Chapter 5 Drug Study

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Generic Name: Captopril Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Rash, Pruritus, dysgeusia Obtain B/P immediately before each
Brand Name: Apo-Capto , hypertensive (altered taste), Headache, cough, dose, in addition to regular monitoring
Capoten , Novo-Captoril Therapeutic Action: insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, (be alert to fluctuations). If excessive
Dose: PO Suppresses renin-angiotensin- paresthesia, malaise, nausea, diarrhea reduction in B/P occurs, place pt in
Adults, Elderly: 12.5–25 mg supine position with legs elevated. In
aldosterone system (prevents or constipation, dry mouth, tachycardia
Maintenance: 25–150 mg pts with prior renal disease or
conversion of angiotensin I to Adverse Effect: Excessive hypotension receiving dosages greater than
Maximum: 450 mg/day angiotensin II, a potent (“first-dose syncope”) may occur in pts
Children: 0.3–0.5 mg 150 mg/day, urine test for protein
vasoconstrictor; may inhibit with CHF and in those who are severely by dipstick method should be
Maximum: 6 mg/kg/day angiotensin II at local vascular sodium/ volume depleted. Angioedema
Infants: 0.15–0.3 mg/kg/dose made with first urine of day before
Maximum: 6 mg/kg/day
and renal sites). Decreases (swelling of face/tongue/lips), therapy begins and periodically
Neonates: 0.01–0.1 mg/kg/dose plasma angiotensin II, hyperkalemia occur rarely. thereafter. In pts with renal
Maximum: 0.5 mg/kg/dose increases plasma renin activity, Agranulocytosis, neutropenia may be impairment, autoimmune disease,
Frequency: decreases aldosterone noted in those with collagen vascular or taking drugs that affect
Adults, Elderly: 1-2 weeks secretion. Therapeutic Effect: disease (scleroderma, systemic lupus leukocytes or immune response,
Maintenance: 2-3 times a days Reduces peripheral arterial erythematosus), renal impairment. CBC should be performed before
Children: 3 times a day resistance, Nephrotic syndrome may be noted in beginning therapy, q2wks for 3
Infants: once a day pulmonary capillary wedge those with history of renal disease.
Route: PO pressure; improves cardiac output,
mos, then periodically thereafter.
exercise tolerance. Assess skin for rash, pruritus.
Assist with ambulation if dizziness
occurs. Monitor urinalysis for
proteinuria. Assess for anorexia
secondary to altered taste
perception. Monitor serum
potassium levels in those on
concurrent diuretic therapy.
Monitor B/P, BUN, serum
creatinine, CBC. Discontinue
medication, contact
physician if angioedema (swelling of
face, lips, tongue) occurs.
Generic Name: Losartan Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Obtain B/P, apical pulse immediately
Brand Name: Cozaar Inflammatory Upper respiratory tract infection, Dizziness, before each dose, in addition to
Dose: Therapeutic Action: Potent diarrhea, cough, Insomnia, dyspepsia, regular monitoring (be alert to
Adults, Elderly: 50 mg vasodilator. Blocks heartburn, back/leg pain, muscle cramps, fluctuations). Question for possibility
Maximum: 25–100 mg myalgia, nasal congestion, sinusitis, of pregnancy (see
vasoconstrictor, aldosterone
Children 6 Mos –16 yrs: 0.7 mg/kg depression. Pregnancy/Lactation). Assess
secreting effects of angiotensin Adverse Effect: medication history (esp. diuretic).
Maximum: 50 mg/day
II, inhibiting binding of Overdosage may manifest as hypotension Maintain hydration (offer fluids
Adults, Elderly: once or twice a day
angiotensin II to AT1 receptors. and tachycardia. Bradycardia occurs less frequently). Assess for evidence of
Children 6 Mos –12 yrs: once a day Therapeutic often. Institute supportive measures. upper respiratory infection, cough.
Effect: Causes vasodilation, Monitor B/P, pulse. If excessive
Route: PO
decreases peripheral resistance, reduction in B/P occurs, place pt in
decreases B/P. supine position, feet slightly elevated.
Assist with ambulation if dizziness
occurs. Monitor daily pattern of bowel
activity, stool consistency.

Generic Name: Diltiazem Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Record onset, type (sharp, dull,
Brand Name: Apo-Diltiaz , hypertensive Peripheral edema, dizziness, light- squeezing), radiation, location,
Cardizem, Cardizem CD, Therapeutic Action: Inhibits headedness, headache, bradycardia, intensity, duration of anginal pain,
Cardizem LA, Cartia XT, calcium movement across asthenia (loss of strength, energy), Nausea, precipitating factors (exertion,
constipation, flushing, EKG changes, Rash, emotional stress). Assess baseline
Dose: cardiac, vascular smooth-
PO micturition disorder (polyuria, nocturia, renal/hepatic function tests. Assess
muscle cell membranes
Adults, Elderly: 30 mg dysuria, frequency of urination), abdominal B/P, apical pulse immediately before
(causes dilation of coronary discomfort, drowsiness. drug is administered. Assist with
Range: 120–320 mg/day. arteries, peripheral arteries,
IV PUSH Adverse Effect: ambulation if dizziness occurs.
arterioles). Therapeutic Effect: Abrupt withdrawal may increase frequency, Assess for peripheral edema behind
Adults, Elderly: 0.25 mg/kg
Decreases heart rate, duration of angina, CHF; secondand third- medial malleolus (sacral area in
Average: 20 mg
IV INFUSION myocardial contractility; slows degree AV block occur rarely. Overdose bedridden pts). Monitor pulse rate for
Adults, Elderly: 5–10 mg SA, produces nausea, drowsiness, confusion, bradycardia. Assess B/P,
Maximum: 15 mg AV conduction; decreases total slurred speech, profound bradycardia. renal/hepatic function tests, EKG with
Frequency: peripheral vascular resistance by Antidote: Glucagon (see Appendix K for IV therapy. Question for asthenia
PO vasodilation. dosage). (loss of strength, energy), headache.
