce Bly Lily. Lgl jp sa 5S ya has diate aly age The il = Chas oliaily alicia (5 Ugh aS pled pt tists é Aidat RUSi IG as lees Sse Sha bh, plea LN endl cs td Wasi « Ay pall 5! amma 3 sal ye semi Mi ed gael lg st ae cate oho)6 Sp dels Bee nee She pie sts SA ily ded LG jal Se Ball AE alas 6 ae de Al oil ai at) Ady 4) alld Ul. 2s e+ etenall dal) cued Ly ill lal + Toss .- UF 3 baa « Uite 1s Nags Gills La ol oy Beare sy (Mle ¥ Gala lay afd spa Lil eal Gay cal ge it a Lg SY fe Ape! coll ole ise + Fg t Gaal tye Aajhe xu deal aly ofl Ay cipgg I Lang cit all «3h Ga lial Ls. wis ose cll ba ty 5 Hh sate + SAL) abi yy « lei RS He ay eel] OD Us Ad play Las Mies lacy Suns PR ATS 9. 6 ty ple A 5S is oo IS ptla dais eee we Lid Sigil ah etl) 84 Claas Foal 1. dyad iA alge culatly Sh pes cb Akt ke Fs ph Up al sel tay ist Jeoill
pailau)) Sl pan ope las 4 Ua. gts ( aptly ¢ laa! Nha can yah Be gd (YEE) Si GL. ( AIL case) - » jin + daly gags ala od ole cant! Yael Nan Gy dat Gi ie 1b Ayuae gh call pocarkaapemer lt pbc. Silla lady 8 ads al opt Ly © ull lw al easy! + gli phy ile A aay » GN US GURY ed. a) 2 Baa GA del phys ogy yea wl JS ae eee F tl sa all cue gs 4a a, as, Sky: Upils slag cubs), Raolea apace gl) ee Nal . pest ate (ial) cite coe Gd dee 2 ljgode 1 lal (Uma ) ge canst i _ + (Sea) = tga (Ai (cd al) Ul 4 elliga ugg « “ij gall - A eA ee sets + ASO (sss) Sealer Ugh calll. sed ina ( JI) eles Sale ggly tt one + pailly es Wales pec, URI ig pe tad AS (Go) Yaad csledll eal! 2 dliby «gant tau ) wie bogs sit arses: ge + ge Land jay Ue Se Any sled ( uit ie Ghia Ys tas Upitly « Ae yup arspill lag Lge aaly ga ad pe + dst (as)) Some 2 ge (Wee) & bali y ~ ya appl) Aentinn By) Gade say Yb dd Mad sty . yall lg Sigel) Falah. Aialgll Aa beckrit kk OMB) tas Yd. ( shage) cb Sala oh eal gl ge - Coal JAD. pyle alti) bk 8 Ayla 50 gi age Nes JI stil + dole gy + Sas Gab ott al 8 abl gi cpa phiitd is Jala — eau tel pays Ep ath ote od So We ath «dali ty 38 A ad cle Ce git chp ae bes Biss pte 4) .. ete) eB © ( deta ) 1 Aa ps ig 5d ah ty = Ghee sthel — oy. + Ugh es + castle isl cats esl - ae Lge Lpbiatl Ade al ct ylty Abas col. Ganly Mat URI itty of — 1 PS A Us iy Ail ct = 2 figi pd cobe pol 13 gt la. AuBGLe Nha - Lasld ( aa a As yu A lsh) = Ugg Oiigh « cpl gual ae «gplSB al BG Guy pect lS) Cy de t2( MOG) 9 (Gel ) 4 Gal oid alg ED oll pall Lagi Piss yb dsl: ( sal) asd es eT Lean 4 PS iis sug Si 2 tala fade 3 VY). slab! Jglid id a of Lidl = EY) ole Gk Oe Se a gh aay ole 6 Bg lle a Baal gall GUS = Ugly cabig’ « yh) le cud gi il + Adsaall G9 pc Ul) - thy bola) Jala ( Sidi) Yas 2 lige Mita pala all 3). pai - + ( saidaul } 0,9 Gljla— 17 pga) pbAemerc perl csp) OI (eC) creepy Ay pall Ablenly ® Say el