ASTM B499-09 (Coating Thickness Test)
ASTM B499-09 (Coating Thickness Test)
ASTM B499-09 (Coating Thickness Test)
Electroplaters’ Society
Endorsed by National
Association of Metal Finishers
1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08 on Metallic For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
and Inorganic Coatings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B08.10 on contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Test Methods. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved May 1, 2014. Published May 2014. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1969. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as B499 – 09. DOI: Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/B0499-09R14. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
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B499 − 09 (2014)
3.1.4 reference standard, n—a specimen of known thickness by an authorized, trained calibration laboratory in a controlled
used to verify the accuracy of a coating thickness measuring environment using a documented process. A Certificate of
instrument. Calibration showing traceability to a National Metrology
3.1.5 verification of accuracy, n—obtaining measurements Institution can be issued. There is no standard time interval for
on a reference standard prior to instrument use for the purpose re-calibration, nor is one absolutely required, but a calibration
of determining the ability of the coating thickness instrument to interval can be established based on experience and the work
produce reliable values, compared to the combined instrument environment. A one-year calibration interval is a typical
manufacturer’s stated accuracy and the stated accuracy of the frequency suggested by many instrument manufacturers.
reference standard. 7.2 Before use, each instrument’s calibration accuracy shall
be verified in accordance with the instructions of the
4. Summary of Test Method manufacturer, employing suitable thickness standards and, if
4.1 Magnetic pull-off instruments employ an attraction prin- necessary, any deficiencies found shall be corrected.
ciple and a stationary magnetic field. These mechanical instru- 7.3 During use, calibration accuracy shall be verified at
ments measure the force required to pull a permanent magnet frequent intervals, at least once a day. Attention shall be given
from a coated magnetic metal substrate. The magnetic force of to the factors listed in Section 8 and to the procedures
attraction to the substrate beneath the coating is opposed by a described in Section 9.
spring or coil. Tension is applied to the spring/coil until the
magnetic attraction to the magnetic substrate is overcome. The 7.4 Coating thickness standards of known thickness are
instrument must be placed directly on the coated surface to available either as shims or foils or as coated specimens.
obtain a measurement. The force holding the permanent 7.4.1 Foils:
magnet to the magnetic base is inversely proportional to the NOTE 2—In the following paragraphs, the use of the word “foil’’ will
thickness of the coating layer(s) between the magnet and the imply a nonmagnetic metallic or nonmetallic foil or shim.
magnetic base. For example, a thin coating applied to a ferrous Because of the difficulty of ensuring adequate
substrate will require greater spring tension to pull the magnet contact, foils are generally not recommended for the
off than will a thicker coating, since the magnet is closer to the calibration, verification of accuracy, and adjustment of mag-
ferrous substrate with the thinner coating. This inverse rela- netic pull-off instruments but they are suitable in some circum-
tionship is reflected on the nonlinear instrument scale. stances provided the necessary precautions are taken. They can
4.2 Electronic instruments measure a change in magnetic normally be used with other types of instruments.
flux density within the probe to produce a coating thickness Foils are advantageous on curved surfaces and are
measurement. The instrument probe must be placed directly (in more readily available than coated standards. To prevent
a perpendicular position) on the coated surface to obtain a measurement errors it is necessary to ensure that intimate
measurement. These instruments determine the effect on the contact is established between foil and substrate. Resilient foils
magnetic field generated by the probe due to the proximity to should be avoided to prevent indentation errors. Only nonfer-
the substrate. rous metal foils should be used for thicknesses less than 15 µm
(0.6 mil). Foils are subject to wear and indentation and,
5. Significance and Use therefore, should be replaced frequently. Worn foils shall not be
5.1 The thickness of a coating is often critical to its used.
performance. For most nonferrous coatings on steel, the 7.4.2 Coated Standards— These calibration standards con-
magnetic method is reliable for measuring coating thickness sist of nonconductive coatings of known, uniform thickness
nondestructively and is suitable for specification acceptance permanently bonded to the substrate material.