Adults, Elderly: 4 times a day
Adults, Elderly: 2 mins
Adults, Elderly: Every Hour
Route: IV and PO

Generic Name: Nitroprusside Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Check with physician for desired B/P
Brand Name: Nipride , hypersensitive Flushing of skin, pruritus, pain/redness at parameters (B/P is normally
Nitropress Therapeutic Action: Inhibits injection site. maintained approximately 30%–40%
Dose: histamine action at histamine-2 Adverse Effect: below pretreatment levels).
IV INFUSION (H2) receptors of parietal cells. Too-rapid IV infusion rate reduces B/P too Medication should be discontinued if
Adults, Elderly, Children: 0.3–0.5 Therapeutic Effect: Inhibits quickly. Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, therapeutic response is not achieved
mcg/kg basal/nocturnal gastric acid apprehension, headache, restlessness, within 10 min after IV infusion at 10
Maximum: 10 mcg/kg (children: 8– secretion. muscle twitching, dizziness, palpitations, mcg/kg/min. Monitor EKG, B/P
10 mcg/kg) retrosternal pain, abdominal pain may continuously. Monitor blood acid-base
Frequency: occur. Symptoms disappear rapidly if rate balance, electrolytes, laboratory
Adults, Elderly, Children: Every of administration is slowed or temporarily results, I&O. Assess for metabolic
minute discontinued. Overdose produces metabolic acidosis (weakness, disorientation,
Route: IV acidosis, tolerance to therapeutic effect. headache, nausea, hyperventilation,
vomiting). Assess for therapeutic
response to medication. Monitor B/P
for potential rebound hypertension
after infusion is discontinued.

Generic Name: Milrinone Drug Classification: Side Effects: Obtain baseline lab studies, esp.
Brand Name: Primacor Cardiacinotropic agent Headache, hypotension, chest pain. BN peptide. Offer emotional
Dose: Therapeutic Action: Inhibits Adverse Effect: support (difficulty breathing may
IV phosphodiesterase, which Supraventricular/ventricular arrhythmias produce anxiety). Assess B/P,
Adults: 50 mcg/kg increases cyclic adenosine (12%), nonsustained ventricular tachycardia apical pulse rate before treatment
Maintenance infusion: 0.375–0.75 (2%), sustained ventricular tachycardia
monophosphate (cAMP), begins and during IV therapy.
mcg/kg (1%) may occur. Ventricular fibrillation
Frequency: potentiating delivery of calcium (0.2%) has been documented. Assess lung sounds; observe for
Adult: Over 10 mins to myocardial contractile edema. Monitor B/P, heart rate,
systems. Therapeutic Effect: cardiac output, EKG, serum
Route: IV Relaxes vascular muscle, potassium, renal function,
causing vasodilation. Increases signs/symptoms of CHF.
cardiac output; decreases
pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure, vascular resistance
Generic Name: Lidocaine Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Question for hypersensitivity to
Brand Name: Anestacon, arrhythmic CNS effects generally dose-related and of lidocaine, amide anesthetics. Obtain
Betacaine , Lidoderm, Xylocaine Therapeutic Action: short duration. Occasional: IM: Pain at baseline B/P, pulse, respiratory rate,
Dose: Anesthetic: Inhibits conduction injection site. Topical: Burning, stinging, EKG, serum electrolytes. Monitor
IM tenderness at application site. Rare: EKG, vital signs closely during and
of nerve impulses. Therapeutic
Adults, Ederly: 300 mg or 4.3 mg/ Effect: Causes temporary loss Generally with high dose: Drowsiness; following drug administration for
dizziness; disorientation; light-headedness; cardiac performance. If EKG shows
kg of feeling/sensation. tremors; apprehension; euphoria; sensation arrhythmias, prolongation of PR
IV Antiarrhythmic: Decreases of heat, cold, numbness; blurred or double interval or QRS complex, inform
Adult, Elderly: 1–1.5 mg/ kg depolarization, automaticity, vision; tinnitus (ringing in ears); nausea. physician immediately. Assess pulse
Children, Infants: 1 mg/kg
excitability of ventricle during Adverse Effect: for rhythm, rate, and quality. Assess
Maximum: 100 mg
Maintenance: 20-50 mcg/kg
diastole by direct action. Serious adverse reactions to lidocaine are B/P for evidence of hypotension.
Therapeutic Effect: Inhibits uncommon, but high dosage by any route Monitor for therapeutic serum level
ventricular arrhythmias. may produce cardiovascular depression, (1.5–6 mcg/ml). For lidocaine given by
Bradycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias, all routes, monitor vital signs, LOC.
