Quine 1969
Quine 1969
Quine 1969
Relativity and
Other Essays
by W. V. Quine
(If!);> v'
80 Epistemology Naturalized Epistemology Naturalized 81
and we may, following Peirce, still fairly call this the empirical single sentences but only as larger blocks of theory, then the
meaning of the theories. indeterminacy of h'anslation of theoretical sentences is the
These considerations raise a philosophical question even f~'atural conclusion. And most sentences, apart from observa- It
about ordinary unphilosophical translation, such as from Eng- ~on sentences, are theoretical. This conclusion, conversely~~.,
lish into Arunta or Chinese. For, if the English sentences of a once it is embraced, seals the fate of any general notion of
theory have their meaning only together as a body, then we propositional meaning or, for that matter, state of affairs.
can justify their translation into Arunta only together as a Should the unwelcomeness of the conclusion persuade us to
body. There will be no justification for pairing off the com- abandon the verification theory of meaning? Certainly not.
ponent English sentences with component Arunta sentences, The sort of meaning that is basic to translation, and to the
except as these correlations make the translation of the theory learning of one's own language, is necessarily empirical mean-
" as a whole come out right. Any translations of the English sen- ing and nothing more. A child learns his first words and sen-
ences into Arunta sentences will be as correct as any Gther, so tences by hearing and using them in the presence of appropri-
I.o....n g as the net empirica~ implica~io.ns of the theory as a whole ate stimuli. These must be external stimuli, for they must act
,. a~e preserved III translatIOn. But It IS to be expected that many
dIfferent ways of translating the component sentences, essen~
both on the child and on the speaker from whom he is learn-
ing.' Language is socially inculcated and controlled; the in- 1
tially different individually, would deliver the same empirical culcation and control turn strictly on the keying of sentences to
implications for the theory as a whole; deviations in the trans- shared stimulation, Internal factors may vary ad libitum with-
lation of one component sentence could be compensated for in out prejudice to communication as long as the keying of lan-
the translation of another component sentence. Insofar, there guage to external stimuli is undisturbed, Surely one has no
can be no ground for saying which of two glaringly unlike choice but to be an empiricist so far as one's theory of linguistic
translations of individual sentences is right. 3 meaning is concerned.
For an uncritical mentalist, no such indeterminacy threatens. What I have said of infant learning applies equally to the
Every term and every sentence is a label attached to an idea linguist's learning of a new language in the field. If the linguist
simple or complex, which is stored in the mind, When on th~ does not lean on related languages for which there are previ-
other hand we take a verification theory of meaning seriously, ously accepted translation practices, then obViously he has no
the indeterminacy would appear to be inescapable, The data but the concomitances of native utterance and observable
Vienna Circle espoused a verification theory of meaning but stimulus situation.'JNo wonder there is indeterminacy of trans- J
t Ifdid not take it seriously enough. If we recognize with Peirce
I hat the me~ning of a s,entence turns purely on what would
/...£ount as eVIdence for Its truth, and if we recognize with
lation-for of course only a small fraction of our utterances re-
port concurrent external stimulati0;;:Franted, the linguist will •
end up with unequivocal translations of everything; but only
Duhem that theoretical sentences have their evidence not as by making many arbitrary chOices-arbitrary even though un-
3 See above, p. 2 if. 4 See above, p. 28.
82 Epistemology Naturalized Epistemology Naturalized 83
conscious-along the way. Arbitrary? By this I mean that experimentally controlled input-certain patterns of ..!.;:!>1dia-
different choices could still have made everything come out tion in assorted frequencies, for instance-and in the fullness
right that is susceptible in principle to any kind of check. "--;;£time tile subject delivers as output a description of the three-
. Let me Iil}.k up, in a different order, some of the pOints I dimensional external world and its history. The relation be-
• : have made')The crucial consideration behind my argument for tween the meager input and the torrential output is a relation
the indeterminacy of translation was that a statement about that we are prompted to study for somewhat the same reasons
the world does not always or usually have a separable fund of that always prompted epistemology; namely, in order to see
empirical consequences that it can call its own. That consider- how evidence relates to theory, and in what ways one's theory
ation served also to account for the impossibility of an episte- of nature transcends any available evidence.
mological reduction of the sort where every sentence is Such a study could still include, even, something like the old
equated to a sentence in observational and logico-mathemati- rational reconstruction, to whatever degree such reconstruction
cal ter~ And the impossibility of that sort of epistemological is practicable; for imaginative constructions can afford hints of
reduction disSipated the last advantage that rational recon- actual psychological processes, in much the way that mechani-
struelion seemed to have over psychology. cal simulations can. But a conspicuous difference between old
Philosophers have rightly despaired of translating everything epistemology mid the epistemological enterprise in this new
into observational and logico-mathematical terms. They have psychological setting is that we can now make free use of em-
despaired of this even when they have not recognized, as the pirical psychology.