testing and SPC/SQC applications. 7.4.3 The coating thickness of the standards used shall
bracket the user’s highest and lowest coating thickness mea-
5.2 This test method should not be used to determine the
surement requirement. Standards suitable for many applica-
thickness of electrodeposited nickel coatings on steel. Test
tions of the test method are commercially available and may be
Method B530 is suitable for that determination.
used provided the certified values are traceable to a National
6. Apparatus Metrology Institution.
6.1 Coating Thickness Instrument , based on magnetic 7.5 In some cases the calibration of the instrument should be
principles, commercially available, suitable to measure coating checked by rotating the probe in increments of 90° (see 8.1.8
thickness accurately. and 8.1.9).
6.2 Coating Thickness Standards , with assigned values 7.6 The basis-metal thickness for the test and the calibration
traceable to a National Metrology Institution. They may be adjustment shall be the same if the critical thickness, defined in
coated or plated steel plates, or may be foils or shims of flat, 8.1.3, is not exceeded. It is often possible to back up the basis
non-metallic sheet (typically polyester). metal of the standard or of the test specimen with a sufficient
thickness of similar material to make the readings independent
7. Calibration and Standardization of the basis-metal thickness.
7.1 Calibration of coating thickness instruments is per- 7.7 If the curvature of the coating to be measured is such as
formed by the equipment manufacturer, an authorized agent, or to preclude calibration adjustment on a flat surface, the
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B499 − 09 (2014)
curvature of the coated standard, or of the substrate on which 8.1.7 Direction of Mechanical Working of the Basis Metal—
the foil is placed, shall be the same. Measurements made by an instrument having a two-pole probe
or an unevenly worn single-pole probe may be influenced by
8. Factors Affecting the Measuring Accuracy the direction in which the magnetic basis metal has been
subjected to mechanical working (such as rolling), the reading
8.1 The following factors affect the accuracy of a coating
changing with the orientation of the probe on the surface.
thickness measurement:
8.1.8 Residual Magnetism—Residual magnetism in the ba-
8.1.1 Coating Thickness—Inherent to the test method is a
sis metal affects the measurements made by instruments that
measurement uncertainty that, for thin coatings, is constant and
employ a stationary magnetic field. Its influence on measure-
independent of the coating thickness. The magnitude of this
ments made by instruments employing an alternating magnetic
measurement uncertainty is primarily a function of test piece
field is much smaller.
surface finish (see 8.1.6 on surface roughness). For thicknesses
greater than about 25µm (1 mil), this uncertainty is propor- 8.1.9 Stray Magnetic Fields—Strong stray magnetic fields,
tional to the coating thickness. such as are produced by various types of electrical equipment,
can seriously interfere with the operation of instruments based
8.1.2 Magnetic Properties of the Basis Metal—Magnetic
on magnetic principles.
thickness measurements are affected by variations in the
magnetic properties of the basis metal. (For practical purposes, 8.1.10 Foreign Particles—Magnetic instruments of all types
magnetic variations in low-carbon steel can often be consid- must make physical contact with the test surface and are,
ered to be insignificant. To avoid the influences of severe or therefore, sensitive to foreign material that prevents intimate
localized heat treatments and cold working, the instrument contact between probe and coating surface. Both the test
should be adjusted using a reference standard having a basis surface and instrument probe should be kept free of foreign
metal with the same magnetic properties as that of the test material.
specimen or, preferably and if available, with a sample of the 8.1.11 Conductivity of Coating—Magnetic instruments em-
part to be tested before application of the coating.) ploying an alternating magnetic field operating frequencies
8.1.3 Basis Metal Thickness—For each instrument, there is a above 200 Hz could produce eddy currents in thick, highly
critical thickness of the basis metal above which the measure- conductive coatings that may interfere with the reading.
ments will not be affected by an increase in the thickness of the 8.1.12 Pressure—Instrument readings are sensitive to the
basis metal. Since it depends on the instrument probe (Note 3) pressure with which the probe is applied to the test specimen.
and the nature of the basis metal, its value should be deter- Application of the probe should not be allowed to deform the
mined experimentally if not supplied by the manufacturer. coating.