Adults, Ederly: q60-90 min
heart block, cardiovascular collapse, Drowsiness should be considered a
cardiac arrest. Potential for malignant warning sign of high serum levels of
Adult, Elderly: q10-15 min
hyperthermia, CNS toxicity may occur, esp. lidocaine. Therapeutic serum level:
Children, Infants: longer than 15 min
with regional anesthesia use, progressing 1.5–6 mcg/ml; toxic serum level:
Route: IM and IV rapidly from mild side effects to tremors, greater than 6 mcg/ml
drowsiness, seizures, and vomiting,
respiratory depression. Methemoglobinemia
(evidenced by cyanosis) has occurred
following topical application of lidocaine for
teething discomfort and laryngeal
anesthetic spray
Generic Name: Propranolol Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Assess baseline renal/hepatic function
Brand Name: Apo-Propranolol , arrhythmic Diminished sexual function, tests. Assess B/P, apical pulse
Inderal, Inderal LA, InnoPran XL,Therapeutic Action:Blocks drowsiness, difficulty sleeping, unusual immediately before administering drug
Nu-Propranolol beta1-, beta2-adrenergic fatigue/weakness. Occasional: Bradycardia, (if pulse is 60/min or less or systolic
Dose: depression, sensation of coldness in B/P is less than 90 mm Hg, withhold
receptors. Decreases oxygen
PO extremities, diarrhea, constipation, anxiety, medication, contact physician).
requirements. Slows AV nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting. Anginal: Record onset, quality,
Adult, Elderly: 40 mg conduction, increases
Maximum: 640 mg/day Rare: Altered taste, dry eyes, pruritus, radiation, location, intensity, duration
refractory period in AV node. paresthesia. of anginal pain, precipitating factors
Children: 0.5–1 mg/kg/day
Maximum: 16 mg/kg/day.
Large doses increase airway Adverse Effect: (exertion, emotional stress). Assess
IV resistance. Therapeutic Effect: Overdose may produce profound pulse for quality, irregular rate,
Adult, Elderly: 1–3 mg Slows heart rate; decreases bradycardia, hypotension. Abrupt bradycardia. Monitor EKG for cardiac
Children: 0.01–0.1 mg/kg or 3 mg cardiac output, B/P, myocardial withdrawal may result in diaphoresis, arrhythmias. Assess fingers for color,
Infants: 1 mg, 3 mg ischemia severity. Exhibits palpitations, headache, tremulousness. numbness (Raynaud’s). Assess for
Frequency: antiarrhythmic activity. May precipitate CHF, MI in pts with cardiac evidence of CHF (dyspnea
PO disease; thyroid storm in those with [particularly on exertion or lying
Adult, Elderly: May increase dose thyrotoxicosis; peripheral ischemia in those down], night cough, peripheral
q3-7 days with existing peripheral vascular disease. edema, distended neck veins).
Children: q6-12h Hypoglycemia may occur in pts with Monitor I&O (increase in weight,
IV previously controlled diabetes. Antidote: decrease in urinary output may
Adult, Elderly: Repeat q5 min Glucagon (see Appendix K for dosage). indicate CHF). Assess for rash,
fatigue, behavioral changes.
Route: PO and IV
Therapeutic response ranges from a
few days to several wks. Measure B/P
near end of dosing interval
(determines if B/P is controlled
throughout day).
Generic Name: Amiodarone Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Monitor ECG continuously during IV
Brand Name: : Pacerone arrhythmic Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tremor, lack of therapy or initiation of oral therapy.
Dose: Therapeutic Action: This coordination, constipation, insomnia, Monitor heart rate and rhythm
PO medication is used to treat headache, stomach pain, decreased sex throughout therapy; PR prolongation,
Adult: 800-1600 mg, 600-800 mg drive or performance, uncontrollable or slight QRS widening, T-wave
certain types of serious
IV unusual movements of the body. amplitude reduction with T-wave
(possibly fatal) irregular widening and bifurcation, and U
Adult: 150 mg bolus Adverse Effect:: Easy
heartbeat (such as persistent waves may occur. QT prolongation
Frequency: bruising/bleeding, loss of coordination,
ventricular may be associated with worsening of
tingling/numbness of the hands or feet,
Adult: once a day for 1-3 weeks, fibrillation/tachycardia). It is arrhythmias and should be monitored
uncontrolled movements, new or
once a day used to restore normal heart closely during IV therapy. Report
worsening symptoms of heart failure
Route: IV and PO rhythm and maintain a regular, bradycardia or increase in arrhythmias
(such as shortness of breath, swelling promptly; patients receiving IV therapy
steady heartbeat.
ankles/feet, unusual tiredness, may require slowing rate,
unusual/sudden weight gain). discontinuing infusion, or inserting a
temporary pacemaker. Assess pacing
and defibrillation threshold in patients
with pacemakers and implanted
defibrillators at beginning and
periodically during therapy. Assess for
signs of pulmonary toxicity
(rales/crackles, decreased breath
sounds, pleuritic friction rub, fatigue,
dyspnea, cough, wheezing, pleuritic
pain, fever, hemoptysis, and hypoxia).
