1 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 Comprehensive Reviewer
1 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 Comprehensive Reviewer
1 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 Comprehensive Reviewer
Legarda, Manila
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Each numbered item is followed by options. Select the best answer
to each question. Some options may be partially correct, but there is only ONE BEST answer.
3. Theory states that radiant energy occurs in 11. Compute for the absorbance of Paracetamol
bundles called photon or quanta with a concentration of 0.250 g/L and
(A) First absorptivity of 0.584 at 280 nm
(B) Second (A) 0.1460
(C) Third (B) 0.4281
(D) Fourth (C) 2.336
(D) 40.88
4. Region(s) in the electromagnetic spectrum
(A) Visible 12. A 0.0005 M solution of analyte is placed in a
(B) Ultraviolet sample cell with a path of 1.09 cm. When
(C) Infrared measured at 350 nm, the absorbance was
(D) AOTA 0.139. Compute for the molar absorptivity
(A) 0.1275 / mol●L
5. It is the number of complete cycles that pass a (B) 3.9201 / mol●L
given point per second (C) 75.755 / mol●L
(A) Wavelength (D) 255 / mol●L
(B) Spectrum
(C) Radiant energy 13. The proportion of light that reaches the
(D) Frequency sample is known as "transmittance" and is
represented by this/these equation(s)
6. Energy transition present in IR region (A) T = log Ps/Pb
(A) Ee (B) %T = Ps/Pb x 100
(B) Ev (C) %T = Pb/Ps
(C) Er (D) T = Pb/Ps x 100
(D) Et
14. A plot of absorbance against a concentration
7. It refers to the energy in the electromagnetic of a standard drawn in straight line is
spectrum that is propagated in waveform (A) Charles'
(A) Radiant energy (B) Lambert's
(B) Electrical energy (C) Beer's
(C) Transmittance (D) B & C
(D) Frequency
15. The MIR region of the spectrum used to
8. The following are true regarding energy, identify a substance has a wavelength range
except of
(A) E = hv (A) 200-380 nm
(B) E = hc/v (B) 780-3000 nm
(C) E = hc/l (C) 380-780 nm
(D) E = hcv (D) 3-15 um
20. Limit test for Ca2+, Na+, and Cl- employs 28. In this technique, the transmitted light is
(A) HPLC measured after radiant energy passes
(B) Membrane filtration through a turbid solution or suspension
(C) UV-VIS spectrophotometry (A) Nephelometry
(D) Flame photometry (B) Turbidimetry
21. Which of the following is not true about NMR? (D) AAS
I. C-13 is the most commonly used,
highly abundant and most sensitive 29. The following are optical methods of analysis,
isotope except
II. Sample probe is very small (A) Colorimetry
III. Very sensitive analytical technique (B) Chromatography
IV. TMS is used as a reference standard (C) Nephelometry
(A) I, II (D) Spectrophotometry
(B) I, III
(C) II, IV 30. The reading that must be obtained in a
(D) II, III, IV spectrophotometer
(A) Concentration error
22. Which of the following solvents is not used in (B) Retention
NMR studies? (C) Absorbance
(A) CCl4 (D) Angular rotation
(B) CHCl3
(C) CDCl3 31. An instrument in spectrometry that doesn’t
(D) CS2 have prism or grating device
(A) Filter photometer
(B) UV-Vis spectrophotometer
(C) IR spectrophotometer
(D) Flame photometer
38. Using a spectrophotometer to measure the 47. In thin layer chromatography, finding the spot
concentration of a sample, the following data of the colorless compound in the
were obtained: absorbance (A) of the chromatogram can be done by
standard solution was 0.361; A of the sample (A) Use of H2SO4 spray
was 0.356 and concentration of the standard (B) Use of CCl4 spray
used was 0.068 mg/mL. The concentration of (C) Use of UV radiation
the sample was (D) A & B
(A) 5.29 mg/mL
(B) 1.89 mg/mL 48. HPLC is the method of choice for the analysis
(C) 0.067 mg/mL of
(D) 0.069 mg/mL (A) Substance with high polarity and
molecular weight
39. Ways to prepare the sample for infrared (B) Non-volatile substance
determination, except (C) Volatile substance
(A) Use of mull technique (D) A & B
(B) Use of KBr pellet
(C) Use of alcohol as solvent 49. In GC, the result of assay is expressed in
(D) Use of liquid petrolatum as solvent (A) Retention in the column
(B) Rf value
40. Most commonly used matrix in pellet making (C) Volume of the gas used
(A) CaCl (D) Adsorbent
(B) KBr
(C) KCl
87. The determination of average weight of a 96. In disintegration test, the temperature of the
batch is performed on ___ tablets medium is usually
(A) 9 (A) 32 ± 2°C
(B) 12 (B) 35 – 39°C
(C) 18 (C) 37 ± 0.5°C
(D) 20 (D) 37 ± 2°C
88. Content uniformity test is used to ensure which 97. Tablet friability test is also known as
of the following quality in tablet products (A) Tensile strength
(A) Disintegration (B) Brittleness index
(B) Bioavailability (C) Drop test
(C) Purity (D) Abrasion test
(D) Potency
98. A helix, non-reactive material that keeps the
89. The operating speed for paddle in dissolution solid dosage for mat the bottom of the vessel
apparatus during dissolution tests
(A) 50 rpm (A) Disk
(B) 100 rpm (B) Cylinder
(C) 150 rpm (C) Sinker
(D) 200 rpm (D) Basket
90. Given the average tablet weight of 125 mg, 99. An enzyme used in ELISA test kit reagent
what should be the acceptable tablet weight (A) Tetramethylbenzidine
range? (B) Alkaline phosphatase
(A) 117 – 143 (C) Sulfuric acid
(B) 112.5 – 137.5 (D) Phosphate buffered saline
(C) 115.63 – 134.38
(D) 123.75 – 126.25 100. Which tablet attribute is correlated with the
biological activity of the active ingredient?