8.1.13 Probe Orientation—Magnetic pull-off instruments
NOTE 3—In this method “instrument probe” will also include the term may be sensitive to the orientation of the magnet in relation to
the field of gravity of the earth. Thus, the operation of an
8.1.4 Edge Effects—The method is sensitive to abrupt instrument in a horizontal or upside-down position may require
changes in the surface contour of the test specimen. Therefore, a correction factor, or may be impossible.
measurements made too near an edge or inside corner will not
be valid unless the instrument is specifically calibrated for such 9. Procedure
a measurement. The effect may extend to about 20 mm (0.8 in.)
from the discontinuity, depending on the instrument. 9.1 Operate each instrument in accordance with the instruc-
tions of the manufacturer giving appropriate attention to the
8.1.5 Curvature—The measurements are affected by the
factors listed in Section 8.
curvature of the test specimen. The influence of curvature
varies considerably with the make and type of instrument but 9.2 Verify the accuracy of the instrument at the test site each
always becomes more pronounced as the radius of curvature time the instrument is put into service and at frequent intervals
decreases. Instruments with two-pole probes may also produce during use to assure proper performance.
different readings if the poles are aligned in planes parallel or
9.3 Many instruments can be adjusted in order to improve
perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical surface. A similar
their accuracy on a specific surface or within a specific portion
effect can occur with a single-pole probe if the tip is unevenly
of its measurement range. In most instances it should only be
necessary to check zero on the uncoated substrate and begin
8.1.6 Surface Roughness—Measurements are influenced by measuring. However the effects of properties of the substrate
the surface topography of the basis metal and coating. Surface (composition, magnetic properties, shape, roughness, edge
roughness becomes significant when the degree of roughness is effects) and coating (composition, mass, surface roughness), as
greater than 10 % of the coating thickness, causing increased well as ambient and surface temperatures, may require adjust-
scatter in measurements. Therefore, it is necessary, on a rough ments to be made to the instrument. Follow the manufacturer’s
or scratched surface, to make a greater number of measure- instructions.
ments at different positions to obtain an average value that is
representative of the mean coating thickness. If the basis metal 9.4 Observe the following precautions:
is rough, it may also be necessary to check, and adjust if 9.4.1 Basis-Metal Thickness—Check whether the basis-
necessary, the zero of the instrument at several positions on a metal thickness exceeds the critical thickness. If not, either use
portion of the uncoated, rough, basis metal. the back-up method mentioned in 7.6 or make sure that the
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B499 − 09 (2014)
calibration adjustment has been made on a reference standard to a probe, or the rate of applying a balancing force to a
having the same thickness and magnetic properties as the test magnet, will vary from one individual to another. Reduce or
specimen. minimize such effects either by having the instrument adjusted
9.4.2 Edge Effects—Do not make readings close to an edge, by the same operator who will make the measurement or by
hole, inside corner, and the like., of a specimen unless the using constant-pressure probes. In appropriate cases when a
validity of the calibration adjustment for such a measurement constant pressure probe is not being used, the use of a
has been demonstrated. measuring stand is strongly recommended.
9.4.3 Curvature—Do not make readings on a curved surface 9.4.10 Positioning of Probe—In general, place the instru-
of a specimen unless the validity of the calibration adjustment ment probe perpendicular to the specimen surface at the point
for such a measurement has been demonstrated. of measurement. For some magnetic pull-off instruments this is
9.4.4 Number of Readings—Because of normal instrument essential. With some instruments, however, it is desirable to tilt
variability and in order to minimize surface roughness effects, the probe slightly and select the angle of inclination giving the
a measurement shall be the mean value of several readings. minimum reading. If, on a smooth surface, the readings For each measurement, make at least 3 readings, obtained vary substantially with the angle of inclination, it is
removing the probe after each reading, and average the probable that the probe is worn and needs to be replaced. If a
readings. If any 2 of the readings differ from each other by magnetic pull-off instrument is to be used in a position other
more than 5 % of the average reading or 2 µm (0.08 mil), than for what it was designed, such as upside-down, apply a
whichever is the greater, then the measurement shall be correction factor for that position as per the manufacturers’
discarded and repeated. instructions. The substrate or coating, or both may be too rough
to meet this criterion. In such a case it may be possible to 10. Report
obtain a valid measurement by averaging a number of readings.