Chest x-ray and pulmonary function
tests are recommended before
therapy. Monitor chest x-ray every
3– 6 mo during therapy to detect
diffuse interstitial changes or alveolar
infiltrates. Bronchoscopy or gallium
radionuclide scan may also be used
for diagnosis. Usually reversible after
withdrawal, but fatalities have
Generic Name: Verapamil Drug Classification: Anti- Side Effects: Record onset, type (sharp, dull,
Brand Name: Apo-Verap , arrhythmic Constipation, Dizziness, light-headedness, squeezing), radiation, location,
Calan, Calan SR, Chronovera , Therapeutic Action: Inhibits headache, asthenia (loss of strength, intensity, duration of anginal pain,
Covera-HS, Isoptin SR, Novo- calcium ion entry across energy), nausea, peripheral edema, precipitating factors (exertion,
hypotension, Bradycardia, dermatitis, rash. emotional stress). Check B/P for
Veramil SR , Verelan, Verelan cardiac, vascular smooth-
Adverse Effect: hypotension, pulse for bradycardia
PM muscle cell membranes, Rapid ventricular rate in atrial immediately before giving medication.
Dose: dilating coronary arteries, flutter/fibrillation, marked hypotension, Assess pulse for quality, rate, and
IV peripheral arteries, arterioles. extreme bradycardia, CHF, asystole, rhythm. Monitor B/P. Monitor EKG for
Adult, Elderly: 2.5–5 mg Therapeutic Effect: Decreases second- or third-degree AV block occur cardiac changes, particularly
Maximum total dose: 20–30 mg heart rate, myocardial rarely. Antidote: Glucagon 5–10 mg over 1 prolongation of PR interval. Notify
Children 1-15 yrs: 0.1–0.3 mg/kg
contractility; slows SA, AV min, then infuse 1–10 mg over 1 hour. physician of any significant EKG
Maximum initial dose: 5 mg
conduction. Decreases total interval changes. Assist with
peripheral vascular resistance ambulation if dizziness occurs.
Adult: 80–120 mg
by vasodilation. Assess for peripheral edema behind
Maintenance: 240–480
medial malleolus (sacral area in
bedridden pts). For those taking oral
form, monitor daily pattern of bowel
Adult, Elderly: Over 2 min
activity, stool consistency.
Children 1-15 yrs: Over 2 min
Therapeutic serum level: 0.08–
0.3 mcg/ml; toxic serum level: N/A.
Adult: 3 times a day
Route: IV and PO

Generic Name: Nitroglycerin Drug Classification: Side Effects: Record onset, type (sharp, dull,
Brand Name: Minitran, Nitro-Bid, Antianginal Frequent: Headache (possibly severe; squeezing), radiation, location,
Nitro-Dur, Nitrolingual, Nitrostat, Therapeutic Action: Dilates occurs mostly in early therapy, diminishes intensity, duration of anginal pain;
Nitro-Time, Trinipatch coronary arteries, improves rapidly in intensity, usually disappears precipitating factors (exertion,
during continued treatment), transient emotional stress). Assess B/P, apical
Dose: collateral blood flow to ischemic
Translingual Spray flushing of face/neck, dizziness (esp. if pt is pulse before administration and
areas within myocardium. IV
Adults, Elderly: 1–2 sprays onto or standing immobile or is in a warm periodically following dose. Pt must
form produces peripheral environment), weakness, orthostatic have continuous EKG monitoring for
under tongue vasodilation. Therapeutic
Sublingual: hypotension. Sublingual: Burning, tingling IV administration. Monitor B/P, heart
Effect: Decreases myocardial sensation at oral point of dissolution. rate. Assess for facial, neck flushing.
Adults, Elderly: One tablet under
oxygen demand. Reduces left Ointment: Erythema, pruritus. Occasional: Cardioverter/defibrillator must not be
ventricular preload, afterload. GI upset. Transdermal: Contact dermatitis. discharged through paddle electrode
Frequency: overlying nitroglycerin system (may
Translingual Spray Adverse Effect: cause burns to pt or damage to
Adults, Elderly: q3–5min until relief Discontinue drug if blurred vision, dry paddle via arcing).
is noted mouth occurs. Severe orthostatic
Route: Translingual Spray and hypotension may occur, manifested by
Sublingual syncope, pulselessness, cold/clammy skin,
and diaphoresis. Tolerance may occur with
repeated, prolonged therapy; minor
tolerance may occur with intermittent use of
sublingual tablets. High doses tend to
produce severe headache.
Generic Name: Metoprolol Drug Classification: Side Effects: Assess baseline renal/hepatic function
Brand Name: Apo-Metoprolol, Antianginal Metoprolol is generally well tolerated, with tests. Assess B/P, apical pulse
Betaloc, Lopressor, Novo- Therapeutic Action: transient and mild side effects. Frequent: immediately before drug
Metoprolol, Nu-Metop , Toprol XL Selectively blocks beta1- Diminished sexual function, drowsiness, administration (if pulse is 60/min or
Dose: insomnia, unusual fatigue/ weakness. less or systolic B/P is less than 90 mm
adrenergic receptors; high
PO Occasional: Anxiety, diarrhea, constipation, Hg, withhold medication, contact
dosages may block beta2- nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, physician). Antianginal: Record onset,
Adults: 50 mg adrenergic receptors.