91. Initial number of samples that used in Rabbit (A) Disintegration
Pyrogen Test (B) Dissolution
(A) 8 (C) Content uniformity
(B) 6 (D) NOTA
(C) 5
(D) 3 101. The plunging and raising of movement of the
basket rack assembly in a disintegration
92. Bleeding is a main stability problem seen in apparatus moves at a rate of
(A) Capsules (A) 25 – 28 cycles/min
(B) Emulsion (B) 23 – 30 cycles/min
(C) Ointments (C) 29 – 32 cycles/min
(D) Tablets (D) 50 – 100 cycles/min
103. The microbial assay of cyanocobalamin uses 111. Pore size of membrane filter used in sterility
which organism? testing
(A) Lactobacillus plantarum (A) 10 um
(B) Lactobacillus shirota (B) 0.25 um
(C) Lacrobacillus aureus (C) 0.35 um
(D) Lactobacillus leichmanii (D) 0.45 um
104. Most common enzyme used in ELISA due to its 112. Minimum requirement for satisfactory tablet
greater sensitivity hardness
(A) Alkaline phosphatase (A) 4 kg/inch2
(B) Horseradish peroxidase (B) 8 kg/inch2
(C) Lactoperoxidase (C) 10 kg/inch2
(D) β-galactosidase (D) 12 kg/inch2
105. What would be the allowable variation in 113. It was suggested that inspectors in clarity test
tablet diameter if the standard tablet should see particles as mall as what size?
measures 12 mm? (A) 20 mm
(A) ± 3% (B) 10 mm
(B) ± 5% (C) 20 um
(C) ± 2% (D) 10 um
(D) ± 1%
114. The first line of apparatus in the product
106. Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET) method is also development of controlled-release
known as formulations
(A) Safety test (A) Apparatus 4
(B) Sterility test (B) Apparatus 3
(C) LAL method (C) Apparatus 2
(D) Microbial Assay (D) Apparatus 1
107. Tracer gas approved by the FDA in leaker 115. Apparatus 7 is formerly known as
detection of blister/strip packs (A) Reciprocating Cylinder
(A) Oxygen (B) Reciprocating Disk
(B) Helium (C) Reciprocating Holder
(C) Nitrogen (D) Reciprocating Basket
(D) CO2
116. The sodium d light has a wavelength of
108. The temperature at which the dissolution test (A) 586 nm
of transdermal patches and ointments are (B) 587 nm
conducted (C) 588 nm
(A) 32 ± 2°C (D) 589 nm
(B) 32 ± 0.5°C
(C) 37 ± 2°C 117. Equipment used for tablet hardness test that
(D) 37 ± 0.5°C operates on pneumatic or air pressure
109. The accepted weight loss in friability test (A) Stokes-Monsanto
should be (B) Pfizer
(A) NMT 1% (C) Erweka
(B) NLT 1% (D) Strong-Cobb
(C) NMT 8%
(D) NLT 3% 118. Coning due to poor hydrodynamics is a
common problem encountered with
110. Which of the following statement(s) is/are (A) Apparatus 1
correct? (B) Apparatus 2
I. Direct ELISA: Ag → Primary Ab → (C) Apparatus 3
Labelled Ab → Substrate (D) Apparatus 4
II. Reverse ELISA: test multiple samples
in a single well
A = absorbance
a = absorptivity coefficient (constant)
b = length of light path (constant)
C = concentration