Alley Cropping

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Development: IITA Ibadan, Nigeria during 1970 investigate/ assess the intercropping
of trees with food crops to manage fragile uplands, to improve traditional slash & burn
(shifting cultivation) cultivation practice. This led the development of alley cropping

In agroforestry systems, trees or shrubs and their products are intentionally used
within agricultural systems, livestock, or forests and are cultured with woody plants (e.g.
trees and shrubs). Knowledge, careful selection of species, and good management of trees
and crops are needed to optimize the production and positive effects within the system and to
minimize negative competitive effects. Agroforestry systems can be advantageous over
conventional agricultural and forest production methods through increased productivity,
improved economic benefits and social outcomes and the enhanced ecological goods and
services provided. This system is used world-wide today.

“An agroforestry system in which the food crops are grown in alleys formed by the hedge
rows of trees & shrubs, preferably legume is known as alley cropping.”

Alley cropping is an agroforestry practice. Alley cropping is the planting of trees or

shrubs in two or more sets of single or multiple rows with agronomic, horticultural, or
forage crops cultivated in the alleys between the rows of woody plants.
This approach is sometimes also referred to as hedge row intercropping.

The foundation for alley cropping dates back to 17th century (perhaps earlier) Europe
and Asia. Even earlier use of this concept occurred with many Native American groups. This
concept was brought to North America where most of the early emphasis and research
focused on pecan and black walnut alley cropping or intercropping applications. Today
research is expanding into other systems. There are many other numerous potential tree,
shrub, and crop combinations. Alley cropping can be used on any lands where crops or
forages are grown and adapted trees or shrubs are available to provide either economic and/or
environmental benefits to the field. In many instances, alley cropping can be used to convert
marginal cropland to a permanent land use cover that incorporates trees. In other cases alley
cropping can be designed for both long term crop or forage production with tree production.
What are the benefits of an alley cropping system?
 Improves crop or forage quality and quantity by enhancing microclimate:
Improves the microenvironment to increase crop yields. Protects alleyway crops from
physical damage from winds or from soil particles blown into the plant tissue which
bruises or degrades quality. Alley Cropping can reduce crop evapotranspiration by 15
to 30% and increase water content in the tillage layer by 5 to 15%. Some crops are
sensitive to damage from wind or from sand particles blown into the fleshy tissue of
the plant which bruises or degrades quality. Many fruits and vegetables fall into this
category. Many crops including traditional row crops may show a 10 to 20% in yield
depending upon the crop and spacing distance.
 Improves crop diversity, and economic returns: Because alley cropping is a
layered system that uses vertical as well as horizontal spaces, land owners can
integrate a variety of different crops which increases crop diversity and improves
economic returns compared to stand alone systems. This allows production of annual
crops for needed cash flow while at the same time growing longer-term, woody plant
derived investments. In addition, because of the vertical, layered system structure, the
system can allow two or more annual crops to be grown on the same acreage such as a
forage or row crop and nut or fruit crops. Finally multiple crops create economic
diversity and this helps reduce financial risk.
 Increases net carbon storage in the soil and vegetation: Roots, crop residue, leaves
and forage add to soil carbon. Tree component adds to total potential carbon stored on
site through long term sequestration in the above ground and below ground biomass
 Improves utilization and recycling of soil nutrients: The tree roots travel much
deeper than the annual crops for their moisture and nutrients. In fact, a mathematical
model developed for the Victoria Road site in Oregon has predicted that nitrate
leaving the rooting zone is reduced by 50% when compared to a barley crop without
trees. In addition, tree roots can intercept crop nutrients not utilized by the annual
crop, that would otherwise leach down into the ground water.
 Decreases off site movement of nutrients or chemicals: Trees planted on contour
trap sediment and residue along with attached nutrients and chemicals. Infiltration
increases in tree rows decreasing overland flow and associated movement of soluble
nutrients and chemicals off site. Tree roots are generally deeper than crop roots.
Nutrients and chemicals that pass through crop root zone are intercepted by trees and
shrubs. Nutrients are utilized by the woody plants and alley crops and recycled back
to soil.
 Provides or enhances wildlife habitat: Alley cropping improves wildlife habitat by
providing food and cover through a diversity of plants; creating vertical habitat
structure; improving pollinator habitat; and building travel corridors for wildlife
movement to connect to other food, cover, or water resources. To maximize wildlife
benefits: Utilize native species that mirror those you would find in the natural
ecosystem when possible. Select species that provide cover and food. Utilize a
mixture of trees and shrubs to help provide vertical structure to the habitat. For most
wildlife, wider is generally better. Also connect the woody rows to areas of other
important habitat if possible.

Alley Cropping – Issues

 Involves intensive management
 May remove land from annual production, depending on the tree crop
 May complicate herbicide application
 Requires marketing infrastructure for woody plant products

Design Considerations

Alley cropping can be used on any lands where crops or forages are grown and
adapted trees or shrubs are available to provide either economic and/or environmental
benefits to the field. In some instances, alley cropping can be used to convert
marginal cropland to a permanent forest cover. In other cases alley cropping can be
designed for both, long term crop or forage production with tree production.
Competition for light, water and nutrients between the tree and the
intercropped species not only affects the yields of the alley crop but also the growth of
the trees. Three critical design considerations for any alley cropping system are the
light requirements for the crop or forage to be grown in the alley way, the amount of
root competition between crops and the type and size of the equipment that will be
used. Consideration should be given to using multiples of the widest field equipment
width as the guide for determining alley widths.
• Establishment & Management
Success depends on
1. Choice of species
2. Establishment
3. Managemnet
Choice of species:
a) Easy to establish, b) fast growing, c) deep rooted, d) N fixing, tolerant to pruning, e)
strong coppicers, f) high foliage productivity, g) high fodder value, h)rapid decomposition
rate for soil fertility management.
However, It depends on the need of the area:
 as for weed control & soil conservation- high foliage but slow decomposition
 Livestock intergration- good fodder value, whole year foliage production, toxins
Ex: Leucaena sp, Albizia, Gliricidia, Calliandra, Sesbania sesban (high lands), S. rostrata
(wet lands)
a) By Seeds: cheapest and less bulky, seed treatment can be given for fast & ensure
germination, as slow growth so weeding is must.
b) Through Stem cutting: quick establishment, good for less availability of seeds, low
viability, dry sub-humid areas.
Management: as per objective
a) Mulch production:
- higher density will be more efficient
- Pruning: lesser
b) Mulch & fodder:
- 25 % foliage for fodder & 75% for mulch
- Cut & carry method should be adopted as agriculture crop is also there
- Pruning should be done according to the physiological stages of ag. crop.
c) Fodder only:
- Grass for animal
- N- fixing trees
- Overgrazing should be avoided
- For ex: leucaena+ Panicum maximum
Tree or Shrub Criteria for Alley Cropping
1. Marketable
2. Yields annual or periodic commercial product (wood, nuts or fruit)
3. Appropriate shade for the alley crop
4. Minimal roots at soil surface
5. Adapted to site and soils
6. Foliage residue does not interfere with alley crop
7. Growth requirements complement alley crop
Potential Trees and crops
 Walnut
 Pecan
 Chestnut
 Pine
 Poplar
 Coffee
 Coconut Palm
 Leucaena
 Eucalyptus
 Papaya
 Row/cereal crops (corn, soybeans, milo, wheat)
 Forage crops (legumes, grasses)
 Specialty crops (vegetables, fruits, flowers, medicinals)
 Biomass (energy, feedstock)

References: USDA National Agroforestry Center

• The Center for Agroforestry
• Association for Temperate Agroforestry
The Overstory

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