Maintenance: 100–450 mg abdominal discomfort, dizziness, difficulty type (sharp, dull, squeezing),
Decreases oxygen breathing, cold hands/ feet. Rare: Altered radiation, location, intensity, duration
Elderly: 25 mg
requirements. Large doses taste, dry eyes, nightmares, paresthesia, of anginal pain, precipitating factors
Range: 25–300 mg
Children: 1–2 mg/kg
increase airway resistance. allergic reaction (rash, pruritus). (exertion, emotional stress). Assess
Maximum: 6 mg/kg Therapeutic Effect: Slows heart Adverse Effect: baseline renal/hepatic function tests.
Frequency: rate, decreases cardiac output, Overdose may produce profound Assess B/P, apical pulse immediately
PO and reduces B/P. Decreases bradycardia, hypotension, and before drug administration (if pulse is
Adults: Twice a day myocardial ischemia severity. bronchospasm. Abrupt withdrawal may 60/min or less or systolic B/P is less
Elderly: Once a day result in diaphoresis, palpitations, than 90 mm Hg, withhold medication,
Children: Once a day headache, tremulousness, exacerbation of contact physician). Antianginal:
angina, MI, ventricular arrhythmias. May Record onset, type (sharp, dull,
Route: PO
precipitate CHF, MI in pts with heart squeezing), radiation, location,
disease; thyroid storm in those with intensity, duration of anginal pain,
thyrotoxicosis; peripheral ischemia in those precipitating factors (exertion,
with existing peripheral vascular disease. emotional stress).
Hypoglycemia may occur in pts with
previously controlled diabetes mellitus (may
mask signs of hypoglycemia).
Antidote: Glucagon (see Appendix K for
Generic Name: Amlodipine Drug Classification: Side Effects: Monitor BP for therapeutic
Brand Name: Norvasac Antianginal Abdominal pain, flushing, headaches, effectiveness. BP reduction is greatest
Adult: 2.5–10 mg Therapeutic Action: Calcium peripheral edema after peak levels of amlodipine are
Frequency: channel blocker and inhibits the Adverse Effect: Swelling of your legs achieved 6–9 h following oral doses.
Adult: Once a day or ankles, tiredness or extreme Monitor for S&S of dose-related
movement of calcium ions into
Route: PO sleepiness, stomach pain, Nausea, peripheral or facial edema that may
vascular smooth muscle cells not be accompanied by weight gain;
and cardiac muscle cells which dizziness. hot or warm feeling in your
rarely, severe edema may cause
inhibits the contraction of face (flushing) irregular heart rate
discontinuation of drug. Monitor BP
cardiac muscle and vascular (arrhythmia) very fast heart rate with postural changes. Report
smooth muscle cells. (palpitations) postural hypotension. Monitor more
frequently when additional
antihypertensive or diuretics are
added. Monitor heart rate; dose-
related palpitations (more common in
women) may occur.
Generic Name: Cholestyramine Drug Classification: Lipid Side Effects: Question for history of hypersensitivity
Brand Name: Novo-Cholamine , Lowering Agent Frequent: Constipation (may lead to to cholestyramine, tartrazine, and
Prevalite, Questran, Questran Therapeutic Action: Binds fecal impaction), nausea, vomiting, aspirin. Obtain baseline serum
Lite with bile acids in intestine, abdominal pain, indigestion. cholesterol, triglycerides, electrolytes,
Occasional: Diarrhea, belching, hepatic enzyme levels. Monitor daily
Dose: forming insoluble complex.
Adults, Elderly: 4g pattern of bowel activity, stool
Binding results in partial bloating, headache, dizziness. Rare:
Maintenance: 4–16g consistency. Evaluate food tolerance,
removal of bile acid from Gallstones, peptic ulcer disease, abdominal discomfort, flatulence.
Maximum: 24g enterohepatic circulation. malabsorption syndrome.
Children: 80 mg/kg Monitor cholesterol, triglycerides, PT,
Therapeutic Effect: Adverse Effect: hepatic enzymes, CBC, serum
Maximum: 8 g GI tract obstruction, hyperchloremic
Removes LDL cholesterol from electrolytes. Encourage several
Frequency: acidosis, osteoporosis secondary to
plasma. glasses of water between meals.
Adults, Elderly: 1–2 calcium excretion may occur. High dosage
times a day may interfere with fat absorption, resulting
Children: 3 times a day in steatorrhea.
Route: PO
Generic Name: Atorvastatin Drug Classification: Lipid Side Effects: Advise patient that this medication
Brand Name: Lipitor Lowering Agent Myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, should be used in conjunction with
Dose: Therapeutic Action: For headache, chest pain, peripheral edema, diet restrictions (fat, cholesterol,
10–80 mg proper diet to help lower "bad" dizziness, rash, abdominal pain, carbohydrates, and alcohol), exercise,
Frequency: constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, and cessation of smoking.
cholesterol and fats (such as
Once a day flatulence, increased hepatic function tests,
LDL, triglycerides) and raise back pain, sinusitis
Route: PO "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the Adverse Effect:
blood. It belongs to a group of cold symptoms such as runny nose,
drugs known as "statins." It sneezing, and coughing, diarrhea, gas,
works by reducing the amount heartburn, joint pain, forgetfulness,
of cholesterol made by the confusion
Generic Name: Ezetimibe Drug Classification: Lipid Side Effects: Obtain diet history, esp. fat
Brand Name: Ezetrol, Zetia Lowering Agen Back pain, diarrhea, arthralgia, sinusitis, consumption. Obtain serum
Dose: Therapeutic Action: Inhibits abdominal pain, Cough, pharyngitis, cholesterol, triglycerides, and hepatic
Adults, Elderly, Children 10 yrs and cholesterol absorption in small fatigue, depression. function tests, blood counts during
older: 10 mg Adverse Effect: initial therapy and periodically during
intestine, leading to decrease in
Frequency: Hepatitis, hypersensitivity reaction, treatment. Treatment should be
delivery of intestinal cholesterol myopathy, rhabdomyolysis occur rarely. discontinued if hepatic enzyme levels
Adults, Elderly, Children 10 yrs and
to liver. Therapeutic Effect: persist more than 3 times normal limit.