10.1 The report should include the following information:
To be valid under this test method, the validity of such a
procedure must be demonstrated (see Appendix X1). 10.1.1 Type of instrument used including manufacturer, Magnetic pull-off instruments are sensitive to model number, principle of operation, and date of calibration,
vibrations, and readings that are obviously erroneous should be 10.1.2 Size and description of test specimen,
rejected. 10.1.3 Whether special jigs were used,
9.4.5 Direction of Mechanical Working— If the direction of 10.1.4 Type of coating thickness standard and/or reference
mechanical working has a pronounced effect on the reading, standard and the method used for accuracy verification and any
make the measurement on the test specimen with the probe in calibration adjustment,
the same orientation as that used during the calibration. If this 10.1.5 The number of measurements taken and the value of
is impossible, make four measurements in various orientations each measurement,
by rotating the probe in increments of 90°.
10.1.6 Operator identification, and
9.4.6 Residual Magnetism—When residual magnetism is
present in the basis metal, when using two-pole instruments 10.1.7 Date.
employing a stationary magnetic field make measurements in
two orientations differing by 180°. With single-pole instru- 11. Precision and Bias
ments employing a stationary magnetic field, it may be 11.1 The equipment and its operation shall be such that the
necessary to demagnetize the test specimen to get valid results, coating thickness can be determined with an uncertainty of less
and this may also be advisable with two-pole instruments. than 10 % at 95 % confidence level.
9.4.7 Surface Cleanliness—Before making measurements,
clean any foreign matter such as dirt, grease, and corrosion 11.2 Although an uncertainty of less than 10 % may be
products from the surface without removing any coating achieved consistently for a great number of applications, the
material. Avoid any areas having visible defects, such as uncertainty may be greater when coating thickness is less than
welding or soldering flux, acid spots, dross, or oxide when 25 µm (1 mil).
making measurements. 11.3 Instruments suitable for compliance with 9.1 are avail-
9.4.8 Lead Coatings—The magnet of a pull-off instrument able commercially. For many coating systems, the instruments
may stick to lead and lead alloy coatings. Apply a very thin are capable of making measurements with an uncertainty of
film of oil to improve the reproducibility of readings and less than 5 % at 95 % confidence level.
correct the measurement for the thickness of the oil film.
11.4 The measurement bias is the discrepancy remaining
Excess oil shall be wiped off so that the surface is virtually dry.
between the measured thickness and the true thickness if all
The correction may be determined by measuring the coating
random errors are eliminated. It is, therefore, no greater than
thickness of a nonsticking coating of appropriate thickness
and attributable to (1) the calibration error of the instrument
with and without the oil film and taking the difference between
and ( 2) the quality of the reference standard used to adjust the
the two measurements. Do not use this procedure with other
9.4.9 Techniques—The readings obtained may depend on 11.5 The precision is being determined by round-robin
the technique of the operator. For example, the pressure applied testing.
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B499 − 09 (2014)
12. Keywords
12.1 coating thickness; coatings; magnetic method; nonde-
structive thickness; nonmagnetic coatings; plating thickness;
thickness; thickness testing
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Measurements on rough surfaces are subject to ran- valley; and the magnetic field in the neighborhood of the probe
dom errors associated with the position of the instrument probe differs from that at a smooth surface. In the case of a rough
relative to the peaks and valleys of the rough surface. These substrate, the valleys are filled with coating material but when
random errors increase with surface roughness, but can be the instrument is adjusted with a foil, the foil rests on the peaks
reduced by averaging 10 or more readings. of the substrate. A bias can be corrected for if the magnitude of
X1.2 Roughness can also introduce a bias (systematic error) the bias can be determined by microscopical or other measure-
because the probe seldom, if ever, rests at the bottom of a ments.
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