reason for this irreducibility, that the statements largely do not The old epistemology aspired to contain, in a sense, natural
have their private bundles of empirical consequences. And science; it would construct it somehow from sense data. Epis-
some philosophers have seen in this irreducibility the bank- temology in its new selting, conversely, is contained in natural
ruptcy of epistemology. Carnap and the other logical positiv- science, as a chapter of psychology. But the old containment
ists of the Vienna Circle had already pressed the term "meta- remains valid too, in its way. We are studying how the human v
physics" into pejorative use, as connoting meaninglessness; and subject of our study posits bodies and projects his physics from
the term "epistemology" was next. Wittgenstein and his fol- his data, and we appreciate that our position in the world is
lowers, mainly at Oxford, found a residual philosophical voca- just like his. Our very epistemological enterprise, therefore,
tion in therapy: in curing philosophers of the delusion that and the psychology wherein it is a component chapter, and the
there were epistemological problems. whole of natural science wherein psychology is a component
But I think that at this paint it may be more useful to say book-all this is our own construction or projection from stim-
rather that epistemology still goes on, though in a new setting ulations like those we were meting out to our epistemological
and a clarified status. Epistemology, or something like it, sim- subject. There is thus reciprocal containment, though contain- J
ply falls into place as a chapter of psychology and hence of ment in different senses: epistemology in natural science and
natural science. It studies a natural phenomenon, viz., a physi- natural science in epistemology.
cal human subject. This human subject is accorded a certain TIlis interplay is reminiscent again of the old threat of cirou-
84 Epistemology Naturalized Epistemology Naturalized 85
larity, but it is all right now that we have stopped dreaming of what? Are Gestalten prior to sensory atoms because they are
deducing science from sense data. We are after an understand- noticed, or should we favor sensory atoms on some more subtle
ing of science as an institution or process in the world and we ground? Now that we are permitted to appeal to physical stim-
do not intend that understanding to be any better tha~ the sci- ulation, the problem dissolves; A is epistemologically prior to B
ence which is its object. This attitude is indeed one that Neu- A is causally nearer than B to the sensory receptors. Or, what
is in some ways better, just talk explicitly in terms of causal
rath was already urging in Vienna Circle days, with his para-
ble of the marmer who has to rebuild his boat while staying proximity to seusory receptors aud drop the talk of epistemo-
afloat in it.' .. gical priority.
. One ~ffect of seeing epistemology in a psychological setting Around 1932 there was dehate in the Vienna Circle ,over
IS .th~t It resolv:s a stubborn old enigma of epistemological what to count as observation sentences, or Pro'tok~llslltze,5
pnontr·IOur retInas are irradiated in two dimensions, yet we One positiou was that they had the form of reports of sense
see thmgs as three-dimensional without conscious inference impressions. Another was that they were statements of an ele-
VVhich is to count as observation-the unconscious tw~-dimen~ mentary sort about the external world, e.g., "A red cube is
s~onaI reception or the conscious three-dimensional apprehen- standing on the table." Auother, Neurath's, was that they had
sIOn? In the old epistemological context the conscious form had the form of reports of relations between percipients and exter-
priority, for we were out to justify our knowledge of the exter- ual things: "Otto now sees a red cube on the table." The worst
nal world by rational reconstruction, and that demands aware- of it was that there seemed to be no objective way of settling
ness. Awareness ceased to be demanded when we gave up the matter: no way of making real sense of the question.
trying to justify our Imowledge of the external world by ra- [Let us now try to view the matter unreservedly in the con-
tIonal reconstruction. What to count as observation now can be text of the external world. Vaguely speaking, what we want of
'\ sc:tled in terms of the stimulation of sensory receptors, let con- observation sentences is that they be the ones in closest causal v
SCIOusness fall where it may. proximity to tl1e sensory receptm::! But how is such proximity
The Gestalt psychologists' challenge to sensory atomism, to be gauged? The idea may be rephrased this way: observa-
hICl: seemed so relevant to epistemology forty years ago, is . on sentences are sentences which, as we learn language, are
hkewIse deactivated. Regardless of whether sensory atoms or most strongly conditioned .1<'L"QEcur~_~E!:_yensory stimulation
Gestalten are what favor the forefront of our consciousness it rather than to stored collateral information:TnilSTet"u-Si;;;ag::-'
ine a sentenan:111e-ried f~?our-veraicl'as"to whether it is true or /)l~',:\T ,,\~, ""~'
is simply the stimulations of our sensory receptors that are b~st
-false; queried for our assent or dissent. Then the sentence is
i. .. :.'
looked upon as the input to our cognitive mechanism. Old
paradoxes about unconscious data and inference, old problems an observation seutence if our verdict depeuds only on the " _iv. c.,;;"
about chaius of inference that would have to he completed too L~eusory stimulation present at the time. )/i" ..
quickly-these no longer matter. Buta verdict cannot depend on present stimulation to the
I~ the o.ld .auti-psychologistic days the question of epistemo- exclusion of stored information. The very fact of our having
logICal pnonty was moot. What is epistemologically prior to 5 Carnap and Neurath in Erkenntnis 3 (1932),204-228.