older: Once a day
Reduces total serum Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity
Route: PO
cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride; and stool consistency. Question pt for
increases HDL. signs/symptoms of back pain,
abdominal disturbances. Monitor
serum cholesterol, triglycerides for
therapeutic response.
Generic Name: Ticagrelor Drug Classification: Side Effects: Obtain CBC, BMP, digoxin level if
Brand Name: Brilinta Antiplatelet Dyspnea, headache, Cough, dizziness, applicable. Question for history of
Dose: Therapeutic Action: nausea, diarrhea, back pain, fatigue. bleeding, stomach ulcers, colon
Adult: 180 mg Reversibly inhibits platelet Adverse Effect: polyps, head trauma, cardiac
Frequency: Life-threatening events including arrhythmias, unstable angina, recent
P2Y12 ADP receptor to prevent
Once a day intracranial bleeding, epistaxis, MI, hepatic impairment, HIV,
signal transduction and platelet intrapericardial bleeding with cardiac hypertension, stroke. Receive full
Route: PO activation. Therapeutic Effect: tamponade, hypovolemic shock requiring medication history including herbal
Prevents platelet aggregation. vasopressive support or blood transfusion products. Question for history of
reported. Pts with history of sick sinus COPD, chronic bronchitis,
syndrome, second- or third-degree AV emphysema, asthma, exertional
block, bradycardic syncope have increased dyspnea, for bruising, hematoma.
risk of bradycardia. May induce episodes of Monitor creatinine, uric acid, digoxin
atrial fibrillation, hypotension, and levels if applicable. Report hematuria,
hypertension. Gynecomastia reported in epistaxis, coffee-ground emesis,
less than 1% of men. black/tarry stools. Monitor EKG for
chest pain, shortness of breath,

Generic Name: Heparin Drug Classification: Side Effects: Cross-check dose with co-worker.
Brand Name: Hepalean , Antiplatelet Occasional: Pruritus, burning (particularly Determine aPTT before administration
Hepalean Leo , Hep-Lock Therapeutic Action: Interferes on soles of feet) caused by vasospastic and 24 hrs following initiation of
Dose: with blood coagulation by reaction. Rare: Pain, cyanosis of extremity therapy, then q24–48hrs for first wk of
Adults, Elderly, Children: 100 units 6–10 days after initial therapy lasting 4–6 therapy or until maintenance dose is
blocking conversion of
Infants weighing less than 10 kg: 10 hrs, hypersensitivity reaction (chills, fever, established. Follow with aPTT
prothrombin to thrombin and pruritus, urticaria, asthma, rhinitis, determinations 1–2 times weekly for
units fibrinogen to fibrin. Therapeutic
Frequency: lacrimation, headache). 3–4 wks. In long-term therapy,
Effect: Prevents further Adverse Effect: monitor 1–2 times a mo. Monitor
Adults, Elderly, Children: q6–8h
Infants weighing less than 10 kg:
extension of existing thrombi or Bleeding complications ranging from local aPTT (therapeutic range at
q6–8h new clot formation. No effect on ecchymoses to major hemorrhage occur 1.5–2.5 times normal) diligently.
Route: IV existing clots. more frequently in high-dose therapy, Assess Hct, platelet count, AST, ALT.
intermittent IV infusion, women 60 yrs and Monitor urine and stool for occult
older. Antidote: Protamine sulfate 1–1.5 blood. Assess for decrease in B/P,
mg IV for every 100 units heparin increase in pulse rate, complaint of
subcutaneous within 30 min of overdose, abdominal/back pain, severe
0.5– headache (may be evidence of
0.75 mg for every 100 units heparin hemorrhage). Question for increase in
subcutaneous if within 30–60 min of amount of discharge during menses.
overdose, 0.25–0.375 mg for every 100 Assess peripheral pulses; skin for
units heparin subcutaneous if 2 hrs have ecchymosis, petechiae. Check for
elapsed since overdose, 25–50 mg if excessive bleeding from minor cuts,
heparin was given by IV infusion. scratches. Assess gums for erythema,
gingival bleeding. Assess urine output
for hematuria. Avoid IM injections due
to potential for hematomas. When
converting to warfarin (Coumadin)
therapy, monitor PT results (will be
10%–20% higher while heparin is
given concurrently).
Generic Name: Antihemophilic Drug Classification: Side Effects: Replaces deficient antihemophilic
factor Antiplatelet swelling, stinging, or irritation where the factor (AHF, Factor VIII). Produced via
Brand Name: Advate, Kogenate, Therapeutic Action: Factor is injection was given; chills; mild nausea; or recombinant DNA technology,
Recombinate increased in the plasma thus allergic reaction. presence of fusion protein delays
Adverse Effect: degradation.