Vy: laaly Uae yGGY AUG Lay 5 Ace a gg 6 Adal se Clg + (dpa!) 8 a sletll peal! op) allt py gd coisa (WG) : (gag) UL: > daha gts (sage) Sola) Catt by pall pa Ag Bena ysl pa gH ANS) Coady « ( aall of Clslall jotta asl Gs dibs! yh) ojgloty. Lei ( sy ) bed (WIG) toy ots: dauly Ag, = pepe les Ile g + agli ole Upigle (332) ay ol ce As pou) bes Ria il ied ‘ bad 8 jas sill daly cStsFie ga a yo pete US). dee 9 Ok ghee Sha asl YUly Riad pall Gal Vg sg Ts cA ial) a ay a capil ohn Soap kt Yaa Y co) Lal YS Bi yas ahd Le sl golly eee od Aol sind. dil) ago pale lagnan (fas pyle Coeay apaal cya Gil sia glS b plio aay ole s + Bam col Ugly Ling $ agent) Gye cod st is 5 pala gL kgs pga od ala bya 1 Hy id Gl 4g pial hy US. day U5 gill «Opt Ge nly Yate 2 fii ysl IB i ile JA ppl pale Clg Ba Cutie ty gig: gta FL pli pip Cine CA GA al qed « Aik 58 - Lpesiingd pl Liddy . Sut Ay ja US, s pldial 8 ca pba g eo gad calle pt 2 agh) ad Sperry hy gals psa gad Fg pl alsa ab VD, iad) iG age JS dc Latha se SB Se gpl Ctl Sas sg aycly Gu jubla .. cygt st Age cele gh po puke fk Balls Ladi (MRE) cuba Gye od «ad sigs HL A) ls tag lie ieee pyle ppl) pe lll SY) Le et ++ cpl) toda) diag Le kk Cy ul lajke Geel el oe ~» Mah Sly gags th GUS Ls Lge esl) jlny tines + (Na) - Slat el gil esl) uf Sodlada Gaal al ats ld gly Ag Medd gle BRL ety Will (hea ot alg BE al ool do © igls ( Lebes gene gi See ch day ada a 3} Mica oda 8 6 aba) gi oll al (sill ga . Wyls ys gS ola gay a oly vtendne A Uiely ue ee Shually Utley « (WILL) od) cacy + Aijaall ab gl wl) pga A piles £ a pall labels = ganesh wee agaatl gy GLE! + Clall f Ully ole © dais label, — yi pags Aha gs ley! et sung Jal st he — : Sh day glf 3 ACSA ola Ga hoi asl) ae ~ Apild yall oe Jetins .. Uglscl ee Ay et od tu) 2 hall dias 4 + CY Sips oo) gle oo tly. Alla ia ty Haass Ae jal (28) igs ot Fdkigh « Mint) pie Al Jess ( ast) € oY dab laa OF Nias Agha ay Bae La ASygl ; Sahu) + dag Sa cs gen al cya — St gba: anal! ¢y) j2ldy Lea p cdlaal y i 2 gall ol) ol + goal e Ling shay gid) Gipae Luc «Saud aS) ll a opt. dy all + eH phy « Uptee (IE ) Cae saild « paaal Ua ¥ ie Qual — : Ag de ab, i, » lll Uiay Cass pall — Bre a ee le ey! Vio. aie. Bu ober telly aa # (WIGL) b Ugheb ally gig « alain! - a at. AY JAY balks GS) Gay Bll oe) - he Si iyiy « plabl) yl Ghalgy ou a Mia (3!) RB + Shady hs as cus cual ‘gia pall ge tbe gies os Maly Mas ad aah alge tally gate suey Lalu Ulla yd cillg . elle RN cua BF yitcall Cl pluall ge Jeol Gsbitl dibiai fb ope Aah oy ling ll 2 sgl! Anal dsliiy blyally (WL) ctezily ( ipa) cl ch lad gst A lala vf A Mactalhe Ga gd 6 ey dey gl is Sg peal a Gad gyi = oth (pe Ube ad at a oF dhs: gst 4a gy. 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