86 Epistemology Naturalized Epistemology Naturalized 87
learned the language evinces much storing of information, and speakers of the language give the same verdict when given the
of information without which we should be in no position to same concurrent stimulation. To put the point negatively, an
give verdicts on sentences however observational. Evidently observation sentence is one that is not sensitive to differences
then we must relax our definition of observation sentence to in past experience within the speech community.
read thus fa sentence is an observation sentence if all verdicts {This formulation accords perfectly with the traditional role
VV'''' on it depend on present sensory stimulation and on no stored of the observation sentence as the court of appeal of scientific
information beyond what goes into understanding the sen- theories. For by our dennition the observation sentences are
tence·1 the sentences on which all members of the community will
Thls formnlation raises another problem: how are we to dis- agree under uniform stimulation. And what is the criterion of
tinguish between information that goes into understanding a membership in the same community? Simply general fiuency
sentence and information that goes beyond? This is the prob- of dialogue. This criterion admits of degrees, and indeed we
lem of distinguishing between analytic truth, which issues may usefully take the community more narrowly for some
from the mere meanings of words, and synthetic truth, which studies than for others. What count as observation sentences
depends on more than meanings. Now I have long maintained for a commuuity of specialists would not always.so count for a
that this distinction is illusory. There is one step toward such a larger community. (
distinction, however, which does make sense: a sentence that is There is generally no subjectivity in the phrasing of observa-
true by mere meanings of words should be expected, at least if tion sentences, as we are now conceiving them; they will usu-
it is simple,_to be subscribed to by all Huent speakers in the ally be about bodies. Since the distinguishing trait of an obser-
• communityJ Perhaps the controversial notion of analyticity can vation sentence is intersubjective agreement under agreeing
be dispensed with, in our definition of observation sentence, in stimulation, a corporeal subject matter is likelier than not.
favor of this straightforward attribute of community-wide ac- IThe old tendency to associate observation sentences with a
ceptanc~ subjective sensory subject matter is rather an irony when we
This attribute is of course no explication of analyticity. The reflect that observation sentences are also meant to be the
community would agree that there have been black dogs, yet intersubjective tribunal of scientific hypothese.:J The old ten-
none who talk of analyticity would call this analytic. My rejec- dency was due to the drive to base science on something firmer
tion of the analyticity notion just means drawing no line be- and prior in the subject's experience; but we dropped that
tween what goes into the mere understanding of the sente';ces project.
of a language and what else the community sees eye-to-eye on. The dislodging of epistemology from its old status of first
I doubt that an objective distinction can be made between philosophy loosed a wave, we saw, of epistemological nihilism.
meaning and such collateral information as is community- This mood is reHected somewhat in the tendency of Pollmyi,
wide. Kuhn, and the late Russell Hanson to belittle the role of evi-
Turning back then to our task of defining observation sen- dence and to accentuate cultural relativism. Hanson ventured
tences, we get this: an observation sentence is one on which all even to discredit the idea of observation, arguing that so-called
88 Epistemology Naturalized . Epistemology N ahlralized 89
observations vary from observer to observer with the amount meaning is fundan1ental too, since observation sentences are
of lmowledge that the observers bring with them. The veteran the ones we are in a position to learn to understand first, both I
physicist looks at some apparatus and sees an x-ray tube. The as children and as field linguists. For observation sentences are
neophyte, looking at the same place, observes rather "a glass precisely the ones that we can correlate with observable cir-
and metal instrument replete with wires, reRectors, screws, cumstances of the occasion of utterance or assent, indepen-
lamps, and pushbuttons." 6 One man's observation is another dently of variations in the past histories of individual infor-
man's closed book or Hight of fancy. The notion of observation mants. They afIord the only entry to a language.
as the impartial and objective source of evidence for science is ene observation sentence is the cornerstone of semantics.
bankrupt. Now my answer to the x-ray example was already F'~r it is, as we just saw, fundamental to the learning of mean-
hinted a little while back: what counts as an observation sen- ing. Also, it is where meaning is firmest. Sentences higher up in
tence varies with the width of community considered. But we theories have no empirical consequences they can call their
can also always get an absolute standard by talong in all own; they confront the tribunal of sensory evidence only io
speakers of the language, or most.' It is ironical that philos- more or less inclusive aggregat~~JThe observation sentence,
ophers, finding the old epistemology untenable as a whole, situated at the sensory periphery of the body scientific, is the
should react by repudiating a part which has only now moved minimal. verifiable aggregate; it has an empirical content all its
into clear foeus. own and wears it on its sleeve.
/clarification of the notion of observation sentence is a good The predicament of the indeterminacy of translation has
thing, for the notion is fundamental in two connections. These little bearing on observation sentences. The equating of an ob-
two correspond to the duality that I remarked npon early in servation sentence of our language to an observation sentence
v this lecture: the duality between concept and doctrine, be- of another language is mostly a matter of empirical generali-