Dose: enabling temporary correction
20 to 25 IU/kg Stop using human antihemophilic factor and
of the hemophilia A bleeding.
Frequency: call your doctor at once if you have: tingly
Its effect is reported as the feeling in your face, ears, or arms;
q8-12h normalization of the partial headache, blurred vision, feeling jittery;
Route: IV thromboplastin time. The fever, chills, drowsiness, and runny nose
human antihemophilic factor followed by skin rash and joint pain 2 weeks
replaces the coagulation factor later; or nausea, vomiting, upper stomach
VIII. pain, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-
colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the
skin or eyes).
Generic Name: Urokinase Drug Classification: Side Effects: Monitor signs of allergic reactions or
Brand Name: Kinlytic Antiplatelet Easy bruising, bleeding, fever, stroke, anaphylaxis, including pulmonary
Dose: Therapeutic Action: A trouble breathing, blood in your stools, symptoms (tightness in the throat and
15 mL physiologic thrombolytic agent coughing up blood, chest pain, problems chest, bronchospasm, wheezing,
Frequency: with speech, vision problems, swelling, cough, dyspnea) or skin reactions
that is produced in renal
q12h discoloration of your fingers or toes, severe (rash, pruritus, urticaria). Notify
parenchymal cells. Unlike stomach pain, chills, or flu symptoms. physician or nursing staff immediately
Route: IV streptokinase, urokinase Adverse Effect: if these reactions occur.
directly cleaves plasminogen to The most serious adverse reactions after
produce plasmin. When it is administration include fatal hemorrhage,
purified from human urine, anaphylaxis, nausea, vomiting,
approximately 1500 L of urine bronchospasm, minor breathing difficulties,
rash, and phlebitis at injection site,
is needed to yield enough
anaphylaxis, and chills.
urokinase to treat a single
Generic Name: Aminocaproic Drug Classification: Side Effects: Monitor for overt bleeding every 15–
acid Antiplatelet Headache, stomach pain, loss of appetite, 30 min. occur. Assess for
Brand Name: Amicar Therapeutic Action: A nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unusual thromboembolic complications
Dose: derivative and analogue of the tiredness, dizziness, stuffy nose, or watery (especially in patients with history).
IV eyes may occur. If any of these effects last Notify health care professional of
amino acid lysine, which makes
Adult: 250 mg/mL or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist positive Homans' sign, leg pain and
it an effective inhibitor for promptly. edema, he- moptysis, dyspnea, or
PO enzymes that bind that
Adult: 500 mg or 1,000 mg Adverse Effect: chest pain.
particular residue. Such Confusion, Vision decrease, Vomiting,
enzymes include proteolytic Headache, Convulsions, Malaise, Muscle
Adult: q8h enzymes like plasmin, the weakness, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Nausea,
Route: IV enzyme responsible for Bradycardia, Thrombosis, Edema,
fibrinolysis. Hypotension, Stroke, Syncope, Intracranial
hypertension, Peripheral ischemia,
Pulmonary embolism, Dyspnea,
Congestion, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain,
Leukopenia, Agranulocytosis, Coagulation
disorder, Dry ejaculation, Injection site
reactions (pain/necrosis), Myopathy,
Pruritus, Rash, Renal failure, Anaphylaxis

Generic Name: Epoetin Alfa Drug Classification: Drugs Side Effects: Assess B/P before drug initiation
Brand Name: Epogen, Eprex, Used to Treat Anemia Fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, edema, (80% of pts with chronic renal failure
Procrit Therapeutic Action: Asthenia (loss of strength, energy), have history of hypertension). B/P
Dose: Stimulates division, shortness of breath, paresthesia, Dizziness, often rises during early therapy in pts
Subcutaneous: trunk pain. with history of hypertension. Consider
differentiation of erythroid
Adult, Elderly: 150 units/kg Adverse Effect: that all pts eventually need
progenitor cells in bone Hypertensive encephalopathy, thrombosis, supplemental iron therapy. Assess
Children 5 yrs and older: 600 marrow. Therapeutic Effect: cerebrovascular accident, MI, seizures serum iron (should be greater than
units/kg Induces erythropoiesis, occur rarely. Hyperkalemia occurs 20%), serum ferritin (should be
Maximum: 40,000 units. releases reticulocytes from occasionally in pts with chronic renal failure, greater than 100 ng/ml) before and
IV bone marrow. usually in those who do not comply with during therapy. Establish baseline
Adult, Elderly: 50–100 units/kg medication regimen, dietary guidelines, CBC (esp. note Hct). Monitor
Children: 50 units/kg frequency of dialysis regimen. aggressively for increased B/P (25%
Frequency: of pts on medication require
Subcutaneous: antihypertensive therapy, dietary
Adult, Elderly: 3 times/wk restrictions).
Children 5 yrs and older: once a
Adult, Elderly: 3 times/wk
Children: 3 times/wk
Route: Subcutaneous and IV

Generic Name: Ferrous Sulfate Drug Classification: Drugs Side Effects: Assess nutritional status, dietary
Brand Name: Apo-Ferrous Used to Treat Anemia Mild, transient nausea, Heartburn, anorexia, history. To prevent mucous
Sulfate, Fer-In-Sol, Fer-Iron, Therapeutic Action: Essential constipation, diarrhea. membrane and teeth staining with
Slow-Fe component in formation of Hgb, Adverse Effect: liquid preparation, use dropper or
Large doses may aggravate existing GI straw and allow solution to drop on
Dose: myoglobin, enzymes. Promotes
PO tract disease (peptic ulcer, regional back of tongue. Monitor serum iron,
effective erythropoiesis and
Adult, Elderly: 65 mg enteritis, ulcerative colitis). Severe iron total iron-binding capacity, reticulocyte
transport, utilization of oxygen. poisoning occurs most often in children, count, Hgb, ferritin. Monitor daily
Children: 1–2 mg/kg Therapeutic Effect: Prevents
Frequency: manifested as vomiting, severe abdominal pattern of bowel activity, stool
iron deficiency. pain, diarrhea, dehydration, followed by consistency. Assess for clinical
Adult, Elderly: Once a day hyperventilation, pallor, cyanosis, improvement, record relief of iron
Children: Once a day cardiovascular collapse. deficiency symptoms (fatigue,
irritability, pallor, paresthesia of
Route: PO
extremities, headache).

Generic Name: Folic Acid Drug Classification: Drugs Side Effects: Pernicious anemia should be ruled
Brand Name: Apo-Folic , Used to Treat Anemia None known. out with Schilling test and vitamin B12
Folacin-800, Folvite Therapeutic Action: Adverse Effect: blood level before initiating therapy
Dose: Stimulates production of Allergic hypersensitivity occurs rarely with (may produce irreversible neurologic
IM/IV/Subcutaneous/PO platelets, RBCs, parenteral form. Oral folic acid is nontoxic. damage). Resistance to treatment
Adult, Elderly, Children 4 yrs and WBCs. Therapeutic Effect: may occur if decreased
older: 0.4 mg Essential for nucleoprotein hematopoiesis, alcoholism,
Children younger than 4 yrs: Up to synthesis, maintenance of normal antimetabolic drugs, deficiency of
0.3 mg erythropoiesis. vitamin B6, B12, C, E is evident.
Infants: 0.1 mg Assess for therapeutic improvement:
Pregnant/Lactating women: 0.8 mg improved sense of well-being, relief
Frequency: from iron deficiency symptoms
IM/IV/Subcutaneous/PO (fatigue, shortness of breath, sore
Adult, Elderly, Children 4 yrs and tongue, headache, pallor).
older: Once a day
Children younger than 4 yrs: Once a
Infants: Once a day
Pregnant/Lactating women: Once a
Route: IM, IV, Subcutaneous,

Generic Name: Drug Classification: Drugs Side Effects: Monitor vital signs in patients with
Hydroxocobalamin Used to Treat Anemia Red coloring of your skin or urine (this cardiac disease and in those receiving
Brand Name: Cyanokit Therapeutic Action: A vitamin may last up to 2 to 5 weeks), nausea, parenteral cyanocobalamin, and be
Dose: found in food and used as a vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, acne, alert to symptoms of pulmonary
Adult: 30 mcg skin rash or itching, warmth or redness edema; generally occur early in
dietary supplement. As a
Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mcg therapy. Note: Some patients
supplement it is used to treat under your skin, dry throat, trouble
Frequency: experience mild pain at injection site
vitamin B12 deficiency swallowing, headache, dizziness,
Adult: 5 to 10 days after administration. Monitor bowel
including pernicious anemia. memory problems, restlessness, hot function.
Maintenance: Monthly
Other uses include treatment flashes, injection site reactions (pain,
Route: IM swelling, or irritation of your skin), or
for cyanide poisoning, Leber's
optic atrophy, and toxic eye redness or irritation
amblyopia. Adverse Effect:
Nausea; headache; acne, skin rash or
redness; red coloring of your urine (may
last 2 to 5 weeks); or Pain, swelling, or
irritation of your skin where the injection
was given.
Generic Name: Hydoxyurea Drug Classification: Drugs Side Effects: Obtain bone marrow studies,
Brand Name: Apo- Used to Treat Anemia Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipation or hepatic/renal function tests before
Hydroxyurea , Droxia, Hydrea Therapeutic Action: Inhibits diarrhea. Occasional: Mild, reversible rash; therapy begins, periodically thereafter.
Dose: DNA synthesis without facial flushing; pruritus; fever; chills; Obtain Hgb, WBC, platelet count,
Adults, Elderly: 80 mg/kg or 20–30 malaise. Rare: Alopecia, headache, serum uric acid at baseline and
interfering with RNA synthesis
mg/kg drowsiness, dizziness, disorientation. weekly during therapy. Those with
or protein. Therapeutic Effect:
Frequency: Adverse Effect: marked renal impairment may develop
Interferes with normal repair Myelosuppression manifested as visual or auditory hallucinations,
Adult: Every 3 days or once a day process of cancer cells hematologic toxicity (leukopenia and, to a marked hematologic toxicity. Monitor
as a single dose
damaged by irradiation. lesser extent, thrombocytopenia, anemia). daily pattern of bowel activity, stool
Route: PO
consistency. Monitor for hematologic
toxicity (fever, sore throat, signs of
local infection, unusual
bleeding/bruising at any site),
symptoms of anemia (excessive
fatigue, weakness). Assess skin for
rash, erythema. Monitor CBC with
differential, platelet count, Hgb, renal/
hepatic function, uric acid.

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